Quarantine (2008) KILL COUNT

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I mean, technically there's still some religious stuff in there, considering one of the building residents is the King of the Underworld himself.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Blackadder5 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol I'm at work right now on the floor, so I'll do my spheel later! Hope y'all are staying safe!

Happy Friday!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Stoop_Girl 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really dislike movies like this. They just copied the original and it only came out a year later.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/procouchpotatohere 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the kill cow where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and to help you all with that social isolation you should be practicing right now I've got an extra episode for you today on quarantine the 2008 American remake of the 2007 Spanish film wreck it's hard for me to fairly judge this movie after having been a fan of wreck for so long quarantine is a very close remake using a lot of the same shots and dialogue as the original film I'm not sure why they didn't change it up more my guess is they knew wreck was a near-perfect movie and just wanted to make a version of it for people who don't like subtitles it kind of bothers me though that in all the blu-ray special features I watched not once did they ever even mention rank in fact producer Sergio agüero almost made it sound like quarantine was an original film by director John Eric Dowdle he has taken a terrific premise and managed to make it his own make it his own yeah ok quarantine is anything but its own movie and in many ways it feels like a lesser version of RAC it's not nearly as scary to me probably because it doesn't feel as real maybe that's because it's better lid and the footage looks more high-def maybe it's because the actors aren't unknown like they were in wreck or maybe it's because this whole thing was filmed on a giant set in a soundstage instead of at an actual apartment building in any case though it'd be a fine movie if it were its own thing but with wreck ready and available to watch I'm just not sure why anyone would choose quarantine instead still since most of us are experiencing an unprecedented quarantine ourselves I figured it'd be relevant to cover this movie to keep all you social distances entertained word of caution just like with wreck we've got a lot of flashing lights throughout the movie too many for me to keep warning you about so once again my photosensitive friends maybe skip this one altogether without further ado let's get to the kills and infections [Music] the movie begins with the news report it's Angela Badal again only this time she's played by Dexter sister Jennifer carpenter her cam ops no longer Pablo though it's instead a guy named Scott who we actually get to see a few times throughout the movie nice change their quarantine they're filming the documentary series nightshift which highlights people who have to work throughout the night in Los Angeles tonight they're covering the fire department where Angela is able to get hard-hitting answers to hard-hitting questions do firefighters still slide down those fabulous polls we sure do wait but since fire stations are pretty dull until they are there's not much for them to film right now other than a spotty good boy named Wilshire who knows how to stop drop and roll who's a good boy who could save himself if a flame you are well sure yes it's you this part of the movie prior to the station's emergency call is a bit longer in quarantine than it is in rec so I don't think we get much more development out of the characters except maybe this version of Angela is a bit more flirty and this version of the firefighters a bit more body 100 bucks says I can bang her by the board nice mic eventually the station siren goes off sending everyone into the fire engine so these Angelenos can see their tax dollars at work they get to the building that the call came from and entered the lobby that looks pretty damn close to the one in rack like I already mentioned this was actually a 35-foot tall custom-built set as opposed to an already existing building but I don't want to minimize the work still required of the casting crew the camera they used for quarantine was a beefier boy than the one they used in wreck but the cam op still had to run around with it to get all the high energy four-minute Plus long takes it was also tethered with all sorts of cables that made it sometimes difficult to manage an additional complication for cinematographer Ken Zane who was already having problems with lighting even with the added control of being on a set they still had to light each shot for every angle possible all while never revealing the equipment and brain there 26 days shooting schedule consisted of many 15 hour days which when spent inside a single set can start to feel claustrophobic luckily that worked out as far as acting motivation goes I sort of had to thought during the first week after we were on our what third or fourth 15 hour day I thought this is exactly what I need I need to be thinking I have to get out of this building the firefighters a news crew meet with a cop named McCready he played by Andrew fish ah WA who's been on the kill count twice before one says the mechanic in the