5 Things You Shouldn't Do After A Dive | Friday Feature

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are these surface interval so you've just been sort of on a amazing dive you've explored a shipwreck and seen some amazing wildlife but you can't stay down forever now can you at some stays you have to come back because you've run out of air or some other resource or you're starting to get a little bit cold or you need to pee but as soon as you end a dive if you still need to behave unfortunately and there are some things that might seem fine to go and do but are actually a big no-no the first thing that you need to do is not leave your kit all over the place so keep tidy and out of everyone's way leaving your stuff kind of everywhere is a really quick way to lose stuff and break it as well but the actual things listed in today's video are a tad more serious and most people don't really consider these things when and when they're diving grants each one of them is taught pretty thoroughly in your dive course but the others are arguably just as important but they are just kind of focused on your decompression basically and just saying safe to be honest so let's take a look at five things you shouldn't do after a dive especially in cold climates your first reaction after a cold dive is to warm up your hands get a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate and just warm up in general a warm shower or hot tub might feel like a good idea but when you actually think about what it's actually doing you may want to slow yourself down rapidly increasing your body temperature or one part in particular like your hands on a radiator is the fastest way to speed up your decompression in that area and that can actually lead to a decompression illness because these gases can form bubbles when you see medical professionals throw those silver space blankets over people they're not trying to warm them up as quickly as possible those silvery splicer space blankets let your body warm itself up at its own rate and prevent further heat loss you unfortunately need to warm up slowly just after it dies so that dissolved gases in your tissues can come out of solution a safe rate jumping onto the sundeck as well to top up your tan can increase this rate as well to the point where bubbles may form so try to sort of warm up slowly but wherever you are this one is usually drummed into you in your diamond course and you actually see it sometimes on medical dramas where the doctor is away on holiday on an aeroplane and somebody falls ill turns out that that person was diving the day beforehand and a drop in pressure on the plane or even just you know going up a big hill or a mountain is enough to rapidly accelerate their decompression if you're diving at sea level then try to stay at sea level for a day or two before going up too far so you don't decompress too fast the ambient pressure of your environment is the whole reason why we can't ascend too fast on a dive and the pressure keeps dropping as we go up in mountains and those dissolve gases in some of your tissues can take days to dissipate so don't go booking any flights mountain hikes zip line tours or anything up high he too soon after your dive just give it 24 to 48 hours just to be safe yep sorry guys and girls hands off that mini-fridge or bar stool there can't be any drinking after a dive well clarification first do drink but only good hydrating stuff like water try to stay off alcohol as long as possible because alcohol has a blood thinning effect and that's not going to affect your decompression in a good way it also dehydrates you which again is bad for your decompression impairs your movement and judgements which can mask signs and symptoms of DCs all on a moving boat with heavy expensive things that can fall over geez why do we drink alcohol again so yeah if your first instinct is to crack open a beer after a dive then you know put it back in the fridge and grab the water bottle next to it the same for coffee another diuretic you can have some but remember to hydrate as much as possible after a dive to stay safe after a dive you want to be fed and watered as much as possible so your body is working at 100% and isn't struggling with anything and it can focus on the decompression this is exactly why I love scuba diving everything about diving is basically an excuse to be lazy don't swim against the currents just turn it into a drift dive after a dive you need to take it easy so no running no heavy lifting just take it easy and let decompression happen from my experience very few divers look at their surface interval and think to themselves I could fit a gym session into this time but while there doesn't seem to be any actual concrete evidence to not go to the gym soon after a dive it's widely recommended as a undo that the gym can wait if you have excess energy that you feel the need to burn off then do some research on how to cure cancer or how to turn the world on to more renewable energy just don't jump on a treadmill is probably gonna do you more bad than good just after a dive oh and this doesn't give you the excuse that you can't carry your tank back to the field station or anything just you know take it easy after a dive yeah this one sucks - I know but when you look at the deep tissue massage leaflet and it promises deep relaxation and improved blood flow darn it no thanks as with most of these in case you haven't got the message yet increased blood flow just after a dive is a bad thing you can rub an achy shoulder and stretch a little bit but a full-body massage can release a lot of dissolved gases trapped in tissues that are now circulating around the system where they really shouldn't be so feel free to sort of light some incense or something as long as it's not too close to any nitrox tanks or filling stations or anything but I'm sorry no massages after a dive now this list does make your surface interval sound pretty boring but there are plenty of things that you can do on a surface interval like fill in your logbook wash your dive kit down and hang it up properly check your emails now you can do things on your surface interval just take it easy and remember that your dive or at least your decompression doesn't end as soon as you hit but what more should you not do just after a dive I know a few more I just want to test if you guys know them and what should you do just after a dive let's end on a positive note thanks for watching and of course save diamond so yeah if your first instinct is to crap oh crap oh so you get to see migrating species and basically don't visit during the monsoon season so do your homework first and plan ahead as a rather unfortunate rule of thumb the more expensive the trip is they're kind of better it is in my experience so let's take a closer look at bucket-list dive sites for 2020
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 56,375
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Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, #simplyscuba, scuba diving, scuba, diving, #scubadiving, the simply group, 17/01/2020, Five, Things, You, Shouldn't, Do, After, After A, Dive, Friday, Feature, Friday Feature, top 5, list video, list, scuba diving no nos, don't do these things after you scuba diving, Mark Newman, scuba diving (interest), scuba diving - topic
Id: qq36dQwHJy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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