Quarantine Live Q&A (Diver vs Non Diver)

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we are the DA says we got one viewing one like that was quick so whoever our viewer is if you can hear us just hop in we can hear you make sure that our mic and everything is good together here three viewers it's pretty cool so guys as you're lo going home do me a quick favor if you can hear us says yep you're all good awesome care a lot of digital delay Steven Rogers I can hear you Amy Brown Keith Odell pretty cool yeah we have had a lot of issues today with our internet and with our camera system so we're shooting on a different camera right now than what we normally would all good loud and clear cool wings so we'll give it just a little bit we'll get about another another minute to really get going here give everybody time to log on and then we'll start taking some questions she's kind of nervous if you can't tell she's very very nervous she's usually behind the camera shoot and she's not well you're in front of the camera just not her so we got Paul Dean from Canada looking Paul he says don't be nervous yeah so we'll get this thing going guys be thinking about what you want to ask we will probably run this 30 minutes to an hour long we do have kids my parents are upstairs right now with our children so we don't want them to be bombarded too much but be thinking about what you want to ask and we will try to answer you questions the best we can Paul D big fans long time watcher thank you Paul we love all the sport from viewers our subscribers you guys are the reason that we have this channel I mean we we make these videos obviously so that you can learn as a diver but you know if it would for our viewers and our subscribers it would be no point to channel be st. John hello there hey guys from New York Frank what's up buddy I've been talking to you guys here very recently on some videos so we've got 18 viewers now try to see if we get hit at least thirty hope everybody's staying safe during the quarantine if you are an essential worker I hope you're staying safe at work Johnny be cool hey Brian what's up says Keith Odell I really appreciate you dolls and whistle you're very welcome Keith I had a lot of great diving mentors growing up and I really hope that I can be a mentor to future divers as well so moving up 22 watching now so that's pretty cool we'll give it about another minute and then we'll jump right in we'll start taking some questions I'm trying to give enough people time to log on if you are new to our channel this is a pretty new face this is my wife here her name's Heather and she is usually behind the camera you've been on camera two or three times and videos and we did the live Q&A a couple years ago that she was on right when was that the beach was down at Hatteras and I think you won't be in a couple times old ones anyways so I'd like to say cus I hope everybody is staying safe the spires hopefully will be done before you know it everybody will be back up and running as normal we had to take like I think four baths yeah before I would even let him in the house and then he had to take another one and guys I was in a dry suit bullying caps full face mask on that so yes that was just gross where's your shop I just went so our shop is in Taylorsville North Carolina we are on the East Coast actually were in the mountains of North Carolina we're on the east coast of the United States and the name of our shop obviously link Hickory scuba got its name because we are only kicker II so directly through this wall right here about eight feet is Lake Hickory so that's where we got our name but we're in the foothill Mountains of North Carolina so but we are about three minutes past time to get started we've got about 25 viewers right now so if you guys want to start unloading on us whatever questions all we ask is please keep it respectful and we will try to answer our questions I did bring my wife here with us because she is a non diver and so I wanted you guys to come ask her what it's like you know being married to somebody who traveled all the time for a living so our lake is only 100 foot deep in as far as Beach Dobbin every dive we do in this lake with the exception of our boat dives our Beach style obviously we walk in but I think what you're actually asking is do we go off the shore of North Carolina coast Florida things like that and absolutely we do quite a bit of surf Dobbin if you will where you walk into the surf okay absolutely combined business we are more local we are you're more than welcome to come by we have divers from all over the world actually come in to the dive here to how do you explain Domon to non divers without going into physics or physiology um it it's fun I mean that's that's just cool Dobbin without get too much into Archimedes principle Dobbin is like fun when you're underwater you have total freedom of movement and you can propel yourself in any direction you want to go so the best way to say it is fun it's like flying and our chance kind of going limpert out here so give me just a second guys here we can scan back through here Lewis Johnson says what do you think of house he on wings house he owns a great company I've been to their warehouse down in Florida I know some of the people that work there really really great company they are a very very small company but they make great quality gear absolutely nothing wrong with house come on as a non diver this one's for you where is your favorite place to go with Bryan when he does not trips to be honest the only place I've really gone with is Florida I mean you go to Florida with me quite a bit tonight whether it's the springs or the keys it's it's difficult now for us guys because we do have two small children we got a two-year-old and an eight-year-old and so a lot of times she is stuck at home with them and the trips that she's going on give me a little more background about us so my father who is the co-owner of our company yeah so my father and my mother did most of the out of country trips currently until they retire once they retired then they're gonna start babysitting and me and my wife will do a lot of the other country trips so Florida is probably where she goes the most with me see what else we got here what do you think I see me jerk said what do you think about Gavin with children sorry if my english is bad English was fine buddy and hello in Denmark so diamond with children obviously I do it all the time my dog with my oldest I love training children I think it's a great activity to get them into keeps them out of trouble keeps them from doing other things that they shouldn't be doing Ramirez what tops of fins do you recommend I don't have a sit in front of me but the Mario's Quattro or advantage quarters are by far my favorite but that's for me my suggestion is get your hands on whatever fiends you can and test to see what's gonna be best for you second one Halcyon wings and not having service to pay Stevo me st. John says Heather how do you put up with all the Dobbin my girlfriend says I'm addicted and I'm nuts well she is right he is nuts yeah I just kind of I mean what makes him happy so it pays the bills dive camping trip can you do that there so we don't really have a campground locally to us we have a place in Virginia it's about four hours north of us come Lake Phoenix great probably the best place to camp and dive now with that being said if you are local to us we have the PDR a which is the Piedmont dive and Rescue Association they own three queries throughout the state and once you remember you can camp and dive you'll have 24/7 access to it as well a tensile or any tip so seas probably say any tips on getting into tech tech Dobbin I encourage all divers to strive to learn more and if Technopolis the route you want to go the best advice that I'll give you and I mean I'm actually gonna refer this I'll give you my answer but I'm gonna refer it to a video that we did with divers ready he specifically asked this question to him lower your recommendation of sure first somebody who wants to go Tech and James hit everything the way it should have been he you want your buoyancy spot-on you want your breathing spot-on once you have the skill down path that you need to go yes by all means go the technical route if that's what you want to do but you need to make sure that your skills are where they need to be but if you've not seen our video with James or the James video with us either one definitely go check those out so if you're not a subscriber to the divers ready Tuffy and divers Randy on YouTube hit subscribe I promise you will not be disappointed so as Heather mark says Heather did you ever still get anxious about brands David I do get anxious when he has to go on search and recovery dives but what does for wreck or he's looking for a drowning I it makes me anxious and that happens quite a bit guys so not only is our company a PSD company we are also contracted through multiple departments so I'm constantly getting call out weekly I've had a total so far a five call out there and a quarantine that we're in and one was for a drowning so that happens quite a bit and it's it makes me anxious too because I've got a family obviously I want to come home to them and whether I'm searching for say someone who has passed away they drowned or even a car you know I'm risking my life and my team's risking their lives for basically inanimate objects so yeah it's ages for me to obviously come home to my family Amy brown says Heather have you ever tried scuba diving and if not do you have any interest in tronic I tried it when we first started dating and what or I just graduated I tried it I got all the gear on got in the pool and I freaked out I'm very claustrophobic so I really have an issue with that so but he's gotten people more certain like more claustrophobic than me certified so I don't know maybe it's because the closeness between us maybe somebody else might yeah maybe if we had a better instructor man another instructor they