Rabbi Mordechai Kraft - Secrets Of The Hebrew Language - Part 2

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okay so let's begin what I want to do now is part two of the Hebrew language lecture a quick review of some of the ideas that we need is that we understand that were a nation of a language when I'm Kadosh a Shem chose us he chose of all the other nations and he chose us one of the languages Titano me call a meme for call the show note and all the languages meaning a Shem gave us as part of our treasure he gave us a system through which we can understand the world and with Scientifics you know specific this that's what we say if there's any other language like the Hebrew language it's the chemical language because the camel the language is able to describe reality for you in the same way Hebrew defines reality God created 22 letters and with those 22 letters he formed the cosmos he formed us he formed the world he formed all the reality so when we study the 22 letters and we understand their meaning and their depth and we combined them what are we really doing is we're really studying reality we're studying life so the study of the Hebrew language has always been one of the major sources of wisdom has Jews where do we get the information from so there's one book which is a book that preceded the Kabbalah which was written by Avram Aveeno called say forget see ah and in it it's one of the deepest works that we still have in our possession and it contains a lot of these concepts it's very difficult to comprehend but that's what a lot of the wisdom is from Avraham Abraham going back over over 3400 years ago but there are more simpler ways of accessing the wisdom one is of course the name of the letter the name the simple name means something number two the shape of the letter number three the numerical value of the letter number four the first time a letter appears in the Torah where it starts the root of a word and I'll explain what that means as we go along a little more when you combine these four things together in addition to a bright that Rabi Akiva brings for us in the barn job Chaves and he explains even further when you put it all together you can pin to grasp the depth of a letter and it's like you get the chemical tool now to start analyzing other words and the more we do this together the more you'll begin to appreciate and build with yourself and it's not as difficult as you think and you begin to gain your own insight into into what's happening so first of all you know just just a quick idea you know we mentioned that the closest language to Hebrew is the chemical language you know so let me just give example what that means even just steel for example if I would write h2o of course we know that means that two hydrogen molecules and one mmm oxygen molecule now it's interesting if I were to write the word maíam which means water h2o is water the word in hebrew is this word right here maíam which is just very interesting because I find that fascinating because if you note maíam it has two members and one unit as if to indicate to us that what there's two of something or one of the other just as we know the chemical language tells us there's two hundred molecules or what oxygen mountain pretty fascinating you know if you look at the word in Hebrew for example for snow snow snow with the Hebrew is shellack shellack anybody there may yeah we with me shellack why is that the perfect description of the chemical property of snow what's also think it's very simple numerically Shin is three hundred numerically lammott is thirty numerically Gimbel is three well that's interesting 330 and three if you think about it in the process of formation of snow what happens water contracts correct water which is usually once the molecules usually want to expand when water freezes there is a contraction so the word Schilling is indicating that contraction it goes from 300 down to 30 down to three as it to describe to us the process of the formation of snow the contraction of the molecules 330 sorry in other words you hear the description of reality or for example motion by saying okay it's alright expansion but there's a contraction also neither we've had this discussion there's a contraction those now if you I'll give you just this with this one you can't argue with the word for pregnancy in Hebrew is herion hey rye young that means pregnancy if we do a little numerical value American analysis of it hey is five ratios 200 you it is 10 love is six and noon it's fifty we add it all together we get what do we get to 71 which is a very interesting number because 271 days is the exact amount of days in pregnancy right nine months is 30 and the day itself of delivery is 271 yeah we think so we hear the specificity of the human language in describing reality it's it's remarkable is it's remarkable just that it's but let's take it let's go a little bit deeper down but yeah we could go many angles to it there are many approaches to it and I will give you a you know smattering and hopefully at the end we'll see some system in it let's just review something very important we begin with the Aleph and a little bit of review well we have our Aleph over here as we've seen Aleph so out of whenever we see an elephant any word we've discussed this many times Aleph always represents the connection of something spiritual to the physical that makes sense because Aleph must go through our system of analysis numerically Aleph is is one first time we see Aleph in the Torah is pure a bara hello Kim right which means God it we take a look at the letters themselves and the letters are composed of other letters Aleph is actually composed of above and two units numerical evolve is 6u it is 10 we add that together that's 26 which is interesting number because that of course is the same number of you'd hey love hey what you know never forgot right good hey pop hey odd though shun which is 26 right two twelves right 10 20 see good 10 20 and 5 5 is 26 so again we have our 26 and then we go a little deeper into it and we notice that it's actually describing reality God is the source of all reality God is the muhkam right the world God is the place of the world right we look over here so the deeper literature tells us that the hood represents the 10 severe wrote of the upper world coming down connecting the love is the letter of connection it actually means and in Hebrew connecting to this world with another of another good sending those 10 emanations back God gives connects the upper world down to the lower world lower world up to the upper world all the connection which God does right there in the olive and then of course we take a little deeper and we're stuck by something a little bit problem you know Allah for we spill out the letters Aleph right sorry Alif you spelled out like that another source for the fact that we see God's oneness in it we do little coterie of the letter spelled out Aleph is one mom it is 30 pay is 80 we add it together 80 plus 30 plus 1 is 111 back to the ones here 1 1 1 right everything is bringing us back to our oneness God God is the one Shem at HUD now it's interesting also that Aleph means 1 but I left if you valid a little differently I left also means 1,000 in fact when we talk about multiplicity the way the Hebrew language works Aleph is 1 a la femme are thousands I left Aleph in are many thousands the same word that means 1 is also the word that he would language uses to mean many of thousands so again that's the question you always have to ask God you have an infinite imagination why couldn't you have created two words one word that means one and one word that means thousands why what is God trying to communicate to us by using the same word which means the same letter that means one and the same letter means thousands what's the connection well the connection is is that a Shem wants us to look at the thousands of powers in this world there's the power of the Sun there's the power of the wind there's the power of gravity there's the power of rain right there's the power of fertilization there's many powers that are acting in this world but don't look at them as isolated events see how they're all unified by one unifying source God you know the mistake that the idol worshipers would make in life is they would look at the Sun you look at the moon they would see the power manifested by those vehicles and the other are powerful in fact it god uses these things to bring blessing to the world that's what we call it he bromas out mazhab but you have to see that behind all the Mazon i should say that actually God is actually flowing to the rest of the world let me show you what that means if Aleph means one right Aleph it means one and it means one thousand why because in the thousands of multiple forces there's one unifying force now the earlier idolatrous what the mistake they made is that God created the planetary system in Hebrew we call them Missoula the word mazhab this world here masala Sunni masa masa right what do we say when you're at a wedding what he saved at the bridal room Mazel Tov when you