RACE 2 - Oulton Park - British GT 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've had a fabulous day of racing thus far at Oulton Park and more of it to come welcome everybody to round 2 of the British GT Championship the cars pouring their way out onto the circuit some already on the grid in anticipation of the second 60 minute race that we will be looking forward to mandatory pit stops driver changes the teams have had a fairly busy day to say the least because a few not many thankfully but a few needed a bit of TLC after the first race and the discussions about incidents in that have rumbled on for the last hours or so and they're number seven Bentley heading out onto the circuit was involved in a very early incident in race one for which Ron Ratcliffe held up his hands and said yet my fault miss my breaking point and unfortunately he has been given a 15-second penalty to be served in the pits during the race for his part in the incident which eliminated he and loggy very early on it was logging leading in second place was the Bentley reactive was caught out slightly he said by he and braking fractionally earlier than in previous laps he darted to the inside cannon into the side of the Mercedes and put them both out of the race so he gets this extra penalty but let's see how the race shapes up it comes with safety cars they could still be back in the mix it's gonna be ben gurdie that starts her for this second race David Addison and in McEwen a David Peter trackside we had a great first race lots of drama but not just in gt3 but in GT 4 as well in gt3 the winning car within the first race was the other Bentley the X team Parker racing drivers have gravitated to JRM namely Seb Morris and Rick Parfitt and they came out on top second was the Adam Ballentine Lamborghini and third Holly Wilkinson and Bradley Ellis and if we were thinking in the first race isn't Phil Keane gonna catch apparently it was a deliberate ploy to take it a bit more gingerly because last year he tripped over a bat marker and suffered some damage he was very very keen not to get involved in any strife this year and therefore be pretty cautious through the traffic so back the points bring the car home maybe go for broke in this second race we will see what the game plan is GT for first time out a win for h8c motorsports now the car of Dee McDonald in California and second was a Tolman McLaren that of James Dalton and Josh Smith and third the other hhz car that of Tom Jackson and Luke Williams they're rebuilt patched up is Ian Logies Mercedes in there talking to Callen McLeod who is the man behind the wheel that was the car that was leading in the first race until it was struck from behind by this rather Harun Bentley but the RAM racing Mercedes certain it's going to be a factor in a race that it will have Phil keen on pole position and Kalyn McLeod alongside him said the opening laps are going to be very interesting indeed now in loggy was a very frustrated driver understandably at the end of race one let's see what he's mood is like going into race - he's on the grid and so - he's a DJ yes it's as ever exciting to be on the grid before the race starts but I'm here with I school in logging in you were the story pretty much of the first race because of what happened to you tell us how you feel about the whole situation it's unfortunate isn't that the we've been fast all weekend a qualified pole and then the key thing for me was to get away decently through the first two corners and around Dalton park if you do that I don't make any mistakes and you should go on and won the race and that's how it felt for the first lap and a half and then unfortunately the the Bentley or Ryan he and he so everybody still get rid of there so how do you a the Bentley Oh Ryan he's just made a silly mistake and piled into the back of me which ended the race but there you go we all make mistakes so we love to fight another day of certain second here at the moment in the big red front row I sure Callum and Phil ki know that well tussle but but hopeful we can do it in this race so I mean it's it's an opportunity isn't it straightaway to put it right which is the great thing about having these back-to-back races 100% and they don't get as well I love that striker so really as an amazing track I we've got a chance to put it right so we'll see what happens and the next uh-huh great stuff well we wish you the very best and most important an incident free race this time absolutely absolutely I would take that all day long car looks amazing by the way thank you right let's have a quick word to Adam I think he's the area's he's posing with his grid position lady at the moment however let's interrupt him anyway Adam I thought we just catch you there yeah whilst you were posing places for the interview as well so look first and foremost welcome back to British GT you've been missed yeah thank you it's it's great to be back and stacked up the gt3 and decent start it's a terrific start getting p2 in the first race and now you start on pole I'm gonna say to you of course you've got Phil Keane in there so not so much pressure for the first 20 plus minutes but then right it's quite a lot of pressure for the last half hour definitely I've just got took a do what I learned hit my marks and try and drive it well and see what happens but fingers crossed you've been doing this a fair while now not specifically British GT but but racing in general do you still get the old squeaky bum feeling all the time especially one of these these are fast gt3 so really far so I'm still getting used to them and of course hey if you're not slightly scared its you're not going fast enough so on a scale of one to ten ten being terrified where you out right now I'm seven and building building later but not when you're about an I know I could get flavoring enjoy the race have fun guys I'm gonna charge down to GT four so if you wouldn't mind just talking us through the grin a bit while I get myself down there because there's a bit of a hike there's plenty of gt4 to get to there's a lot of gt3 to walk past first of all and Andy we had some excellent GT for racing earlier on said prio is the man starts on pole position but he blotted his copybook a bit didn't he binding up in the tars yeah as an at Cascades it's a bit of contact trying to fight his way back into a top four position and their world bit of a sense of frustration I think from automatic because they locked out the front row didn't they for GT for a race Ward and ended up with neither car on the podium they lost bit of time in two pit stops and they were never really able to get themselves fully back onto turns with the McLaren Group and the one shot that said had to get back past one of them it all ended in tears unfortunately but it steps turn this time he'll be on the front row the sister car will be starting a little bit further back unfortunately back on the one-two-three four-five-six row of the grid with mccumbee at the wheel we were discussing in the first race the move that didn't work for said pre-owned when he ended up in the tires david patel suggested it was a movies dad might have pulled and we said well yeah but he'd have made it work and he has contradicted all of us by saying if I'd have pulled it the other car would have been in the tyre wall so now we know the way the thought process works David we had some accident racing up and down the field didn't we in that first race to go yeah seriously close stuff so yeah like I said I really hope that says the time for the rest of the year in the second race as well a couple of see mistakes there first see the first race of the season you can expect that a little bit so hopefully they've got that all out the system now we had a McLaren going up in flames towards the end it'll be that GT for competition was so hot we lost right at the very end one of the two Tolman cars which was the Jordan collar of Louis Proctor number five car with flames but they were saying came about from from damage hit from behind by one of the h8c cars yeah there was a contact going to the final corner by the sounds of things which pushed the exhaust where it shouldn't have done set on fire something it shouldn't have done and the team were good enough to spot and quick enough to spot the flames radioed the driver and he was good enough to unfortunately give up his podium position but for the good of the car and therefore they're back out for the second race and it's gonna be worth watching her GT for fight once again because we've had some excellent racing in there we talked about in the context of the earlier race Jordan Collard one of the two drivers being Rob collards youngest son I was a day out because Rob had another one yesterday so what the colar dynasty is increasing so he is now Rob's middle son not the younger of the two there's now a third one but that's breaking news now looking down onto the grid you can see at the very back the Shawn Cooper KTM that was a car that was in problems in the earlier race there should be others behind him as well there should be Aaron Taylor Smith's Ford Mustang and the grid might need a little shuffling but we'll get things under way in a moment right let's go back to the grid see who Andy is found yet next what I'd love to say that I've got someone for you David but unfortunately all the drivers that aren't starting in the cars are making their way back with the teams into the pits so we are here at the front of GT 4 however and I just want to show you some of the fabulous displayed GT 4 cars that are are available in pole of course it's the Mustang that we fascinating to see how they fare in this round because in the first race they didn't quite deliver remember it was a 1 to lock down for the first round and will they didn't bring it home as planned so prio however is starting on pole so be great to watch him he's really growing into this championship so it'd be lovely to see how he does because it's an loud and fast and glorious car then of course just looking amongst us so many cool machines on display we've got the Mercedes AMG GT for obviously the at the new Aston you can see there's a couple there and the f-type Jagjit e4 as well fabulous machinery and then a little further back as we know how good they are around here there's a whole bevy of MacLaren's I don't know if that's a technical term for a collection of MacLaren's but we're going with it nonetheless I'm sorry there's no one else to talk about here however there are glorious glorious cars and we know this is going to be in terrific race can't argue with that that Ford Mustang is pretty special and it's great that we've got three of them on the grid this year you've got the two multimatic cars there's also the race performance car that's going to be started by former British Touring Car Championship race winner Aaron Taylor Smith the KTM at the back add to the mix BMW and Jaguar the list of brands represented goes on and on and on it's a huge crowd at Alton Park this Easter Monday as well and there are going to be treated to a great hour of racing or sure of that so 60 minutes the race will be mandatory pit stops and two windows effectively out of the way this works because the pit lane could get so congested they want to have one window for the gt3 one for the GT four cars yeah the GT 3 window opens fractionally earlier at 22 minutes into the race the gt3 cars will be allowed to pit and they have a 10-minute window in which to pick from 22 to 32 minutes the GT fours they can come in from 28 minutes to 38 this there's a small overlap but because of the way that no the particularly in the first race was almost beyond drives in TT 3 coming in early tends to free up the pit lane a little bit a sensible call I think we've seen congestion in the past safety car comes out of inopportune moments and we certainly didn't seem to have too much congestion until the key team stalled in the middle of pit lane after serving us stop go penalty apart from that everyone seemed to be able to stay out of each other's way yes I mean the European GT for series had a Brands Hatch last year for example that staggered window and on safety grounds because the pit lane not only is it too short one it's a pretty narrow one anyway it's a very good idea so we're almost good to go racing let's put David on the spot here he probably gonna say BMW because he races these with great success on the continent but after what we saw in race one can you pick a winner it's gonna be close between front row I think Phil has shown he's got mega pace calendars shown he's got massive and mega pace over the weekend both they're Cove drivers have as well I'd say when you look at probably the two driver pairings you'd probably say many canna Mandy and are going to be the most consistent even the far behind its Bentley's not far behind