would teach her instead of me I think she'd do better Stephen Roger says what is a good sack rate I can tell you what my personal saccharide is but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good if you can maximize your time underwater and enjoy your time underwater without going anywhere near your decompression limit then that is what you need to focus on don't focus on the numbers the more you that you dive the better attitude will come get make sure you have equipment that fits you make sure you have equipment that makes you feel comfortable and your Sacre will lower but the best advice I'll give you once a crate is don't focus on your sac rate because everybody's numbers are going to be different Aaron says what kind of metal detectors do you use underwater Garret I have there see hundred mark to model that's usually what I use if I'm looking for evidence or just treasure huntin but Garrett's a well-known company I've actually used them for years even prior to owning this company so are you dive instructor with patty yes I am so I will give you my full list of instructorship I am a padi master scuba diver trainer I am an SSI instructor trainer I am a PDI sea instructor trainer I'm an East SEI instructor trainer and I'm a sea mast 3 star course director so if Heather's claustrophobic has she ever used the full face mask we've never done that with you how many dogs do you recommend before start in public safety diver and training um I don't know if I've got an actual number and guys I don't want to discredit anybody there are people out there that can do something their first time and they're just a natural at it so it's not about the numbers but as far as training goes what I will tell you the basics your open water your rescue your search or recovery you're not diver Deep Diver navigation the the actual specialties the standard us specialties really come into play in public safety diver and having that as as part of your core before you ever get into public safety diving is very very important um you need to be first of all I would actually suggest you be a public servant before you ever went down that public safety route because you're going to be better prepared for stressful situations which is very very important because we go through extremely stressful situations Oh James is armand what's up James the divers ready hope you and your wife are staying safe down there in Florida can't wait for all this mass to get air so we get back down to you Jenson do you have an opinion about Hogg Hogg's taste really good you know we only cook them up they taste really good but a hog equipment once again it's another great company they make excellent gear very well constructed it's once again kind of us our company if you're gonna go with home my suggestion is is make sure that you've got a technician close to you or maybe you contact them see if you can become a technician for them one of the reasons I know a lot of guys think we're of purely Marez and we are at Mario's shop let me explain something real quick when you buy gear the biggest thing that you want to think about is if you're traveling a lot fine and equipment manufacturer that you can find parts for or that's going to be easy for you to get service in those bad situations now if you're fortunate enough that money is no real option to you meaning you can spend as much as you want then buy a different brand and then when it comes time to service it just get rid of it and buy something new but most people even myself were not in that situation when I bought years because I have to budget it out I've got to save up for it so I want a good brand that obviously I can get serviced whenever I need to and being able to get it serviced locally is very very important to us but Hogg is great here to answer your question I think hogs great year I actually got a whole regulator I just never use it anymore yep hey Paul from Australia CB st. John never heard of sei that scuba educators international so sei formed in 2008 hit their own thing sorry guys it formed in 2008 it is the former YMCA or the LA scuba so you can look him up tom Laird's the owner of that he also owns a company called PDI sea which is professional diving instructors corporation as well and says I'm mostly search for lost rings underwater in about 6 feet any tips metal detector and search slow anytime you are looking for a very very small object your search has to be even that much more methodical to actually find what you're looking for yep so you can do a circle search but a lot of that has to do with what your bottom compositions likes you guys apologize we do have some issues here so we're just kind of scrolling through these questions mark says Brian I am 54 and should be doing my head from Wonder this weekend given the right training how old do you think is too old to do tech Davin once again if your Health's good obviously at your age I'm not picking on you but at your age you definitely want to have a medical and I think most agencies at this point for any type of technical form so talk to your local physician or your healthcare provider and see what he says that all that's gonna be based off your personal health do I think 54 years old is too old to go techno man absolutely not I know plenty of guys that are over that age that are still taking out home bin says hey Brian first of all I hope you are all safe currently I'm a rescue diver wanting to progress in the diamonds should I do the dive master course even if I'm not sure yet that I want to teach um that's a personal choice I know a lot of instructors would encourage you to do it just for the training I think it's a lot of money and depending on what agency you go with it's a lot of money to go down that professional route when you don't have to with that being said I'll give you a little tag to SSI SSI has a pro dive master and a non-pro top master so it's it's your choice if you've got the funds and you don't want to go pro I might what's been the fun somewhere else spend it on other types of training maybe go that take her out maybe go on the free diving around something like that see James said would you rather fight 100 chicken side om B's or 100 and besides chicken um so I don't know I think I could take going B I really do if he's watching OB Bruno he's actually one of our instructors here he's actually family to us too so these can does I think I could take only mr. Phan just got on might have already in sirs how do you balance time how much time when you're on vacation with family between gavin with family time um my family comes first so if I'm on vacation I'm not in work mode and my family comes first yeah vacation not like a dive trip the last vacation we were on did you not do in QA well that was different we already had to point out I couldn't do it whatever she says we're just gonna leave like that yeah she makes the rules so whatever she says but yeah I try my best to always put family first let's see you know if I put your name on I truly apologize here just hi from Austin Texas and I'll try it says in a interes says hi from Austin Texas we have limited dog spots here in Central Texas what are your thoughts about logging shallow dives twelve foot or less spring Fred rivers to count for SSI dives so I actually covered what you should be longer than what you shouldn't and actually another video so let me talk about how I recommend logging does first of all if you run the risk of any type of barrow trauma or pressure related injury that means you're breathing compressed gas at more than one point zero atmospheres then by definition alone that is a dive I don't care if it's a swimming pool because we can get air embolism in swimming pools I don't care if it's a lake Cory or spring or an ocean doesn't matter the depth if it's anything more than one point zero atmospheres and you're breathing compressed gas you run the risk of Barrow trauma or pressure related injuries you should be logging that dive now should that dive count towards bigger and better certification should it be something special to you well that's completely up to you I personally don't love pool Dobbs because if I did I'd be in the 20 or 30,000 dots but that's completely up to you I would suggest logging it just for your sake meaning putting in what you did because even a pool Duff you can practice buoyancy and you can get something out of that now does it go in your overall down that's completely up to you your dog is your personal wall before scuba diving's I'm puttin it whatever you want to and I've done hundreds if not thousands of dives 10-foot and lifts and those are not including swimming pool dives you know I searched for a lot of stuff around dogs maybe you only ain't foot deep and I had to search 30 minutes to find something so to me that 30 minute dollars a dive what's the biggest mistake you see new and old divers make Erin um probably new divers the biggest mistake I see them make is they either go a hundred and ten percent into the sport they borrow their gear and they don't leave enough funds to travel to actually have fun and they lose the the job of diamond that simply means they've wasted their money they made an investment that they shouldn't have made now experienced divers are old divers the biggest mistake I've ever seen in make is they stop learning that they've reached what they wanted to reach and they say well there's nothing else for me and once again they kind of lose that passion and I'll put this out to most instructors instructors are kind of the same way myself included we get to the point where we feel like we're top dogs and we we forget where it is we came from and we feel like we can't learn nothing else and when that happens we might as well hang it up as well so yeah and she does yeah like I said she makes all the rules soon bo Johnson I just switched from patty to SSI what's their version of PSD I can't answer that currently I can but I'm kind of sworn to secrecy what I will tell you I'll give you a little inside tip