6 Mile Rural PTP Link

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and today we're gonna be taking a look at an email that I've received requesting a simulation for a six mile point-to-point link in what's known as Amish country here in the United States and by Amish country we just mean a place in the United States where Amish folks typically live it's very rural and this is typically like the eastern Ohio western Pennsylvania area of United States so let's take a look at this email that came in from C beachy hello Chris first of all thank you for your videos I was able to watch your videos and set up a point-to-multipoint at my home excellent I'm glad you were I just finished watching backyard point-to-multipoint I wanted to know if you could give some guidance to our family business about an internet issue we have two sites where we conduct business the Berlin location has access to spectrum business Internet the Winesburg location where the majority of the businesses run only has dsl available so this is a pretty common scenario you've got two areas that are relatively close to each other one has great internet one does not have great internet how can we possibly get them to share the great Internet even with multiple DSL lines coming in for the Internet the speeds are so are slow and the cost for DSL is much higher than spectrum we would like to know if it's possible and if so what would you recommend in order to provide service from our Berlin location to our Winesburg location separated by 6.03 miles in the rolling hills of Amish country Ohio the main use would be for for the internet but if VoIP could be supported that would be beneficial as well now he included a map which is great but even better than a map our actual coordinates which he also included your first question rightfully so is whether there is line-of-sight honestly not sure I have reviewed a lot of your videos and others on YouTube and it seems like there is a way to use Google Earth for line-of-sight but I don't know how to do that here are the points if you want to check it out and again thank you for your time and videos okay so let's take a look and see if we can't figure out whether or not this six mile point-to-point link is possible so here we have the area of the United States that we're talking about right so this is Eastern Ohio Western Pennsylvania we're gonna zoom in and take a look at this link I already set it up in the air link which is linked you Icom if you guys are interested in doing the same and here we can see the city of berlin the city of Winesburg and if we zoom in further we can see this six mile point-to-point link which is also just under 10 kilometers for those folks outside the u.s. that aren't using our crazy Imperial system okay so is this possible right so what do we have here we have two points on the map that's the first thing that I did and by default it's going to give us airFiber 5x HD devices so one here one here let's go ahead and zoom in on each side so the good internet is over here at the Berlin location so let's zoom in here and here we can see the building now this is so rural that I was not able to find a Google Streetview of this area apparently they did not send the Google trucks down this road here so it looks to me though like it's a pretty standard building here we have what looks like a big rig parked up so there might be a loading dock or something over here a regular sized roof or a regular pitched roof it looks like so my guess on this side if you wanted to put the air link or the air fiber device on this side you're looking at probably about 30 feet in the air which is about 12 meters excuse me about 9 meters so about 9 meters in the air is where I placed this device and you could probably get the device just my guess is you could probably get the device up to about maybe 40 feet if you sort of added a little bit of extra height with a pole on top of this roof or something you could probably get it up to about 40 feet again total guess on my part but we're just gonna go with that so we'll say 40 feet which is 12 meters on this side and then let's go ahead and look at the other side so here's the Winesburg location and it's a very similar building right so it looks to be about the same size you can tell that it's maybe a one-story building with a sort of taller attic space or roof and maybe a little bit higher than that but again I put it on the corner here because we have this bill which might be in the way this building looks to be a little bit taller than the building where they want to put the access point and so I put it right on the edge at the highest point of the roof on the edge it looks like it should just miss this building here okay so will this link work let's take a look now keep in mind that this is the sort of rolling hills as we call it so there's probably it's hard to tell on the map but there's probably a lot of hills in between point A and point B do they have line of sight let's take a look and as you can see here they do not have line of sight so again on the Winesburg side we have 12 meter device height that's about 40 feet on the other side which is Berlin I'll name it here we also have about 40 feet of height using the five gigahertz airFiber 5x HD you can see all of these red points here are where we are hitting obstructions so there are just too many obstructions in the way for this link to work or at least for this link to work very easily where you have just a small pole on top of each of those buildings if you drop it down to 900 megahertz sometimes you can get line-of-sight through sort of a little bit more crowded of an area or if there is not perfect line-of-sight so let's take a look at that as well we'll go with the Rocket M 900 on both sides and again same thing we're hitting way too many obstructions this is just not