either so I think he's gonna come from one of the first two if I'm gonna stick my neck on the line I'm gonna go in the ground race it back okay well that would be a fine turn around the port shoot you don't want the spawn went through every one of the day there's the back of the GT foregrip being released including the KTM which didn't get terribly far in the first race to get to the end everybody else is now being released as a society cover body is there the only question was oh the jackboot element that opening that car is on the grid as well a 23-hour Taylor Smith is standing at the back so a grid complete and this is how it will look with Phil keen starting on pole position and Callum McLeod former Ford champion lining up alongside him on the second row of the grid he's having Christodoulou and then set Morris we say DS lining up along side Bentley the third row does Johnny Cochran leak first of the two bar well sorry second bar well bikini nikki team alongside in tom farriers Aston Martin and then he got Marcus Sorenson - peach team and Jack Mitchell in the century of BMW before company he will go from a former group life he's been greens BMW Johnny Adam only Ted but it could be one to watch in the first few corners the multiple champion to see what progress can be made next on the grid is Bradley Ali's who drove a wide car in the first race ben gurdie will go for 12 plus 50 second to the pits because of the rail rackleff penalty had a wilcox rounds out the gt3 grid and then it said prio and Scott Morgan on the front row of GT for behind them is Michael Broadhurst lining up in his Mercedes alongside Martin Plowman with the beach Dean al our entry next row the grid Tom canning to TF Sports and that George in the Invictus games racing Jaguar on the next row the grid Luke Williams now he gets success time in the pits I'll go through this in a moment but for being firm he carries extra time in the GT for stops alongside him there will be Louis Proctor than Angus Ventura Josh Smith next up with the Josh Smith Tolman McLaren a car to watch then the Chad mccumbee started Ford Mustang and alongside him is former touring car race of Josh price next up Michael O'Brien and Jakov mateesah Marty some driving plea century of motorsport BMW as the cars now file their way through druids Wilmore and Vika Stanley for Academy motorsport are on the 16th row the 17th Rovers Kalyn pointin gt4 winner early on of the day Mike Robinson alongside him Shawn Cooper comes next in the KTM alongside Jack you tell Aaron Taylor submits Mustang at the back of the grid if you're in the top three you carried success time in the pit so 70 seconds for a gt3 car plus 10 seconds to set more is a rip off it's 7 for Phil Keane and 5 for Bradley Alice's cars when they get to the pit stops and it's 105 seconds for a GT full stop and again you get the 10 7 and 5 accordingly so round 2 of the British GT championship about to get underway here at Oulton Park Phil keen in the Reno black Lamborghini on pole position is color McCloud alongside it who is gonna have the bigger block locks to break ladies going into a little corner to find out that his route to the championship gets underway now the lights go out a good start is made by Kevin MacLeod he's not good at that because up on the inside I go to mr. Jenner in the Mercedes to go second caliber car gets falls down wide over the curve there and it is going to be Phil Keene who believed and rules Cascades for the first time this is the onboard view as they punish through tension to turn Latvian up in a second is Kristin du Loup third now it is Seb Morris and so caliber cloudy's at best as they go on lakeside straight but a perfect getaway by Phil key yeah but a contact now if it wasn't between the team Abba racing and the salient Mercedes of Christodoulou and the bobble boats born on guinea of key but he was determined not to overshoot all four corner sort of stopped the car in the middle of the turn and got head-butted by the Mercedes no serious damage appears to have been done they're all safe look at this top part of the circuit the GT for Michael's taking a little longer maybe sort themselves out it was very congested wasn't over run down the hill in the early going the GT 4 and another good start the JRR racing Bentley again a position gain there on stomps said Horace mr. Dreier for free pass on his Tony first there is indeed so now don't forget Phil keen will have to serve an extra seven seconds in the pits by being second in race one it's an extra 10 for the 31 Bentley so facies gain here will be negated in the pit stops as the cars ring on their way for the first time through nikka Broadbent now the run uphill Dory's noise these curls mate do you ride now on board underneath the foot bridge heading toward druids but up front it's phil keyed who leads the way now their number two Aston Martin that's Nikki team we've worked to do but at the end of the opening lap Phil keen it is and it looked David as though he's been able to build a bit of a cushion of this first lap yeah this is what we saw in qualifying and that's what we saw a race war TV just put him down the pace straightaway purple sector to purple sector three and yet bill one point boy parties already so yeah he's knows he's got a deficit to overcome if he knows he's got the pace to hurt and to probably build up seven seconds in his first harvest in there which means Adam should come out and elite again now the might McCallum Shawn Cooper KTM has been given a ten-second stop go penalty for a start procedure infringement so we sent in race one they never had much luck at all part the KTM at the phrase get to be given a stop go penalty for whether it was overtaking before the start of the race or for being out of position we will await news but either way the cars being given a penalty and now look at this battle factor second and third and fourth all of which plays right into the hands of Phil key there is a way of God now out of Krista mr. dudewitz second phase is the cork in the pot he's got Seth Morris behind him for this McLeod fifth his team 60s Kaka it's seven face in his Jeff Mitchell eighth is Bradley and his knife is Johnny Adam the KTM acerbic stop and go and there was more stopping the going in that because the car stall but anyways back in the race as you ride a board now with Johnny Adam going down towards his lops up a curb back on the power through Nick abrooke but Johnny Adam stuck in the traffic here David he's not finding it easy to get through is he yeah I was talking to a teammate Graham Davidson between the races and they're just saying that the acids they feel they're very down on straight-line speed at the moment so their game plan taking talking from the most successful man in British GT is just to score points safety car is deployed safety car on track not seen anything oh there's the answer 77 is in the gravel that's the Michael Broadhurst started Mercedes that he shares with marver fit that is at Cascades and he's facing the wrong way and there is no option and he is there when you've got a big heavy GT car up to his axles safety car yeah exactly it's not even that far off the circuit of course one can't golf they're so good another so is catch our breath I was at a particularly breathless start to race that but Phil ki will be disappointed this is the last thing that he needed because he was building up that margin nicely a seven-second cushion was looking dua bulgaria and now of course he loses potentially three or four laps of his drive time I wish to continue building the margin so the gaps will count down accordingly as everybody now files up behind the safety car key got that star because you could see the intent couldn't you here on the run down towards old bullfrog caliber cloud but David that Lamborghini was always going to be in the boxy because it had the inside line yeah I you want to try and ride the brake and get the launch on the car ahead but just watch jumps here I think Christina was super keen on getting into that Mercedes size gap into turn one you kind of made a Mercedes sides got there by head-butting the pole-sitter luckily both skilled drivers managed to hold on to it and added was I can position them and it was relatively calm getting through overall bit of dust in the air but most have survived and then they ramped down towards cascade say despite all to not being the widest of circuits the drivers largely for having themselves pretty well having been read the riot act by Peter daily the race director this is how Phil keen to all the start storming up towards the line accelerates away down towards Old Hall and of course Phil factory Lamborghini driver knows this car inside out and he doesn't mean yes he does and he's rather rapid in the risk of tear this new generation Lamborghini Huracan Evo for this season is going pretty well already they're interesting knowledge from that on wall bear with the GT for cars Scott Melvin briefly held believe throughout all corner went around the outside under said prayer carried more momentum off the corner and I think up all slightly by the GTC Porter about a Wilcox are back off so back through where prayer Mercedes was ahead briefly as you can see there the red and black Sadie's is now down in second place for the biggest games car they've had some rope look over the last 12 months or so so fingers crossed for them they keep it out of trouble and maybe become hoping to pay for a top five indeed so safety car bring them down towards loss corner right David put you crash out the door as it were for a moment once what does it driver have to do during a phase like this it's not just the casing sit there with truck around is it nope some of these cars lug BM I've got tire pressure monitoring systems on them so they can the drivers themselves can see when the timers are dropping due to the temperature dropping in the tires because they're not driving as fast so yeah they're gonna be working hard to bring them at operating temperature I think they have maybe a lap and a half two lights so they're probably just about in the window and now they have to slow back down again so they're gonna really have to work in those same with the brakes as well they can ride the brakes left foot braking which will radiate heat into the tire as well as well as weaving to heat up the surface of the tire they'll be also keeping an eye on this situation that sort of track at the moment so they can work out how quickly the safety car is going to be in and then how intently they make sure the second step is without me guy well yes we are obviously watching the car being taken away now a mark obviously you told me you're not going to cry but you know you're not thrilled are you no no you're not happy from what I heard on the radio Micah got pushed off in the gravel so that's that's kind of it race over well I mean what does that make you feel obviously you were pepped up you were ready to go you're prepared to kind of let him do his thing and then have a bowl we had a decent first race and we're feeling confident so yes obviously a huge disappointment you know we come here to race include you want to finish the races so yeah it's really disappointing I guess the only saving grace is that you've got one eye on the easter eggs now and you can get into them early okay I'm at the suit next time around though to see a race but at least no one's been here know exactly that's always the main thing you know you get out and you're ready for the next race so yeah that's okay you know we'll be the next round happy days all right thanks very much appreciate it really thank you so Mike reporters for Fox motorsports walks wait - the car is there out of the gravel it's on the foster circuit so it can now be lifted onto the flatbed and took that's Peter but the safety guards they count their now down smooth watch for that so Phil Keene is the race leader just to recap and catch our breath from adopters to do low in second place it's Lamborghini from Mercedes from Bentley third of settlers who arrived there with him in fourth place caliber cloud fifth team they're the blue Aston Martin hello Johnnie Cochran syncplay seventh it is now Jack Mitchell eighth frantic Ellis life Johnny Adam and in 10th place up entry in the second of the century of the end of these Marco Sorenson is 11th kid Getty is 12 and that car doesn't have success time to have on at the pit stop is will have proper penalty of 15 seconds oh it is I said the Bentley after the contact of our applet was involved in in the first race now what about GT for it is set prio from Scott Marvin they turn their light through the corner the moment there's a Mercedes being lifted out of the way and the field pouring its way through alcohol the KTM has also been allowed to catch back up and go through the safety car having served its top