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okay guys all right we're back again with uh this is gonna be a full like walk through that 100 explanation of how to build and add scripts to a qb core server now let's just let before we begin actually no that's just going let's just start let's just get this done crack this out real quick first thing we want to do let me close this so we can properly uh have a walkthrough first thing open your explorer folder yeah head to this pc head to your c drive right click create a new folder we're going to call this one qb qb core custom why oh i forgot the e doesn't matter but whatever okay you can call this whatever you want basically your name in the the your server this is the folder where your server will be held this is where your server will be okay we're going to open that we're going to create a new folder in here name server all lowercase by the way server will create the next folder no let's just leave that let's not jump the gun that server next thing we want to do okay that is done now if you don't have a what you call it a a program to unzip your files or to unzip any zip folder zip files you might want to get like win war or 7-zip i personally use winoir just cause i don't know okay once that once you've downloaded your 7-zip or your win wire you want to close out of that tab once you get it installed and all that close up make sure next thing we want to do is download xampp i already have this downloaded because it takes a minute or two to install i can't be bothered but once you download that yep you wanna it's gonna pop up like this so once once that's downloaded yeah you wanna hit start on mysql even though it shouldn't it doesn't matter yeah if if it doesn't start just make sure that heidi sql is still loaded i jumped the good i always do this with this part well anyway download hide the sql install it you probably need to restart your computer it will tell you to restart your computer but it's not needed okay but that's why once that is downloaded as i said mysql once once that's downloaded you open exam make sure that mysql is started that needs to be started if that is not started the server will not work okay so once that started you hit close bam so we're done with these two we can close these two next we want to download the belt the 5m server belt this is your artifacts folder and the links to all of these will be provided down below in the order that they were given in the video so in order to build a server you need the artifact well you're gonna download yeah wait not that one maybe it you so the recommended one is the latest recommended is five five six two i i wouldn't go for that i personally don't go for that but i go for the five seven one five because that's the latest as of recording which is twenty twenty seconds seven the ninth of the seventh so that's the one five seven one five anyone that's at the top right here is the is the latest build not the recommended build the recommendables are more i would say the more stable build but i'd nah i tend to go for the latest to avoid problems now once it's downloaded what you want to do is we're going to extract you should as i said winoir or 7-zip whatever it is so once that's downloaded yeah what you want to do the server folder that you created in your idea in your server folder on c drive which is whatever you name it i named mine again c drive i named my qb core custom that's what i named it and i created a subfolder in that folder called server okay we're gonna open that folder we're gonna in the artifacts that we just downloaded the zip uh file that we just downloaded we're gonna extract the artifact so we just ctrl a to select all the files that's in the zip folder drag and drop as simple as that okay it's that simple now moving on we can close that we're done with this so we got it we got it extracted now to deploy the uh the recipe to come to create the server so now that is done what we're going to do we're going to create a new folder called files all lowercase for the helmeted files wow okay you might be wondering why i like to keep things tidy so all the artifacts will will be in server all the resources will be in files you'll see in a second now now that that's done we head back to server we look for the fx server we'll look for this is pinkish whatever color you want to call it fx server we're going to double click that give it a second and there we have it so link account uh make sure you're signed in on your cfx i should say uh your cfx forum uh hit continue if you don't know acfx folder is let me just bring it up so you can so you can see what's going on this is your cfx folder this is your i mean you see yes the fx uh forum make sure you're signed in on this in order to complete the setup process okay now we're gonna create a you already had once a night yeah i have read and accept that kid click create update all right ah here we go since you select edit program the default yeah yeah and next this will be the name of your server so we're gonna give it a name like whatever name you want for me again we'll call it custom qb i'll show if it needs to be changed later i can show you how to do that let's see okay hit next deployment type we're going to select the for uh the recommended my bad recommended department type now as as we are doing as i said before this is a qb core framework that's what we're making we're not making this esx and we're not using zappos in the sx pack no not a bs to be core because well it's the best i i guess anyways cubicle framework we're going to see that qb core framework now uh we start to recommend using the suggested path below i don't care for that this is where the resources will go now as i showed you before we created a file called files so this is where all the resources will be deployed in order to change the deployment uh folder we're going to select the address on open