Queen Afua & SupaNova Slom On Ultimate Healing Of The Mind, Body & Spirit, Feminine Wellness + More

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wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club morning everybody it's dj envy angela yee charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club we have some special guests joining us this morning yes indeed we have queen of four did i say your name right yes absolutely a master holistic healer and herbalist and you have your son you brought your son with you yes supernova slaughter welcome brother morning brother good morning don't forget don't forget polarity practitioner okay could you explain to people what that is queen of four that's one who works at the energy field and primarily with the elements we're made up of five elements ether from one earth and so i'm able to focus it on those elements to heal the body okay and the body is made up of nature and nature it's those same elements in nature it's in our body so when we're lacking that balance then we have disease so how did you get to this point to be a healer what got you here and tell us your story sure um i started age 16 i was extremely sick i was eating the all-american fast food lifestyle diet and i was asthmatic chronic i had eczema from head to toe i had pms every month i would be bedridden as a woman and i had um headaches those were things that were going on and i didn't know how to get out of it and i went on a healing retreat it was a three-day healing retreat at that young age and i got off the bus without my medication and the grass the trees was like an enemy to my body but i didn't know that i was just so out of tune and so i went into the space and the asthma kicked in the allergies kicked in the eczema kicked it and i was like a junkie i was toxic really and i just heard that inner voice talks to me for the first time you all have it and it said my first formula eat grapefruits lemons oranges and i took some rose hips tea and what in that whole day that's all i did and i sat up in front of a fireplace because if i laid down my lungs would have collapsed so i sat up and this fireplace was part of the medicine it was the heat from the fire i fasted for the whole day the mucus that was breaking up in my body was the asthma the next day i had a detox i learned these terms later on and i had a detox and mucus came out my nose my mouth my eyes and then an hour later the itching stopped the asthma stops my mind went to total balance and i picked up a book i came out of that bathroom and i picked up a book dick gregory cooking with mother nature i related to his for nine children the husband and wife a family who was healing detoxing fasting and i jumped on it because that was the end of my asthma that i went up to the mountains and it was the end of my asthma and i never got it back so it's 50 years later no asthma no allergies no aches no pains all that had left me and then i just helped everyone i could meet because i said you don't have to be sick i was convicted and i went throughout my community with that same energy and started to talk to people in the street in my family anyone who would listen because it's like i was saved and i said why are we suffering due to a lack of knowledge so i began to teach and educate became holistically focused so initially nobody taught you this like the spirit just told you this is what you need to do right now well i was going to what called aquarius up in harlem 125th street and in fifth um dr johnny moore and um other real prominent powerful healers metaphysicians uh was up there john harris was there and i learned through them how to live holistic and naturally it was in my community and it's in our culture it was always somebody who knew the herbs the bushes the t's when they wouldn't let us in the hospitals we had to deliver our babies at home and we had to do things that were natural and so that's what i had to take up that mantle myself and heal myself wow this is so important and i think for women in particular we've had a lot of conversations on this show about women who doctors tell them they need a hysterectomy women especially black women who have fibroids women who are having heavy bleeding on their periods and your diet is so important can you talk about that well absolutely and i was able to figure out exactly what was going on i go i read a woman's menstrual flow and women think that having a normal menses well normal is not healthy and actually women are hemorrhaging and if a woman is bleeding five six seven eight days or maybe longer that she's losing her emotional and mental health it is draining down through her blood and so that same correlation of the number of days of the menstrual is usually a fibroid tumor by the time they reach 30. and of course they may have it removed and then it comes back two years later because they've never changed their lifestyle so my goal when i take women through the sacrament rights of passage i take them through 12 weeks of cleansing detoxing learning about their self their culture self love self care setting up wellness homes within their home helping their families to heal and then when they look at their menstrual every time we have graduation i said how many of you have a menstrual flow now of one two or three days and they'll 90 of women are saying that how many women have pain that used to be chronic but they don't have that pain anymore all women say i have no more pain so the pain we think that it's normal but it's not normal it's a sick wound but it's not just a sick womb it's a sick heart all the broken relationships the broken promise the hit-and-run lovers all of that has impacted and affected us so we eat the foods of the lowest frequency and we keep in a cesspool of womb pain wound discomfort so i'm here to show women how to and i do it in the first hundred pages of the book what to do what fools uses herbs plans prayers meditations exercise i teach room yoga days how to empower yourself as a woman it is extremely important for the woman to heal because the woman is the bedrock of the family and i and i got real clear about that i was reading one of the most ancient texts um on spirituality from our culture from kemet and it said the affirmation when i give that affirmation to women they really get it and the affirmation i'll say briefly opens up this um anniversary book it says we are the women who lighten the darkness we have come to lighten the darkness it is lightened we have overcome the destroyers we are here for those who weep who hide their faces who sunk down they looked upon us then we are the women we are the healers but if you don't have the tools to heal yourself to heal your life then you're going to be a woman a woman a victim you're going to be beaten you're going to be dragged you're going to be in pain you're going to be suffering so i opened up my heart and my arms to women who are suffering and i understood why i had to suffer because once i got healed i said wait a minute you mean we don't have to suffer like this but it went even beyond us as women it went to family because when women get well they empower their families automatically what is coronavirus second women they know what to do they're very confident from the time march hit and it came all women rose up and said okay these are the herbs these are the juices this is a bed they took their husband to the cleansing they took their children to the cleansing they took the elders to the clinton my mother 96 years old and she's still in her body wow vibrant mind and bible and spirit and bodies we do have the ability to heal ourselves based on nature one of my greatest heals was dr johnny moore he was a master healer he was 50 years in as a herbalist from up 125th and 5th he's now now an ancestor but all of us went through him for herbology and just studied the plants and he can look at a crack in the in the ground and say that's the plant that you need and he'll be able to break it down what it was for and the fact it was growing in front of your house you needed that plan he was connected to the elements air file water earth but when i started to study and develop this work this book sacred woman i went i had questions i said so where did this medicine come from it's all holistic they call holistic health new age it's not new age it's as old as the mountain the trees the sky it is ancient african teaching so the women know i'll tell them i said aromatherapy african natural lifestyle massage therapy reflexology african natural lifestyle reiki polarity therapy energy work austin never had sister sister african natural lifestyle color therapy astrology yoga meditation so i delved into all of that because that is our culture so if we were to imbibe our culture then we would not be sick you know 400 years of channel slavery it really did a number on us and we're still in the cesspool of the sickness so as marcus garvey says i'm with him up you mighty people you can accomplish what you will but you got to clean up this house this house is the divine temple to get the most high gave to us but if we're not in tune to it then we have we're going to be subjected to all the issues that we have as a people we have the highest incident of high blood pressure men highest incident of prostate cancer our men barely make it out of 50 years old i buried about five men who were close to me but they would not come into holistic health that's where my son comes in at because just as i'm doing sacred woman i asked him i said i wrote the book the men were begging me to write a book for them the name of the book was man healed myself i committed i said i kept saying no i'm not supposed to do that i write i did write surprise for the women i do work for the family but i'm not to do that but i finally they pleaded and i said okay so then i asked my son's been over two years that said supernova it's been a year and a half i said listen i cannot teach man heal myself i need you to teach these men because what happens the women get healed up and they got sick men sick husbands high blood pressure can stay prostate cancer they start to feel less than who they are when she could give her herbs and plants and foods and clay and repair his prostate lower his blood pressure get him fortified she is the healer of the home we are the women we are the healers and it's primarily the melanoma woman this everything is flip-flopped now everything is now in our favor you know so now that it's in our favor this is this is our destiny to be the mothers of civilization once again and that knowing helps to build our self-esteem because so many young women they feel less than who they are so they take that they're able to be taken advantage of on every single level so this is a revolutionary healing for me and because i was the sickest of the sick i had to be chosen to overcome my issues so that i could help the women overcome their issues so they would i would get interviews they would say to me um well you know how do these young women how they even come to you because