Rabbi Mordechai Kraft - Secrets Of Hebrew Letters

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I understand Russian a kodesh we have to first of all we have to contrast it to other languages other languages in the world are symbolic by nature for example I look at my socks and my socks are made out of probably something called nylon why is it why is nylon called nylon what who knows why what's happen well very good they say the cub the DuPont company had a branch in New York and London so they called it nylon is there any intrinsic meaning to nylon no you know if you look at that cord the actually the court doesn't have it but if you look at sort of extension cords and made out something called back light why our extension cords mattered back alight what is chemistry majors what is back a light stand for back oh what backup light not back away there was a Stanford back alight well actually was a doctor back alight who invented it there's no intrinsic meaning it's just that the name of the discoverer what language is Hebrew the most similar to our mayic Egyptian Greek what else mine before you know English English snugly Rikki's laughing I'm going to suggest that Monaco - Hebrew is similar to only one other language out there which isn't totally similar to it but is the closest we can get what language I marry Franco I'm referred to the chemical language for example if I wrote the word salt the salt mean anything no if I write NaCl does that mean something we know that salt is composed of sodium chloride if I would write this word h2o does that mean something means water but what do we know about water is contained with two hydrogen molecules of one oxygen molecule correct the chemical language defines reality from within the only difference the chemical language is that the letters themselves why it's called hydrogen is random why it's got oxygen okay might be Greek derivative you call whatever you want but it's close to lush and a kodesh why because you can look at the symbols and define the substance now what I will show you tonight in many different ways is that Hebrew is like no other language in the world that lush and Hakodesh we call it the language of holiness what is lush in our kodesh first what we have to understand that our tradition tells us that a Shem before he created the world he created the out-of-date and with the olive bait he formed reality where do we see this in the first verse of the Torah we see it where veracious bara elokim at in the beginning God created he created earth what does that mean that doesn't mean anything but you break it down it means at the beginning God created Allah through tough he took the Isle of fate and with the Isle of fate he formed reality now what that means is like this it means that if I knew the olive ate and I knew what every letter the outlook that means and if I knew what reality was I could form the language myself maybe pizza if I knew the Oliphant if I know what every letter means because each letter is a building block and I know what the essence of something is love hate war whatever it might be friendship death I could form the language myself now of course God gave us a head start what did he do he gave us the out of fate he explained the meaning of letters to us he gave us the words that he used to form reality so all we have to do is in alphabetical analysis of the words and the letters and we could find out very deep secrets about reality just as you can look at h2o and the fine word water is you can look at NaCl and describe what salt is so tonight what I'm going to do with you is I'm going to take you through some of the letters and then we want to look at some of the words I'm going to take apart the letters together with the word I'm going to see what the reality is made of that's called mushing of kodesh a language like no other language and that's why when we dive in by the way especially on holidays we say a shame you've chosen us from all the nations the card Ricola our men overhaul ha list show note which means all the languages do you ask yourself why are we saying the languages because the language is not of Hebrew Hebrew is a close cousin the language of Russian are kodesh the holy tongue is a language that gives you an insight into reality which we do an insight into God like no other language and that's why it says it having my shia the whole world's going to speak loshon are Kodesh that one's going to speak it because God's reality should be so clear you have no choice but to define it by what it is let's take a look a little bit as we get going here first of all just let's talk a little bit about how do we know first of all what a letter means if a letter is the building block of reality so we have to know what a letter means how do we know what letter means we have four traditions number one we know what a letter means by its meaning out of we'll talk about soon means the champion the strong one bait means a house given the mouth of the camel down at the Dell into the door havens to give up as a hawk Sian is a sword each letter means something so that that's the first insight we have into a letter second insight we have into a letter is the shape of a letter the word letters are shaped is very important sword in sight we have is the numerical value something which we call gamma trio which we're going to go through a little bit tonight it's very important numerical value the fourth clue we have to the meaning of a letter is something very interesting the first time a letter appears in the Torah when that letter begins the root of a word that word will define the letter for example when is the first time that bait begins in the Torah where it begins at the beginning of a word it's not a preposition or suffix no operation it means but in that's a preposition but uh so we understand the letter Beit has an idea to how to create what is the first time we see olives in the Torah direction para and okay the idea of Alex related the idea of hello cam now it's interesting the claim is of course that God took the olive bait and he formed reality he created the physical world by taking the letters and forming them therefore if you undo the letters he take them apart to see what the world is made of you know it's very interesting by the way this is kind of cute but more than cute in every language I just read Harry Potter who did not read the seventh book of Harry Potter oh so embarrassed I won't spoil for you Harry does not die push oh he does it cousin oh but I guess it's what's the word that every language uses if you want to create something from nothing what's the word that every language uses in Russian what do you say good in Spanish what do they say nah bro Qaddafi in English what do you say abracadabra and Harry Potter what do you use to kill somebody or fuse now Africa divert curse Allegra a druid a burn every language so he uses this formula which means let me create something from nothing now what is