Dan & Mick's Guitars Get A Refret – That Pedal Show

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[Music] hello Kymco Qatar's hey Johnny it's Daniel and Daniel Stein Hut from that pedal show yeah we do talk a lot hey I need to get my red Telecaster brief read it again RiRi Fred it again uh-huh Mick has a blue strat and he needs that reef read it as well uh-huh uh-huh I want to film the whole thing sorry my toe cut off there yes sir we want to film the entire process it'll be fascinating Oh go for Monday go for Monday fantastic cheers mate see you then bye okay so we have arrived at Ronnie Kincaid's versus Johnny Dan's Dan had his telly recruited by Johnny last time so I brought the strat I know I've got a nut problem so hopefully John can fix that and then he's gonna tell me whether it's worth refreshing this or not you see this piece of missing rosewood here which is when I put the nut in so I'm gonna get a professional to do it properly axel yeah slice it down roast the middle all right all right really and then cave it in on itself but that way you don't you destroy the nut yeah but you don't destroy the guitar whereas with shavings rose wood shavings yes oh my goodness there you go you can put those in your in your pocket and start your fire bonfire night coming up here all right nothing precious about this guitar if you if you press the string down either side you know and and and stick that that's 0.8 of a millimeter feel occasion Hank yeah so it's that's going clearing underneath it by miles which means there's quite a bit of fret left so that would mean maybe just a fret job rather you might just need a fret dress but it's one of those things some people like a really brand new high Fred yeah and you know it's I was find it very difficult to recommend what the guitar player should do you know yeah well let's go for it then 61 degrees I think G 105 some of that and a bone nuts burned up please here and and fix this Spanky bit up here well that would be nice sir I think I did try and fix it as you can see it's managed to fall out so I'm gonna struggle this because I've I've seen Johnny fix these things before and it is amazing so let me just get a nice little bit here is this bit bruised with missing right Daisy yes it's not massive but it's and I bet that's a little crack in it here over there is no yeah yeah it is so that's me you see that well have heard the hacksaw yeah and I'll be careful Gibson will paint at that and put it when t20 guitars his one Johnny did earlier so Johnny's already done this guitar and I had I had this idea that if we put the biggest frets known to mankind in this guitar that it would somehow be this magical alexia for everything that I've ever wanted in a guitar what I noticed was it became so bright that I've really had to camper so many other elements just from having bigger frets put in amazing because the old ones were so well yeah yeah yeah the other ones like they were absolutely that shot but I me I'm thinking 6105 as well okay is that's what was on here before right which were magic and really suit this guitar what I found most interesting was how just having the Fred stone can completely alter the sound because half well it I mean ice this is why I kind of tell people to think about it a lot before refreshing guitars yeah and hang on until usually it's really nearly nearly really nearly necessary you know all the vintage stuff is like well it's still working isn't it you know it sounds a bit sloppy but it's still very nice he's gonna change it yeah just as an aside I'm getting used to frank gambali side away thank anyone anyone who's getting annoyed at my camera workers cuz I'm getting used to Frank Kimberley for years I've been coming here and lasting over this guitar [Music] it's absolutely anyway I'm watering one give it in I'm gonna order one have you discussed this with your wife that's the question - guitar maker should never ask how long does it take to build a guitar this it you will wait just over two years okay I'm afraid so we shall follow its program cool so back to the telly we've said 65 yeah and you never know I might be able to recycle that nut because 6105 so exactly the same height as that and there's not you know this would be really interesting because it's just so it's just a narrower yes yeah the young frets in it that's that's the that's the 6105 huh and that's the 6100 and they're both the same height but there's a much bigger than that amazing this is 2.3 wide and this is 2.8 wide first thing i do when i when i'm gonna do a refresh is i have a quick check over as to what we've got so what i'm wanna find out is or make a note of so that when i put the guitar back together again that it's as the player might want it to be so i'm looking i want to know what the action is the 12th fret here and here i want to observe what the relief is like in the neck to see what's going on what's going on at the nut here and they mix got buzzing issues on the nut which is no i know it's too low and worn out but what I want to especially observe is is he like the string spacing at the nut which is really kind of a bit personal and also very