go to a Britney laughs what do you say Mazel Tov right somebody gets married gets engaged what do you say Mazel Tov how do you try and sit down in English say good luck right so I'll tell you to say good luck to somebody is the greatest insult you can give them it's insulting even to an idol worshiper even idol worshippers don't believe in luck you know you person gets married yet another look good luck you have a one in two chance of making it for the next 40 years there's over 50 percent divorce rate good luck right ok what an insult one insult that's not bizarre means Mossad comes from the Hebrew word nose L nose L nose L in Hebrew means whoa thank you the other good catch you can come a ski trip you're coordinated I think it that was a test okay marketer yeah is that once the nice it is sturdy I think yeah it's always one is what's going on baby all the way like with that look okay technical support pace okay yes cuz I good not next to go good okay good Oh they'd sure later okay just look to click okay good thank you thank you so the word mazhab rebel tie comes to the he would know Zell knows L in Hebrew meets flow God created the planets and the Sun the moon and everything like that in the stars he uses them to flow energy down to the world the mistake idol worshipers made was the look at those stars and he saw the flow so they started worshipping the flow instead of realizing that God is behind the flow so idol worship person in the past we're not crazy if somebody boughs down to a rock or stone that person is not an idol worshiper that spurts that person is clinically insane right that person belongs in Creedmoor when the early idol worship pushes idols they were not insane what they were capable seeing was yes there is a flow emanating from Mars there's a flow emanating from Saturn right there's a flow M&E when Jupiter is aligned with Mars the other stud this and they saw what is aligned that way yeah the crops grow you want to into it but instead of realize that God is the source of it all he's the one unifying power behind the thousand of multiplicities they started worshiping the individual forces here works so God creates the letter Allah it means one and it means a thousand so we should not make that mistake never make that mistake to think that the forces are independent of I mean dependent of God okay so Aleph as we understand it always represents the most spiritual force in the universe and whenever we see an Aleph in any word we understand it's going to represent something about God something about Hashem now if Aleph represents the highest point of spirituality what do you letter you think represents the lowest point of spirituality well it would be the letter which is the furthest from the ALF what's the letter furthest on the Aleph in the herb alphabet the tough that's interesting the tough and in fact the first time we see the tough in the Torah isn't a word that says toe toe the world was Toho which means empty empty empty the physical world by itself physicality without God in it without a spiritual push without a spiritual underpinning is empty it's empty perhaps that's why most marriages do fail is because a person goes into marriage without saying the purpose is marriage is to bring God and to bring us closer to something spiritual it's a physical relationship a physical relationship without God is empty now it's interesting look at this the word in Hebrew four-letter is this word both Oh Tim I see that an oat in Hebrew is a letter I want to save the letter Aleph o alphabet interesting look how perfectly that those three letters describe what the Hebrew letter is what they give a letter it's something spiritual which God has linked to form something physical God created the letters and with those letters joined them to create a physical reality and the letter love as we know that evolve is the means a hook it looks like a hook it means above the first time you seen the Torah it's love they have Myshkin the hooks of the curtains in the Michigan it looks like a hook and even the Hebrew language it what does it mean amis and you connect something with it so what's a note a letter it's something spiritual connected to something physical it's also a sign when God says I'm going to make a sign with the Jewish people open a they need a net a sign between me and you oat what's a sign God says I want you to do something physical which connects you up to something spiritual like Shabbos it's a sign of our relationship our men with Mila do something physical that connects you hooks you to something spiritual if Aleph represents the point of God something is the spiritual manifestation and in the world the letter which is furthest from it would represent the lowest point of physicality which would be the tough actually getting the letters the parts of the letter yeah so so right so we could do with a tough also but for this for this discussion let's just take it in this way that it's the furthest point from the elephant it's the furthest point for the Alpha numerically it happens to be 400 just going to show you why that's going to important at the moment but let's just think of that for a moment but see how things work so beautifully I did another example with you last week but I think it's worth mentioning we have a yeah so in this interpretation of how it be are you saying that best is the second to it that the first that in the first word in the Torah berry she it's something spiritual like it could be yeah I'll show you a second you see that let's take a look in the lower it's a good point let's take a word at this word this will work for truth look at the word for truth what's the word for truth em back right the name of our organization and that like calligraphy okay remember each other okay I met truth let's take a look at why these three letters are the perfect description of truth okay first of all Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet tuff is the last level of twenty-two men happens to be the exact middle of the above that's interesting exact middle point what is truth first of all truth is when you can see the beginning the middle the end right if you're going to look and just see a part of something is that truth here's the end is that truth is in the middle is that truth no truth means you see the beginning the middle and the end which is what God says to EOF when he overs going through all of his pain and all of his is is you know tribulation so finally God turns to her solisten you if if you really want understand why you have to go through this pain you have to have seen it all from the beginning we have to go back to the beginning of creation and show you the whole movie through but the truth can be understood when you see the beginning the middle and how it's going to play out sometimes in our lives we have pain and we have difficulties and we say God why are you doing it to me the answer is when we see the end we'll understand exactly what was happening in the middle but because our perspective is so limited we can't say that we have the truth we have to trust we have to know the truth and the goodness is coming truth means you can see beginning middle and end which is a very interesting description of it now it's interesting our rabbis tell us if there are three things that we know about life number one that were born from a mother number two we're going to die and number three that we're going to have to give an accounting before God where's the three truths of life it's interesting those three truths are right here if you divide the first two letters it spells aim which means mother all born from a mother if we divide it this way it spells mate which means death and of course the word together and that is one of the descriptions of God who ello kin I met he is a God of truth now interestingly if we take a numerical analysis Aleph is one mem is 40 tuff is 400 444 441 we do what's called a gamma tree or cuttin we add them across four plus four is eight plus one is is nine Y is nine a very unique number in it's nine is interesting number because nine is the only number when you multiply it but any other number always go back to none nine times one is nine nine is 227 so there's nine nine times three is nine s was 18 was eight is nine ninety s three is twenty-seven 2 plus I was nine ninety s 4 is 36 3 plus 6 is 9 thank you 9 times 5 is 45 four was five nine nine times 6 is 54 5 plus 4 is 9 1970 66 this is 9 9 times 8 is 72 by right yep yeah 7 plus 2 is 9 9 times 9 is 81 equals 9 9 times 10 is 99 % 9 times 11 is 9999 is 18 1 plus 8 is 9 you can multiply 9 by any combination of numbers that exist try it if you wanted calculators do it later trust me on it it will come back to 9 now what does 9 have to do with truth what's interesting if something is true you can't hide it if something is true it doesn't matter what formats and you will see that this is truth truth is there truth identifiers itself it speaks speaks out loud and clear when a person does something right when we do something right in this world we're not to tell anybody it will speak out