Scuba Really Does Help With Mental Health | Daily Deco

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to daily deco it is monday so the start of a brand new week um now first things first uh i've got a bit of construction work going on to my roof at the moment so if you hear any uh loud noises uh or my dogs start barking um everything's fine or they start whining because i'm not scratching you man then yeah everything is fine uh okay so uh yeah i'm mark enter and this is sean i'm sure you're new presenter for deco david you've never seen me before yeah well yeah you haven't actually seen sean for a little while because i've been doing it all by myself yeah you've been off gallivanting haven't you sean yeah so obviously but now we're attached to other companies uh they are basically basically i got pinched they'll be like all right sean can we have you here for secondary cameraman for empora and a bit of white lines i think um our other sister again you would have known empora by now we have mentioned them a couple of times those guys over there are awesome yeah that's where i've been for the past week because it's just like we're back i'm going yeah it was literally like that yeah this is the new format the two of us having a chimwag i'm going to london now see you later it was a it's a bit of a weird one but it's good to be back yes um you did a fantastic job manning it without me not that i ever had any doubts that you wouldn't be able to do that you're pretty good at talking about scuba diving you're pretty good in front of the camera i've done it before you start your own channel mark you're really good at that you know so i i am back it's exciting um should i just address the garmin stuff yeah yeah the the first the first note that we have here is sean address garmin video so garmin if you've not seen it go watch it now click on the ads that would be amazing thank you um and now shawn will apologize for it yeah oh no uh yeah so with that garmin headband that blew up that there were so many people that love garmin which is my naivety because garmin's an awesome brand uh and going through there but there are certain things that i wanted to talk about because a lot of people in the comments again i didn't read them all because it was way too depressing um but a lot of people cherry-picked what i said so there's a lot of things that i want to while i've got this platform while i've got this platform here i just wanted to uh yeah some things so first off a couple of comments were saying that the only reason why i didn't like the garmin was because i don't like change in scuba diving uh that's completely and utterly wrong i love change and i actually really like the garmin i like the garmin setup and um tech like this scuba diving needs to have it needs to be more in the mainstream i wasn't anti that i was just a bit dubious because obviously it's the second version of this it's quite a lot of money for what it is um and and you know so on and so forth um in my defense we have a tendency when it comes to product reviews and or just generally the thing is it wasn't even a review we've never told like we said in the video we haven't even touched these things we've not had to play around with it so it was um it was one of those things where we were just expressing our thoughts and opinions and obviously that's that's awesome i think i think also a lot of people don't always get our sense of humor um which which also doesn't help a lot of things are said a little bit in jest just to sort of almost poke the bear um but one nice thing is is that it it started the conversation yeah so a lot of people who have actually bought one um they're actually kind of writing down in the comments below it's like oh well i found this and so that actually the battery is pretty good um yeah which is kind of why we do it um we we do say a lot of sort of negative things um not just about garmin but about a lot of things uh in an attempt to like stoke the fire because when we say oh everything's wonderful it's it's amazing that people just watch the video and just go yeah cool um but when we say we get told off we get told off oh you're not the greatest thing ever is that well you've obviously been paid and like well no you haven't this is a good no no no you've been paid i don't trust you i don't trust what you say i'm like we can't win yeah but um but no it's nice it is nice that our community has um sort of kind of stepped up and just said oh yeah i'll sort of do these tests for you to see sort of what it's like because it's all very well and good um sort of the manufacturers or sort of people like us kind of reviewing it and saying oh well it's it does this and it does that but actually if it is just joe uh sort of on the street it's a bit more credible definitely because yeah it's more real world and also as well yeah garmin are fantastic i'm not anti-garmin 100 garment are fantastic if if i would trust this sort of system in a garmin system and a garmin watch a garmin multi-sport watch i would rather go diving with a mark ii than say an apple watch 100 coming from my hiking climbing mountain biking i've always used garmin tracking gps systems you know back in the day where it didn't even have a display i would literally follow an arrow and it would go right you need to go left it was literally a digital compass that's how far back i've been using garmin for um you know oh it's just it's just air aside of caution you know um that's that's all i was going for there you know it's yeah it needs to happen brands like garmin need to look at scuba diving so rather than having sheer water i mean sinto are goods since i'm really good but in the overall hiking