gold leads and a portrayal of girls now I'm not saying that actually they've been there sort of rapidly closing in on the back of the queue of old C pace they've gone it's got good potential like our KTM in the past have had good success in the GT ball category of the GT championship winter triple stars the C's for the local team focus to be able to pick small places off a real shape the Fox Motorsports as well isn't if they were tech the race one in GT for they started third on the grid for this watered unfortunately Michael Broad has to have admittedly lost a few spots officers in the gravel down that's cascade or what could have been a transfer to regain some support needing points it's interesting calendar we got this year isn't in that the two double headers are early in the season so lost points now oh are you nearly halfway through the season so youíve you can have that races where you want to get them out play early but before you know it and also the incident between Broadhurst and ash hamman is being investigated so that would suggest without their which the alcohol was that volleyball 97 the TF Sport GT full as the Martin improbably map I may have a we looked at during the course of the race as well so Carl's coming out as a picker Brooke tarp pressures being maintained tower temperatures trying to be kept up ready for the restart but all of this eating into the stick for the Pro drivers there is 77% ease out of harm's way shouldn't be long to get that off the circuit now but I would have thought another laps the cars are heading now up through druids another car that went well David in the earlier a set of Duty 4 was belt Motorsports McLaren it got something like 15 places in the ended me to get third in the pro-am competition the car of Greg Johnson and Michael O'Brien are all unnoticed stealth like he just kept picking off places yeah I think it's a good knock at their own beginning in the start as well and he was showing the highlights we need to see at the time so yeah even with a little bit of sustained damage could see the most crude this shows both driver and team short combines and laid a good strategy and the drivers have done done a good job to get them on the field so yeah great start to the year for those guys now we're going to go back racing this time because the safety car is doing we are told so the resumption of the race and see the cars pouring down through Cascades GT cars Randolph are just fantastic and a day like this but it is the circuit but great the GT cars just the perfect addition to the park or the sights and sounds of a gt3 and gt3 bridge really do delight don't they what I look about GT racing is that you can snap trackside close your eyes and you know which cars move faster you'll have a distinct sound and it's nice to have that for the brides it is what we said for don't make racing but this you know multi mark quarter class sort of racing just provide great excitement doesn't it you're mentioning places gained in GT for just then as well well ii placed on emotes walk i race what they gave eight places to so the carbon editor who is it pays to revise if you give them more races than anybody else flash gary clear as if we've been quite so rapid cycle but they gave eight spots so you can overtake you but now to do but the traffic is well i'm the core pit strategy too so there are lots of ways in which you can gain rounds in this sort of race format absolutely right and of course with everyone bunched up on the safety car like this have you got a good restart there's the chance of getting a few more places trouble is those safety cars can breed safety cars so let's hope they will get through overall safety there's the GT four leading car stereos switching from single seaters to GT cars that mustang great-looking car and the grub to go last name that leads GT for government fraud scott Mulva former thought before the champion in second place and the mercedes and then third in the Jaguar was Matt George so Ford Sadie's Jaguar at the top three four thousand mile city staff some flower and the cars that now are about to go racing once more lights are out the top the safety car not come down to water lodge corner Phil keen verses out of Christodoulou versus Seth Morris versus caliber cloud the list goes on on the restart but Phil key needs to time this to perfection and Christodoulou who is certainly no dummy in a GT car will want to go within the gap they come out of jail for mid-set Morris of his third of the green flag is waved we go racing once for them with 46 minutes of change on the clock down to Waldo wall corner and the leading quartet remains the same Keene Christodoulou Morris McLeod as they drop down hill you see the way the gt3 cars already all clear of the GT for fight and there Phil Keene a bit tweet you going into cascades and Krista deunan runs another wife mrs. they could be point and that means that set Morris now is much much closer David is he gonna be able to have a girl my brother Simon bender as he lost ground again it looks like you almost drove in the back of that and record him out gross very quickly yeah he's now on the back foot in the cloud others say Adam yeah realizes Lake stop dick turned it got there guy flipped on the back of the loud pedal and managed to get it back down the Thanks so Phil Keenan is leading the way and he has set Morris having been backed into was he work Allen McLeod now have to get his elbows out go defensive in fifth place in the key team he was always spectacular always a hugely committed his nicotine former a Porsche Supercup champion coming down towards knee his logic aids and this is the battle third fourth and fifth suddenly said Morris's life has changed no longer is he attacking suddenly he's got a going to really be fed like crazy and that means he's losing touch with the top two at number two TF sport squad really could do with a good race to welcome me after everything the good from wet one form in the previous race of course they will therefore more benefit to that it will not carry any successful penalties into the pit stops and Mickey TVs in fifth place already for him I guess the target really is a de Cristo Lewis new because he's the highest place car that will not serve extra time in the pit lane so whichever of those cars is highest up for pit stops should it be three qual maintain the lead position what's a pit stop for all those that nicotine will very much to have his sights set on the second place marked the time being leave the streak across the won the GT four leaders are down at locked quarter still in the same water for the top three in fact top four five or so arm saves on my side action behind they're gonna provide McLaren air of move Proctor unfortunately lose moving around their fifty a car goes through that is Luke Williams who was in the first race they were 483 seconds deserve a pit stop the walk-around game now the better it's just fabulous sine is watching to come poring over the line Luke Williams another effecti from single seaters into GT racing but it's still Sepp Rio that leads the way Scott Morgan is going after him another little battle there you can see 77 coming under attack as they rounds sorry 29 come here attacks they go through Cascades the TF sport car lower down the order in GT 4 so battles rage all the way 47 still Johnny Alba a little bit stuck here he can't fire the way through this case battered what would be discussing earlier about the absence just being a bit flat a bit down on power compared to others but Johnny Adam certainly is no slouch he's doing his level best to get up the order it's Nikki team upholding honours at the moment now the BMW m6 and great cars are having the championship David won you know well and here you can see the century motorsport car behind us looking to try to make progress this is where cutaway but this is where the beams make up the time they've been purple at the speed trap switch meaning their fastest out of all of the cars so yeah this is where John is particularly come under pressure here so you can see just closing so it's got some crunch there v8 for quick to twin turbo motor there versus the v8 of the Mercedes direct arrives as the parts venture yeah you this year so Johnny avid goes through he in turn he's going after the Bradley Ellis Aston through oval corner looking back at the number three Mercedes BMW robbery 10th place bet green at the wheel of its they drop down hill 43 minutes of the race to go and up from gt3 is sort of calming down a little bit now GT for perhaps where the drop is gonna come from and there it is look between the two McLaren turning over the timing line so you've got there Luke Williams going after the Tollman car of Josh Smith and also a challenges mate will be inside by 95 the TF Aston that's Josh price going through riding the curb at Josh prize just gaining a base there nice move that'll make off the stop selves absolutely together again as we keep getting together that's the 42 BMW assaulting the 95 Aston Martin 42 was started five Jake forty sir 95 by Josh price well as proud of touring car star suppose he's well-versed being muscled around a little it he will still I'm sure how complaints about that although because that was a rather robust move but either way Josh loses the position and Jacob who started two places behind it is now a place in front on the road yes you're right GT for these cars a little bit less area defenders all finished up points the moment because it's not 42 it is a legacy perhaps of the contact and cascades it does seem a little coincidental doesn't it that he's got off the very next corner and unfortunately for Jacob Matisse and and the deeper century motorsports GT forearm in general this weekend things have not gone particularly to plan that car was right on the pace and its first appearance at the start of last season from four through this weekend things not quite going to plan but so the photos maps Baker Thema Qatar is that the GT four cars are a little bit left relies on arrow therefore they can stay a little bit more close to bullish calmness in the high-speed stuff yeah grind games after is the a certain advantages they're the exact same road car models but you can really see which one is the bigger brother and which one of the younger brother gt3 cars lower wider generally look a bit me now whereas the GT pours have much more of a relation to their Road car counterparts so there is something gt4 back flora go live Phil Kings advantage now after the safety car 2.3 seconds he stopped the fastest lap of the race he's getting away now from the opposition of that number for McLaren which is the car of Josh Smith goes now wrong corner going after the passing cloud and driven master Marty Kaskade so the pic window to factor in but of course it started the gt3 team to conserve what the star driver to stay out as long as possible so we won't have to save the early stops that we did in race 1 which means potentially we could have smoked the likelihood people in those days because there is here a spawn the gt3 cars were they've been engulfed on time the GT for window but this time around there is that 4-minute over isn't or so as something maybe was taken to account is it worth leaving your pro drive around for a few laps and then risking congestion in pit lane or do you sort of hope that the gt40 to have much the same idea and stay out longer as well so that all will be revealed within the next few minutes because the pit window will open in two and a half minutes time I don't think we'll see many tables straightaway but it is only intelligently going to get stopped done other guys on the pit wall all the data are looking at track position and try to estivate one a 72nd stock class whatever success type you've got will do to bring you back into the traffic there is plenty of traffic going into Nikabrik corner and that battle pack still being carried by the Josh Smith McLaren as they climb the hills if I think he's ahead now Martin cloud and so we've had to change that match or click right glances knee in the Jaguar with eg t4 still running in third within the GT for division in which you've got the GT full Silver's at the pro amps but thanks to drive there by the Jaggu as they come down now towards the right hand room lodge corner so Phil keen has done turn at leat by 2.8 seconds and somebody saw a lever departing clout but they're trying to get himself back onto the tail of the sempre Oh still leading gt4 he's got more than his second in duty for the gap between there is 2.3 seconds of the rest of the field that falls out through Oh MacLaren's David at the boat with not happy things their own way certainly compared to raise well yes interesting the second race former where the pros of the Pro app featured is for cars with that slightly lighter cars and prepare 50 