the files folder in the address bar we're going to select and copy the the root address okay then we'll come back here and click change path ctrl a to select all and ctrl v to paste that's it so everything will be deployed in the files folder that we created so we hit save and we hit time we hit not turn stupid run deployment done okay each this is showing where this is basically the resources that it's downloading and it's showing you where it's downloaded from with the address and so on pop up so these are all the latest uh uh resources from qb core so hit next now important this is the important part a lot of people have issues with this part of setting up a server in order to do this and please make sure in order to do that we need ourselves a key master yeah you know just for argument's sake i'm gonna set up a new one so let's register another one yeah call this one the one hm and so i just would report a separate type uh vps i'm not a robot uh motorcycles oh stupid you want to get the server you want to get the ip for the for your vps that you're hosted on so this is it raise that there oh my god why does it matter cranium you just put whatever done and we generate and give it a six give it a sec because you know cfx keymaster is a bit slowest done okay so that's the new keys our keys generated you know what let's not let's use this one let's just copy i'll change this later um where is it here we go so once we have our cfx key yeah and if you already did that process i should i should have showed you this if you already did all of that before you already have all of that what you want to do jesus surprised my music is slow okay so your key should be somewhere here like as i said cfx key master if you don't have a key register a new key but the keys are here this is where you find it yeah and you just click the id for whichever key you want and then you click copy it's that simple then you come right here make sure you have and i would suggest you subscribing to their patreon pack just to make things you know easier and then you hit ctrl v paste run recipe it will start deploying the recipe this is what's happening in the background this is what it's doing basically it created a resource folder and it's deploying all the resources that are needed slowly but surely it's going there we'll just let this run i i don't think i'll make any cuts in this video we just let it flow oh okay we're done and there it is popped up showing us the the extracted resources now we can close that we already have that open up here so next we hit next save and run now it's trying to run the server we can minimize this we'll get back to that soon you know while this is running as i said i'm going to hold on i'm going to uh show you guys how to add scripts and such to this to your qb core now here's what we're going to need you're going to have to download i use visual studio visual studio because it's easier to use and instead of uh notepad notepad plus plus i don't like that [ __ ] it's annoying uh so let's download one let's download a copy of this visual studio hit open open the setup while that is extracted it will take a second we'll have to restart it again soon yep and it's administrator i accept blah blah blah next just code open yeah next next next okay so let's close out of that and just give us some time let's remind this uh do we need we don't need to launch it but okay wonderful all right now that that is set all right let's wait for this thing build task complete blah blah blah i think we're done yeah we're done now let's give it a restart just guys go away let's give this one a restart restart let's make sure it is okay everything is done and set now let me show you what this looks like for the first time let's let's go in and take a look around then we'll this will we'll decide what script we add first let's just go ahead and do that first let me do this okay let's minimize our vps let's open this because we're not all right i put it so wrong uh let's get the ip again for this [ __ ] b okay there we have it our server is done register i just put a random bunch punch random bs uh confirm put a bunch of random bs right now because and leave apartment okay what was that hey honey how are you all right that's it so wait it's funny are you ready for real are you sorry okay uh i didn't use my personal thingy to do this so let's let's just get that started real quick [Music] let's just do this settings admin settings let's uh add username oh there you go oh permissions i should have been but it's fine done i'm gonna refresh okay okay that should do it let's see all right i guess up to the terrorist side but oh okay i hate this big ass chat bar so that's one thing we're going to change just one of the things we're going to change real quick i don't like the what you call it the multi-character screen personally so we're going to swap that out these closing clothing store they gotta go uh what else there's a lot of [ __ ] i gotta but just uh just a little you know just to show you guys the basics of how to do an ad [ __ ] let me see that phone oh we're using this phone the default phone we're going to change the phone as well i think we're fine and that was just important oh that's about a police station all right so those are the little stuff that we're going to change real quick and show you how to get the scripts to replace those it needs to be any other script that you need to get out of my way that you need to get what it is we might change i know this is fine that is fine oh on the map the look of the map i personally don't like that to follow so we're going to change it to the one with more posters more defined so on and so forth so with that said let's just get into that i think we're already yeah i might just add a golden pack maybe maybe no no no we won't we won't that should be pretty simple for straightforward to do we won't do that as yet but we are