QTS control panel made easy: network and virtual switch|NASpedia

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since what today we're going to talk about an important app that is in our control panel which is network and virtual switch why do we have to mention about this because you have to know that NASA is a device that must connect to internet so you can use it use your remote control devices like your cell phone or your computer from the internet to connect to your NAS and to upload or download something and then why do we also need to talk about the virtual switch because nas is not as simple as a internet storage devices it can also be a very functional tool for the developers or the artists if you have to test something or you want to build your own web page or you need to do a I or you need to use our nas as your computer which you need to install like virtual machine then you will need to use a virtual switch which you can turn any of the internet port into a virtual switch inside of your nose so this episode will be a little bit boring but still at that is very important and I will just simply go through everything to show you like if you need what kind of function where you can find a solution inside of our network and virtual switch so let's get into the power point first and we will start from the overview ok so let's go back to my computer well this is - and if you want to look if you are looking for your network virtual sewage just open your and control panel go to network file services and the first one is the network virtual switch and we have changed user interface after the QTEs version 4:35 so if you have an upgrade your qts version please go upgraded once you turn on your network virtual switch we will go to overview and now this is the like a map it has two parts the upper part shows you the front and the back of your nas and the green one which is the adaptors that is now working on so you can see the default get system default gateway which is an adapter to and then your physical adapter or your virtual adapter how many you have and how many has been used your current when IP and your primary and secondary DNS server IP address okay so it's very easy and obvious to see everything you need and down here is simply like a map you can see here we have virtual adapters four four and then right here total we have four and now two it's now in the two are now enable so we have two now used and the virtual switch right here we have two virtual switch which are built and then how many physical adapters are now connected to the Internet port connector we have two and here we can choose the mode for detail mode or simple mode we can see that for simple mode you will only see the name of the device that is using the virtual adapter which connected to the virtual switch and the detail mode you can also see the upload download status and the device name and the IP address for now right here we have blue line and gray line the blue line means that it's now connected to the virtual switch and also is now enabled and the gray language that which means that it is connected to the virtual switch but it's not enabled which might be the virtual machine is now turned off so it's not working but that doesn't mean it's not connected to it and from this page we can see that we can have several of the virtual machine connected to one virtual switch and but there should not be one virtual switch to virtual switch connect to one virtual machine okay and then the virtual switch goes goes to the physical adapter and this adapter to can go to the Internet okay so this is how the whole map should be and we can see a filter right here you can choose by all or if you have a lot of the virtual switch at a virtual adapter or physical adapter which you need to scroll up and down come you you think is complex we can just choose directly like container station no virtual switch we have to and the status physical interface we have to so this is how you can easily choose the information that you want and since we have a lot of different icon here so basically you can choose the legend and it will show you the corresponding icon with the specific design so you don't have to worry about if there's any icon that you cannot recognize what it is and for each of the adapter and switch we can all click the three dots here and we can execute it or we can see that we can do the setting or okay sorry and you go back for the physicals which we can locate it or we can also do the setting of the physicals adapter okay all right and out right here we also have a NIC list we can see how many physical NIC we have and how many virtual we have and how many is how many Mick's are enabled and with the MAC address so if you want to know the MAC address we can call here and if we just want to know the whole status we just go here okay so this is the first part of our overview of our networking virtual switch so if you want to look for something that is only called information we can go here and we can also share the information to other people if they need any of the detail right here once we click the locate you can see the corresponding the corresponding port will flash so you will be able to know if you want to unplug it where you should go to okay this is the first part then let's go to the next part we go to the PowerPoint and next part we will go to network and since we have four part in network we have interfaces virtual switch DHCP server and route so we will go one by one the first one will be the interfaces right here we can see all the physical adapter lists we have to tab interfaces and Wi-Fi we start one by one okay we have six of the adapter and we can check how many are enable and how many is not enable not is connected and for the adapter you can all change you don't really have to remember like okay if I am using my specific adapter and which which adapter it is number one or number two you don't really have to you just rename your adapter and it's very