Racetrack Wireless Install

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and today we are at the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Motor Speedway installing a point-to-multipoint Network for this a racetrack stay tuned [Music] - fog is the official track announcer for the Pittsburgh PA Motor Speedway thanks for having us out here Jim and tell us a little bit about the track you know the tracks unique in a couple of ways for one its its size we call it 30 months or 1/2 mile didn't get that name for nothing half mile is a bit of a misnomer I would say as you look over our shoulders here you can see the yoke of tires at the inner part of the track it's probably a half mile there I would say closer to five-eighths at the outside fence it's a beast probably the most unique part of the track though is it wasn't always here this used to be somewhere else back in the I went I want to say 1940s a track was built about 15 miles from here called Heidelberg Raceway near the end of the 1970s a gentleman named Nick Guerin and his wife Emma literally contracted to take this take heidelberg Raceway apart bolt by bolt bleacher by bleacher everything was literally trapped here and that's from Pennsylvania Motor Speedway as it stands now is in its 40th year on this location and then going strong ever since and you guys do races all throughout the summer every Saturday night the beginning of May through our big race at the end the season with has been for the last this will be the 31st years to Pittsburgher 100 we have an out-of-town sanctioning body brings natural drivers from all over the country that we end the first weekend in October it's your favorite part of being an announcer you know interacting with the people yeah I get to walk the pits you know when it's not it's 85 degrees today it's a little rough even steel we were here set up all day yesterday you know what a day so but the interacting with the drivers the race teams the families interacting with the winners down on Victory Lane is fun coming up the steps and you know people high-five and you're wanting to talk to you were asking you a question on the way up yeah that's fun the steps I'll save you asking the question what's my least favorite part you wanted have been steps a few times all the time yeah right 10 times on that Saturday night it wears you out pretty quick I walked on one of the boards over there over the weekend I heard a crack well that's that step on that yeah remember the 1940s thing I said yeah there may be a few of those stolen right well excellent well we're looking forward to a good night and thanks for having us out of the tracker you better agent we're thrilled to have you actual out thank you [Music] okay so we've already set up the cambium networks EPM p3000 it's actually right on that yellow building right back here it's on a ten-foot mast you can see it sort of sticking up right about the mid section of that building now that building is where they have the FiOS 150 by 150 fiber connection and they need to extend that fiber connection to four different locations on the racetrack the first location is the ticket booth it's right down down that way the second location is right where I'm standing this is the press box and then if you follow me out here we have two other locations we have the pit booth right here that's where they record all the scores for the racers that needs internet because they actually have a camera on all those scores that beams up to the press booth so that they have instant race results and stuff like that and then finally we have the pit concession stand which is that grey building right in the center of the racetrack it also has the scoreboard so yeah this is basically a perfect environment for a point-to-multipoint and we're really lucky that we have line of sight hopefully it's all four of those locations there's one that's a little bit iffy we'll have to see about that but yeah what a great what a great use for this point-to-multipoint equipment [Music] all right I'm here with Aaron Zufall of Zufall communications and thank you so much for having us out here yeah thanks so much for coming and hooking us up with all this stuff I really appreciate it yeah absolutely no problem and and tell us a little bit about your company yes so Zufall Communications provides a variety of networking video surveillance and business phone services were based in Ithaca New York serving most of Central New York but Pittsburgh is my home which is why I'm here this is where I grew up my dad's the announcer here so anytime I have the opportunity to work on a project like this down here I always love to come and help out all right now you built their original network from scratch and kind of just piecing together various pieces of equipment and working in your spare time and donating your time so tell us about the sort of pain points that you're feeling when you approach a network in that way yes so we we built the network primarily to service security cameras that are that are placed throughout here and we used a mesh system to do that and it works okay but this was one of those situations where once something little was in place the the client and you know the audience members here started using it more and more and more and so what we needed it for grew and so the two main problems that I'm hoping we can solve this weekend are our Wi-Fi coverage is not very good anyway it's really spotty it's really strong when you're close to the APS but I'm hoping to expand that a little bit and then the other thing I'm hoping that we can do is add Wi-Fi to the grandstands because like a lot of dirt tracks we now post live timing online so you can see you know what each cars lap time is in real time and we'd love for everybody in the stands to be able to watch that without having to use their cellular data yeah it's it sounds like one of those situations where you know you eliminate a bottleneck and you just find the next bottleneck yeah absolutely and and also you know it's one of those