kilos important qualified in the front the likes of Malvern and broader us in particular in the two marks it really shows where there may not be a huge amount of pure pace division between the pros and the silver drivers bus with those 50 extra kilos it really adds up to it so it really mixes up the grid which makes it a great big slide there for lucrative biggest up the variety of the creator' producers of maker action it's great to see these metallic cakes so radical double win for clarity GT for European series of also last weekend but here you've got the cars put the customer racing programming run by independent teams to several teams very evenly matched indeed set Morris their game throw whole corner 3/10 of a second flat from Adam Christa dulu now but look at the life of Phil keen has just escaped on the road we know that Adam Christo he's not slow but he can do nothing at the moment so this is he confessing that second place M horas runs third caliber cloud is it for Barry started on the outside of the front row but really I'll be pretty frustrated about this I would've thought and fifth is Nikki team mate Horvath will be pulled away here which is true however he's had about five or six laps now so since the safety car and in the first couple of laps of the initial started already pulled a second or so in that stage so he's played away it's not quite a look at the rate at which maybe you know food away at the initial start support man Christina really had its arms full of keeping said Morris behind they see the cat but bear in mind the car in second place Sadie's will not have to serve any acute arm of the pit stops as long as Kristen who stays within seven seconds of key they're almost guaranteed Mouse great leaders post pit stops as long as they're stops go according to plan that this gap appears to have come back down here does will the three central notice what we have W of Bank reads carrying the Jolly Adam driven Aston Martin in front their clothes are going into the hot side you baby pit all that you were saying we have to be themselves at they're going that very menacing front end they're just getting bigger and bigger in the rid of you camera Hamdi from looking back from piastre the open era watch you get from following back closer to the car ahead so no doubt that you'll be picking up a little bit under steer through druids you trying to square the corner of turning late come up to the inside so that it doesn't get affected too much by that but here's your hisses main opportunities so see if you can use the crud but unsettling someone like Johnny Adam that's gonna be tough for Venus to the Ben's first race initiative Rica and he's up against the master so let's see what he's belonging is lack of experience though isn't it now this battle for second place is looking nice because you've got Adam cuss to do live under attack now from Step four is the Bentley having a real push here the second part of this road he's going to be fascinating because the disparity across some of the arms I'm trying to think who of the arms is going to be the overall quickest sort of get a ring Parfitt as a potential so that Bentley might lose ten seconds petite ceinture yes ten second to the fist often in terms of lap times Rick carpet should get back into the game Bridget Neary has been around a long long time but relatively got that much in a gt3 car and her 3 seasons worth and Adam Ballard will take over from Phil Kingdom you into gt3 this year so the amp can make quite a difference and if you've got a good at or the lower Grady driver Thank You in the pound seats for the second step yeah the the pros are separated by tenths of seconds as you can see from what you see on the screen then they're still running almost nose to tail whereas the apps can vary by second so as a pro driver it's down to you to coach your amateur driver give them a little bit more seat time in qualifying practice because if they gain half a second versus you gaining half a tenth that's gonna make a big big difference so here you are second or third nose to tail then as they come through launch quarter the pit window is open for the gt3 cars if they wish to take it will fill keen doesn't he's gonna stay out as long as he possibly can you're riding now we set more as if they go down although hull corner he closes on the braking but wasn't there enough there David was he to think about a proper move maybe a little bit more pasted out living moments is just showing us no saying come on Adam get to get a move on here he's got a ten-second deficits over carbon so as soon as he can clear Adam the more opportunity give Rick to then really be in the mix for the second half of the place there's ninety six in the pit lane so that's an early stop and that means that Brad Ellis gives way to loosen these come from Ginetta racing initially brandy Ali's former champion so it could be a shrewd move come in do the driver change when there's absolutely no traffic in the [Music] pits worth on Saturday Ian Auggie was the best damn driver by white subway you 6/10 wicked by roughly silver so far in the truest sense through her maybe at a pure ham and some the burn was another six the bit tense were back so Ian lucky in theory should be the fastest to be honest on others if you can replicate that qualifying race and because very who's early on they should be in a position cuz they have no success pounding surf exactly right now look at this in GT for take a sharp intake of breath as they all descend upon large corner and how many it alive at Ted baby but even more they all funnel through - huh dearly plus one or two the gt3 stops as I say cycling through and now of course the danger is you finish a pit stop and you come out into an almost three wide battle diving down Waldo whole corner on the inside live there Aaron Taylor Smith in the Mustang and he goes through gains a couple of spot brave move out at the race performance car so Aaron Taylor Smith with a touring car move goes through and the strong atheras offer Oh plows the Academy 60 Chester Martin is ever going to stop if will eventually up against the tars of afraid of that was will more at the wheel of it we've also got ninety seven which is Tom canning and ash hams car being given a penalty for causing a collision against the 77 Mercedes so number 97 will get a 30-second stop no penalty but will more spectacularly off the road and guess who's right in the middle of all of this Phil keen your race leader he's just called the traffic just as he'll kicked off amongst them so Phil keyed up film us exactly what he wanted seen from soon as he came across the start/finish line and down the Cascade he's now more or less kicked his way through post topper but that would have focused his attention definitely there's the 96 car that has made his pit stop that is now being piloted by of Wilkinson he the benefit of course here is that he's out in clean air however cloud has also fitted in of a six-car interestingly the theory here I guess being or they're about to catch the GT for cars if we get our pitstop out of the way now I can find out in some clean air maybe if we can actually the gates with that advantage that would have by leaving the pro in it might also be that was a safety car to count about might help or hinder teams accordingly so Ian Lockheed leaving the pit lane there's big round of applause there for will bore as the Martina T's yes he was okay but David this was quite a moment yeah that I thought it was could be a huge one but he's got away with that big time he's just come off an angler enough he's missed one barrier he's missed another barrier and hits of tires I mean I'd choose size over and I wall any day so he's got away with that one loser there's a little touch of wheels just going over the crest there it's just picked the car to the other side so living side by side cuts out the heck JC boys again so yeah they're getting their elbows out as we can indeed there's an enormous laundry bill inside the asking massive arena damage so that car is out of the race there into the race is now run wrapped it take it over limb getting got that extra penalty out of the way but we are still under a green car having gone so far across the gravel it's out of harm's way pretty much said no sign yet the safety guard the old that you heard over in the pit later sub came in and some came out this is what I sort of thought might happen about gt3 M TT 4 cars pitting at the same time at the TT fall of the 97 serving at stock go penalty as the 47 with Johnny Adam was in for its pit stop and driver change so we're this is sort of what we thought might happen because the GT for pit lane window is now open but the gt3 window is still open and over half the GTV field 3t3 field needs to meet say has yet to stop so this could get rather busy because we presume where's the pit lane with no clothes at 32 minutes they've got another two laps probably that they can leave the pro driver Zowie gt3 and then they must come to the pit lane so we could have over half the field potentially pitting and four or less the same time Phil team the race leader still by only 2.8 seconds now as well so in traffic he's losing a little bit of gravel he is Adi there's also cause like yellow flags over but I've gotta gates it and so it is there the Aston sorry the Lamborghini of Filipino hesitate because out of balance name is on the timing screen but it's not yet made a pit stop so into the pit lane anyway now that car comes I think possibly what has happened is the Phil keep flick the transformer getting ready for the pit stop but he's eat now so I don't Christodoulou takes over the lead of the race out yet still keen in gets out of balance so if there are lots of bad Matthews might as well pay off who's not achieving anything for that time a new camper now pretty much everybody has come in and don't forget this pitstop is going to be seven seconds longer than anybody else is because of the success that they have to carry coming into this this looking this is the view that Adam Balan will have going into the second part of the race and David for a driver this pit stop whether you're taking over or bringing the car in there's quite a long checklist of things to get done yeah definitely driver ID getting the bounce out of the way so you can quickly get your new teammate in then once you're out new driver back in that BMWs brakes are being worked pretty hard they're smoky but because the 70 seconds or so that I should be in and out quick enough maybe a quick positive fire extinguisher he'll be good to go again so there is 72 now Adam Balan at the wheel of that car down the pit road goes past 35 mile hello buzz and that has to Marty be pushy to the fast lane ready to go that's going to be the mark farmer car so there you go that Aston has gained all the pit stops because it's have a stock seven seconds shorter and as they dive down through oval corner Ian loggy he's on track of a you could see the Mercedes which he's gonna just about jump ahead there's a yellow flag so they're approaching and coming out of the pit that's all very touch-and-go there look you've got mark Farber shouts the head of Sam too hard now with a number 69 that borghini ahead of Ian loggy who's ready throwing everything at this and then behind with fresh into the right out of ballad but long he's a man on a mission his name he isn't so - it's time to hangers he just got up the inside of the aasta.martin is giving up Deary me not the first time we've seen that today unfortunately the number two Aston Martin pointing the wrong way and once again the luckless Mar farmer who didn't appear to do too much wrong there he was trying to open at all for Santa Hannah it was ugly inside violent Bend and look nothing was he in LA he wasn't he was trying to follow him through and there simply wasn't rube here's the replay David talk us through it he's I think he's been spooked very slightly by de hann at the inside and I've just gotten the marbles fresh out the pits I think he's just made a mistake there touch the grass luckily lucky to get away with with a small moment and corn like Ireland but he's there lived after his neighbor's weekend farming absolutely I'm afraid you might know like a cultural again and now he stalled it he's half on half off track in that rear wheels not touching the ground so you know what's gonna come next don't get it did look I feel with David as they just forgot my marbles rather than contact there but so we'll see but right now he's got bigger strive which is that the way Paul at the front means that that rear wheel is hardly touching the ground a try as he might he can't get the car back into the race you've just had Adam Christodoulou give way to Richard Neary in the Abba Mercedes and the pit lane light is on green so Richard near he goes back into