easy for you to make it back to default and you can see the IP address right here and if it if this adapter now working as a virtual switch and the network speed vendor name in the NIC model and for this 1635 we have until this I 211 or we have the ten gigabit adapter which is by the Mellanox and it support the smart offload function so it can give you a higher efficient okay and right here we also have the configuration tab we can check for the Activity Monitor so since we have to adapt her now connect it so we can see to the usage each 10-minute will be one chart the receive and send and ipv4 and the six IP address and now we can see the network total usage run here so if you want to check for the status or the current status we can go to the monitor Activity Monitor then we will be able to see the condition next part we can go to configure okay this has been a virtual switch so it can only come figure the Jumbo friend and we all know that there are crossing cons of the Jumbo friend to use the Jumbo friend the the prof the prosper beta is faster than non using a jumbo friend but the console will be that once the jumbo frame dropped you will have to do everything back to back from the end again because the Jumbo friend which it combines a lot of friends together as one big jumbo friend so once you lost it you have to do it all over again and then we can do the configuration to set the DHCP IP address or we can just assign it a static IP address and we can also set the jumbo frame or the network speed and for the jumbo frame we need to mention one thing if we have three spots nas computers and if three of this devices and they have said they're jumbo frame at the same digit that will be fine but once one of the three devices set the different jumbo frame and then I might not be able to go to the different jumbo friend device so to solve this problem we can easily you know like to reset or we can go back in and then do the setting again make three of the jumbo frame digit the same then everything will be okay and for ipv6 we can also enable it and make it functional basically a per my own experience if you are a surveillance industry or you are a rd IT guy you might be able to use the ipv6 most of the users that have met they all use ipv4 and they say that will be enough so depends on your usage and DNS or B then you can all set by yourself and to mention about the network and virtual switch I think it's very important to tell you what is beaten because mmm villain is very useful once it's functional it can solve a lot of problems so here let's take on this picture imagine that this is a 16 porn switch okay we just ignore the color imagine that now we have four computer connected to the switch and if the my PC one want to broadcast something to look for mark PC to the broadcast will be sent to every port so the same broadcasts will go back and forth inside of the switch for 16 times into 16 copies but only for look only for looking for one computer and the PC to count is broadcast and saying okay PG - I'm here and then PC to respond PC one and everything just finished but for for the port three to sixteen they will also get this broadcast but they will they will only reply like I'm not PC - I don't need this and they and then they drop that so in order to find one computer you broadcast for sixteen times and you waste for sorry you broadcast for fifteen times and you waste the extra fee fourteen times so that is such a waste which will also increase the loading for your switch so here comes another concept we easily separate this switch into four part four port as apart so we will have four parts and the these two parts we just ignore that we can separate port 1 to 4 in green and 5 to 7 in 5 to 8 in orange which represent two different virtual LAN so when PC one now looking for PC - it will also do the broadcast work but the bronchus were only back go back and forth between port 12.4 so there will be last loading from port 1 2 / 16 so this is another way that you can lower your your load into your sewage which will give you the advantage that if you have 16 port in broadcasting for another 6 in time that will be a hundred and ninety-six god I'm good at matok mathematic so this is another way to protect your data lost especially when you are using jumbo frame but people will ask what if I have two switches of course you can also set that once you have connect two of your switch in series and you can set what one to four from switch 1 and switch 2 into B than 1 and the 5 to 8 from from 2 of the switches into V then 2 then you can easily connect each other without increasing more unnecessary load into your switch and here's another thing if I have a 26 port of the switch in my company I can easily use the villain to separate 12 for tough ports for internet and for when and another top 12 port for then so the the land 12 port can be used for the employees and workers which they they just want to you know send things and and doing the transmission inside of their intranet and we can also prevent people from land going to these companies you know like maybe like a demo site or the web site and trying to find another way to get into the intranet so this is how the Vidan can block the internet connection okay so this is the villain and it's very easy to sit here I have this one 10 gigabit I study as billion won is also as feeling one so this too can be beaten one okay and the 3m for this I have set it as BM to read into also this one reading to sew this to the to 1 gigabit ports and the to 10 gigabit port now they are in virtually okay so this is how it works in their own virtual ends and then we can go to port ranking we have already talked about port ranking in the very first nos PDR but still I will just briefly tell you about that Oh trunking we can just call ad and then choose the port that you want to do the port honking then we can go next to check by you want to check by the method your type of your port 1 can you want to set basically we