things where the cameras especially were a situation where they were like ah you know I don't think we need them and then once they have them they can't live without the right right or so it's just you know it's an ever-expanding thing well I mean this new gear the cambium gear is really going to give you excellent coverage for the entire grandstand as well as all of the pit area out here and yeah I think it's gonna be a rock-solid solution and certainly better than than a mesh network deployment yeah I'm really excited I mean even just looking at it as we pulled it out of the box it even just looks a lot beefier than what we're using out so I'm really excited to get everything hooked up and see how it works all right let's get going all right [Music] we're just getting this new cambium access point all hooked up we went with the e5 o1 s CM pilot series this thing is a sector eyes Wi-Fi antenna the reason we picked that for here so we're blasting Wi-Fi down here on the stands and not really losing anything behind us it's 120 90 I think it's 2x2 MIMO and for what we need here is some good perfect [Music] all right so we were debating whether or not we needed to add an additional outdoor access point right at the midpoint where this concession stand is basically where those trucks are and so what we're seeing here is we're at the very far end of the stadium right next to the dirt track on the backside and we're gonna see if we can pick up the signals from the e 501s is that are at the top of the stands way back up there now we measured it on Google Maps and that is 1/5 of a mile away from where I'm standing right here I have full bars on from those access points let's see what I can get as far as speed goes all right so speed tests done from my iphone 1/5 of a mile away from the access points that are in the top of the stands I'm getting 40 megabit download and 20 megabit upload that's pretty amazing [Music] day two here at the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Motor Speedway I'm here with Chris Catania from cambium Network's cambium was nice enough to sponsor all of the equipment for this build thank you guys so much for doing that absolutely and make you guys were bringing the opportunity to us and so what we have here behind us is the shack right this is where the internet comes in this is the only place on the property where they were able to get internet and they have a FiOS 150 by 150 fiber connection set up in here so what we did is we took that and we piped it out to this EP MP 3000 that you see up on the pole scuse me 3000 l and Chris tell me about the 3000 L yeah the 3000 L is an 802 11 AC wave to access point supports up to a hundred and twenty clients and it is ip67 rated now this is a little bit of overkill for this deployment but it's going to provide a rock-solid connection that ip67 means that it's going to stand up to the Pennsylvania winters and also of course the Pennsylvania summers it is quite hot out here right now a hot and humid it's it's a wonderful combination but it will be almost a bullet proof as far as the wireless goes we have a little bit of elevation over the actual racetrack and this is going to provide more than enough bandwidth and throughput to the four subscriber modules that we have set up throughout the property the subscriber modules we went with are the force 300 - 16 tell us a little bit about those guys so the force 300 - 16 is an integrated 16 d bi flat panel 802 11 AC wave - subscriber these guys are great based on the distance that we're going we have plenty of gain to get back to the access point also all of our AC equipment has an always-on spectrum analyzer which really helped us out we're doing our channel plan for the mix of Wi-Fi being back hauled by also five gig and what's the beam width on this thing beam width is about 20 degrees all right so we have this subscriber antenna up over here at the pit concession stand Chris what are you seeing so what we're seeing right now on île line is we're right about an egg 51 egg 52 our SSI and when we do a wireless link test we're seeing 129 down and 133 up with barely - a barely line-of-sight in a 40 mega Channel yeah the EPM p3000 is right about there to provide wireless access to the guests that are gonna be sitting in these stands we went with the cambium networks II 501 s now this is an outdoor sector eyes access point that shoots a 90 degree beam whichever direction it's pointing right so this is going to be more than sufficient for covering the crowd and as a matter of fact we were actually able to pick up the wireless signal from these access points all the way on the other side of the racetrack probably about point to or about a fifth of a mile away so tell me about the e 501s yeah the 501 s is a 90 120 sector eyes Douai fie access point its ip67 rated it actually has a Pio we out auxiliary port as well and it supports up to 256 clients yeah 256 clients we've got four of these on the stands there's three on the main grandstand here and one more on this sort of side set of stands over here they're gonna have perfect guest coverage and of course we throttled it down because you don't want them sucking up all your bandwidth but we can throttle these cambium network access points by both per client as well as per network so I think we did 5 megabits by 2 megabits for each individual client and then a total of 50 megabits and 20 megabits for the entire guest network for the indoor area so the concession stands the pit crew area we went with the cambium networks efore 10 this is an indoor access point this one's mounted in a drop ceiling with the drop ceiling mount but it can also be mounted on the beams in between the drop ceiling tiles Chris tell us about the e 410 yeah II for 10 802 11 AC wave 2 Wi-Fi access points supporting it up at 256 clients and like you said there's a variety of moulting options for this device that could be mounted for drop ceilings or it could actually be set on a tabletop with included feet this access point along with all the other