Race for the Galaxy Extended Gameplay

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all right welcome back as we continue to race for the galaxy and this game really is a race I didn't mention before the game ends either when somebody has successfully built 12 cards you know developments or worlds and you know it starts out slow but that can speed up really quick or when all of these victory point shits are out of game and in a two-player I think there's 12 per so there's 24 up here to grab and so when either of those things happen the game is over and then we tally up final score so it really is a race and we're racing to either be the first to get 12 planets out and you know because you'll score a lot of points that would plant pants and developments or racing to produce goods and consume them like crazy to score points up there and interesting ly in this game I'm kind of since I'm focusing on military I'm really gonna be focusing on trying for the most part to take over more worlds where as Jen with her start out she's gonna be trying to consume stuff and earn shits so we'll see how that goes anyway we're at a new turn and you know we each have our hands I've got one two three four five six left over Jen's got four left over and we are each now going to secretly choose what actions we want to do again that's every turn is very simple very quick now me I let's see remember again I'm all about using my military mind to conquer more plants and remember I found this rebel underworld which will score me four points if I have three military power to take it over so I want to take this over so I think I'm going to want to settle but right now I only have two military power so I think the other thing I'm going to want to do is I'm going to develop so that I can get my so I'm going to develop my Space Marines remember you develop triangles that will give me two more military power and then I will settle because I'll have four total which is enough to take out this rebel planet and these other cards they're just going to be fodder that I use to pay for that so that's why I'm going to do this turn I'm going to develop and then I'm going to settle Jen meanwhile she's got a completely different strategy she has generated all these goods so she wants to consume some of them now so now they're you know like there are two development cards to sell cards there's two consumed cards as well and they have different they both do the same thing the main thing consumption does is use consume powers in any order to discard so if you have any planets that consume stuff they will consume jen has Earth's Lost Colony she will consume one of these two cards and she'll score point off it Jim world doesn't consume anything it produces but doesn't consume so that means she'll only be able to consume one of these two cards but if she chooses this she will score double points so instead of scoring to one point she'll score two however she's going to choose consume and trade and as a different thing that means in addition to consuming she will also trade cards and I'll demonstrate that how it works now so she's going to consume and she's going to get gobble up these cards so she's going to want to produce because then she'll be able to make more cards and you know so she's already created this is it very simple engine that allows her to produce points and cards and we're going to demonstrate how that works so we have both secretly chosen over actions we reveal at the same time and then we start going nobody's exploring this term so no cards are going to be drawn into our hands I'm developing I've chosen developed that means we can both develop if we want to although interesting Lee Jen you'll notice only has planets she has no developments so even though she could develop as you want to she's got nothing developed so she's gonna skip this phase anyway which is too bad for her but me I'm gonna develop I'm gonna develop me some Space Marines which is worth one victory point and increases my military by - I gotta CENTAC remember this costs two cards to do it so I got to discard two cards think I'm going to discard this colony ship which I never cared that much about anyway and I'm gonna discard this weird little planet that gives no victory points and and I'm not it has uplift uplift is a feature in one of the expansions there are uplift abilities and various things but in the base game it doesn't really matter so this card is really not worth much of anything it would generate one good but I don't care that much about goods so I'm just going to discard this two and now you'll notice we're discarding facedown that's because we at no point give our opponent any indication what we're thinking Jen has no idea what I've got in my hand and she has no idea what I've gotten rid of so she doesn't have any information about what's not important to me so I'm you know she just has to base solely on what I built because remember you really do want to anticipate what your to what your opponent is going to do not so you can stop them or anything like that but so that you can benefit from them because if Jen anticipates I'm going to do something she doesn't have to do it because she knows that she'll benefit from me doing it anyway so I have developed and it was faced Marines Jen's not developing anything then we move on to settlement phase we can both settle but remember I get the bonus of after settling I get to draw a card and I am in a settle I'm going to settle this rebel outpost I'm sorry not to rebel outpost I've only got four military I'm gonna sell this rebel underground which gives me four points and requires three