of nature we is our nature to go to the elder women young women it's right for so let me ask you a question you know there's um for people listening right yes there's so many people right now that say they are holistic healers and that they're healers what do you how can somebody say what would you say to somebody say how can you figure who you can trust and who you can't trust because it's kind of like in every field you know when it's something that's hot everybody all of a sudden is it everybody does taxes now everybody does real estate everybody's a rapper queen of food out here no not for yourself but for somebody listening and then say okay well there's somebody in my area that says they do the same thing how would you say that you know they can check their credentials what's a way that they can say that they really understand that these people are really trying to help me and not just trying to make a buck well basic is test their background through their testimonies you have to ask around what did they do how how did they do how long they've been doing their work how proficient are they in their work but the first thing really beyond that is your intuition one of the greatest gifts that you have is that gut feeling we all know that aha moment when something tells us you can call that god old mother jehovah when something tell you you have to practice have i call it impeccable listening and every single time in my walk that i did not listen impeccably i suffered the price you signed you know your spirit said don't sign that contract and you sign that contract and you get down you go down the road and then you got to go to recovery don't go with that mate that's he's not for you he's the carpenter he's not your mate so we get confused because we want what we want but there's a divine plan it came out in 1969 for me it was the creator has a master plan by fearless honest there is a plan for our lives it's already laid out that's when we go to astrologies and neurology readings everybody's laid out for us but if we're not in tune and no one has been able to guide us then we just go for the oaky don't we go for anything we go we get hood wings but if you get in tune that's why that's the most important thing i'm telling the women to follow me follow the divine in you once we do a fast and we do the cleanse and we do a detox and you clean up your home clean up your heart clean up the words that you speak the thoughts that you think just start cleaning that up you get a chance to meet your true self and you are magnificently clear and beautiful and the most high will guide you i've watched these last two and a half years of my life shift it was a complete shift i said right now i don't listen to the most height on every single level i'm i'm of the age was over you know you're going to play called retirement i'm more piped up you're like 35. come on now come on now well i do yoga okay they will call me a master yogini i've developed a yoga it's 108 poses and those that number represents the number for global transformation so anybody even bear witness to those movements they are transformed the women are very drawn to these movements but the movements i researched these movements from ancient kemet so when you go into the lotus hand that represents them coming out of the mud of pain and suffering and you get it to illuminate then when you do the rennance cold breath they all know the cobra that means that you avoid you're waking up your first all-seeing eye and when you can open up take that penalty and take all the junk food and the fast food and the fried foods and the flesh food and the past lives of anger and and madness from these toxic relationships that you have attracted and you have created then you can see your life you can see the past and what you created you can see the presence of where you are now and you can see the future of where you can go and it's unlimited it's the sky is the limit and there's no limit because it's disguised forever so that's the power that we have and it's really second one is all about waking up that healer within you so you can go to a healer and you can and they can help you and they can support you but if you don't wake up that healing you then it's like you're the prisoner to the healer of this you're gonna have to say i can heal myself my first book was written 35 years ago maybe 40 and it was called heal thyself for health and longevity i went and studied and i read and i got certified but what did i have to apply i had to heal myself and healing for me it's not just now it's every single day every single day you are you're facing life you're facing your economics right now this pandemic is taking people out why because it's a lack of knowledge if we was able to tap into look at y'all y'all look healthy something that y'all are doing you're doing some right things and that's because your immune system is defending you it is supporting you your respiratory system must not be clogged up because otherwise you want to be in the studio you'll be one of the victims of the situation no you don't believe in the vaccine at all that's what i'm feeling right now well you know what this is what i do that i put the vaccine over here and i said if it's all about my immune system and i defend my immune system by not putting the fast food process the microwave the all the acid foods into my system then my immune system is fired up but also your immune system is not what you're eating it's also your attitude so if you look at the bad news every day you become the bad news you got to create some news from within yourself i'm seeing my people starting to become entrepreneurs well we're being pushed to become entrepreneurs now i know what they call this pen that what they call what i told you it's like i called this time um the retreat okay and this is time they tell quarantine i said first of all don't say quarantine dementia say the word quarantine you lost the battle you got to say i'm on a retreat so if you're on a retreat for since march then you have written a book by now you could but if you waste your time being oh my gosh i'm quarantined i have to be separated separate so you can think my all my writings came because i was by myself it was me and the most high meant my fasting and my juicing i was listening i was tuned in and seven eight books came out of me because of that what we call quarantine isolation no you're never isolated from life life is always there it's just what you do with that life that you have and if we use every single day to heal us we have no problems and one of the ways to do set up your home i teach the women how to set up their home as a wellness home now that's heavy there was a dr benjamin she mentioned um something that resonated with me so deeply she said healing is not only done in your um clinic in hospital she said healing is done in your home and your spiritual house as you should be so i was always living that life i was about that life so for me the kitchen is your kitchen pharmacy so everything connected from the soups to the salads to the dressings to the herbs you set that up you good laura london was at my house about three weeks ago and she said queen i want one of those for my new kitchen i said oh you want the pharmacy to be set up okay these are i put the labels on it i'll put your beans this is your protein then i'll make your grains and then i'll put your herbs in that you're going to need to put into your foods and every time you have a soup or a salad you have your medicine so you don't wait to get so you don't want to get sick to try to get well that's right you work to stay well you're well then you got to work to get well because people think oh i did my 21 day i'm good you're not good to nothing if you think that's in into the road no that's to get you into the way and once you get in it then you got to be about it and you got to live it every day you know queen of four let's take a step back cause you came in here with the chopper this morning i just want to take a step back and just add a little structure to this sacred woman yes thank you it's called it's a guide to healing the feminine body mind and spirit and you've given us a lot of jewels already but where where does that healing begin well you just said it right you put it you put it down to yourself you said here where does the healing begin where did your hands go to my heart within within it's within you and you set the heart so i'm gonna put both together the heart is was the symbol that a whole nation was based on and it's a feminine principle the heart is called my art it's a scale on one side of the scale is the heart and the other side is the feather so your heart has become as light as a feather how you get your heart lies the feather and all this all the madness that has happened to us as the people know that you have the power to change your reality if you keep affirming that we don't have no power and we got to fight and we got to know the power is already and you transform yourself down to your dna down to your bloodstream down to every cell every tissue in your body and then what will happen it will be radiate out from inside out and everybody around you will be transformed and i know because sometimes people say i want to just sit next to you i remember erica when she was just coming in to the hard work she would go to the bathroom this is my spiritual daughter yeah she was sitting next to me and she said i just feel so strong with you but you know my strength didn't it didn't just come from the plants it came from my father and my mother my father was a garvey he was an entrepreneur and he told me that i did you have to be able to make your own money your own way i've never worked for anybody my whole life that's why i was sick so when i started getting into this wellness people started coming to me people came to my house my house was set up as a retreat that's how i was just living my own life that's what i'm saying it go so for me it is healed myself and this caused the balance our men died because of their broken hearts they'd never get a chance to talk to each other and nobody so you got to be a hard man you know get over it get over what you're in pain speak it out cry it out take a hot bath put some ginger in there and you can begin to let that pain and that anxiety go you know so these are just some of the methods that so when you say the the affirmation i give to all my clients when they first sit down with me i say say this with me and say it with fur because what you say is what you create the power to heal is within me the power of god is within within me and i have the mighty power and i have the mighty mind to heal myself okay now that's the power that we have that is our innate power and our innate right to be empowered and so we can block our power by not cleansing ourselves but it's so cleansing is all-encompassing i say it's liberation to purification so you can't be angry at your past don't for those who are in a state of a divorce stop saying the word divorce said i'm