final destination and before that as an inmate in the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot dear does not exactly in my favorite horror movies he leaves them upstairs to an apartment where he says the woman inside was just screaming like a banshee it's pretty clear by now that despite some added padding this movie is a very close remake of wreck and that includes the way they film our first victim MS Espinoza who's going on the list right now because just like with the wreck I'll be counting people killed and people clearly infected and that funky foamy mouth right there screams infection to me Ms Espinoza is played by Jeanie upper a longtime stunt performer who works as Linda Carter's body double on the Wonder Woman TV series from the 70s cool she freaks out when the camera turns on and winds up attacking officer McCready tearing a solid chunk of neck flesh off a man as the others race to get him safely downstairs Angela gives Scott some familiar instructions they find themselves locked inside the apartment building and as a vet named warrants tends to the injured cop everyone starts freaking out about why the authorities aren't letting them leave you know personally I'd be a little less concerned about the locked doors and a little more worried about this places unusual weather patterns it's rainin man hallelujah mustachioed firefighter Fletcher is now bleeding from the head he used to break his fall though he's not quite dead yet as his partner Jay can still feel a pulse Jake and walenski the uninjured cop head upstairs to see what tossed Fletch down and while they're gone Angela and Scott follow some sounds into ms Espinoza's apartment as they make their way down the hallway they're greeted by a one-woman welcoming party it's a younger woman later identified as a cleaning lady who's now dead having been killed presumably by the very nasty looking mrs. Espinoza Espinoza the bold Nosa tries charging at the rest of them but she's shot down by officer walenski who then has to take a breather I mean as far as he knows he just shot a sick old lady to death which also kind of true Jake goes door-to-door rounding up the residents to get them all downstairs in a fourth floor apartment he finds a woman named Elise staring at static on the TV and breathin like a pug excuse me ma'am looks like she's another mouth bummer so I'll counter has infected and put her on the list right now Elise is played by Stacie Chbosky who's married to director John Eric Dowdle and who's intense transformation here was done by makeup artist Robert Hall of almost human he gave the actors Bromo powder to generate that foamy drool and some of them wound up having a bit too much fun with it the perfect drool is the kind that hangs really thick and it's so thick and long I'm actually after an hour shooting I'm actually been able to take my finger in my drool ago it doesn't break for like you know I could get a pile about that big she's taken downstairs with the rest of the residents and as Jake tries to find another way out of the building to save Fletcher Angela tells the camera about the indignity of their lockdown The Situation's gotten so serious that the authorities outside are now using guns to strongly encourage them all to stay in place they shutter the building and seal it up tight leaving all the people inside confused and scared they learn that the quarantine is because of a BNC biological nuclear or chemical threat not exactly what you want to hear when you're locked inside a building with a sick little girl landlord Yuri leads Jake in the news crew to an office on the second floor which he says may give them another way out but that path is just as gunned blocked as the others and shortly taped up with a tarp as the night goes on Lawrence and Wilensky tend to the injured while Angela does some interviews first up is Brianna the sick girl whoo holy shit is played by Joey King who's obviously in a whole bunch of stuff including relevant to this channel the conjuring and the god-awful Slenderman Briana says her dog max had to go to the vet because he was sick kind of like how she's sick they don't yeah none of us do little girl none of us do another one of Angela's interviews is interrupted by Fletcher trying to walk off his broken leg and since he's got a case of the foamy mouth by now I'm ready to put him on the kill slash infected cow because I don't think he's coming back from this no matter how much he's injected with drugs warrants the bet realizes what all this mouth foaming might mean and a closer look at the infected Elise makes him confident in his assessment these are all gravy's symptoms a super speedy rabies that shows that symptoms way faster than usual and bad news about the whole rabies thing to secure Yeaman rabies sucks maybe something super sucks by the way if morons looks familiar it's because we've seen actor Greg German on the kill count before getting strangled to death by Chucky and child's play to Angela and Scott sneaked off with two other residents Bernard and Sadie to go to their apartment and try to catch the news on their antenna TV on the second floor they're stopped by an angry good boy presumably with the raves who turns away from them to attack another resident a drunk and surly lawyer named Randy we had met him briefly earlier he's played by American horror stories Jenna so hair Randy's killed in the elevator as the others are unable to open the doors and help him in Bernard and