Rabbit LIVE CATCH in (Real Time!) | Snare, Catch, Cook, Clean Snowshoe Hare!

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I could tell from a beard they conditions have really changed it went from about freezing well above freezing to well below freezing we got just a dusting of snow to ideal time to come out and then study what's going on so I've come to a brand new area I checked my all my snares nothing happening so I'm gonna set a couple of traps I'm up here on a ridge and a blowdown and I caught a fresh rabbit track here and because of all the traffic they're getting the dog walkers and all that stuff that's a lot of pressure on them which of course the dog walkers don't realize but they're pressuring them all the time and so the hares have to go off and hide they can't forage all the time so what they're doing is they're going from cover to cover in this open space and they're looking for these blowdown areas so I have got a nice trail underneath a couple logs and then into some other ones over here so I'm gonna set snare down in here and try to trap this particular hare that's doing this run right here I originally cut the track up here and then the hare is coming through here and it actually came right through here I've already added the second branch here but this is from the existing tree so I can actually anchor to that you can see that the hair goes all the way over into that cover so what I'm thinking is right now the hares probably in that blow down there with security let's see not much covered on in here but down in here where that spruce is and all up through here is really really good cover for hair and you can't just set a snare in the middle of the runway here because there's no there's only forcing it to go through here I could try down there but it's a little tight I just like this spot I just like this spot here because it's forcing their hair through a nice area and it feels nice and comfortable so when it's running through from here down and across into here then it can make its way over there if it wants to or it can take a pause okay I'm gonna show you how to put a snare together so we're just gonna cut off for about two feet of wire here just making a loop here and I'm going to twist the end over I'm not sure if you guys ever play any online games but guns glory's pretty neat very addictive game you're gonna do battle against other clans and your fun thing about is you get to do it all around the world precise I like to go a boat of fist size and then off the ground a boat a thumb and a thumb and a hand or so and you can experiment with this to see what works best for you I find that works best for me one really cool feature both the game is you get to develop airships and using cutting-edge scientific technology so you're kind of on the cusp of that that big technological barrier to medieval war so you're gonna go in you're gonna design these warships go in and destroy things you could set traps and you do a lot of collecting a lot of you know modern foraging going around collecting all these different things to strengthen your your army and defeat your enemy so here go here's our snare let's go set these off in the woods all over the place and see if we can get ourselves a meal look snowshoe hare need to pause every so often because they're not long-distance runners they're excellent fast speed runners but they're going from cover to cover basically it's to evade predators but they're not long distance runners so they you know if they're getting pursued by a wolf or something they're eventually gonna get caught up to you unless they can dive and duck into that cover I just want to let the camera run here and show you how I dress up this snare so the rabbit will actually eat these Cedars here so it'll be another way to entice it to come in so I did make one mistake here I didn't step on the path necessarily I stepped over it but those hair not gonna be super comfortable walking through any of those divots there they're gonna want to go through here here's an idea of the finished set I think that looks pretty inviting you can see I've made kind of a natural funnel just to get it directed in there I've added a chin-up bar I don't like to use super thick ones at the bottom and then I make that v-shape and that will direct that hares head right through the snare so I want to give you some perspective here we set the other snare on the other side of this brush pile and then coming through here you can see there's a rabbit rock there and then as you make your way back here there's a really good pinch point actually kind of doctored this area up a little bit I broke a big branch I was kind of in the way and if you look this way you can see that there's a hair track leaving so I suspect it probably just jumped a rabbit out of this spot so this is a nice little tangle area that that rabbits been evading predators from in this little space here so you might wonder why would I put one at that side and at that side well thing is I can catch a hare on both sides it doesn't mean just because there's a hair caught on one side doesn't mean that another hare might not come on on this side and ice exactly what happens as you remove one hair from an area another new hair moves in and takes over it's pretty much as simple as that there's a woodpecker calling behind me here so I have don't hesitate to drop the same hair um because to move on to a new set of hairs looks quite a bit of walking so you want to concentrate on trying to get that one hair out of each area before you move on to another one let's explain what's going on here so I what I've