in a spirit of transformation so if you're transforming everything you do you're coming to another level we're ending a cycle so you can say thank you so much for the lessons i have learned in this relationship because otherwise you go to your next walk at which you have high blood pressure a stroke um aches and pains because you're still carrying relationships from two or three relationships back in your body so it resonates in your chest so you have heart condition resonates in your brain so you have poor memory it resonates in the bones and joints you become feeble but if you as you cleanse yourself and repair yourself and say thank you for the past lessons i've learned now i'm smarter i'm wiser and then you're not carrying the baggage you're bag lady i love that you don't carry the baggage of the relationship you carry the lessons and when you carry the lessons that you can carry the blessing because if you're a good student of life then you gain from every experience and they said people in business you can take that you can study but then you can have you have to go through the experience the experience is the best teacher so if you really want to learn how to heal you have to start to heal that's right this is spring cleaning time this is a wonderful time it's not about just changing your your bed spread and change the curtain it's about changing your mind the words that you speak the thoughts that you think write your new life that journal what you want check yourself what do you want economically write it down i call myself the bank now i used to call myself the hospital and the clinic i got that straight now i call myself the bank because that's the wealth and when you go to second woman you got to tap into your wealth but if a woman's not gonna be incomplete unless she has man heals i sell wellness warriors so i said well okay noah you guys it's time to come on up with man hills i said wellness was and so now we've observed the difference when a woman is in a happy home and when she's in a stressed out home she can do all the cleansing in the world but if her mate is toxic and he's angry and he just feels like he didn't live out his pure destiny she's going to have a problem and she's going to fall off and she's going to fall out again yeah so by shoring up the family you have a healthy woman empowered and strong and loving and you have a healthy man empowered strong and loving you bring that together they birth organic healthy children we create a new world can we discuss fertility for a minute thank you for pulling me all the way back okay yes fertility infertility is a lack of oxygen you have more to say yeah i just wanted to say because that's been a topic that has come up a lot with my friends lately i've had friends that have recently frozen their eggs also people who are doing ivf and i want you to discuss fertility how that relates to these fasting diets and things that women can do and family planning in general well one of my specialties is wound wellness psycho room awakening so i teach women how to use the elements to preserve and repair the uterus because if you're infertile most of times you're bleeding a little heavy or you are suffering from pain so your uterus is constricted and i was a calling therapist about 15 years back in the day so i do believe in keeping the colon clean the average woman carries five to ten or more pounds of impacted waste in her colon the colon over time that becomes heavy and prolapse and so it's not it should be above the navel it drops under the navel and when the colon drops because you have three meals a day which only have one bible for the day so that means at the end of the week you should have 21 meals basically then 21 eliminations if you have only one elimination for the day you have 14 meals backed up in your colon that's when you get 5 10 15 pounds of impacted waste now that waste drops under the navel sits down on your bladder so you have frequent uncontrollable bladder urination then you have the colon and the bladder cysts on the uterus crushing the ovaries the fallopian tube now you got to clean all that up so now the i the stomach is not flat foot aesthetics only it is flat because this needs to have no impaction but because we're eating emotionally most women are eating emotionally if a day didn't happen if things didn't work out she's eating the foods that she was raised on that did not produce wellness so she has a lot of congestion her uterus so i'll give you a few things to do for her one is to take red foods into you that's used the red element the fire element that's the blueberries raspberries blackberries uh strawberries to take that as a blend with pure apple make uh two or three apples juice them because it moves the buy from an acid to an alkaline state take that juice put the berries in it and becomes a delicious drink that helps to clean out the bloodstream with your infertile you have a weak blood also you're clogged up so you clean out the colon take the okra take your flax seed take your c-morse take your water with dehydrate the other elements so you have to fire what poisons are fire the quickest way to poison the fire is meat so start cutting back you may not be a hundred percent but then just have chicken and fish organic and stay within the beast depot to go up the land that's a beginning step transition in everybody's not going to be plant-based but you can incorporate plants into the lifestyle so that's the fire so let's go back to air there's not enough oxygen in the uterus there's not enough oxygen in the bloodstream so you have to increase your live foods so i want to say big enough to irish or tom because he bought the live food about 40 years ago to our community so sun food sun food goes into the plants give it the photosynthesis it gives us the green the green is the greatest heal you could take in to actually rejuvenate the uterus the bloodstream the nervous system the brain so to be fertile is to have a fertile lifestyle a lifestyle that gives you energy and vitality so let's get to the oxygen take in two cells every day add two avocados you want to regulate your colon take two avocados in a day your waist our waist is coming out scanty it should be the length of our hand twice wrapped around so then you have that back up and the bacteria is coming back into the bloodstream poisoning the bloodstream okay so we have the air taking live foods have a fruit bowl every morning have a vegetable juice a green juice is power i've been watching you've been telling me she's been taking some greens i get so excited every time i see with the green juice because that for me is life itself and even join the chrono advice they tell us get sun and get the vitamin d but when you get in your foods also every day you have supernatural energy all right you've tapped in to the resurrection like like when i go on certain periods of time because the only thing i eat is chicken sometimes and i really cut that back a whole lot where i barely eat it but it has changed everything like it does change yeah you know the sorry guys how heavy your period is and how long it lasts and whether or not so you're tapping you already know because your menstrual flow goes down automatically the fibroid tumors will be loosened up and pushed out sometimes women will go to the second or third month of pregnancy they can't keep the baby because the fibroids growing as fast as the baby's growing and the five will push the baby out by the third or fourth month just that alone so we do have to detox it's not enough to just conceive now you got to hold a baby all through the nine months and then you got to go through that you'll have pre-clamshere where your liver is toxic and your blood is toxic so you don't go and then you gotta get yourself charged up so you don't go through um um um mood swings when some mothers don't take care of their baby because they're so depressed they're so stressed out so we got to go through a whole lifestyle shift before we conceive now you know what you said don't cut these are mothers and fathers that think they could not have children the minute they start to have a plant-based more natural more whole foods inversion inversion is like the simplest thing everybody can do we'll tell you anything yes if you just lay down your bed put three pillows at the foot of it and never move them pillow one on top of pillow two on top of pillow three i did it this morning just to be ready for two days that's why i just came out the game running [Laughter] yes yeah that would help the fertility and that will help keep men from getting prostate cancer so my sister it's an ancient african movement for bringing the soul back to light so they lay down uh-huh or in their bed right the pillows are already there elevators your legs are elevated over the pillows and just lay yeah do that now 10 minutes that's all before you get out of the bed in the morning and you could do massaging to wake up the prostate to wake up the uterus get the body ready and then do it before you go to sleep at night 10 minutes and there's a couple whole hands and do it and breathe together it will unify you and you'll have a sexual power sexual energy if that's what you're looking for but you'll also create you're looking at me look at me i'm just looking at you you got to watch him i was going to ask you know when you said that a lot of people always call and say they can't afford you know the the fruit cups in the morning the green juice and you know because those foods are expensive well that's what's going to happen it's more expensive being sick that's right also brother envy you know we we tend to invest externally right so we wear our accomplishment in our game right but then when it comes to internalizing we then we don't make the connection because that's the first thing people say you know i can't afford healthy foods i can't afford organic foods i can't afford whole foods i you know that's why i'm stuck eating the fast food restaurants because i can get a whole meal for 2.99 you know you can go you can get a whole meal for a good meal for the family for ten dollars you just get you see it's vibrations levels you have your beans these are cheaper than me the black beans the pinto beans the gabazo beans your avocados that's not expensive it's just a mindset that we don't want to invest in ourselves and we don't want to change our habits because we're addicted and addictions are in the bloodstream count the blood then you start changing your conversation and i always ask people what do you want to accomplish in your wellness so once you have a vision you can say okay i want a healthy relationship i'm getting beat up in my relationship you keep attracting sick relationships to you so it's an investment into yourself self-care taking the time out in between relationships don't jump to another relationship jump into yourself nurture yourself as it gets warmer it's going to we're going to be more apt to healing ourselves this is the season we don't if you hold your number that we brush all the gifts