Q&A with Dr. Walter Veith: The Spirit of Prophecy (2021)

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happy sabbath and welcome to the sixth episode of the feel the pillar series with the word inspired i am your host denise mccurchin and i am joined by special guest dr walter veidt excuse me dr walter fight we learned that last time sisters stacy and brown brother robinson altino anthony ralph jonathan david archie and jonathan weeks and today we will be discussing the spirit of prophecy and answering questions like what is the spirit of prophecy what does it have to do with ellen white who is ellen white stay tuned as we answer these questions by the grace of god so please be generous with the word like share subscribe and comment and interact as we discuss this fundamental doctrine of seventh day adventism let's have a word of prayer dear lord we thank you for this privilege to worship you on your sabbath day dear father and to discuss the spirit of prophecy first we ask that you forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness speak to us today and anoint your manservant dr fight with your holy spirit and quicken him dear lord even as he answers the questions that we have please take control of this session and let hearts be blessed and watered and minds educated in jesus name amen today we are having a teacher a counselor and medical missionary mother and poet sister stacy anne bless us with another piece of peace i should say please welcome sister stacy ann brown happy sabbat everyone i hope you hear me loud and clear well this poem is called last days please pray for me as i bless you with this spoken word poetry what if it's not the way you thought it would be not the way you thought it would be but in actuality a thin line separating you from now and eternity when they forecast peace and safety and sunny blue sky then the son of man appear seated in his glory in the sky question would you still act the same polish ways you do today or would you spend more time to fast and pray who is that wise and faithful servant when the master cometh find him working winning souls for the kingdom ensuring that he himself is numbered with them and not the lost looking in trying to kill them watchmen why don't you wake up and blow your trumpets because an inexperienced one is standing by and if you fail to warn them then their blood will be upon your shoulders when they die this is a serious question for this last generation understanding where we are should wake us up from out of being complacent like the five wise virgins who had slumbered and slept if it had not been for the midnight cry they all would have been rejected but they made all effort to redeem the times which they once rejected and neglected you see these ten virgins are a representation of god's last day church as described in revelation chapter 12 and first verse all ten of them were claiming to know the truth yet five were wise and the other five the foolish group in 1844 we thought christ was at the door many sold their stores and vowed to sin no more but when the clock struck 12 and the lord delayed many walk no more with the lord that day but the midnight cry was sounding and in 1863 god's remnant church was founded watchmen why don't you wake up and blow your trumpets because an inexperienced one is standing by and if you fail to warn them then their blood will be upon your shoulders when they die but oh oh how the sentiments have changed in these last days how the scoffers have multiplied in the master's delay and like the dragon with many heads they hate the church's guts and desire nothing more than to grind it into dust so they infiltrate the sacrificial system and foundational doctrines are now being replaced by man-made wisdom no wonder the church is being lullabied to sleep bright lights are beginning to dim bright lights are beginning to cease and it's becoming too dark to see but through the gross darkness and spiritual decay god's true children will start to awake and through the turmoils and confusion all around you'll hear god's faithful watchmen make them midnight sound watchmen watch women why don't you wake up and blow your trumpets you know what i don't think you heard me watchmen watch women why don't you wake up and blow your trumpets because an inexperienced one is standing by and if you fail to warn them then their blood will be upon your shoulders when they die the time is now church so wake up wake up and watch me blow your trumpet now or we'll perish if you do not make your midnight cry watchmen blow your trumpet now or we will perish if you do not wait this sleeping church [Music] do you not know that the time it's now for you to make your midnight sound the time is now so wake up wake up because it's about to go down you got prophecy fulfilling right before your very faces follow the dotted line keep your eyes on the traces you got wolves and sheep clothes deceiving the foe people running to the church and the doors are closed you got church and state united by pope francis the just you wait i mean the jesuit you got the ecumenical movement saying they got a new revelation to unite the daughter churches with the mother of revelation seriously you think this is all happening accidentally i've been young and now i'm almost old seeing prophecy fulfilling the love of many wax cold in the churches and we should know better having a form of godliness that's what it says in paul's letter it's time to return to primitive godliness where speaking the straight truth the bible truth identifies the remnant from the rest not simply to profess but even the devil believes and that shoots fear through his chest you see when we come around the table right we come with a knife and a fork but when fighting this christian warfare we don't even spend time to hide god's words in our hearts with one hand we're holding on to the bible and with the next we're like hello to the other side amongst us it ought not to be so don't you know that being a friend of this world makes you one of god's foes it's time to to be resurrected in the newness of christ flee from sinning like joseph did part of his wife and put on the whole armor of god's righteousness by putting off this old man and this sinful flesh for the time for playing a fool has long been gone and how could we who knowing the truth continue to live in rome hold up do you hear that tick tock tick tick tock there is time for everything under the sun and time as we know it is about to be done probations closed destinies chose based on what we chose to exchange for our souls and a melody ricochets off the wind to me saying what would it profit to gain this whole world only to lose your soul lose your soul what would it profit to gain this whole world only to lose your soul lose your soul so please please please choose love and not hate choose good and not bad choose the gift and not the wages so when christ is coming you can see him in all of his glory hallelujah i'm not saying faces wow absolutely amazing we had spoken word with the word saying god bless you sister stacy and brown friends we are watchmen on that tower and we have to give the trumpet a certain sound jesus indeed is coming again and we have a work to do thank you for relaying it sister stacy and through that work of art that the lord put on your heart we will now be blessed once again with virtuoso piano pianist rather excuse me brother robinson altino and he'll be ministering a piece on his left hand he's right-handed so he'll be doing come thou found his arrangement of come thou found on his left hand and i wanted to share some things about him he is the husband of sister anna altino and the father of michael altino he's actually three years old and as you can imagine he loves the piano as well but altino graduated from manhattan school of music with a master's degree in classical music performance and he uses his gifts to bless others by ministering at churches he's actually the organist minister of music and youth director at youth choir director at the east new york seven-day adventist church which i attend and his brother and him brother nerve altino they host also concerts at carnegie hall lincoln center and merkin hall and they also run and manage the altino brothers's school of music where they give piano organ and voice lessons and i should also say that tomorrow brother altino will be celebrating his birthday but beyond all of these things brother altino is a very humble and spiritual man of god who studies bible prophecy and longs for our savior to return so please give brother altino a warm virtual welcome oh [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so do [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so hallelujah come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never see thing call for songs of loudest praise teach me ever to adore thee may i still thy goodness prove while the hope of endless glory fills my heart with joy and love brother robinson altino thank you for blessing us with your left hand arrangement of come thou found of every blessing we appreciate your ministration today now friends we are transitioning to the q and a segment of our program and we are joined by dr walter julius feit he is the husband of sinika fight and in terms of his academic and professional pursuits he received his phd in zoology and taught in the zoology and medical bioscience departments at the western cape university in south africa his life story includes transitioning from being a roman catholic to an atheist to a roman catholic and finally a seventh-day adventist christian he was the president of amazing discoveries ministries and is now the president of amazing discoveries ministries africa dr fight is renowned for his lectures on last day events the spirit of prophecy and health and he has hundreds of scholarly publications and has authored and co-authored at least four books additionally at the beginning of the covet 19 lockdown dr fight and martin smith started a what's off prof series and they upload content every thursday and i suggest that you all tune in and most recently dr fight started the why i speak in moments of crisis series all of which can be found on the amazing discoveries africa youtube channel so without further ado we welcome dr walter julius fight okay let me allow you to unmute ah sorry okay i think you should be able to there we go there we go well thank you for inviting me again i have a little bit of a cough so if i cough occasionally forgive me but uh i'm getting over it wow wow so thank you for joining us dr fight