military and it this rebel Underground produces cards whenever the production phase happens I get to draw card so that's pretty cool I'll put this over here to separate from Jen's space so I have settled and because because I get the bonus I get to draw another card and it is a deserted alien outpost which is another windfall world it would I'd have to discard 4 cards to do it it's worth three points okay Jim meanwhile now she could settle she won't get to draw a bonus card but she could take advantage of my action and settle another planet and I think she will because she's got these two planets that are fairly cheap although oh okay but that means she'd have to discard two cards to do it is she going to discard a card to get galactic engineers well that's interesting galactic engineers the galactic engineers basically when you choose to produce their special ability is member I've mixed this before they get to produce a good on a windfall world Jen hasn't gotten any windfall world's windfall worlds if I build this it would be a one-time thing it would produce a good and that's it um if Jen built it and she had galactic engineers she this thing would keep producing goods for her for the rest of the game since she doesn't have any windfalls and she doesn't know she's going to get any she's going to give up that she's going to say I don't care about collecting engineers I'm gonna discard galactic engineers plus black market trading world she's going to discard these two cards to get epsilon Iran D or area area area dining which scored her a point and now this is another thing it can consume goods she's got two planets now that can can consume and two planets that can produce so that's pretty nice and she got to do it off the back of my settling but unfortunate even get the bonus all right so now we continue nobodies settling again and nobody is doing the double victory point consumption however Jin is doing the trade in consume and that's at this little morgues this is kind of special the trade works is first if you whoever does the trade bonus and Jen gets the bonus because she chose it first you have to trade away one of your Goods and draw cards Jen has a blue good and a blue good so she will trade away one of those blue goods and she'll get to draw two cards so let's have her do that right now she'll trade this away and she gets to draw two cards one two and it was the alien rosetta stone world and a colony ship okay right now so that was the trade and now she does consumption this blue that the gem world is going to be consumed see she's generated a blue from here and Earth his Lost Colony can consume anything oh but wait wait wait even better she's made after all right so if Earth's lost colony consume this she would get one victory point but instead she's going to have Epsilon Eridani consume it because she'll get one victory point and she'll get to draw a card so epsilon says I'm on thank you for the blue and she gets one victory point and she gets to draw another card which is oh look at that it's a windfall so now those engineers would have been good for her oh well and is this visi gives her some military power she's not too excited about that but ah but it would have been nice because now well anyone so she has done the consumption she traded because she got the trade bonus and then she consumed and so one of these Goods got traded away for more cards and one of them got consumed for a card and a point alright and now me I get to benefit from Jen as well I don't get the trade bonus but I just get to consume and interestingly the new survivalist the last turn they produced goods this turn they're going to consume the very thing that they produced so I'm going to consume the goods the novelty goods that they can be created and my bonus is I don't get points but I get to draw another card and it's oh nice another military card a fuel cash which I can take over easily with my military mic it doesn't do anything but it's a windfall planet and it use me another point so that's very nice see the survivalist it's very cool thematically they're totally self-sufficient they produce their own goods in the consume their own because they don't need anybody they just needed a little bit of military footage to be taken over and now they're totally self-sufficient that's awesome and then you get the thematic tie-ins of all these cards works brilliantly it's so clever anyway so Jen did the constrain she only got straighten we both consumed Jen got points and cards and I got a card all right and now finally we move on to production Jenna's toes in production and remember again her bonus is she gets to refill a windfall card which she doesn't have any of so that gets skipped but every planet that can produce will so Earth's Lost Colony will produce another blue good and the gem world will produce another blue good and it will once again let her draw another card dropships it's another military card she doesn't care about this that's okay if she doesn't care about cards that just means she's got cards she can use to pay for other cards all right so that was her production I gets produced as well once again my new survivalists produce something that they themselves will consume but also my rebel underground doesn't produce goods it produces intelligence and I learn about the pilgrimage world so I've just drawn a new card okay NTC this rebel underground is awesome for me because jen has set herself up as somebody who's going to want to be producing and consuming for the rest of the game it's a great engine for her me I get to benefit from that because every time she does it I will get to draw