QBCore - FREE Clothing Script | Illenium Appearance Install & Showcase | FiveM Tutorial 2023

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today I'm going to show you how to install a lennium appearance it's a free clothing script that replaces QB clothing and other clothing resources it has many features one being tattoo support you can check them all out in the documentation I'll leave a link to that and the resource in the description I hope you enjoyed the video click the link in the description that takes you to the resource before we get started make sure you have the dependencies installed the only one you should need to add add is oxlip so make sure you install it correctly then go over to the releases we'll download this version here once it's done open it up and open your server resources then drag it in once it's done go to your server CFT ensure the resource we're going to put it right under oib once you've done that click the link in the description that takes you to the documentation then go to the QB core installation we're looking for this code here so copy this go back to your server CFG and we'll add it here then hit file and save after you've done that go back to the installation guide and the next thing we to do is delete QB clothing or 5m appearance and any tattoo shop resources so go back to your resources go into the QB section find QB clothing and delete it we're also going to go to QB apartments and into the FX manifest and remove the QB clothing dependency then go to QB houses and do the same thing the next thing you need to do is delete the player outfits table from your database delete the player skins table as well only if you don't want to use the migration feature so open your database however you do and find player outfits right click and click drop next you to add the SQL files provided in the resource click the folder here to load the SQL file if it isn't there already go into the resource and into the SQL folder we'll start with this one so we'll open select yes and then execute and then we'll repeat the process next we need to make edits to the multi character resource so when you're at the installation guide go to the multi character section the supported resources are listed below I'm using the default so it'll be this one if you are using one of these just click it and it'll take you to the appropriate steps so we're going to copy this here then go to QB multi character server main Lua once you're there hit controll and F and then paste what you copied it'll take you here go back to the installation guide and copy this block of code here then highlight this and hit paste then hit file and save then go back to the guide and copy this here they're going back to QB multi character but enter the client and open the main. luo once you're in there do crlf again and paste what you copied then go back to the guide and copy this block of code here then highlight this section and paste then hit file and save the next step is the migration you need to be connected to your server for this so when you're at the installation guide go to the migration section go to QB core and then QB clothing we're going to copy this here then go into your server and paste what you copied then hit enter and once they're all done leave the server and restart it before I join the server again I'm going to briefly go over some options in the config the first section are the costs for each shop adjust to your liking then there's how players are charged for tattoos the amount set above is how much they get charged for one you can add specific cost for them by adding a cost section in the tattoos. Lua then you have compatibility for rcord tattoos if you aren't using that keep it set to false and keep you the next option false as well then you have the option to enable the Target or not by default you press e to access the clothing menu enabling the target spawns the P that you'll have to third ey instead the next section is for the text and notify locations then you have the length of outfit codes I won't be changing that the next options are for the radio menu to be used to access the clothing if you want to use ox's radio menu both options must be set to true then you have some pet options with the target enabled there will be a pet to third eye in the shops clothing rooms and player outfit rooms you can disable them if you want then you have the P menu options which is a command and who can access and use it that's followed by commands for job and gang outfits next there's the option to only show the nearest shop on the map and whether or not you want to have the mini map visible when players are in the menu and the delay for blips to update if you have it set to only show the near your shop then there's the option to prevent tracker removal this takes away the scarfs and chains category for players to have a tracker on below that is the clothing number for the tracker the next section is for new characters in the categories they see during character creation I'm going to skip to boss manage outfits this allows job and gang bosses to manage the outfits for their job or gang if you said it to True be sure to run the management outfit to SQL I showed how to do that earlier on in the video there's more information on that in the install guide after that is the reload skin cool down it's a command that refreshes the player's appearance adjust to your liking then there is an automatic fade option for hair and the option to use Ace permissions if you want to use them to Blacklist PS clothing or hair there's information on how to do that in the installation guide after that is the option to disable components or sections of the menu and options for the blips so how they look and what the label is then there's options for the Target and the pads in the shops you can change the model scenario so what they're doing the icon when you third eye them and the text next to the icon that's followed by the shops and their locations the clothing rooms for jobs player outfit rooms and the preset outfit for jobs if you have custom clothing you can change the numbers and adjust the grades here the last section in here is the initial player clothes they look like Danny's if you want them to look different or you have custom clothing you can change that here if you made any changes be sure to hit file and save then start your server and test it out okay so I'm back in the server and at one of the clothing shops so I'll go ahead and save this outfit then go and get it and buy clothing just change the jacket the pants and then we'll save and it took my money so I go back and change outfit go back to the one I saved that'll be all for this video that was brief there are more features obviously once you have install check it out and get comfortable with it this video helped you out and you enjoyed it please leave a like and a sub if you need help or have any suggestions feel free to comment down below or join my Discord link will be in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Kamaryn
Views: 21,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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