done is I always say out of these sticks here this was already there to touch the original tree I added this as well because it was a fairly big opening this was existing and you can see it kind of tapers down added a couple more sticks here just to block those paths off so it's anchored here I've got it just the right height off the ground I've got my chin up stick I've got my V sticks here I'm adding the chin up stick because I'm not getting the right gap I just wanted to lift this chin up just to get through here and then I've added on the left side some vines that are hanging around and the vines what its gonna do is confuse the hair a hair knows it can push through a vine it does it knows it can't push through the sticks so generally speaking if you fill this area up with really rigid thick sticks it'll think while something happened the tree fell down I can't get through this opening anymore but if you put these around it confuses the hairs eyes but it also thinks hey I can push through that it's just a little wine so leaving these little vines around it confuses the hair and then they don't notice this artificial thing in the way so the idea is if a hair is running through here starting to jump into cover it's not going to pay too much attention at all this is going on and just put his head through and it's going to think itself into safety but it's actually not going to be at all anybody want to try to guess what those things are it's making those tracks all the way up here here's a closer look put your guesses down in the comments it's got one long toe one short - another short toe it looks like a little dewclaw at the back you guys figure it out hey good morning guys I got my little man here holdin he's gonna give me a hand checking the snares I'm trying to get him to wipe it out it's slippery out here trying to get him a little bit more involved in the outdoors but also hunting and staring is one of those things that you can bring a kid along and it doesn't make too much difference yeah I have to understand a few rules like not stepping on the rabbit trails and that's pretty much it I mean you can make as much noise as you want so you don't have to live with that after we're both scaring animals away yeah and then you kind of learn the habits of wildlife and you learn the behaviors and do some tracking and all that good stuff so we're gonna go check our snares see what we got if you do catch something we're gonna turn it into a fresh meal so I've got an idea about that got a bunch of snares out yesterday and you think it's pretty exciting to come check them right you never know if you're gonna catch something it's always exciting when you do so what do you think if you catch something we'll make a meal for the boys yeah Owens got his cousin's up he's got three cousins all about the same age and they have a buddy over so we'll make a nice meal for them something that they can have for lunch and they can see from beginning to end feel at the fork so we're coming up on our first net here looks like we have some fresh tracks here I used to have a snare up in this area here but because it's in close proximity to this walking trail I didn't want to put I didn't want to put one out in there but it used to be very productive and I could see that a new hair has already moved in over here is where I had a set a couple days ago on that tree and I caught one so I was hesitant and putting another one spot maybe next year we'll have to put another one this is a good spot I think right see all these fresh super super fresh tracks they like to go in these blow downs here there's lots of cover in there lots of places for them to hide first set and it's empty but again it looks like a rabbit actually went through there not too long ago that one's not working I noticed that these were tracks from yesterday because yesterday when we checked it we had to stop it because we saw that the tracks were running around the trap so then these are just traps tracks from yesterday if you guys can identify that track it's got two toes any ideas Holden got an idea do you think it is I think it's a deer yep that's a deer for sure fresh this morning looks like right there's not very much snow on top of it right see if you can figure out there's a track there there's a track here there's a track there that's got snow more snow on it chalk there and there's the snare and it goes into a big thick of the cover did we miss one or what happened look closely at the tracks so those tracks are actually not hair tracks they're from a squirrel looks like a little red squirrel is actually hiding in there so we didn't miss a hare here so that's good news and bad news good news is obviously we are set didn't fail the bad news is well there's not a hare nearby it's always good news when I have fresh rabbit tracks near my sets you see fresh tracks where this yeah under that log over there but you know what I didn't set a snare over there I set it in there to the right so can you follow the rabbit tracks over to the right and see where they lead to pick it up and I want you to if you have to go around this big bush you can go around the bush take around the bush and then find the tracks on the other side of it the cut over to the left ear cut over to the left remember the track here over here yeah you're right there's a track that goes that way but that splits over here what do you see there's a hair right there actually so if you look over here there's a trail here and then right there it splits and goes off over to the left and then where does it go into the snare so go run up and see even got a rabbit