The Life Of A Scuba Instructor

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once up guys are onto him from play kicker scuba marina and today's video is going to be an actual blog style video this is not something that we do very much of although I do do the intros on the search and recovery videos but what actually make a solid a blog video where you shown you what I do as a diet professional every single day a lot of you guys see little segments of it when we do search of recovery or if I do video lesson something like that I'm gonna take you start to finish of how my day goes and what it's like being a DA professional but the first thing today I'm going to give a little rugrat back here to the school got miss Tessa this is my oldest daughter so hey Tessa I gotta get her over here to school and then I gotta get to the shop I've got quite a bit on the schedule today I've got to put some orders in I have a checkout student coming in on an open-water check out student coming in to do checkout dives number three and number four so we'll get her certified this morning and then I have a another student coming in who has taken her reactor I in a rescue course so you got her coming in around 6 o'clock this evening so I've got a little bit of time gap in there but I've got some gear repairs to do I've got several tanks it just got back in from hydro and I've got to get them visit up cleaned up and of course filled so got all that to do and whatever else comes through the day so we'll see what comes along but like I said guys I wanted to take you along with me I want to show you what it's like to be a diol least here in our area we're supposing the tropics it may be a little bit different but here in our area I want to show you what it's like to be an instructor and a shop owner to come along with us today and see what we get into alright guys it is 925 I've got about 35 minutes to get what I need done on the computer taken care of and then I got a young lady coming in around 10 o'clock this morning to do some checkout dives we're finishing up Dobbs 3 & 4 hopefully I'll be able to take you on with or take you along on those dials with us I do have one of my dive master candidates coming in to help film that way I don't worried about filming while goes through the water but I've got a lot to get done in next 35 minutes before she gets here and then I've got some equipment repairs to do I've got two tanks that just got back from Hydra I've got to get them visit up as well and then I have a react right and a rescue student coming in this evening at 6 o'clock so I've got to go through their paperwork I've got both my open-water student rescue student here got their stuff I've got to go through but just to kind of show you what I do here to start my day off after I do all the books and all that right now I'm looking at scheduling I've got my calendar up here and I'm just kind of reviewing everything that I've got to do so at 10 a.m. I've got my checkout student at open water I've got to do some equipment repair today a gentleman brought with his tanks last week we just got it back from hydro yesterday and I'm just now getting a chance to get them videos in the field and of course I better rescue student or react right and rescue student coming in sick so I've got to do that but first thing this morning I've got to put orders in I've got to place an order I've had some special orders with Marga's some free diving gear that I've got to get ordered for a gentleman I've got to get it here by the end of the week for him so that's what I'm going now I'm actually going through all my orders just to see if there's anything else that I need because we have to place a certain amount order with every item so every time I click on something I got to make sure it adds up to a certain certain amount so I'm just going through verifying I've already actually did inventory this morning I've went through the store just to see what I've got but I'm gonna place this order real quick and give it a give more as a call get some gear order and then we'll get started with our checkout down here around 10 o'clock all right guys I'm gonna take a quick break here I want to show you something I just got more orders placed and flipped over to our YouTube page and I've got a ton of questions I gotta go in here and answer but I'm wanting to show you this guy's for a couple of reasons one we try to answer every question that y'all ask us here on YouTube doesn't matter how if it's a good question a bad question we don't believe there's no such thing as a dumb question we try to answer them all if it's even if it's a comment that's that's say derogatory or even in a manner that is meant to start an argument we still try to answer the question and until late and I just want to show you them on turn the camera here for you this is just our video screen or a comment screen here if I scroll down you'll see that every single comment here there's always a reply because we we truly read every single comment that comes in get the text here on my phone we try to get or try to read good lord we try to read every single question or comment that comes through our channel and we truly entered I mean you can see I've responded to me here Iver Johnson did I responded got some advice from Tom Nelson which is a great diver down in South Carolina area if you guys know him responded to him of course Henry Jones here asked me a question actually I will be making a video on this one right here Henry called me out on a mistake that I made in a video which I'm going to make a response video to as well just because I'm no different than you I make mistakes like everybody else does but he actually called