going to work so the question then becomes what would you need to do to make this work and of course the more height you can get out of those access points on both V and the access point and the station side of the point-to-point link the better off you're going to be so how high do we need to go let's take a look if I start bumping up the device height here let's go up to say 30 meters which is just about a hundred feet so I did 30 meters on the Winesburg side let me do 30 meters over here on the Berlin side and you can see these red dots here are sort of starting to go away about six seven eight nine thirty boom and so right all exactly at a hundred feet with the well let's change back to our five gigahertz antenna so with the air fibers at 100 feet up in the air you can get a signal okay so you'd have to have towers 100-foot towers on both sides and then you can get a looks like 100 percent signal strength with about estimated 240 megabits per second between these two links if you went up even higher say like a hundred and twenty feet which would be about 36 meters I would probably just get the extra height just to be safe right cuz this is just a simulation and I would not base my actual install if you were gonna be buying towers and putting them up I wouldn't base my actual install on this simulation I would want to build in a little bit of extra height just to make sure that we're clearing any of those hills so we're gonna bring it up to a hundred and twenty feet on each side at 120 feet on each side it looks like you can get a clear 5 gigahertz connection I wouldn't expect too much interference since is this is such a rural area so that should work really well however they're just trying to get internet and voice over IP to their second location so they don't have to pay for DSL they're probably paying at 120 two hundred dollars a month maybe three hundred dollars a month for these DSL lines that it sounds like they're bonding together or something so how much would it cost to put in towers 120 foot towers on both sides so just a quick search here and we can find some like use towers for sale here's 110 foot tower let's take a look at this one so 110 foot self-supporting tower this is a use product and it's $4,500 okay so let's look at another one here's a hundred and twenty foot self-supporting tower this one is six thousand dollars okay so again used but excellent condition includes loading on a truck comes in sections blah blah blah blah blah so this is what this tower looks like it looks like it's already apart and lying on the ground here now with a tower man that's just going to be really ugly right so you're putting this in the middle of these nice rolling hills a hundred and plus foot Tower is just going to look right in those hills but if you had to do it you could now here's the thing figure will average these two towers out say you could get to a hundred plus foot towers for five thousand dollars each that's just the towers all right you'd still have delivery you'd probably have to have someone come and install the tower which is going to involve renting a big truck or crane to actually lift it into place and get the foundations and the footings poured and everything you're looking at easily and this is not counting also hiring someone to then climb up that tower and install the access point or the station on either side and then aim them to get them pointed at each other properly we're talking minimum bare minimum of like ten thousand dollars on each side to make that happen so you figured the ROI for putting up two towers at say twenty thousand dollars or more versus paying the two or three hundred dollars a month for DSL even though it's crappy internet there's just the ROI just isn't there to make this work so my recommendation here is unfortunately just stick with the DSL because that's probably going to be your best bet unless you want to put up those towers which is just gonna be crazy now here's the other option if you can find a spot in the area maybe on top of one of those rolling hills that happens to already have a tower you could possibly rent space at that tower you'd have to have line of sight to at least one location and you could sort of dogleg it up and over a hill right so if you said you know down in here somewhere maybe this is a hill right here and you could have a tower up there or maybe there's already a cellphone tower or something that you would be able to rent space on yeah I don't see any towers just by brushing through here but if you could find a tower that had line-of-sight to both sites somewhere in the middle then you could shoot Internet up to that tower in the middle and then sort of broadcast it down to the lower locations that's another option as well but again I don't have any information about where a tower might be in between these two links alright so there you go a six-mile point-to-point link that in this case probably would not work out the ROI is just not there if you guys have other simulations like this that you'd like me to take a look at make sure you send those to info at crosstalk solutions comm and I may possibly make a video just like this one about your scenario okay if you guys enjoyed this video please give me a thumbs up if you'd like to see more videos like this please click Subscribe my name is Chris and crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching you
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 69,733
Rating: 4.9152427 out of 5
Keywords: ubiquiti, ubiquity, ubiquiti airfiber, ubiquiti airfiber 5x, ubiquiti airfiber setup, airlink, ubiquiti airlink, point to point wireless, point to point wireless connection, point to point wireless bridge, crosstalk, crosstalk solutions
Id: esw8435oPN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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