the race are waiting to see any yellow flags come out for that incident but for the moment we are still on the green flag conditions far farmers car off the road Peter daily the race director will be looking at all the CCTV pictures as well as this feed and there's one yellow flag waving on the way down to cascades but that should be earlier incident so at the end of the next lap will have a proper race order but they're going through he's number 31 which is now brick Parfitt in the race one winning Bentley he's up through the traffic safety cars being deployed so the safety car will be required the job was done just there by Rick partly right where are the safety car conditions the all the flags go that people play to get everybody to slow right down and then the safety car will be called for it is just outside of our window and it's not yet moved but the safety car is going to be deployed so as soon as the race leader approaches that the the case will be given that it can go 90 knees in and that means that Jay Buford will take over from Chad mccumby they look great these Mustangs they sound excellent as well about a big asset to the championship although inevitably other teams are saying or to quick war but anyway they didn't win race one so the jury is still out right this is the on board which might show is more about the incident for Bart farmer run wide there's a wheel on the grass round he goes Ian loggy was close but I'm not convinced there was a large pit it was close even if there was I think if there was contact it was after the Aston Martin have stopped it rotates oh yeah the second viewing I tend to agree with you there what this will do was this safety car as far as gt3 on gt4 is concerned is it now allows those who have had to spend longer in the pit lane and therefore lost ground to regain the ground this is when they want to safe to gone out after the pit stop yeah everybody safe cars would you like because then they can close back in it looks as though that'll break Mercedes issue of race leader won by a huge margin admittedly over the 69 sand on driven Lamborghini in fact the top four cars were pretty much has worn anyway so they were bunch of or language or the real beneficiary here in a way is our race one winning car isn't it because Rick Parfitt in the third squad Aston Martin you've got into that sickly positioned in Li just we believe in time before the yellow flags came house he was in excess of 15 seconds off the race lead won't be anymore yeah indeed but he has there got a triumph on away past Andrew Howard the leading for there you can see them are together there no bat markers so it's game old between them will be go racing fifties Andrew Howard sick the drink Parfitt seventh Dominic Paul eight today dream will bond 540 will conserve and then 10th of Graham Davidson in for Johnny Adam so this is the incident zone that car needs to be given a shove I mean he's got away without any damage and yet just by a few inches David it's in the wrong place on Oulton Park tarmac or half the tarmac off the grass and it's interrupted the race yes big big shame that because yeah this safety car throws the GT for field certainly into a little bit chaos because this arvo proved they're pissed on window GT threes are too affected by it and it's quite good scrutiny front for quite nicely so we're going to have a a really good race once we get going it shouldn't take too long for them to just nudge mark back onto the tarmac again and then get it going but where this where the GC pause went up I'm not sure we need a few laps later but for the Marshalls point of view you need to wait a little bit till everybody's in a live before you've got the space to go out there and do the work it might only be what Porsche you've got a till everyone's in the line and there is the safety for you to go out there do anything exactly I mean Ireland's relatively blind going through there with a big barrier on the inside so yes stepping out into one of the fastest passes sir it's brave brave thing to do so yeah hats off to all those marshals out there give up their time to allow us to go racing yeah big thanks to those guys indeed all volunteers we couldn't have racing without them and there they are now discussing whether they've had enough shredded wheat for breakfast to give this car a shove and of course a rather frustrating nikki team has been watching this from the pit lane he's with Andy yeah I've got a but understandably frustrated Nikki here Nikki how you feeling right now probably some words I don't want to say to the two live viewers out there thanks for watching anyway but Jesus Christ what a weekend it's not been as you'd predict it has it no and I've don't think I've tried anything like this before it's just that's just another level I should quickly apologize for your use of language there although is Easter weekend maybe religious connotations tell me you obviously we're watching tell me what was going through your mind when you saw what happened no no I start to get used to it so yeah I don't know just bad weekend for us all quite good on them on a single lap pace Destin is just amazing around here but just lagging a little bit on talk but that's that's how it is but still yeah really enjoyed coming here to all empowering at least enjoying to drive the new car here on this awesome circuit so that's the yeah the only thing I will take away for this weekend and that's something okay thanks my well refereed only I'm not entirely sure that partnership has gelled this weekend it's a very frustrating Mickey team art farmer houses we saw in race one and in race two had a fair number of moments but he's no doubt mean he has he's a race winner in British GT but it's the first time of course they are together in you co-driver four-month farmer John Barnes having been there last year and Nicky who is a professional driver gets on with the job goes absolutely flat out and then loses a decent result because of a co-driver spinning again you can understand the frustration absolutely but actually it is the am drivers to acclimatize to a new gardener this is what professional racing driver do they could perform racing cartoon author in the space of a couple of days or less than that sometimes whereas for the Hammond drivers you know it takes a bit longer to pick things up what Pro is there to do it effectively is to give guidance and tuition and to help the under eye very bare pace and their confidence in the car so some frustration now I'm sure they'll they'll get over it for Snetterton and no again go just next to it with no pitstop penalty staff to serve and eventually I'm sure it was talking good performance I can't think of races when EPT was made mistake so that they are quite forgotten about Wally addresses small farmers anyway that car frustratingly is out of the race and we are behind the safety car and under the safety car we have long I know that's East there was Nick Wilmore in who's being [Music] cascade so it's a doublet clear up operation again that one out of the way as well because that was the call about toboggan its way down towards cascades a few laps back right so we're going to end up with what probably fifteen or sixteen minutes on the restart here and he sees Richard Neary in the green Mercedes that leads the way from Sam fahan in second spot Ian loggy third out of balinese fourth Andrew how to spit sixty drip half its seventh is Dominic for Nathan Adrian will bond five now Bobby Wilkinson attended grand Davidson and in GT for where we up to there after the pit stops just let me come over the timing guy on a double check but the order of settle down because I think we're going to have the Scott Maxwell know the 66 did was going to take over the race lead Nick Jones Mercedes that's got more than started let's just double check because that should be the next car to break of a timing beam goes through so it should be as I say no number 66 Mercedes from 444 Jaguar there's Martin farmers car that has been brought out of harm's way and now probably can even drive back if their race director is happy got another BMW in the pit lane as well as the stop cycle through we've got a situation here David where the top I think four or five GT four cars are going to gain a lock on the rest of the field the others because they have to pick behind the safety car I've got trapped a lap down that's why we're waiting leaders turn up so the 66 Mercedes easily eating away now as you borrow I said that is now being piloted by it's got vuelven second place is going to be locally and again losing a bit of time to the pit lane and Scott Maxwell now at the wheel of that car I believe that yes Dean so they we have what I think guitar two three four I think literally on the lead lap the rest of the technically will believe laugh they're trapped somewhere between believe gt3 car and believe gt40 they won't be waved through and that really has cost about a chance for folium unfortunately so Nick Jones infants got all that leads away Steve McNally is the second place and they're both Pro Am GT forecast birds Scott Maxwell that's a silver cap GT for car then he got Calvin Fletcher did you get a while with while farmer given these carries and remember Dale if you guys passed and then you've got in 50 GT for number 20 which is now McLaren was and he says the rest of gt4 of two thirds or so of a lap back Carles now funneling their way down through his box but yeah it's got max body could still be want to watch there because he's effectively now walk 13 seconds or so off the class lead and a silver cup car and you can find cars with the yellow and pink background to the number they're an hour and a black background is a silver cup the different backgrounds to assist with identification for the class system individual competitions therein but all of this eating into the remaining time but yeah I still think that Mustang could yet take GT for it's I believe that 13 seconds back we'd ever stop max what is quick Raquel what I'm forgetting of course with that collar is that because it's a silver cooked cart it spends an extra 15 seconds within the pit load that's why they're losing time to pit stops it also carries an extra 15 kilos of ballast as a result of that now it hasn't really happened they're on track performers but that will explain you this fairly consistent loss of ground in the pit lay but that's what he's supposed to do it's supposed to stop a job on the could in theory over a race distance should be quicker than a pro empowering it's designed to stop everybody away with it and give them some work during the same time place and also got an extra bit of weight from Saturday's qualifying test drive even things out as well so the team was wrong with this we're gonna go racing this time our farmers brought by accident back into the pit lane it's that car going no further John Ferrier whose team operates it busy talking to run out of up a big wall another car that keeps seems to be in and out of a bit ladies 43 which is the and record cold room could be have WN before but back into the pit lane so 17 minutes on the clock and let's hear from Phil Keene he dominated his stint walking out a man and do in part two Andy over to you so Phil how you feeling it's going now it's it's pretty tense isn't it yeah I know we had a good start - shame about the safety car really that hurts us a little bit obviously destroyed the lead we built up managed to build up a little bit more but you know he's just not really enough so unfortunately were back and forth now but I will have to see how Adam gets on the sprint to the finish I mean he was well up for this ahead of the race do you reckon he's got the sort of skills to get up there and makes it up on the podium yeah I mean look we we we finished second in the first race we're going to score good points in this race the aim is just to be seven ripped you know hopefully take the lead in the championship that's our that's our gold to score points so you know but obviously if he can make progress then that's great but you know just stay out of trouble and finish the tactics are already coming into play are you on the radio to him at all and giving him a few pointers no you know he doesn't like too much radio communication but you know we tell him just debate you know what we need to tell him to get his mind in the game and I'm sure we'll be fine you know there's confidence thanks making sure it feels appreciated I feel keep watching on and that car in fourth place so can I go racing these time lights are out Richard Neary leads the way then Christodoulou having done the hard yards but in loggy having taken a pole position in his qualifying session now third in the cube it's going to be interesting as me for the remainder of this race to see first of all who can get through error-free who's got