our claim that God created something from right speech from the language from words he took words and created the world that's why the word for word in Hebrew is what word for word is d'Ivoire and the word for thing is the Mar same thing right because a thing is created for the Lord God took the letters made the word and the thing came to existence what's the word that we say when you create something from nothing in every language we say let me write in Hebrew Abra Abra Cadabra abra she's with the other abra-ka-dabra abracadabra this is a statement from the safer yet serie a safer which was composed by Abraham which Abraham defined the reality of the world and if we read it and we break abracadabra into what it means in Hebrew let's look at it Abra Cadabra I will create as I speak God formed reality through speech Abra Cadabra Avada Kedavra I will create as I talk just a coincidence that the whole world happens to say abracadabra isn't it and our holy Tsar says God took speech and formed reality very fascinating let's go a little bit into some interesting things now let's begin with the first letter the Hebrew alphabet which is the Aleph now let's first look at olive and try to define what it means numerically Aleph is what numerically Aleph is everybody see my out of there do you like my not like a smooch let's do it like this okay numerically I'll if we know is one olive is also the Elif Hebrew speakers means what that's interesting the word aloof in Hebrew let's look at the meaning of the word aloof what does it mean well it could mean a champion or it could mean a general right the head of the army is called the a loaf right that's a general in the army a loaf a general if you look at the word you just vowed a little differently you if you put an e under it what does the e life mean II like you said on that I left it okay I left it means hard to commit to train Aleph or not I left it could mean wise wisdom also is the word for for wisdom okay let's go a little deeper suppose we look at the Aleph and we break it into its if we spell it out we pronounce it Allah but let's spelled out how would we spell it we spot with a and olive alarm it and a pay okay olive let's subdivide in a little bit L in Hebrew what is L mean L means power power for example LaVon says in the Torah says yesh lach lb r dl d rd there's power in my hand l means power the letter pay what's a pay in hebrew a peasant mouth what does the mouth - what's the job of mouth to speak to express things out so what is olive mean Aleph means power expressed one of the scriptures of God is a little show olam the one is constantly empowering the world we understand that if God would see to empower the world for one moment the world seems to exist hashem is the aloof Oh she'll olam because in the expresses his power out at every moment into the world so we understand that Aleph actually always has to do with Hashem it always represents the most spiritual point of reality which is God how do we see it of course numerically it's one God is one it means a loaf which it means the general the champion it means a life which means wisdom let's go a little deeper supposing we were to write out these letters over here we took this olive here we wrote Aleph shrine up here we worked like this Alif LAAM it Hey right olives using the crust Laster it's all remember we wrote here we wrote it out we would write it like this Alif LAAM it okay okay right Alif just running it out on the flam it pay it's interesting what's the little um it mean knob it means to teach what did we said Pat means no where is the origin of speech the orders speech has to do with something very spiritual to human being as we look in reality we know no other animal could speak except the human being in fact the Torah tells us when did we develop the ability to speak when we see the neshamah we receive in the Shema we became a role model law which means a creature that can speak speech is a function of having a divine spark inside of us it's interesting how the flam impaired means god teaches the mouth speech is a function of the divine aspect of who we are so we see how it works out of when you see it will always bring us right back to God take a look at the Komachi a little bit if you look at the olive it's composed of two yards and above what is numerical value of good 10 what's the medical value above 6 was it equal 26 if you spell God's name good hey love hey what do you have good is 10 hey is 5 6 is 5 is 6 do the math 5 6 5 and 10 26 here works with composed within the letters themselves brings you right back to the point of God they'll take a little deeper than that let's do a little bit of a good Maitreya on the other side I love love and pay the mantra of Aleph is what one Kumari of love it is 30 good good Matri of pay is good add them up for me somebody 80 31 1 1 111 back to the 1 1 1 1 Alif always brings you back to the point of God's oneness whenever an olive will occur anywhere in lush inner Kodesh therefore it will always refer to a chef that works now it's interesting by the way if you were to spell out of backwards put the pay first lamb at second and olive Heather what is Pella mean Pella means a a wonder amazement why is that because if you want to understand - um in this world you're never going to get there the finite mind can't comprehend the infinite therefore you're going to look at this world and you have to realize it's always going to be wonder there's always going to be amazement there's always going to be Pella you can use your mind to go as deep as you can to try to perceive God but don't think I'll get there all the way recognize is going to be Pella God this way is olive backwards is Pella understand there will be parts of life that the human mind will not be able to comprehend and that's why of course we have to have something which we call Emunah trust what's Trust trust means where the mind can no longer go where reason ends faith begins trust is a point of the heart right Trust has to do with something which is deep down inside of you it's in the heart that's why by the way when we say shamaya Sorel every morning how many times the twice a day we stitch - well what do we do with our hands we search - roll all right we cover eyes why do we cover eyes we cover eyes because what are we saying hero is really Israel a shaman okay no Shawna's our god a sham a Akkad Shem is one what does it mean when we say God is one it doesn't mean he's one and not two that's not with me it doesn't mean like little girl came back second grade first in second grade she says I know hold goddess so her mother says how old said God's to two women gots - alas - my teacher told me he was one so you know we don't we're saying that God is one I thought mean he's one and not - I thought it means always say a Chanel card it means everything in reality every molecule and creation is being directed and controlled at every moment by their money that's in oneness means that's why