that we will show seven day detox there to pick up we can drop the same gift of seven day detox for jada pickett we just brought it to the studio here for all of you so give thanks and pray my wife my wife ordered yours did she yeah and my my my spiritual sister angela ryan put her on angela right oh we're going to africa on monday on monday yeah you're going to go wow oh my gosh i'm so excited with her but anyway so the seven day detox do a seven do it your own way you don't have to get anything for me what you have to do is get with your wellness so it could be simple things eat how you normally eat just stop this you don't have to stress out but just include a glass of green juice if it's not too much cucumber good for the kidneys some dialysis cucumber watercress parsley arthritis turnips a half of a turnip dark greens leafy greens will help to repair the bones in the joints see once you get some level of well you said wait a minute if i was able to get that accomplished what would happen if i went deeper people have pain in their knees i'm gonna i've got a suitcase downstairs i gotta take with me because i got to pack up my products the clay itself that's nature that's the earth you have pain zinc potassium calcium magnesium packed it on the knees once people pass it and they say oh wait a minute i feel that it's almost over the hour it's 50 better so sometimes you start with something small eucalyptus and peppermint one of my formulas is for the lungs once you get that with some lime water wait a minute my nostrils open up my head is a little bit cleaner two days of that i don't have brain fog don't don't give them everything a little something goes a long way but you have to just nurse if you're trying to help somebody get into it you're already in it help somebody else do i teach one each one teach one that's right i'm gonna go back to the house did i do my inversions did you got the inversion 10 minutes in the morning 10 minutes at night time massage do some deep breathing all of a sudden your womb your prostate gets healthier more vibrant have a salad twice a day and start bringing the avocados in you know start doing the right thing drinking water most people are dehydrated the vines are drying out they're on the water planet this planet is majority water and green chlorophyll yes right so if you just start there like the sunlight right feeds the uh it charges the plants and inside of the ocean is the algaes or the greens in the planet so the two main elements on the planet are chlorophyll and water right and so the more we have greens in our body we're feeding ourselves you know the same type of you know abundance that we see luscious around us that's what the sun is feeding us so if we say we're sun beings you know we want to have that balance also encouraging brothers and sisters whether you're plant-based or not you have to stay hydrated you know you have to drink water we're 70 water so the more water we drink the more what we in tune we feel in tune with ourselves in the environment and then it creates movement you know sickness um creates when you when you're sick and blocked it's stagnant but when you when you have a lick when your body is liquefied in a liquefied state you're able to move things freely so every meal you have it move right on through you know most people are sick because they're dehydrated that's the first thing you know and you could just do a um basic everybody we could just do um you know urine test when you when you go to the bathroom you'll go from like if you're really toxic or not alkaline it'll go from high yellow neon and then they'll go light yellow then white so white lets you know that you know your kidney's in a good space you're getting some good water now if you if you're yellow within the next next uh say one or two hours just 16 32 ounces of water you know within that next hour two hour period you could just do a small test like that to see like wait a minute i feel good and my urine is clear right i want to keep that up so you just do like small little tests to just look at uh look at yourself like i said early envy about we we taught to celebrate our external glow-up which is not bad right but what if we match it inside you know what i'm saying you know like we we we work our lives to accumulate so much things externally but we don't when we're now we're weak inside to show up to maintain that so we want we talk about holistic wellness is to have optimum level of joy and life in your mind body and spirit what are you doing every day to empower your holistic wellness like i want to be charged in my mind i won't be charged i want my mind to be charged in this body i want this body to be a vehicle to carry me and have the spirit to move through and so so when you find ways to just balance that out you know and that's that's the premise of holistic wellness let me ask you a question about balance brother i'm sorry what are your thoughts on marijuana you mentioned green and people automatically saying marijuana comes from the earth and it's it's something that you should use for your body what are your thoughts on marijuana if you're gonna have a half a tea once you burn it you're burning your insides but you know it's you can be on that level but greens i'm considered high every day it's called elevation being charged and getting circular circulation oxygen so sometimes we could take something and we could make that a crutch and that's the only way that we can be happy or joyous but it's not it's this is one of the plants in the garden but there are many plants in the garden so we get stuck on one plant so your son mentioned balance what's your name again brother supernova supernova yes you know uh and you know you've mentioned it a couple of times you know about the sacred masculine and divine feminine what is the simplest way to explain what the sacred masculine and divine feminine is the people well i would say for the men um we have a training called man heal thyself wellness warriors actually me and mom co-authored a new book that's available now it's called man heal thyself the wellness warriors journey to optum wellness um men we're not taught to value ourselves we're taught to value our relationships what we accumulate in life what we work towards and then we leave ourselves in an emotional deficit and since from from young young boys we're told not to cry shut up just get out here and get it and grind so why we we do that we do that really well we can we can externally conquer but internally we're depleted right so a true divine masculine attribute would see okay if i empower myself on a daily basis you know work on my emotional body my mental body and really feed myself holistically i can show it better for my family i can show up better for my work in the world because i'm my authentic self and that that would be my um my charge what a divine masculine would be a man that is really comfortable in himself um who's not who's actually encouraged to work with other outfits not trying to really compete with other ninjas each one teach one each one reach when i see something in you vice versa when we help each other be better we take that back into our tribes and we continue to build that would be um a compliment ultimately to what mom is signaling with sacred woman because she says that a lot you know you know you have all of these sisters i mean y'all see you look online sisters are going to this retreat they go they travel around the world and they're whites and then so we're the brothers like where the where are the men together to charge each other and hold each other accountable just from uh not really competing on a religious level or economic level but just charging each other holistically you know you know hey brother did you take arabs today i'm saying you you take did you take your did you de-stress and take your second bath i know life was hard or you was working hard in the gym did you just take that 30 minutes in the tub and you know soak and just get all of that tension out your your mind and your body and just relax that that would be for me a sacred masculine you know and creating a circle what i call wellness warriors you know what i'm saying we have we have the gangsters we got the thugs but we need some wellness warriors i mean from the hip-hop community we've lost quite a few powerful icons who are not even 50 years old from health disparities you know we have you know heavy d and big pun um uh prodigy you know uh so many i mean so many brothers that that did not make it um to thrive on you know and so i think that we can use this in and out of their spirit especially in the poverty hip-hop community we should begin to begin to um journey especially as men you know we should be able to be the same type of energy we take to be go-getters and accumulate what we need we should use that same type of spirit for ourselves so we can show up better and be all active themselves that's right you know you know queen of food okay you're a bonus coach right now also right so you work with a lot of people and you know i have a juice bar where styles pee me and envy no y'all do y'all be rocking i see y'all how much his attitude has changed just from becoming vegan right because he would be angry he had a bad temper but now everything is chilled he's smooth and i just feel like it does like reverse aid you and also your whole temperament as well were you always vegetarian and vegan were you raised that way i was born vegan from her right the womb yeah you know when my father met queen um you know he was uh into the medical field and he happened to be a vegetarian vegan vegetarian at the time um and they conceived me in that so it was very hard being raised in the 80s in crown heights brooklyn mcdonald's commercials that white castles was called i mean every time but every time she went my okay so this is the fluffy queen you see right now you know queen of four in the 80s uh you know pulled knives on my uncle for feeding us toxic foods the warrior spirit around wellness and maintaining you know your body mind and spirit and optimum level i got from her because she had to maneuver us through a system that was not supportive of raising vegan children in brooklyn crown heights in the 80s you know it was very nice i mean i was always getting fights every day because i had sprout sandwiches my homies had they had they had i had sprout sandwiches i said you know sprouted bread with some avocado slices and some sprouts this is 1982. fighting in school you know with the kids with the heroes you know we just shame you what was a good joke you heard i know you could look back and laugh [Music] well i mean they just always every time i would whip out my lunch everybody would come around but for me right but for me it made me strong i had to fight just to be vegan so i had to i have always had a more warrior approach to my health and wellness just because of how i was raised because i had to defend myself just just eating an apple these these kids are too soft this day these days now they're crying