important so I kind of want to know what the gap is only on the edge between the six and the edge of the fret and the first and the edge of the fret and the other thing I'm looking at is the spacing of the strings near the edge of the fretboard which on all fenders based on the original design is there's not an awful dynne he won't be run out of room here so then you see we've got about two mil here maybe two and a half mil on the treble side which that spacing can be cured a little bit by buying a bridge that's got not a this is a maybe fifty five and a half mil spacing that they know you can buy them at fifty four you can buy them at 57th so you can change that a little bit but also I might be wanting to in order to give me as much width of fret I can change the amount of beveling off the fret gets if I babble the fret off less I could get actually more playing surface ah because the fret the fret that beveled end doesn't need to be 45 degrees it might need to be 45 degrees down here for comfort but I tend to sort of as the string as the perfect as E as we go up the neck I will change the bevel for maybe 45 gradually going more vertical so I've also I played it the front these frets are you know pretty worn and they're very flat topped they're very very uncomfortable a very sharp that first thing notice when you play this guitar is you go ouch yeah bring it up and down there like a razor edges and it's choking this side flat at the other side flowers you know that's they first it should be a rounded hill in cross-section as it gets worn it goes flatter and flatter and it's choking off in one of the two positions which are you know called sort out there's the odd little chip on the edge of the board which I saw type film when it gets put back together again and the other thing I notice is volume nope goes round and round round and round so I'm sure we can sort that it's the next infinite volume knob yes it goes on forever so I've worked all I know I know how it's gonna go back together mm-hmm which is quite important so then it's a matter of dismantling the guitar so you always hit the neck off when you're doing I always take yes on a non offender take the neck off but Gibson you don't have that or all that neck designs you don't have that choice at all so but if you can get get this part out of the way it's less likely to get damaged it's easier to deal with a neck on its own that's quite nicely stuck on if you call the bolt on neck it's nice it would screw into a piece of maple here's the truss rod adjuster on the end of this this is the the you know the original fender design of where the truss rod is it's difficult to get out and it's got as you would expect with the string tension on it had a slight bit of relief in it to take the strings off and now the neck has got a slight reverse bow in it strings are pulling it just a little bit forward so let's see whether there's any tension on the rod or not so if you undo that and it's quite tight so it must be quite a lot of tension on that so that's rod feels like it's tightened up to more or less max so that's it completely slack and then if we look at the the neck you can it has got now a forward bow in it which the truss reel cranks up and makes it straight or as it was really really tight it'll Bend and if you look at this end here now you can see these little chips perhaps better that due to the heavy-handed well yes and we'll show you how you take it nuts off without damaging why do you remove the string tree I'll show you in a minute that's where I want to clamp it I see the how flat the tops of those fat soft yeah yeah yeah this is a huge dimples in these I'm doing is just clamping it only on 520 I think you've made 520 guitars so how long have you've been building guitars for okay so I've never seen this next step being dry okay well this is so this is the necks held you might see me plugging in the soldering iron I got some solder here I've got a bit of tissue and I've got some blades and I've got some little snipping things here there are different ways of doing this but most frets these days have been put in with a bit of glue to hold them right a piece of fret wire I don't really you can see this that's the top of it right and this is the T section of it okay so the fret looks like this in cross-section and it's got some little nibs on the on the time okay yeah it's actually it's not quite as crisp but like that is rounded off the edges just rounded off here no I can't hand it off here because it's extruded the these little tangs that are sticking down the T section aid it's wedge ability if that's a word so there's a slot and this gets rammed into a slot right and it's the degree of tightness in that slot that makes it staying okay you know if that slots too narrow you won't get the thing in at all sure if it's too wide it'll fall straight out again so it's a there's a narrow window that would likely make it fit nicely okay and have you stopped pulling up all the wood right well that's what I that's what these little devices are for so naturally as it gets pulled out these tangs are going to want chip and timber here and here yep so what