it says when you stub your toe down below it was decreed apart when you make money in business it was decreed above and you lose money business decreed above when you get sick was to create a boa there's a war is decreed about when there's pain oh is decreed above God is micromanaging his creation that's what what that's a oneness means a god but you know what I don't know and I don't always see it and others understand it god I know you're behind sickness but I cannot least detect what the goodness is God I know you were behind the Holocaust but I'm stuck I don't always know what the goodness is I know behind all the homicide bombers no it's as well now I can't always precede the goodness so what do I do I take my hand I pinned over my eyes and I say a hard god you're one but I'm in darkness I have to be emotionally real with myself part of understanding you means that I have to accept the Pellow the wonder the amazement of what I cannot understand I have to let my heart go where my mind can't go now listen to me just for one moment what's the color that we have in Hebrew that illustrates trust in God what color and no clothes John white why white when you look at white but the white light is white like really white or when you refract it under a prism what do you notice you notice Roy g-give red orange yellow blue green indigo and violet but you know what those colors are hidden white means what my eye perceives is only a small part of the reality the real texture the rainbow of what's really there is hidden and that's where Trust has to come in and perceive what the mind can't perceive what color represents intellectual analysis of God blue why why blue because apparently blue is the farthest out to hide the eye can see when you look in a distance the sky appears below when you look at the ocean appears blue but really ROYGBIV tells us right red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet there are two more colors behind it right but the farthest you can use the mind to go with physically is the blue represents the idea of using the mind to go out respect understand white symbolizes the idea of having trust that's where our sits this what colors do we have we have white and blue how many strings of white do we have seven how many strings of blue are we supposed to have if we would find the clam that would produce the blue from one why because take that string of blue look and search try to find out in the world but recognize and remember that has to be wound around a cord of trust because life is about pella right you're never going to find God never understand God fully you have to accept it and trust and understand this give me an amazement use your mind go as deep as you can but the infinite mind can't understand the finite now seriously by the way what word is the word for what word is the word for white in Hebrew Hebrew speakers love van beautiful what two letter Ruth you see in the letter word LaVon white live what does let me heart that's interesting none no interesting letter you know why it's the law this letter in the Hebrew alphabet it's the idea of going as deeply as you can into something unknown means a grandchild something goes out and out out from you what is LaVon symbolize the idea of taking your heart and then your heart goes deep as you can that's white symbolizes trust blue what's the word for blue in Hebrew the word for blue is coho look at this hole how cold is blue I spelled right I hope cuckold is what does co-op mean strength power what did I say lava means to study to learn it's the power of learning and studying blue represents the idea of trying to perceive God with your mind the power of learning white symbolize known taking your heart and go deep with your heart that's why represents trust the carrot thing it connects okay let's go a little deeper now we haven't gotten deep already gödel deep hmm okay oh one small thought we have to keep in mind we mentioned that Aleph means numerically is one and is also Elif which means one thousand weight if God is all about one why is the same leather mean one mean one thousand and not only that what is the first time God appeared first time the letter Aleph appears in the Torah duration para ello km which is good because it's good why because I became of course of all things for God yeah I know him okay so of course we know the first time the letter appears teaches us the meaning of the letter so everything is consistent true only one problem hello Kim is in the plural correct um is the plural ending and it seems that Elif also means one thousand I thought God is all about oneness not plurality or thousand or multiplicity where did I first hear this question but nor while back I was coming back from a lecture here and I met was about 11:45 at night and I was exhausted and somehow a sham always does the steel you find this a sham never seems to test you like when after you just had a nap have you noticed that she'll never test you when you rested and your took a shower and you're ready to go you know like when does he shouldn't test you he always test you when everything is like when you're exhausted and you're not feeling so well and your head hurts Ryan you haven't had supper then you get a test so I'm just exhausted I had at supper my head was killing me I just want to go home I got a call from my wife and she says you know there's a certain girl Russian girl who got involved with Christianity and we've been trying for a long time to speak to her to try to bring her out she said we never no avail we couldn't get her to speak to us so 11:45 at night my wife calls me up and he said she's here she's here at the house right now I suppose she said the girl she wants to discuss unison with you I said that's great so one problem she said she's brought a priest with her so I said my wife said to me you know and I said like what do I do with the priest so I said you know I was like I saw Peter about 25 minutes or so I don't know I said make tea or something you know it's like you know give me this like hangs up the phone on the end and where was it but I felt so bad my wife you know should have a nice religious family nice nice nice from girl you know she marries a guy like me you know has to end up with priests better door at midnight like you know she wasn't trained for this exactly and but in case the guy sits down very nice guy remembers name is done and he sits down he starts being very polite very polite to me they said rabbi surely you have to understand why we feel that God can be the father on the son does it not say that the first time we see God in the Torah it says i lo Kim which is plural isn't that a hint that God could be both to father and son that's resent him so I said to him Don get out of here 9ss I was thank you but what I said to him was said you look in the world don't you you see let me say well let's analyze the world for a moment we see many forces don't we we see of son which is 93 thousand