although you have a cough we really really appreciate your time we're not going to delay we're going to get right into the questions the first question has two parts what is the spirit of prophecy and then secondly how does it identify the remnant church well that's a very hot topic in the world isn't it and if you look at some of the web pages it'll make your my few hairs on my head rise up what is the spirit of prophecy the spirit of prophecy actually is the prophetic gift within the church throughout all the ages so god has placed within his church in whatever age we're talking about from the time of adam and eve right up to the last moments of earth's history he has placed the prophetic gift in other words he has spoken to his church through prophets keeping them on the straight and narrow giving them information and light upon his word and it is a special gift and in very special circumstances you have sometimes more of it and in other circumstances you have less of it and in some circumstances you have none of it so there's a certain rule which says to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them so in periods when people are turning their back on obedience to god and the law of god then prophecy was something that faded into the background now when god started the christian church prophecy played a very very important part and of course the ultimate prophet of prophets is god himself and jesus was the one who set the tone and after he departed to build the fledgling church and to strengthen the fledgling church there were prophets many of them some of them were women some of them were men paul was of course a very prominent prophet the disciples and john were prophets others were more historians and like luke for example and through the christian era god used this gift of prophecy and he put it down in his word now this gift is not something that is to disappear in the church and the the last church on earth is very specifically noted to have the spirit of prophecy in other words this prophetic gift will again be restored in the last moments of earth's history because god is not going to end world's history with a whimper but with a loud cry and for that there was the necessity of placing within the remnant the spirit of prophecy to guide a church in the final message to humanity and we find that manifested in our time within the confines of the seventh-day adventist church in the writings of ellen g white amen thank you dr fight right so we know now that the spirit of prophecy it's the prophetic word that god has given to his people throughout the ages and that god's people can be identified by that same spirit of prophecy because in revelation 14 verse 12 we are told that they have that well the faith of jesus and in revelation 12 17 they have the testimony of jesus which revelation 19 10 tells us is the spirit of prophecy and as you said dr fight we see it in the writings of ellen white thank you so our next question asks for you to expound more on who ellen gold white is and what her relationship is to the spirit of prophecy did she come in the spirit of elijah as uh alluded to in matthew 4 excuse me malachi 4 verses 5 and 6. well there was a great awakening in the united states of america around the 1800s the early 1800s and there were many preachers that were preaching that christ was going to come again and many of these preachers were millennialists in other words they believed that the kingdom of god would be set up here on earth and that christ would come and reign on this earth during the millennium one of the preachers william miller he was a pre-millennialist in other words he preached that the coming of christ would take place before the millennium and this started a movement a great movement within the broader circle of the great awakening where specifically the prophecies of daniel were used to show that the coming of christ was prophetically close and he particularly emphasized the 2300 day prophecy and this started a movement which eventually led to many people expecting the coming of christ in 1843 and then later because they realized that they calc made a calculation error by leaving out the year zero they came to the conclusion that he would come in 1844 and of course that time came and that time went and there was a great disappointment now that's just a very brief summary but there were some people that studied the bible and realized that the prophecy was not at fault because it is so absolutely clear the prophecy of the 2 300 days is not a prophecy just dealing with the end of that time period but it has so many compartments to it which make it rock solid for example the exact time when the messiah would start his ministry on earth what would happen to the messiah how much time there was for the jewish people to accept the messiah and all of these issues so accurately portrayed in that prophecy that the prophecy could not have been at fault and they studied the scriptures and refused to accept that their calculation was wrong it must have been the interpretation and this was a very important movement because all the hangers on that were waiting for the coming of christ that were not really convicted but were motivated out of other things such as fear or whatever they disappeared like mist before the morning sun and this dedicated group went back to studying the scripture and it must be emphasized that this group consisted of people from all the denominations so this was not a group of seventh-day adventists in fact the seventh day was not an issue even at that time but then they discovered in the prophecy that the issue of the sanctuary had not been understood and once that had been understood that the cleansing of the sanctuary did not pertain to the earth but to the ministry of christ which according to the book of hebrews was foreshadowed by the ceremonial system that the ministry of christ was actually a sanctuary orientated ministry and out of that recognition the prophecies came to light they were based on the bible and the bible alone and during this period when this great scriptural search was carrying on god called prophets to bring light to this p these people that were studying the bible and there were particularly three that were involved it was william foy hazen foss and then ellen g white and in succession now hazenfoss was reluctant to spread the message because he thought that it wouldn't be accepted from him because at that time in the united states and it seems that that trouble hasn't gone away there was a lot of uh racial discrimination and he not being a white person thought that the message would not be accepted from him but it's amazing to me that god gave this man visions and it shows something about the character of god when he did not proceed with presenting the visions they came to hasten from houston to um to hazen foss and he also refused to give the messages and eventually a young girl by the name of ellen harmon she was just 17 years old received visions and it is amazing that hazen went up to her and said the visions that i had have been given to you because i refused to give the money he asked her to be faithful and to continue to do the work now she was really the weakest of the week because she had received an injury when she was a young girl and she only had three years of education and could no longer attend a school after that because of her disability when a stone had struck her and she received these visions and she didn't understand them at that stage but she related them to this group of people that were studying the scriptures and so the spirit of prophecy was born with all its manifestations and the interesting thing is even the physical manifestations that are described in the bible as pertaining to how the prophet daniel for example went into vision pertained exactly to her as well this was not done in a corner this was done in public places with hundreds and hundreds of witnesses for example she received the visions and she would fall down the weak be strengthened get up and relate the visions but she wasn't able to breathe there was no breath in her and medical doctors examined her and this is exactly how the bible describes that it should be but the test of a prophet comes in what that prophet says whether that is in harmony with scripture and does that prophet live a life in harmony with scripture does that profit what what is said by the prophet does that come true and there are all of these tests in the bible and ellen white actually fulfilled every single one of those criteria so the gift of prophecy as we know it today we find it in the writings of ellen g white and she has to be tested by those biblical criteria is what she says in harmony with the word of god is probably the defining criterium and that is something that everybody has to decide for themselves so the proof of the pudding is in the eating there is too much hearsay regarding ellen g white we have to actually study and read it for ourselves and then ask ourselves the question did the scripture become enlightened did it explode when we read when we read those writings or is the scripture being marginalized and therein lies the test and i believe and i've come to the conclusion that the spirit of prophecy is indeed the manifestation that god spoke about for the last days amen amen thank you for giving us that overview of history dr fight and letting us know that ellen white wasn't even the first person that god was giving visions to he started with a black man and then another um and after they did not you know go through with the word of god god used us a 17 year old young woman not even a legal adult you know god will use the least expected to do the least expected and god is able to use us once we are willing and so we see god yes dr fight yes it's fascinating that he will use here in this case the weakest of the week she was young she had infirmities she couldn't write her hand was trembling it was partly lame three years of education and her writings are so profound that one stands astounded and as one of my friends said he's glad she only had three years of education because if she had any more he might not understand her anymore so true you know even reading her writings i learned so many vocabulary words i'm like wow it's almost surreal that she only had you know three years of of formal education dr fight someone is asking if we could put in the chat the names of the two individuals that you mentioned before can you just say it out loud again please hasten fuss and william foy william foy was first and then heisman