yeah bullying it'd be all types of oh man but but i'm saying that to to tell y'all that um you know she she the type we we need to be the type of warrior that she signaled for her health and then passed on her to her children that's the spirit ultimately without being dogmatic that we're just trying to share with brothers and sisters like you know we have to we have one life you know we should protect it and defend it there's so much stuff that is challenging to try to break us down you know and we should encourage each other so we can have longevity and be resilient you know in the midst of this and just one more point angela to your point about being vegan i may you know my my motto is no excuse wellness you know i'm i'm a combat veteran i served in afghanistan afghanistan um i maintained being a vegan when i was in basic training when i lived on base and when i deployed i it was no excuses i don't mean i did not compromise one time you know and so that's the type of spirit that i would like to share with everybody listening is that um once you make a commitment to your commitment to yourself that you say you know what this is my life i'm not perfect but i'm gonna do everything i can daily you know to feed myself to thrive you know once you make that commitment with yourself you lock and load that you know you take on a warrior's mentality you become a powerful a male warrior woman warrior you know a sacred woman you know on your journey so you can be able to fortify your life consistently pardon my language queen of four but the supernova's point is so ass backwards for it to be so easy to pass a brother a blunt or some alcohol or some drugs but feel ashamed about passing them something healthy yeah passing them something positive this time life has changed people who are not into health they come in everything has shifted because nowadays because she once i have dr um one of the physicians one of my dear friends she talked about the the bad body bags it was outside of her clinic in brownsville and and at that time particularly people going to the hospital they were sitting them home go home quarantine you know because what is the the staff was overloaded they didn't have enough supplies everything was happening especially the beginning and so people now have to go home and take care of themselves they either going to heal themselves or they're going to become a victim and at this point when you go to the hospital you may not see that their family member again you know there's many people very in a state of turmoil because they left their family there and that was it but if you go home now and you have awareness i put out the nine protocols and i put those protocols out so anyone could pick them up they're free on my website on some basic things you could do from taking ginger take a take a a root of ginger juice that a few tablespoons and a glass of blind water take that down your lungs will come back people lost their job just by coughing around other people so getting that circulation up then boosting up the immune system take your um your red clover as a t take your echinacea as a t just simple things you can begin to do to begin to boost up your immune system so that you don't have to be subjected it's just a lack of information and taking this as a way of life so those are some of the things i would say that this is this is a critical time to wake up if we could wake up and we could galvanize and start to heal ourselves and really take our homes as a wellness center i said the kitchen is the laboratory the bathroom is your hydro therapy room in the bathroom that's where you can use your healing bath you could take your showers you could take your enemas and clean off the years of impaction you could take it nutty nose rinses water therapy is an african form of medicine so don't have water therapy in that room with the various herbs and tonics and such you can work in your hydro i don't want to let me forget can you just share with them remember we talked about um what it took you to get this book to the people to the women i just want you to share with them well when the book first came out 20 years ago if it's okay to go there if the book came a book came out 20 years ago and i remember michelle rudolph she called me she said she's the pub she's the editor and she said the book i came out the meeting it just came i just had a copy i was so happy she said they said it's too big it's too black it's too boom too strong too strong and so that means basically i had to take this book and take a walk and then just start the galvanizing the women and say you don't have that big support from the the house that was supposed to help to build the work up so for the book they're going through an anniversary and it's on the number one seller's list now is because i had to hit the pavement and i talk about wellness every day seven days a week and i and i dedicated myself the way that i dedicated myself to my children i dedicated myself to my community the same way you know you know i think about a story in terms of raising my children the same like i feel like probably in combat and i was fighting against disease but fighting for the wellness of my community that has suffered from the highest incident of from suicide to diabetes to high blood pressure i was called in the hospital and i did i work undercover and they asked me to come in the sun because they want to take the farthest colon out or portion the colon out he was one of the community leaders so i went and i came in with my green juice and my green juices and my green light nutritional formula and then i came with my breath of light and then i gave him that in between him seeing the doctor then they said within 24 hours i don't think we have to take the cola now it's just the body was becoming lifeless from foods that had no life and vitality in it so taking the kitchen the hydrotherapy from the bathroom the living room that's where you create your great mind work get up between four and six if you want to tap into your supernatural jewels and that early morning advice you could ask any question in the universe that's right and you could ask that question and it will download through you you'll know where when how and who if that's not some power you ain't got to ask somebody outside yourself you just have you have to practice it's a practice especially if you meditate yeah but that's the meditation that's the stillness if you could be still enough you can start to channel and hear exactly the formulation is going to work your life out and when you get that formulation then you have to put it into action you know in the book you talk about the gateways of initiation and you know you talk about sacred words and sacred foods all stuff that you've been describing now how does that how does that lead to healing and what exactly are those gateways of initiation there are 12 of them um i'll just briefly go through them because the last one is what the women are really coming for now which is the last five years i saw a major shift they want to have their own businesses if you don't find what your purpose is you will never be satisfied how much money you make you have to know why you came on the planet and then how to bring that to life and then how to get paid while living out your real destiny now that takes some elevation out of the toxic way of thinking what you speak you create a coronary ancestors what you think you create and what you take in the body you create as a frequency so that real discipline is what we need to have in order to go into our supernatural state anybody could take this book and transform their lives even men have taken this book and they're taking portions out because it was really written for both women and men initially so in the first gate is new news about womb healing so if you have fibroids cysts heavy bleeding now men have to go into that because if she's sick her woman is sick he's gonna have a problem because it's not just in her physical womb it's in her state of mind when she's sick in her womb her mind is not well when she's sick in her womb her heart is broken and you could be the best man but she's carrying five relationships from her past still holding on to that and that's impacting her present state of being so you got to clean up all those three states in order for her womb to be well so i talk about that in the gateway of newt newt symbolically is over the planet according to our ancestors in this light and when the sun goes down eat life giving light foods cooked by the sun especially and that's called the 12 hours of the night it's just one of them the 12 hours of the night is the mix when you eat foods from the sun all through or you're resting and you're drinking water lime tea when you wake up one you have another level of awareness and you can ask any question in the universe and get an answer right so and now healing the wound i have 25 room rejuvenation techniques one of my favorite juices the womb fruit julep that's the blueberries raspberry blackberries with the apple pears so in other words everything we're eating should have a purpose you shouldn't put nothing on your body nothing in your violence it has a real purpose because it's going to create your life so that's newt so you learn that then the next one is to hootie the hood is about hekao watch your words when i realized the words was going to kill me i will check my thinking because before you form a word you have a thought that thought is what people come in curse you out with what was i thinking what was i feeling how was i hurting because the people coming in are showing me the words i've been thinking and feeling and speaking and that's a hard one because sometimes you said words talk to us as children and we grew up with those words as teenagers and then we grew up as women on men with those words and we curse our children we put our men down we beat ourselves up internally so we have to shift the words and so we affirmed that in the gateway of the word to houdi which helps you to be described everyone could be a writer it's all inside of us and there's something special and unique about each one of us so that's to hootie the next one is your food is medicine word is medicine food is medicine you know what foods to eat for the body's anatomy based on the elements eat therefore i would earn then you won't have a problem you have a respiratory problem have some scallions have some some red onions you can clean out the respiratory system you know so i go through that with food as medicine set up your kitchen the next one is movement as medicine i i do i'm a biker i'm a mountain climb on occasions and i'm a yogina i'm a stone biker yeah i am the most fierce biker you know where to get this one okay all right he's trying to challenge you no i don't mind a challenge because i'm a biker you talked about putting the gel in the pans he loves it you have to but go ahead continue on yeah i am a biker i've been i've been buying since i was 16. i had to drag my children to the gym i had to drag