cards even if I never consume so that's really really cool there's a lot of synergy if you can build the right cards that benefits from your opponent strategy you're doing great all right so that was the end of the second term we're moving on to the third turn again so once again we have to choose in secret what we want to do and let's see now what am I gonna want to do this turn let's think about it so I'm getting ever closer to my rebel outpost but I still can't do it I still need one more military and none of my cards give me military strength so maybe I want to explore so that I can go I can try to explore hard and fast to try and find the card that will let me get disrobe Lavos I think yeah I'm going to explore and I didn't mention this before but there are two ways I could explore I could reach to say I mean remember explore let you draw too and keep one but the bonus is what's interesting if I choose explore card I'll get to draw three and key - you saw me do that in the first turn if I choose this card I will get to draw seven and keep one because the bonuses draw five additional cards but don't keep any additional so I can draw three and keep two or I can draw seven and keep one and now draw a M now that's a tough one do I wanted or I could just do both I could just do both and that means I would actually draw eight and keep two which would be very very cool but I also got this rebel fuel cash and I want to get this into play so I think I'm going to choose to settle again I'm going to choose to settle because remember by choosing it I will get to draw a card just because I've said so I'm going to do that and I think I'm going to explore so I want to draw a bunch of cards and only keep one or yeah I think so I'm going to draw a bunch of cards and only keep one and rather drawing tree and keep two because I really want to find that last military might that will let me take over my rebel outpost meanwhile Jen what is she going to do now she's got an engine she could just ride this to the end of the game just constantly consuming and producing consuming and reducing turn after turn after turn and that means she'll just get more and more cards in her hand and I'm you know which means she could save up to get the really big cards and maybe she wants to do that because she knows I'm not going to be likely to consume and produce so if she doesn't do it I'm not going to do it so she figures I'm gonna do something else and that means she could benefit for whatever I'm doing so I think we've got this nice little thing now is there anything she should do besides consume and produce now she can't really she wants to settle wallow is is interesting she really wants to settle this former penal colony because then she'll have a windfall world which means every time she you know in windfall worlds they normally don't produce but this one would and so that's kind of nice but she needs to military to do it so to do it she could build this dropship which give her three military but I just don't think she must go down that road that's just like too far off center from which she wants to she really wants to get this new earth built not only also although interesting Lee here's the thing if she gets this colony ship built which only takes two cards the colonies of special ability is it let's colonize any planet for free Sochi with a colony ship could immediately get this so maybe she wants to do a development this turn because she got she's got cart she doesn't mind just now I mean she'll upset her flow but maybe I'll develop maybe she'll just take a chance and I will develop an issue be able to develop this for free but she just doesn't know if that's going to happen um so I think she is going to upset her wheel for a little bit she's going to consume still so she'll consume both of these cards but she's going to develop also because she doesn't want to take a chance of whether I'm going to develop or not she wants to get this colony ship out so that she could then get new earth out okay so here we go now then off we go we've decided our secret plans I'm going to explore I get to draw seven cards three one two three four five six oh my goodness seven this is a lot of cards I always got to be a military card in here I can take over somehow oh my gosh is there not Wow I drew seven cards and none of them improve my military that is crazy what are the chances of that okay well let's see here all righty well then what am I going to take this merchant guild it's kind of like that rubble underground it lets me draw whenever Jin does introduction I'll get to draw two more cards that's pretty cool oh and also I should say well as interesting I drew two of these six point cards six point cards you'll notice they don't say how many victory points they are these are into the game bonus cards they hat they give you abilities throughout the game but they also score bonus points at the end of the game so this one the merchants guild I will get two points at the end of the game for every production world I have that's not a windfall now me I'm not really planning on having a lot of production worlds so this one's not that interesting to me so let's just dump that it'd be great for Jen because she's got production worlds this one new economy I'll get two points at the end of the game for every development that consumes stuff including this one see this is development that consumes I don't really have a lot of that oh wait now it's not true my research well if I play this research labs it consumes stuff I see and it's also one point for every world that has a consume power so this one again this one would be awesome