Importance of Prayer - Dr. Bilal Philips

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[Applause] brothers and sisters continuing on from our look at the obligation of seeking knowledge which will began a number of foot buzz ago and after looking at the general obligation we looked at the foundations in which or from which we should seek knowledge or about which we should be fully versed and we said that we should have basic knowledge about Allah and His Messenger that is the foundation that is our declaration of faith so we should be very clear on who Allah is and who is messenger wise on what our obligation our responsibility to Allah is and what following Muhammad sallallahu wasallam means and we looked at the importance of understanding the Shahada tan in general and we began to look at the importance of knowing what is required of us in salah the most fundamental principle of islam after our declaration of faith and to look at Salah and to understand what it is that we need to know and of course this is not the place for a fit class where we go into all of the details concerning Salah but there are some glaring issues some misunderstandings which need to be clarified so that this foundational principle can be done as Allah subhana Allah prescribed it the key the key to Salah is will do as prophet muhammad sallahu wa sallam had said in a hadith narrated by abu huraira by side ms aid and abu saeed and houdry la sala telemon lagu do Allah one who has no voodoo as Messala meaning his salah is invalid if one's wudu is broken a one doesn't have to do a basic mode of purification then salah becomes invalid no matter what our intention may be they went on to quote the Prophet SAW Solomon saying well I will do Elliman lemierre's Karishma allahi ta'ala Ali and one who doesn't mention Allah's name on there will do has no voodoo they would do is invalid and this is narrated in Sunan Abu Dawood soon an eternity and Sunnah never imagined and it is authentic but I would dare to say that the vast majority of Muslims today don't take time to say or not are not even aware of saying bismillah before making wudu and this is a very clear statement now some scholars have interpreted it so as to make the implication of it lighter saying that one who doesn't make our state the name of Allah before making wudu the value of his would do is reduced because there are some times when the Prophet saws element said a person there's nothing for them in this or nothing for them in that when it is known that it meant they would reward has been reduced there are a number of other occasions which promises element made some statements like this and it's understood in that way by the vast majority of scholars no doubt however this statement is made in a context before Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn said one who doesn't mention Allah's name on his or her will do has no ado before he said that he said one who doesn't have who do has no Salah now do we understand that previous statement one who has no will do has no Salah that the value of his Salah is reduced or it means literally as no Salah it literally means he has no Salah not reduced so when the Prophet SAW Salim made that statement followed immediately by and one who doesn't mention Allah's name on his or her wood who has no ado we have no choice but to understand it the same way that the previous statement was made it is in a context if it was said by itself without that context then it's easier to say well perhaps what was intended here is a reduction of reward so this makes this issue of mentioning a last name before will do something very serious something very serious not something that we can brush off and say well okay my will do is not quite what it should be but this is implying that we have no do and no Adu means no Salah and here we are sitting in the Masjid without wudu getting set to make so long this is very serious of course for those of you who never heard this before because unfortunately this knowledge may not be that widespread you might find this as strange we never heard that before all these years we've been taught we'll do and we're teaching we'll do and we never heard this but this is fact it is not an obscure hadith found in obscure books about whose authenticity there is doubt this is a clear hadith narrated by three of the leading companions of the Prophet Sawa's Allah found in the Sahara citta three of the six authentic books most authentic books are headed so it's not something light it is something very serious one who didn't know about this of course there is the element of being excused because of ignorance you didn't know and Allah will not hold you accountable because you are not taught this you weren't aware of it so you do have an excuse before Allah but this is if you didn't have the opportunity to know because ignorant is not something which we can use to cover our own negligence ignorance where there is no negligence where one has made one's efforts but you know that knowledge just didn't come to us then logically we will be excused because it's other Allah but ignorant swear there is negligence as I mentioned before sometimes when we try to explain such things to people people say don't tell us it would have been better if you never told us that there was bismillah before we'll do because now you've made life more difficult for us before that we didn't know Allah excused us now you have put this big weight on our shoulders better we didn't no no no it's not better it's better you knew to save what went before and at least protect what is to come so this is a very basic principle it's basic in the sense that it puts wudu in a context it puts wudu in a context in a spiritual context mentioning the name of Allah first and foremost instead of us jumping into voodoo washing up and we're