Unreal Engine Performance Optimization Tips

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hello it's yusuke here in this video I'm going to go over a number of different methods that you can use to optimize your game in Unreal Engine these methods will work for both Android Engine 4 and Android engine 5. so don't worry if you're using an older version of unreal the first method is to use lods lods stands for level of detail in Unreal Engine models can have multiple lods we can have a high quality version of our model and a low quality version model lods are based on the screen size so if your camera is very close to a model we're going to show you the high quality version of the model and if your camera is very far away from the model we can show the low quality version of the model here's how you can set up lods if you're using any asset from quixel bridge it will automatically have lods if you just select your mesh and go to where it's located inside of your project and open it up on the top left it's going to give us all the details of our Mouse So currently as we're very close to the mesh it's on lod0 and has around 12 000 triangles however if I zoom out of my mesh then it's LED will start to increase and the number of triangles or half will start to reduce so from this distance it has around 3 000 triangles and is on lod2 in order to check them out of LEDs that our model has we can go to the details section and then go over to LOD picker and go here so this model currently has five lods so if I go to lod4 we can see this is the last detailed one if I change this to be lod0 then it's going to have a lot of detail we can change the number of lods that model has by scrolling down and going to LED settings and here we can see this has five IDs if I change this to be someone's like seven and then go apply changes scroll up here under LOD picker this is now going to have seven levels of details so we can see this LOD 7 is very very undetailed we can also decide at what distance we want on our engine to show a specified LOD if we just check this custom box and scroll down and just uncheck this Auto compute LOD distance we can make it so that when we are at distance screen size this value it will show LOD too so you can just play around with those values if you want it to be a certain distance that you see a certain LOD now if you're using your own model and you want to set up LEDs this is how you do it first just import your model so I'm going to use this very simple monkey model that I got from blender I have imported it and if I just double click and scroll down and go to my LED settings I'm going to give this two lods and if I could apply changes and Unreal Engine will automatically generate some LEDs for me but if you wanted to use your own LOD what we can do is go to LOD import and we can import the LOD that we want this to use for lod2 so in Bender I made this lower poly version of the monkey model I know it looks really terrible I'm just showcasing an example and under LOD import I'm just going to import that lower version of the monkey model that I made and now if I scroll up and go to LED and select led2 then it's going to be the really bad low poly model of the monkey I made so that's how you would import custom LEDs if you wanted to use them I'm just going to change this back to LOD Auto but that's how you can basically repair them with LDS to basically make your game a bit more optimized in our viewport if we just change our mode to level of detail colorization and go mesh LOD colorization it will let us know what LOD our mesh is currently using so if I zoom out we can see our metal currently changes lods I'll showcase an image will show basically so what color represents which level of LOD the next optimization tip I have is to use myth Maps MIP maps are copies of original textures that are saved at lower resolutions mid maps are kind of like lods for textures when an object is further away from the camera a lower resolution texture is shown and when an object is closer towards the camera a higher resolution texture is shown in Unreal Engine to generate a MIP map use a texture ratio with a power of two for example a texture with a resolution of 512 by 1024 and Unreal Engine will automatically generate a mid-map for that texture Unreal Engine does not generate emit map or Texture which does not have a ratio to a power of two for example if I was using a texture which had a resolution of 321 by 431 because that's not to the power of 2 the mid map won't be generated for it so a quick tip you can just use textures or type of resolution to the power of two and mid Maps will automatically be generated for it which can help optimize your game the next optimization tip I want to talk to you about is Lighting in Android engine there are two types of lights that we can have Dynamic lights and static lights Dynamic lights are light which can be changed at runtime so you can change how the light appears in our game whilst it's playing in order to make a dynamic flight just select it and just make sure it's movable although the problem with diamac lights they take up quite a lot of performance if that's to have a stationary or static light and that basically means that in our level we'll build the lighting and that's how the lighting is going to be inside of our game and we can't change it at runtime although this saves in performance costs our level can basically build how the lighting is going to be in our game so where you can try and use stationary or static lights instead of using movable Dynamic lights the next lighting optimization tip I want to talk to you about is draw distance we can make it so that light is only visible when our player character is within a certain distance of our light in order to do that what we can do is just scroll down and want to go to a performance and when I set the Max draw distance to be 4000 and the match distance speed range to also be 4000 and I'm just going to delete my directional light now this light's only going to show where my player character is within 4000 units of this light so I just click play and move away we can see that the light will slowly start to fade away and I can't see it however as my player character moves closer towards the light it will become brighter and by using draw distance we can just basically help a bit with the performance and optimization of our game the next optimization tip I want to give you is to include an options menu with inside your game where the player counter can control how the game will run and play so I've created a simple options menu inside of my game and I will give you the two main options that I think you should give to the player so the first option I think you should give to a player is an option to control the graphics So currently I have a very simple Graphics mini if I turn this to low then I'll make all the models particles and everything inside of my game to a lower quality so if I just click apply we can see that everything becomes of a lower quality however if I move this all the way up to ultra then all the models materials and everything for look to a high quality and then the second option I make sure to include in your game is a resolution button so the higher the resolution the higher quality everything's going to look and the lower the resolution the lower quality everything's going to look so those are the two main options I'd include inside of my Graphics menu when making a game so I think it's important to make a options menu that way the people who play your game depending on the quality that PC they can make it run and play smoothly and enjoy the experience of playing your game the final optimization tip I have for you is to make sure that you don't have too much complicated stuff running on event tick so event tick is this node in Android engine which will run every single frame if we have loads of complicated calculations and nodes running on event tick this can impact the performance of our game sometimes it's unavoidable and we have to use some things on event tick and we can still have high performance while running some nodes on aventik although we have loads and loads and loads and loads of loads running on event tick then it can impact the performance of your game an alternative to event Tech I like to use is the set timer by node event where we can set events to run every couple of seconds so that's all for this video I hope you've learned how to optimize your game if you found this helpful if you could like And subscribe and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 80,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine optimization tips, unreal engine 5 optimization, unreal engine 5 performance optimization, unreal engine performance optimization, unreal engine 5 game optimization, unreal engine mobile optimization, unreal engine vr optimization, unreal engine 5 mobile optimization, unreal engine texture optimization, unreal engine blueprint optimization, Uisco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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