access points for not only the staff and the concessions and the pit crews but also for the yes makes one cohesive network around the entire property so theoretically you can come here connect as a guest and have complete coverage where you go and that was kind of the goal of this project [Music] [Music] what do you think Tom you ready to race I'm ready to race I'm ready for it baby let me borrow a car I think I could fit in there Tom thanks for coming out man what do you think of the racetrack great shag school the cavity networks is even cooler it all that you like our point to multi-point it's working I'm we've been way over there pretty far away I've been taking photos yeah we've got mostly it looks like 2.4 gigahertz that's far away if you want to go but we've seen a lot of we've seen already upwards of sixty five people on the guest network and they haven't announced it yet to the crowd so we're excited to see what it ends up being yeah but the connectivity and everything I've been doing like speed test walking around but and looking at the cars so it's really cool being here it's actually when these cars go by it's it hits you oh yeah cuz they're loud yeah especially a bunch of wireless nerds like us yeah listen we're not used to this we can't look at a place here looking at us [Music] here's the deal we partnered up with crosstalk solutions and cambium networks and we have sponsored an installation of a Wi-Fi system that pretty much covers most of the track here here in the grandstands we can pretty much guarantee you'll get the good signal this is sort of an experiment for us we want to see what this system can handle so we're going to run a contest right now if you take out your phone connect to the guest Wi-Fi we are going to give away to one person a prize package which is this first you will spend the rest of tonight in the air-conditioned press box up here with all of us staying nice and cool enjoying the races and then you also get a nice prize package we put together with some swag from the tracks partners at Canaan filters and Hoosier racing tires and it a little bit probably upgrade a mission we'll throw a winner [Music] okay so we've got the whole crew here we're at a contest where people could login to the Wi-Fi so that we were trying to stress test it a little bit see what kind of results we got here we are in the cambium a desktop and what we ended up seeing was about a total of a hundred and thirty-eight clients connected and I think the maximum we saw was about 74 megabits of throughput correct so let's talk about what we're seeing here this is our maximum number of clients we can see 26 clients in the 5 gigahertz spectrum 105 clients in at the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum and then if we go over here to the EPM p3000 there we go here we can see the live through foot chart from the EP and p3000 you can see that right now we are doing about 20 megabit 20 megabit up and I can't tell the down 18 dead oh there it is right there yeah that so about 27 up it's changing all the time in 24 down right in that range so here what do you think yeah it was great the Wi-Fi performs so well we crashed the website with people running but yeah it was awesome yeah I think the thing that surprised me the most is just how far these sector ApS can reach back in the track I was so surprised that we were almost from the back stretch of this track it's really hard to gauge how big this places until you're actually here that's not close no and I mean it helps that we have line of sight and that we're elevated but but still I mean even the fact that it you know it's able to hear a signal from a phone that far away is really incredible yeah definitely incredible and Chris anything to add no I mean I think the Evo be performed excellent I think frame utilization stayed in love 30% for the entire duration the evening I the CM pilot devices performed great I think at the far side of the track from my Google Earth I saw or about a thousand feet away still getting a 2 to 3 bar connections from the CM pilot guys on the country Sam's me excellent yeah and like I said we couldn't have done this without the hard work of Chris Aaron well Tom wasn't fired of course Dave Barger and Dave's dad who is behind the camera over there so thank you guys all for certainly coming out here and thank you for being such a dreamer really we had a great time but Tom what did you think about cambium and all this stuff no this was great it was it was fun like he said when you're all the way on the back side of the still working perfectly fine so I'm still backing up my photos I was taking of all the cars out there yeah we've had a really really good time and now I think it is it's beer done so thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed this video my name is Chris with crosstalk solutions along with Aaron with Zufall bricks with kit Chris with catania no Chris with cambium networks david barter with crosstalk solutions of course tom from Lawrence Tech thank you guys all so much for watching if you like this video give us a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this make sure you click that subscribe button down below alright guys what do you think let's get out of here let's do it alright thanks [Music] start right three claps everyone [Applause] [Laughter]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 32,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cambium networks, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions, racetrack wifi, racetrack wireless, crosstalk racetrack, epmp 3000, epmp 3000L, epmp force 300, epmp force 300-16, force 300 cambium, force 300-25, cambium, e501s, cnpilot, e501s cambium, cnpilot e501s, cnpilot e410, cnpilot e410 indoor, cnpilot e410 setup, cnpilot e410 review, ptmp, point to multi point, point to multipoint wireless, point to multipoint network, point to multipoint wireless network setup
Id: 6m00f9c2CUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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