have like this connect to not without a switch or without a normal switch no internet management function switch or we can also use the proton king - trunk - ports with a management switch so how many how many protein type we have basically we have oh we have seven right here boat honking you just go to hell and you can press you can search for port honking then you can finally yeah then you will find this tab and you can check if you're a aikikai or you want to say something for your company you can just go here first and check for the most suitable type for you and then we can also set the system default gateway okay I'll just briefly tell about this things we talked about this before and if we have to if we have to Gateway we need to choose one to be the default and the other maybe you can use it as a backup so this tab will make your nozzle select the system default gateway automatically for you but if you want to specific you have you want to specify I specify your own main gateway or your fell over gateway we can go here and select the main gateway for you and then set another fell over gateway since we might have more than two gateways so depends on your usage and here is where you can disable or enable the NCSI network connectivity status indicator which it's right here this icon global icon shows that with this icon shows that this path is now going to internet with out without the global icon shows this path is not now going on to the Internet so if you under some circumstances if you don't want other people to see if you have this we can go to interface and then disable it but it doesn't mean once you disable it and the earth the global icon will disappear no because the NCS ID tax each 30 minute so you can see it's the right here why because you turn off the NCSI function while the nos detect now this path is on to the internet so if you want to make this disappear very simple we go here and then don't check it unplug the internet after a certain time maybe no longer than 30 minutes and when the icon disappeared then we go back here to this April then we can plug the connector back to your nas then you will never see the earth icon again okay so this is the second part and then we go to Wi-Fi well you know that a QNAP we have provided you in a PCIe wireless adapter which is AC 2600 so you can use this and turn your nas into a - AP of course you can use the Wi-Fi antenna to receive other Wi-Fi around the nas but if you just want to do this I will suggest you to my to buy a USB Wi-Fi dongle simply plug that into your USB port and then you could go to the Wi-Fi you can go to this Wi-Fi tab and search for the use for Wi-Fi you want to use okay so let's go to the next topic next we will go to virtual switch okay virtual switch so before we check on the fridges switch we need to know what our virtual switches basically every time you turn on a new app it will show you the Welcome page and for this one it will show you what is virtual switch but it's easier management for virtual network services optimize network resources and it's very easy for you to switch from Europe on the boat or your 40 Giga 14-carat Ethernet adapters because it's not real so you can have one physical adapter and make it two three four virtual switches to make it a virtual switch and it can you know like connect to all the other virtual machines like virtual machines which doesn't really physically exist and virtual switch which the switch doesn't really physically exist it all they are all virtual inside of this nuts so you can have more than one virtual source you can have more than one virtual machine or connect to one physical adapter and then when this one physical adapter goes to the internet or the physical machine oh sorry all the virtual machine they can go to internet also so here are the list we have adapter tool - Adam - six which are available whereas adapter one is right here why because it's already assigned to be a virtual switch so the adapter one now you can take it as a switch and all your virtual machine can connect to this switch and then once this adapter goes to the internet all these devices can go to internet so it's very easy for us to add any new virtual switch and you can choose a mode like Software Defined or basic mode or advanced mode right here we click on the basic mode and we simply just click any one and then now we can click apply and now this adapter has been a virtual switch after the the page yeah see this is the new one since I already have this new virtual switch I can assign new virtual machine or previous existed machine into this switch so if I have this two virtualization station goes to virtual switch four and tooling to Linux station go to the adapter one in the virtual world they are now in different separate separated internet structure but they are all in - right and since we can add it we can of course deleted but this is how we can use our virtual switch then we go to the slice then we go to the next topic which is our DHCP server we all know that DHCP it will assign you different IP address each specific time because the IP address won't be static if you want to choose a static IP address it will be much more expensive so we can set your port on your nas to be a DHCP server so you can connect a switch or a hop unto that adapter and then you can have four or eight or even more devices onto the hub then that port world pre will take itself as a DHCP server and do the IP address assignment for all the other new device that is under the internet layer of this DHCP server under or above you know what I mean so we just simply click on the ad and we choose a adapter here then we can choose three moles the first one is enable DHCP server on the current network the current network and the second one we re assign an IP address for this adapter so we change the IP address for the current IP address and then we enable a DHCP server on a new subnet in the third one we enable a DHCP for another socket so you can just choose