the pace who's got the bravery Richard Neary who for many many years was a mainstay of club racing in very very powerful 95 Fords will leave the cars up dearly ready to go racy ones for teenagers sampler hand is behind him then of the Lamborghini and he in Lockean third in the Mercedes M as we go green diving down Waldo Hall corner no heroics come yet but that's a lot a bad thing but loggia gets a very good run going out of a hole corner there you see Michael I goes Porsche coming under attack the number five mclaren e gonna get through that jordan Kolob the leaders dive down through cascades ian loggy has not yet found a base but he was certainly very rapid David wasn't going out of a wall that side yeah I think Sam went in a little bit hot had a little bit of a wiggle mid corner and therefore fakes his exit speed and yet he had a good run not quite close enough to challenge and where to Cascades but to the interest in see a flick please give me a little the bottleneck behind Richard Neary here so be interesting to see how these guys campus then comes moment James around this tricky circuit yeah Richard nearing and it just has to keep his elbows out now hang on it but long he does make a mistake and he put the color the middle of the road can he hack off fourteen to the half minutes you make it sound a lot easier I think you will because Richard has got some serious pressure here from the very rapid youngster Sam to her no repeat to the outside there but BMWs at play as well and thankfully and I think the number 9 car of if you will walk back out over the move he was attempting on the number three of Dominic Paul there's the number 31 race one winner written Parfitt now what can he do about Andrew how he's all over the X DeMarcus it goes over clay Hill now we've seen some overtake integer sources it also seemed that Bentley making contact GT for cars andrew is today so I'm sure Rick always a sense Moorhead on Rick shoulders isn't there he knows that they might super points of race wall from now on anything else begins at bowed as please draw alongside out to the outside into Lodge corner where go right around the outside but what for the cook like on the exit the Bentley T's either beautiful timing to be on board as well and he faculty inside that was textbook stuff bizarre yeah set up good and proper there it's very very difficulty attraction down how to the final corner there but yep putting Andrew Howard on the inside there easy cut back got contracted out job done not opposed there is a 30-second stop no panels if another flies 5 out of GT for Patrick Kimmel Josh prices Aston Martin for pit lane speeding the gt3 battle blast out of cascades Richard Neary is still in charge three tenths of a second - the good Sam too hard going after him and then in third place really pushing hard as he can in log ebay for that imbalance Rick Parfitt then up into fifth place could yet gain further ground before the very early GT for he's still Nick Jones ahead of Steve McCatty Scott Maxwell is third but they've all bucks rise up he GT for the top three has one now this is working perfectly I would say for Bentley ring path and he's also working fairly well for Santa hammocks this time he's pulling alongside over hilltop there's the outside of Richard near I doubt he'll try and force the issue too much there but the Bentley I couldn't see it for a second there so close was it took them up behind the now can't see I'm not where is it measuring perfect covering far fit are pretty sure is no longer there in fifth position no he's all free profits off now that's a perfect shell is it I think he stole off into Barry's big perfect just as things were starting to come to him that was the curse the commentator wasn't it he strayed off the road and dropping down the order so Rick Parfitt off the road we know not how that happened what a shame it really looked as though this race a bit like race often in a different way we're starting to form into his work so it's like he's done about Farber and he can't get off the grass there he is being pushed back so is that shale or is he looped it coming out of Britain's he's lost it coming out of the chicane hasn't he so he's on the rattle the curb inspiring always had a tap but the leaders go side by side he drove all corner and he's still just Richard Neary ahead but right on his turn asunder look at he had long each three s4 for the lead and a ballad right there in fourth place Richard nearing may not have the pastry's got the width at the car up the curve goes Sam Bahamas looking very very deep too hard gets away with that as they turn down through Cascades now along lake side straight they go in seventh place Adrian Wilmont he's been given a four second penalty for speeding in the pit lane Richard Neary leads the way but David it is all kicking off behind him and you can see now the frustration of the errors even from one or two big offered up now here is crunch time I think they're getting pressure from behind they feel that they're being held up beforehand and yet like I say I think there's a lil bit of a cork and a possible effect happening here we've lost one already carpets looped it out this you came here now right in front of the leaders yeah I expect fireworks I think they do here are the leaders to Harlan gang goes to the inside Richard nearing experienced driver covers the move buddy coming boy Joe Hart goes around the outside of him he's got the race lead yes yet Logan gets squeezed up to the grass and round the outside goes out of fallodon oh you don't says logging so bothered now runs watered here comes Andrew Howard up the inside he's got past can you get past toes like climb up a hill ma'am and he splits the pair so all kicked off down at his lobs and Sam de Haan is the new race leader Richard near he's down in second place that was in the post was that you knew something was coming yeah there is no the touch paper had been lit there's only a matter of time yeah just outbreaks itself ed Sam to heart pounces on the move maneuver strains way clogging couldn't quite get around the outside a little bit of contact with Bala was a shame that he then got jumped by Andrew Howard but it's good to see him now off in the road running up high one for the pit lane as well though he faked was the will mock our forests stopped going to harbor leading from Marion by one second but Andy were not done yet no in that number three games did we just we saw a race wise trade me but if it's really fun for as well looking backwards now have excuse me I'll be Optima motorsport Aston Martin then through Cascades we're running wild us to open the door I sleep I've brought in large venue aid for the 96 car running down the lakeside straight on Wilkinson flashing the lights now it's okay if Davidson's Aston Martin is the go-to our fruit Island Bend some DeHaan is starting to check out now he pulled the second overage Neary at the star clock there's the bumper on the other BMW it's not been a good lap first century boats bought one car in for a petal to the other one big damage to the rear some two hands got on the dependably protect your boat sporting footage would have Brooke Smith as they go through the Britton chicane David kids aren't that good but could really do with falling all the way off cooking there yes few years ago Gordon Shedden taped himself a piece of trackside furniture and ripped off the bumper so I'm not sure faint green will be on the radio to tell his teammate to try and do the same take as much curve as he can table to rip the rear bumper off because the danger is you get a meatball flag and you brought in and you sacrifice a brave stuff because that's going to be dangerous the scrutineers may feel John Brooks the serious scrutiny and he may want that in the pits to be eliminated from the car otherwise it could end up going into somebody else's face now bring Parfitt off the road we know not wine set Morris might have the answer he's with an DJ yeah let's find out shall we said can you just talk us through what happened as you saw it to Rick I don't know we're very lucky not to lost her laugh I just know we couldn't get it restarted real shame is there enough time to salvage anything from the race do you think and what yeah I think we'll just pick up whatever points you got for last place in GT threesome honestly we've only got 10 minutes left of the race so it was an endurance race it wouldn't be over but you know fortunately he's made that mistake he said the car got away from him so you know these things happen and you know we're in crime races sometimes they make mistakes so you know we'll take anything we doing great all weekend so appreciated sorry Peter blocky off the road down at Cascades in Lobby way way wide over the grass tumbles down the order so Richard Neary it was under attack hands on to second place and others of course of just gained ground it's all going on isn't it still eight minutes to go in this one as well the bumper is still grimly hanging on to the back of the number three Dominic Paul driven century motorsport BMW got a few war cars having to serve and stop their penalties as well as Sam smelt in the 23 fortress tank has just been in this meanwhile is the 72 asked in part images ducking and diving trying to find a way past Andrew Howard had imbalance our former Lotus racer at the wheel of the ball more votes more Lamborghini and Alan bit wider the apex at Nick a girl who picked the throttle well enough on the exit of the corner Ian Loki's off was in an attempt to get past Richard near he wasn't it but the outside line at Cascades offering very little creek you're all right this air for now becomes the fight for third place but they both what we've seen so far Ott's out the pace to close back in on Richard Neary I would suspect indeed who is losing touch there now with sound too hard so there is Neary in second place so near and yet so far a third base you can have got the an hour versus battle versus Paul battle and still the bodywork trails as they come out of watch corner up dere-lique so Sam to her lead with seven minutes on the top Richard nearly second did the Lamborghini Andrew Howard into the top now in the beach team Aston fourth is Adam balanced Lamborghini fifth is Dominic Paul what's going on in GT four incidentally is that it is still Nick Jones ahead of Steve McCauley which Scott Maxwell next up of the three of are almost together there is not a 43 the lapped BMW which is now back in the hands of Andrew Gordon Colebrook and where are we for the GT for lead battle well as I say there are three of them has one pretty much there with traffic also trying to negotiate backwards lower down the order six minutes changer on the clock but the leading GT for car number 66 Mercedes Nick Jones have you taken over from Scott Baldwin that little dangle you see are effectively bat markers not there is the class leader over the line goes 66 and now look behind the Mustang is up in a second place you're going to go around the outside of traffic Lee yeah bastard there is a bat marker so ignore that from the battle but where is the Mustang he can't find a way through and there are no blue flags being way to the bat marker Ivor so and he stopped for the moment there Scott Maxwell banister party needs to get out of the way either by a blue flag from abortional of which there are no blue flags being shown at the moment or by the team being on the radio but this is not helping Scott Maxwell go off the class leader here he is still stuck behind a car but is on a different lap and should not be defending yes but of course it's in the same class and for the marshals they know necessarily if they able to keep track fully of the complicated situation we've got here in GT Falls they see two GT four cars going roughly the same sort of speed and maybe unless their top rule that they will just assume that they are fighting for position first yeah this is not ideal is it three bridges they go there is the number 15 poor Mustang that is max well then we were talking about struggling to try and find his way through this sheets for traffic as they head down the hill towards his loss once again the gt4 beach Dean Aston Martin he's not that far behind either frustrating still here and that was a spinning car fleet it was it not yes the Mercedes has gone off the road and so that helps got Maxwell because he now leads and Nick Jones has thrown it away coming out on the second part of his lot so traffic going off the Mustang that will take over the class feed and Nick Jones lit up the rears Luke the back of it he's gone across the grass and so suddenly things change in GT fault still Scott Maxwell can't get past his father uncooperative Aston Martin has got I think it's ash hand at the wheel of it now be the second stint that was they come down down towards launch corner he