I'm going to do is let's start off just to get a little bit of Queens any crap off and am I about to say well it's like that yes yes that is fine this isn't the BBC no no and then that just freshens up the surface and allows me to UM the solder to take nicely I always assumed this blue in here and you can see the sort of oil company the surface so this is I'm going to push that over here blew up the oil off and then I gonna get these little nippers which just will catch underneath and let me lift up that fret end and I slide that in and that will stop the chips ah a bit yes as you nip that pushes backyard wood so you're trying to stop the stop the chips as much as possible because the chips create more worth of course and eventually come out wow this has been reflected before this guitar has how do you know well that's what Mick's said okay so he's had it done once before so I've got halfway up the the fretboard and I just want to stabilize these little my new chippy bits and a few little hairline fractures and the way I like to apply this it's just with the blade I can get it where I want it it's the runny superglue which runs up cracks like nothing else how many emails have you done in your lifetime I've done two about fortnight ago I was quite successful but it was only a very very short sentence and I was able to type that out but I did need someone standing beside her to tell me which buttons to press do you still enjoy it yeah I do I don't know what I do I'm sorry units because I can like guitar so much you can use them as a prize do you have do you have competitions no with that but I think we should give myself frets yeah that's great there's a prize right next thing I'm gonna do is take out this well the nut okay it's time for the nut this is how you get a nut out without hurting the guitar so you want to go down to the bottom of the nut but not obviously throw it through it and into and then so you got a sliced it right down the middle and then we just need to cave it in so then tapping the nut very gently forwards and then from the other side caved it in and that it comes oh wow see you see this residue here there's about you know millimeters worth of glue there which is not what you want you really want that to be a nice where's the night I mean the bottom of that slot will be is curved okay right on this this version of the design the bottom of that camber is the same camera as the finger ball sometimes some of their versions of the fenders it's a flat bottom to the slot what but most of the American ones it's a curved bottom and so I'll have to make a curved bottom piece of bone eventually to fit right sacking that but I cleaned all that crap out at the bottom of that swap straightedge and without the frets in you can see how much of a young people around there you can see how much of a dish we've got in that neck and it's there's a bit of a raised so yeah that up how's that disappeared not quite but the time that might be almost straight right so run this face sophisticated piece of equipment is a lump of mahogany which is flat and I've got some various bits of sanding paper and I'll use an old one here to get rid of all this clogged up glue on the board and the other thing that I want to know is what camera is this so these are there like camber gauges right they've all got little numbers on there basically that relief refer relates to the camber on the board so the larger the radius the flatter the ball yeah yeah so that when you go here 20 20 inch radius it's a flat B flat board and it tends to be who stick guitars usually have flatter boards and electric guitars okay the fender vintage thing is a seven and a quarter that's what that is yeah so all I want to do is clean it up I'm not really taking any wood off of a fender neck because it's this dimension here is different to that dimension right I generally fold here you know there's always this bits always always in the way look at that so it's getting I'm just taking a little bit off each end doesn't make it slightly straight as Mick's got his truss rod you know it was fully tensioned up right if I take that rod off and I'm still you know he still got a fair old Bend in that neck so I'm gonna take a bit more off so that he's gonna have more use of a truss rod this is makes missing tooth here kind of thing and we've got some nice bit of rosewood dust here new anyway you're gonna fill up anything like that unless you're gonna spend hours making a little bit of rosewood as to use a bit of same color dust as we've but it's in such a small little hole put a bit of glue in and let me stigma up on top of it can you see that smoke yeah that's the heat on the glue from the from the stuff going off yeah wow it's so it's an exothermic reaction him they call it let's get a pile of it check it out that's awesome so it's really gonna sting like that I'm a little dimple on the edge of the board earlier Wow that's the same colored Rose with dust as he's got out of his board and when I got a bit of lacquer on me after that we won't see it we're gonna clean all this bit of lacquer up here these chips are on the front mess yeah I'll do all that for you