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hello guys welcome uh to another video um today I'm gonna show you guys how to add drugs into a server uh that that is not in the server um somebody requested it shout out to Ricky's ultimate gaming requested this video um so let's get right into it so today we going to put lean into the server we might put another drug just to show you guys the different set Like a Pill uh but let's do the lean first because um I'll just show you guys how to do add the animation and everything to it all right let's get right into it so today I'm going to be using again the win SCP uh I'm not gonna use the studio um it's more easier for me as I said in the last video um it's it's easier to read and it's easier to move unless you're doing anything with uh uh colors and stuff then you need the studio all right so let's start by going to uh small resources because that's where we have to put it in and then you go to let's put it in first so go to client and go to consumables and this is the new framework just to let you know so these are the drug effects right here so that's the crack Bay and oxy and all that stuff so what we're going to do is I'm going to create a drug effect for the lean sorry one so it won't be the same stamina or anything as the other ones you can sell it the way you want it all right so I have a preset on so I'm gonna show you guys how to get that done all right so what we're going to do is we're going to take the coke big effect you know I mean so you won't get we can code it in and everything but it's better just to copy and paste and then change things so make sure you got everything writing didn't miss any comments or anything so we're just going to take the coke bag effect I'm going to copy this and then gonna go right here two times tap and paste it right here so now we're going to change this to make a lean effect so instead of Coke baggy you're gonna call it lean effect and you don't want that much stamina for lean so let's we'll put that to like one um and it will keep the rest of the same all the math the stamina well you know don't change any of those stuff all right and we got this right here oh okay it's a ragdoll pad You're Gonna Keep that as is all right um I'm actually going to use this one local [ __ ] I'm going to use the crack bag effect because it's less so let's do this one let's copy this and just overwrite this okay real quick we just did come on Marcus yeah I got it all right so I'm gonna do that make some space okay so we're gonna call this lean effect all right and we're gonna keep the rest of the same so we're gonna put the stamina to one anything okay so so now we have set the uh lean effect so that's done so now we're gonna go down here and actually create the lean and the animation that we're going to put to it so again we'll take um let's see let's take the we'll take the crack bagging as an example take that copy all of it copy then you go down to the last one which is the last one is the joint all right join is the last drug and then begins to parachute so we're going to go right here two times six space and then all right so this is going to be your lean right here so because it's going to change things around so what we're going to do is consumable client instead of uh crack bag it's gonna be lean that's the spawn code for it so we're gonna keep it at no capitals consumables client lien and then this right here instead of um let me see so for the progress bar we're not going to use of course noting so what we're going to do is we're going to edit some stuff here so we're going to take this off and then right here instead of snorting the coke this is where the progress bar so we're just gonna do use underscore lean and then now we're going to take this off let's do another reality this off right here and then right here we're gonna quotation that's what's going to be written that's what's going to say on the progress bar itself so I have it in my server I sip it in this herb all right and put Sip and scissor and make sure you quotation marks and make sure the comma is right behind it and we're gonna do take this bracket off so this is how long the progress bar is going to take to for to say separate Reserve by recipient so now disable movement of course we're going to leave it false false false true of course you want to move while you're drinking it um but you you can't you know you don't want to be drinking and fighting at the same time so we're just gonna keep that on now we're gonna come to the animated dictation so um the enemy dick uh so this is smoking Mash so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get something um there's a website right here I'm Gonna Leave This in in the description so today what we're gonna do is since it's a cup in hand so we're gonna use this anime right here switch at Franklin Head cup hand so that's what we're gonna use so we're gonna copy that I'm gonna copy that we're gonna put it right here so now you got the Franklin hit a cup and then the animation itself all we gotta do is hit Cup in hand hit cup hand so you're going to keep this loop as it is you're just going to take this part right here hit cup on head underscore cup underscore hand and copy this and you replace it with the trash smoking method right here make sure you keep that Loop so it will keep you know a cup in his hand sipping uh the cup would not actually show up but it's an animation um Flex 49 we keep it as is um and then after this so it goes done stop ending with tasks so over here we're gonna have to put the same one in here the first one we just put here we put it down here paste it and then the smoking meth loop we're gonna do the same as here the second line copy that and replace it here we go so headcup Hand Loop and then right here consumable server you're gonna you do use lean we're gonna take this off we're gonna do use lean all right I put a capital l on this one uh so next one with the inventory just make sure you know I mean so let's keep your core uh the items so we want to put lean which is the spawn code for it we haven't created the lean yet but we will in a minute so right now we should we