believe me the truth speaks goodness speaks doing something which is truthful which is serving God which is right which is correct you don't have to brag not to tell anybody it will be seen it will be known truth speaks truth will be visible and is always visible and that's why every generation you know you've had systems that tried to corrupt humanity and society and people and always falls in the end because truth comes through truth will always break itself through but always be noticed now it's interesting if you notice these letters of Emmett they're all letters that have a base very solid truth is something which can stand seal the feet there anything has two legs to stand on let's contrast that with the word for falseness in the alphabet which is checker checker what's it just another word for checker which is falseness is notice there's only one leg they see that something is false it's baseless it's also interesting by the way whereas Emmett truth is first middle and last the word for false this happens to be three letters near alphabet which are right next to each other roof rach in and near alphabet are right next to each other but in the wrong order cuff it here it's shinto fresh really chilly cooperation so checker is something where you're only seeing one part of the picture that's falseness you're seeing a little TV piece it's like you look through a keyhole and you think you know the whole story no it's a one isolated event you look through a keyhole right and you see a man with a mask and you see him he's holding a knife and he's ready to stab what are you about to do you called 9-1-1 you call the police the police kick down the door and What did he say it's a dentist it's the dentist you know you're a scream and you hear the drill and yell and he has a knife he's brush you know he's helping him but you thought it was killing him because you're looking through a key oh that's falseness when you see one part of the story that's Checker truth means you have to see the entire vision you have to see what's going on now it's interesting the truth of life is when you can take God and you can transport God all the way into everything you do in the physical world Aleph is God represents the highest point of spirituality tough represents the lowest point of spiritual out of the physical world man is my favorite letter not just good my name is Mordecai and a wife's name is monika mem is my favorite letter because man happens to be numerically forty and it means maíam it means water what is water what's the property of water water always wants to be in motion it always wants to move right what it doesn't like to invite you up you know you spill a cup of water doesn't the molecules don't like to come together and join together you want to expand out rivers want to flow right water wants to move it's always in motion definition of water it's an something moving in motion now it's interesting 40 men happens to be the middle point of the Hebrew language the mem is the middle point now look at mem mem numerically is 40 that was interesting about that is in Judaism is 40 an important number for us well let's think for a second how many years in the desert 40 right the mid bar the mid bar was 40 years let's think how many days at har see ninth about to deciding where we see the Torah forty mattandsarah right mattandsarah beginning of the tar 40 let's keep going how many days of rain were there when God destroyed the world in the Bible there how many days of rain 40 mop wool that's interesting 40 if you have a mikvah in order for iniquity kosher you know Mikkel is a it's a gathering of water it has to be rain water has to be gathered in a cistern that's into the ground and it has to be purely rainwater a40 it has to be forty saw 40 saw is approximately the weight of a human being forty soft for it to be kosher so a mikvah which again is the men has to be forty soft cold now it's interesting also we know for the kimono bra coat that after a certain number of days you should stop diving for a boy because the sex has already been determined how many days does it take to the sex of the determined it's actually a medical fact as well 40 days 40 days the point of gestation where there's you go from say little life to actual human life is 40 days we call it may mo they may mo the womb of the mother stomach of the mother 40 days of gestation there's interesting why all these 40s 40 40 40 40 Billy the mid bar with desert was 40 40 dozen heart about the Torrance 40 40 days of the flood 40 days of 40 saw the mikveh 40 days in gestation in the womb to go through cellular life to the human life and notice that they all begin with a mem very interesting I'll begin with the mem and they're all 40 so what is happening what's special about all what's the common denominator of all these events customer is transformation in order to go from a slave nation to a free nation we need 40 years in order to go from a nation before Torah to a nation a holy nation of Torah we need forty days in order to go from a world just so corrupted the destruction to a world which now merits to exist again you need 40 days of cleansing in order for a woman to go from a state of impurity to purity she needs a 40 so in order for a baby to transform from sailor life to its a human life it requires 40 days then the number 40 for us always represents the idea of change of transformation of expressing something out of bringing something out anew now that's interesting because if you look at certain words we look at a met one of the truth of life which is really the job of the Jewish people is we have to take the olive we have to take you God the vision that God is everywhere and we have to transport form and we have to bring God out into the physical world and everything that we do to the beautiful is that's the job of a Jew express God out in anything the physical aspects of your life and your work in the way you eat and the way you interact with people the way you drag with your spouse express God out into everything bring him through now it's interesting in one with thee or with everybody the word in Hebrew for the human being is this word it's Adam Adam okay there we go Adam why did I write that what letter am i interested in over here what letter am i interested in let's land the lies I dump for a minute Adam is the human being so first thing we notice about a human being is there's an Aleph right that's interesting the most basic element we have to know that every human being is that we have were created in the image of God if you missed that part to another human being you've missed the human being you can't see godly that's another human being you're our eyes are not trained properly I have to know this godly is another human being notice in ourselves the second part of course is that were dumb dumb is blood now we met you last week I believe it two weeks ago the Dom is the perfect option of the physical part of who we are why because we know we have 33,000 miles of veins and arteries in the human body the human body the veins and arteries of one human body can circle the world twice twice twice remarkable that's part of the creation Shems Bria Shems Bria Shems you know just show you this for a second the word for sorry for the random order the word for the word for the creation in Hebrew is Bria Bria means the creation Rhea you know what's interesting about this word Bria if you change your letters around a little bit it spells this bait ba yah but lira Bria means the creation the physical creation is the Brya right if you change the same letters around it's a book year Rob which means for the sake of all you say we lose the Eurasian maíam versus Eurasian I am they fear God year doesn't mean fear of God it means Maria he sees he's in awe of what he sees that's what it means to have yira person person they said this person's a year a sham I am it's not that he's afraid he might be in awe and the oil causes it to tremble who would a tremble if you're in awe of God but here works if you look at creation correctly that should bring you to zero all on the Creator the creation contains zero study the creation think about it for 10 minutes that there are 33,000 miles of arteries and veins in my body they could circle the world twice and it's compact in such a system that we don't even notice that you bring us to a little bit of all of the creator of the year yeah works a little deeper language speaks it out so perfectly study creation but the purpose stunning creation is for the sake bull means for the sake of hero of all of God beautiful so let's go back for a second autumn we have the olive human beings crane image of God we have the blood which is the Dom the physical part of who we are Dom of course we know is the gamma trio 44 yes which is the gamma tree of off which means father and aim which means mother of means father a plus one is three aim I love post mem is 40 you have together look she to be 41 sorry she's my math 44 right beautiful right because we know that there are three parts of the creation God supplies soul and mother and father