of how the industry works so when you are an instructor with one agency and you cross over to another agency typically speaking anything that you can teach from agency a you can automatically teach through agency B now if agency B doesn't have a completed curriculum than what they will do is they will authorize you to teach using a different agencies curriculum I can't really say more than that right now just because there's things in the works but stay tuned all I'm gonna tell you is stay tuned what's your added weight to body weight or issue oh dude I'm coming out a winner I got a lot of weight that I'm trying to get rid of so actually oh I'm sorry guys I'm actually getting her with a bottle sorry so we've got plenty of videos on weight if you'll just go how much weight I need on YouTube toughing like if you're scuba there is a great video explaining the math behind it I'm not gonna try to do the math here on this live video for you but it will break it down and I promise you if you do that math it will get you within say five pounds of what you need only shout-out to SSI for the free science addabbo not now yeah they've actually got several courses right now that are discounting actually all their courses right now I think that they're pro levels are discounted but the science of diving and I guess I should clarify that too it's it's free but it's not free you still have to pay for certain things and each shop is going to be a little bit different on how much you pay for that because the instructors or the training centers are still allowed to charge whatever they want to like for us example that class what we charge we are basically given that class away for 50% of the charge because if it's not myself or my father teaching I still have to pay my instructors to teach a set class so you're still going to have to pay a certain amount but it's definitely a lot less power so I agree happy wife happy life I did I keep you pretty happy don't know good okay Aaron says did you do a video using metal detectors underwater how do you handle them with current and conditions I'll be happy to UM rock before this virus hit myself and instructor OMB was fixing to kick off our treasure hunt series that we do every spring we try to keep the Bertram's clean we try to keep the sandbar area here on a lake clean and we were planning on taking the metal take her out for non work purposes obviously just to do some treasure hunting but the virus here he's also a public servant in the community his job has blown up and even mine I'm still a public servant as well so we've been extremely busy with the virus going around towns ingredients from New Zealand any thoughts on the out of air Journal as most of the big agencies teach should these be refined to be more realistic so I can really only speak for the five agencies that I'm an instructor for but I really like ssize mandatory primary air share to start with it doesn't mean we can't give our alternate we give our alternate a lot but they start you out with the primary air share and I actually get a video on this as well why that's important to do so obviously if you're Dobbins say what that long hose daughter he's gonna give you as primary if you are diving with someone who has something if you guys can see it but say an integrated inflator I can't get over here but if you're doubling somebody's got an integrated inflator octo then obviously he's gonna give you primary said there's a lot of benefit and always donate in that primary with that being said there's also benefit and learning how to give your alternate if your diving with a full face mask diver as well then he's gonna have to give you his alternate he don't have a choice he can't take his full face mask off so there's benefits and learn in both ways I really like how SSI is doing it I really like how one of the tech agencies do it because it's that primary known as well Steven Rogers I'm a registered nurse I have to maintain continuing education hours every year for real awesome do scuba directors have to do the same yes and so when we renew as instructors there's there's two aspects of this first of all renewals really come by paying a fee so every November all the agencies pretty much the same way they send out renewal fees you pay it you're renewed but most agencies SSI was one of them you have to teach so many students throughout the year to stay an instructor so just if I don't teach nothing and I pay that I kind of go in and review status now we teach because we're a training center we teach a lot of students and all of my instructors are getting enough students to keep that up so that's they're training when you teach somebody you are getting that training you are doing them skills over and over when I teach here in the classroom and I got slides or I'm writing stuff on the board I'm redoing that stuff as well now that being said the individual training centers they can put requirements on I'll make my instructors every year go through the swim test that a student would have to and I'll make them do a skill assessment as well myself included so after I evaluate them I turn run around and do my basic skill set and they really so yes we have to go through training here at leg kick or scuba I can't speak for all training agencies but all training agencies are usually gonna make you teach so many students a year plus pay a fine or a fee every year yeah okay so we stop here see thank you to see bull Johnson says thank you very much I was asking because there's not a lot of mini divers and I was thinking about helping out the fire department yeah got a volunteer fire department definitely jump in that's what I do now I'm a volunteer firefighter I'm an EMT for the state of North Carolina I started out as a police officer and she made me quit so when I left I joined the local EMS as a medic and got bored with that now I just volunteer firefighter yep so is this a penny more for both yes I'm SSI and patty instructor C do you have tips known bin says do you have tips on being a better Rescue Diver continue to Train do your skills you know bring up unconscious divers practice towing you and your da buddy get out there once start to panic at the surface and practice taking control of that diver anything that you can do to put yourself stay in a controlled stressful situation but see how you handle it keep your stress level as low as you can you'll be a better rescue diver and I'll tell you this too don't be afraid to take action that's a fella human being always be proactive to help somebody else front hoof what do you think dive operators and destinations will look like as we come out of this virus well hope just like I'm really hoping the economy will just kick back off as well I've hoped that most operators have took this time to see what they can do to make their company better I know we have here at Lake Hickory scuba we've done everything we can obviously we're still cleaning our facility every day but we have been brainstorming what can we do to really make our company shine as soon as all this is over Erin says thanks so much for the videos you're very welcome John David hi both you have you ever dived in Jorgy yeah Bay in Canada no I have not I've actually never been to Canada so be st. John do you believe that primary and secondary should be the same not sure if I understand your question there B be st. John are you asking as far as donation or what clarify that a little bit for the question I'll answer it South Lawn said do you think air sharing skills will be modified they'd be it to prevent the spread of coronavirus if someone if completing of course this summer okay so yes I do I really do um and I don't know how I know what we've been told at SSI but until our pool opens back up and we can get people back in the pool to train them I'm not really going to go in depth with that but yes that has been a huge talk in the SSI world as far as what we're gonna do with primary air share as well I still think though that you know once all this is over just it and let me speak from a medical standpoint because I am an EMT here once all this is over if you have coronavirus if you have some difficulty breathing if you had a fever you're not gonna be diving anyway so the risk I don't think is any more great than what it was before all this mess if some I had two flu and they had symptoms then there's obviously gonna be a risk but if they had flu and they had symptoms they're not going to be in the water dabbling with this anyway and any instructor that would let water doesn't need to be an instructor they need to wait until they're better and then have them gonna fill out another medical with their doctor so yeah I think it's gonna change but I don't think it's gonna be that big of a change mark says I patty is there any advantage to doing Deep Diver if you do advanced open water or what is it venture diver yes deep divers a lot better than advanced open water and it depends on the agency as well so let me explain real quick van Stoke and water works because it's different per agency four of these said five agencies that I happen to be an instructor for all have an advanced diver program and they are all completely different so Patty's advanced diver is basically five adventure dives in its sole purpose is to give you five extra dives and to allow you to track five different areas of Naumann to see what you might like next so maybe you do a deep and not a nav and in two other electives and then out of all those maybe you really only like the not diver so you go and take not diver SSI has the exact same thing but they call it advanced adventure but it's not really advanced it's just five dots ESS also has an advanced open water which you have to earn four specialties and log a total of 24 dives now think about that you're earning four specialties you're logging 24 dives versus only making five and not earning any specialties so advanced open water diver it's kind of its to get your feet wet if you will advanced adventure advanced open