miles away it's perfectly calibrated with the exact angle to the earth that if the tilt was just a fraction one direction the earth would burn over it was a fraction the other direction the earth would freeze over we understand that what happens of course the son takes the water from the oceans causes evaporation that evaporation produces clouds then we have another force in the world called wind which takes the evaporated cloud from the ocean blows it over dry land but we need rain and then we have another force in the world called rain and what happens is the rain the gravity will allow the rain to fall you know I started all these forces son the wind evaporation gravity are these all separate forces or the operating and harmony so they're operating in harmony I said we can understand why they're for and will Kim's in the plural that God is the master of all these forces there are many forces in the world many powers in the world but they're all unified by one fourth it's something which we call a unity in multiplicity there are multiple forces or unified by one force that's why it's been awoken not as a god forbid that God divides himself into different formations that there's one unifying force behind all the powers and look at all those powers but bring it all back to the Akkad there's no contradiction 2001 they're all unified by one force the meeting went okay til I tried to get a private meeting with her and then he said no it won't allow it okay let's go now let's go though further here let's take a word look at the word for the human being before we do a human being let's just take a look one word that has to do one of the forces that God created in reality called snow snow is something which God created after the nature true I see snow in Hebrew look at this shellack doodle come at you with me Shin is 300 love it is 30 gimble is 3 what happens when water what it become snow it freezes it's condensation the water molecules keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller contracting and traffic attracting until you have snow look how that reality is expressed in the numbers 300 goes to 30 goes to 3 a contraction of the water molecules to produce enough suggested nature is defined another word just a quick word what's the word for pregnancy in Hebrew her a young it's a little mathematical analysis of it hey is what race is 200 yeah all right let's plug correctly no buff a lot what had I felt yeah how you want spoke to me good very good I've known beautiful thank you hey is five ratios 200 you it is 10 verb is six and none is fifty let me see if it works out okay add it together what do we get 200 and what 271 how many days in a pregnancy are there assuming that a month is approximately 30 days 9 times 30 is 270 but some months are of course more than 30 days and some ones are 28 271 the kamati of pregnancy is the exact amount of days in a pregnancy that's interesting stuff you know it's interesting to go just a little bit further in nature you run with anybody good I don't forget it okay goes like this the word for nature in Hebrew is hot devil it's called hot pepper which means the nature right October that's a different tenor telecrib I read that not ever a tablet nature the nature bloom a trio of hot mo turns out to be what Inez 78 is to 910 is 9 hey it's 5 to the wrath of me 86 yeah it's the same good mantra as this word here I'll okay I'm going to write with the cuff not a hey okay God nature is the same good Maitreya as God and okay right why because it's obvious that when you study nature what are you supposed to detect you're supposed to Ted detect I sure look at nature and discover that there's too much perfection in reality that it can happen by chance the more we open up the cell and we see all these intricate parts working in tandem it's like opening up a car engine and thinking that it came to existence by chance however it's interesting the same word for nature which is Tivo if you've out a little differently it becomes this word which means tab bar what is tab a mean little boy means hebrew speakers to drown what's the connection you spell it you pronounce it one way to ever which has the gamut revival Kim God you've change the pronunciation just a little bit it means tiba which means to drown tell me the connection you can look at nature in one of two ways either you could discover God in nature or you can be drowned by nature you just think something physical they came to existence by itself you know things just happen nature can either allow you to compose to God or you become drowned through nature you know that's the free choice of the human being the free choice of the human being is such that you can look at the world in so many different ways you can choose to see whatever you want to see what's the word for free choice in Hebrew to choose what's the word but huh sorry about the pens the word is book are right here we go but hard to choose it's interesting if you take that word Bihar which means choice and you just turn the letters around a little bit if you put the head first it means out there you could use your free choice become friends with God right keyboard means to join together to clink the gun unite with God come there what do you think of there you join with your friend you could use your free choice even become friends with God or if you've out a little differently and you put it like this you put the race in the middle what does that spell car rave which means it means a sword to destroy you could use your free choice to become a friend with God or you could use your free choice to fight with God to choose not to see God that's the power of free choice see how the word itself the intrinsic in the word is the concept what free choice is you can either come a friend or you can become an enemy how you going to use your free choice - another example of this we have a word in Hebrew for for pleasure that's the word called owning right owning it's interesting onik means pleasure Allanon gibble you put the letters a little differently and you spell what does Nega mean Nega means a disease affliction a blemish right you could either use your the joy of this world get close to God or you could the joys of pleasure this world become like an affliction something which takes you away from God do another example we have a word in Hebrew called chef ah what a chef I mean chef Amin's everybody see that Sheva means abundance plenitude I have a chef of money you put the letters a little differently put the pay first what do you get Pasha what is pressure mean Pecha means sin money can either be shafa in abundance you misuse your money it could be a Pecha it could be full shale I could sing with it give you another example what I mean the word for somebody who's rich is somebody who is a is oh sure we write it in big letters someone who is a shear right he's rich let's he has OSHA which means well okay it's a great thing to have money is it honest I spelled