supply the physical component Dom now a rabbi's tell us of course that if a person thinks their only physical and just goes up the physical body and thinks they're only dahm dahm happens to be the same route in Hebrew as Needham which means dead a domain which means lifeless do you think you're just physical you're dead or dumb or dumb is it good very good very good the beauty of the human being is the balance between the three bring you the olive out into the physical part of who we are now our rabbi's tell us that at Dom there's a very important word because if you change the letters around a little bit a Dom you switch the letters it spells the old the old in Hebrew means means very or more more milk more the S is the human being is we're born in potential and we have to become me Oh interesting that's who we are in animal in contrast is called a Bahama a Bahama which means ba ma in it is what it is an animal doesn't need to change you never say to say to a dog you know stop eating off the floor I say to my little son all the time to stop eating off the floor right yeah you know why because we've expectations that our job is to become somebody great we're born to potential we have to become you know now it's interesting Adam is the same letters as Adama because God created us from the ah da na the earth question does the earth have any real value of its own I dare say no what's the value of the mud under the Chrysler Building or under the Empire State Building or under 56 then First Avenue versus the same chemical composition of the mud in some field out in I don't know Nebraska is it the same dirt I was at the same dirt same composition so why is one you know square mile worth 100 million and one square mile is worth $100 location location then they are real estate people location location location meaning the potential of what you can do with it determines its value true dirt Adama is the perfect description of something which has potential God created man from the atom ah why because the essence the human being is were created with potential but it's our job to actualize our potential now look at the word Adama Adama if you valid a little differently it spells this word ah da na ah da neck he respeakers ah damn man what does either men mean the mom eats dirt ah damn that means after a little Hebrew for it I'll tell you it means I will be done' i will be comparable i shall compare myself Adam ah means dirt add that man means in Hebrew I will compare myself who will I become prepare myself to I will be dilma to the olive dolma and he would be similar I will be similar to Hashem that's the potential of a human being a person can be dirt but the same word that means dirt is the exact same letters it was in the same order that means I shall compare myself to God I will be Adam now I will be comparable Donath comparable to the Isle of the god that's a potential human thing what are you going to be are you be dirt are gonna be godlike that's our free choice that's the power of free choice in human being and there is in the word Adam ah at the mess same word ground and I shall compare myself or be comparable to God don't meet to the Alpha you hear the thing you hear this language interesting languages now let's take a look at the other for a moment it's interesting that Aleph is written like this the letter Aleph of course we means the highest point of spirituality how do we pronounce an Aleph by the way listen to my listen to my Aleph your it here mouth never here you heard it no sound silent right if something spiritual doesn't have a sound the highest point in spirituality it has no physicality dalla Fez no physicality is the highest point of spirituality all the other letters have sounds but good hahaha right now interesting what's the mission of the human being a person is born Adam he's both an olive and his board blood physicality spirituality the mission of the human being is to become me owed meaning what does it mean to become Yoda it means transfer that olive that you have that godliness you have into everything you do out in the physical world look at the word mode what did I tell you let amendment mem is the letter of Mayan write 40 transformation transfer out that olive into the dollar the dollar in the Hebrew language always represents the physical world why well let's see of all the way it's shaped it has the four directions it's the first letter to start expressing yourself in four directions up down right north south east west numerically it means four which is the four directions it means Dalek means a delat a door a door why is the door the perfect description of the physical world what why is it door if I can describe this world the perfect description just world as a door the purpose this world is a Prue's door they all Emma ba the purpose is world is a doorway to lead us somewhere else that's this world this world is intended itself a doorway has to get you somewhere that's when we make a big deal about doorways of Judaism what do we put we put on every doorway on our house a mezuzah which has most important for the most fundamental statement the Jewish people a Shem everything is you a sham Akkad right why because doorways illustrate to us what's world is so the world the world letter that means the physical world happens to be the Dalit which means del attorney's door so the job of the human being is you're born Adam your potential your olive is over here your job however is to become the ODE transport that olive out into the physical world it's everything that you do bring the spiritual side of who you are into your life everywhere that's what it means to become healed everybody good let's take a look at men and women for a moment there's a word we use for man which is called ish so what we use for women called Keisha what letter does a man have that a woman doesn't have amazing yet no no no just just know just act what letter does a woman have she has a hey okay let's do a little analysis you know each means man he shot means woman simple analysis is of course that a man has a urine or dancer hey at the point of marriage man combines his good with a woman's hey and you have God's name car yeah one of the names of God of course we know is right it's called it's one names of God marriage is a man bringing something a part of God will we bring a part of God and together they could discover God in a way that neither them could do alone if a man and woman enter marriage without wanting to bring God into the picture we don't care about a spiritual life you know why I care about Shabbat but okay by kashrut the goal of our marriage is to vacation in Tahiti all the time or to live in wherever right or to have fancy whatever if that's the goal of the marriage let's remove the good and the hey was it spell ish which means fire you have two fires that consume and burned each other up that there's a 65 percent divorce rate in the world maybe it's due to the fact that instead of bringing out God and bringing a relationship with God that can only come what a man will combine if God is a part of the equation there's fire there's conflagration there's just two people burning each other up and who wants to be in that type of environment better get out but in run for your life so we see something very interesting just in the shape of the letters each Disha you bring got in you get something beautiful you take God out you have fire now let's take a little deeper yeah yeah yeah good good question almost set that's very excellent question let's go a little deeper on it first let's understand why is a good the mail letter the yurt is the mail letter so the hood is a very interesting letter because the yurt is you notice when you light a good a you'd never touches the top of the line it never touches the bottom of the line it just hangs there a good is actually just a dot if I'm going to form any letter I first have to have a point and then from that point I could do whatever I want right you're there's just a point that's all this the deeper literature tells us that your represents the idea of thought it represents the idea of an idea of thought numerically its 10/10 is mathematicians tell us there's a cognitive number a thought number why because zero to nine have natural symbols once you get to ten you have to start using thought to formulate it to create it do you hear that zero through nine have their own shape once you get to ten you have to start combining other numbers to create it you have to use thought to create this new system now beyond nine it represents the idea of thought so thought numberless a cognitive number it's also interesting that when you any want to form something in the future if I want to say something will happen in the future in the right in the third person what do I say for example he will sing what do I say who you're sure he will go who yell a he will stand who yeah cool whenever you want to see something will happen you use the you'd you'd represents the idea of idea of thought now this is the mail letter yud because the job of a man in this world is to be involved in