cuz I cleaned up the edges well yeah so we can get those tanks oh look at that yes so your to see the tang I'll have to touch up the lack of it you know so be it I don't mind right this fret wire here yes it's a Dunlop 6 105 nose its dimensions we've got this camber and we've got this straight fret what I really want is a curved fret cuz it to match encounter to match the camber or actually to be slightly tighter than the camber so what I wanna do first while no one Maya bending the wire is you get a pair of pliers there's one that's already started Bend on it and you get the pair of pliers and very carefully kind of go Bend Bend Bend this is a gadget is it makes it slightly easier this is a little wheel and two little wheels and a handle that turns the big wheel round oops even getting closer you hear the nice noise awesome hang on oh wow look at that so that piece of wire now decide is that that's about the same candle oh yeah actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give it a little bit more than that that's slightly more candid right yeah now the idea is also if these times going in my thoughts on it are if you can make your fret start off if we take one of these old frets to start show you if I have a fret and I'll do this rather exaggeratedly though if it's this sort of shape all right let me start we start banging down at the ends first hmm and then you push in at the middle at the end mm-hmm those ends are going to be sort of pushed in sideways okay which then means that the Tang hasn't got a direct route out back out so it's a best bayonet fitting in there yeah yeah so it's it's just a question of measuring it over length snipping and I go okay I want it to be at least three or four mil longer so all the frets measured and cut well yeah sort of but no it's kind of like trying to finesse that um but I want to just go over the wall and just do a little bit of extra Bend I just make sure it's then they get put in in the fret holder and the fret holder you're very sophisticated piece of equipment okay this is a this is a little tool to help me press in the frets and it's sold as the jaws I know it's just a yeah what do they call it mold grip wrench and like we call it over here right with some atoms well here we go then so here we go this is the nasty part because gotta get the pressure right so I'm sticking them in with a bit of tight bond and I'm not gonna use teeth attempting you got it because some water here we got some rags I splashed out on some new rags for you down the old ones are all black and crime is looking you're saying I thought you have some clean stuff so before that I want to get some water down these slots okay hold mine the the glue is going to be basically dilute tight bond I thinking the traditionally people would have just used water as a lubricant to help the have you ever seen that clip on one line of the guy cleaning his guitar with the what copying is gonna like a bucket of soapy water it's basically hosing out this electric guitar cleaning it okay just wondering if it's sick no but sometimes sometimes guitars have arrived in here for repair that are so filthy and grimy looking I have gone up the local shop bought some rubber gloves really this is absolutely I'm gonna cash something off it OKC is come orders go on into the slot horses garnish the slice on the top this little this little blades just helped it all go in otherwise it won't going right I'm taking most of it off all right yeah because I don't want that sawdust on the back of there oh now I see the process I really appreciate you using you rags around here thank you soften or a bit that I can just first of all I'm gonna do about the first five of these to see what's going on right mm-hmm and then a little bit of tight bond across maybe four of them and they'll see what's see what's happening this is what I do so I've got this cradle yep the court blind cradle to support the neck and here goes fret number one and we stick him in at the ends and down at the end starts them off all right mm-hmm and then comes my and the fret press so it's nowhere near adjusted where it ought to be so as I squeeze it you're gonna say well the glue squeeze him out just don't know they can see though not yep and I look at it as well and see what's going on and a good idea is to look at it but the magnifying goggles on that make me see things that I can't see that looks like I mean it felt quite nice that I'm getting a feel when you do this to see how to see how its how much pressure I've had to stick in it you know to exert it to pushing it yep and then I'm looking at it and I'm just checking it and checking it okay so it looks okay to move on to the next one and then and each there's a knob here that opens and closes the jaws press as we go up the neck you'll notice me touching that all the time and that's me bacon allowing for the depth of the no that's increasing all the way along you take a closer look at all of those so what are you looking for I just want I'm looking to see they're not sitting off the board right that's what you're always are they nicely so the other thing that I just insurance because