water I think deep down tour course is better than just doing it in the advanced and what is adventure dives that's all it is you're just going out with an instructor maybe you're making one night dive with the instructor it's just an adventure for you basically it's what the word says air makinen how do you sanitize my gear especially the mouthpiece will bleach damaged a rubber you need to be cutting a bleach I think it's 10 percent ratio so 10 percent or 15 percent bleach to water that's kind of what we do here we do use commercialized cleaners to obviously bomb in the industry soon any good movies featuring scuba that are pretty accurate um no not really I've got my favorites so Joel's obviously is one of my favorites yeah I criticize jobs all the time although this problem with my favorite movies and then what was the came down the movie sanctum I really really liked sanctum it was BS so it's based off of I guess it was based off the true story but a lot of the things that you saw in that yeah don't believe everything you see on TV believe what you see here on YouTube don't believe what you see on TV pros and cons diving with or without a snorkel attached to the mask okay so we did a video on that too I'm against it unless you need it so that means if you're snorkeling you better have your snorkel in your mask I personally prefer the ones that roll up go in your pocket clip off and then during your safety stop you can pull it out clip on and then ascend your last 15 feet with a snorkel I do think they create entanglement hazards in very specific situations penetrating direct penetrating caves they personally get in my way inside melt because obviously inside the mountain I've got a long hose so I just don't like the snorkel for that but all that being said if you feel more comfortable wearing a snorkel then wear a snorkel Aaron watch last breath on Netflix Richard Luna it seems the general recommendation has found a great instructor and not focusing on agency if I find an instructor I locked it off for searched through several agencies how do I choose which agency but I guess you could say what you can afford to take see if you're going the professional round pick an agency and stick with that agency so obviously it's okay to jump around agencies there's no problem that whatsoever but if you're going professional you need to pick an agency because you're going to spend a ton of money going that route and then not really be able to do anything plus it's gonna be your geographical location if you work at or if you're in an area that they've only got an SSI shop and you're willing to get into the industry then there's no reason to become an instructor with another agency because that scoffs not gonna be able usual you know whoever it is yeah in same thing with guys I've got people in the background to master divers kind of the same way if you're wanting that certification then you need to pick an agency and stay with it primary you see gear said primary donate the drill is very contingent on all team members being healthy how do you foresee just to answer that question I do think it will change at the training stage I think what it may go or kind of what I've been told is we will still teach primary donate but the diver will not actually receive it so it may be you have your alternate for them to actually receive but you still practice that skill set of the primary domain yes we've got to be safe it doesn't matter how do you train when it comes to this virus we've got to be safe we can't be infecting people here in training and sometimes common sense ever takes everything else philosophy means a lot to a lot of people in scuba diving my philosophy is whatever whatever method works it's practical and it's safe that's what we should be doing there are many ways to skin the same cat so Dixie six I just talked to him hello everyone hey Rock with towns and things stay safe Steven Rogers pizza's here awesome wish we had Piermont Perez I dive about once a month mostly lakes what are your thoughts on having dive insurance throughout the year or for big trips Danny insurance all the way always have data insurance no matter what I don't care if it's one dive a year it's well worth it I think their cheapest premiums 35 bucks for the whole year I mean I spend more in 35 bucks just buying junk food in a day they say John do you believe that second stages should be the same as in your primary and octave oh go what you say now so you're meaning identical I do it because I'm in the industry and I sell this stuff obviously so my primary and my alternate or the exact same second stages but I'm really the only one here at our shop that does it as a matter of fact my co-owner which is my father this is his ring set he's got a Mari as abuse he's got a Mari as a PS second stage he has a Marquez MV so no his does not match I don't think they have to match for any reason four years I don't want it mad and really the only reason they match now for me is just because I work in the industry and I sell the stuff and I do want people to see that um my sidemount rags yes I do want him to match there's two identical rags on what both second stages match but in typical back-mounted Scooba know they don't have to match Aaron says what's your average charge for a lost item recovery charge so I have two fees we have a company fee for anything we consider Salvage and then we have individual diver fees for search and recovery what's the difference between salads desserts recovery usually the depth the object and the resources that we've got to have to lift it Salvage it would be boats airplanes cars things like that dogs you know if we got to lift the dock or whatnot searches would be cell phones keys fishing rods you know your typical stuff people lose it's all based off location as far as to search and recovery go how far do I have to travel or do this search salvage we have a pretty set rate that is pretty consistent with other companies in our area such as sea tow boat you ask things like that so we try to stay consistent with them because we don't want to compete with them we want to work with them and a lot of times we are doing a lot of work with them they'll call us up and they'll say we provide all the rigging you provide all the Dobbin and so to keep that working relationship we try to stay in the same train I actually answer that question in several other search and recovery videos as far as what I personally charge my rates do change so obviously it's going to be more expensive in the winter time to go look for something than in the summer time a lot of it has to do with what equipment I've got to wear and of course have yes - great question there by the way what a hello can you get both SS on Patti not being an instructor yes absolutely you can across agencies Nene anytime Brian half the last breath oh baby Avery new diaper wanting to go Tech eventually when I stopped running and Bob my first set of gear is born straight to Saad mountain too ambitious no no I wouldn't say it's too ambitious if that's what you want to do if that's your goal go with it if you're not sure then you know go back mount dive get you 20 30 40 $50 and then switch over Assad bound you know there's a person constant sub but if you want to go subtler side now o the abyss the abyss also movie B guess once again but I love that movie as well grew up watching that movie Ron you need a couple moderators yep absolutely I agree besiege on Dan if I ever dove in Australia nope would love to come out there money hey Ron just came in a bit late mate buy a wireless USB mouse fits on all the laptops guys we have went through three laptops today trying to get everything to work I'm gonna be honest with you we are on my iphone right now so yes I would love to have a wireless mouse I don't have to but for some reason here in our area our Internet has just sucked we just can't get it to work today and one of our laptops - camera went down on us so and what special equipment should I keep on my boat when I'm Dobbin I'm in a linked 60-foot max obviously all boating equipment life jackets things like that I would keep obviously a DA flag I mean my loll most states require you have that have some type of communication device anchors things like that obviously keep us at a dive gear on there Jeff Morgan dan what's up Jeff see Ron Garcia do you like do I like what do I look a lot like you yeah I like scuba Devon how should I store my two-piece diving suit proper hangers yep so obviously if it's a farmer John get you an actual wetsuit hanger and then put the shorty on top always hang up your wetsuits if you can try not to fold them Patrick says Thank You Brown for your contribution scuba diving always fun to watch your videos greetings from Quebec Canada Thank You Patrick thank you for being a viewer Jeremiah Perez says thanks so much for an open forum you're welcome buddy take care you be safe as well Bobby you're al says Heather what are your hobbies and passions good question well I like to read but I just like playing with the girls yeah yeah we're very tight-knit family our kids mean the world to us and she puts up with me so I guess I'm her passion Ron Garcia kept saying that hey bro Mecca says the whole body looks amazing things bull Johnson asked questions here says how expensive or hard is it to open your own dive shop um I don't know I haven't neck and come in there through this one probably I've not stopped paying this one off yet so yeah come over here dad real quick yes yo this is my father you've probably seen him a couple of videos so I'll give you a quick history of how he opened up a dive shop so I was a career police officer I was working for another scuba shop my dad had a construction company that he's had for many many years he actually got it from his father and the economy tanked and dad got tired of doing that and she told me I couldn't be a police officer no more so we sit down together and we said hey we'll start a shop it's both our passion and how did we get the