ideas those are carefully I'm going to say a man's vision in this world gentlemen is to take big ideas and pull the devil bring down the inspiration of godliness into the world be connected to terra be connected to thought that's what learning time is the key myths of our man bring down the ideas reach up and bring ideas down that's the vision of a man to extend upward make a connection a root connection so to speak with God and therefore allow God to flow his ideas into the world that's a man's job reach up and to bring down bring ideas down men live in the world of ideas that's the vision of men it's interesting on that fourth we'll come back this will come up and I've leaving it don't worry a man has a mitzvah of tefillin correct so when a man puts the filling on right he's putting a box up here yeah he's putting a big box up there and on that big box there's a shin on this side there's a shin on this side and he's putting his head between the shin what's the word forehead in hebrew rosh rosh which is the meaning of the letter raysh write the letter race means rosh means head so when a man puts his head his rosh in the middle it actually spells something spells Shura Shura in Hebrew means roots a man is reaching up he's making a root connection he's linking his roots up to the higher world in order that God should bring ideas down and that's what the film straps extend all the way down a man's body right right they extend all the way down Manas body to the loins pass the lower part of Leah's right make a root connection connect with God upstairs allow God sap sub speak his ideas to penetrate you and to come all the way through you bring ideas down deep bring it down that's the vision of man that's the vision of a good a good is an idea that's a good that's all your this it's a thought just hangs there like an idea but you can't live in the world of ideas alone can you the world ideas alone are very lonely places right you need to do something with an idea an idea needs to be brought out into the world a woman has a letter somebody with me a woman has a hey now hey is a very fascinating letter because if you look at a hey you'll notice that a hey is composed of a dollar any good that's when you write a hey in the turn it's a dollar and a unit what did we say the dialed represented for it means delyth a work right a door which represents the idea of the physical world and what do we say a good represents the idea of thought so what what is a hey and hey is the letter that shows a thought an idea being expressed out into the physical world right that's what hey hey is an idea being expressed out into the physical world by the way right if I were to take my you know my dollar and I would write in like this it spells hand why is the unit of the dollar the perfect description of a hand what does a hand do the job of a hand is to take your ideas express them out of the world the hand is the interface of my ideas and the physical reality true that's what hand does a hand expresses my ideas out into the world that's my hand purpose of a hand it's also interesting by the way numerically but unit is ten thousands four which is 14 why is 14 the perfect description of a hand right 14 points of connection 14 joints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 right 14 points in which I make my connection out into the world but so if a man's job is to be a Yoda to bring an idea down a woman's job is to to take that idea and make it real in the world right perfect example of courses is reproduction a man provides the seed genetic composition what gets it going the idea so to speak a woman then takes that idea and nurtures it and nourishes it and forms it and shapes it and after nine months expresses that idea out of the world the form of a child see how it works a man is the idea I'll say anyway if you look under a microscope you'll notice that right a man's seed looks like a good and if you look under a microscope you'll notice that a woman's egg happens to be the shape of a hey so right the physical route is describing the spiritual system spiritual system the spiritual world is the system the spiritual the physical world of course intersect they meet so a man's vision is to be involved in the world of ideas a woman's vision is to take those ideas and express them out so whereby a man might learn the intricacy of the laws of Chavez and might be involved in the theoretical aspect of Java's a woman's vision will be to take a home and transform that idea in a way that yeah there's an environment here that lives it you live it right that's the beauty of marriage a man could be big ideas and what we could take as big ideas and I can make it real which is more important but ideas are life but you need both you need both the most super important but that's the vision of male and female idea first expressing that idea out into the world now it's interesting God created the world it says with a letter hey toes says the hey Baram which means he created them but a rabbis explained that word to mean but hey Dharam with a hey God created the world why did God choose to create the world the letter hey why because what's the description of the physical world description the physical world is you have a physical reality that contains a spiritual idea within it is a spiritual idea within the physical shape of the world anything in the world so the hey is the perfect description of the creation of this world now we looked last week add a word for love and let's take a little deeper this week and we said that the word for love is a hole right now hole love so why is this the perfect description of love right simply we said well numerically Aleph is 1 numerically Beit is 2 and we said of course every letter not only has numerical value has a meaning we said that the letter hei means give right letter hei means give we see it the first time the hey begins the root of a word is the partial for ye gosh when the brothers are down in Egypt see also wants to give them food see also says hey I'm Oh help which means give them food Hey look I'm give so it's consistent but you look at the letter hey why does this letter mean give what does it mean give well first of all what what is a gift first all right first one you give the point of giving of course is your hand like this true and and and what what is a gift really a gift is giving something from me to you it's a giving of a gift what's the point of a gift a gift is it the physical object is it the beauty if a gift is what is behind that gift right when something comes for you the idea behind it what do you have in mind your intention when you give something from you your thought your your your spirit right it's coming from your heart when that gets out into the physical world it gets out to somebody else that's what giving is all about you're giving something the deepest part of you your idea of your love you're expressing something out to the other one gives two to one gives to the other and of course we mentioned that what's the way of really building love when you give to the other in olive you give something spiritual to somebody else you create a much deeper feeling of love why because love is going to be a function of you know if you can give something of greater value the love will be greater the greatest thing evaluate give somebody is we give that person in Olive ones was an olivey that we give them a home in which we bring God down deep we show that person that there's an olive inside themselves we make them aware of their greatness of their talents of something we have that special we give them an olive we give them a DVAR Torah we give them a way to connect up to God deeper that of course generates and builds the love and a much much deeper fashion good let's go into the word world a prayer for a moment we said there was a letter that represents the mail in addition to the hood there's another mail letter that letter is a Zion sign now Zion in Hebrew it looks like a sword means a sword and also means son which means to nourish what's the idea of a sword sword is something you use with for conflict right you used to to fight so the job of man in this world basically is either he has to fight to defend or he has to fight to bring food to the table it's not always an easy job son we mentioned there was a letter for a woman which was a gimel another letter the gimel gimel is the hebrew letter that's not good I could give ya okay decent yeah okay gimel if we write the gibble out gimel actually means gimel means to give go Mel Cassadine it also happens the same word as gimel which means to wean a child off milk question why did God choose the same word which means to give go Mel and give Mel which means to stop giving gimel needs to give and gimel means to stop giving to wean a child off milk stop milk why is the same word in the only time God has an infinite imagination why did he choose two different words so what's the inner core what's the interconnection between the two what's the greatest kindness you do for somebody you can stop giving when you create independence that's