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[Music] in today's video i wanted to talk about port trunking or you may know it as link aggregation lots of names for it but the basic premises to join multiple lan ports together to get better performance and so the the joining of the the lan ports together can be done in a lot of different ways if you wanted to see every option available you can click into your network and virtual switch on your qnap and go to the three dots at the top and then we have a little help article and when you scroll down in here about a third of the way uh you'll see this little table and in here it talks about all the different options that we've got available to do this we've got seven options in total now to make it easier for you to pick which one we do have a setup wizard that shows you uh the different options and so when you're in your interfaces sections of the network and virtual switch what you'll see here is a port trunking button so if you click on this you can see i've already got one created but i'll show you how to create one with the add option here so if i click add and i select adapters one and two the only rule is that they generally have to be done in even numbers so two four six or eight and you have to have the the speed of the ports that are being joined to be the same so if you want to have all one gig networking no problem all 10 gig networking no problem you can't mix the one gig and the 10 gigs um into the same trunking group and so here i'm going to select the two adapters so adapter one and adapter two in this case uh these are one gig ethernet adapters as you can see in the sort of grayed out background there i've got no network cables connected to them right now so that's where the speed is showing as a blank if you had a network cable connected then it would show the speed that it's connected out there and the green light would be on here in the status section when you click next we start asking the first set of questions so how are you connecting um the the lan ports that that you've selected from the previous page to something so we've got options here at the top so if you do a direct connection between two now so no switch specifically for our vj board function so that's virtual j board i'm using one nas as extra storage for another nas and so you can do that directly and we will recommend that you use balance rr where rr stands for round robin as you go scroll down a bit further you've got the general switch options so this would be anybody without a manage switch so a lot of the lower cost switches out there don't have a a web interface or an application to manage them they just are what they are and here we've got three separate options that you can choose from here and then at the bottom you've got the one that's the manage switch now this is the one i generally recommend and specifically i recommend the 802.3 ad option or sometimes known as lacp which is the link aggregation control protocol and so you've got a lot of different options now the only downside of the bottom option is you must have a managed switch and so most of the uh the switches that we're selling now are managed switches so i'll show you the interface of that in a moment and you've got to do the setting at both sides so you've got to say that you're doing the 802.380 or whichever mode you pick you've got to choose that option on the qnap as well as on the matching ports on the switch and so here if i was to choose manage switch and click next it then gives you some options and some explanation as to why you'd pick one of the other and so the first one is failover so this does not improve the performance it's just a a balance between the two ports if one of the connections goes down the other one will become active um so it's going to make sure that you get the the data to both lan ports or however many lan ports that you've done in here and then at the bottom you've got the load balancing and failover so this is the one that will increase the performance and so this is going to bond the two ports together for load balancing purposes so the first person or first device on the network that tries to communicate it will go through the first port in the aggregation group the second item that comes in we'll go through the second port and so on and if you're doing multiple transfers from one computer that would also apply here it doesn't have to be separate devices it can just be separate uh instances of communication and then you can choose which option that you want from here so as i said before you've got to do this in two places at the same time so i do already have an aggregation group here set up on adapters three and four which in the case of this nas here that's the 10 gig ports these are 10 gig sfp plus connections and i've got a couple of dac cables connected from here to one of our 10 gig switches now if i go into the information of this link you'll see that instead of being 10 gig in speed if i go to the hardware tab it's showing up as 20 gigs so i've got 210 gigs bonded together now a lot of people might think that means you're going to get 20 gig throughput so if you just do a drag and drop of one file it's going to go 20 gig that's not the case it's still only going to reach a maximum speed of 10 gig but if you do two transfers at the same time each of those will be 10 gig so that you get an aggregated speed of 20 and so it's going to help you with that scenario so here with the 20 gig connection if i go across to the switch where it's connected to we can see that in the link aggregation section of this uh qnap switch we can see that ports one and two which on this switch are sfp plus ports is i've got ports one and two connected which match ports three and four um from the qnap nas that i'm using and here i've got mode lacp which is the 802.3 ad mode and you can create link aggregation groups on the switch pretty easy so here's lag2 so let's say i wanted to create one for ports three and four here so what i can do is i can tick the box i can choose ports three and four and you can choose between two different types of link aggregation so you can do lacp or static the needs of which depending on the circumstance and and how you're connecting it and what you're connecting it to and so you really need to make sure that you you know which one to select here i can't say that for you because each situation is different if you've got any questions do ask in the comments below and i'll i'll try to help out and so here if you wanted to create a link aggregation groups on ports three and four you just click save it's really that simple it's that easy to set up so now whatever i connect to ports three and four so let's say i wanted to connect on this qnap adapters one and two to those ports and i would just create a link aggregation group between these two i would match it over here on the switch connect the cables together and now they're going to be aggregated together into the switch everything would be correctly configured so that would apply to the 802.3d if you want to use a switch or some of the other modes that we've got as well so that's link aggregation again it doesn't give you a combined 20 giga second total for a single transfer um you've got to have the two separate transfers going to it at the same time either two transfers from one computer or separate transfers from separate computers and it really comes into its own so in this case with this connected to my network with two 10 gig connections that means i could have about 20 computers on one gig networking um being load balanced across both links then everybody would get a dedicated one gig bandwidth themselves because 20 of the one gig connections would equal the bandwidth i'm feeding the switch here um so it's really got a really good option for people that have a lot of users on the network or somebody that just wants much faster throughputs in this case this nas that i'm using here which is a ts-983 dash rp and this one is used as my uh vmware storage server so it's used for all the data stores i've got in a vmware test environment i've got and i've linked into the switch here with the two 10 gig connections and i've got lots of hosts i've got three separate hosts uh running vmware connected to that switch also with 10 gig and so they can load balance the connection to whoever needs it the most is going to get the bandwidth from this this scenario and so hopefully that explained it so as i say it can be a bit confusing because even within the the qnap interface we do call it different things in different places our switches uh would call it link aggregation and then as we call it port trunking but it all really means the same thing and so you've got port trunking just to bond the ports together so most qnap nows these days come with um two lan ports at least um some of the lower cost ones might still only have one um but anything that's got an intel cpu amd cpu or better would generally have many more than two lan ports you might have two um normal speeds or one gig maybe two and a half gig and then you might have some 10 gigs thrown in as well and some of the enterprise models we've got may have uh four one gig lan ports and four 10 gig ports so there's a lot of different options you can do there and it goes all the way up to the faster speeds as well so whether it's 25 gig 40 gig or even 100 gig ethernet you can port trunk all of them and if anybody does have any questions or suggestions for any other videos please do let us know in the comment section below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible thanks bye [Music] you
Channel: QNAP UK
Views: 16,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QNAP NAS, best qnap nas, configure, iscsi lun, lacp, link aggregation, link aggregation explained, link aggregation qnap, nas iscsi, nas volume, port trunking, port trunking qnap, qnap einrichten, qnap link aggregation, qnap nas, qnap nas server, qnap nas snapshot, qnap network and virtual switch, qnap networking, qnap port trunking, qnap ransomware, qnap setup, qnap ts-451d2, qnap uk limited, qnap versus synology, qsw-m1208-8c, synology nas, ts-983xu-rp-e2124-8g, zoneminder
Id: R3fL3GjH3D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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