funding to do it just some money that we've had saved up we used our savings one of the things if your yeah we've sold some things that we weren't using if you're looking into open our mouth shop one of the biggest things don't forget things like major amounts of insurance that is a big big part of dive shops be a worker's comp be a liability insurance you're building insurance insurance takes a lot of our profit away so that's one of the first ones you want to look at then location to be honest with you we're not that great at location we happen to be on the water but it's not a dive destination it is a lake but it's not your typical Clearwater like you could have in the keys so a good location out on a major highway would be good at Anderlecht house more but probably insurance and locations are babies as far as how much money does it take every area is different that would be a tough one to answer okay so we're gonna jump ahead a couple comments this one hold on second dad come back over here says hi Braun's dad this is from Steven Rogers hammer-ons Dan nice that it is a family business how long have you been in business and I hope you continue to do well we actually opened a business in 2012 I've been diving since the early 80s I had actually had brown in the water when he was 6 years old no he was not trained I never took him deeper than about 4 feet in the pool but trust me he fell in love with it I'm fortunate enough that Brown's mother dives with me so she does a lot of the other country troops with me yeah we've been in it but my father got me into it he's the one who talked me into learning today so yeah we've been in the diving world for a long long time actually turning our hobby into a business about eight years now yeah so Mickey says you might need a better mind guys I've got Mike's I got plenty of little have marks I've got all different talks like I said we've been struggling their computer all day on this so eventually we just said look it's getting close to 6:30 I'm with her my phone oh I apologize that the audio ain't all that good something we showed with four since we began our YouTube journey he was talking to my house to have another day every diver has his favorite sea animal what is yours and your loss I'll let you answer yours first I know what tabbies is our youngest Turtles Monza shark I love sharks I love angelfish I think there's some of the prettiest fish in the world to photograph but sharks by far my favorite dad likes drones and seahorses seahorses pretty cool they're majestic they're kind of hard to see but once you find one for they're pretty as well yeah I didn't see France is that is more people are using the web on one slow use all down and we can't wait to get our orders back in school trust me I hate that kids are out right now I really like the fact that I've been able to train my child at home home schooling but she needs that interaction heard the school she goes to teachers are absolutely great and I can't wait to get her back in there to see her friends and teachers yeah Aaron says got to go guys things you're very welcome Aaron thanks for joining us today Nathan why have you ever scuba dive I think he's saying why have you not ever dive but you already answered been answering again I'm just very claustrophobic and I just can't get over it yep Becca says you both look amazing guys it's all hers she it's her her radiates beauty is what makes me look good Steven Rogers oh we already answered that one yep hey st. John I think the cost of insurance kills most dive shops yeah and manfully annerose kill yeah thankfully even the previous shops that I've worked for I've never really been in a situation where we've lost a daughter if you will so that really hurts dive shops when when you lose a diver or he passes away or what not insurance ain't there your friends wouldn't when you don't really need them they not really your friend when you do need them say how was like here's one for both me and you dad says how was working alongside family men for yo it does it's easier for me and dad to work together than Heather and me working together I used to work for my dad's previous company and I think I got fired 11 times from it but going into business and being partners versus being an employer and employee it's been great for us it's kept mounting his relationship good too so yeah being business partners is great working for him wasn't so great yeah and we we have different roles too now but I think us just you know we work together so he's been in business basically my whole life I'm still new to being the business owner so there's a lot that I learn from him and just like I taken your videos never stop learning and I learn every day what it's like to really be a businessman and have a make things better bowl says cool thanks guys I've got to go feed two vets Standard Time it's gonna be mild for too much longer so Dixie not to sound negative here but if the coronavirus extended for a few more months well your shop be able to weather the storm yes we will so we are more than a dive shop I said there's some plenty of our videos we are a full-service marina we rent boat slips out to private customers and those are yearly slip fees so yes we will be able to survive through the coronavirus Dobbin is our passion is what we do it's everything about us but it's not our entire company it's really only at a certain it's about 30 percent of our actual company there's a lot more that we do here that you guys unfortunately are not getting to see on YouTube because we're scuba diving channel we want to focus on the scuba diving so yes we'll be able to survive the coronavirus let me have fun guys it's too late for me here now I love watching the whole family together thanks Lenny appreciate you coming home [Music] along the sea south and says online competition also kills dive shops support your local dive shop it does and there are a lot of dive shops that do online sales online training things like that but I think what you're meaning is from some of the beer boys it kind of also goes back to what I said earlier when you buy gear and stuff you want to bike where you obviously you can get it serviced lovely if you travel let's say you don't dive you're look weary you're flying around all the time you have enough money to travel a lot yeah there's nothing wrong with bond from them big-box stores if you will you can afford to travel that much you can probably afford to throw your gear away and buy new when it does come time to get a service so Bo Johnson you guys are awesome I hope we get the chance to meet one day we'd love to meet you love meeting subscribers on here Mecca says is the don't mix pleasure with business ain't rude my business is to make others pleasure I guess you could say that oh I probably shouldn't have said that so um no that's not true it depends I won't stop talking she's probably gonna smack me after Chris grander can you recommend a reputed place to compare your back playing wing systems to narrow the list down depending on the company it's two to six hour drive so seeing them all in person when they reopen isn't really an option cause backplate wings or backplate wings you really only have three major types soft aluminum and steel oh yeah there's a composite back plate I'm a Martinez dealer I'm gonna recommend Mario's to you but they're all the same Abdul I'm Bev Halcyon I'm Mario as I'm Dave we miss I've dug the sepal hollis one of our instructors actually has Hollis that he's still currently using for for his steel plate system so they're they're all the same you can't go wrong with them the biggest thing about back plate wings is people don't get them adjusted properly or they add the benefit to a back plate wing they're minimalistic and when you start adding a bunch of stuff to them to make them more like a recreational style BCE or a jacket style BCD you've kind of defeated that purpose so don't focus too much on coming I'm gonna say Marez but don't focus too much on the company just get it adjusted properly for you I did yeah I just showed you how to adjust it if you hadn't seen yet Edwin Garcia said the f-word if I said it I apologize I try my best not to say that and I really think I said Jeff Morgan are you enjoying the quality of the new Ocean Reef GSM her Creek it is the audio quality improved previous units so instructor moretz and his son Michael Moretz both of them have the new gsm mercury here at our shop they use it they are extremely loud I've used him once and you have to dull it down even wear the hood it will just blare through your eardrum so yeah I think the quality is probably the same I know you've got to mic or two earphones now it probably is a little bit better quality but one thing I'll say is the new mercury unit is extremely loud you've got to change the volume centers and blow your eardrums out and gets hey great job with the channel you need advice on how to transition from back plate balanced rigged oven from someone who has only rent a gear first of all you need your own gear you need to be able to adjust your gear balanced rigs are not for everybody let me be clear on that balanced rigs are not for everybody you need to be very very confident in your abilities basically what a balanced rig is you are properly weighted for any given depth on any given dive with zero weights to ditch so with that being said until you've reached that level of confidence or that skill level don't go that balance tree Excel or that balanced trade route that you definitely need your own system yes you can have a jacket style BCD system that is a balanced tree it's a little bit more difficult to do it and with let's say you've got weight integrated weights in the jacket style just having the proper amount of weights is technically a balanced rig you just don't ever pull your gear out but you can shift weight around if you need to even put it on shoulder straps you can put it in the back you can add additional trim pouches so yeah balanced rigs are great but into your