Queen Camilla Meets Acting Royalty During Rye Visit

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[Music] I'm very nice to see well you too very warm welcome slightly damp welcome to this church been yesterday or it's going to be tomorrow would have been lovely we have we have parents volte must one of the long standing say [Music] [Music] this I think is a lovely room but Benson uh famously disliked it intensely and used it as a corridor to the garden did he what this problem I don't know this really is the creative space of the house so when Henry James lived here he wrote all his books here and would Pace up and down and his secretary would type as he dictated um Benson also wrote his books here I thought might just to give you an idea of some the Liv here so Henry James wrote wings of B when he lived here look who's here ladies and Gentlemen please come the now you know i' been I was watching your Canal program that's so so good thank you yeah yeah I kept us laughing my husband said would I pass on his very best wishes I say hello very very supportive and he's very crossy not here today yes what a nice little group we've got here oh love and just here please as well thank you very much thank you very much Disney thank you that's it we'll wait to see thaten oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Royal Family Channel
Views: 26,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal Family, British royals, British Royal Family, Royal news, Royal history, Royal Family Channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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