set all right wonderful now back to this oh my god what is this i will get outside okay now in order to add as i said uh visual studio what is this what is your problem intestines okay that's not important uh for scripts and so on this is how you find them let me show you how to get these scripts i'm going to show you to replace these grips first thing is first let's go i will link this is the official qb core firmware uh framework discord you can get like you know new releases new resources let's see what's new actually the constantly here we go a chat we needed this i hate the current chat box so we might just use this one right that was pretty that was pretty convenient don't you think that's not the latest [ __ ] let's see what new they got here what is this uh edited version of qb menu let's see what that looks like i don't like it so no stashes new features qb slashes let's see what this what's going on with this one public slashes that's open song drops nope we don't need that either up here simple script repair right now we're not going that far um trespassing alarms my first robot youtuber really like it for you after standard works uh we're not doing any testing right now scrap your dope progress bar what's wrong with the current oh progression beats my bad is this accessor computer's gonna be changing the maximum pair they deserve a location attack [ __ ] difficulty accessible usb anything performing anything okay all right we'll leave that alone for now uh the police refills this might this this i i've used this one before this one is good if you don't want like would you know when your cops are rearming and such they can they'll have to like go in the inventory and get their [ __ ] one one if you don't want to use that you can use this but we're not gonna add that we're just gonna look for the stuff that we said we're going to change so we do got a chop box that's the item [ __ ] men's want to change your phone as here it is this is the timing on this [ __ ] amazing so let's use that phone so we said the chat the map oh yeah the chat the map let's go uh let's see actually we might have to find a map elsewhere crystal map oh okay all right so for the postal map i would link these i would definitely like have a link to everything that would that i used in here so this is the postal map which i like because it's super detailed and it's super accurate and they're posted for just about every building or plot i would say so i prefer this one all right so let's get downloaded first thing we need is a chat basically we just have to replace the chat here so the server hmm you can easily change colors this is kind of like the same thing anyway i just don't like the big yeah i don't like the chop box that big thing so this is why i'm choosing this instead of that big ass chat box where you have the console yeah so this is fine for now there is a better one i i'm just not gonna look for it right now but modify explanation okay all right let's go so first let's download this open main what you want to do you want to get rid of the mean okay never mind you didn't have to do it there okay it was like sub folders on subfolders okay now always read the readme don't go up and do not pass the readme this will tell you this is why i use a visual code it's a lot better and it's dark too anyways readmes are important installation monument before you back up your old chat blah blah blah you need to ensure a new config you don't have to do this you don't have to ensure in the config but i'll tell you where to put it no you see this is what i'm talking about not a lot of people tell you where to put these things but i'll show you where exactly where to put this so back to our qb our c drive our server folder then we head to files then we head to resources then we head to it should be cfx default then it should be gameplay there you go chat this is what we're changing okay now we don't have to back it up because it's fine yeah i you if you want to i would say just drop it somewhere i'll just put it in pictures because we're not using pictures anyways moving done drag drop sometimes the scripts are drag and drop sometimes you have to do a lot of changes okay i will try and find a script that require a bit more editing bit more management on the script side so you can better understand what you need to do i'll give you an idea of what you need to do so now that that's done we can close that that's it it's it's that it's quite simple that that is just for the chat okay back to the resource folder this is where you do most of your work in the resource folder all right that's done close that now this is for the phone this is where you wanna it's basically the same phone but recheck retextured and yeah so let's just change this one uh hunter phone oh my god all right let's see actually this phone might or might not work so last time i checked it working fine it's just the number given bit the ear drop where you're dropping the numbers all right so this is your phone you might want to back up your phone not to do this remove the phone over here to another folder on this phone it's pretty much the same thing drag drop there's nothing to it make sure you run the sql always use bom make sure if if a file comes with a sql make sure you run it because then it will add the important [ __ ] uh wait what which one of these am i on well did i not change his name hold on i can do this here cfg no there we go so connection string root sql i should change this actually let me show you how to change this up real quick so in order to change this let's say let's say this will cube the no custom custom qp so custom qb core copy that's the name of your let's do it over let's undo undo undo and do okay so this is the the database this is the name of your database as you can see here 6e this one 6a so cubico firmware x60 if you already if you were setting up the names from the beginning then