doing it like the way we wash our hands after we eat when we feel dirty we clean up we're doing it in that way that is not will do that element might be involved in wudu but there is a cleaning aspect to it physically but the greater aspect of voodoo is the spiritual aspect which is why the prophet sallahu wa sallam had said one who doesn't mention the name of allah prior to his voodoo has no voodoo it is that important like one who doesn't mention the name of Allah before slaughtering the animal that animal becomes Haram for himself or herself because though yes slaughtering an animal to eat this is a physical thing for a physical need we are obliged as Muslims to put that slaughter in a context recognizing that this is a blessing from allah subhanaw taala and that we are taking that life in the name of Allah by a laws permission otherwise it's not permissible for us we cannot hunt animals for sport Islam forbids it to kill animals for sport we take the life of the animal because of a real need societal need an individual need and we do so in the name of Allah making sure that it is done correctly according to the principles that Islam requires similarly our will do has to be performed in a similar way we begin putting it in the spiritual context making wudu while being conscious of allah and among the points concerning will do where many people have gone astray is the wiping of the head when making wudu I'm not gonna go to all the different parts I'm just gonna touch as I said on some of the key areas where people have gone astray wiping the head when making wudu the companions of the prophet salaallah Salim reported that he wiped the whole head from the front to the back some narrations from the front to the back to the beginning of his neck and back to the front again including the sides this is how he wiped his head but today we have a body of Muslims for whom who do is merely moving once cat backwards if you're wearing a cap wetting your hand and then patting it on the top of your head three times we have people a body of Muslims particularly those belonging to the Schaffer a school where this ignorant custom has developed not taught by the scholars but widespread amongst the followers where would do wiping of the head becomes moving the hat backwards and patting the front part where the hair starts to grow three times one two three and that is massive why being the head of course it's not it definitely is not as is described the companions of the prophet sala wasalam said that he took his hands wipe the whole of his head including the sides that is messy anything short of that is not masih that is messy now as i said this is an area of error those of you that come from that mug hub or follow that mud hub who have developed that mistaken custom then know that you need to correct it from now onwards the other minor point which is commonly missing from hoodoo for many of us is that when the prophet sallallahu wasallam washed his feet he took the little finger doesn't mention right hand or left hand he took the little finger and rubbed it between the toes this is authentically reported in Sunan Abu Dawood and elsewhere he put the fingers between the toes most of us don't do it today the maliki madhhab they stress it why because Imam Malik who used to teach wudu without mentioning wiping between the toes and in one of his classes one of his students questioned him and he said it wasn't necessary but then his student said to him but I heard and he narrated the hadith where a companion described the Prophet SAW solemn as doing exactly that so from that day onwards Imam Malik taught his students to put the little finger between the toes when washing the feet so again this is among the acts which complete the wudu I'm not saying that if you didn't do that you have no ado because that's I don't have the right to say that rasool allah sallallahu sallam he is the only one who has the right to say if you don't do this you have no ado the general acts that would do we know them they mentioned in the Quran as long as one does them and sha Allah they will do is acceptable but these are the other acts which ensure the completeness of the wudu so itit so that is done in the way that Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Selim used to do it the way that Allah instructed gibreel to teach the Prophet SAW solemn how to do it because he didn't learn by himself he didn't come up with these acts from his own reflections angel Gabriel came and taught him how to make wudu and that is what he has passed on to us so these are some minor points that I wanted to mention that we need to reflect on the major point is mentioning a laws name before will do and I can only ask her last Mahalo that he opened up our hearts to accept these narrations from rasool allah jalla wa sallam and improve and to correct i would do so that at least the basic requirements are fulfilled to give us a chance to have our salah accepted how cool look only hada was stopped for a lolly will converse items to be included a Memphis dog threw in the whole world for him I mentioned that asking a lot to forgive myself and you all and asked you to call him a lot seek his forgiveness for none can forgive sins except himself in order to further clarify the spiritual foundation of Voodoo I mention a particular hadith found in soon an eternity authentic narrated by abu huraira in which he quoted the prophets of allah wa sallam a saying when a servant of God washes his face every sinful thing he saw or thought about will be washed away with the last drop of water from his face and when he washes his hands every sin that they did will be washed off from his hands with the last drop of water and when he washes his feet every sin towards which his feet have walked will be washed away with the last drop of water so he comes