the greatest kindness the greatest giving is to give to a point where the person is full they don't need you anymore you can wean them off of you that's independence right if I'm going to be helping my let's say five-year-old rider bicycle like a two wheeler so I'm going to be running after her trying to hold her up you know running down the street and I'm doing kindness now if I'm going to do that for my 17 year old am i doing kindness no big and overprotective nut right and and that's ridiculous real giving is you want to give to a point where you create independence now it's interesting that's why the first time we see the gibble in the torah it's because it's this world which means good ol good ol means big the whole purpose of giving is to create somebody to be a good dog big they don't need you anymore in fact if you break the letters down with God or because you give to a doll you give to somebody who's poor till they come to cut dog now it's interesting by the way the letter gimel also means gum mouth the mom needs a camel what's the connection to camel and giving and not giving but selection the camel what does it count off to the whole picture what's unique about a camel it can contain water and basically about 30 days I think without drinking it has the capacity to be self-sufficient what's the greatest kindness can do for somebody to create self-sufficiency independence do you like existence this is it so gimel represents the female letter I don't like them let's target so we have the mail letter which design we have the female letter which is the gibble now we mentioned that the letter of connection in Hebrew is above right because of of first of all it looks like a hook it means a hook love is the letter of connection buffaio Michigan how do we say a married couple in Hebrew we say a right Zuk Zuk the mail is connected hooked up with thee the female that's a married couple right the male energy hooked it with the few now I know I showed you that last week but the reason I showed it to you again because I want to discuss the Zion the Zion again we mentioned looks like a sword right it means a soy it's interesting the letter hat in Hebrew the next letter is this letter right here that's a cut let's see where the fat in the toe what letter do you see in the Hat what do you see you see two to zines correct to Zions facing each other I said two people with swords in combat fighting yet unified by a canopy the cat always represents to us two opposites which become unified to things that are potentially in disharmony finding unity in them two things of a fight but no we're going to unify it that's a hat two swords facing each other unified by a canopy that's interesting the first time we see the the the first time we see the threat and the terror is by the word Xhosa OSHA which means darkness you know why because in life if you can't unify certain ideas you're going to be in darkness you know if you're going to you're going to look at you know look god I know you're all about love and goodness but like why did this happen to happen to me I'm in darkness if you can't unified and look for a deeper explanations it's going to create darkness you can have opposition and that's going to create darkness but other times we use the word that it's for time ahead kamini actually the letter means field that means field which means life if you can unify the opposites in your life you can find harmony and find God and everything that happens even the difficult areas of life right you're gonna have a out you'll have life that gives you life so you can either be in darkness so you'll have life but that is all about unifying two opposites now it's interesting what's the let what's the thing you know we had a wedding last week right what the bride of the groom standing to this canopy what's that canopy called Hopa Hopa Hopa means the wedding canopy if you break those letters down you know really means cut PO what does pole be here the Hat is here oh you have a Mazda you have a man you have a woman you have two beings which potentially can be in opposite to each other women have their strengths mana their strength women have their disadvantages man are there disadvantages right man of the week too similar in the weaknesses met there's a lot of differences banner from with mars women are from venus right we had a lot of differences to things that potentially could be in disharmony what is the hope of do it unites it unifies it don't worry that paul the unity is over here okay well there are so hopeless bring two people that potentially be adversaries bring them together in a union and in a life where each and our strengths will complement the other and help bring the other to a place we could have gotten alone the cat is here at this pole the unity between two opposites is pressed that's what the hope is ethyl ester cat father cerkupo kupos yeah let's go so missin right that can be filled from his life I mean cat it's a difficult effin spelling but you're right it could be the aspect of said sin is when you can't unify these two opposite life right you have your own drives your passion your own wants and needs and there's God's Word I don't want to put it together there's a fight there's a conflict that's cut that's why by the word you know the word for hat it's actually this word over here so I would write out the word for hat which means sin that it's like this hat right hat hat which letter is silent oh that's interesting what's the source of all sin when you choose to silence God you know listen to God you know when we're very aware of God we don't send well we're we're people we don't sit right that's row you know all the sudden you know there's something wrong somebody walks in the robe oh look yeah we sin because we choose not to see that God is watching us that's a sin as we silence God God is present but we choose not to focus on it free choice means that we can focus and we can see or we could choose not to see that's correct that's it silence the God silence Dale as simple as that yeah what's worth knowing that you're doing something wrong and doing it or choosing choosing not to sit here so if you know that you're doing something wrong I'm not is watching but she's still going yeah look no I'm doing something wrong and if you know there's something wrong here and this is not the path for Shuba I know if there's something wrong the guy tried stuff the first it chooses to that it's okay well what rationalize is what I'm doing wrong is really right another person's in danger well of course our rabbi's tell us that you do something three times you rationalize that like we say you do something once it says you know oh my god I believe I did that two times oh I feel bad three times what I did was a mitzvah it's a shlush apartment horrible so this iswhat robo you made it emits it's permitted to you right now let's go marketed it made a mitzvah you know we got it yeah third time you'll regret anymore turns out it's a mitzvah submit it's a mitzvah you know why it's a mess you know first time you feel bad second time you know first time you regret it second time you feel a little bad third time I'll tell you exactly why I just did was a vegetable it's amazing it's amazing you know why because and the reason is the reason is very very deep the reason is because the Kiwi being is so holy the essence of who we are is the soul and when we do something that that is wrong then we silenced the olive so to speak we cause a blemish on the soul there's such pain that we're experiencing inside ourselves the only way to deal with that pain is to rationalize what we did is really right because we can't live with our cells to feel that I've done something that's rebelled against God the soul can't tolerate that we can't tolerate that really the only way to live with ourselves is to say I didn't do anything wrong i canna mitzva I didn't mitzvot right it was right I had to scream at him you know how would he learn if I didn't scream right the only way to teach it's not for me for him but you know they got to that right you can rationalize anything away you know think about your my eight immorality whatever it is you know helps the marriage oh people can ration anything away because they can't live with themselves in the feeling that these leave these rebelled against God that's the power of rationalization this way to be very careful and the core of spiritual growth is really being in touch with our rationalizations believing we have power to rationalize anything anything three times it's a mitzvah those are keep in mind to keep that in mind everything that we do in life okay let me take you through one more point over here I want to take you through the most important thing that we say every day is juice twice a day we have a bits for this a Shema right before I do that right then share the power of free choice for a second the power free choice what's the word for choice in Hebrew like to choose as Baha that's interesting in these three letters contain everything we noted about free choice but Hari I could write these letters