you probably named it something else but i didn't i left it as a default let's delete this so we don't have any con no confusion drop goodbye okay so that's the name of your you can always change his name it doesn't matter i'll say you can always change his name uh what do you do that again there's a way to change here and it's there you go so qb core no custom so whatever name you decide to give it you can't even give it the name of your server blah blah blah that's it done and you come here are in your cfg folder in your cmg file i should say where your mysql connection string you can always change the name there boom done done and done hit save and that's it hit save a couple times this thing is kind of weird all right so as i said the if a script if it comes with a sql uh file make sure you run it make sure that there's a tick there i don't know if you can see a little green check mark it shows what a database is selected so make sure you select the database that you're using okay and then once you open the sql right click hit run done table yes that is already uh there because this is not a complete change of the phone it's basically a reskin and a few features were added keep sure you don't have to do that but done done and done so they should be under player contacts cryptic with phone messages but so he did all of that refresh he did all of that and he did what he's supposed to do done we can close that now let's change i think this is the photo as i said not a lot of people like tell you exactly what to do with this [ __ ] this we should change the inventory before i would do that let's change the inventory let me give you a different inventory one that is better than the rest we can close that we already did that no so that's the phone did we get the map no we did not get a map so let's download the map here so download now we don't need that it's in dropbox hit download close postal service it map no i tend to put this some resources are straightforward there's not a lot of work to it you know stuff like this where you add like a map a mlo stuff like that cars they're pretty straightforward it's not hard to do so let's go here not qb back in your resources folder in your q in your server file we're gonna i person i put this in standalone because why not we're not gonna touch it and all that okay boom done undone uh let's make another folder actually this is for like completely new scripts i will add one of these so you'll see why i made this folder so let's go bam add-ons add-ons close bracket done okay so the maps in yep push them up that's in let's minimize this let's see if we can find what is this keep regardless i think that's the old one uh what is this qb menu not so fancy about that one repair no no no no i'm looking for something inventory to be phone i want to inventory but i prefer the inventory will be a bit uh easier to publish up this pr is okay not important lj's inventory is one of the best inventories out there i personally prefer that one and then oh here we go yes i i remember saying that i don't like the multi-character oh no this is for the appearance yeah so we'll change the clothing shop because i hate that old clothing menu and this require a bit more touching i think let me let's make sure so let's do this yeah here we go so this is a brand this is a redesign a completely different uh clothing menu so let's just get into this one to download five and a five of my appearances this is what it's called so what we're going to do let's make sure all right remove the mean by say we get rid of the mean let's minimize this let's minimize that here's my folder let's put you over here and put you over here resources now first what we want to do is look for clothing you can back this up or delete it i'm gonna put it here okay we don't want that there let's put it in add-ons okay i seen add-ons actually make sure you add add-ons to your cfx you can do this one of both ways first your server cfg which is server scroll down we can make a let's do this let's say hash add-ons ensure space so it's the same name as the folder so everything within that folder will start or you don't have to add like each so let's say we had more than one script in the folder in the addons folder yeah let's say we have another script in here named like uh jack or some [ __ ] yeah normally what people would do they will get the name and then create a and then ensure it on the jack you know what i'm saying but because we already bracketed add-ons that means everything in that folder should start so we're not going to like ensure individual scripts everything is just going to start automatically and then we save done let's delete this so we don't have to like ensure 5 mm uh experience it's just there it will start by itself once the server restarts it will start but it will start it by itself okay so that's the clothing menu that's gone we're going to put we're placing this is a gun rack and i'm not interested in that i keep forgetting what i was supposed to be looking for illegal weapons city hall i'm not going to fool around that bunny pride month and now city hall no spawn selector uh do i care for that no no no oh i forgot i didn't look at a readme okay as i said look how to read me i always read the readme um okay set up delete qb clothing which i already did deletes up any tattoo shop resources from your server resources mm-hmm i think we can remove that as well yes uh let's find our tattoos let's find our qb tattoos it should be here do i not have tattoos i think i personally add that one okay yeah okay and it says set okay um premiere services deleter put set five rem appearance local english in your server cfg you don't gotta worry about that that's already set put ensure if i have any cfd we're not gonna do that because we already added it to our our add-ons folder which is fine if you want to use ace permissions blah blah blah then follow we're