for gym so I'm just going to get this out of the game Jim can't get it I can't get it so I'm not keeping you this remember I'm only keep in one of all of these Jen would love this tourist world it can even gobble up two and generate three points that'd be perfect for her not perfect for me I'm dumping it I see comments zone ah generates one rare good I don't really care and let you draw another card so I care less about the rare good I do care about the being able to draw more cards asteroid belt is a windfall it's a really simple one to get though genetics lab consumes green goods but you know I don't produce green goods so I don't think I care about that one well no no but this is this obsession it produces green goods but only on alien planets you know produces a green good on a green windfall that's what again the halo I don't have any of those that one's not interesting to me that would be a tough one to pull off so I'm down to three which one do I want to keep comment lets me draw cards and produce brown this is just two points but it's really cheap to do and merchant world now this one lets me consume interesting ways I can discard two cards to gain one apiece or when I trade I can get I can draw two cards instead of one so trade I don't think I'm ever going to choose to trade but Jen might that means I get to draw two bonus points whenever she does that but no but that's only if I choose to trade cuz the trade is a bonus so this is not that interesting me I don't think ami see that's I can when we do consuming I can discard a card hey that's it this lets me consume two cards instead of one and I don't have that much time producing so I don't care about that one either so comments on our asteroid belts I guess I'll take the comet zone because it will let me when Jen producers all get to draw more cards seven cards and I didn't get what I wanted ouch and now Jen she gets to go as well without the bonus she draws two and keeps one and still no military production cards not that matter so which of these is Jen want to keep radioactive world it's a windfall card that's kind of nice for her because she when she produces she would get to produce off there and it produces brown rarest so that's very no this is a very attractive one distant world this produces green and lets you give you a bonus when you do trading and a pirate world let's see this is where two points and you know I think she's gonna want this radioactive world I think that's going to be the coolest one per so she's finally got a windfall world she really cares about okay so that's in her hand alright so that was exploring we're done exploring okay moving on to develop and Jen was it's good thing she chose it because I didn't so she would have gone chance to develop but now she gets to and I forgot this by the way on my turn when last time when I chose develop the bonus on develop is you have to pay one less to develop so really I should have one more car now I don't rember what it was but let's just say I paid one less to develop so I've got one additional card I was just a dumb mysterious video but I forgot that when you choose develop you get to pay less anyway though so or I'm sorry is it beginning of this video anyway so I'm just taking one extra card because I forgot about that bonus so Jen's gonna develop remember she wanted to develop her colony ship and since she chose it normally would cost her two but now it only costs her one she has to discard one card she'll discard the former penal colony because she doesn't really care about that one and so now she has got a colony ship which is worth one point okay and it only cost her one card to get it out and now me I can develop as well I wasn't planning to but I can develop if I want to pay full price and I got a lot of carbs now the only development I have is this research labs which is a cool card it will let me continue to benefit does a lot of stuff lets me get extra cards and I explore that's we get extra cards when Jen produces lets me get extra points but it can only consume green cards and I'm not making green cards currently I don't have a way to make green cards do I know I don't but even still lets me draw an extra card and it lets me just draw extra cards on multiple things so do I want to discard four cards to get this research lab plus it's worth two points what would i discard not just karnak because i'm building this thing I think I would just card this and I would just card that and I would discard pilgrim's row I don't really care about that I'm not going to discard this this is a nice another nice one for me because you know it's it's easy for me to get ya thick I'm going to discard that I'm going to I'm gonna build I'm going to pay for full price to get a research lab thanks honey I've got a research lab now okay so we move on nobody chose a second develop now I chose settle and remember my bonus is when I settle I get to draw a card so I am going to now settle this rebel fuel cash which is a military card and it requires one military I've got four military so boom I've just settled that and it's a halo world a windfall world so that means when it gets settled it automatically generates one brown good all right and it's forty one point so I did that and my bonus is I get to draw a card and it's another six point in-game card let's see in this one well first of all lets me explore better because it's the Galactic Survey SETI one point if for every development with explore power and I have won this research lab so it's a point for it turns this research lab may be worth an extra point let's see two points for every world with an explore power