Sadie's apartment they get a scrambled news broadcast where they see the chief of police say that everyone's been evacuated from the building yaaaay I think that guy is lying the power goes out and they find themselves joined by Elise screaming into the camera and attacking them with a fervor in one of the movies unique and awesome edition Scott beats her down with the camera subduing the threat while covering the lens in blood this crash zoom self-defence sequence also gives us a good look at more of Robert Hall's makeup which was based on real rabies symptoms including bluer skin tones rather than their original idea of more Hue's and nasty broken teeth from constant gnashing actors also had to wear annoying contact lenses sometimes for their fool 12 plus hour shooting days one piece of dust or something in one of those just drives people out of their minds after a lens wiped down and some conciliatory words for Scott who's a little shaken up by that whole thing they rejoin the others downstairs where officer Wilin skis says that they're sending in someone from the CDC to run blood tests on everyone Jake mentally goes through the apartment building layout and tries to account for each resident almost everyone who lives there is either in this room or you know dead but he learns that the top floor apartment is practically vacant since it's rented by a man from Boston who hasn't been seen in months there CDC visitors make they're very cautious entrance as Angela continues being a professional reporting on everything just in case they ever get out of here outlook not great on that one though they take the camera and spy on the CDC workers as they tend to the very bloody Fletcher pumping him to a gurney and sticking him with a syringe they then take a little drill and stick it into Fletcher's head presumably to get a brain sample as that's the only way to test for rabies but Fletcher don't like that one bit so he rises up from the table and attacks one of the CDC guys biting him and getting him added to the count as far as I'm concerned since we never see him again when Angela and Scott meet the others outside that room they're missing the vet Lawrence who they've locked behind the doors Lawrence has been infected even though he denies it pretty hard to argue against that blood getting puked all over the window guy back in the lobby the remaining CDC guy tells everyone that Briana's dog max had an infection at the vets that turned him super agro and it quickly spread to all the other dogs there too they tracked the dog back to this building and that's how they wound up here Briana is sick just like max was and I don't think she has bronchitis as her mother Cathy claims instead she's a full-on baby baby now whoo chomps her mom in the face and runs off being a little tear Briana's mother Cathy already cruising down the infection Highway is handcuffed to the stairs while we'll lansky Jake and the news crew are sent to find Brianna and sedate her they find her in Espinoza's apartment standing there like a well-trained scare actor she of course ends up jumping out and biting officer Wilensky in the neck infecting him and landing him on the killcount for our purposes when jake and the news crew return downstairs they find the infected vet Lawrence coming through the gate angela is unable to free Kathy from her cuffs in time so the young mother is left behind and killed by the now confirmed infected officer McCready who I'll also put on the list right now a group of the survivors find safety in an empty apartment on the second floor barricading the door against the infected trying to get in they do a quick survey to see if anyone's been bitten and everyone answers that they haven't everyone except the CDC doctor who isolates himself since he knows what's about to happen to it oh and turns out that Sadie chick might have been bitten too Matt or she has a serious nail biting problem Sadie's roommate Bernhard freaks out and says they have to get out of there so he tears down the tarp outside the window and starts screaming for help that just earns him a boa to the brain in another unique addition to this remake I wish they did more new shit like this cuz again that was great as is Jennifer carpenters acting when Angela reacts to the death despite the very strongly enforced quarantine in place URI tells the others that there may still be a way out he says there's a drain cover in the basement that will lead them to the sewers but as he starts telling them where to get the appropriate keys he's attacked and killed by the infected CDC doctor I'm actually putting four people on the list right now the CDC doctor who's clearly infected URI who's getting bit the fuck up URIs wife Wanda who stays back trying to help him and the fully infected Sadie who attacks and presumably kills Wanda in this moment it's now down to Angela Jake and the audience surrogate Scott since everyone else is infected or dead like this immigrant dude the deep who's all sick flee and attacks them earning himself a beat-down from Jake that at least temporarily subdues him climbing the stairs to get to Yuri's apartment they run into new deeps wife do I hear also infected but Jay quickly dispatches up her by tossing her over the banister and down a couple of stories seems like this was the most involved stunt of the movie and I love the way it looks in the end so props to everyone involved especially stunt coordinator Lance Gilbert and stunt performer Dardenne