Quilt Sashing Lesson #1 | The Sewing Room Channel

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hello I'm Cheryl and welcome to my sewing room I'm going to demonstrate how to make quilt Fasching now quilt fashioning is strips of fabric that frames your quilt blocks so you can distinguish all your blocks from each other so let's take a look at a piece of fabric here now your blocks could be a single piece of fabric like this or it can be multiple pieces within a block now I've already started putting some fashion on here but your sashing is normally anywhere from two and a half inches wide to three and a half inches wide now to determine the length of your sashing whatever the measurement is of your square would be the length for instance this is an eight and a half inch square so my length is going to be eight and a half inches so I'm going to be cutting out strips two and a half by eight and a half inches okay now you're going to take and lay out all your blocks in the order that you want them to be in your project whether you're making a table runner or a full-size coil and then once you've got them in order take your first block for Row one and put strips of Fasching on each side okay then you're going to pin and stitch a quarter of an inch now through this entire demonstration I'm using quarter inch through the whole process so when in doubt do a quarter inch okay then after you've done your stitching on the sides here press on the wrong side and then press on the right side now when you do your pressing make sure your seams are going towards the fashion so when you're doing the pressing I'm going to do a little demonstration here with the iron this is a cool iron it's not hot okay never iron on your cutting mat okay all right so you want to hold the flashing up slightly and take your iron and just go over that seam a little bit to fourth that seemed to go out towards the stashing and then finish pressing it and do the same thing on the other side so that's how you would do your pressing through this whole process okay now the next thing you want to do is now you've got your stashing block one and sashing all right take block number two in Row one and lay it on top of the stashing here okay remember we're going to do quarter inch so you're going to pin and stitch a quarter inch along here press on the wrong side and then flip it open and press on the right side and again hold your block up and press against that seen pushing that seam towards the center of the stashing see how those things are coming in here okay you want to continue down Row one attaching all your blocks in that manner when you get to the end you want to put one more piece of Fasching on your last block so again pin and stitch a quarter of an inch press on the wrong side press on the right side and again make sure that last seam is going towards the Fasching alright then after you've got all of your blocks attached in Row 1 and in Row 2 get all your blocks attached okay take Row 1 and now you're going to measure the length of Row 1 so that you can cut out the sashing strips that go in between each row so let's say the width of your row one is 40 inches you're going to add two inches to that number and cut 42 inches so no matter what the length is always add a couple of inches and we are going to cut that off later all right so once you've got that done and your strips are cut out you're still cutting them two and a half inches wide then pin and stitch it down press on the wrong side and open it up pressing on the right side making sure that seeing goes out towards this stashing okay all right then after you've done that take Row 1 and Row two and you're now going to start stitching that on and you're going to continue doing that quarter inch seat so here's Row one here's the stashing and here's Row two all right now when you're pinning on your second row you want to match the theme to this seam here on the stashing okay because you want to make sure they're centered so start in the center of your row and match up these scenes pin and stitch everything down and finish pinning all the way across then stitch on that quarter of an inch press on the wrong side then open it up and press on the right side again making sure those seams come in towards the center of your stashing then when you get to the end you you're putting on your last row you've put on that last row then you want to end it with one more strip of Fasching then pin and stitch it on do your pressing on the wrong side then on the right side making sure that seam will in towards the sashing this way you don't have any bumps in any of your blocks so your blocks look really nice and clean then after you've done all your rows done all your stashing you want to trim this excess off here so take a preferably a long ruler like this and remember you when you cut your strips they were two and a half inches wide we've already used up a quarter of an inch stitching here so now you want to line up the two and a quarter inch line right on that seam line all the way up and down okay then you want to go ahead and trim off all this excess here okay and then you are done and then you're ready to do your layering of your fabrics your quilting stitches and then your binding okay now in my next video let me show you what we're going to do it's going to be quilt fashion lesson two I'm going to show you a different style of sashing in which you'll have little squares up here and it helps to bring out more of the colors in your quilt block okay very exciting so to keep informed on all my future videos click on subscribe it's usually down there near the bottom of the screen you click on that and YouTube will prompt you for your email address enter that information in there and the next time I have a new video YouTube will send you a brief email with a big button in the center you click on that and it'll take you directly to my latest video I'm Cheryl I'm really glad you came to my sewing room see you next time and happy sewing [Music] you
Channel: The Sewing Room Channel
Views: 173,010
Rating: 4.9213729 out of 5
Keywords: quilt sashing, sashing, sasing, sasching, saching, quilt sasing, quilt sasching, quilt saching, quilt, quilts, quilting, sasshing, quilt sasshing, kirkyama, kwilt, kwilting, kwilt sashing, Quilt Sashing Lesson #1, diy, diy projects, diy sewing, how to sew, sewing, sewing for beginners, sewing instructions, sewing machine, sewing machine for beginners, sewing patterns, sewing projects, sewing room channel, sewing tutorials, sewing videos, the sewing room channel, easy quilt sashing
Id: qcIAh8hvgAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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