which includes point note so actually so that's not bad alright and then one point for every world this is going to be worth a fair amount of points I'm definitely want to build this before the end of the game although it's expensive six in the development alrighty so that was me settling and I settled that Robo fuel cash and I got a bonus now Jen she can benefit from me she won't get the bonus but she'll get to settle as well and she's going to and what she's going to do is not America's Got this radioactive world but she's got to discard two cards this rosetta stone world which is F discard 3 cards but she wants to settle new earth which is worth three points and she's going to do that right now she's not going to discard five cards though she is going to instead use the colony ship special power on space 3 which is where we are discard this card from the tableau tableau from your play area from the tableau and place a normal planet not a not a windfall planet and not a war plan of at a normal planet at zero cost also it can't be used on yellow which is alien so you can't use any a Colin ship on an alien planet so Jen just trashed your colony ship and got new earth into play which is worth three points very very nice and it produces and and consumes alrighty so she got to benefit from my settling and doing that and then we continue on and now we're to consumption consumption and trade now me I've just got one I've got two things I could I've got two things I could consume but I've only got no acai true I've got two planets hold on a second come over here I've got two planets that can eat this planet can gobble up blue cards which it produces this planet can gobble up green cards which I don't have and this has generated a brown card so I am going to once again the new survivalists are going to consume what they produced and that lets me doesn't give any points but it lets me draw another card come on military card still no military cartridge genetics lab all right this is crazy um what is it the UH hey where's my big planet where's my big planet I'm trying to take over did i discard it like an idiot no um where'd it go I think I discard it like oh no no it's right here it's right here derp derp derp I'm still just trying to get the military so I can get this planet Frank got those five points alrighty any way that I consume something that I had previously produced and I get drew another card which still is not what I wanted Jen first of all she is going to trade before she consumes you have to do this you see alright so now she's got a blue and a blue so she is going to trade away this blue and remember blue is has a value of two she used to draw two cards one two and look at that something that gives military oh it's oh it's a six point or two so anyway and see see she's got this dropships I want that drop ship so bad but Jen's getting all these military cards that I want so she's traded and now she's going to consume she's got this blue and this blue can be gobbled up by epsilon arathi or newer thought let's have above mu so she scores another point and draws another card she's got two points and she draws another card and it's a deserted alien library okay housing into that turn and now we can move on again and if I were to move on again I think I would I would probably do another super Explorer because I'm just desperate to get that last military I need so I can settle this four or five points in heck do I want to acts I think I think I would do a double explore so I can get I can keep two cards so I'm going to do this turn because I want to get I want to get the military and I just need more cards because this is a very expensive card to settle and all right so Jen I think she I see she got her her new earth out and now she's got two planets that produce or three plants that produce and two planets that consume so she can get right back to her nice loop and she doesn't have used trade she could just instead of trading away to draw more cards now she could just start producing victory points and she'll produce double let's go through all more round so she can really make the the big victory points score this turn and build a brand okay so I I'm going to let's see once again it was is I think it's eight and two right because I get to draw two that's my normal power of doing explore plus five more for the bonus one two three four one two three four five and one more for that and I'm gonna get to keep two of these now come on one of these has to give me some military power might there we go rebel warrior race that's what I was looking for and OH new military tactics i discard this and I can get plus three that's nice so fine ooh rebel homeworld seven and seven I think I think I found my boys this is going to give me up to five which I need for the robot post and then the rebel outhouse will get me to six and I'll be really close to being able to take this these are two I'm going to look at those other ones because that's perfect for me although there's pay there maybe there's better stuff in here I'm not even looking at just too complicated and now Jen okay I'm not sure about this does she get to do two separates I think she still only gets to do one explore let's see where I got to look in the rules for this two-player game a player selecting both explore bonuses draws eight cards and keeps two of them plus the effects of any optical powers by the way oh look at that I had two more powers I'm sorry no no I got to draw one more I got to keep one more card because of my research labs I forgot about that I see you and shoot well I'll keep this rebel miners and maybe there's somebody