just um making the effect for the lean um and put that in a system so the share items is going to be lean and then every time you zip one it will remove it that's very important to do uh you have to trigger the event from the server side so I mean client side so we're gonna go there after we finish this um so now over here you can set the status you can set whatever you want here you can trigger event evidence set status white people so you get white peoples when you uh drink it um you can actually add like a stress relief uh you can add armor if you want to um so where to get that at is up here let me see uh agitated you can add this um so let's get some uh let's get the stress so you come up here you just basically just you know copy and paste so you can make sure you get all the spelling right and just take it from a different set um what is a drink okay let's see let's get the there we go this is the trig event for stress so what we're gonna do is we're going to copy this whole line right here and then once once you do that once you drink it will trigger the event for the QB HUD and it will leave the stress to a random to where you set it up right here so we're gonna copy this and go back down to the lean we created and then you put it right after this line right here you're going to set white pupils we can you can keep that or you can take it off it's up to you um so we're gonna keep it for now show you how it goes so we're gonna enter here make sure you put right here and here we go and Trigger event hot server release stress so we're gonna do this um let's do this like 15 . the 25 let's do 20. the 25 just you know I mean and then we'll get some stress and it'll we'll see if it takes it off so for the effect you don't need this one we ready we made one so you come back up here so we made it the only uh separate effect for it lean effect right here so you take this copy that come back down to lean right here and then we're going to take this off and replace it with the lean effect there we go so now you got the curve you got this here's lean my pupils okay and then make sure you replace this too so we're gonna do this replace if it does and then replace this like that there we go all right and there you have it so this is all right so like all of them says to cancel error let's go here all right so now we're gonna save this this is done so we're going to save this over here and then now we go on to the server consumables and now we have to create the lean here so we go down to drug and then what it says that so what we're going to do is we're going to take this copy that down here control V back up and then I'm gonna have to put link and then see where it says consumables client math so our E1 consumers client lean so we go back to all right all right right here it says right here Servo client lean that's what you want right here so take this off and write lean instead of the math right same thing and make sure if you put this capital yeah put this capital otherwise it won't be it won't give you removed when you use it all right so we're gonna save this two save it so now we are going to actually create the lean so you're gonna go to cubicor go to shared folder go to items let's go down to drugs you can put any way you want it just makes more sense to put it here so we're gonna copy the math and then we're gonna go underneath it paste it and we're gonna call this lean this is your respawn code for it for me labeled you can label it whatever you want I mean I'm just gonna keep it lean you can label it whatever you want that's what's going to show up in your inventory and then the image of course we make sure you have the right image for it so we're going to call it lean unique false usable true he keeps all that the same the description of it um being called it whatever let's call it uh cup of lean all right so that's created we're going to save this let me close that out so for the picture I'm gonna be using this picture right here is lean and we're going to go to uh QB inventory or whatever inventory you use HTML images and we're gonna copy this put it in here paste it all right now to make sure it's here right there I mean PNG so we have the picture so now all we gotta do is uh restart and let's see if it works um but before I do that we can create another one um a pill so you guys can uh so let's do um we can use this right here as Molly or something or let's do uh let me see what I got don't leave medical all right there you go tablets there we go all right so we can use any of those so let's see what else we got here um painkillers you can call it whatever we want just let me see I'm let's go with the other one we saw earlier we'll go with this and then we're gonna copy this put it on test desktop so we won't have to change the name right there so let's change the name let's call it uh uh we can call it anything let's call it Mali Mali PNG take this put it in here all right so let's see money right there all right so now we're gonna go back to cubicor shared items I'm gonna go back down to drugs all right and just exactly what we did with the lean just gonna put it and and copy paste it here copy it here and we called it Molly make sure you always get the spelling right just to make sure we did get it right to do the images look for Molly right there let's copy this just to make sure you get the spelling right paste paste label it's called Molly PNG Mali right there and and we can call it let's call it Molly for now you can call it whatever you like to call it for description so now we got lean Molly so we're going to save this and we're gonna bring the drug effect back up all right I'm gonna bring this back up and this is going to be a little easier because he's just going to the pill effect like this the MP suicide pill um ecstasy it's the same thing with the suicide pill so we're just gonna take this copy the Ecstasy copy and then go right underneath the link paste it here and then we're gonna change this to Mali use Mali Mali and make sure you do that yep of course kind of did a mistake right there use Molly Molly um that there's the pill ow shared items and then you can add a trigger right here