for us thank you so much thank you so much all right so i'm going to transition uh to allowing brother anthony ralph to ask the next set of questions um and friends we we see some questions are coming in thank you for that we'll be doing a q a taking questions from the audience um as well so feel free to put your questions in the comments section of the platform that you're watching on all right thank you very much sister denisha welcome uh dr fade again to our meeting this question is a very interesting question um the reason is this is a question that many people uh have controversies about and and it has aroused a lot of grievances in the church and the question is this are the writings of ellen white on the same level as the bible are the question are the writings of ellen white on the same level as the bible and the second part of that question is do they form the doctrine of seventh-day adventists well that is very plain because she herself says we have no creed but the bible now the bible is the ultimate greater light the bible is the one whereby all standards of doctrine and behavior needs to be measured so the spirit of prophecy can place a light on the greater light so it is a lesser light giving emphasis to certain portion of scriptures and making them come alive that's basically what it does it doesn't replace the word of god it doesn't uh expand upon the word of god other than placing more light at the expose or to expose more light out of the words of the bible so if people had studied the bible and stepped strictly to the bible and the bible alone and what it says then there would have been no need for a spirit of prophecy so in other words what the spirit of prophecy does is to say very plainly what some people obscure regarding the word of god and the question of inspiration now that is a very very controversial question there is the position that she has the same inspiration as the biblical prophets but some within our ranks would say that she doesn't have the same authority now that is a bit of an oxymoron because if you're going to have the same inspiration then surely the the measure of authority is part of the package wouldn't you say because inspiration without authority really becomes meaningless if god is speaking through an individual then that is the voice of god so does the voice of god have less authority in some people than in other people and the answer to that must obviously be no right so as far as i am concerned she is authoritative and there are many people that will try to water down that authority there are people in the world that believe that inspiration has to be verbal in other words god dictates to a person what that person has to say god doesn't work like that you can study your bible he has never operated like that in any shape or form because god created us with a mind and with freedom of choice and he will never circumvent our cognitive capacity he will never coerce he will never force so what the prophets envisioned and what they saw they wrote down in their own words according to the best capacity that they had and this is how we must read ellen g white now some will say you know that she had helpers or some will say that she read many many books and copied some things that people had written well if you go back into the bible you will find that the biblical prophets and the biblical writers also had helpers didn't paul have a scribe who wrote down things for him didn't the prophet jeremiah have a scribe who wrote down things for him and when the king tore up the letters or the then he would be instructed to write them again so right throughout the biblical times there were helpers some people will say well some people provided information like for example she would ask for specific dates for when things took place or specific references and some people helped with these things so isn't that something that happened in biblical times as well when luke recorded for example what paul was doing and what paul was saying was only paul inspired and luke not inspired so you would say that the writings of luke cannot be considered as inspired because he wasn't actually there when it happened or he's reporting what paul said and not paul stating it himself so all of these arguments make no sense if you look at how the scriptures came about and the same with the spirit of prophecy the ideas the concepts were written down by her and how they have been compiled with the help of others has nothing to do with that as long as the concepts and the writings are what god showed her in vision and is that which he showed her in harmony with the word of god that is the question so as far as i am concerned the writings of ellen g white are authoritative but always subject to scripture thank you very much uh doctor and it's very interesting because we know that um that the holy spirit which uh inspired lng white is the same holy spirit which inspired paul and the other prophets and and writers of the bible so that's very interesting the fourth question is what is the 2300 day prophecy what is its significance well as i said in my introductory remarks the 23 hundred day prophecy is the prophecy that we find in the book of daniel now the book of daniel is one that was very very important to the reformation and it's very interesting that martin luther he decided that when he started to translate the old testament that the very first book that he would translate because the people needed it was the book of daniel it didn't start with the book of genesis as would be normal he started with the book of daniel because the people needed it and the book of daniel paid played a pivotal role in the reformation the study of daniel chapter 7 well all of the chapters in daniel but particularly daniel chapter 7 which gives such a detailed description of the little horn power that would arise out of the fourth kingdom which is the divided roman empire that this power was indeed the papal system and this led to that rift in christianity which today is termed the protestant reformation and it's a very apt name because they protested against the power that had taken to itself prerogatives that belong to christ alone now those prophecies of course continue to the end of time and they formed the key to the book of revelation now people said that the book of revelation is a closed book i'm going around about this now but we're getting there the book of revelation is a closed book but the reformers proved that it was not a closed book they didn't understand it all but that which was relevant for their time they understood so for example revelation chapter 13 the first beast of revelation all the reformers were very clear upon this point that the criteria in that book match those of the little horn and they proceeded up to the point where they could but there are prophecies in the book of daniel which they could not comprehend because the bible actually says in the book of daniel regarding these prophecies that they were sealed until the end times and the prophecy that is sealed is the 2300 day prophecy in other words it couldn't be fully understood until you get to the end times not the end of time the end times and that period again is defined in daniel chapter 12 as the end of the 1260 day period in other words the period of papal supremacy when that period came to an end then these prophecies would start to be unraveled so after that magical date 1798 when that period of papal dominance came to an end there was this excitement this new excitement about the book of daniel which grew worldwide and out of that movement eventually we get the millerite movement which started to make very specific claims as to what the 2300 day prophecy was all about and they concluded that it ended with the coming of christ but as i said before their conclusion was incorrect it actually pertained to the cleansing of the sanctuary and for that you needed to understand other portions of the bible the leftistical system the sanctuary message and this had to be understood before those prophecies could be expounded and this is where this remnant church comes in god will not give a revelation and only allow us to understand a portion of it throughout history the portions of prophecies that pertain to the future were not understood by the prophets of the time they had a look into the future but didn't understand what it was all about those prophecies were understood when they were fulfilled and so you have a portion in the bible which was not understood until this close of or this time period which is called the end times now in the book of revelation you don't only have chapter 13 you have chapters 14 right up till the end of the book of revelation and in chapter 14 there is a list of a very specific message that must be given to the world it's called the three angels messages and that would only be available after the unsealing of a specific prophecy we read that in revelation chapter 10 where a little book is closed or sealed in the hand and has to be unsealed and that was the 2300 day prophecy and when that had been unsealed and when the sanctuary message started to become clearer that is when the end time message the three angels messages could be presented to the world now you have to ask yourself a question if there is a very specific message that is to be given to the world with a loud voice then is there a church in the world today that actually gives that message and you can search high and low my brother and my sisters you can search the world from the east to the west from the north to the south you will find only one organization that arises at the right time as the consequence of the unsealing of a prophecy in the book of daniel and that preaches the three angels messages and that is the seventh-day adventist church whether we like it or not that is one of the signs that this church has a very specific prophetic message so without the 2300 day prophecy we wouldn't have a time frame when these messages would be going into the world and since exactly according to that prophetic timetable these messages went into the world we must be able to understand who the remnant is that is preaching that message by the way that's why i am a seventh-day adventist because if you start understanding the three angels messages then you must also know that it is coupled to an organization that is preaching that message so the first message says what it says there must be an everlasting gospel and you must worship him who made the heavens the earth the sea and the springs of water and you must give glory to him