does lead the class let's all he has to do is just sit there now I just need to worry too much about the fat marker but David this is big frustration when you can't get past a slower car but you trying to laugh specially when it starts defend as well it's through known for of ashes I think he doesn't know technically who is fighting with s'more down to the team survey German yeah just courtesy really I think the 97 cars a long way off anywhere in any position so yeah if the team can get through to him then that would be good they going to my advice the third man sort word didn't it half the bumpers come off at least of the gt3 sex remotes for BMW and it is sort in the face rather of the TF sport asked multiplied was that worth 10 grand I didn't think the exact currency you play Stryver well GG 3 3 mod corner that GT bottom on race now to the top three spots rather tasty dare we ever take my eyes off the TT 3 scrap which is still raging on as we thought might be to the case the got 3 seconds early shrink were there is your GZ form either there is second in GT form there is 30 cheats for helping Fletcher in his first weekend racing for the year beach team spot of course is right there and finally the 67 aasta.martin just move out of the way got message at the end and there are these three until the part about marker or freed race for the podium positions so finally the Aston gets out of the way and so the top caning ash hand quarry was that was eventually overtaken so that goes to one side of the road the leaders go by Scott Maxwell then heading the class but say he's now gone chasing on behind in the valve McLaren this is Graham Johnson at the wheel and there behind him Calvin Fletcher having the race of his life isn't he Calvin who we've see briefly terekhov always been a very very happy pad for honey's race debut dog park many years ago and again maxwell finds traffic in the way this time number 60 Wow been hers who equally does not understand that he is being laughed and isn't the defending more flashing of the light that all the teams have an instant messaging service they can talk to each other they can talk to race control I'm surprised they're not using it more to say come on look you're a lap down get out of the way because that has departed he's doing everything he should not be doing to compromise the race leader in the class that there is risk being taken here if I Scott Maxwell but David he doesn't need to be taking you shouldn't have to be taken yeah I can't start to begin to imagine his frustration moving especially now that the bow Motorsports McLaren right on his tail again the Academy team now needs to get on the radio to their driver to tell it to get out of the way so that car admittedly timing its own race it is a to the silver car within GT for be better striven Aston Martin but it doesn't have to be defending the fact that the reliance being flash doesn't always give you the clue because the core drivers will try back to distract you and make you make a mistake and give up a place that you legitimately swapping for but right now Scott Maxwell needs to get past Ben Hurst is on the inside line but somebody's happy getting out of the way is he and Scott Maxwell tries to go around the outside and look brand Johnson buys into this we've only got 90 seconds of the race to go and because of bat markers gt4 has now got a three-way battle for leadership yet a Danica Brook they go and in fairness here to the back marking cars unless they're total they were necessarily knows exactly what position the cars behind them are in so really only song teams here it's been passing the message across clearly something that isn't happening what nearly happened there was a challenge for the lead though for the number 20 car of Bram Johnson had a peek to the inside of Drew's that cost him speed a mix of the call of oh and here comes Calvin Fletcher he will potentially attack the second place down interlock there's no way through meanwhile he's got Maxwell's force high-wire looked so handsome through logic or let's hope that didn't end in tears he's premised the door open now still can't get through as he's back knocking Aston Martin not only refuses to get out of the way but continues to drive defensive lines finally he's at the inside and we'll get that car between himself and his nearest rival for that David took a lot longer militia of them absolutely sure when Pennhurst watches this back he realizes what was going on we go in first and we'll feel a bit guilty understandably but again the problem is there's no communication coming to the marshals to tell them who to show blue flags to so the bat markers are slightly bewildered especially with all the jumbles of safety Carson however upfront no arguing about it Sam too hard he's on his last lap now he's just gone through an exam he's Oh Richard near he's in second place and then thirties everybody else in gt3 because you got Andrew hound a head of animal on the head of Dominic Paul and a change imminent possibly there because of the inside looked Ron Ratcliffe to get ahead of Brown Davidson that even work diver but we've had some great racing and Sam to harm now David he's in the bomb seat on this last lap because he's got a gap of four seconds yeah he took the opportunity for sprinted into a small error and took the opportunity had the pace and yes is so difficult to pass out here you've just been able to rot away in the front back to you I think the futures Condor a lot of pressure from other drivers and he's actually done really really well to sustain that pressure and sustain p2 so that he's at EF sports Aston Martin we all heard a squeal of tars from somewhere that's kind of Fletcher who has got off the road as well as a separate ISA that because feet TF car you can see has gone off at either fed now he's that great Davidson in number 47 must be a thing yeah because we've lost number two anyway a long long time ago so let's have a quick look there you've got rubber actually yeah no bastard so on this last lap that's great Davidson who's got a load way off which makes me think it might have been a failure rather than an error however we'll worry about that in the moment because the race leaders are heading up towards the timing line the checkered flag will be made ready and it's Sam to Harper's going to come through fro first ever British GT championship wins so he's developed a loss in 12 months of racing Sam de harm that comes now through druids he will go down towards mulch corner being chased by Richard Neary in second place who in turn has fended off the Challenger bound for haneda though the cars got off at druids in the background somebody else had just got straight on the card in turn and there it is run Rapids Bentley that has gone off to your carcass on another visible day but Sam to Harlan Johnny concur with round two and the British GT Championship at Oulton Park second is Richard nearing a doctor's to do now Andrew Howard takes third along with marker Sorenson for Vanna Balon and Phil keen fifth is Dominic Paul and Bev green sixth on the Wilkinson and Brad Alice seventh in the end after each Grassi moment here in log E and Kalla McLeod but after that it's going to be Adrian Wilmots isn't it who will take the live place that he has earned with the efforts of Jack Mitchell now in about gt4 because we've still got cars pouring their way down towards the checkered flag number 15 Scott Maxwell still has the advantage there are still other battles to be resolved but in this race an excellent job done by the multimatic Mustang squad and it looks as though Scott Maxwell he's going to come through with set prio to score a class win and 300 the white because the GT for cars are yet to finish they should be with us fairly shortly there we go look at that a mammoth lead apps got Maxwell as everyone else is sort of fallen by the wayside Davidson over the car Johnny conquers first win since Ruxton 2007 is but a long time between wins but he's back on to the top steps so a go a new team to British GT or returning team if fair there's not somatic we have seen the team before from a lot long time ago and it's gonna be a win for the new Mustang then as I'm told the line comes Scott Maxwell Sepp Rio to score victory egt for yes like I said and breathe but I golf a lot going on in that race where to start in the inquest what's up yeah at the end of the day didn't really come into too much consideration in terms of the GT for alternate result we don't quite know what happened to the Scott Marvin Nick Jones car why he looked it you don't know when he was trying to Nick pass time on and then you just caught him out so yeah yeah another action-packed race from more always provides an action-packed raise over to par put your crash helmet back on fatigue work or for the sake of argument Scott Maxwell you're trying to get through the traffic now is the owners he's flippin to say the Marshall shouldn't follow the race ball because they're busy enough they don't need to be doing a lap shot is it the race director that needs to be saying Brian this car needs a blue flag or is it down to the teams to be telling their driver just get out of the way you're not racing that car whoo-hoo-hoo ought to be addressing that situation the most I think initially it should be yet the race directors it could even be the the drivers themselves ray during their teams because they are they're not in direct contact with race control but the teams are so should be driver that team team to race control race control to marshals or to the team that's in the way as well so ultimately the center of all that comes from a race control realistically do so well he's Sam to harm who will pop out at the car first time winner eight British GT and somewhere under all of that advice and the helmet the balaclava and the earplugs it's a very happy sound behind yet another win for bar well motorsport Martin levers team and with a great move and delighted team so in your own eye exam gloves are off helmets about to come off and I walked one for in the end for bar well so that bikini Mercedes Aston Martin Lamborghini BMW Aston Martin let's hear from our race winner Sam to hard with a DJ so huge congratulations you look absolutely made up yeah delights it without I couldn't have got any better I think we got really lucky with the pitstop I mean with the crash I don't there's a safety car that wasn't a safety car in the end was there but got really lucky on the start and then it was just clean on it from there had to work pretty hard to get past Richard in the Merc but really really happy with it what does it mean to you it's great it's great I mean last season was good but it's nice to have our first here you go here we go boys make a joke just have a quick word are you are you was thrilled to see teammate yeah fantastic I mean you know we've we had a pretty tough year last year to be honest everything seems to be against us you know whenever we had a little break but we've done a lot of hard work over the winter and this is a really solid result obviously for the team and for me and Sam today the first win but yeah brilliant brilliant now let's see who else sure we can grab shall we right look here comes the gt4 winner I'll just give him a moment to get his lid off [Music] [Music] well done scope fantastic Scott congratulations tell me how it feels I feels great I mean especially after this morning well if I think step and I will admit we sort of let the team down a bit and had a bad result of smarting and you know we have Bo people last night pretty heavily so it's a bit of a revenge it's a great series great track we're having a blast I can't wait for the rest of the season but it went well thanks so it's funny if you look at the story of the race you started on pole and you ended up with a victory but it was it was no simple matter was it well the caution really the pace got really messed us up a little cuz I think we look pretty good except had build up for a five-second lead that looked great and then also yeah I'm back in p5 or whatever and they told me that it's hard to pass here so and I don't know this track so well so I don't really know the good opportunities but they made me work for it a couple of spins in front of me helped some pressure and the end it all worked out great great result for forward multimatic well done congratulations brilliant so well done to Scott Maxwell new to awesome Park and coming out on top and of another very lively of racing so it's not the first Canadian winner Chris Neil false of course used to win races at British GT but Scott Maxwell adding his name to that list of winners but served harm and Johnny Cocker came out on top with Richard Neary and Adam Christa du Loup in second place Andrew how DiMarco Sorenson take third with Adam Bala and Phil keen for don't recall