wrong sorry it's right to be yeah that's what I'm sorry oh sure yes well yes it's a sure he's wealthy well let's see is wealth a good thing or is what the bad thing depends what you do with it put the race first and spells Russia Russia means someone who is evil you hear it now in every word you have free choice decide what you're going to do with it the reality of this world is everything I can utilize my free choice to get close to God I disconnect from God see how it works every word works on that design of the language is is so phenomenal another one how about the word for pain in Hebrew the word for pain is another word we called Sara Sara right Sara why does God bring pain to a person is paying something which is good or something which is bad for a person sorrow difficulties troubles are difficulties in life designed because God loves us or cause he hates us well of course in here but we understand that everything that God does has to be good everything has to be the manifestation of his love we flip the letters around and we put the race first and we have ruts ax that the Soron life is really God's ruts ah his ruts on his will his design for whatever reason the trouble wakes us up it reminds us that we have a little bit of time in this world it reminds we have to change our personalities reminds myths we have to use our money better reminds us that we have to take life seriously reminds us that we you know we're maybe getting too caught up in things that are physical or not focusing on the spiritual even within saara difficult as we see the word ruts uh which is God's desire how about another word the word for intense pain is a word called sorrow right sorry if you look at the word SAR let's see what words we see in it first we divide it up what does air mean in Hebrew there means what that means to be awakened to be awakened that's interesting turn air around and what do you see you see rah correct rah things that are bad in life which are bitter are really designed to err to awaken us God sends difficulties our way why to remind us like we said that life is short that we have to get serious that we have to focus on reality so this week is very comfortable feeling that we're very permanent on this planet which is not true so rock comes to awaken us now let's take a look at what's our means what is let its attic mean in Hebrew well that it's a dick means what it means it's at Sadiq what's it's antic sonic is a righteous person what makes a righteous person righteous person are people born righteous nobody's born righteous when you see AIT's the bravura neshama that's the heart that's the huh but people that become extremely right just means they worked on themselves you know all children are born with naturally selfish impulses at sadiq means he's mastered who he is just completely unselfish is it difficult to master who you are or is it easy to master who you are it's a it's difficult Assad to actually billeted Sadiq and he believes it Sadiq Sadiq really means force co-op power what makes it Sadiq it sonic is he powerfully rules over himself he resists he fights he controls himself that's sonic now look what it means what's our what's paying there for a powerful awakening when God brings pain away he's giving us a powerful wake-up call here it works everybody let us have my question is there such thing as punishment in this world is there such thing as punishment in this world absolutely not punishment is not a concept that applies to this world at all everything that God give us in this world is designed in order to help ourselves correct to grow to direct us to help us fulfill our potential punishment as we understand punishment in terms of you did something wrong there's a consequence that is a concept that might apply to the next world because there have to be consequences to action otherwise life is meeting less but in this world there's no such thing as punishment everything that God brings our way is designed in order to help us correct ourselves to fix ourselves up Alex our motifs are mean as we defined it SAR means pain is a powerful wake-up call analyse yourself do chupa reflect grow go off on the wrong path you're getting too caught up in your money so I'm going to take away a little money will hurt so much when I lose money in the stock market but God maybe trying to teach me that money is not what it's about maybe it's about serving you I'm going to caught up in the physical world it's a powerful wake-up call to get reality clear let's look at the word for punishment in Hebrew there's a word that we have but what's the word let's analyze it who knows the word for punishment in Hebrew the word is this word ona SHhhh okay ona Sh do you see the word Amish let's analyze it under the analysis of the holy language the letter iron what does it mean letter I am or what does it sound like I'm I n means that I in Hebrew I mean the letter iron actually means and I what's the job of an eye to look to analyze to investigate to perceive deeply that's why words with that iron are always going to have to do with perceiving something deeply EU means what analysis heat the old name right means to take yourself to analyze something deeply it's all the idea of using your eye to go deeper and to proceed the two letter route lunch in rush what does it mean well let's say to know what it means I'll have to tell you more places we see it in the holy time for example in Eagle in Hebrew is called a nest sure good if you take a sheep and you want to share the sheep maybe you want the wool to fall off how do you study bro neasha right you're not sure okay what's the connection here next sure is an eagle to shin a sheep is me share give you another word says in the Torah that it's a case where let's say a person takes an axe and you bring the axe over his head like this the axe handle goes flying off and hit somebody kills the person so a person has to go to what's called the anything has to go to a re mek'leth city of refuge that case on the flying axe handle the Torah is called nutshell regards n now she'll her cousin three examples all contain the root none shin let's analyze it for a second next sure eagle means what why is a bald eagle called a bald eagle well ornithologists I'll tell you something in ornithology summer study birds if you look it up bald eagles aren't ball aren't born bald they're born with a feather over here but guess what the feather falls off that's what's called an S share something has fallen from the race fallen off me share when you share sheep you're taking the wool and you're having the wool fall behind when you take an ax handle and you bring it back and the ax falls back now shell hug our Zhen the falling back of the ax the no chin root in Hebrew always means to fall back let's analyze the word punishment now ona SH what does it mean do the analysis for me ona SH something happens in life it's painful you lose money and sickness the car gets into an action and