to what you want the Mali to do for the effect you can add more effects to it so we're gonna go up here to where we did the uh for this XC effect we can actually keep the XC effect the same we have to create a Molly but you can if you want to um stamina is kind of you know if you want to change like the stamina and stuff you know I mean so we can actually keep it access effect um we can add more let me see if you wanna add some armor to it for a molly go back down here we just created the molly and then you can add a trigger event I actually have it here preset I'm gonna copy from here and then we are going to put it right here so the trigger event is you got to go to a QB ambulance shop and it's the server to set armor for the server and then we'll put armor 30. this trigger event and then we're gonna save this so everything is good the our money use money here's my let me save it now we have to go where exactly where we did the lean copy paste and you change that to Mali consumable client Marley you have right here you didn't use no capital copy that we're right here make sure everything is Right create money money lean lean all right we're good to go you want to save this it's done and now we are going to reset the server real quick well first I need to enable this because like I took the clothing pack off character looks kind of terrible all right so now we're gonna go restart the server we got the pictures in like I said I'm Gonna Leave the on the description for that and then so now let's restart all right so now it's restarting of course it's my Local Host okay make sure we saved everything okay all right it's a local server so it's going to take a minute to start I have a big clothing pack in there there we go foreign just takes a little while because it's a local server all right that's almost done so we can go ahead and put 5m all right let's go here all right let's see if everything works fine all right let's get in this last location okay let's make it daytime all right so let's spawn this so of course I'm id1 so we'll give item one lean let me get two of those see I got two leans and then we'll do Molly there we go so there we go we got lean we got molly so let's see I'm gonna drink the lean first all right there we go the animation works in the hand recipient's deserved just like we put it and let's see if you give me the effect there we go give you the white pupils of course you release your stress I just don't have any stress right now so let's see let's wait till this effect wears off and of course you give you a little stamina we didn't put as much okay so it wore off so now we are going to uh use the Mali there we go of course gonna do the consumables Mali in progress all right we can always change that so now it's just so you give you like the little the ecstasy effect because since we use the same one the shaking screen you can add uh more more to it we give you like a different effect nice screen Shake screen shake and [ __ ] all right all right so now um I know yeah I was asked to how to sell it so I use a script it's called Uh bring it out here um I use a selling script it's free I can do it I'm Gonna Leave the description below it's called CAD drug sales put in your script folder drug sale shared it does use poly zones if you know how to work with polyzons you can make more zones so this is Grove Street and there's Vinewood I added the beach it wasn't there so I added the uh poly zones for the beach section so now you can sell it on the beach at these points and these are the the different drugs you can sell in different locations so that's grocery Vinewood Farm Drive and beach so we're going to add those two items so let's do let's take two of those right there copy and then paste it right here and then we this one we're gonna do lean second one is going to be Molly and then we're gonna take those two copy and then we just paste it here instead of doing it again there we go here so now you can sell it in all these places right here save it and then you can actually I'm actually going to restart the resource for the uh I'm gonna restart it cat drug sale we started so now we're good to go to sell these drugs so I'm gonna spawn more in Mali so I'm gonna do 20 mollies and 20 links so here we go so I got 20 lean 22 lean 22 Molly so now we are going to that's the beach section I made right here okay so we just go up talk to them all right so let's see what he wants locals hate cops okay oh I think I have the police job of course um I should do something earlier with it all right so job one job list of mechanic all right so not much else difference mechanic hey man hey talk to him and of course Molly he wants 85 so accept the offer 85 for the molly there we go let's see if we can sell some lean and lean there we go he wants to lean for fifty dollars except that offer here we go so you sold lean he sold Molly and that's how you do it guys and you can always be creative with that progress bar to put whatever you want like I did Sip and scissor the Molly we didn't do anything to it you know anybody can always change it to where what you can have it to where you ever wanted to have it when when you use it since they're gonna cancel it and then you got the Lee the Mali we didn't do anything to it so it's just the same consumables Mali progress of course you can change that I kind of forgot to be honest to change it but it's a good thing I did so I can show you guys um that you know it will show up whatever you put over there so you can always change it to your liking all right so now that's it today so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and learn something and if you guys need any help you can always get on my Discord blade as part of Discord and there's a 5m support and you can guys can go let's go on there and I will help you as much as I can alright thank you have a good day
Channel: Bladesofsparta
Views: 11,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bladesofsparta, channel, mlo, gta5, fivem, theclubrp, howto, drugs, lean, molly, tutorial, create
Id: J27iF1yxtx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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