and Ben green fifth in the BMW the best of the bm's ahead a body Wilkinson of Brad Ellis tenían logging and Callen McLeod ruin what might have been but for that moment on the grass at Cascades Michael I go and out of Wilcox in the GTC Cup class comes back Porsche eighth Adrian Wilmot and Jeff Mitchell ninth and then Scott Maxwell and said prio rounding out the top ten from Graeme Johnson and Michael O'Brien that's the top two within GT for Rick Parfitt did get going of course after whatever he's moment was down at that britain's whether he pushed or fell we don't yet know but either way the team was 12 him and set Morris ahead of the Jaguar the Invictus games racing car of Steve McCauley and Matt George then the team Parker Mercedes so another frustrating Davis view of Parker's guys because they were looking for a good result leading GT for their Nick Jones looped it costing him got more than the class win but they were head of ground Davidson and Johnny Adam who are 15th on distance rather than having taken the checkered flag the rest of the order you can see we're the real jumble and inevitably some hard luck stories as well lots of penalties flying in that for either start infringement saw for speeding in the pit lane or being too short on the pit stops and was a bit of damage for the teams to sort out as well before the next round of the championship but a great drive by Sam Bihar and Johnny Kaka and Scott Maxwell making a very impressive debut at Oulton Park and gt4 think we proved is going to be in for another excellent season very very competitive it's going to be all year so the drivers are going to make their way to the podiums very shortly David Watts if we look back on the two races today have we learned can we yet think about a pattern and the rest of the season at me yes we've seen certain quick cars and we've worked out that we're going to have some very fierce racing but what have you learned yeah I think big thing stands out is how well do the highlights first thing you can have a bit more fault on what so it can happen the rest of the year it was this good start by Phil Keane but put the Lamborghini into the race lead second spot going in towards oval corner a de cristo duly taught the carb dart on the brakes as he left it at the very last moment before he committed but it wasn't long before the battles started to get a bit fractures around the circuit with elbows out and the safety car called for early that's when we got back on the way the battle having been interrupted because a Michael brought Hurst in the gravel was renewed MacLaren's at playing GT for those cars I think we worked out they're going to be quick all season almost came to grief there because we lost across the grass the number four Tolman McLaren early on as Josh Smith ran out of Road everybody else wubble Don but Phil Keane was seeing his level best to build up the lead but you would have to serve seven extra seconds of success time in the pit stops we lost will more spectacularly going off the road down towards Cascades and what could be a huge impact ended up with relatively a cushioned blow against the tars pit stop cycle through in gt3 Phil keen giving way to Adam power coming out ahead of some but losing track position against the likes of to harm are nearing we lost mark farmer completely this spear he got going again but then went across the road had got beached on the other side of the circuit so out came this Garf for the second time and on the restart it was Richard Neary trying to keep Sam too hard at bay but for how long could he do it we also had seven more is going off and lots of people having to move that car out of harm's way before he was able to rejoin he did on the lead lap salvaged some points Richard nearly made a small mistake going down towards his lops got back on the road and log he was delayed yet again but through into the lead have gone Sam to harm and impound had tried to get forbidden Andrew held that came off best that was how Nick Jones lost his class lead he ran out of brake seemingly at the end of the straight across the grass and then got sideways that was enough to put Scott Maxwell into the class lead others ended up hitting bodywork in the middle of the road we lost Graham Davidson with a huge lose and a very big impact indeed into the table area going through another ban and I just wonder whether Ron Ratcliffe running over that bit of debris was the result of this because that was a punctured tire that put him off took couple of laps later so into a lead he was never to lose a golf Samba ha with Johnny Cocker winning race two of the weekend here second play sequence Adam Christa do a Richard nearing at the end of a great second British GT championship race of the weekend [Music] so a great result for bar well and the podium is ready for the first podium ceremony at the end of race two very happy drivers Andrew how DiMarco Sorenson are called forward first of all finishing third in gt3 still seems slightly odd at times I need to have the likes of Marco or Mickey team in the championship has factory aasta.martin drivers not that I'm decrying the level the championships out but just because they're a bit random to be a little pal well yes d but we are spoilt are we really these days with the the top drive lineup we have but very quick and the drivers as well and we're seeing their expense nations whatsoever the years improving improved isn't it but I'm really made up for Johnny Cochran has Sam deham they came so close didn't they last year towards the end of the season without second-place finish at Brands Hatch where Johnny was overtaken by the other Johnny Johnny Adam for the victory with what five minutes or less to go they really thought they defended brilliantly throughout the whole second half of that to our race and within a few minutes of taking their first victory together it's not Johnny caucus first victory of course with is Sam's first time on the top the British GT podium and what a race to do it in because that was one of the most entertaining races we've had for quite some time David Pitts I've made the point that the racing here at Oulton Park often is fairly intense today certainly lived up to that reputation didn't it absolutely and Sam DeHaan I think I might have been a bit generous to by calling him anteater teenager he's early 20s now time marches on but he's driven like approached any second year of racing and an excellent job done Jonathan wells from Pirelli was the man who saw handing over the trophies Pirelli hugely enthusiastic supporters of GT racing not just in Britain but internationally these days and Jonathan wells from Pirelli will be back in a few moments with the trophies before the GT four teams but right now celebrations on the podium and Johnny Cocker who's been walked 12 years between wins in British GT celebrates with Sam dahab Andrew Howard ice-cream magnate form a mini racer Donald champion and an excellent result for him Andrew went off for a few years to race in Europe and has come back to British GT and going very very strongly indeed but good to see Adam Christodoulou going well and those Lamborghinis David has certainly proved to be very rapid all weekend that they not yes Lamborghini chassis and v10 engine combination seems to work really well around here the tight twisty nature yes suiting that car so yep good to get good for those guys to get a solid point haul for their championship challenge as with the ebbs and flows of the calendar and the cars characteristics etc they need to take all the points they can whilst they can indeed so so the drivers make their way from the podium returned to GT for Johnny Cocker they're being interviewed as he makes all smiling return to a British GT podium GT for though again giving some tremendous action every season we touch on the fact that maybe were almost at the point where the GT four cars were to get their own race and we're not far off I don't think because they are not only more numerous year on year that also ultra competitive yeah on yeah so Steve McCauley and George go to the podium I believe David that's the first podium is it not for this games I don't think they made podium last year so not an overall one now I think they were off the podium early weren't they in pro-am practicode you're absolutely right but there are the winners in GT for said Prix oh and Scott Maxwell then that antique Rio is here and Seb's mom-jo and they will be delighted to see Sam after a tough season the former for last year on the podium and Scott Maxwell making a good debut in British GT first time he's rated all Park but behind that lack of experience of the circuit Jonathan wells hands over the trophies he also grabbed Johnson a Michael O'Brien second in the BAL McLaren you drive a combination there as well aren't Robinson not with Graham Johnson for the first time in living memory but so they've worked well together and very happy said pre-open that Ford Mustang I think is certainly service intent this weekend yeah it's good to see them on top step of the podium isn't it after race one sort of got away from them rather but I'm sure the discussions will now continue behind the scenes as to whether or not they need taking back further but I think what we could see there it seemed fair enough didn't and they've benefited hugely from the safety car situation and setting a good stint at the start of the race as well and it rather makes up for the scruffy end to the race that they had earlier on but yes Ford Mustang top step of the podium on its debut in the championship table you weekend at least and a circuit that I personally didn't necessarily expect it to excel at either so you know you see these sort of big heavy front engines American muscle car type things they tend to go better and place like Thomas whistles though new tightened technical Alton Park so it does indeed but we've now got the pro-am podium where Nick Jones and Scott Melvin step forward for team Parker racing with the Mercedes AMG GT for for third place with in Steve McCauley George will be back as the runners-up in program so they've had a third overall the second him pro-am an excellent weekend and Steve McCauley who came in to came from racing that was very very badly injured in Afghanistan major Steve McCarthy to give him his full title and there the program winners Michael O'Brien and Craig Johnson and David this pro-am initiative it's a great idea isn't it it encourages the Amma's in they can benefit from the tutelage of the pros like you move their own racing off yes they've got it I mean you look at race one where the silver is qualified for race one and I think it was a all silver crude lineup but then this changes the qualifying format it's now a full Pro apart from the overall winners of suppose there's a now a mixture of the pros and ands and silvers on the on the on the podium so yeah it really mix it up so the balance of the weights and success penalties etc they've really got it down to a fine teeth and a great mix of cars as well representing across the podium there with McLaren with Jaguar and Mercedes and that variety on the grid but in both classes is another huge selling point of the championship now exactly ten brands represented across the three classes that we have now six of those in gt3 seven and GT four and last we do have lots of aston martins and MacLaren's we still have so much variety out there and different circuits will suit different cars different parts of different circuits will see different cars well which is what produces this really fascinating racing that we see frequently for the championship in both classes but it's all about having the car that works as well as it can everywhere in there the cars for ten five championships the end of the year and that's what these teams are so good at doing taking a car that maybe goes to a circuit which maybe not to suit it you could argue the automatic you've done that this weekend and dragging your results a bit then when they get two circuits that do see those cars they can really start so you have to stretch their legs but yeah great variety across all three classes and absolutely right we're here for a great season that is for sure and what is so pleasing is to see not only the size of the grid about the variety of car and also the quality of racing we look forward to your company next time at Snetterton for the next rounds of the British GT champion for 2019 from Alton Park from Andy McEwen David pitted and David Addison is goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 56,138
Rating: 4.9264555 out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack
Id: uWNaiZx1dkA
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Length: 96min 3sec (5763 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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