crosses Shalom right because in tight yeah things happen in life that are painful God what are you doing I feel like such a punishment wait a minute now that crap told me this is such thing as punishments in this world but there's the word Amish God created that word ona SH to mean something so what does it mean let's analyze it oh I in investigate use your eye to perceive look deeply not that you've fallen ayan na Sh perceived that you've fallen back get up it's not to punish you there's no such thing as punishment that's trying to correct us get back on track look at you fall in get up and do it again that's an Amish here it works no such thing as punishment of the world and that's why you know Israelis like who speak the language we don't think about the language well sail our nation alone that on the Ornish I think punishment but we'll just do a little bit other language analysis and understand that wait a minute these think means punishment doesn't mean punishment it means look deeply that what that you've fallen back what happens when you fall back get up do it again you know God's love for us is so intense it's like the only thing we can explain in this world was like a parent's love for your little child your baby you know the most exciting time in life as a parent is when you see your little baby starting to walk because it's so amazing why because it doesn't make any sense they should be crawling also they stand up right now they're walking but you what happens to fall we fall back do you yell at your child you pick a child up come on get up do the can I in NASH look you fall and do it again when God directs us that we fall and it's not because he punishing us he wants us to get up and do it again try again that's just love for us it's deep language now were surviving it's a deep language no other language in the world like this the chemical language is the language of kedusha you know just as I was you know just go back to balance for one second as long as we're jumping around you know when your little baby gets up to walk it's so exciting one reason is very exciting is because I mentioned doesn't make sense it's more natural to crawl this is more natural to crawl like four legs you know don't give me a chair that has two legs can be like that has four legs support is a function of four things knock on animals like to crawl on all four legs all the human beings stand up straight you know why that is because the human being has a detector that determines when they're off balance right where is that detector to the ear right the balance is in the ear how do you say you're in Hebrew you say Ozan Ozen right now holes it means here correct right oesn't means ear it's interesting word furrows and why because it's the same route that Hebrew as is Ain what is he's aiming balance how did the Hebrew language note the place of balance in the human body is in the year when did modern science discovered about the turn of the century little later even about 1920 how come the holy Congress known as the last five thousand seven or 65 years because the creative reality to find it the ear is the source of balance in the body but even deeper than that it's the point of physical balance and it's the point of spiritual balance what do you do when you feel unbalanced in life you feel you're not doing what's right what do you do well you are using music it's one way you feel that you're not doing what you're doing in life what am i doing the right thing i doing the wrong thing i don't know what to do listen to the voice yeah listen right go and listen assam body advice now the person that you can ask for advice of course hoping will be somebody to give you advice which is advice from God which is the turret so hopefully you'll speak to a rabbi you can speak to somebody who knows somebody who's wise in the ways of God which is the ways of Turner now if you look at that little analysis what we see Alf means Aleph means of course we know the knowledge means God write the letters Zion if we spell it out means son what is on meaning Hebrew hassanis all the cool over to vu nourishes nourishes son and none is the first time you see in Hebrew in the Torah refers to nefesh which means the body nefesh so if you spell the letters out right olive zhong nefesh god nourishes the person the point of physical balance is the ear and the ear is the point of spiritual powers nice let's look at the sign for a moment design we said that Sian means Zod to nourish who traditionally is the breadwinner in the family is the male Zion also means like Ackley's iron which means the sort who is usually the person the family responsible for protection the man the male where's the first time we see the letter Zion in the Torah we seen in the word Zehra what does era mean seed who supplies to see the creation the man can we significally say that Zion refers to the male in creation yes we all agree with that zan means nourish Zion is the sword Zahra is seed first Knight appears in the hebrew lying in the Torah is seed Zeno's refers to the male what letter refers to the female it's this letter right here gimel now let's analyze the gimbal for a moment and see why we're going to give one sorry Kimmo okay this is the gimbal it's like a game oh yeah that's great give up gimel if we spill it out means what it means come out a camel one thing it means of course is a camel what else does Kemal need gimel a camel Cassidy Aggie wool Cassidy once kemo Cassidy mean give me people custody means kindness it's interesting if you a little differently you have he got mail what is he got mail meaning Hebrew it means to wean a child off milk female means to do kindness and you can smell a little differently and your king carmel it means to get a child off of milk and wait a minute it's not just me contradiction the same letter that means kindness is the same letter that means to stop giving a child kindness what's the connection what's the greatest kindness you could do for somebody to create them to be self-sufficient that's where the letter that means kindness Kemal demos means kindness given up Cassadine the same was the same word in Hebrew language that means to stop doing kindness because those greatest kinds you can do is to help somebody be self-sufficient that's what the Rambam says the highest level charity is when you could set somebody up in their own business their own business that now they could do it themselves or it also says you know that that's the greatest thing you can do for someone to have them in position now where you know they no longer need you because very embarrassing when people need you hoping to get to a place they don't need you now it's interesting a little analysis shows of the letter Kemal of the gimel if you break it up even further they break the Gitmo further its gimel ma let's take a look gimel means what do we say Kimball means to do kindness right now what is mal mean in hebrew mal means well it means a couple things