No more Report Builder for Power BI Paginated Reports???

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- Yooo! What's up? It's Patrick from Guy in a Cube, and I've been working with paginated Reports for many years. What's up, Chris Finland, Cookie McCrave, my former Paginated report PMs. What's going on? Hey, paginated report bear. When we were designing paginated reports, you needed Visual Studio or you needed Power BI report builder, and there was some code involved potentially. But now, but now there's a low code authoring experience. And I wanna show everybody because now it's so easy to get started with paginated reports. So, you know what I like to do? Instead of all this talking, let's do what? Let's head over to my laptop. To get started, you can go to the OneLake data hub and you can click right here, and you can choose create paginated report. Or you can go to the workspace where that dataset lives, and you can go here and click on create paginated report. Or you click on the dataset itself, and the context menu's table screen will show up and you can choose create paginated report there, or you can create the dropdown and choose paginated report. Regardless, you'll land in the same place. This is really, really good experience, and it makes creating paginated report so easy. So the first thing I wanna do is insert me an image into this report. And you'll be like, what, an image? Yeah, check this out. So I just have the URL to this image that's out on the web. Click insert. Boom, there's my image. Look at that. And what I'm gonna do is there's a little divider here. If you go to view, you can actually hide that section divider or hide the margins, right? I'm gonna keep 'em both 'cause I wanna make sure I'm within the margins of the page. Okay, so I added my little logo here, and then I'm gonna also insert a text box, and we're gonna call this AdventureWorks Annual Sales Report. And then what we're gonna do is bold it and make it like 22. So we got that, and then we got a little formatting going on. And then I'm gonna take the section header and kind of collapse it a little bit. So now I have all my real estate to work with. Now I can start designing my report. There's a filter section, so I'm gonna choose the latest year. So I'm gonna drag here to my filter section 2021. So our report will be filtered by 2021. And then you start designing your report. So I want month, boom. Sales territory, I want the country, and then I would like to add a few measures. And this is where it gets fun. So I'm gonna go internet sales. I know I want total sales amount. And I was looking through this list, and this is a data set that Adam created, and he forgot to add a total quantity of the items that we sold. And I was like, what am I gonna do? But watch this. There is an implicit measure, and you can see the summation symbol here, that I can use. So I'm gonna go ahead and click it. It'll add it to the canvas. If I collapse all this and open up bill, I can actually change how it summarizes. So I want it to sum, but I can use other different summarizations if I want. Also notice that I can turn the totals. So for any of the implicit or explicit measures, I can automatically turn totals on and off at a column level. See, right there. Or if I click the table, what I can do is turn 'em off for every column on the table. It's pretty nice. I did notice, and I think there's a little bug here that the formatting of my title changes as I toggle about. So I'm sure the team's aware of that, and they're probably working on it right now to get it corrected. What I can also do is I can resize these columns. So if I just click, look at there. I can get a little real estate back. I can also rename. So I don't want this to be sales country. I just want that to be country. Bring it in a little bit. Oops, went too far. There we go. I only want this to be sales amount. And then what we're gonna do is resize that. And also we just want this to be QTY. We're gonna bring this on over. Just like that, it works so great. Maybe I wanna add another measure. I got it, I got it. I don't need your help. So I'm gonna go ahead and add what people did last year. And boom, right? It all fits in the margins. Maybe I can move this over just a little bit to center it. Beautiful. With just a couple of clicks. Didn't write any code. The most I did was do some very awful AdventureWorks typing on the title. But besides that, not a lot of code. So once this is done, if I go back over to my view tab, I can switch to web layout, I can go to print layout, I can even see the diagnostics of the report. And you can see it took 121 milliseconds to retrieve the data, to count the rows, to process time, to render the report. Pretty nice. I can switch to viewing the report. I gotta give it a name before I do this, right? We're gonna call this annual sales. Click save. Yeah, replace the existing report, and then we'll see what this looks like once it's rendered all on the same page. I can share the report now, I can view the report, I can toggle back over to my editing view. And then finally, what I can do is I can export this out. I can export this to PDF, Excel. We'll do a quick export to PDF, open it up. I've done it a couple of times. And boom, there's my report. There's two pages in my report. Noticing that my title's not there, but I'm sure they're working on correcting that. What do you think? Have you been using this low code authoring experience? I'd love to know what challenges you run into, what kind of new creative things you're doing with it. You know what to do. Post it in the comments below. If you wanna know more about paginated reports, take a look at the playlist that's flying over my head. And as always, from Adam and myself, thanks for watching. See you in the next video.
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 55,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft fabric, microsoft fabric power bi, paginated reports, paginated reports in power bi, paginated reports in power bi service, power bi, power bi beginner to pro, power bi paginated report, power bi report builder, power bi reports
Id: gMLwKdfSmu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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