now i was an evolutionist and where do you find that clause the heavens the earth the sea and the springs of water you find it in the heart of the fourth commandment right and god is calling his people back to obedience so all of these issues together became very important and then of course babylon has fallen who's babylon you have to understand the bible and the babylonian system and the system of worship to understand antitypical babylon when the same criteria of a works orientated religion will be manifested in the world and against that you have the protestant preaching of righteousness by faith and obedience to god not as a means to of salvation but as a consequence and then the whole plan of salvation starts making sense so the 2 300 day prophecy is pivotal to understand end time events amen thank you very much there is one point you may that want to reiterate and that is that the the revelation the very name is the revelation of jesus christ which means it's a revealing of god's character so so that the book can be understood all we need to do is to pray to the same holy spirit which actuated lng white and the the prophets and we will understand god's word right so the fifth question what is the midnight cry now this is a very important question i want you to go ahead and clarify this one first what is the midnight crime well the midnight cry is something that took place when the great prophetic timeline in daniel was unsealed the bridegroom cometh that is the midnight cry and that cry was given in a clarion cry by the mellorite movement and it woke up the sleeping saints or some of them so uh it is it is so closely linked with the 2300 day prophecy that you cannot separate it from it and that time period didn't mean that christ was coming at that stage but the call went out the bridegroom cometh and then there was the searching of the scriptures and those that followed the promptings of the holy spirit that had oil in their lamp were ready to follow christ not to go to heaven but to follow him by faith into the sanctuary into the most holy place where the law became prominent that is where the ark of the covenant is so when you read the book of revelation the first portions of the book you find that christ is ministering in the holy place you see him walking amongst the candlesticks but as you progress through the time period and you get to that period when this great cry is given to the world the midnight cry the bridegroom cometh then you follow him into the most holy place the law becomes prominent the mark of the beast becomes prominent the authority of god the everlasting gospel all of these become prominent so a great awakening that embodies all the principles that the reformation uncut again from the darkness of the middle ages and adds to it the dimension of obedience and the day of atonement in which we are living now which by the way has other aspects attached to it when you look at the typical day of atonement it was a day of affliction it was a day when you ate differently from other days where you took very special cognitives of your relationship with god whether it was in a right state and all of these issues pertain to us in the time that we are living in so this remnant not only has a prophetic message it not only has the message of the coming of christ and the heralding of christ's coming but it also has a health message associated with that a right arm of the message okay thank you very much dr faith for answering those questions and i am i'm very glad you clarified that because we know that that's a very important part of seven day adventists that's that's when we all started in our movement and thank you very much again for clarifying that for us now we go back to sister denisha as she wrapped up the questions thank you thank you thank you brother ralph for asking those questions in dr fight for delivering once again through the power of the holy spirit we have two more questions that have been written out here and the first one is how do we discern true and false prophets well i wrote a book many years ago which is called truth matters and in it i have a chapter called god's guiding gift and basically it's a very simple bible study and if i look at the criteria as written in the book at that time i say a true prophet's message will be in complete harmony with the word of god and the law of god and i've quoted that verse before right to the law and to the testimony it's interesting that the testimony was always what the prophetic writers wrote down the law was the torah the books that moses had written and every prophet thereafter had to be in harmony with the torah with the books of moses and the next prophet had to be in harmony with those and the previous prophet etc all the way down the line right to the end of time the second criterium is the true prophet's predictions must come to pass the bible says quite clearly that if a prophet speaks presumptuously then you do not have to fear him there are a couple of things you have to watch out there some prophecies are conditional like jonah's prophecy of the destruction of nineveh that was a conditional prophecy if they it then of course that destruction would not take place so generally speaking when a prophet predicts something then that must come true now if you take the prophet daniel for example that describes all the kingdoms on the earth how they would arise one after the other then it is mind-boggling how accurate these prophecies actually are and the third criterium is a true prophet prophesies to edify the church now this is a very important thing god gives prophets to lead his church in the right direction it's not there for the entertainment of the world and so some of the prophets they would rebuke kings uh john the baptist was not shy to rebuke kings and to rebuke priests and prelates so a true prophet will edify the church lead it in the right direction through the prophetic word take it back to scripture but we'll also sometimes rebuke what is wrong within the church and we find that in the writings of ellen g white and a true prophet will exalt christ as the son of god and the savior of mankind if you look at scriptures you will see that jesus says that when he the holy spirit will come he will testify of me in other words he will make christ prominent if a prophet does not make christ profit prominent then that is not a prophet and if you want to read some of the most sublime writings on the prominence of christ then i think you will find them in the spirit of prophecy there are some amazing statements some amazing quotes and the beauty of some of these quotes he was treated like i deserve so that i can be treated like he deserves they're written in a chiastic structure just like the bible prophets used to write so did she exalt jesus christ well just read the book desire of ages and you will come to the conclusion that she absolutely did the next criterium is a true prophet will bear good fruit in other words a true prophet will not be in it for his own engrantizement he will not be in it for financial gain in fact most of the prophets were mistreated maligned mocked and in many cases killed for what they were doing and if you want to know one of the prophets of our time that is very much maligned then it is ellen g white i always like to compare the exaltation of ellen g white with the exaltation of prophets like alice bailey for example or madame blavatsky and i see that the kings of the world love to incorporate their thinking and they're not so keen to incorporate those of ellen g white so that is a criterion that is very interesting to me and then of course the physical manifestations when a a true prophet is in vision then the prophet's eyes will be open now most so-called prophets prophesy with their eyes closed but this prophet will be with eyes open and ellen white had that manifestation she didn't blink when she was in in in a vision and in vision the prophet will have no breath in him or her and no strength of their own but they will be strengthened by god so they will fall down weak they will be raised up and strengthened by god they have their eyes wide open during the vision but they do not breathe even though they speak now all of those criteria come together in ellen g white so as far as i'm concerned she is a prophet of god not based merely on these criteria but on reading what she wrote and the light that it throws on scripture and makes scripture come alive and explains where we are in the stream of time if our church would cherish these writings and read them then we would be an undivided church if you neglect them you become a divided church and so it was in ancient times and so it will be in our time so true so true dr fight we have to be in one accord it looked like he wanted to say something there no okay great amen but you know since you're on that note sister cheryl mike has asked a question uh she she has acts in matthew 24 verses 34 excuse me 36 to 30 to 44 our lord and savior says that no one will know the time of his coming so how did ellen g white um in her first vision or one of her visions that god in one of her visions say that god told her when christ was coming she says i know god is not a god of confusion nor does he lie so could you explain that vision did she misinterpret what she saw what she heard and saw or was it something else she made it very very clear that there will be no exact time when we could say that christ is coming that does not mean that we do not have the signs of his coming or no when it is near even at the door the bible says that he will come as a thief in the night to those who are not prepared but then it continues to say it is not so with you that you should be caught as a thief in the night that he will come to you as a thief in the night so we can study the scriptures we can look at the unfolding events in the world we can look at the signs of the times and we can discern that it is near even at the door and we are not time driven we are event driven so there are certain prophetic criteria which need to be fulfilled and people say you know this is not going to happen but let me tell you that it will happen because if you look at the great controversy between christ and satan it has always been about obedience and it has always been about the basis of the government of god which is encapsulated in his law and the the key note of what the devil stands for is do what thou wilt is the whole of the law and the key note of the bible is if you love me keep my commandments and those two will come into opposition and will clash