necessary [Music] it's just a clamping system all this is there's a fail-safe mmm nothing because I've used bit of moisture in there obviously water i'll unclamp this tomorrow morning mm-hmm and I'll leave it two days to there any moisture act of the neck before you do anything before I do anything else let it all settle down morning Johnny morning have morning okay okay okay all right so where are we well his his his mix neck so which the pretty much the same condition is more yes it is this is just over overnight but I'm gonna leave it for another day before I do anything to it all I've done this morning is clean that nut slot out okay which I've done with combination of this is a little bit of sandpaper stuck to the end of a slice a bit of Brazilian rosewood yeah and the side that is so we're gonna leave put this one to one side and in kind of true blue Peter fashion yeah this is so you see totally different pieces of timber this is definitely a piece of Indian rosewood isn't it mm-hmm and this could be it looks very like Brazilian but there are quite a few other Timbers that look like Brazilian but this streakiness you know you say it's very similar to to this kind of patterns yeah Wow so it might be from Madagascar you know you'd have to a vast fenders beside what it was you said you think it's Brazilian I'm going with Brazil no which is just gonna get you into trouble I know mine that is the nut besides on this this is because I have Atari Fred from you not long ago and it's the story with that is we had 60 100's in here which look of a base for some other base yes I suppose they were originally designed for bass guitars there perhaps yeah and I had this idea and I'm glad I tried it I'd played some guitars with massive frets and I really liked them but what I found with red because red has such a short say it it's a massive sound but still very articulate that sound of a telly I found the intonation with the really big frets tricky okay so but I've always loved the custom shot fender there's you know when they come at the 6105 so if opted to have those in so saint francis mix the same height you - same height as a city one hundreds so in theory we should be able to get away with that nut okay now you you make the bone nuts from scratch every time yeah yeah I get lumps like this this is this is unbleached bone right and this flight of stuff is bleached bone as well very well they tell us it's cows eye bone oh okay but who knows sometimes the young the bleached bone has been boiled in whatever they boil it interesting and soda I suppose it probably is that it becomes very very soft and I have a theory that the bone used to be better 30 years ago what I'm harder but I've talked to vets about it yeah customers the guitar-playing customers that have trained as vets would that be good would that be you know did bone used to be better on animals in the old days and they they said why - because they feed cattle twice as fast as they ever used to do don't they they fatten them up faster oh they're always such a speedy growing of a cow might well make its bone less dense so I'll Whittle it signed it down until is he good fit in that than that thing and then make a make a bone nut out and it means I can control it all I prefer doing that than buying the pre-shaped ones sure you know I've tried making my own nuts in the past shall we say it's an art form in its own it is it is people forget that actually is one of the most important bits of a guitar because that is the spacing there it's really important how far the strings are off the edge and then the height of each little slot yeah it's the starting point of that whole playing action yeah and so another pair of snippers here and these are just a bigger set of what we used to pull the frets out so what I'm gonna do is whiz at the end up one end and down the other side and snipping the the excess off some off it snips like so and you can see that it's kind of cut it almost but not quite so we gotta file the rest of that off okay so the original sprites I had on there I wore out and then you spread that for me I think there's about 10 years ago then you know and I was doing loads and loads of geese so they an average set of frets will last how long well it's different for different players right cuz I wore at the original set in five years okay I got to go time in 2001 yeah it depends on the strings you use depends on your dependence it depends on your playing so of people who are bending and gripping I mean I think people play guitar like they handshake you know something which is kind of like soft thing and other people's crush your hand right I think that's kind of how what people are doing to the neck right so I've got some customers that I've made guitars for maybe 30 years old now mm-hmm I think it's neat time that guitar got set up there's gonna be loads of fret where on the thing not a bit and they they must just be playing the a was just the right amount of pressure to make it work primase frets on his guitar there are regional frets right he's never had a reef friend if he made it out he was 17 yeah yeah so yeah okay very other people are mincing away