not going to use that saying ignore that delete the player table delete the table player outfit from we don't have to do that why because it's a new server it's a first server and all the actually we might have to we don't have to merge that's what i should have said because in here they'll apply the sql file located here to the database to have a new player outfit table created which we're going to do configure qb multi-character to follow corresponding guide version here blah blah blah there was something about merging connecticut okay yeah my great clothing we don't have to do that so let's go through this step by step let's just follow what they said we should do actually you should be over here this is what i said we should do so add-ons experience we need to remove the so open your heidi sql yeah click open then we're gonna go to player outfits so this is player outfits let's see what's in here skin model blah blah blah so we're gonna right click make sure it is the player outfits that you're dropping that's how you delete it so we're gonna drop right click draw done simple as that okay it says here delete the table player outfits which we did now their outfits apply the sql file located here so player outfits this is the sql is in the sql folder normally a lot of people don't put it in a folder it would be like just right here but as long as you're like reading and making sense of everything then you should be fine double click let's close this one so we don't have anything overlapping open so it's gonna create a new player outfit uh table for us right click hit run done if you don't see here just give it a a quick refresh what is there it's there so you don't have to worry about it hit that clip oh crap add-ons there we go done it's as simple as that we turn the skills on here we're not migrating anything no no no you can block this so all of these are if you want to find unit some more then you can go ahead and do that through the the uh what you might call it where did i set something over here i didn't did i uh okay there it is okay all right oh one more thing for those who don't know how to make or add themselves as admins let me show you how you do that real quick trying to make yourself an admin where is it uh gods here we go sqb core let me double check this one just to make sure even though i should be fine all right let me close out of that real quick pretty much let's add to this let's see this is this let me get this uh let's just double check to make sure that i will be doing this thing right ah here we go okay uh i'd be too bad okay all right swap over back okay i'll show you how to find these real quick gods let's see that's right there oh my foxy are you for real i didn't i didn't copy it oh my god i did not copy it no not that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's bad though okay boom boom let's make you bigger now in order to make yourself admin so whenever the server is like booted up you're always admin unless you're on the cfx but in order to make yourself admin this is how you do it you gotta set yourself you gotta give yourself the permissions and these are the god permissions okay so add principle identifier uh license we're using our steam license in order to find that real quick let me show you how you find your steam license there are many ways but in order to find it easy like straight off the bat on your cfx you go to i mean in your server go to players maximize you go to data there it is this is yours your license your steam license you can copy that the name it's like i have it here to identify your name i will i'll put this in the description as well so you can better understand how to do it and qb core got as simple as that okay let's just save that minimize that did we we get everything right who the hell is following me right now oh 17 noise okay never mind all right so that is that done done and done okay so this should be set they should be good to go it is simple as that that's how you add a i'm forgetting a script what else i said i was going to do something else i don't remember i needed a complicated script to add so you guys can see all right let's go through this multi-character the multi-character yes i do want to change this one looks different kind of looks the same but it looks uh i don't i don't know i don't think they want to character appear blah blah blah the multi-character is one of them that is not easy to something complicated to set up and personally i don't like the default one so this is why i'm looking for something else for you guys to just add where did i meant oh yeah i did i'm trying not to go too fast for you guys uh oh the lj inventory yeah yeah i will add that one in a sec i remember that now [Music] i might just cut out these little parts these little bits hard this such is a nice odd but we're not gonna do that right now oh my god what is what are they called again uh let's see if i can find it like this no no no oh [ __ ] uh not uh all right we'll leave that all for now if i if i find it i'll find it um let's look for right here on github let's look for let's look for uh lj infantry oh there we go just say okay as i said links will be provided for these in the description no problem so we're going to use this inventory just because i prefer it [Music] this is just a drag and drop file as well god damn it when you're looking for the difficult scripts to add it's so not it man so not it okay now i don't normally put lg's inventory in uh add-ons what i will do is come here inventory delete the default inventory drop and drop boom uh-huh i'll just make sure that this is running remember always run the the sql you want to always do that go back there then done okay wait i already did that what are you doing let's go over to read me one more time yeah dragon dropping that's it mm-hmm option to turn up blur okay okay all right there you go that's it that is done oh