so if we want to know when christ will return the bible says they have made void thy law it is time for thee to act so god will intervene in the affairs of men when they make void his law now if we look at the laws of the nations today and we look at the laws as promulgated even by a body that stands as a united nations body there are certain things that are being expected of humanity today that are in obvious violation of god's law and which law deals with the authority of god the fourth commandment the fourth commandment deals with his authority it is the commandment that gives authority to the entire decalogue because you are his by creation and you are his bike redemption therefore he commanded you to keep the sabbath day remember the sabbath day to keep it hopely in six days the lord made there is the seal of god there is the seal of authority so the very last thing if you want to make void the law of god is to attack the seal of god which is found in the fourth commandment and as we look at the world today and we see the attack on the seventh-day sabbath and the transference of the solemnities to the first day of the week that is a direct attack on the authority of god and when that is fulfilled then then the law will have been made void in its entirety human rights actually negates god's law so we have certain criteria where human rights for example says you will honor all gods equally it does not say that you must keep to one god i am the lord your god and you shall have no other gods before me no you must recognize the deities of all religions as equal and we can go through all the law and see that but when they start attacking the fourth commandment which the world is doing at this very time and you can read it in lada to see if you do not believe this in the encyclicals of the present pope then you must understand that the time for the coming of christ is very near so ellen white never ever made a date she saw the event but she didn't have a time and she clearly stated that that will be announced by the father it is his right to announce the time of christ's coming amen amen thank you dr fight and you know we actually addressed a similar question um in the q a with elder skeet on the second coming so i'll put that link in the chat in terms of you know persons wondering does is it true that jesus doesn't know when he's coming but it's the father's as he said to reveal to announce it and to make it known to us um so thank you for that doctor fight i i also spoke on that issue and there were some that took exception to what i said but in the book of uh the desire of ages she plainly states in that book that christ was not at liberty to announce the time because that is the prerogative of the father that is what the custom was that the father would announce the coming of the bridegroom and not the bridegroom himself amen amen you know dr fight i had another question but there are just so many questions in the chat and i know we are already over time so i i don't want to you know expend too much of your time but i'll ask this one question here it sees how do seventh-day adventist christians make sense of the great reset in regards to the prophecies of this time well what is the great reset really all about the great reset is to set up a a system economically spiritually in other words encompassing every aspect of humanity that is going to be in harmony with the social teaching of the roman catholic church that is basically what the great reset is all about in fact the great reset is nothing new it is written in the encyclicals of the popes uh even from the times before vatican ii took place you can look at the encyclical novarum for example the encyclicals that came out of the out of the second vatican council you can look at the encyclicals of the present pope where he talks about fraternity and all of these issues that must take place but if you look at them in detail you will see that the this great reset is setting up the kingdom on this earth now we are not looking for a kingdom on this earth we are looking for a better kingdom jesus said my kingdom is not of this earth so if you if you want to go along with the great reset then that is the age-old millennial rule belief of the roman catholic church where the world will be ruled according to its values and not according to the values of the scriptures the great reset is as far removed from the biblical model as the east is from the west amen amen thank you dr fight the next question that we have here is does the bible speak to another prophet in the end times or not i find no evidence that there will be another prophet i believe people will individually be stone many things that they can do or should do but they will not be prophets in the sense of the biblical prophets or in the sense of ellen g white in the writings of ellen g white we will find everything that the church needs to take it through to the final moments of this earth's history i am not looking for another prophet i'm not saying there won't be one but if you study what god has already revealed then you are fully armed for what is coming and there is no need for another prophet amen amen now we had some questions here that came up on the sabbath as well friends we see your questions but we also did a q a with elder skeet on the sabbath so i'll put that link in the chat as well many of the questions you have in regards to that we have answered um okay so this question has come from christian doc and he's asked if you can explain how sister white is not saying that eating meat is a sin i guess this is in regards to her writings on health yes well she states that eating meat is not a test of fellowship if you go to the bible there is no statement in the bible that the eating of meat is a sin but there is no doubt that god wanted to lead his people away from flesh meat if you take the story of the exodus he put them on a diet which excluded the flesh of animals but they craved it and so god gave into their craving and then he removed it again and they craved it again and this time the reaction was a little bit more drastic and it came to the point that while the flesh was still between their teeth god sent a leanness into the soul in other words their leanness into the soul means a loss of discernment between what is right and what is wrong we know that from a purely health perspective the eating of flesh meat and animal protein is uh detrimental to health it leads to many debilitating diseases and the original diet as we saw it in the garden of eden is the best diet for humanity i give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree with fruit in it that shall be yours for food and when sin came into the world and climate started changing and trees didn't bear once a month anymore he added the plants of the field the vegetables so fruits grains nuts seeds vegetables is all that man requires to live a healthy lifestyle and the nations in the world that live according to that lifestyle i have the greatest longevity and the least number of degenerative diseases in the world so again the proof of the pudding is in the eating now i used to be a carnivore to me chicken was a vegetable and steak was was a meal and it was quite a turnaround for me to become a vegetarian and then to be a plant-based vegetarian in its entirety and i have been that for 35 years now and i can say that i have never looked back and i cannot even imagine going back to a lifestyle that was even remotely similar to what it used to be and to god be the glory amen amen so christian i hope your question has been answered and brother anthony i see that you have raised your hand so i will allow you to ask your question so friends if you have a question that you would like to ask just raise your hand using the raise your hand feature and we'll allow you to ask your question thank you very much sister denise so there was a question that was direct directed to me while i was asking um dr freda questions and it and it is we all have fun believers as friends and and so on what books of lng white we can recommend to them to study in order for them to to be brought closer to god even to um become proselytes in in the faith you know it's always a very difficult question what should we give someone to read because every person is different now for some they need the gentle touch for some they need the truth straight and unadulterated how do you how do you create confidence uh the little book steps to christ is probably one of the most brilliant books ever written and the chapters on the righteousness of christ are absolutely magnificent you know what when i got that little book it it did nothing for me in the beginning i wasn't on that spiritual level so for me you had to give me the great controversy to shake me up and then that wasn't the first book i read actually the first book i ever read of hers was the desire of ages and that explained or not really explained but brought jesus to life for me and my relationship with him was totally changed thereafter so the great books that need to be handed out that you can start with are steps steps to christ the great controversy and the desire of ages those three but i know people that got hold of ministry of healing and that changed their lives and other people got hold of councils and diets of foods and that changed their lives so you can never ever say but the three the three great ones that i would say are desire of ages great controversy and steps to christ there's another book that to me was probably the most eye-opening book that i've ever read in my life and that's patriarchs and prophets because it it it made the old testament come alive and it showed me the typologies and how those stories that are for some people dead history actually came alive and pertained to the time that i was living in and to the realities that surround us now so if you really want to understand and unlock the secrets of the old testament then patriarchs and prophets is one of the greatest books that has ever been written amen amen thank you oh yes you can go ahead dr fight i'm done are you done okay great great great thank you so friends you have you have these books that you oh erwin hill the one that acts this question is saying to tell you thanks uh tell well he said tell you many thanks dr fight from erwin hill who asked a question about what book um should be used i see two persons have raised their hands i saw on draw you raise your hand first and then moto g stylus is this brother roger thomas not sure but on draw we'll allow you we'll unmute you and ask you so