them to the track i said y'all got to be in shape you just can't be easier now you got to be able to move this body you got to have the right thing i was military i was smelling i've calmed down quite a bit i had my moments you know if we let if it got so bad y'all if we left the green juice from the table she would run on and run out into the street catch the school bus climb on the bus and tell the driver he's this dust is not leaving until he drinks his green juice right wow no i'm not playing you know because i had to protect the immune system that's right and i knew that our children don't always get back home in our community and it's a lot of is what the anger in the household the things that have been said the frustration as a people social injustice we don't always make it back home so i would tell myself i said the only way you're going to make it through through your life is you got to keep your vibration high because if your vibration goes down you're going to be subjected to anything a gun is going to find its way to you so you just so i would really you know i said i would tell them things like those who hang in the street get home okay so that's how i would come as a mother so let's stay on track movies yes okay then movements i came into the movement bike i told i have developed a system called whom yoga dance based on the ancient movements of our ancestors they can call the egyptian yoga but i don't call it egyptian because it's not that's not a true name it's the black land it's kevin so but it's that comedic yoga through movement but it's also get unstuck you have to push yourself sometimes we get into a rhythm that we can't seem to get out we're looped into it because our mother is in our dna our mothers did it our grandmothers did a father even if it's not productive you keep drinking that drink you keep eating that food you keep thinking those thoughts because it's in the dna and it's automatic so you're gonna have to flush and cleanse to save your family because you can go double back to them and help them to heal themselves if you can break loose so that's is that we talk about breaking and it's in each of the gateways there's a a glyph that gateway is a it's a knife and it's a feather so you have to become your own surgeon and you have to cut away corruptable matter whatever that may look like if something relationship does not serve you serve yourself out of that relationship but you say i'm but i love him well you're gonna get hurt you're gonna hurt yourself if it's not healthy for you let it go then you may need to come in a circle that's where the rights are passing because we you missed a lot when you didn't get your rights to pass restraint men and women so that's the moving forward the next one is hetero hetero is about the children she's the mother of the garden of the children and what happens is we have to she represents the most beautiful woman every woman is uniquely beautiful she's a flower in the garden of nature but she can't tap into that beauty if her inner child is broken and most broken most broken adults have that child it hits them about five or seven mm-hmm that's when you go back to when the pain began you would know the story some of us are still under the bed in a closet in a corner under the shower looking out the window in a trance because they got so abused in the household so you have to then i tell them to go to her sit with her in your psyche because she is in your psyche and she is ruling your life and you have to tell her i'm here come with me i have a better place for us and you take her into the circle and you take her into the prayers and i sometimes will see when we go into that magic i would see the little girls in the space crying because of what has happened and they were left behind so when you bring yourself all your parts of yourself your teenager is enraged the teenager never recovered she got married still got an attitude your teenager so we gotta take those broken parts and begin to mend them and we do that in our rights then we move ourselves from that level into nebbet head nebuchad is about the lady of the heavenly realm the woman who knows she picks up she feels everything but i do not know i trust my spirit to know everything i said am i supposed to be here like i was nervous to come here spirit said relax why was you nervous why were you nervous i'm so happy i'm here i don't know what to do with myself you know y'all are such a big deal in our community i'll tell you the truth you're a big deal in hong kong you're a big deal i haven't heard from you i mean from angela to lathan big deal like my wife erica like come on you all impacted us and we love you we do we love you all and i love y'all all so much for you taking care of us taking care of our minds bringing up issues and being to the surface and being able to endure you know i know y'all are like you are our heroes so to come into the room with you was a big deal well it's a balance it's ratchetness and it's righteousness okay it's a balance but need to get a chance to talk about it yeah and we get a chance to overcome some of the things because we're bringing it out because nobody speaks out for us or about us then how can we even grow you know i grew up with him hotep gary bird i grew up with bob lore so y'all are the continuation of for me for the of the legacy of talk no talk and medicine comes out of that talk that communication just trying to teach our community you know the things that they don't teach us it's something that's absolutely healthy whether it's real estate generational wealth things that we don't know and that we're not taught we're trying to do our part and we're trying to bring you here to really teach us because we know way more than us this is your life's work so that's important wow and i'm so honored so i'm i'm over the top on it so the spirit said relax and i had to trust i'm taking notes i mean i'm like wait a minute okay just sent it that's why i came in here running okay so you at the gateway trust okay that is my my base is a whole civilization when women were revered women were not abused they were not raped there was no incest women were lifted up based on the 42 laws that 42 was a power really came out of 42 laws of my eye and it's about the balance and when we get our balance it's not just physical balance it's emotional balance it's mental balance that's why holistic health is so big because we're looking for the balance we're looking for we're looking for the harmony and so my art also deals with our relationships what do we feel about our mothers and our fathers is very important we have to heal that up and don't wait for your parents to heal it up you have to heal it up as the as the child is the adult by being forgiving because i'm gonna tell you they did everything they could do with what they had to work with and every parent is gonna come together the parents come together like i'm with the mothers and i tell them i said listen if you can't forgive your mother then when you have children they will forgive you mm-hmm because you swear you swear like i didn't did everything i got you private school and i made sure you had food and clothing and show you get the whole list and they said you know what they said but that thing that was so important to me you did not do that and now they're broken and they're mad at you and now they've thought that screwing everything but that means you got to go back to your back seven like set up seven generations back to go forward you got to go back to your mother and father and just say thank you just a simple thing thank you that begins to heal your heart because a broken heart is an aneurysm a broken heart is a stroke a broken heart is a it's depression so when you can begin to repair that heart and then repair the family by doing that then the family's future is brighter as that balance comes in why the balance is the tongue on the top of the scale is the tongue you can destroy somebody for what you say social media i got to put a prayer on it when you talk to each other don't talk to kill each other talk to heal each other have compassion have forgiveness have mercy see you're not just destroying one person that's your attack you're destroying your whole bloodline because when they build up we have a hard enough time becoming entrepreneurs making our own money building up our banks when we when we need money we got to come to each other but if you destroyed everything on through your words you have no one to go back to so when when you hurt your brother your sister you're actually hurting yourself so when we look at my heart is about that balance the next one is about us us is the mother who sits on her throne of power and how you get your power is you have to use right brain which is your creativity which is your intuition which is your art which is your beauty but on the other side is your masculine side which is where you're going to live how you're going to live how do you make your money so if you can bring both brains together that's the medicine literally you know that the symbol of medicine is actually the benign the cobra going off the spine the america is taking all that symbol of medicine anyway that's right in that brain balancing that out opens up the first eye so you can see everything and you can see what is not good for you you can see what serves you you can see why things happen you can see why the you're in the family that you're in why you chose that family and what you to learn from that family and how to evolve the family to the next level you get this deep insight and so that arsenal head is all about that balance and then you're not angry at your past you're not angry at the baby daddy all that we haven't even stopped saying that baby daddy you have parents you're raising children so we have to go to we have to raise each other well and give each other respect because if a woman curses the father because she's mad at him she curses the children but she chose him so she had to take responsibility for that choice but at the same time it's the same thing on the other side men you could stay in the family don't buckle don't run from the children don't run from the responsibility because you're going to run from your life you know so we build up from inside our arsenal head austin abbott had all that is the arson that represents those two women the sister the sister so all of us have a nebbed head we have a sacred sister it may sometime it's your best girlfriend your home girl your co-worker your mama may be your best friend but we all need one because they help to balance out but balance out help us to express and exchange we automatically have healing circles and the healing circles in our families would always be the kitchen four or five women are in the kitchen and they're talking that's what the healing circle was when women back in the days to do quilting they would quilt their lives together that's why i said one thing we have to do as a people we have to quilt we have to begin to come in and support each other