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Hello everybody welcome back to another video I've been asked to uh make a video about boss menu I know it took me a little while sorry about that you know the holidays and stuff and I've been working on my server uh there's a link on the description for my Discord you guys can join it uh Sirius RP Rhino server well let's get into the video so today I'm going to show you guys how to make a boss menu and a gang menu and I will be adding a new gang and a new job so you guys can see how to add everything instead of the one that's existing so let's get into it first you need to open your server and you go QP and go to QB core and shared folder jobs and here's all the jobs so all of these jobs they already have a boss menu configured so say you want to create a new job and it's just gonna be it's gonna be a random job so uh say let's take one of these mechanic for instance or all right let's take mechanic fencing so you just take it from right here all the way to here copy that enter paste and I duplicated this and then you can create a job any job that you want you can create so let's say uh will create let's create auto shop so this is going to be your job auto shop and let's label this put it Auto we can do this capital Auto Care and you can leave the these the same and you can always change whatever you want it's just an example on how to start that so this we are we just created the job let me save it okay and let's go let's take turn it off and let's create a new gang so you got all these gangs right here let's create a new one so let's take family for instance copy this paste it right here duplicate it and now you can create your own gang uh so let's call it uh let's call it City gang so let's call it City and City gang all right so let's call it City gang for instance crude for stockholic boss and then you save that so now you have created a boss and you have created I mean a job and you have created a game close that up now you go to QB management and then you open client you go to config.lure and these are the boss menus for everything that's already implemented with the framework and these are the zones for the bus menus and then you have the gang menu so now we have created again so let's take the mechanic one copy go right to the last you click enter paste and this one we called it what do we call it auto shop we call this one auto shop now you need to create one right here called auto shop and again you create it let's take this one and you we call it City gang which is the the gang spawn I mean this gang name itself City and as you can see none of these have a configured boss menu um I just did a new gang so you guys can uh take it fresh instead of the ones that's already here so let's get the coordinates for these so let's put that down put this down so let's start say you want to you can put it anywhere you want it's just an example using this building right here since I don't not putting it in any business or a specific gank spot um so let's put the boss menu here for the uh job so what you need to do is f8 vector three hit enter just saved it then you you open bring this back up so we're doing the boss mini first so for auto shop let's use the vector three so you go for right here before the V all the way to the end of the bracket and you paste right here so this is your boss menu location and then you change this right here paste and then with this one these last numbers right here he needs to match these so you have to change these last two so you see how right here is 44.59 so you do for you won't below as a minimum and above that number as maximum so we're just 24.77 we can do 23 99 and then you need a number above we can do 25 we can let's do 26. you put all one 25 or 1. as long as it's this number these numbers are higher than that and this lower than this minimum maximum so this your boss menu is done save it so now let's go to your let's go make the gang menu real quick let's do the gang menu on this side right here again coordinates open f8 Vector three enter this back here this is where it's supposed to be so you go from here choose all that paste and here is your gang menu you this is just an example you don't really have to implement this it will still work no problem um so we save this all right we can close that out now and let's restart the server real quick let's do a quick restart all right let's just refresh that okay let's start it back up all right all right last location so now let's get the job and the Gang so the job was auto shop set four let's check the job right there Auto Care grade manager and let's set the Gang and I think that's and it's called City now let's check the Gang and here we go gang City great boss so let's go right here to the job and there we go here's your boss menu for Auto Care you can manage employees hire employees they have to be near you you have a storage system you can change outfits and you can withdraw and deposit money all right let's go check the game menu when you walk near it it will pop up on the side click e and here's your gang menu your gang management City gang and same thing you can manage your gang members recruit members can store you have a storage just for the gang boss and change outfits and your money management deposit withdraw money all right so this is how you do boss menu gang menu I will see you in the guys in the next video I hope you guys enjoy it subscribe like my video for future videos open your notification have a good day
Channel: Bladesofsparta
Views: 42,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bladesofsparta, channel, mlo, gta5, fivem, theclubrp, bossmenu, gangmenu, howto, create, tutorial
Id: pbBKBjsVwfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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