cycling world even though they're quite big they're not as big as other brands and they're not as well known as them everyone knows who garmin are not everyone knows who sinto are you know unless you're like a scuba diver or you know an actual credit like a climber or a hiker like every day joe blogs doesn't know what center is whereas and everyone knows who garmin are so it's that connection is so important and it's it's vital and this technology is vital for the future of scuba diving i was just airing the side of caution and you know and also yeah i want to i want to pick a bone there was one comment about the memory i didn't even start that off you were speculating that yeah you got to go with me i'm like i just i just laughed at it 32 yeah in all honesty for a smart watch is not that much as soon as you whack the os system on there as soon as you download a couple of apps and again this has a music player so as soon as you download some tracks or whatever on your thing that's it memory's gone but i got blamed for that someone had to go with me and i'm like yeah and the main reason i brought it up is because there's no um it doesn't really equate to anything in my mind because every other sort of dive computer brand they say right well this computer has sort of enough memory for about 100 dives or 100 dive hours or whatever it is um whereas this is just oh it's 32 gig and well that's great but how big is like one scuba diving file what's the file size give me a rough kind of estimation but um [Music] it's it's not the end of the world but um but yeah i think a lot of people take us a little bit too seriously especially me i'm the league of goddamn world so is he wearing his flappy snack has a t-shirt exactly representing me representing the only thing you should take me seriously is on the hike channel yeah not this one if you want to hike advice about clothing and stuff i'm your man um well i do know bits about scuba let's be honest i'm doing this i've been with the company well i was with the company for seven years and i've been with the company for three weeks that's a bit of a weird one in all seriousness i apologize that i took it a bit too far i think i had one too many coffees that morning um i didn't go out my way to offend anyone but it doesn't matter because someone will get offended for the fact that i've apologized about offending lies yeah i can't believe you back down yeah exactly well i haven't backed down i still stand by why i said on there it's just maybe i just needed to calm calm down a bit but yeah don't play the bet but like i said it got comments it's yeah there were so many people talking about the mark you know they were defending the mark too which is fantastic um and then yeah then they went on to the mark one but anyway [Music] that's fine now in the coffin let's go let's move on let's talk about studios mark yeah so um sort of behind the scenes uh you guys if you follow us on our instagram channel uh which you obviously should um you'll have seen one of our stories recently sort of sean and myself uh we sort of got together obviously social distance and masks and all that kind of stuff um and uh yeah uh we did some filming at my place um but after that uh we didn't actually show you but we went to uh go sort of check out a uh a new uh sort of studio place um that we're sort of thinking about renting uh actually later today you and i we're going um to another place which is a bit more character just to check it out and um sort of look at getting a new studio because as much as uh some of my living room and my dive locker they're perfectly fine um it would be nice to actually have a tangible space where so sean and myself can personally record um so yeah in the not too distant future hopefully we'll have our own studio yeah it's it's something that was spoke about obviously when we all joined up saying you know with the whole covert situation and all that sort of thing but basically because we don't have a studio right now because basically now we're looking for one we're looking at looking at sets and how weak and social distance so we can do this together even during a pandemic but we're safe we're safe when it comes to the editing side we're safe when it comes to the filming side and we're safe when it comes to the general day-to-day because although don't get me wrong working from home is fantastic you know we can only do this for so long really you know we need higher production you know we need to the world needs to carry on the world needs to continue so it's actually given us a lot of space again like normally we would just go yeah whatever the smallest room you've got wherever the cheapest room is as long as we can fit a camera in and as long as we can put a set in would move in or we would rent that space out which is basically what the old format was um whereas in now we because we've got the time to play around we can we can shop around and yeah hopefully get a space that's suitable for filming and a space that's suitable for editing as well as if we get something where people because again are london based so if people that live in kent for the the extended company they can also come to that studio you know so it's we're trying to find a place where it's safe for not just for us but obviously for other people that work within the company as well so yeah the one that we're seeing today we're very excited about um but obviously well until we've seen it we can't really say anything but yeah you know it will be nice to get in an actual studio um it will be nice to not film on mobile phones or whatever um going forward from there but you know it's exciting and it's happened a lot quicker than we thought