as how their which means a friend if I make the correct free choice decisions I could be a friend with God or we can write the same three letters as Harith which means a sort if I make incorrect free choice decisions I am a in conflict with cotton I can battle with God not position with God right free choice but you can either choose to be there or you could choose to be a sheriff like a sort in opposition to get theirs that's the power free choice okay let's take a look at smile for a second twice a day we say these words might as well shema yisrael hashem I'm okay no Hashem God okay Sh'ma yes well hashem elokenu hashem HOD let's say I'd like to stay for one moment first of all Chima Sh'ma in Hebrew means listen listen Israel Shem okay Lashon oh god what are we really saying the word Sh'ma if you look at it it actually contains shame Ayana shame in Hebrew means a name it means shemot means the essence of something Sherman is heaven right sharm means there it's all the same thing the essence of life is sharm it's there sham i am it's heaven the word for joy in the simcha which is the same machine man simcha joy when you get in touch with what's there Shan Shan I am with the essence of life you'll have joy Shema means essence shame iron what iron iron is the eyes what's the job of the eyes to look to see to understand i in shame Sh'ma I in the essence look at the essence of the world Shema the job of the ears is to gather together all of the facts of this world and create some form of harmony in our head you know the eye looks and perceives something outside the body the ear takes something inside and when we speak it's a very fascinating thing because you're taking my words and you're using your mind to construct it to formulate and analyze what I'm saying vision is a clear perspective the other clips I can see outside listening means I have to take what I see and bring on the inside inform reality that's why the word via Shama actually means another root of your shovel means to gather together shawl cello Melek exhaustedly Shama at the arm gather the army didn't say listen Division you Shama means together Shama Shama listen I in lookout and perceive the essence of the world what can see what can perceive the essence look at the essence of the world think about the world a little bit Shema mom listen listen not just listen perceive s's look at the world and discover what's going on in the world discover the essence of the world go to the zoo go to the zoo go look at a giraffe and ask yourself a simple question a giraffe has a neck which is about four and a half five feet and the giraffe has a job there's to pump blood uphill uphill know things like to go downhill is hold gravity right how does that giraffe pump blood five feet uphill against gravity difficult job so it so happens that the giraffe happens to have guess what a second pump where's the second pump right at the base of its neck the heart pumps the blood all around the body 32,000 miles giraffe is prob about sixty $66,000 goes around the body it reaches the base of the neck all of a sudden the second pump kicks in and pumps the blood from the neck up to the brain which came first the five-foot neck with axillary pump well that's sitting right at the 5-foot deck was there that the axillary pump you'd have giraffes with your brain did it exhilarate pomp is there without the five-foot neck what's it doing there like when you see two things at acting in in harmony in tandem what do you say you say designer you happens to have a perfect pump right at the point of a five foot neck to pump the water from here to there beautiful go to the zoo and think about that think jump it better God created the world in a way where if we'll look and think about the essence will come and we will discover God in the world and we'll have balance in life that's what listening is listening is gathering all that information so that we should have the proper balance of how we're supposed to live our lives which is interesting by the web and come back just for a second what's the word for here in Hebrew the word for ear is chosen there's interesting oesn't means ear it also means in Hebrew is Ain means what means balance scale scale he was called Lisa right this what happens the word for ear means eros and it means balance where is the physical point of balance of human body in here right when was that discovered scientifically Moshe in 1910 son yeah 1920 of course we've had in the Hebrew language last five thousand and something years right 567 years right the force of physical balance is the year where's the point of spiritual balance in the air in the body well let's say when you need spiritual balance what do you do come to at our class come to lecture the air is the point is bridge about which is very interesting by the way because I love means what Aleph always means a Shem something about a sham zan in Hebrew means Xanadu olam kelabra hold up Mikado to nourish the whole world Hashem nourishes a sham provides spiritual balance that's the Java dear Hashem nourishing gathering the information about the world which means thinking about it it's how we perceive God Shema listen Israel not just listen gather up that information look into the essence of the world go to the zoo or think about that valve and pump at the base of the neck of the giraffe right I'll look at your own stomachs and notice that right any PACA right medicines yeah we have a lot of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs and that's why when we go to a wedding and we get served a some saw or something like that or you know this wedding left I cut this wedding bell you know I was at his wedding and first it's like lamb came out and I was so good I had a big chunk of that that's all that was great you know that's full and all suddenly stuff bring out some size like as I have take a sub sir that was great I'm getting really stuffed her and and then I got a dance I come back the table they have this plate of onions with the this cube yeah whether I got try it no that was really good you know I can't do this much longer so I I go to my wife's getting ready to leave so I'm the only one who does this look there but I go to the kitchen did you two get thick boil yeah yes come back with the tinfoil there to start wrapping up since up all of a sudden these they come with another platter um uh this is what was on the platter evident chicken and meat man I was like wow this is avid I was like you know I was in heaven I was like I was but I was like I was I was in heaven like I couldn't I wasted it all that first piece of uh lamb over there I blew it I should have smarter smarter and I think that was it I thought yeah that's all great if he's alive calm I should have known better you see you know I'm always learning but how did I get into that then they can even please teach me back in a second here let's let's try no - how do I thank you all good thank you am I still good so a case hydrochloric acid so the way I was they'll eat that piece of lamb is that we hydrochloric acid in our stomachs their question hydrochloric acid is a very strong acid as we know why does it burn right through the walls in my stomach the answer is yeah we have a coat of mucus that surrounds on a clock acid isn't the job that mucus is to contain and protected so the lamb the subside goes down but it stays right we're supposed to stay and hydric acid doesn't burn to the wall my stomach sometimes it does it's called an ulcer all right sometimes it does that's ulcers by the cream store but a general does which came first my friends which came first the hydrochloric acid or the mucus well I mean medical cells will tell you by the way ask my sister he's dr. whole purpose that mucus serves made functions to contain the hydrochloric acid so if the hydrochloric acid came without the mucus by no some sauce if the mucus came out hydric acid there's no purpose of mucus so again you see two things acting in perfect harmony what do you say say designer that's what it says listen look at the world think about the world think with the essence of the world take it inside yourself Sh'ma bring it inside yourself and understand all these facts put it together all right smile smile listen focus on the essence of what's happening wake up Sh'ma Israel interesting you know in Hebrew all words in Hebrew have three-letter roots when you see a one two three four five a five letter word obviously you know it has to be contained of two words that's a rule yes well actually means if you break up the letter word yes rel yasha l which means your shot l which means God is straight your shot L God is straight God you are straight on the waters crooked if I can't perceive you God in my life it's not because you're not being straight it's because I'm choosing not to see you I'm crooked I'll have to focus a little bit to discover you God you are straight but I can be crooked if I want to be I could choose not to see I could have my own drive known pageant on once I don't want to see you God today I want do something else but God is straight my you so L Sh'ma