skill levels where it needs to be stay with digital weights Steven Rogers introduced the family pits I think I've seen your cat and do you have dogs yep we've got two dogs we got Lexie and Chewbacca if you're friends of us on Facebook you've seen plenty of pictures and we have two cats gigi and genesis all right cats belong our kids the dogs are ours Anna's hon C master instructor but I'm considered converting a patty to be able to teach abroad do you know if there are conversion courses or do I have to do the whole instructor that's different per agency so I believe L patty makes you go through their entire IDC program most most training agencies just to require a crossover program I know SSI is just a simple crossover any IT with SSI can cross you over with patty I'm pretty certain it's been guys it's been a very very long time for me I've been an instructor for many many years it's been a long time since I went through one of their instructor programs so I think you've got to do the full how do you see with them if there's a patty instructor reading a so that's of course true or whatnot feel free to chime in for he is Bobby grouse what dock computers do your students use and do you have them in your rental fleet we do we use the Mario's put probe let's put program yeah so the wrist a little bit bigger around computer still Aman drink but you know we use the Mario's putt pray that guy I meant seeing business partners co-workers with friends wife etc yeah it can be pretty difficult when we're at home she said she makes all the rules when I'm here I make all the rules so yeah it's pretty difficult organ with the family sometimes mark says thanks guys so much for your opinions and your channel keep safe keep up the great work thanks and stay safe for yourself though Johnson sound back do you still use that hood that slick on both sides for your full face mask I have a long beard and need something won't make my face look so currently I have two hoods that I'm using are actually three hoods I'm sorry I am using OS systems custom hood that come with my OS systems dry suit I have a comfort zone scuba full face mask hood that I use for a full face mask oven and then I have a Marius hooded vest that is I believe a two and a half or a three meal so I have three hoods whatever you've seen me in a video use that's what I'm currently using Daniel Lopez when diving dress suit do you prefer to have weight belt in case you need to remove gear once again the only time I dive digital weights there's really only two times I dive it doesn't matter to the suit doesn't matter if it's dry suit or wet suit it's when I'm teaching it because obviously you're going to be able to teach remove and replace weights and that's what I'm I stopping so when I stop it's so cold where we dove my undergarments are just so buoyant I have to add additional weights so with that being said I have digital waste when I stop as well hello see Edwin says hello Lake kickers give a team thank you for your videos for everyone which one should we go to first Roatan or cause mail for with just 20 dives dad you want to answer that one dad says Roatan that's that's barn on a little bit easier against and then Cosmo snowdrift he said Roatan so if you're a new diver only got $20 Roatan ready Sam hey Sam Oh everything's gonna go with you and your family can't wait for you guys to get back down here and see us brawn hug Heather does Ron ever take your sunglasses off Gus when you work on the water you've always got to have sunglasses always he falls asleep with them own so I take them off or our daughter does Debbie will take them off and she does she no longer be st. John what is all in the full face mask class so we talked about Priven we talked about first of all getting the right size for it we also talked about how to do your skills you're out of air emergency skills we teach you how to clear the mass we teach you how to switch from a full face mask to a traditional mask and second stage we go over after dive care how you taking care of them how do you dry them out so there's a lot in the full face mask class as well part of the class is actually deciding on whether or not it's gonna be right for you full face masks are great if you need it I use one probably three four days a week because I have to they're not my favorite thing to use but they are great for some people one of my employees here both him and his dad that's all they years now both of them are firefighters so they're used to having the SCBA mask on and it's what makes them feel comfortable so they are great for some and then if you're in a situation where me I use them because I have to they're still not really my favorites diving on today are surf wetsuits and döblin suits really that different yes well it depends on the company depends on who makes it so you basically have an open cell and a closed cell and a lot of free divers will use an open cell suit as well so it just depends it depends on how deep you're going there's a lot of cheap neoprene out there the DP you go obviously Boyle's law sets in that neoprene suit compresses a lot of the surf suits are not designed for depth or pressure rating if you will so they're a lot cheaper neoprene they may not be the best for Diamond Edwin says I wish you could hear us sunglasses he's left now oh yeah everybody picks only about sunglasses so Mecca do you teach Cameron classes if yes what does it entail if not what do your deep divers entail so there's a lot of things that I'm trained to do that I currently do not teach on simply because of my geographical location cavern cave dives I've done it I don't teach it because we have no cavern or caves here and I'll be honest with you for you to pay me to travel to say South Florida North Florida to teach you a cavern or cave class it's going to be outrageous versus you just go into North Florida to find an instructor there also with that being said I don't do enough of it to say I'm gonna be the best instructor for you now as far as deep dive class deep dive we teach a ton of it here um we go over gas calculations we go over DAF plenty and we go over not just to narcosis and how you can prevent it and how you can treat it if it happens to your your buddy under water so deep tell class there's a lot of good stuff in there probably the best thing that you will get for Deep Diver is all the gas management gas planning that we go over so it's a little bit more in-depth than what we teach in the open water course and how much does it cost what is our current cost of Deep Diver 195 so right at 200 bucks is what we charge for Deep Diver class and that's through ESS are the other agencies are a little bit different because the book calls but right now we're charging 195 it's a minimum of a three-day course you will make three deep dives one to sixty one to eighty one to one hundred we will not put you since it's a recreational class we will not put you in the decompression but we're gonna put you close to the limits to kind of reinforce making sure you're planning that dive making sure you have enough gas and it's kind of like we do in open water you're gonna do your saturate calculations on every single dive and your rmv calculations so your first stop is going to be documentation your second dial is going to be to confirm get an average and your third dive you're gonna have to plan out how much gas you need for those dives be st. John is full face mask class open water and pool yes currently with SSI the full face mask class is I'm sorry it's not open water pool it's just academic and pool we're not teaching you how to dive we're teaching how to use a full face maps and right now the SSI training standards it's just academic sessions and pool sessions aw no wrong 1234 is the art movie helmet real or BS I think you mean the helmet that all of us did a video on from DEMA it was real I put it on I think James covered this in his live Q&A is basically a full face mask with a helmet over it it's not a full helmet I don't think it'll ever come to fruition it was pretty cool to see but I just don't ever see it hitting the market and being profitable for them so in my band stuff water and rage tear can I learn anything scoop related during my lockdown absolutely there's a lot you can learn so there's a lot of agencies and dive shots even our training center and we've been teaching every Wednesday night the science endowment course which is good for anybody all you got to do is be a referral dobbert referral diver just means that you took your Kumar academics you're at the water pool and you can immediately sign up for science at Dobbin and it's a great class because their physics physiology ecology equipment there's a lot of great stuff there's a lot of shops now that are teaching not solely online I read an article very recently on scuba board that talked about the nitrox 32:9 on trucks 40% through SSI and how one there's no practicals versus the other one let me explain the difference real quick for everybody on not trucks 32 not trucks 40 so the non trucks 32 class is for a diver who is only going to be used in not sharks once or twice a year it's a traveling diver it's always going to be using four four five dials throughout the year and it's always gonna be a 32% maybe's in the tropics the not drops 40 class is the hold on tots course that's where we actually go over all the calculations to get your maximum operating depth your proper PPE o2 calculations and that's where you have to have the training the practical training analyzing a cylinder we go over how we make nan trucks things like that so that's what the two classes are the nitrox 32 can be taught solely online right now and you get a nine trucks 32 certification and it clearly states on the card that you cannot get anything over a 32% so a lot of shops are doing that right now we have decided not to do that we're focusing on all the ecology and the science of Dobbin because I personally believe that with Nas rocks you still need that practical training of how to