me out on a video here and it was very nice call I mean he didn't hit say anything bad he just said hey I think you made a mistake which I did not responded hey I'm glad you saw that thank you for pointing it out to me so Henry I'll be making you a video here very soon on that as well but we respond I mean II unclick on every single one of these and you'll see a response so when you guys comment on our videos rest assure we do read it and I mean I can go through all these we read every single comment on our on our page good ones bad ones it doesn't matter to us we read them and most you guys do very well keeping them polite if I make a mistake just like Henry did call me out on it it's no big deal I'll correct it or I'll correct myself on camera no big deal but I appreciate stuff like that because it keeps me honest it also keeps me wanting educate myself other but I've got a couple here that I'm going to try to get done this morning I've got probably about another 20 minutes left and then I've got to run downstairs and get some gear ready for my student but I just wanted to show you that real quick guys we do read your comments we answer every single one the best we can even the ones that are meant that the trolls put on there to try to start an argument with it we still answer in a respectful way in an educated way here the at least the best that we can but guys don't be afraid to comment on our videos we thoroughly enjoy it we appreciate every single one of our viewers but our good viewers or bad viewers and my phone is literally blowing up this morning but I've got to go to phones ringing I'm gonna try to answer these questions and I'll take you downstairs Jay house set up for students hi guys I was gonna get ready for class got my student coming in here in about 5-10 minutes so she is doing checkout dials number three and four for her certification and so I've already got her gear lady out here for getting my gear going as well once she gets here on three and four we're going to be doing some emergency skills of course in the water we'll also be doing mask removal and replace she has to repeat that a couple times and we've also got some compass navigation stuff so we'll actually be out here in the parking lot just prior to getting into water letting her practice that as well if she wants to practice and on the surface a couple times in the water will do it as well but it looks like here comes my student and kind of see her pulling in up there so I'm gonna finish getting some gear together real quick and then I will actually hand the camera off to my dive master candidate so that I can focus on my student but come along with us and we'll see how good she does all right Becca how you feel good coughs three or four knocked out what's the number one rule in scuba be Judy husband champion right guys this is Michael to Rebecca Rebecca just finished up her final checkout out mr. husband Michael we certified you you back in July correct yes so cool deal we're gonna change tanks out for her they're gonna jumpin you gonna make a dive together as a family but Rebecca the congratulations you are a certified under scuba diver all right guys it's around two o'clock and I'm headed away from the shop now I'm actually going to a bike shop called Carolina pedal words and one of the hit gurus there is one of our divers he's a real good friend of ours I trained his wife up through the ranks of diving as well but the reason I'm headed over there is they're kind of a party or a partnering business for us and we actually got a display we got a mannequin set up at there shot with a b c d a-- reg a wetsuit to hold on yards and they actually sail try school bus for us so and of course we give them a cut to sell the class fours well the reason I'm going over there is I need the BC that is on the mannequin that's there versus the BC that I've gotten the shot I just did a pretty good purchase I sold some gear to a father and son and so the son needed a particular BC at a particular size that the only one that I had that would fit him for that particular BC is on this mannequin so I'm taking one to replace that I've got to get that one off and then when I get back to the shop I've got some regulators that they purchased as well that I've got to put together and adjust for them and then I still got a couple of things to get done this evening before my student gets here because I got a reactor out and rescue student so I don't got much time I'm gonna try to get me some lunch while I'm out but hopefully they'll let me film over here and I can introduce the bike shop to you guys I'll put all their information down below so if your bike rider if you like to ride mountain bikes the street bikes and whatnot I'll put all their information down below so definitely give them guys some love and check them out but uh but yeah this is just another day for me I mean you get to see everything I'm getting to do I put in orders I teach I do check out knives I do search and recovery I do gear repair this is just an everyday seven day a week thing for me but come along with us and we'll see what else we'll get into alright guys we're here Carolina pedal works I got mr. carrot backing one of the head gurus he's also one of our divers Kirk tell us a little bit what you and y'all most you guys have seen our wall of fins at our shop they literally have a wall box back here so it's amazing everywhere you look there's box I got wheels tires everything up above me but they are definitely the the bike expert so if you ride mountain bike or even on the street or whatnot come check these guys out I'll drop all their information down in description below but definitely give them guys some love