mute and you can ask your question hey thank you for this platform thank you for the work you guys are doing and thank you dr vape for being here um um i wanted to know uh when it comes to the book the great controversy reading through this book do you believe that this book is um um the the the message of this book um should not be taken literally for our time or do you think that a lot of it was was do you believe that a lot of it was around the 1800s they are not necessarily important for our times or do you believe that a lot of it is repeating today or it's important it's as relative or as relevant as today as when it was written well there are many people that want to say that it was written for her time prophecy is conditional that it doesn't really apply to to us it's a 19th century book and it should stay there uh i believe that is as far removed from the truth as the north is from the south i believe that the great controversy is playing out exactly as it is written and if you you do a study of the events unfolding in the world today then that which is written in the gate controversy is exactly what we are seeing happening in the world today so i believe that it is for our time more so than for any other but it takes us in a sweep through history and uh through the periods of the reformation and to the final reformation and the issues of the final reformation and they are exactly what she says they will be and i i do a lot of research on current events and on the writings of those who erade themselves against god and i mean the harmony and the issues that she raises even to the point of mentioning secret societies and their effects not only in the great controversy but in other writings these are astounding things that many people do not want to have true but i'm telling you that according to my understanding and my study i have found them absolutely in harmony with what is happening in the world today thank you for that i i i'm in agreement with you when it comes to this i'm totally in agreement with you uh thank you for clarifying this for us the pleasure thank you so much uh i don't see em mode moto stylus do you still have a question you would like to ask okay i see your rename is already unmuted rename you can ask your question hi good afternoon my name is jacqueline cameron i do not know why my name does not show up however a good afternoon i i am so thankful and blessed by the information that i've been receiving so far this afternoon but i do have a question and um it pertains to joel chapter 7 verse 28 where it says and it shall come to pass and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit of all flesh and your sons and your daughters so i prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams and your young woman shall vision also in addition to that or whis but it also says in amos chapter three and verse seven it says surely the lord will not do anything do nothing but he reveals his secrets unto his servants with the ass and the prophet so i'm trying to get more understanding of these verses i always thought that the that these verses pertain to the last day and events that would take place in the last days absolutely they pertain not only to the manifestations that you had with with the profits that we mentioned already in the time after william miller it pertains to that in particular but also to the individual leading of god through the holy spirit to particular individuals so that doesn't necessarily mean that everybody is going to be a prophet in the sense of of the prophetic gift but to prophesy also means to preach the gospel and god will give power to people to preach the gospel and even little children will stand up and start preaching the truth and we have seen that happening in many many places in the world and it pertains to a very special enlightening that takes place and especially the latter rain of which we i believe we are seeing the first drops falling but the great manifestation will come when the final proclamation of making god's law void will come into the world then we will see a power such as we have not seen it in the decades and centuries that have passed yes so these manifestations will be part of the end time but they also include of course the prophets or the the testimonies of the prophet ellen g white as we have mentioned amen thank you dr fight now i see sister judith you have raised your hand but i know iphone asked a question about the sabbath earlier on um and i had referred us to the q a on the sabbath that we did with elder skeet but i'll still pose it to you dr fight um iphone has asked is it wrong to do a facial on the sabbath to do a facial on the sabbath official yes official i understand the question right let me answer that with with a question did the jews make many laws about what was permissible on the sabbath and what was not permissible on the sabbath the answer is absolutely that is what they did so they went and they made laws so stringent that the sabbath became a tremendous burden now the bible has only a very few criteria when it comes to the sabbath number one you must not neglect the assembly of the saints where possible number two you must call the sabbath a delight you must delight yourself in the presence of the lord then there's the criterium of you should not be doing your own thing and of course you shouldn't buy or sell or do business transactions or any of those you must rest in the completed works of god on the sabbath and when you go beyond that it becomes very hard to say that there's very much more written on it and according to the jews jesus was the greatest sabbath breaker that they had seen and they were incredibly incensed at what he did but he never ever broke the sabbath he only broke their traditions he made them null and void so is it right to go bird watching on a sabbath all right is it right to go fish watching on the sabbath so if you put on a snorkel and you put your face into the water and you're watching fish is that worse than watching birds where you are not putting on a snorkel and looking at the fish these are questions that you have to resolve with your relationship with god and determine whether what you are doing is your own thing whether what you are doing for example if you're going to go to if you want to make yourself presentable to go to the sabbath and to be with god's people and to represent christ in your presence with god's people are you going to make sure that you are neatly dressed are you going to make sure that you are hygienically nice and are you going to do any of those things and how much of that is permissible before you can say you are keeping the sabbath or breaking the sabbath that's a very personal thing so if a facial means cleaning your face in order to make yourself presentable to god then how far you go along with that is something that you decide together with your god if you're deciding okay i'm going to have a full facial and i'm going to have a manicure and i'm going to go to a person who does this for me and expend a lot of money on that well then i think there are other days on which you could do it but i'm not going to be a talmud to tell you how far you are going to go down that road with god that is between you and god amen what a powerful anti-doctor fight and what is so interesting is how both you and elder skeet refer back to the motive like are we doing this for our own selves or are we doing this to glorify god so that's one thing that we have to keep in mind as well i know we are running short on time and there are two persons that sent in questions months before and i want to give them an opportunity to uh i want to ask their questions but i see sister judith your hand is raised and julius your hand is raised on draw we just want to give someone another chance to ask their question so judith you can ask yours yes thank you for taking my call my understanding from early writings is that the 144 000 is a literal figure of the group that will be sealed do you have any other references to say yay or nay to that thank you well there is this opinion that they are a literal number and then there is of course the the opinion that it is a spiritual number and the fact that there are 12 000 from every tribe and that some of the tribes have been left out in the final numbers there in the book of revelation and have been replaced uh by others from the original make it seem as if this number could be spiritual now as my friend francois du plessis once said if the world continues like it is then it becomes more and more apparent to him that we are heading towards a a literal number so we have we have advice in the spirit of prophecy that there are some things that god has revealed and some things that god has not revealed and one of the advices that we have is when it comes to the nature of the 144 000 then speculation is actually counter productive let's strive to be with the 144 000 because that is what the scripture says but exactly what the nature is has not been revealed and i don't think we should go beyond what is written so you can have your opinion but let's not be dogmatic about it sister judith i pray that your question has been answered i know you're not able to unmute but for the sake of time i'm just going to ask this question from prush raj rajanth this was from this was since april this question was asked can we get your thoughts well pastor can we get your thoughts on revelation 3 verse 5 when do the names of the human race enter the lamb's book of life i heard you mentioned it before but can you give a little more because i believe and preach it in the context of the everlasting gospel and let me see if i can read revelation 3 verse 5 lord please guide us in jesus name amen the word of god says he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and i will not blot out his name out of the book of life but i will confess his name before my father and before his angels exactly the key there is i will not blot his name out jesus died for how many people everybody for everyone every single one no matter what race tribe creed language whatever he died for every single one of us from the richest to the poorest from the greatest to the plainest and everybody is written in the book of life and by our choices and by our actions we can be removed from the book of life we can be blotted out of the book of life so that is basically the answer he has made it possible and it is his greatest desire for us to be with him but he is not going to counteract our freedom of choice so we can see to it that our names are blotted