my god i wanna add something that is more complex let me see if i can find i need to find something that is a bit more complex oh that's resource support weapon drop oh here we go there it is okay oh my god let's see all right so let's get this download and we're gonna download the spawn the spawn selector as well okay actually let's see this parts let me see these forks let me see what it is mergable requests siri let's see this one two branches ahead michael oh youtube alright fine is whatever we'll stick with this uh all right goodbye jelly go away with that first one respawn let's open this one doesn't matter which one opens first delete that main qb spawn this one is this one should be pretty straight forward from the drag and drop you know that part isn't basically let's drag and drop we're changing the okay let's just back you up over here as well why is it oh okay i'll see what else okay so let's give me spawn um you can always change the colors for these the look of it but let's go again next is the multi-character delete mean always delete the dash mean our hyphen mean and let's go over this oh my god it's all the same i'm trying to find jesus christ are pretty much drag and drop oh keep the multi character just put you over here there boom oh my all right you know what let's get the fuel let's get lj's fuel what am i doing let's get lg's fuel real quick ah odd fuel here though oh they changed it okay oh yeah he's working with these guys now i forgot so it's ps fuel which reminds me i need to change these download and these are the installation guide on how to install it so this is a somewhat first copy that's different below okay so this is somewhat uh of a complicated one to saw but it's not that complicated so let's just go over this real quick uh where is the field again it's in standalone so legacy fuel you want to buy that up you don't really need to but because we're not going to use that i tall okay boom okay ps fuel that's why we're replacing lg's fuel with ps fuel what is in here here it is this should be the locations suv okay all right that is that uh back read me important [ __ ] this is what is important okay let's go psu don't fix it inspire this dependencies always make sure you have the dependencies most likely you do um project slot start installation will provide you with step by step [Music] uh step one go ahead and start by dragging and drop it in the ps view into your desired your designated resource folder if you still if you're still lost lottie has created a few gifts yeah we don't need gifts but there are gifts on here that will picture guides as to how to install these properly we're not going to use that we're going to stick to this way because not a lot of people give you visual representation of how to install the scripts so it's better you learn this way and then if and when you do hit a snag and if they provide visual representation you can go and get your references from there all right okay open your entire resource folder with visual studio code this is why we got visual studio just for this occasion okay uh or whichever program you use to replace all your existing export titles legacy field with ps field instead so what we're going to do copy the legacy field right here because that's the default every script that requires fuel needs the default fuel is always legacy fuel until uh cubic your implements ps fuel in their thing me who knows maybe they do maybe they won't but it will always be legacy field so what you're gonna do it's quite simple can i open okay so what you're to do is file uh open let's not let's not let's do new file no not new file my bad let's go here right click new window let's do it like that then head to file then open folder yeah go to your c drive let's bring this down head to uc drive hit your cube get your your server folder you can head to files then head to resources then select don't open it you can open it it doesn't matter but select folder okay what that will do so like i trust arter blah blah what that will do it will basically open every resource folder that you have um it will open every resource folder that you have while we're doing this let me show you why because we need to change the export for every fuel every everything that needs legacy fuel we're going to change that to ps field so how we're going to do that once you if you're following along all you have to do is click the search icon there legacy if you want to search for legacy field are we already copy the name so we just hit ctrl v to paste it then what we're going to do is simple we need to replace everything wait for if it's still searching you want to wait for it to completely search so you'll find everything that refers rigorous legacy fuel what you want to do let's put you over here can you go there yeah then we're going to replace with ps view yeah so copy ps fuel on in the replace section at the bottom we can control v our type name if you want to do it that way it will select it will show that okay legacy fuel is no more it's going to completely remove legacy fuel and replace it with ps fuel simple yeah you hit replace all replace all done it's as simple as that okay now that now that that's out of the way next thing we want to do first copy the snippet below and then navigate to your qb small resources client ignore okay this is a snippet we're going to copy this line of code here all the way down to end make sure you copy the brackets as well boom done copy that so qb small resources remember if you don't know where these are you can always search for them as long as you're searching within the folder you go qb small and there it is just right click open file location you know it is it's it's going to be in qb on the qb look for it can be smart no that's fun give me small resources okay we got that open now it says go to client the client-side folder sometimes these are not in a folder there will be