smarter both that let's see if a player chooses either to develop or to sell actions and to complete sequential phases of the type occur ah so I really I should have done those two as one but that's okay anyway opponent can choose one of these same actions then the opponent receives alright okay so I think Jen I might begin this rom I think Jen gets to do do it twice so she gets to draw to keep one spaceport and new Galax order ah see I would have liked that total military Jen is not sands removing that from the game she's going to keep this and I think she used to draw another because I did two explores new military tactics I think she cares about that she'll take the deficit spending alright so that was all the explore I finally got what I wanted but unfortunately that's all I did Jen didn't go here so now we're consuming oh wait oh wait oh wait Jen can't consume because she gobbled everything so instead of consuming this term what did she do instead let's say she wanted to let's say she wanted to settle I'm sure there's something in amongst all this stuff that she could have settled right yeah she could like settle this alien rosetta stone or the radioactive world so she chose sell okay so now we're going to settle this turn let's see so the gentle go first and remember she gets to draw a card after the settle is done she's going to settle this windfall world yeah okay she's going to sell this it's just discard two cards what's going to discard she'll discard dropship she doesn't care about military and let's see does she want this six months once this is bonus points three points for every alien technology production world this is an alien technology production world so if she takes this card and builds this this is actually worth six points instead of three so that's pretty nice alien technology windfall world if she builds this this will be worth seven instead of five because it'll be plus two if she builds his alien tech and any other at Wow I think she will hold on to this because these all these aliens will work together quite nicely although they're all expensive so she's discard one she has to discard one more spaceport galactic resorts and she'll get really live action or she already has enough consumption of novelty goods okay so she built that I can build something now alright she used to draw card just use the bonus galactic Imperium again she would love this because it gives bonus points for millions I would love it and she just Pratt it's just payment fodder I'm gonna settle am I gonna sell I can finally settle my rebel outpost no I can't I have to settle this guy first which I could do because it um I have four military and it's a windfall world so it'll automatically generated good and my military is now increased to five so if I were to settle again now I can finally settle the rebel outpost which would be worth five points and I got I got two goods to consume now so that was my settlement although Jen's and continue on and now Jenna's chosen produce and Jin gets two I see so that's her however produce she produces on the gym world which also lets you draw a card she produces on earth Lost Colony she produces on new earth and because she chose the earth she gets the bonus of producing on a windfall world oh but wait I forgot when this radioactive world came out it automatically got one and now unfortunately since there's always something here you can never have more than one car on a planet so normally she'd get to produce here but she already did been in future and sugar to produce here so she's produced a whole bunch of stuff that on the next turn she's going to consume me I am producing one here on the new Estrada's planet and let's see I get to draw one card for each yellow I produce so I'm going to produce a yellow and because I produce it I get to draw one card an expanding colony and I get to draw another card for my rebel underground and interstellar Bank okay and so that was the inner production so he both did pretty well in that production and now it's the end attorney now I haven't said if you ever have at the end of the turn you have to discard down to ten one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven so you can see we have definitely gotten past our early slow development days we are now in a full-on race we are developing a lot we are getting to these big high-scoring things and the game is now going to speed very fast I've got one two three four five six seven seven of the 12 things I need to build Jen she's in position where she can start scoring bonus points she's got these great scars to choose from and whoever wins I would say this game is pretty equally laid out right now two different strategies are juicing and you can see well you can kind of see the way the game is going to go Jen's got her engine I've got her production I got my military engine we both got big goals to hit whoever wins I don't know but if you'd like to hear about the end of the game go on ahead now if you'd like and hit the button on screen for final thoughts although spoiler alert this game is awesome and it's really simple to play once you learn the basics hopefully this has helped out a little bit on either way you've got five seconds to push the button in five four three two one thanks everybody
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 32,056
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Keywords: board game, rahdo, boardgames, radho, baord game, baordgame, baordgames, baord games, board games, boardgame, game, rhado
Id: Wd6jyrdGU_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2013
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