and Kurt and his wife is actually what next week on the 13th they're headed down to Cozumel Mexico to dive with us so you'll probably definitely be seeing them and some of our diving videos here really soon but so don't come into the bike shop but like I said earlier guys are a little display if you can see it on camera it's right back there on the corner there so they they just play it for us they sell try scuba classes for us and we kind of help each it shop out but I just want to introduce you these guys if you ever got a question on bike definitely check these guys out all right guys we're down here in the workshop now it is 4:45 I've got about an hour and 15 minutes I've got a rig set here that I got to put together and I've got another wreck set here that I've got to put together for some customers and get them adjusted I got to make sure the intermediate pressure is good make sure the cracking pressure is good on it and then one of the things that we do for all our customers every time they buy a rag whether they're a new customer an old customer we set up an inline adjustment tool after we set the regulator up to factory specs with the inline adjustment tool on them and we actually let the customer breathe off of it and adjust it to breathe the way he wants it to actually breathe but you know it's his regulator why wouldn't you do that so all that being said I've got a kind of hurry I've got about an hour and 15 minutes to knock out both of these regulators I've got still two tanks that I've got to get dissed and filled and then I got my rescue student coming in around 6 o'clock this evening so much jump on these real quick I want to show you a couple of pointers real quick let me get the camera adjusted for you I want to show you some of the things that we look for or when we're setting up a regulator how we do it the first thing I want to do of course is make sure I use proper tools to do this most regulators nowadays are Universal when it comes to the size of wrenches and stuff 4 millimeter or number four sides allen head is all you need to pull out these port plugs there are still some manufacturers on the market that you use different sizing but a Ford pretty much works for all the major manufacturers and I've actually already got the port plugs pulled out but a couple of tools that you may want to put in your kit a 14 millimeter and a 17 millimeter and a 25 a 14 is typically a good size for the fittings where the hoses connect to the first stage a 17 is usually good for the connections between the second stage and the hoses too so to Seventeen's work good there and of course a 25 is typically the 25 millimeters typically the nut size here for the first stage itself so if you ever have a leak there and you keep thinking it's maybe the o-ring on the tank valve a lot of times it might be this yolk nut here so care you the 25 millimeter there that usually works as well now if you're not carrying the metric maybe you're doing the Imperial wrenches a half 9/5 is what you need you need a half-inch a 9/16 and of course a 5/8 those are typically the three that you want to go with but I'm gonna set this up real quick show you just how easy it is to do and show you how we do it I'm gonna take my alternate here and I'm just going to make sure it's oriented properly and I've actually already lubed these up I use crystal Lube here on these o-rings so you can use it any type of silicone but crystal Lube is typically what I'll use and its really per the manufacturer manufacturer says you got to use a certain top nice what you use I typically use crystal Lube on everything to do but I'm gonna put that on there as well when I go to tighten this down it's literally just gonna be snug just hand tight everybody assumes that since we're dealing with high pressure that these things have to be torqued down they really don't they just got to be hand tight and snug down because the o-rings that's what the o-rings are there for it's there to seal when you put pressure behind it trust me it'll seal and we'll go ahead and put the gauge on once again I've put some crystal hood up here on the o-ring that seals it so I'm gonna put my high pressure gage home or the customer's high pressure gage get it started once I've got it on I'll kind of snug it down now like I said we set these up to factory specs for what the manufacturer says we have to and of course we let the customer kind of adjust it out the way he sees fit as far as what he wants it to breathe like alright I'm gonna put my low pressure light on now the thing with the low pressure line I'm not actually going to leave this low pressure line home because customers actually requested a shorter loop low pressure hose but I'm gonna put this one on so I could check his intermediate pressure and make sure it's set to where the manufacturer says it needs to be set up and so I've got just a little I P gage here intermediate pressure gage and just plugs right into a low-pressure line you can actually use an inline adjustment tool to do the exact same thing I will caution you though that not to there's no two gauges that always read the same I've actually set this up several times where the inner the IP gauge reads different then the okapi CH gauge here and it's coming from the exact same source so there's no two gauges it's always going to read the exact same now since I've got that done all I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna hook it up to a cylinder turn it on make sure there's no leaks and I'm gonna check the IP just by putting a couple of squirts of air through it and this one appears to be great straight out of the box that's a good thing I'm gonna bleed it off turned off I'm