Bryant she was rigged to a wire system that dropped her down and stopped her right before she actually hit that handrail before taking her further to the ground then they just sold that hit with a sound effect nice as they get into URIs apartment Jake is attacked by the infected Lauren and he's forced to fend off the viral net as Angela looks for the building's keys she grabs a giant ring of keys and is prepared to head to the basement with Jay but after opening the door and charging out he's ambushed by Yuri who gets him to the ground and kills him with the usual mo of the infected biting his neck out bunch of damn vampires in this building I tell you what Scott and Angela changed plans and break for the top floor apartment rather than the basement because the way down is looking a little messy there they get inside the apartment and locked the door behind them offering them temporary salvation from the infected horde pounding to get in inside the abandoned penthouse they find a whole bunch of cages full of wrath but no religious imagery which is one of the bigger differences between rec and quarantine it's also a big reason why one of Rex co-directors jiya may Balaguer role was not a fan of this remake instead of articles about the Vatican they find articles about cults and an Armageddon virus meaning this movie's infection means more into science than religion at least there's still a reel-to-reel player to give our heroes an explanation they play the tape and it tells them everything they need to know yep the infection originated from boom-boom-boom further back in the apartment a ceiling hatch swings down not quite hitting Angela or Scott but surely filling their underpants with some Dookie Scott resolves to see what's up there and to that end sticks his camera in the ceiling hole let's see what do we got a little bit of insulation that Chester - a little infected boy and his underwear the usual adding clutter you know with the camera light broken Scott switches to night vision mode allowing him to see Angela as well as a much less comforting figure this infected thin man is played by Doug Jones the gangly creature actor who's a good American stand-in for the original films Javier bo-tat Doug EJ is no stranger to long hours in the makeup chair having played creatures and ghouls and everything from hocus pocus to the bye-bye man - the shape of water he was previously on the kill count out of costume when he was killed by an icicle in Jack Frost - The Thin Man wanders around the apartment smashing and crashing things at random until he realizes that he's not alone and comes after Scott with a hammer our intrepid cameraman is killed by getting beaten to death having another victim to our list as his camera falls to the floor that leaves Angela as the only non-infected non murdered character and after she sees the thin man Naaman on Scott's neck she's - is knocked to the ground unlike in wreck I am going to put Angela on the kill count for this movie because from what I can tell she's not in the sequel so we're left to assume she gets killed when the movie ends with her being dragged away into darkness myyy did quarantine completely replicate Rex killcount like it did its story in shots let's find out and get to the number oh my god we need to get to the numbers don't stop recording no matter what again okay I counted 23 people killed or infected in quarantine which is quite a bit more than I counted in wreck they included nine female victims and 14 male victims but no matter what the ratio is I wouldn't eat that pie chart if I were you unless you want some foamy mouth with the runtime of 89 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 3.8 seven minutes I'm getting the golden chainsaw for coolest skill to that Elise woman although I counted her when she was found infected in her apartment I'm giving her the award here for the camera beating that put her down for good kind of made it feel like we were all collectively head-butting her to death you know dole machete for lamest kill we'll go once again to the young woman who stumbled down the hallway and died on the floor still the most lackluster death in the movie and that's it quarantine came out in 2008 and had a 2011 sequel quarantined to terminal that wasn't directly based on any of the wreck movies but I'll have to look at that some other time cuz right now I want to get back to my schedule until next time I'm James a DS this has been the key Oh Cal thanks a lot for watching this Cal Cal I want to bring some patrons like Carlos Barrera Bradley van Raven sway rusty Daurio Haley Howard San Caitlin Gardner and Jared Douglas I'm sure lots of you out there love quarantine but for me having only seen it recently it just doesn't stack up to wrack which I've been watching for a decade now make sure your social distancing and washing your hands and doing all that shit you know man just follow those experts all right thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 3,783,748
Rating: 4.9618144 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, quarantine, DMKC, horror movie, scary movie, quarantine review, horror channel, best horror, american, remake, rec, john erick dowdle, jennifer carpenter, jay hernandez, columbus short, greg germann, steve harris, doug jones, found footage, firefighter, apartment, nightvision, english, united states
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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