um well the finding is we've obviously got to go to the big boss man and go we like this one please yeah well that's going to be this instant or it's going to take months we don't know but yeah it's cool right so i just want to say a massive thank you all right thank you no first off thanks to mark because obviously yeah i've been in empora so he's been carrying on with that he's been doing the editing not that you're scared of editing you've edited your own videos in the in the past very well done yeah um but yeah nice one thanks for one thanks for letting me go not that you had a choice i was going anywhere what was that mark just to let you know you have to do an entire week of deco stop by yourself because i'm actually i'm actually going away yeah that's fun uh but yeah no on on on a serious note the biggest thank you i want is to thank you guys you guys who we got when we uploaded posts and videos to facebook and we started the instagram obviously we got oh you're back that's cool that's cool but when we uploaded that we're back video on youtube yeah literally obviously naturally our comments exploded with everyone's back but which is which is great but we had so many direct messages on instagram on youtube and facebook just people saying we are so happy that you guys are back it's good to see that you can continue the channel in some way um which is awesome and like everyone else in this world right now is having such a hard time um and we've had so many personal messages saying you know when as soon as they saw the we're back notification up on youtube it put a smile on their face you know it put a spring in there sorry i'm burping they put a spring i'm getting all emotional uh they put spring in their step you know it was it was really good so i just want to say thank you and thank you for all the messages if we've not replied back or if you've just got a like on the message that you sent us it's because we haven't had time to reply back because we have so many of them even that post i put of um us in your dive locker that we put on instagram we've got so many messages based on that saying oh it's really good to see you guys together and filming responsibly and safely and all that sort of thing so yeah i just wanted to say thank you we have read as many as we can at the moment there's still quite a lot that we have to go through but but yeah no it's it's it warms me it warms my cockles mark yeah we were gone for six months and it's nice that we've you know we've touched that sounds wrong we've inspired yeah or whatever we've influenced people and our subscribers because again some people just subscribe for the hell of it the fact that we have this connection and this outpour of people coming to us just coming back is is fantastic so yeah i just wanted to say a massive thank you and obviously mark you know mark probably wants to say that do you want to say thank you as well yeah i guess cool sweet again if you if you haven't had anything from us yet based on the message it's just the fact we've got so many of them not bragging about i think but you know yeah we are awesome anyway thank you let's let's crack on let's crack on with the news because this is already 16 minutes long according to mike i know yeah that's what i'm thinking um uh in the news the first thing that sort of piqued my interest is a new brand that's out there and this is called maple proud uh this is a brand started up by jill heinrth and her other half um so if you don't know jill is a um sort of big-time underwater explorer um d-day it's a lot of uh underwater exploration all around the world and and now she's starting up her own uh sort of brand as it were a little sort of eco-friendly clothing and uh just accessories um so a lot of their stuff is made out of uh i forget the name of it uh eco uh eco something and um so it's a more environment friendly i think eco something um it's more environmentally friendly uh sort of material and um yeah they've got sort of clever funky prints uh a lot of stuff has a um sort of a canadian theme uh because she is canadian obviously and um yeah they um they got a good style from everything from some notebooks and uh wall art to uh sort of tote bags and underwear and stuff yes cool man my personal favorite and jill if you're watching this because i know you are i know you are is that your boys shorts buffalo plaid maple obviously they're for ladies it's a boys fit box fit i would very much like to have a bear please they are quite seriously cool yeah red czech uh underpants it ticks my box i'm sure you might fit yeah that came out wrong but i'm sure i'm sure you'd fit into her like a women's underpants well i am like a kendo note yeah no no no they're really cool i think what's what's nice about this brand going forward is that it's obviously got jill's and her partner's personal touch um it's nautical themed but it's for everyone so it's kind of a scuba diving apparel brand it's a brand that's very canadian or proud to be canadian which is awesome but it's yeah any anyone and everyone can wear it it's seemed to be environmentally friendly um yeah it's basically a win-win yeah it's cool man it is cool yes it's the next one marky mark what's the next story uh next news story uh comes from depth therapy um so sean and i we've spoken about death therapy quite a lot uh in the past because we like what they're doing and they basically use scuba diving as a therapy for um to anybody with a uh sort of a mental disability or a physical disability um and um and yeah now there has been a study by the university of east london and they've actually found a um a measurable improvement in um these kind of people's lives basically so there's