like what kind of the type you want so for me I would just choose to enable DHCP server on the current network but if for your total internet environment you have other DHCP server keeps sending new assignment for DHCP IP address it will conflict and make a mess so if I were you I will not I won't do this if I were you I would like maybe I will reassign an IP address and create a new DHCP server okay so of course you can enable it and you can also delete it for the DHCP server is for ipv4 users if you want to use ipv6 please we can go to our ad PD I will go to next topic next topic will be route okay for the route basically for the route page we would seed ipv4 and ipv6 we can see the main round table so you can check for the destination the netmask at the gateway in metric and the interface of the current status you have but for what's more important is the static route what is static route we can add a static route we can assign its own destination and all the other information so that once if you want to connect to your nas okay this is your nas and this is your this is the path for all the people to go to your nas and this is your nas and this is the first path and you can the static route provides you another safer way that you can you can easily not to being hacked or if you have a VPN purpose you can set the static route so if you are at your home your office you want to connect to your nas you can choose the static route which will be much more safer and sometimes even faster because no one is going under the the main gateway and the bandwidth is all for you so if you my static my static route explanation is you know not clear enough but if you want to know more about the static route we can go to like unicom and then we can go to network and virtual switch because [Music] whoa okay maybe just virtual switch because we have Sam Lane Sam Sam Lee he is a expert to the network virtual switch this one also he will introduce you very clear about what is static round so if you want to know more please go there and we can choose ipv4 or ipv6 depends on your the demand then we go to the last part part will be we can go to PBT first to the last part which is in another tab SS services ddns well we all know that Kuna provides you my QNAP cloud as your DNS and if you are in other country that you need your own DNS maybe by the company policy or the internet environment that using your own DNS will be much more faster then you can add your own the DNS just simply choose the TV in a server and before you use it you need to have a username and a password of that the DNS so you just type them in and then you can set a hostname to your nas and you can check the IP add to check the external IP address automatically from 5 minutes to 1 hour depends on yourself then this will be your URL so now you can if you have enabled to of this my king of clock and your only DNS which means you have a you have you will have an extra connection from the internet world into your nas okay so speaking of the ddns also I need to speak of the queue link the claw link we all know that the DNS is our QNAP server and basically will provide you other way to connect to your nas so this is our DNS server and this is your nas maybe this is your iPhone okay now we are talking about the connection through the DNS first iPhone we maybe we can we just keep in same my QNAP cloud account okay so since you are keying that Mike UNEP class so basically it the connection moved from your iPhone to our NT DNS server and you asked for the IP address of same and the DNS server will keep looking for your nas and until you the server five eight the nurse will give the DNS the IP address maybe two 11.00 blah and then the DNS was send this IP address to your iPhone and tell your iPhone go for this address and then your iPhone would directly go for this address and make a connection from your iPhone to your nas then you won't be able to you you won't be able to need this okay so this is the T DNS server connection what if you are looking for a killing calling hook which will be you link to /set okay when you type this we'll go to our DNS server and said give me sin and the DNS server will keep looking for sin and once it reached the Nos the DNS server was okay I find it what do you need let me know I will ask it for you and then I will send it to you which means all the in all the data connection and transmission will be going back and forth through these three devices so it will be slower but it's another way for you to increase the successful rate to connect to your nas if you're not is you know like maybe inside of your company and your company has said so many different rules that you cannot use 30 DNS then you can just use crawling the link or if you are you know you rent a house outside and your internet environment is not really good you have so many layers and you can also try the killing to to connect to your nas so this is also one of the way that we provide you to increase the successful rate to connect your nas okay and then this will be all the introduction for the network and virtual switch to you if you want to know more please go to lab tech in depth account and we go back to life now yes basically the the network virtual switch will be kind of last last episode yeah in the first season so we might take a little break and then - we will see what we can bring you in the next season and if you want to know more go to the live document account and search for not speedier you will see everything and if you liked our video please don't forget to subscribe or you can just you know share it we will see you next time on NASA pedia bye
Channel: QNAP Systems, Inc.
Views: 3,103
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Keywords: QNAP, NAS, QTS control panel made easy: network and virtual switch|NASpedia, QTS, Control Panel, Network, virtual switch, NASpedia
Id: BI7hR-gLyfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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