there yeah we did get one so that one that was my under the log set so we set just under the log there yeah we got one I think yeah we get to eat lunch okay you want to hold this why undo it can you film okay here we go bud this one died a long time ago it's almost frozen cool yeah let's undo this and we'll throw it in the bag and keep going there we go all right guys this snare is not touched nothing came through it's completely no snow disturbed but if you look on the other side there's tracks so what did the hair do it came up to here it said nope I'm just gonna go through this open space over here and make my way through so that's why we didn't get a hair back in there and it spent a lot of time back in there and there's some tracks that spent a lot of time back in here and then a came out to the front door here and it said I don't like that thing I'm not gonna go through it I found a better way so you guys might think that these hair a completely defenseless but they're not I have trail camera footage of them actually being able to smell the snares so when they're going through the snare is actually them making a decision on whether or not to go through them they know it's there but they're getting tricked and actually through a natural selection through a very long period of time if you put enough pressure on them they'll actually figure out you know the ones that figure it out will be the ones that reproduce so it's a way of keeping them healthy keeping the population healthy keeping the smartest ones the healthiest ones in the population and to be honest you can't get rid of all of them anyway they reproduce so fast it's a renewable resource completely impossible to what to to wipe them out in fact this is an area I dropped before and now new rabbits are moving in from other areas because it's a good spot so I take one out and then a new one just reappears and in the spring they're gonna reproduce like crazy and fill this whole area back up again alright so this a long run here it goes this way and it goes all the way through this open bush lot here pretty open so what I did was I put a stick this was an old run and the hairs were coming through here before so I put a stick down across because it's kind of on a hump and I know they don't want to go left and right so you can see there's lots of new tracks here and actually it looks like one went through but also if you look to the right here they actually also went around so some went around there's a t-intersection here so some rerouting because I don't like what I've put in the middle but something actually did go through that snare as you can see one step and other stuff here so what I think is the snare is actually probably too big so it probably went right through it or it pushed it out of the way like that and went by so that's the real tricky part about snaring is you try to get them to go through a certain area and then they just go around it especially in these open spaces that's why I like to trap those blowdowns because they want to go and that cover and they're expecting things to be tightly placed up against them but as in open spaces they just if they can go around they will so as you can see there's some tracks here the hair came from this direction ran through here planted his back feet here and jumped over the snare and then kept going really that's kind of weird though kind of smart right yeah like why would it put its head in there and it can't really go around it it can but pretty smart right yeah yeah so this whole ins talking about those are those clearly defined back feet and then you can see there's nothing until the hair touches the ground on the back side there and it continues forward so we were to come up to here and be like that doesn't smell right I don't want to put my head in there jump clear over and kept going completely unharmed yeah bummer for us in an interesting situation here I got Holden with me and we have a there's the hair snowshoe hare and one of those little hiding spots I showed you guys before yesterday we're gonna snail on one entrance and I stay on the other entrance it's not in either one so somehow it find its way inside without getting caught I'll show you it right now so there's the hare alive and well here's Holden just right there we have the snares right there at one entry and there's the hair there's the snare the front entryway here and then at the back door on the other side of that trail there's another snare so somehow it find its way in there look getting trapped question is and be nice if we had a gun with us we could just grab it right now probably leave it in there and then maybe when we if we scare it we might be able to get it to go out the back door or the front door here all right let's see what happens remember those hairs were sit hide sitting hide sitting hide they don't like to move they don't have to come up here on the other side you can check to see if that snare is set properly on the other side of it first a little bit easier to access I'll see how it got in there that that hair is in that hole right there you see you bud I see it it's not that furry bit I can see the tracks it looks like it avoided the snare oh I see the snare so the snare is too small it moved the snare out of the way it's sitting in there now [Music] oops okay sitting there mouth kind of thinking about moving they're gonna say okay so it's missing there you can watch it you doc you can eat you okay there we go nice little bunny obviously this one's nice and fresh caught this the hard way I guess the beauty of cooking at home as we get to use a slow cooker the slow