out may god prevent us from doing that thank you thank you dr fight i'm going to allow julius to ask your question quickly and then we'll honestly only be able to take one or two questions and one of them has already been given to me um you know we are way over time so thank you so much dr fight uh do you oh julius your hand is lowered all right so favorite child you can unmute and ask your question oh thank you so much my first time on this platform and i have been blessed i fell asleep quite a few times but i have been blessed um one of the questions that keeps bugging my mind and and i've been hearing it over and over is that probation for sdas is closed at the end um at the passing of the national sunderland is there any truth to this because i've read in last days events that none of us know when probation will close so i i am i am a bit been hearing well we will know that probation is closed when the plagues fall then probation for humanity has obviously closed and even then we will have a time of jacob's trouble and be wondering is my name still in the book of life now there are some that say that uh probation for the adventists closes before the others well there's no scripture which actually says that other than that when this decision is being taken it's it starts with those within the church it starts with the elders and it works its way down according to the light that you have had but to say that uh that there is a specific time when the probation for those in the church is over but not yet for the rest is is not based on any specific criteria that you can find in the word of god it talks about a general close of probation but judgment commences with the house of god and obviously if you have had much light you will be responsible for that light so let's not say that there is a specific time when the one is completed and the other starts later but judgment does commence with the house of god because those that have the light are the ones that are responsible for the light okay yes yes and sister well favorite child has said thank you all right julius you can ask your question i just wanted to contribute to the fact that i am one of those witnesses previously i read the bible i will not understand it then a revelation was something you know unclear to me but reading the spirit of prophecy in particular great controversy uh it came life to me and so i just want to encourage each and every one of us to be spreading that book all those books stuff surprised we saw of edges the seven of our lord says we should spread like leaves of autumn when i came to america understand please this is what is going to um unlock a whole lot of mysteries the leaders that we have even right now so what do you understand the seven of the lord says if we lie humble and believe in at his feet thousands should be converted in one day most of whom will trace their conviction to the reading of our publications so please it's time now and i want to encourage everybody you know just um invest a little bit buy share just give to friends especially our new leaders lawmakers so that they will come into the realization of the knowledge so that some of them will make decisions for their own salvation so i just want to encourage each and everyone to spread the word to lies lips and literature don't forget that amen amen the julius all right thank you for that exhortation all right dr fight we thank you so much for your time i know i put this i sent this question to you from jackie she from milar she sent this to me months ago it's a personal question she says my cousin's brother has the ability to think of a vision like watching his mom sing in church which has passed on so she's died but when he closes his eyes he can perfectly see her going to church is that something god has given um people is it something that god has given people that ability and she was just wondering if this is something like if people do yoga or tea leaf reading or any other kind of mind control thing or drugs or alcohol if that can open up our minds to another dimension that satan has opened well if you look at how the counter reformation works then the imagination plays a major role in that the jesuits use something which is called formation and they use exercises of lyola where they imagine events and through their imaginations they live through the events and make contact with those entities that they see in their imagination and that's a very very dangerous road to travel on because you do not know what that entity is going to say to you now it is a natural phenomenon that if you close your eyes and you imagine walking through your house that you will be able to see exactly what the layout of your house is your brain is wired like that it can do those sort of things if i want to imagine or i close my eyes and i want to think about my children or my wife or what they look like i can have a pretty clear picture of what they look like so it's not necessarily something that is wrong or bad if he has a memory of his mother and how she went to church that he sees that the danger lies when it goes beyond just a memory pattern that is in the brain to one of actual communication then it becomes dangerous because that entity cannot be the mother it's just a memory pattern that is in your brain so it is something that can happen but it is something that is dangerous if it is played with and developed into a pattern of communication because then you will be speaking to entities which are definitely not the mother amen amen thank you dr fight and i'm going to have to make this the last question i'm sorry i know someone just asked a question about whether well you know i i guess i should ask this question brother andrew okay you're unmuted on draw i i wanted to give someone else a chance uh but doctor fight is it up to you would you like would you like to take two more questions or would you like to just take one pardon you can go for it all right thank you doctor fight all right andrea the floor is yours all right um thank you dr dr for taking me here again for my second question um i wanted to know do you believe that god is predictable i mean i know the bible said the lord doesn't do anything unless it's in amos without revealing it to his children right he doesn't do anything i'm i'm paraphrasing um but do you believe that god is is is predictable or you know it is unpredictable is god unpredictable if we understand the character of god then we can predict that everything that god will do will will be totally in harmony with his character which is in harmony with his law so in that sense god is predictable when god says that he gives you a promise that he will do certain things and if god then even enforces that promise with the oath many times he does that to the highest entity that there is namely himself then you can know for sure that that is exactly what god is going to do so that is very predictable yes exactly how he's going to do it is not necessarily predictable but it will be in harmony with his will and with his character that is predictable and his promises are yea and amen that is predictable amen but exactly how retribution will come unless it's been revealed in the word it's not necessarily predictable okay andral i know that you are muted so you cannot verbalize your your thanks but i see you're putting up putting a thumbs up uh dr fight this will be the last question uh galaxy where is it i believe it was galaxy s8 which acts are we in the sifting time let me see if i find it yes galaxy s8 plus are we in sifting and shaking period so are we in the sifting and shaking period let me say absolutely there is a a clear demarcation coming amongst god's people and there is a forming of camps and we can clearly see that there is a shaking amongst god's people and it is a very sad very sad occurrence because some that believed exactly in accordance with the bible and the spirit of prophecy through either fear of circumstances or whatever the reason seem to not want to carry on along those paths but now is the time to absolutely by faith enter behind the veil with christ his promises are sure there is nothing to fear his prophets are reliable we can trust the spirit of prophecy there are thousands and thousands of lives that have been changed by internalizing the spirit of prophecy and their love for christ and their love for the truth has been enhanced by it so yes there is a shaking unfortunately and the sifting is taking place and as the laws of the nations become more and more prominent that shift sifting will become greater and greater and some that were dearest friends will unfortunately walk together no more it's just part of the sad history of the final decision-making amen amen thank you dr fight so we are in the sifting and the shaking time period friends but we are we know we have a foundation in the law of god even as the spirit of prophecy the books of prophecy are built on those firs first five books of the bible as dr fight said the torah we have our foundation in the word of god and if we stand on jesus christ the rock we will not be moved though the heavens fall dr fight thank you so much for joining us today and i see someone has answered someone else in the chat uh how they can contact you well that's up to you doctor fighter i i'm not i know you are very very busy um and and i'm sure you you should you have uh secretaries as well secretaries as well as you are the president of amazing discoveries africa um so i actually i'm not the president of amazing discoveries africa are you not excited no i have decided i will put all my energy into evangelism and uh there is no time for all of these extraneous duties there are very capable people that can do these things wow well you know what thank you dr fight for that correction and look at that praise god praise god full-fledged evangelism no superfluity so thank you for that dr fight and for your dedication uh to the work of the lord um friends thank you so much for tuning in dr fight we're not i'm not going to pose any other questions to you um i will just answer a question that pixel 3 has asked in terms of uh who started like how did this whole series come about um let me see uh this series about uh the i guess even this presentation the q a with you on the spirit of prophecy um so let me just share this uh in february in fact before february in january the the lord laid on my heart to do a series on uh the pillars of our faith what we believe and so i had reached out to a couple persons uh you know elder skeet being one of them pastor stephen bohr dr fight