to the fullest extent and then our bank is full and then we everything we need is in the circle and you affirm that everything i need is right here in the circle everything i need in my life is right here with me let me look to the right and the left if it's not there then go within your inner circle clean up your life and then you'll be like a magnet it's my electric force you with electricity magnetically bring everything to you and then everything will be about upliftment and then you have the final gate that shows up in the older book is the gateway of nephrotune nephrotum is the lotus out of the mud comes forth the lotus nephron tomb is also a masculine principle the mud in the mud is a seed i told in christianity called the mustard seed but and this is the lotus seed and that lotus seed represents cleansing purification illumination power now in that seed is encased in the mud what are your lessons don't curse your lessons learn from every single one of them and don't be ashamed of them speak it out talk it out so you don't have to live that through any further but then you go into the water the seed comes out it starts to grow into the water through the cleansing and the fasting and the prayers and the journaling and the meditation and the yoga you can take one or two of those principles and just work on that and focus on that and what you do is you come out of that water and you come to the top of that water and you blossom i say lotus you say blossom lotus blossom lotus blossom lotus blossom and what does blossom mean you're in a full bloom you could be in the full bloom of your career sometime in a full bloom about korea we can't handle it so we take alcohol drugs we take things to numb us out or move us forward to get us up when you're in tune then you can pace yourself in a way that does not destroy so that blossom now this book the anniversary there are two more gates that that shows up that is working with time time is life itself do not waste your time think before you act because see once you go down the rabbit hole you mess up and you fall down it may take you five years to get back out that's right so you better think real clear about the next move like they say may your next move be your what best move okay so you have to be in a very incentive place to make right whole decisions so i look at time based on the guardians the guardians are not gods and gods is the indwelling principles principles of life so the first guardian you can begin to do this for seven days spring is coming to tap in so for seven days just check and get a journal get up in two hours of four and six and don't do with an alarm clock just tell yourself before you go to sleep i'm getting up at four you get up at five it's okay but in order to do that you have to eat light when the sun goes down i told 12 hours of the night when the sun goes down six or seven have a salad i'll have some fruit mono fruit just a bowl of grapes a bowl of berries have a tea have a live juice liquefy right so you could wake up with clarity when you wake you want to get a download upload and you're going to see exactly your roadmap your plan you could be on somebody else's plan you're in the wrong plan if you're in the right divine plan then things start to work so that's between the four and six hours right now you start to work that plan in the morning by the time you get to the middle of the day that's never hats hour then you have a sal or sars hour that is that time that you pull in everything comes to you you make your contacts you fulfill mission you you're trapped everything happens on that time now check time when you get down to the four o'clock six o'clock time you start to retreat now it's time to go back in the house you're in the house back to the meditation the gratitude that you made it through that you got out your house you came back well if you're in the whole state take a bath take a juice do a prayer do your inner work thank your family for being a family go into that so then now you're going into hetaroo's time and then by the time you get to the nine nine and ten o'clock time it's time for you to go all the way in and retreat but don't go to sleep stay woke stay awake in your sleep so cause that's when you're gonna get the download while you're sleeping you're gonna get a vision the vision is why i'm here you hold on the vision long enough and strong enough that it will manifest women's fest out of you so that's those are the that's how i follow the sun into the moon the sun is shut coming up move with it move travel travel around the clock or that circle full circle right then you get to the moon you go all the way in you can see it on a glyph our ancestors were so evolved mother um newt is over the whole planet you might see her in the temples of ancient chemin where her arms imagine 10 stories high in her arms all the way down in her or stars across her body from her neck over to her waist is the sky and then on the on the other side is in her legs it's bringing heaven down to earth so women to become heavenly bodies when a woman becomes heavenly body she gets ultimate respect she gets the ultimate love she can turn somebody who's a wicked soul into a high being by her kindness a powerful kindness her powerful love her choice of words will help to lift him up from out of the depths of hell she has that power because she's a heavenly body and if someone comes near her she'll be but if she gets caught up and she thinks she's not then she's going to lose her strength and her power so that's the flow and do and i counted the the uh this where the sun travels when it's in two times amish resting place in kemet is 12 hours of the night when you and and when and and the sun goes into the sky and it shows up in art where the sun is birthed through the womb and by the womb there's there's the wings so the sun so you're so when you birth yourself in the morning there are wings what do these wings represent that you're going to fly that you're going to soar it's going to overcome but according to how you live now the very last gateway is mesh connect the last five years i had beverages because one of the things they asked me in during the anniversary book is to record what happened over the 20-year span that i have observed the women started asking to become healers before that they was trying to heal but when the fifth month of 2015 they came as doulas already they came as yoginis they came as vegan chefs to me to study they came as polarity practitioners and midwives and they knew that even though they know these different techniques if they're not balanced they're not going to be able to have a long life in their work and i have buried nine healers so i know it's a fact i had to examine myself why am i still on the planet here now and feeling as vibrant as i was when i was 25 well biking helps my partner that's only 10 years ago though huh you said when you was 25 it sounded like it's so long ago i'll take that well you know but what age is not something to be afraid of ages wisdom and ages power the only time you have to be afraid of it if you become feeble right if you start because age you can start to lose your mind lose your strength lose your vitality um lose your bones and joints i put together a little 20-page little booklet for the elderly and i wrote down for those who are taking care of their family caretakers all the things you can do to preserve the elderly in the homes you have to put in old-age homes and they can be vibrant so i've taken that into account what to what do we do and become well wealthy in our health we start to help the elderly what happens when we become wealthy and healthy and i help women we help our men to be strong and vibrant what do we do when we become wealthy and healthy with ourselves we have our healthy children and we go in there and we help and lift them up what do we do when we come healthy help our community so i've so women are around the country we have women in canada we have women throughout the united states who have taken the training or has picked up the book and started to take circles and so i do it that way um we have women in africa who have taken the training on and i remember i went to africa about seven years ago and there was um uh one of these was the six five he said um he was in the like the mountains i don't know exactly where he wasn't after the time he just walked to me he stared at me for about an hour he said the book sacred woman i teach the book wow wow wow and then he disappeared whoa i got a couple more questions because we've had you here for a while and i know you got things to do but what what are you planning to gain from the trip to ghana next week well i did um see a spirulina factory in ghana i want to go and visit this brilliant factory because we don't have to be sick and the children are taking spirulina plant-based right and so that's a medicine that i want to connect to so that we can begin to reproduce some of the plants and herbs from our motherland and that will bring more money in economics the tourism there is actually supporting ghana tourism supporting this trip that we're taking um we're also going to open up a wellness um center eventually with their people that are interested in supporting us and help i call it the city of wellness my work my foundation work is building a city of what i said the people make up the city if you heal the people you heal the city that's how you turn the city around and so i come with that city of wellness work and that everyone is important in the city from the carpenter to the plumber to the midwife to the doctor to the herbalist we are all important not one of us is more than the other so that city concept is what i want to bring um i also going to bring it to a tour in in august because tourism they you know they look at us as economics too after we've been four years of chattel slavery and being dragged and beaten and ripped in chain we've still got wealth where the parliament will say you represent money they look at me well queen queen afua we are so happy to have you come and be with us well i also love my people home and abroad and i feel that that's going to be we're going to quilt we're going to quilt each other back i love that term i love that phrase quilting and cocooning you know cocooning is when you go in and you heal and you work on yourself and then you come out as a butterfly and you begin to get your wings and you expand so you know the creator has a master plan for this i was coming for one thing it has grown so tremendously everybody's so excited and then uh beloved um when she decided she would come angela angela bryan she said she would it was so deep because the book is coming out and so she and she interviewed me because she loves to work and we just bought it so deeply and she's one of our brilliant minds on the planet earth we highly respect her all of us and so after she interviewed me last week she said well queen we got to get together and i said okay no problem when i come back from ghana she said ghana i want