cooker is definitely an asset when you're trying to cook wild game because wild game is super super duper lean and if you don't give the time to relax it's going to be chewy so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna combine my hair with potato and carrot and I'm gonna add some this was my old signature spice roasted garlic and peppers goes with everything good you have some bay leaves peppercorns and then on top of that we'll add some quite a bit of salt the salt will help tenderize it and I found if you just use lean meat like this it's gonna pretty chewy and dry so what I'm gonna add some butter to it and that'll add that fat to mention of course you could add some lard you can add bear fat if you had some any kind of fat will do basically what you want to do is kind of moisten it up so in combine all these ingredients we're gonna put it in the crock pot and we're gonna let it go overnight so overnight it's gonna help tenderize it the longer the better I've done this up to three days and it's still good in fact it gets better all the bone marrow comes out of the bones and ends up or you want it inside the meal I want to show you guys the reaction that kids have to cleaning an animal so I'm gonna vital the boys over and they're gonna watch me prepare it obviously can't show in detail what's going to happen here but the boys are gonna collect around and we're going to film their reactions and see what a nine ten year old boy and there's a four year old to what their reactions to cleaning an animal guys want to see all that stuff then you have to become a member of the channels you have to hit that join button and then I'll show you in big great detail exactly how to clean animals or - we can't do that here Alan - ready we split the back open no you know has really done this already before what don't be anyone till we get later on probably probably could be very painful my rabbit this Robbie can't you hear any pain anymore right no he's gonna eat candy and watch oh okay you're gonna get here couldn't you get some rabbit here on there would be nice oh you got some fur from a room ready for the break the bones so cute here's offcuts until you feel this your sternum that's your sternum there that's the hard bone that protects your heart and that's the end of the rib so you can feel the end of your ribs to stop cuts all rights off got sternal ribs and then all the rest is disconnected at the front rank that make sense River did you touch it and then eat candy again we're just gonna go through okay no we're lucky won't smell too bad but it might that's not that's what retain and how tasty was the heart rate it was good just like the turkey carcass tissues your liver about filters or toxins in your body liver is really good yeah guts yeah : what part of the guts you think that is good will it be part yeah so there's the hair that's gonna go into the crockpot and then we're gonna add our potatoes onions peppercorns bay leaves and our roasted garlic and peppers doesn't look very good on camera carrots that's what they're for carrots potatoes onion garlic garlic herbs spices good evening chicken ready yeah i Roberts dude the good rabbit stew in candy looks like I eat the heart you ate the heart is it good or tooie I both are you still eating he's still eating it yeah the heart there's a potato can they know it's probably hard good yeah first time I rabbit ah I was like to make my own YouTube that's more are you done okay good it's too hot for me to bite into yet well there's a couple more in there come on good mm-hmm good that little stream right there that looks like rabbit fur probably a piece of muscle fiber you need to tell people who we are I'm the wooded beardsman sister that's not a hair that's a piece of all I don't know muscle tissue can we see that very small probably not we Lyle only I would find a piece of hair in my food you find a piece of hair in my food don't go fine that's that you like him it's a little drier than I like yeah so little dry I put butter in it because it was really dry so I added some butter in what about your chest our chairs off you could and a suit though you just need it would make it more tender it just needs fat and sleep I'm like more flavor it just needs more father to dry me what'd you put in there a bunch of spices compelling footage mm-hmm open up my watch time art of coming up right here now we have our first hair that's actually committed to the trail it's gonna go through let's see what it does keep an eye on this Oh what no no no what is it there man this deserves an instant replay let's check that again comes up to this comes up the snare what what oh it totally karate-chopped that thing out of the way let's watch this up close near that whack just pushes it over and then pops its head up in celebration that hair defeated us unbelievable totally amazing and then now that that branch is pushed over they pretty much have rule of it comes up sniffs it knows it's there hops around it no problem
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 122,816
Rating: 4.7679133 out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, how to snare rabbit, how to catch rabbit, how to snare, snaring skills, snaring tutorial, how to trap animals, wild animal trap, primitive technology, cooking rabbit, rabbit recipe, survival skills, how to clean rabbit, bushcraft, survival, rewilding, foraging, how to catch wild game, wild game cooking, survival tactics, snaring tips, catching rabbit, wilderness living
Id: Udm0bHYekBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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