in law cylinders and things like that so we're not doing the nitrox online yeah you do it online but you're still gonna have to come with us for the practical training Daniel Lopez do you dive rebreathers what do you think Omar as a new breather over open-circuit currently no I'm not diving rebreathers we just don't have a big call for it here in our area I would love to get one of the new horizons Ian SSI Marez both have a great deal right now for instructors to do it we have opted against it temporarily because we're focused on other avenues right now so I think there is kind of like sidemount and everything else I love side mill but I think it has it's very specific purpose and when you need it yeah sure it's great anyone will you CLAB with divers or any only dominant venture we've actually already did a collab there's a video here on our channel Oh again I'm sorry Edwin was reading two comments there yes I would love to do another collab with James James is a super awesome got a dog with a dev with him was in Florida and he's an amazing instructor he actually taught a friend of mine Wiles down there I'd love to do another collab with him I'm hoping he will get to come up here and dive with us if not I don't have a problem jumping on a plane or driving down to where he's at yep yeah I'll take you this time thank you Jeff Morgan deep dog training and rescue training great courses for recreational diver absolutely so the wanted to ask about what you be doing this I think many of those mediums what kind of online but yeah deep dive training I actually recommend rescue training immediately out of the open water once you've got your feet wet and you feel comfortable rescued benefits everybody this is my thoughts will rescue diving I've said this for many many years as an instructor as an experienced diver if something happens to you is probably going to be okay because I got the training skills knowledge experience to take care of you but how do I know that I'm gonna be safe down with you if you don't have the training knowledge skills experience to take care of me so Rescue Diver benefits you it's gonna build up your confidence but it also benefits your dive buddies as well trust me I would much rather dable somebody who has Rescue Diver or has a rescue diver certification under their belt than someone who doesn't garrett royal recommendations for a mid-range regulator 300 to 500 is environmentally sealed cold water rapid diaphragm imbalance just for your first and second stage I can't do that because you're way below what one's gonna cost you but there's a lot of companies made that make cold water eggs out there I have the Mario's the best Navy 22 that's what I use for ice diving my sidemount rigs are the Mario's X or 25 X dr x but neither one of them are anywhere near that 500 price range I know there are some companies out there smaller brand companies Gaza I don't want to get into a brand war Here I am I'm Mario's dealer so I'm always gonna recommend Marez but I'll tell you this there is not a single company out there that produces junk it's all good stuff it's all gonna keep you safe use what's gonna make you feel fine three to five hundred dollars for a really good high-quality system that's gonna last you that's kind of pushing it it really is to have another day what do you think the future of Devon will be cheaper closed circuit systems be the next new tech yeah they're they're already getting cheaper so I think we're I think the industry is growing think what they tell us edema is not really true I think the industry is growing we do not compete with others I do not compete with other instructors dau centers and training centers are not competing with other Dial centers and training centers we are actually competing with other types of recreational activities that does not cost money to get certified to do so I do think we're growing we just got to continue to promote it and keep people interested so Jimmy says is there a specialty job to learn long hose Dobbin no there's not a specialty certification I would suggest finding a long hose diver they don't have to be an instructor they need to be an experienced long hose diver that can mentor you in that Steven Rogers how do we sign up for science Adama class and I am sure you will cover it momentarily our Facebook page so if you go to our Facebook page we've got a BIM Brockovich you just click on it we are currently still running them every Wednesday for the remainder of April and are we going to continue it in May so until May 30th we will be running an SSI science and Evan specialty strictly through a webinar based thing you can take the online training you can do your final exam and you can do the practicals through the webinar with us and of course we will certify you through it so that go to our Facebook page like hit course go go on Facebook and go to our events and you'll see it and you just click on it pay and then here in there and it's not you're not getting a full I mean just a full class but you're not paying the full charge yes yep so if you dad just told me if you subscribe to our email just click on the email list what not he will send you all the information on that as well our emails just like Hicker Scooba gmail.com too if you want to contact us Mike I'm sure you have a video in this but what is the best way to do a proper weight check I do have a video on this and we actually had it's actually called how much weight do you need I think is the title of the video so just let kickers good but how much weight you need it will break it down I promise you to get you within five six pounds of what you actually need but the best way to do it get in the water do the calculation take your weights add them to you don't worry about trim to begin with we want to get you properly weighted once you are properly weighted then you can move that weight all around your body to see where you need it for proper travel Jeff Morgan take fold now trucks 40 if you have an option if you're spending the time to learn learning learn the complete package our great Jeff tell them straight to 40 that's what I said first time we don't teach 32 we teach straight to the 40 and get things could not from India thank you for watching and joining us mark will get James into some caves yep I think James said the same thing he would love to do it it's just it's all about time and as far as instructors go not every instructor can teach the same thing we have to teach what's gonna be beneficial for us what's going to be financially feasible for us so deep water guide what up buddy can't wait for you guys to come up here diving with us steel like these short tooth is a hit me up soon as the spires whatever we're definitely gonna do that Jimmy thank you so much for all your time dedication great questions such informative and entertaining videos guys I really hope our videos are entertaining stay safe healthy with you and your family what we're focused on right now but thanks Jimmy and yeah I really hope our videos are informational and entertaining as well they're not entertaining please let me know guys I'll try to get people kinda like my wife on here to make it a little more enjoyable you're always behind the camera she's the one hitting record and everything else sir yeah if y'all can see our outtakes man most time when I'm laughing it's not because I made a mistake that's because I'm laughing at her laughing at me Edwin what is your list for classes to take after up and water follow up to Rescue Diver answer alright so the poor classes that I would recommend for everybody obviously is open water the whatever first responder class your agency teaches reactor is what SSI does and then the rescue class and then the ones that I find are the most beneficial is obviously SSI has the science of dominance of physic physiology and ecology course deep divers good navigation is a nominal class to build up confidence and to give you a good skill set I also like not diver nitrox is a great one as well I mean nitrox is no longer voodoo gas that's what I grew up calling it it's it's a great class for you too and then I think some of the technical level courses are great as well even if you're never gonna do that Dobbin I think technical diamond is great training for you because it's gonna make you more self-sufficient it's going to teach you proper job planning even more so than what we do in open water hellraisers does Hebert autopsy I'm so happy you set up a live stream we want to do these more often we've done I think a total of three live q and A's I think I did one that mean you didn't want it to be sure I didn't want it to be CH and then this is our third one Sylvester regards from UK great Channel if I ever come around Charlotte I definitely come to visit yeah definitely come business we're about an hour north of Charlotte he'll razor where's James from diverse ready he said hello earlier he's on here probably still watching guys if you're not familiar with divers ready channel old James and go check him out we're huge fans of him we enjoyed diving with him down in Florida but definitely go check James out as well says I watch it how are you i watch much of your videos great content things mecca in search of if you have had to pick one of your videos that every new diver should watch which one would it be oh my god that's that's a ton of videos to go through I'm not sure I can answer that actually yes there is one let me go back mecha you need to go watch the video if anybody's not seen it you need to go watch the video of me down at Troy Springs it's called the Troy Springs incident definitely go watch that video where I got stuck inside the mouth of the cave yeah go watch that video it's not meant to brag if you think dive instructors don't make mistakes you need to watch that video because I made a big mistake they're not proper I didn't have proper dilating I didn't follow the protocols that me and my dog buddies had agreed on and I got myself into a very very bad situation I posted