and the lord allowed it to go through and thank god he did not leave me alone there there were just a body of friends and and and and family that helped make this come to be so uh and you've seen the chat sister stacey and brown assist brother anthony rouse sister chelsea jack sister ilana kwashi brother robinson altino that's on in fact he actually introduced me to elder skeet pastor bohr and dr fight officially him and his wife and of course my mom that has been there in the scenes and i thank god for my parents that have allowed you know me to even learn of the god that we serve and so this has not this program has not been put on by a specific seventh-day adventist church i do attend the east new york seventh-day adventist church in brooklyn new york and i'm a member there but this ministry called the word inspired the lord put it on my heart when i was 15 years old to start a blog a bible study blog in the beginning of seventh grade before i got to seventh grade the summer before seventh grade i said you know lord i want to know you in a more intimate way not just reading your word but studying your word so i started writing out my bible studies and i would always write at the end thank you jesus well not even that as yet i would write holy spirit inspired and eventually um the lord was like okay you can start a blog so i started a blog called the word inspired why the word inspired because the domain holy spirit inspired was already taken so it's called the word inspired and as a result of covet when coveted happened the lord inspired me to do a series on well read with me series daniel and the revelation um in commemoration of the great disappointment october 22 1844 and you heard dr fight speak about that and so i would be going live every week reading the book of daniel and now we're reading the book of revelation we just did revelation chapter 14 so next friday night this coming friday night rather we'll be doing revelation 15 so you can join then and so after doing the read with me series the lord was like do a a series on the pillars of our faith and here we are today we actually have one more pillar this is the penultimate pillar we have covered the sanctuary the sabbath the state of the dead the spirit of prophecy which we have done just now we have done the millennium we have done righteousness by faith we have done the holy spirit uh those were special editions and the final one will be health reform which is july 10th in fact let me just take the liberty to share the flyer right now uh feel the pillars series let me just pull it up i will actually be doing a q a with uh el uh the director of health um at the north northeastern conference which is the conference of which my church is a part of his name is dr leroy daly let me just pull up the flyer very quickly so you can tune in we'll actually not only be blessed to have dr daley on but the kittens actually will be ministering a piece as well uh so we thank god for them i'm having trouble pulling up this flyer let me try again basic there we go okay i hope you all can see the flyer here it should be in full screen mode so here you can tune in many of you also want to know where you can access the recording to the zoom meetings these meetings are live stream on facebook and youtube so you can type in my name um on youtube and you should be able to see the playlist with all of the uh q a's that we have done all the q and a's we have done and it is also on facebook so you know and and you guys also may be wondering how old i am i'm 21 years old i attend the cuny school of medicine so i'm studying to be a medical doctor this is my last semester of undergrad and by god's grace in august i start medical school so please keep me in prayer this is not an easy road but the lord is taking us through yes the blog is still active you you can uh find my blog by typing in the wordinspires.org thewordinspired.org so praises be to god that's all i can say i thank god for his working i thank god for my parents i thank god for my praying mother and all of you that have supported me thus far you all you all know who you are those of you that have been on the program um you know in terms of planning and even cousin errol henry in spotlighting and opening up the zoom and so forth we really really appreciate you all and i really express thanks to the speakers um interestingly enough god just allowed them to be receptive and to help carry forth this work of the gospel and what can i say but praise god and thank you so thank you so much dr fight we were supposed to end at three o'clock and here it's after four but praises be to the name of the lord now friends we have a piece by brother jonathan david archie we're coming to the end of this program you heard before brother robinson altino minister come thou fount on his left hand alone and one of his students jonathan archie uh will be closing us off with a piece called what a friend we have in jesus and he sent me this recording but i just want to share a little bit about him i asked him to send me a bio and this is what he has said he is a native of queens new york and he began his music journey at the age of 12 under the guidance of the altino brothers his talents are currently used for church organizations on the piano and organ and besides music he currently works within finance and is preparing to enter school for theology so we will be blessed by brother jonathan archie's administration of com excuse me of what a friend we have in jesus [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] amen amen amen thank you so much brother jonathan david archie who was also part of the word inspired team um along with sister christiane cattle elder stellan gilbert and his wife sister crystal gilbert brother kevin gomez sister kadisham modest sister karissa hunt christian cattle if i hadn't mentioned you before and brother and sister weeks um brother jonathan who will actually be doing the closing jonathan weeks we'll be doing the closing prayer along with brother jonathan archie helped me with my camera system and light up he actually came over and helped me set up so we really really appreciate all of you all that have helped to make this series possible as we do the work of the lord and once again once again i express sincere thanks to the presenters and their families their wives and their families we are truly blessed uh i look forward to seeing you all july 10th by the grace of god for the q a on health reform that will be the last pillar and moving on from now the feel the pillar series after july 10 will be over but thank god elder randy skeet has agreed to be with us the fourth sabbath of every month so god willing will be having el disquite with skeet with us um every month the fourth sabbath so god willing july 24 he'll be doing a presentation well q a will be doing a q a on the resurrection so we will now oh you know i'll do my vote of thanks afterwards uh my official vote of thanks for the jonathan weeks you can close us off with a word you know what i'm sorry let me just do the vote of thanks now let me do the vote of thanks now i do apologize everyone let me get this here yes all right so officially we thank god for his working today and i extend special thanks to dr fight for answering the questions through the quickening of the holy spirit sister stacy anne thank you for that poem we are reminded that we are watch men and watch women for the lord brother altino brother robinson latino for ministering come thou fount of every blessing with his left hand thank you brother anthony ralph for assisting me in asking the questions thank you brother jonathan archie for recording and playing beautifully what a friend we have in jesus and thank you brother john jonathan weeks in advance for the prayer thank you cousin errol henry for ensuring that reverence was preserved throughout this encounter and that we had smooth transitions by spotlighting persons and so forth and i extend thanks to my mom for her prayers support and counsel and i extend a hearty thanks to all of you that have joined this session those of you that were courageous enough to unmute put on your camera ask your questions those of you that shared commented like subscribed we appreciate you i've already made the invitation to the next section so brother jonathan weeks you may close us off with a word of prayer thank you very much for um everyone's time and uh thank you uh dr fight uh just for um being so great and uh allowing us uh youth to ask you some uh questions uh let's pray right now um everyone please uh be reverent as you can you are loving father we thank you very much for the ability to even uh have this gathering on your wonderful sabbath day to ask these questions so we can understand why we are a seventh-day adventist while we believe what we believe we thank you very much for putting it putting it in us all to go and do some research to see why we truly uh believe what we believe and to try to come to an understanding of these things and i pray that the uh investigation of our faith will not stop right here but that we will do some more searching and digging and ultimately draw closer to you and help others to draw closer to you as well we thank you very much again for this program and we ask that you will continue to take it to new heights and uh so other people can be informed and we ourselves who are in the church in jesus name amen amen amen thank you so much brother jonathan weeks and once again dr fight dr fight we say thank you thank you thank you so much for your time we know that when it was two o'clock p.m here in brooklyn new york it was eight o'clock p.m in south africa and so it's what is it what time is it elders excuse me doctor fights what after 10 now it's 10 15 yes 10 15. well there there we go we appreciate your sacrifice of time to be with us and we are so grateful also for your wife we know that she's working behind the scenes and doing such a great work and we appreciate you and your family and the work that you are doing all over the world so all of you that have joined in thank you so much and may god give you a rich blessing and i pray you enjoy the rest of the sabbath if it is if the sun is still up where you are and if not have a wonderful rest of the day or a night thank you and god bless god bless you too
Channel: Denisha McCurchin
Views: 9,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: suWhLr1jDpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 30sec (7950 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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