like just there and it will say clan but this one is telling you you need to go to qb small resources over here then client okay then we're going to client then we're looking for ignore we're looking for the ignore lua so ignore lua would be right here so ignore this the type of the file type is lower source file so we're going to open that okay first copy and then navigate to your blah blah blah then paste the snippet over the existing line shown in the gift okay well i don't know why they did it like that but they did it like that so let's look at the gift [Music] there's the snippet shown by the gift okay let's play the gift are you doing about this though can i get bigger okay they could have just gave you a heading for the call but i'm pretty sure i know what it is so lua and we're looking for [Music] it's pretty much the same thing the line 63 that's where that so let's minimize that let's go to line 63 here we go so you want us to change what is trying to unarm the if i extinguish it or is it can okay anyways as i said you copy you see this this is a great function if this doesn't work we'll know why but just work with the readme whatever it says we'll work with this one i haven't used i always use the lj version so the ps1 is new to me so that's good as well so paste done hit save save it's as simple as that okay all right so now that's uh uh hold on a minute okay then place your snippet if weapon step three if weapon equal petroleum or our weapon name fire extinguisher copy the line navigate your qb inventory we have lg's inventory i think they probably change that to ps inventory from that paste you will be joking okay fire extinguisher equal weapon so let's search for this let's search for this we could always do it like this within the oh here we go let's search for this okay so it is in lg's inventory let's close that so there it is if you if you this is level this so you don't get confused close that so remember this is the the visual studio code that we open the window that we open to search all of our uh resources yeah and in the readme right here let's bring this back up step three we're looking for this line okay now we already know that this line is located in qb inventory client main okay this is it because we're not using qb inventory it's still a inventory and the coding is pretty much the same so this is lj's inventory client main okay and this is what we want to change okay all right um couple line navigation we will paste this in here visual studio search bar which as i said this is what we did we use our visual studio search bar to search for this line of code here okay uh if weapon equal after it takes you to the spot you need to copy the snippet and paste it over the line gift below all right let's look at the gif one more time i won't say one more time but yeah let's look at the gifts uh let's close you weapon so this is what they want us to copy with what point you call that facts and we shall copy that let's play the gift let's make it bigger not a lot of people i i think these are the only guys that i know use gifts like this so yeah be aware of that okay so he copied the snippet copy all of that but it's as simple as that it's done all right let's go back here so we already copied the snippet which is this this is the same thing so we need to get rid of what we're trying to do is remove the [Music] the what do you call it the gas can or the petroleum uh can stop it from being a weapon so it can't be used as a weapon if you're using it so we're going to paste that there fire extinguisher so only the fire extinguisher is a weapon so it doesn't read as a weapon and if you use it the cops won't be called on you okay all right next thing copy this let's go navigate to your weapon keep your weapon client main okay trigger weapon server all right this is one this is the one of the easiest ways to find it it literally tells you where to go you're looking for qb weapons client mean paste this into your visual studio bar okay normally you will have to find these folders yourselves and if i'm right let's find that folder not smart sources that's a cute bee so we'll be on a qb your qb resources and qb weapons that's how you will normally find it okay but i guess things are changing and this is how we're doing it's easier this way so you head to your qb main for qb main and paste the code so it wants you to copy the line navigator you're going to paste it in your visual studio okay so this i'm assuming is new because this is not a replacement yeah i don't think that one is a replacement that one is all new it's a copy code let's double check it did it didn't say to replace anything he just said to place it that mean okay i guess it is yeah so we'll have to replace so let's replace that one let's copy this trigger copy ctrl f paste oh we're right on the mark okay there you go and i found i forgot that's what i searched for it's going to your genius okay so basically here we go that and paste done control s remember to save these changes as you go as you make them i would say back up each file that you're editing i didn't do that because well i damn you soldered this [ __ ] already so it doesn't really matter okay after taking after you take you to the spot we need to copy the snippet and paste it over the lines yes we already did that yeah and that's about it so that is done now here's the thing i should explain to you a feature show our gas station and vehicle is blowing up run up transform in shared lua global tax fuel prices found in cheerleader close resembles no pixel animation while refueling vehicle target i for all actions menu estimated cost v could be in refuel tax included buy and refuel jerry can here you can can save the amount of fuel left while not equipped okay yeah it's pretty much let's look at the showcase here we see that got this one okay so kind of feel the vehicle simple all right there you have it no here's the