a there's now a almost a tangible thing that's um yes it actually does help so whether it's uh certain military veterans with uh sort of psychological injuries like sort of ptsd um or as a loss of a limb the um they're proving that this therapy and scuba diving in general does have a positive effect on their as a livelihood so um so yeah it's wonderful it's not just a matter of oh yeah they they all say that they feel much better when they're scuba diving it's a matter of that actually yes they um they do have a measured benefit now the the actual scientific paper hasn't been released yet um it's actually embargoed until it goes on to a an academic journal um so we'll keep an eye out for that but um but yeah if i just read this quick uh sort of statement this evidence-based study demonstrates yet again the value of scuba diving and in particular the support provided by depth therapy to severely traumatize people within the armed forces community we await the publication of the detailed findings which we anticipate will be of considerable interest to all organizations who seek to assist in the rehabilitation of veterans through sporting activity as well as the scuba diving world um so yeah it's it's lovely um yeah it's great awesome yeah i love depth therapy when we were doing daily scuba news any story that i could get about depth therapy i would always stick up i think it's fantastic for what they're doing and because of what's going on in the in this world there's going to be a lot of joe bloggs people should we say everyday people that never thought that they would potentially suffer from mental health but obviously everyone being forced at home and people being socially distanced and you're not allowed to interact with loved ones and family and friends it's going to affect them and the fact that potentially depth therapy or just general scuba diving you don't necessarily have to go down the route of going to depth therapy but if you're having a hard time if you're feeling stressed or you just don't you just don't feel right i guess is in in sense go scuba diving join a scuba diving club talk to a scuba diver get get in the water get a try dive done you know they're where things are slowly opening up again you can do these things you know um and as we now know from papers it works it chills you out it helps with your mental state it helps with your physical state it's a fantastic thing to get involved in so yeah even if you don't want to go down the route of talking to depth therapy or you know another charity you're feeling a bit blue you're feeling down you want to you want to re you want to kick start like 20 21 you want to kick start your life yeah you want to you want to get back into the swig of things but you you know you're feeling held back because of obviously what's going on in the world go take a dive guys do it seriously it's it's going to help you out and it's it's it's in papers now it's not like oh my mate dave says it's relaxing because he's been a director there is now physical evidence that scuba diving helps with your um your well-being overall so yeah do it go go scuba diving now yeah i think that's awesome and i love raid and i no no therapy but depth therapy are connected to raid so i love raid as well yeah those guys just play for you guys as well i love paddy as well yeah bezak love them love them all if it tr if it teaches you to scuba dive i love you it's awesome anyway let's quickly move on from that comment uh next news story is very tropical uh at the moment of course a lot of people are doing a lot of halloween themed stuff um obviously most of it would have already have happened because halloween is over but um but yeah denver zoo um the week of uh sort of halloween they were doing an underwater pumpkin carving show um which i think is just kind of interesting and um yeah lots of people have been doing just sort of fun carving uh sort of competitions and whatnot but denver actually did a whole sort of show about it under the water with the added benefit that the uh what they were carving and what they were sort of cutting out was actually feeding the fish because they're omnivorous so they kind of eat it all and um and yeah it's just a little bit yeah it's just something interesting for them to uh to do in their uh in their aquariums and um yeah so raise some awareness and uh yeah feed the fish at the same time feed the fish yeah it's a nice little twist on the generic generic thing what they need to do next year mark is get the fish to carve the pumpkins train them duct tape some knives to them you might have to soften up the the pumpkins first just just make sure the fish ram harder into the pumpkin they've got a year to train them no that's really cool yeah it's it's seasonal with what's going on right now it feeds the fish yeah definitely definitely and the final thing that we we both kind of noticed when we're adding things is uh his new little gizmo called milo and this is basically at the moment it's not for scuba divers but we can kind of foresee it uh being like adapted for scuba divers and um it's basically a diddy little radio uh communicator that you kind of attach to your arm and um this is at the moment it's designed for snowboarders and uh wakeboarders um uh with sort of wind sailors and all that kind of stuff and its way of communicating with your friends without having a big kind of clunky radio that you have to kind of use your hands to kind of talk to so it's this kind of hands-free kind of thing and you can talk to one another um one nice thing that um sort of we saw is that it's a they act as a relay system as well so if you're on the surface and you need to talk to surface support