Queen shows funny side in conversation with Sir David Attenborough for ITV documentary | ITV News

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of all the places in which to David Attenborough has filmed and of all the species he has studied look even he will admit his 19 minutes with the Queen in the garden of Buckingham Palace was something quite quite different in 1969 from chatting about the trees the Queen planted for her children to joking about the noise at the helicopters in the skies of London this was a conversation between two 91 year olds to mark a unique project each of the 53 countries of the Commonwealth have been invited to dedicate a forest from Australia to Africa from Canada to the Caribbean where Prince Harry supported his grandmother's conservation project called the Queen's Commonwealth canopy and as the veteran conservationist told news at 10 the Queen spoke of her wish that it may contribute towards the battle against climate change it's not unusual to hear the Queen talk about something a subject like that yes the Queen certainly knows what's going on and certainly knows what's going on in the world of conservation and I think she is genuinely concerned about it and concerned about it despite what she acknowledged to him were her own advancing years though in all kinds of different trees growing here another 50 years may be mighty is given years I won't be here there I was going to say sundial neatly planted in the shade had we thought of that this plant is the shape it wasn't in the shade originally I'm sure maybe we could move it how different was this particular project oh uh turley different I mean I'm not that I don't interview chimpanzees or zebras or whatever I just watch them and so I'm not regarded I didn't regard myself as an interview and the sundial I'm led to believe that your impact on that sundial as it has now been moved into the Sun so you can now tell the Buckingham Palace gardener so really yes you've had an impact he's influenced many things in many places as Sir David Attenborough has now shifted a stone sundial in a royal garden Chris ship news it you
Channel: ITV News
Views: 4,036,363
Rating: 4.9028611 out of 5
Keywords: The Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, David Attenborough, The Royal Family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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