mal means two like Mila to cut off right do kindness to the point where the person can be cut off from you that's the highest level of kindness true where is the first time that we see the letter give on the Torah we see by this word good dog let me see if I've got dual motors gadot mean something which is big and what's the connection let's take a look break it down to its core parts gimble of course we know means to give doll and hebrew means what what a darling poor people give to somebody is poor until they become God all right till they become large enough that they no longer need you now why do we say this letter represents women because what does a woman do with a baby that's in her womb she nurtures it and provides for it a perfectly calibrated environment until the fetus no longer needs to be in there then she lets it come into the world she gives to the point where she could cut it off from her beside you have a woman and the man is Visayan he's lazier he's the seed he provides he nourishes and he defends okay now let me show up beautiful this language is it gibble is the female letter and Zion is the male letter what's the letter for and in Hebrew right is the letter love like this love love means an if you look at it what does it look like it looks like a hook does it look like a hook it means a hook above the first time you see it in the Torah when it's not an an but part of a word it says love a hopper open the hooks of the turkey love means and because what is the and do it's a conjunction it hooks two things together correct everybody how do you say a married couple in Hebrew thanks about a couple zouk sign is the mail letter Gibble's the female letter hook together by a look how it works there's no language like this unbelieva language it defines reality let's go little deeper we got deep enough it won't go deeper little bit let's take a look look at the word for the human being and what's the word for the ending okay add up we told different words one word is a damn good give me another word for human being another word is each good give me another word and those good get all the word what movie I'll be the father the father but for human for for for like a for a human being Bobby I gather maybe gather look at this very interesting this words all these words what do we see out of means in human language Alif always has to refer to the highest point in spirituality the number one right the idea they aloof the champion the wisdom the idea that God's name is spelled out there two years in above 26 loop will show all of the one whose constant power in the world whenever you have an Aleph how do you pronounce a life by the way doesn't this have across are for me let's do it pronounced al listen carefully Sam well there's only 11 the you alphabet there's no sound you have to give it a vowel in order to sound that I've the other letter of course has a sound book good dough hi crap iron right I'll if there's no sample is something totally spiritual beautiful now listen all the letters for the human being all have to do with how they relate to the outlook let's see a dumb means the olive rolls over the dam the blood it's a high level person in each means yesh Aleph there is an olive there's a person who's trying to get in touch with spirituality and though she means what do we say now she meant like in the word ona SH the fall back the person's fallen away from his Aleph is a person who has lost track of what life is about gather means someone's in the meat gut there he's striving to get back on track again all of humanity is always going to be relationship to how is relating to the essence of who he is which is Allah is a chef now let's take a look at one of these let's take a look we're going on them if we break on them into its component parts let's see what we have we have olive which of course we know is God we have done which is blood what's the essence of the human being well we know we're two parts we'll create the image of God we have the divine L okay neshama and we have done blood why is blood the perfect description of the physical part of who we are well there are 93 thousand miles of blood channels in the human body ninety-three thousand miles we were to take all of the different arteries and veins in the human being and lay them out head to toe head to toe we would have 93 thousand miles in every human thing if we would circle circle the world how many times Russia the world is about 33,000 miles in circumference so much was it look at 40,000 on whatever to go another world two and a half times every human being that's the blood now it's interesting by the way a little battery of blood it's fascinating because what's what is men 40 right about with me men is 40 knowledge is what for that's 44 who supplies the blood how many part these are their creation three you have God mother and father who supplies the blood the physical part of the human being mother and father you have the AAB and you have the and you have the aim once it come out your father 1 + 2 is 3 Aleph is 1 mem is 40 what do you have 41 plus 3 is 44 that's interesting out of an email of aim the same good match your ass blood right in order because the mother the father supply the dumb that's nice what a person dies what leaves the human being fish of a separate right and the only thing that really dies is what is the the Dom correct what's the word for death in Hebrew may look a net what is the gamete Rhea of net let's say mem is 40 touch the status for 100 add it across what do you get the zero is everything together 400 plus 4 what do you have right 4 plus 0 right you have 44 same good Maitreya as done what dies is the blood then the shava stays on for eternity good cute yeah Oh break it down right ma'am is 40 typed is 400 so it's called a battery cuttin where you add it across for write this for put just take it four plus zero plus zero take it across 444 right you have 444 but don't have the zero is your 44 okay but it fits nicely because what dies is the blood then the shove it stays on for forever okay let's go a little further yeah that's nice okay that's nice now if we said that the essence of the human being is that we have a Dom we have a spiritual aspect of we are the aleph the physical aspect if we are if we go after the physical aspect of course it's the same good mantra as mate which is death right if you think all you are is something physical there's no purpose for you right what a person has to do is you have to come in contact with their I'll now it's interesting by the way the reason the human being is called a Dom is because we're created from the ah da Adama Adama what's our mommy the mom means earth it means earth the soil question does earth soil have any real value to it yes and no is there really any difference between the soil on 57th and Park Avenue and the soil out in you know Main Street in Nebraska yeah a very little chemical different composition I I daresay it costs much more