but surface support is out of range but there is someone else with one of these in between you two you can use it as a relay to kind of communicate to one another at the moment they're only waterproof down to about one meter so kind of snorkeling territory um but i can foresee that uh so in the future uh they'll leave a bump up the waterproof rating or um they'll just come up with like a waterproof case um that it sits in during the dive and then when you're on the surface if you need to use it you take it out of the case and then use it as a kind of radio to uh sort of talk to the boat or talk to us and other divers and um yeah it's a it's a clever uh sort of neat little gadget yeah when it came up on my feed i instantly thought of a safety precaution it's it's literally that so if you and your your dive buddy is all always everyone on a dive boat you're on a liverboard and like everyone has one of these so you can communicate back to the boat it's fantastic so you know you finally surface and your boat is about a while that way obviously you might have a tracker device that pings go i'm here i'm here and here but rather than them going where's dave where's dave oh let me see if i can find him you could literally surface you look and go uh excuse me how can you come over here yeah you know then then yeah i think i think the the applications for it in this surfing uh scuba diver world sorry is amazing um and what's nice as well because i saw it on kickstarter it came up on my insta instagram feed and i was at old on kickstarter it's always a bit dodgy with that sort of thing but what i like about these guys is the products already made they're not using the kickstarter money to fund the product they're using the kickstarter money to help with marketing because marketing nowadays is probably two three four times more than what you would pay for the product or the general manufacturing of the product so a lot of money needs to go into marketing because obviously there's a lot of people that this can be used for so there's a lot of platforms that they have to branch out for so with you purchasing the milo through their kickstarter you're obviously paying for the product so you're getting the product but the funds itself are going towards obviously the manufacture of that product but it's actually to help with their marketing and spreading the word and again this is the ma mark one this is the first version of it so frequent updates you'll probably get better um better reception when it comes to talking and like mark said they'll do it where there'll be a casing for maybe the mark ii or mark iii so he can go down further but very much like the gopro a couple of generations down the line you won't even need casing yeah you know you can literally just go straight down and then when you surface you can go right i'm over here you know you want to talk to you sure but as well if you found something you know you could go up you can report it and then and then yeah you can move it from there instantaneously that's what that's what i like so i like it from a safety aspect so yeah it's it's not a case of bing bing bing bing bing this is my location you know if you get stuck you know you could be like oh hi i'm i'm drifting what the hell do i do and then you've got someone at the other end going right calm down yeah these stages you know you've got someone to talk to which is amazing so like it's almost branching from you know if you go hiking or climbing and you get lost you phone up mountain rescue you have someone on the other end of the phone to calm you down you know to go right do these steps this means you could do that and by the when you're doing this there's someone already coming to pick you up which is really really good and i think that is slightly missing in the scuba diving world because not everyone carries you know you're not going to carry a remote with you're not going to carry your phone with you to then talk to someone because that's an additional weight whereas in this thing you literally it's got band you click it on jobs are good and it's right there yeah it's awesome definitely look hopefully yeah this will this will pick up and yeah it will develop more and hopefully aim towards the scuba diving world anyway check that out as i said the link for that will be if you're watching this it will be in the source section in the description below if you're watching this on youtube sorry facebook head over to youtube if you want to do more versions of that or just type in milo kickstarter and it will come up on google so are you ready for questions mark question time um anyway so the first one is from claire she reached out to us on youtube uh she says my skirt has hardened i'm guessing it's the skirt of a mask uh any skill oh is there anything i can do to make this skirt soft again basically uh you i've never heard of a skirt uh sort of hardening on a um on a proper silicone uh mask it's not really a common problem some you do get some discoloration in clear skirts but i i've never heard of its uh sort of physically hardening hardening you usually find on the cheaper cylinder um the really kind of cheap uh sort of masks that you get at the at the seaside um but if it is silicone then um i mean my first thought is like a um kind of a hairdryer or some sort of really warm water just to kind of dip it in that because that usually kind of softens up polymers and makes them a bit more pliable um but failing that depending on your mask you can replace the entire skirt some framed masks you can actually disassemble them and buy a completely new skirt um not all but you can do that on some uh worst case scenario is just get a new mask but it's