to go to africa i should want to go i said well you can go i don't know if i can so let me give you a reading real quick i said everything looks good this is going to change so many things it's going to be looking at you so high so she you know decided to go queen esther my soul sister she's there holes in the fort and we're looking at land we're looking at a compound you know and we're going to go there and see how that works out but i went 25 years ago and i went because i was insulted i got a radio show and they called me a quack i said because i can tell you what to do for pain i'm going to be called a quack wait a minute sugar is it anywhere in our bones and joints in our nervous system come off of the sugar come off the white products and convert into sugar and then taking the greens and the plants and the clay and the soaks and all of that and that pain will leave you and so i would i just taught it down state a medical doctor said that um you know that made that statement and it just it impacted me so i said i'm going to go home some kind of way because i i felt i could be receiving my work but i had to come back here i mean my karma was to come back here i had to write these books these books would not have been written he or thyself would not have been written i know it city of wellness would not have been written manhole thyself would have been written but you but you would about me in africa all my three children so i knew that there was a something i'd give to my people here and i feel that i have given and now i can expand us i'm not leaving i'm expanding us there's a big world and we're going to bring it to a wellness world that's what time is on the planet i'm going to do my part and we'll all do our part that we can bring about a major shift on the planet i have one more question it's just about the book like you know i love how you break down ancestors and elders and contemporaries why are some older people you consider them contemporaries but not elders like for example i think you had oprah and the ian le as contemporaries why well when the book was first written so it's it's really that we have 20 years later 20 years later yeah okay and i had to put some got you got you i do some updates you know i didn't do all the updates but i did as many as i could but um at that time he's a working timmy drew pilgrim she's like one of the wellness soldiers and well she just was a surgeon she put down a scalpel and she took on the wellness platform fully and so she was a contemporary at the time 20 years ago and it took me seven years to write the book so it wasn't like it was the easy way i did what i had to do but i got to and i was i was given great support by senator uncle samara said studio bataan and we worked together when he did the historical background of the book bob baba yes and so with that and then i'm connected to the people the people also gave me the information of what they needed and that shaped the book and i had a wonderful um editor cheryl woodruff um was working in random house at the time and marie brown they i called them the austin nebbert head of this book because they the midwives because they held me up um when i didn't know that i could do it they i mean michelle said queen you're writing too safe then i out of that came i cried with tears that healed which is one of my i won't say my favor you don't have the favorite children i'm the favorite chapters but that one took me did you hold it a little bit for them well i have to use the book out of the terms of the page oh gosh i cried with tears that here oh look at you already you might find it before me well let's just try to pull this up right quick that's in the womb i cried with tears that heal let's go to the womb that is 15 no 33 or the carry the womb because the woman carry the woman it's the ball it's the character of the spirit of the moon this is in the care of the middle class the cold i went past the heavy detox trip i went through all the dish the womb dis eases well you know what um well is it okay you know what i don't you know what came to me i'm just do this since i can't find it you might find before i finish but this is a womb profile that's right and this is on page 64 wound wellness profile so any woman could fill out these three pages as as today or when you get the book and then stay with as much of this work for the next 12 weeks as you can on your own or with the group of rights or passages on the 21st it starts this um on this sunday fill this out if you have chronic heavy bleeding of seven days or more then i have to say on this day of thanksgiving a young woman came and sat with me the queen of green i spilted lauren um vanderpool she we gave a a meal a vegan meal was wonderful the day that day the sister said i want to come and i want to work in your your center that we have in l.a and i said okay um the next day she called me says i can't i said what have my sister passed i said well she passed from but she was 25 and she bled seven days or more every month she was hemorrhaging heavy bleeding she passed from heavy bleeding nobody speaks about that and even the stds of women suffering from herpes they feel there's no way out one i gotta call 21 years old she says i've have herpes she called me up piccolo phone started crying before she gave her name i said what she said i have herpes my mate has herpes my friends have herpes people in my community have heard these and we don't know what to do it was that kind of call i said but nature knows what to do and i gave her the ways to boost up the immune system to build up a ph balance in her uter in her womb so she was able to begin to come out of that so there's so many my prayer goes out to us so i'm going to read this really quick so that you can fill this out do the nature work if you're seeing other practitioners that's working for you what happens if you can't just hit and miss if you find somebody that works for you and that that system works then stay with it and grow through it okay so if you have menstrual cramps heavy bleeding and clotting um um vaginal itching and burning vagina this is the crap that you crack letting it go vaginal odors chronic vaginitis vaginal sores vaginal cysts candida painful intercourse individual experience orgasm frigidity sexually transmitted disease sexual abuse a toxic partners infertility toxemia during pregnancy difficult childbirth miscarriage abortion is a form of birth control one woman had 11 abortions that was her former birth control that is violence to her womb what was going in her heart what was going in her mind and she had the same mate we have an issue here hot flashes vaginal dryness menopausal madness night sweats pelvic inflammatory disease block fallopian tubes endometriosis prevent the hysterectomies by becoming wound wellness healers of ourselves genital prolapse using cancer i want to say this as a disclaimer if you're seeing a physician continue to see your physician but also embrace a lifestyle of holistic wellness go back to your physician after a month let them examine you the physician will say something like this you seem to be getting better let's just wait let's just wait before we give let's maybe we can cut back go back the next month give yourself three or four months of it and every time go back and check and keep records the physicians and i've heard many physicians tell my clients whatever you're doing keep doing what are they doing keep doing it they're eating whole foods they're having green juice that's your at your juice bar juice for life juice for life with some with some final words mistake or woman yes this is the prayer mm-hmm and it's prayer this is the prayer that we say as we go from gay with the gateway we can't go within okay like you said it will go within yeah and this and there's a prayer for the women and there's a prayer for the men do you have that prayer no i don't have with me okay you could just yeah okay you said your prayer first and i'll say because it's really about the balance women healing themselves in a bubble it's not going to work right man healing himself in a bubble it's not going to work if you have a couple or if you have yourself yourself heal yourself so you can attract a healthy relationship and for the men you heal yourself you can attract a healthier woman we're giving up on each other the charge for the men is arrange for me the way may i may i renew myself may i renew myself may i become strong may i become strong arrange for me the way arrange for me to wait may i renew myself may i renew myself may i become strong may i become strong for the women sacred spirit hold me i'm praying above you below you and inside your heart so just take a deep breath and breathe in and out as you receive it sacred spirit hold me near close to your bosom protect me from all harm and fear beneath the stones of life direct my steps in the right way as i journey through this vision sacred spirits surround me in your most absolute perfect light anoint me in your sacred period to give me peace and divine insight bless me truly bless me as i share this sacred life teach me sacred spirit to be in tune with the universe teach me how to heal with the inner and outer elements of air fire water and earth and take these words and put to practice take these words and live this holistic life and let us be beacons of life let us have great powerful testimonies that we create a legacy for our children's children children and that we no longer be a broken people but a people lifted up in his mark as garvey said up you most mighty people we can accomplish what we will give thanks and pray well thank you thank you so much for joining us how does mark history how long was this interview thank you queen of four and we did leave some gifts for you we've gotta give you all your seven-day detox kit also i have i left my brochure my catalogue for women who want to take my training and for fans want to take my trains because i have a lot to teach and i just want to thank you for the support i'm so overwhelmed this is a crossroads for my career my work to be lifted up in this kind of way but if you didn't lift me up i was going to lift up our people no matter what but by doing this you're helping so many families right now they're so inspired and encouraged by you anyway so if i can have an opportunity i want to say to dr save you and i love you to dr africa you know i still love you so my brothers in conrad and the spirit and there's no dividing it's no divide and conquer willie lynch is dead it's all this is the new beginning thank you make sure y'all go get sacred woman a guide to healing the feminine body mind and spirit available everywhere you buy books all right it'll change your life thank you so much give thanks [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 1,875,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: kGVtye47wq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 58sec (5278 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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