on for having you know why why that's true per square feet no absolutely absolutely but there's no different in actual substance but what you do with it will determine its value write the value of dirt is what you choose to do with it Adama that's why it's interesting by the way the same word Adama meaning earth if you valid a little differently means it could mean Adama which means dirt which has no real value or if you valid a little differently it could mean ah-dah-mah atom that means I will compare myself I will be like I will be dumb they're comparable to what to God to the aleph that's the free choice of the human being once there again you could be an Tamar you could be dirt or you could be odd down there I will be down there compared double means to compare I will compare myself to God that's your free choice what do you want to be you want to be like dirty like a peristaltic out now it's interesting take the word I dumb and shift the letters around just a little bit and put the mem first and what do you have you have my own what is me owed me in Hebrew the old means more the job of a human being is to become more to become greater what are you going to be don't sit back and rest on your laurels your job in life is to grow and become no more let's contrast that for a moment what's the word for animal in Hebrew bahama but Hema what is bahama mean it means animal let's look at the words but hey ma ba ma it is what it is does an animal have to try to grow to become greater to be anything no a dog is a dog is it done you never hear anyone telling a little daughter like you know stop eating off the floor I tell my little son you know stopping off the Lord thinking why because I want to become more I want to become greater an animal is bad MA and it is what it is there's no need to grow interesting interesting interesting you know what yes is the human being yes of the human being is what what makes the stuff in the animal that were created in the image of bashad let me show a little analysis over here have a good time have it having fun okay yeah - good let's take a look take another look let's take a look a Dom what did we say the chemistry of Adam was about them was 44 Aleph is once so the gamma tree is 45 correct and yes is the human being is what they're created in the image of the guy in the image of a Shem our job in life if the olive has to rule the dom the olive has to control the fiscal side of who we are because the answer that we are is that like right this which part should the whole knife pedroka be like god going god's ways just as God is merciful you be merciful resemble God in all ways let's take a look you spell God one of the names for Shem is Jude hey love hey correct of course we look at that Kamat tree what does it mean 26 right hey hey is 10 plus the Yoder's 20 plus a five is six correct that's 26 which we mentioned before of course is how you break down the olive of two years right 26 let's take a little deeper watch this I spelled right for you so I messed up spelled like this if you spilled these letters out let's spell them out let's spell it out good hey love Hey let's add it up good good Matt review it you might review it is 10 come on tree above is 6 come on 3 Abdallah this before calculator it's funny good hey 5 your Aleph one add it together 6 bub 6 good 10 love 6 add it together 20:22 hey hi olive 1 6 sorry together what do we have we have 20 plus 6 plus 22 plus 6 and what do we have over there what did we do wrong oh sorry yeah we're talking wrong here no you're sorry take it out 12 change that to 12 so do the math for me what do we have 32:24 it's for slugs wrong shutting out the party's supposed to go out the 45 that's right again love oh very good thank you thank you thank you help me save me save me save me semi these stuff up like this mom mom therefore bub is 13 so it's 20 plus 6 plus 13 plus 6 is 45 then I gotta you spill out God's name good hey Bob hey the good mantra comes out to 45 which is the exact demography of Adam 45 why the teacher stock the essence the human being is that we created in the image of God come on that's pretty good not bring it there yeah what's that yeah mark yeah on this okay here we go last couple examples let's take a look at the word for proof the word for truth in Hebrew is met it's a nice word why because what is truth truth means reality if you see part of the picture is that truth no if you see the middle of the pictures not truth use the end of the pictures that truth know what is truth when you see the beginning the middle and the end Aleph is the exact the first one of the alphabet mem is the middle of the alphabet and tuff is the final of the alphabet that's the truth is the essence of life of course is what that were born to a name to a mother and we die right we have a mate that there is death now let's take a little deeper numerical analysis Aleph is one mem is 40 tuff is 400 add it together come out you're cuttin like this you add it right you have 441 but then you add it together 9 what's interesting about the number 9 number 9 is the only number in all the numbers that no matter what you multiply it by looking at the 990s what is 99218 1 plus 8 is right is 9 9 times 3 is 27 2 plus 9 1940 36 lose 9 write 9 times 5 is 45 plus 9 9 times 6 6316 is 91977 91978 whatever you add whenever you multiply 9 by will always go back to 9 did you give me another one 47 times 9 what's 9 times 7 9 times 4 36 42 9 is 1 is 9 plus 13 yeah add it together boy 3 300 together that's not a rabbi is it if you can't do math you have a rabbi that's a good ok this again 147 times 9 do the math for me 9 times 7 I said what what ok 30 23 30 23 yes okay wiggle yourself 4 6 3 is 9 good beautiful 9 whatever you multiply 9 by yes embarrassing my father is a it's ok feel the record by the way my father's an astrophysicist famous astrophysicist my brother happens to be a scientist my mother is a PhD my sister is a doctor you know like I know how to get a rabbi okay okay here we go whatever you multiply 9 by will always come back to 9 because what it teaches about truth it teaches us that if something is true no matter what form it's in you'll always be able to identify it that something is true truth is 9 no matter where it is you always build enta fine one more example let's take a look at an interesting word the famous word at Emmett College outreach we have a zillion lectures based on it and that of course is the word the whole was the hope in love let's define love from the point of view of oh sorry face forward go back to boy to love who do love one more example oh that's my favorite example I done one more example by Adama
Channel: TheJewishTorah
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Keywords: Rabbi Mordechai Kraft, Secrets Of Hebrew Letters
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Length: 73min 26sec (4406 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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