from who do pure from all sins so it comes from having made will do pure from all sins Woodill is a means of purification from sin it is a means of salvation so it becomes even more important that we do it properly that we don't neglect it it becomes so important if we are concerned about success in this life and the life to come then we cannot afford to trivialize various aspects of this religion we can't afford it every aspect is important especially this type where we're talking about salvation this is like hatch hatch which is coming where the profits are solemn spoke about a person going for Hajj coming back if his hatch or her Hajj is accepted free from sin pure like the day he or she was born and we put Hajj in our minds as a goal something we want to achieve most of us here will not make Hajj we won't have the opportunity we won't have the means we won't have the money we can't afford it our jobs won't let us sometimes it's due to our own negligence in this part and other times the train is outside of our control we are closed only a couple of hours away from mecca what about the rest of the Ummah a thousand miles two thousand ten thousand miles away how many of them are going to make Hajj hands which purifies the believer from sin Allah in His mercy knowing that most believers will not be able to make Hajj he gave us the reward of Hajj in voodoo he gave us the reward of Hajj in voodoo something that we didn't even think about because we take we lose a regular thing we do it every day before Salaam voodoo has lost its meaning or we never understood the meaning of voodoo but this is the power of Voodoo the Prophet SAW Salim said the one who makes will do in that way will come from his wouldl pure free from all sins now some scholars say all minor sins but there's an opinion the Prophet SAW Salim didn't say all minor sins he said from all sins and he has the power to do that to free us from all sins major and minor from voodoo so is it something that we can afford to be negligent about seriously not something so small as that so we need to take this knowledge from rasool allah salallahu assemblee we need to know that we're talking about a spiritual state because when he spoke of sins falling from our faces in the last drops of water this is not something you can see this is not something that is observable sins dropping from our hands with the last drops of water not something observable from our feet this is a spiritual change which is taking place and that spiritual change will only take place if we have mentioned the name of Allah in the very beginning that is setting the stage that is setting the stage for will do according to the way of Rasul Allah so Allah Allah was said and that is why Allah SWA to Allah has called on us to ask for his blessings for the messenger of allah because he he showed us the way he gave us this information he provided the means of salvation for each and every one of us on a daily basis furthermore he said that one who finishes his will do after having done it properly as we spoke about and he says a shadow la la la la ilaha hula Cheri Keller was shall do Anna Muhammadan was all along I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah who is without partner and Muhammad was The Messenger of Allah then he goes on to say Allah homogeny minotaur beam Rajani minute Mutapa herein oh allah make me among those who are constantly repentant and among those who constantly purify themselves then the eight gates of paradise will be opened and he may enter by whichever one of them that he wishes the eight gates of paradise are opened and the individual may enter by whichever of the gates he or she wishes so what is that saying about who do what is that saying about who do then this is what we need to keep in mind brothers and sisters this is what we need to keep in mind we have this opportunity five times a day for our big late' obligatory prayers five times a day we have this opportunity to purify ourselves to find that way to paradise so it is for us either to take the opportunity or to let it go we have to take our opportunity it is given to us it is offered to us or we may let it go as we have in the past we have the opportunity to turn our prayers around from now to make each and every prayer after this a prayer sincerely for allah subhanaw taala and not one merely to fulfill customs and traditions obligations about which we haven't even reflected a habit that we have developed make a Salah about which Prophet Muhammad SAW a sudden before he died before he left this world he said Isola Isola those were his last words Isola Isola i ask allah SWA Allah to give us the reality of Salah to make our preparations who do for Salah proper in a way pleasing to him to purify ourselves from our sins our daily sins to open for us the gates of paradise and to clear the way to a life dedicated to Allah until our last breath in this world the world's first tuition-free degree BA in Islamic studies access to the knowledge any place anytime anywhere it just doesn't get any easier than that classes texts assignments completely online set your own schedule for the semester no overseas travel required for the exams subjects taught by qualified english-speaking scholars weekly live sessions in virtual classrooms with 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Channel: Bilal Philips
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Keywords: Importance of Prayer Dr. Bilal Philips, salah, prayer in islam, bilal philips, abu ameenah bilal philips, bilal philips khutbah, bilal philips sermon, digital minbar, islamiconline university, iou, islam way of life, bilal philips islam lecture, Foundation of Islamic Culture Dr. Bilal Philips
Id: U4Mq277Ov1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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