it's not a big problem that we tend to find on sort of diving great silicone um because it's it's pretty pliable throughout its entire life yeah it's a weird one as i said when i worked in the shop for that for the year the the diving shop is where i've got my basic skill set i never i've never come across an actual skirt hardening up but like you say it's probably like a tri blend or it's not pure silicone or whatever there's probably some sort of mixture and because it's two mixtures over time they obviously degrade and it hardens up so yeah if that question was aimed at me which it wasn't yeah i'd say a bit of hot water which is like the standard thing that you would do to um loosen it up i guess yeah cool so i hope that one helps out claire so the next one is from ray or miss oh oh i'm in this question it's exciting uh good to see you again thank you very much ray uh wishing you all the best for the new slash old different venture is a bit yeah a bit of a weird thing that we're going through at the moment uh scene scene uh going to learn to dive now uh yeah sure that's fine that that still says sean i'm supposed s-h-a-u-n yeah it's it's fine it's not it's not it's not a thing that every single sean in this world has issues with um i'm not bitter about that at all it has been discussed um now that we're sort of planning to do a bit more sort of in water work um to show you guys um sort of us in the water and um yeah one of the things that we are sort of planning is a kind of a documentary um kind of diary sort of sean learns to scuba dive uh oscars like free solo whether it's in this country or or abroad uh because we've been talking with uh with one dive center actually a couple dive centers uh abroad so um so yeah we might get sean in the water uh and kind of document how he goes um i don't think it'll be me teaching because i'm out of status and i don't really fancy going through um that process again uh so i'll just get one of my friends to do it basically yeah i would love to learn to dive it's one of those things where my predecessor the old editor he started didn't he he started again it was gonna it was he that we were gonna film and we started documenting his training and all that sort of thing and then that didn't happen um for various reasons basically but yeah now we're attached to a bigger company it would not surprise me if they want to go down that route when i had my interview because they obviously mentioned about what's my scuba diving experience and all that sort of thing i said yeah i am a scuba diver on dry land yeah i know stay so you see i'm very weird it's like i know stuff obviously mark is you're the encyclopedia you've got way more knowledge than i have but the the core basics of things i like to think i've got a quite a good grasp on you know i have been working in the industry for the past seven plus years so there are certain and i worked in a shop so you know regulators bcds and watching and listening to mark for the past seven years or whatever how long ever we've been together it's all sadly some of it's just slowly coming out and now but yeah anyway yeah i'd love to do it so it wouldn't surprise me if yeah like mark said if we go abroad and i do something like that the way that the company runs now they might want us to team up with an actual instructor like paddy or raid or something like that they might want to me partner up with that and then hopefully we can get some brands on board to give me some gear priority one isn't that sean yeah yeah yeah i like [ __ ] sheer water taric garmin mark 2i yeah yeah no it's something that i'd love to do um but yeah hopefully in the future like i said we just got baby steps we still we're still figuring out kind of what we're doing at the moment so yeah hopefully we can go from there anyway so the next question is from a duncan oh mate this is like a paragraph long uh why do you have an air integrated computer and an spg i have been thinking about my set up my setup sorry and i want to get rid of as many hoses as i can so i want to do air integrated wrist computer a wrist compass and integrated inflator slash octo and then he puts in brackets primary donate what do you think of the integrated inflators slash octos thanks for all the time that you take making all these videos keeping us safe and informed i'm taking that personally you are welcome i'm glad that my videos presenting has helped you out uh mark you might know something about this do you wanna take over yeah yeah um so yeah so um yeah so so i dive with a uh an air integrated dive infuser and an spg just for redundancy uh because the battery can never run out on my brass pressure gauge um granted it's not 100 accurate but at least if the if the battery dies on my transmitter or the battery dies on my dive computer at least i know roughly so how much gas i have left obviously uh you can sort of dive it just with a transmitter and if you're paying attention you should kind of always know roughly how much gas you have left at all times but i just like that kind of redundant backup um as far as getting rid of a um a safe second an alternate um and then switching it to a an integrated inflator it's definitely uh sort of worthwhile um as if you're trying to make your your dive kit as light as possible you can get away with basically two hoses and the transmitter coming out of your first stage that's about as as small and sort of skinned as you can get on a first stage it'll do the job but there are quite a few sort of caveats and kind of things to that um the the first thing is is that your octo that you'll effectively be breathing from because you will donate your primary um you want to make sure that you keep