and crushing the thing and working at it and all blues benders you know we're 11 News 12 and they're pushing it like mad right I'm not just wears and wears and wears okay no I want to smooth these off right and to start with I'm going to do them they are going to end up with a bevel on them but to begin with they're not gonna be very Devon not to do the whole beveling so I mean it's gonna hold the file I'm trying to I'm pushing them down I'm not I'm not got I've not got the file around this way no filing up yes actually widen push them out okay if you're always kind of going don't keep them keep them seated as you get closer you are starting to touch the lacquer on the edges which that's when you know you're in line yeah that's when you know you're flush put mean really you know you're flush with your fingers judge of whether you're flat or not you know your guitars got you know no like I left on the back of the neck anyway but I'm gonna put a little bit down the edges anyway just to fill up there are little gaps there might be [Music] so I got more or less vertical slightly and I'm going to keep the bevel fairly um vertical here okay as we go down there's going to be more of a bevel okay yep what I'm going to use is a runny superglue as I like it oh cool they're touching up small little bits of things it's very useful it behaves just like a lack of does there are many many uses for it and this thin stuff goes up cracks beautifully so when you got a split in a piece of timber you know what you're building le find a little hairline crack somewhere you can use superglue to just sort it out polish up just like a lacquer don't so these hedges are now much much nicer and smoother and the reason why I've done it first that lacquering rather than the end is it's the best time to do it I suppose in case one of those little bits of runs runs out over it's a little bit to run over here right over the edge that's gonna get scraped off and during the frets dressing process okay all that will disappear next it is dress the frets we've got to level them off to make sure they're all in a dead straight line with each other there's a high spot it's gonna create a buzz we're gonna level it with a straight grinding stone so we've got to make the neck now straight with the truss rod oh yeah you want to grind it with the straightedge as a reference so you make you crank the rod up until it's as straight as you can make it right so yours has just got a tiny bit of truss rod on there to make it straight right you're making this effectively straighter and mixes carborundum stone it's used for sharpening chisels okay it's fine on one side and course on the other side and I have this highly sophisticated piece of tissue paper to stop me getting quite so grimy and you can see over the years this thing is straight that way but you can also see over the years it's dish nice into a shape [Music] and then I'll use the smooth side I think I get a few more fret grinds out of that tissue paper don't you forget lucky enough strand out always deeper scars right so that stuff so now what we've got we've got a load of frets that I got varying degrees of a flat surface on just there now we don't want that because that's gonna be uncomfortable what we want is a nice rounded Hill in cross-section right so what I've got do is file off get rid of those edges there make it into a nice rounded shape again see what Mick's got on his guitar he's got a fret that was like that and it's that sharp edge when you're playing it you go ouch yep so I've got to go up and down and grind them into little rounded shapes three sided file with the edges ground off to not skank the surface of the fingerboard okay so um we're up we've done all those next thing is to bevel round off the ends a bit more so okay I'll start with this file again off the end well at the moment they're all there sharp right okay could we but we got a bevel that we put on from the file yeah and we've shaped it that way but there's a sharp edge the end of that stuff that's the end of the French flat and there's a sharp edge here sharp edges and likewise at the other end of the fret right so that little sharp edge doesn't want to be there as that little sharp edge is horrible so I again getting a little triangular file round it off at that side with that side that's lovely hurts at the end detail of the fret which I you know is you know was as important as the nut is so we last had the fine grade going up and down yeah now I want the fine grade going sideways [Music] always finish off going sideways because that's the way the string gets sort of bent yeah you know so it's smoother for it so then we put that away then now we don't polish them up no there's a pile of wet and dry paper so start off with something like four hundred you want to bring them up and down first and then sideways of course if you were if you haven't had doing a maple like that board serve April that sort of the like that surface would be masked off right the masking tape to protect it and if you if you you're doing on someone who said own Armand to keep your fingerprints and all that surface looking an antique you