thing let's close this readme we added the code we added it yeah ps fuel is now in our server right now just you know yeah in our server how do i want to see this card anyways it's there let's say you add a script that requires that has legacy fuel in it yeah for each group if it uses fuel you want to change the fuel to by default it should be legacy fuel so if you add a script you search a script for a legacy fuel yeah if it has legacy fuel you want to replace it with p s fuel remember that always replace it with ps user ps hyphen field simple as that and it's done no problem just replace it and your script should be working fine if if you miss this step and you're in the server let's restart the server actually and you're in the server if you miss this step and you're in the server and you added a script and the script is not you notice that there's an error if you flex your f8 and there's an error you it will tell you that okay it cannot if you if if there's still legacy fuel being run in that script it will tell you that it cannot find a resource legacy few so what you should do is what you should do is uh go in that very same script that you added and change change the resource from legacy fuel to ph view or depending on whatever field script you add i hope i'm making sense i really do okay there we go the server restarted let's go check out what we added was that captured my voice capture cursor oh sure i wasn't capturing my mouse and it was that damn you almost had a hard time that was my bad but anyways let's just get this okay so now as you can see and by the way this uh it comes with its own music in the thingy okay see so new uh car multi-character selection which is the one that i prefer you should love my character i don't know why it's not doing that i think i have an idea new spawn selection okay let's see if there's any errors see in function method a target model that should already be in there thank you but that's for lg inventory i should change it to ph inventory because i'm pretty sure that he got ph inventory all right let's go wait what the [ __ ] did i not add my tx admin all this is new all right so i guess this is our no clip all right so first off let's set them up already what the [ __ ] what kind of oh the chat changed uh if you haven't noticed that is different this is a weird clipping thing and there's the map all new oh on the clothing stores should be [Music] i'm so used to like hitting my page up i don't know what's going on my tx admin there you go where did i put this where are you located over here here we go clothing menu buy clothes okay you can zoom in rotate so i teach you it's right here i was facing the wrong way hold on stop that see if we can there you go so it's as simple as that rotation that you can even take up parts of your clothes well once we have that set up once we have that this is a pen anyways but yeah it's as simple as that so we change that we change the map let's check the fueling system actually let's uh do this i don't know why i'm still on a pad i didn't realize that changes from prepared to free meal it save but yeah all right let's go car t-20 if you ever notice that the borders are on your map is being weird you can't always i should fix it you said settings center okay i guess it's staying off that uh where is it it's it should be all right let's go to a gas station let's see how this [ __ ] works now there is if you don't turn the engines off there is a chance i'll keep it on let's see if i blow up there's a chance that your car might blow up refuel vehicle there you go refueling vehicle okay i think it's a one percent but i've seen that [ __ ] blown up like tons of times but yeah there you have it it's that simple we added our inventory oh i should show you that i didn't bring that up so the inventory the mod the map the fuel we change the chat box it's no more it's no longer big and ugly and bring up the inventory and this is lg's inventory you have the give option you have to use there is also a setting option you can untick so it doesn't blur the background and then all the information that you need to use i got right backspace shop i'm on yep and that's about it [Music] how do you go away go away sir thank you yeah and it's as simple as that but there you have it people i will be working on this i'll be adding more [ __ ] to this server as i go along as i said uh someone contracted me to build this so we'll get started we'll change up a lot of [ __ ] that you see here not a lot of not we it's mostly it's gonna be like a lot of paid scripts so on and so forth but yeah hospitals all of this will be changed because i don't like it wait is it you a guy should be right here or whatever all right do you have it by people my people yeah this error that we see with the lj's inventory i think we'll have to change the the uh to ps engine pa ps inventory and that should get it started but there you have it will be i will upload more video when i significantly add more stuff or while i'm doing so uh and when i'm adding more complicated scripts like uh more paid scripts so on and so forth that requires a lot more changes to be done i will do videos on those as well so until then people just leave a like comment your thoughts so on and so forth and we'll take it from there pc i'll see y'all next time you've got me
Channel: Djonluc
Views: 38,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5m, doj, doj rp, esx, fivem, fivem roleplay, fivem rp, framework, grandtherft auto, gta, gta fivem, how to add scripts to your fivem server, how to install fivem, how to make a qbcore fivem server, how to make qbcore server, nopixel, qbcore scripts, qbcoreframework, qbus, roleplay, roleplayserver, rp, scripts, server, vps
Id: Vl39Lbzok3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 28sec (5008 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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