that nice and clean because you're going to be breathing through that and most kind of inflators don't get that thorough clean um so yeah um as long as you look after your kit then yes it is definitely sort of viable it's it's not traditional so you'll have to uh explain it every time you buddy up with someone new um but yeah if you do want to go down and really really strip down uh kind of regulated setup then yeah it's um it can be a definite sort of avenue uh would i do it no just because i'm a bit traditional i quite like um a uh my kind of more traditional setup but yeah it's it's definitely definitely a viable option for you cool nice one uh if you want to really stream down on hoses all you need is a garden hose those water bottle things that you get in the offices cut that in half and a bicycle pump one hose for everything can you imagine poor guy on the surface the pumps in the car park and you're pumping in exhaust fumes or something cool so we got one more question it's a nice generic question it's from storm blessed on youtube he goes wait i think this is where we were talking about i think it's in the we're back video where we talk about potential going into water and he goes wait i thought you guys had government regulation issues uh with filming under water uh no it was less governments it was more like hse uh sort of health and safety because um yeah the company that we effectively used to work for um yeah as soon as you kind of mentioned it they just kind of freaked out basically because of all the paperwork and all the um sort of medicals and sort of site assessments and all that stuff it just kind of worried them so um so yeah we were never allowed outside basically um and but now that we're with the internet fusion group they quite regularly uh sort of go out to uh sort of film snowboarding uh in like the swiss outs or wherever they go and they they do like surfing stuff and mountain biking all so yeah they're quite savvy with going out and doing all these uh sort of site risk assessments or whatever it is um so um so yeah it was more the the paperwork side of things it wasn't like government restrictions um the uk government they're not great but they're not that bad um they're they're not going to reach yeah they targeted us like you guys everyone else can go scuba diving but you you cannot it's really me no it's uh it wasn't government regulations it's uh it's just yeah paperwork and um yeah i mean when i used to film for swim just me being poolside the red tape for that was ridiculous but we had to i had to film swimmers i had to film swimmers i had to be there with all the electrical stuff poolside it was it was oh i can't blame them you know what i mean being being a small company or not a small company but being a medium-sized company and you know if one of us if you were to have an accident or if i was to have an accident in the pool that would be it the company would be gone so yeah like mark says they've got not necessarily deeper pockets but they're the internet fusion are a lot more savvy when it comes to actually going out you know i mean i remember when we filmed an advert for the peak district the amount of paperwork i had to write out just because i was going up literally a hill that was a caved oh yeah you know what i mean where is it now they've yeah they've got climbers they've got mountains they go to they go to sham or whatever you know they do all of that sort of thing they have drones flying around you know what i mean it's it's a whole different beast so hopefully again that's where the plus side of us joining that company is we can actually get wet more which is something that we've been wanting to do for a long long time yeah um for the channel itself whether it'll work or not we don't know but you know we're a scuba diving channel even though it's great that our videos do really well really really well outside of the water and obviously you know mark talking to the camera very directly is awesome but yeah any chance we get where we can actually physically go in the water it needs to be done so yes it's cool that's it yes yeah that's all the uh sort of questions we have uh obviously if you have so i was gonna say it's a nice quick show you've got this on the back your ones your ones were like a nice neat 12 15 minutes like i said there should be and as soon as i'm back boom 40 minutes like three times as long and a lot of that was just you apologizing i didn't apologize even though i did but i didn't yeah so yeah if you do have any um sort of questions that you'd like myself or sure to uh to answer um any uh any comments that you have any queries uh any corrections if we said anything that's blatantly wrong then yeah let us know down in the comments below uh if you're doing anything if you've done anything uh sort of elf significance anything of interest um that you'd like us to talk about then again so let us know down in the comments below and on any of the um sort of social media side of things yeah um and um yeah thank you for watching and of course safe diving yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna relay because again that didn't work last week so thanks for watching you
Channel: Simply Scuba
Views: 1,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simplyscuba, simply scuba, Simply, Scuba, Internet Fusion Group, Scuba Diving, Scuba Advice, Advice Videos, 01/11/2020, Scuba Really Does Help With Mental Health | Daily Deco, Really, Does, Help, With, Mental, Health, Daily, Deco, Daily Deco, mental health, mental health awareness, scuba diving news, news
Id: pVuOhW8avYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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