Pete you to have that mask from a local store and make it with the board right most people when they were repressing they want the thing come about legs clean and fresh and I'm working down the grades start dr. 400 right this is wire wool mm-hmm it's the one that's got four zero zero zero zero zero grade right you shouldn't be breathing this Dustin either so which is partly why I used it a bit of oil on it you know just use your fretboard oil you've got my kind of grip it in the fret right between on the side on the each side of the engine it with me fingernails and the fingerboard needs oiling anyway sure so this does two two jobs at the same time and you mop it off with a bit of tissue as we call this stuff in the UK bog roll what do you call it that left a clue that's Nick's training yeah so look at that I should be looking quite shiny and smooth Wow sighs ah the fingerboard looks amazing so that is beautiful I'm so happy like I've just feels yes fantastic so it's done now well in theory yes you know what we need to do now is to reassemble it with a bit like fingers crossed we wouldn't have any buzzes and things like that you know so right so you might go back to that stage if you know hopefully sullen like me to be excited but because I'm so excited about this [Music] yeah that's a bit tighter oh my okay so as it stands I am absolutely delighted with this but this isn't the end of it is it well I'd like to if you're if you're feeling if you're happy with the feel of that yeah no it's delighted with it I will just I just like to hold on to it for a couple of days shelter just to check that it's it settles in this to the side yeah whose is always what can happen what can happen with this well the neck would sag forward so the yeah you know so it's just to save me the kind of embarrassment of you coming back in two days and saying the actions risen I can I go oh right oh they're gonna take it apart and you know and tweak it if if you were kind of on tour and passing through town yeah been leading this done you just go hey this is watch out for it it's it's you might need to tweak that wrong okay but as you're relatively local um I'm happy to well maybe you are you happy to wait another couple of days well I'm I'm very happy for there to be done properly you know and it's just less likely fuse ik you know for it to settle out of position and they said most of them don't need much doing to them that it's just the ones that you know sods law the one that you'd give back shop without checking and double-checking and triple-checking is the one that's going to you know move that's what a difference more pleasure there's nice to do it neatly though isn't it oh god you know look at that let's say we just have a look at the edges here so this is where that massive Dean was in there that Johnny fixed for me last time but with I cannot feel that anymore whereas everything was a dunk but I you know I'm playing that this is literally as invisible to my hand now which is amazing okay so we let that settle for a few days and I guess Tuesday Wednesday next week Nick and I'll be everyone okay yeah yeah hello g'day mate hello right so it sounds already wow how cool oh there's my guitar isn't that amazing [Music] like that into the acoustic amplifier no it's fine Johnny honestly tell you what's really interesting so I've been going through quite problematic journey of picking up other guitars and playing them all the time because this one's been out of action okay and it's that kind of instant unfamiliarity game searching but this is my guitar and it feels like my guitar which is bizarre cause you know struts are ostensibly all fairly similar oddly interested did you do anything to the end of the fingerboard as who what do you mean by OSC in terms of the surface of it yeah yeah yeah I mean I've taken a little bit off if you will that the rest of the footage you'll find I mean you know grinding a little bit off this end and that end because your truss rod was more or less maxed out yeah so in order to give you a little bit more leverage with it I have straightened the rod a bit straightened the surface of the neck a bit so you can I could perceive that ever so slightly yeah and I'm not in a negative way by the way and then I'll have probably taken just as you know an extra bit of shaving off there to get it out of the way because all yes guitars suffer from you know the end of the fingerboard kicking up in the air yeah in the way so Damian if you're watching the esteem Ian our friend from Curt Mangan strings in the UK he put his strap to show me the other day and he says exactly whenever I've you know if there's enough room in the neck yeah I will or if I was building a neck on all my guitars there's a great big there's a drop-off at the end serious yep often acoustic you put more of a drop off than you wouldn't trick it depends how beefy the neck is but it is just because there's a different dimension here yeah so here yeah so your fold here whereas English see that's what when I in one of the earlier things that we were talking about when we're here with Johnny last time that whole thing about you just can't beat that