that video for everybody to watch for Therese it's one I'm not perfect dive structures making mistakes all day long but I also posted a video for you guys to learn what can actually happen and how you need to act during a stressful situation and that's probably one of the most stressful situations I've ever been so Lake Hickory scuba the Troy Springs incident go watch that video anyone I got dizzy diving in murky lake and on descent do you have any tricks to avoid that my dive buddy is an instructor he said the best thing is to focus on your hand until at the bottom yeah anytime you're in limited visibility find something to focus on if you are if you've got a descent line or sloping bottom that you're following focus on it just stay relaxed remember the golden rule and scuba never hold your breath always breathe if you're not not diver certified go get not diver certified it's even more so important during daytime in murky water there's a lot of same skill sets what we do it not time and limited visit as well BC John if you did not have a dive shop what would you be doing I don't know yeah because I teach a lot of music as well so I'm a guitar instructor so I really do with that but I've been in the scuba industry since I was a kid even when my dad got me into it our local dive shop hired me very young I swept the floors washed the windows so if I didn't own a dive shop I would work for one Warren reviewing my Dow profiles I'll see that I always have a very high sack at the beginning of the first dive of the day he thoughts on how to work on this and you got $250 I did a video on how to better your sack rate I don't remember the title it might have been called that how to how to have a better Sacre stay physically fit fat guys but I'm still physically fit I run every day I yeah I'm round around still shape so technically I'm in shape just stay physically fit do a lot of cardio the best you can try to work on your breathing try to minimize your your equipment the best you can that just simply means get rid of things you don't need go slow this is a big one on Sacre people do not actually enjoy their time underwater they try to see everything during a dive and they speed through their dog their SEC rate goes crazy slow down underwater enjoy it if you want to make an hour-long dive and see everything don't do that make a 30-minute dive see as much as you can in 30 minutes but relax and then go make another 30-minute dive and watch the rest of what you can't see sorry see we are you guys we're not different anybody else no razor actually met James in Florida great guy James is an awesome guy him his wife pretty cool been to their house super nice people Rhenish or press add what is the starting point or a class to take if you want to become a public safety diver obviously open water is the start so if you're already certified rescue then like I said earlier search-and-recovery not dive navigation things like that are their core classes for the PSD class thanks for all your videos you're very welcome Hellraiser he gave me a sticker cool yep so Daniel Lopez have you ever been dive into the UEFA three in Rose Island no I haven't sounds like a cool diver to make make a hat I have what both thank you so much for sharing you're welcome Oh yep on those videos great videos yep mark I have always skipped over the Troy screens one guess I will have to watch it there's actually two Troy springs videos so what's the first one it is kind of cringe worthy but it's well worth a good watch you will actually see me make major major mistakes that I hope praying no one else ever makes but that's kind of the purpose of the video and then we did a revisited to troy springs just to show you that if you follow up a horse get back up on it and keep on riding so I wanted to show you Troy Springs and all its glory so we did a another revisited video to it and I did a split screen so you're gonna see the previous video in the new video as well and I still go to Troy Springs today I teach open what are there a lot anyone that was my last question thank you so much for your content you shadows help me in my wife through 23 dives and saved her once based on your video with the daughter helping someone hey that's cool thanks I'm glad I video anyone enjoy the dive and beware and easy rekt hey do you know my Assoc cheese smells please tell her that she is watching the stream okay Mon easy says my you smell and you're watching the stream ok dive another day you guys are amazing favorite channel on YouTube god bless and your wife parents and beautiful children thanks to have another thank god bless to you too it's kind of a mouthful of going through all them you guys alright well I need a better computer system because I'm literally just going on the screen that is a ton of stuff to go through we still got 38 people watching we're going on 82 minutes um that's probably a good time to call it don't you think so yep so Frank D blur hello Stafford family big thumbs up which full face master you prefer the ocean roofer OTS PS thanks for all the great boss I use both every years also both I'm an ocean reef and now yep Hillary's are getting like button towers Emily everybody hit the like button we like Paul D ever get to and Torian Canada for Davin let me know to give some advice yeah I'd love to come up there diamond I've actually taught couple times to to my buddy up in Canada the other big scuba YouTube channel here Alec Pierce if you're watching I would love to come up visit and dive and do a collab and we've actually talked to Alec Pierce several times about doing a collab video is just things I've never worked out for us to actually do it but I'd love to coming to Canada and uh do you have more during great session I'm Townsend great for all the via there thanks for all the bids Paul D Steven Roger says thank you for doing this palace on Saddam an info keep the coming and stay safe and healthy absolutely we will keep videos going as long as I'm breathing so semester do you think the open water diver and murky water is beneficial for building confidence underwater and helps the future of diamond every open water student that we do here in our lake goes through murky water the best typically the best visibility we haves around five maybe ten feet we'll say three feet so yeah I think it does build up confidence I don't think it's for everybody I think there are certain divers that it's better suited for me to take them somewhere else for their winter training but yeah I think it definitely builds confidence no one says see you soon thank you for everything and stay safe absolutely thanks ohm we would definitely do the best we can we have about a week and a half maybe two weeks left of our local stay-at-home water by our governor I think our country is fixing to start opening back up according to our big feds and they are saying that things are going to slowly start getting back to normal I really hope they do I think our economy needs it to open up I just don't think we should open up too fast and kind of get that curve started back up we've got our curve on the downhill slide we need to keep it flat but yeah I hope everybody else is staying safe we are one on 85 minutes so I think we're gonna go ahead and start shutting it down here because I want to you know I can't stress this enough thank you for being viewers to us thank you for coming on here and talking to us I know I do a lot of jabbering I brought hard on to do a lot of the talking but that's just us in general so yeah but thank you again guys if you got any more questions look us up on future videos please don't be afraid to ask stuff about Gavin that's my job that's what I do I answer questions to non-dollars I enter questions to certified divers and experienced not experienced and so around here deep water God says River yeah so feel free to ask us anything in our videos if you want to see a video so if you want to see a video you guys suggest you and let me know I've got a notebook full of videos that we're still trying to get produced for you guys but if there's something specific that you need drop me a comment if I don't make you a video it's probably cuz I've already made one I'll drop you a link and that way you can go and watch it so James how do I live yeah James had an issue if you watch this he had a little issue with his audio but he got it knocked out pretty quick we had an issue with our our camera system when we can read here so we are literally resorted at the last minute to get an iPhone so I think everybody has trouble from time to time and with everybody at Gordon teen mode with everybody online I think that's why the feed and everything is pretty slow right now just because everybody's on YouTube rathaus says things because we are gonna cut it out here I really appreciate everybody coming onto this live video we average say I think 30 to 40 people at any given time so I just wanna say god bless everybody I really hope you're staying safe don't don't let this get you down we will all go diving again one day and we'll enjoy it we'll be better people use this time right now to continue to learn get on do the online classes go watch our videos go watch change the videos go watch Alec Pierce's videos any educational challenge you can watch he'll watch because that's what you're gonna do at the least pick up your training menu pick up your open water manual your Rescue Diver manual and just simply reread over it there may be a something that you have forgot on it and just that little bit of extra information is gonna make you a better diver but guys I will go ahead and Ian it the way we always do I really appreciate you watching this video hit the thumbs up button definitely share it as well as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook get us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 3,229
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Id: R-5THAUsfSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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