gather up think deeply that God is straight were the ones that are crooked our life sometimes Trice well a Shem God you are you'd hate both hey if you take those letters for God you take off a they actually Express Cuyahoga ve a higher means past hava means present eta means future God you are past present future all at the same time the people always ask me the question rabbi if God knows the future how do I have free choice right Rev God knows the future I've heard this question you know it's almost a big I like a seminar rabbi I have to talk to you I'm really bothered philosophically so I guess let me guess let me guess if God knows a future how do I have free choice how do you know that how'd you know that yeah that's everyone's made your question the answer it's a non-starter why is it a non-starter God is past present future at the same time you'd have of hey hiya ho buddy in the spiritual realm there's no past present future it merges into one time is a function of a physical reality time is something which is only relevant when you have a physical domain once you're out of the physical is spiritual you get a past present and future being the exact same thing can your mind comprehend ah no I can't either my piece of mush up here can't comprehend that but that's God God the name of God indicates that he's past present future all at the same time so if God knows the futures no future is from our vantage point there's a future so don't get stuck by the questions not a question just to accept with the spiritual world doesn't operate this way God doesn't operate the we operate it we just have to go with that Sh'ma Israel hashem elokenu hashem a hot now let me show you this word a hard a hard means what it needs one when we say this we put our eyes of our hands of our eyes look at the word at heart and hard what do we see the Aleph represents spiritual good what did we say the Dollard represents physical world beautiful what do we say the Hat represented those hey the Hat was two swords battling each other it was the Battle of two opposites here etiquette when we're saying is shun a HOD look we're saying God you are one meaning I can discover you in every aspect of the physical world there's nothing in the physical reality aren't any reality which is not you a Shem a hug but oneness means in order to perceive oneness it means you got to get that olive all the way out of the dollar but to get there you have to pass through a hat and a hat as we know is two opposites fighting it's to fight as a fight it's a fight because the perceived God in the world in any aspect of the world there's going to be a fight inside yourself it's going to be fact there has to be a fight God if you're all about love and kindness why'd you bring that sickness God if you're all about mercy why'd you bring the Holocaust right God if you're all about yeah like they're going to be questions in our lives that's a hard but if you're going to see God's ones when this means is you have to bring that I love all about the dollar but you have to first pass through the Hat and hard oneness I got to fight to see cons oneness in the world is a fight this could it be a battle inside your minds God I know you're all about love but why this happening to me and I just think that's what we're saying gather up all the information know that God is straight he's past present and future and there are no questions and he's won all of reality is him take that olive one this means see that olive out of the physical world but to bring it out into the physical world you'd have that pass through that fight of the head there's going to be a battle in your mind god I don't understand it all now guess what we say Schmeisser oh by the way what do we do we cover eyes they cover eyes wide recover eyes because God to say that you're one is something that I can't always perceive and therefore I cover my eyes to indicate I'm really in the darkness and I've been the darkness I'm going to have to use my heart to trust where my mind can't go God I don't see it I can't see everything in this world about you I don't understand everything about you God I'm gonna have to use my heart to trust my mind can't see and Hebrew we call that Emunah what letter by the way represents trust I will sue me what color represents trust what color white the van the van represents trust if you'll notice by the way the root of the word white is Lev which is heart and none when it's written like this happy to the longest letter in Hebrew alphabet it extends really far the van white represents trust why because what's trust trust is taking your heart as deep as it can go where my mind can no longer go right reason where reason ends faith begins the brisker upset where my mind can't perceive and I have to let my heart trust God I don't understand I'm just gonna have to trust but you know in any relationship it's really what we don't know about the other which is the point of the real strength of relationship if you love somebody for what you know about that person that's not loving the other that's loving yourself I'm loving my mind's definition of you when you really love someone you love what you don't know I know enough about to you to know that you know what I don't know something worth loving that's real love that's trust white for us always symbolizes the idea of trust when my mind can't go my heart has to go it's interesting by the way white you know there's seven colours and eggs in a spectrum like red orange yellow blue green indigo and violet however when they all merge together they're all white right white light if you were to refract it really contains seven other colors so it's interesting white light contains something beneath it but you can't see it white always indicates there's something more than my I can't penetrate which that you've trust I can't perceive it but it's there what's the color that represents for us belief in God through using the mind and intellect ah-ho-ho if you break that letter down but that we're down it's Khoa of lammott the coop of lammott what does cost me in Hebrew the strength of lammott the letter Lama in Hebrew means Naaman means Lee made study the strength of study blue always represents the idea of using the mind and studying God's ways usually intellect to go as far as you can go in fact the color that the eye can see before the I can no longer detect colors is more color happens to be blue that's when when you look at anything from a distance what call it the things appear when you look at the ocean from the distance what color is it blue when you get close up hey this isn't blue right look at the sky but this dismal color is it blue when you go up in an airplane you're go hey this isn't blooming what's good seeing out towards something the eye can perceive only up the blue blue always indicates the call of lammott nominally made the coracle study now it's interesting we have mitzvot in the Torah to have the word tzitzit tzitzit are composed of eight strings right you have a four-cornered garment and on the corner you have to put eight strings those four strings roll them over and then there's a mitzvah from the Torah to take one blue string and to thread it around that's it to symbolize to us the base of life has to be the white the base of life has to be trust because you're never going to perceive everything about God never to discover you have to trust and a real relationship was only built a trust but once you have that basis understanding I'm not going to see it all okay then take your blue take your coop of intellect take your mind and go as deep as you can go use your mind do that powerful machine we have here call the brain try this study try to understand but always understand there's always to be something you will never get to and that's why when we look at the olive and we spell it backwards I lift needs God you spell it the other way it means pehla pehla means wonder because always going to be something but God which is going to be a wonder you're never going to get the flu with intellect and that's why when we say SH Maya sir L recover eyes God I know it's all you I know everything's you there's nothing this world was it just a manifestation of your oneness it's all you and I'm going to declare it a hard I'm gonna fight to see it I'm going to bring that eyelid out to the dollar I don't have to pass it through that crap there's gonna be a battle that's when you say how'd you say that hard cuz you're thinking I want to bring it all up all the way up to the dollars of my eyes have to be covered why because ultimately I'm not going to be able to perceive it all and where the mind can't go to I'm going after that the heart trust and that's what it symbolizes okay everybody another little taste of the hubell language thank you very much
Channel: The Jewish Torah
Views: 71,296
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Keywords: Rabbi Mordechai Kraft, Secrets Of The Hebrew Language, Part 2
Id: Sk5PWyMQydM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 19sec (5659 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.