years and years of years and years of experience of knowing this stuff yeah blimey I can't wait to get it back plug it in and start the other things that are gonna happen to it a few of these were all very very loose I've tightened all those up for you thanks I don't know how long you last screwed those out but obviously you quite a while rattling loose by the size very well you nut you've done that as well oh look at that new again Johnny blimey and you put a bit blubber job I don't work you all right yeah thank you so maybe the truth [Music] it's very nice to break that dinosaur reunion blues gig it is a reach well that's my pick oh you assumed it was mine because now I notice you there stands pic in an I in an unusual twist of development Stannis started using the same lecturer [Music] nephew's this is no way even I can hear that [Music] [Music] hey come on no expensive cords oh man [Music] yeah it's it's exquisite good it's bleep I cannot believe the difference having this big fretting made just timely it's just acoustically yeah it's a mate it is extraordinary yeah it's beautiful beautiful Thank You Johnny [Music] hello hello our man is so different and so much better [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's there are other videos on this other videos of the differences since they've been refreshed and they are significant okay so the guitars are back the more more do very mach half done this deliberately and I've half done it for a more serious reason which is so when did we get this back on Tuesday Tuesday so that's six days ago mm-hmm been very busy in those six days and I had a weekend of doing stuff that was away from home so I had literally the first time I took this guitar out of the gig bag from having it refresh it was about five minutes ago yeah and played it a bit in Johnny's shop and I did actually get it out know how to look at it and you're gonna do a lot more to this guitar but for the moment yeah this different is the frets I just played it and I'm not sure I want to do anything to it it's ace I'm so pleased to have it back yeah the frets feel big if it's Hall mm-hmm they feel what really surprised me when I played it in the shop and I don't know if it'll make it to the Edit for us and just how well it intimates cuz I was really worried about that tuning all over yeah I was so worried about would I be at a play in tune because the frets have increased in size because you know after so many years playing you get used to threaten things in a certain way and it just seems probably tuned it hardly done anything to it and it's just a sigh mean the there's some nice tension there Johnny's put a bit more bow in the neck which when I first started playing I think you know maybe that's a bit too much but actually it's really enabling those strings I was exactly the same really yeah cuz I thought you know especially around the be area I was thinking is that is that too much video but no everything that I've loved about this guitar is back down yeah and you know it's I mean I could hear it that day when you literally first strummed it in the enjoying shop I can hear it I'd worn these down to a nub yep and I thought being friends but the biggest thing for me was the how how much it had changed this guitar tie and like yeah yeah and back to the 6105 them it's the back where it should be and that that's been the biggest stunning thing for me how can having it frets that are the same height but a little bit wider change the tone of the guitar so what should be interesting then because the ones that came out of this guitar were a bit smaller it should be a bit more visceral and a bit more and to be fair that's the thing that I've been having played a few more vintage straps recent you know this is part of the vintage strat journey or sorry part the strap Jenny that on going on having played lots of the oldies and recently the one thing I'm missing about this guitar and a lot of the new guitars I play is they just don't have that visceral edge to them edge and who knows maybe a bit more metal in the fingerboard might might might start to do that I'm going to change the pickups can change the bridge you can do all that as an experiment not gonna change any of this so if I don't like the new stuff you can just all go back as it was playing it today I don't want to change a thing but in there in the interest of experimentation you're gonna do it well there we go cool they have returned and here they shall be invaded many videos from now on and I'm after really badly falling out of love with this guitar I feel a whole new chapter in our relationship I mean I'm I'm really sorry awesome there you go guys choose that see you soon bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 316,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to refret a guitar, refetting a guitar removing frets, removing frets, hammering frets in, adjusting a truss rod, Jonny Kinkade, Kinkade guitars, Kinkead guitars, where to get my guitar refetted, best refret, Fender refret, fret job, best fret job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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