actually going to take this load pressure line back off until we get his shorter hose the BC he's actually ordered a back plate wing and it comes with a much shorter low pressure hose you see that that low pressure hose as long as the high pressure hose so I'm gonna take this one back off and put his port plug back in just to keep any dust and debris out and then of course I've got one more rec set to put together here and then I'm what's up on the two tanks real quick get them knocked out get them VIS and filled up before my student gets here and then go on about my days alright guys so I'm getting finished up on the cylinders here this is my last one to do I'm just going through my 18 step process you guys have seen how weave is tanks in the past and I've talked about the different steps what all we look for both this one and the other one have just got back from hydro so I'm just kind of going through it making sure everything's good checking the threads checking the internal structure of the cylinder make sure there's no rust or corrosion or anything like that of course on aluminum you can't have any rust but we'll get finished up here real quick and then of course I'll document these and get them filled up and then I've got to rush upstairs it's actually taking me a little bit longer than I thought but I was gonna rush upstairs and actually get the classroom set up for my student that's coming in now she is actually doing and what's more plug in she is actually doing her reactor and her rescue training so I'm gonna get the classroom get it set up you know manage to set up for the reactor out portion and I've actually got to set up a scenario which I'll show you what the scenario is in the classroom portion look down in here see any corrosion anything like that appears to be good with that one go quick external inspection of the cylinder as well then I'll throw their sticker on it put the valve back in I've actually already serviced these values typically speaking before we set it off for Hydra we go ahead and service the valves so as soon as we get it back all we've got to do double check make sure the threads are good double check make sure the on and off knobs good we replace this overhang real quick thirst and crystal Lube or some Lube on it screw it back in and throw sticker on it feel it so I'm gonna finish up with this one real quick get it both tanks topped off and then I'll show you how we set up a classroom [Applause] alright guys he's just about class time is 5:30 and I've got about 30 minutes for my students gonna show up I'm gonna get the board cleaned off here I'm gonna get the tables reset up we've been doing some filming for YouTube not on this video but we've been doing some filming for YouTube back here so I've got to get the class setup get the computer screen going get my projector up and going and get the classes my student tonight is actually taking a react Rock class which is a first aid CPR AED and ode to certification and then she's also starting her stress and rescue class which is just a Rescue Diver course now what you're gonna see tonight or what I'm gonna try to put in the video of course is just small little segments of that and one of the things that we do during the rescue class is we teach you that the easiest way to solve a problem is to prevent that problem for me ever happening so the the classroom part itself is all about preventing problems so the first thing that I do as students is I set up a tank a regulator in a BCD and then I give the student about 10 to 15 minutes to really do a good thorough gear check over and to find all the little mistakes that I've kind of implemented into the system because the easiest way to fix a problem is the course preventing that problem for ever happening so we spend about the first 10 to 15 minutes going over those issues seeing if they find all the problems and then I'll show them how to fix it and then of course we commence with the class itself we go through the curriculum we use the slides we do scenarios in the classroom and then once all that's done they take the written exam or their final exam that's when we'll schedule their pool work we take them to the pool and that's where of course we teach them for the rescue portion oK we've done everything that we can to prevent the problems however the problems still occurred how do we handle it either above water under water or even on land or whatnot so that's what we do in the pool and then of course we do there are three checkout dials for rescue or we actually present them with real-life scenario real-world problems and of course we see how they handle it and then of course if they pass all standards they get a rescue divers start as well so I got a little bit of setting up to do like say I got to get the computer up and going get the projector up here up and going and I got to get this board cleaned off because I've been doing some videos for it as well but give me a few minutes get to set up and then of course I'm gonna introduce you to my student when she gets here alright guys I got just a few minutes left here for my student gets here I'm gonna show you how we set up the classroom of course I got the projector screen up and going I'm gonna get our slides up for both reactor eye and stress and rescue I've got my gear set here that we're gonna use for the rescue portion which I'll come back to that here shortly got the student area all prepped up for got her paperwork she's got filled out got some freebies there for and of course we got our stuff for the reactor I I've got to run out to my truck get the nayi D because she's learning how to do that as well I've got an o2 bottle here I've got to get a