QUICKSTART GUIDE to PAGINATED REPORTS in Power BI // Beginners Guide to Power BI

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in this video we're going to go through the basics of paginated reports in power bi we're going to look at how to create your very first paginated reports and why use it in the first place all of that and more so without further Ado let's get started hi my name is fernan and welcome to the solutions of World YouTube channel recovery tips tricks and best practices when working with power bi upload new videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when a new one is out so paginated reports in power bi are essentially reports that are designed to fit well within a page so they're designed to be printed and shared even if your data or reports span across multiple Pages if you've ever worked with SQL reporting services in the past this will look very familiar because it's basically the same thing and SSRS is actually how I got started into kind of data analysis a long time ago so it's something that's been around for a very long time so when paginator reports for power bi got released a long time ago it was only available for premium users so I wasn't able to kind of cover it fully to see what you can do with it however that has all changed now because in the recent months they've made it available for pro users as well so that means a lot of people can also now take advantage of the report Builder and paginated reports in power bi we're going to go through the difference between the normal Power ports against the paginated reports in a little bit but for now let's get started with building your very first paginated reports so the quickest and easiest way that you can actually build your first paginated reports is within the power bi service so here we are in my power ba service or Solutions abroad what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to one of my workspaces here so I'm going to go to basically my challenges and when you click new here you're gonna see this paginated report option available for you when you create that it will allow you to select any data sets that are within this workspace or across your tenant so for now I'm gonna select people in diversity and I'm going to click create a paginated reports so this is how the UI looks like for paginate reports so it's an empty report and you will have a few things here like on the right hand side you will have the calculations measures that I've already created for this data model the calculations measure table here you have your visuals that I use so probably we're not going to use that for today and then we have the tables here so my Dimension tables so you will have the tables as well as the columns inside them so what you first need to do is just drag one of the tables here into the view so as you can see it's created one page here which creates a page break for every single row that we have of data that we have so you can go to page two and it will just give you that list again and as you can see it's designed to fit within this one page and if it doesn't fit it creates the next page and so on and so on now if you have too many here you can choose to not put some so that it all fits to what you like so you can do some customization to your report here you can adjust them similar to how you would a normal Power bi reports you can adjust some formatting settings here like how the The Styling of that table is so if you wanted to to have it to show something different and you also have some options here like so at the moment we're in the editing view so you can change that into a viewing settings so I'm gonna it's just prompting us to save it so I'm just gonna name it tests and save it in my workspace for now oh I have a test already there so I'm just going to replace it so now it's been created for us so now it's giving us a preview of that imaginative reports here so this is how it would look like okay so we're gonna go back to the editing view so there are a few things that you can adjust here so the view maybe insert some images and text boxes paginated reports or reporting Services have a lot more features than this so it seems that the service view has a lot more kind of limited options for you to choose from so if you wanted to be able to customize your reports your paginated reports you might want to use the reports Builder which is the desktop version so the report builder in a sense is similar to power bi desktop so it's how you edit and customize your reports within your local machine so to get started with our report Builder you can just go to download here and go through the process of downloading the paginated report Builder down here so this will take you to a page we'll ask you to install it and once it's installed you can now basically open up hygenated reports within your desktop I'm not going to go through that process because I've already done it in my machine so once you have it installed you will just be able to see report Builder something like this here so since we've already started working on this report here what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit file and download report which will download as a reported Builder report file which is similar to the pbix file it's the file type that you can use to open up report files in report Builder I'm just going to put it on my desktop for now so it's called an RDL file so now that we've installed the report Builder it recognizes that file extension so I'm just going to open it in report Builder and we can continue from there so I've just opened it and this is how it looks like so obviously you don't have to always download an RDL file from the power bi service but the benefit of doing so is that creating the data sources and the data sets are already basically done for you so here is the table that we've created in the service with a bunch of the columns that we've added so the period date of birth employee ID so the top parts are the column headers and then the bottom parts are the data for that column on the left hand side is your report's data so as I mentioned because it's come we've downloaded that RDL file from the service this is already done for us but in fact you can create your like a new version from scratch here directly in the report Builder so for example for data sources we can see that we have a connection here from a data set but you can connect to other types of data sources as well so an Azure SQL database Oracle or you can even enter your own data so if you don't have any data in the service you can just put some dummy data in there so you can get started with playing around with your own paginated reports so as you can see here already in the report Builder there are tons of different options that weren't available for you from the service so for example you can see here some formatting options for the individual parts of the table you can insert different charts and visuals line charts bar charts gauges and this is actually how I used to build my reports before so it's all coming to me now but you are able to basically create your own reports in this view so we're not going to go through all of the customization options that are available for you within paginated reports because I think that will be a hefty topic so I'm just covering or giving you an overview of sort of what are the things that are possible here in the report Builder so for now what do I want to do is obviously here we are in this sort of edit modes which just gives us the columns that we have the column headers and which data column and what is being shown in that data column as well as the totals here so the aggregated value if we needed them we can change those freely as you wanted to and you can even customize how they look like if you wanted a preview of your paginated report you will go to home and hit run so hitting the Run previews the data that we've just created on the table here in this view one of the main advantages of when you'd want to use paginated reports is if you have requirements where you need to show your data on a table like this or you have multiple sets or rows of data and you want to capture them to be printed without compromising any of any of them so if you have ever exported any reports in power bi you will notice that export is simply just an image file it's just taking a screenshot of your report page which means that if you have any tables for example with scroll bars anything that is not in the current view will not be shown on the final results imaginative reports are a little bit different because they account for data having a lot of rows which means that if there are more rows than it can fit in a page it will just create a page break until it's covered all of your data so like power bi reports the report Builder allows you to publish reports back into the service as long as you're logged into your account so you will know if you're logged in if your name is on the top right hand corner over here so we're going to go back to design and I'm gonna go and click publish here which is the same place you would find it in the RBI desktop now from here it will ask us to choose where we want to publish it so we're going to choose the my workspace I'm just going to say replace the test one on my workspace and that's it so paginated reports by itself has tons of capabilities that I probably wouldn't be able to cover in one video so if you are interested in learning more about paginated reports and what it can do let me know and I'll see if I can cover it in the future I'll also leave a link to the article in the description box below if you want to kind of read up about it and see for yourself to what other things you can do with this feature thanks for watching as usual give this video a like if you found it useful give it a dislike if you didn't so I need to do better for next time ask your questions in the comment section box below so I can help you and you can help others if you like this video we have a patreon page where you can support the channel and get exclusive perks like Early Access demo files and credits at the end of these videos thanks again for watching and see you in the next one bye
Channel: Solutions Abroad
Views: 17,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solutions abroad, power bi, powerbi, power bi tutorials, power bi for beginners, beginners guide to power bi, data analytics, dax, data modelling, data visualisation, business intelligence, how to power bi, power bi how to, power bi best practices, power bi tips and tricks, power bi standards, power bi patterns, power bi help, power bi tips, power bi 2023, power bi paginated reports, paginated reports, power bi ssrs, ssrs, reporting services, power bi reporting services
Id: FnJUNYknfAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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