Quick & Easy UE5 Tutorial: Skeletal Dismemberment

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hello everyone welcome to a dangerous pop tutorial where I keep it quick and to the point so today we're going to be doing a dismemberment system uh for your unreal shooter game or whatever so basically uh you can't break up a skeletal mesh so what we have to do is we have to hide the bones to simulate the dismemberment right so what I have here is just a soldier and what I'm doing is I'm putting some detection Collision boxes um on his legs I have one on his head and we're going to basically make it so his head can be dismembered in his legs can be dismembered in all glorious score detail right so I just have a simple Square rectangle that I put that I attached to his foot so when it moves it sticks to the foot it's a uh basically it ignores everything but it blocks uh Dynamic okay so what we're going to do is on overlap on overlap you can see here I have this um this blueprint now this blueprint there is fired from my projectile and it basically overlaps dynamic when I spawn that from my gun it will overlap when it does it fires off there you can see where I have the um hide bone and I'm using the thigh right thigh Okay so we hit compile so it goes over the projectile goes over and um basically hides that bone boom boom boom so you can see it's a little rough but you get the general idea um and that's really all there is to it
Channel: DangerousBob Studio
Views: 4,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE5, Tutorial, Dismemberment
Id: 8RQt23aY45M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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