non-rebreather mask out in my truck as well so that she can figure out how to set that up and of course we got miss a little and there our rescue dummy so that we can learn how to do CPR stuff like that so this is what we got planned for it or not won't come back over here real quick this is the setup I was talking about earlier where we take a tank a regulator and BCD and we calls all types of problems with it because we believe that in the rescue class itself that the easiest way to solve a problem is to prevent the problem from happening so that's what we use the classroom for is we teach them how to prevent problems from ever occurred and then in the pool where the confined water sessions that's where we say okay we tried to prevent everything however problems still happen how do we deal with it and of course tearing the check out portions or the final evaluations which we do in open water that's where we take everything that we've taught the students in the classroom to pull work and we kind of put it into real-life scenarios so what we're gonna do here this will once we finish the react rock class her very first thing to do with this is she's gonna take the BCD tank of the regulator and then I'm actually going to office I'm gonna give her about 15 minutes and then she's gonna come back and get me in 15 minutes he's gonna say okay these are all the problems I found either it's missing an o-ring or the yoke nut here is loose or maybe the BC is Lincoln because these are loose or maybe the second stage is free-flowing another little common problem that we calls for the student is we will thread the buckles the wrong way and see if they can figure it out see if they can figure out why it's not getting time for them because these are real-world problems that we see a lot that may happen especially for divers that read gear if they're not using their own gear maybe they only dive a few times a year when use rental gear you never know what kind of problem you may occur from it so pervy kneeing a problem from happening is by far the easiest way to solve a problem and that's what we teach in the classroom and then of course when we get her into the pool we'll teach you how to fix problems that occur anyways and then of course we'll do our final evaluations but I'm gonna finish getting setting up here she should come in any second now and then we'll get going I need to absolutely if you find a problem I want you to fix it okay how much isn't it very good very good that's exactly what I'm after no one went to make that decision and making the decision before minor problems on the surface become major catastrophes under the water that's exactly what this drill is meant to teach you and you have to set your gear up you have to do a proper pre dot safety check to prevent problems from happening and remember preventing problems is the safest and easiest way to solve a problem correct all right guys so I just got finished up with Danny's class we got all of react right done however we just kind of started on the rescue she's actually going to come back Tuesday night to finish up the academic part of rescue and then of course I'll get her to the pool to learn the skills it is 11:19 as you can tell here by my watch and I am like super tired I'm ready to go home and see my family because I just wanted to bring you on this journey with me today I want to show you what I do every single day start to finish if I'm not doing checkout dials on doing pool DAWs if I'm not doing pool dives I'm doing search and recovery dials if I'm not doing that I'm either here doing inventory placing orders doing things like that I'm connecting with other businesses I'm trying to get our company to grow as well but I wanted to bring you along with me if you're in Hickory area guys please go buy Carolina pedal works I want to give them a huge shout out for letting me film at their facility today if you're a bike rider may be like mountain biking or whatnot maybe you just need to have a little bike repair go check those guys out curt is amazing I mean he's he's a doctor when it comes to Mike's let him work on your bike definitely but huge shout out for those guys all their information will be down in the description below I'm gonna try my best to get this video edited for you tonight like I said I wanted to bring you on this journey I wanted to show you what it was like every single day for me not only as a dive instructor but also as a shop owner but I appreciate you coming along with me if you like this video simply hit that like button for me and definitely share it as well but guys if you want to see more vlog style videos like this definitely drop me a comment down below and let me know well because I really appreciate you watching this video as always guys make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate you business gals we really appreciate you watching our videos if you liked it make sure to give us a big thumbs up if you're not a subscriber simply hit that subscribe button for us and make sure you hit the little bell to turn on all notifications if you want to see some other cool videos make sure to click these links here they could be scuba tips that could be diving videos search-and-recovery videos or gear reviews once again guys we really appreciate it
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 3,059
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Life Of A Scuba Instructor, Scuba Vlog, Scuba Blog, Spending The Day With A Scuba Instructor, Servicing Scuba Gear, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Bryan Stafford
Id: 5utGDw40MXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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