Country Living in the Light of Prophecy

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if you would um open your bibles to psalms 72 as rhonda comes forward for the scripture reading psalms 72. good morning as we've had the opportunity to reflect on nature i think of bird singing but the other sound that i love and i know the angels and god loves is the pages of our scriptures turning so thank you for the ones i've heard here goes mine psalms 72 3 the mountains shall bring peace to the people and the little hills by righteousness may the lord bless the reading of the scripture that we do today and every day amen i guess i gotta turn my mic on sorry all right is that working good good well we're gonna say one we're gonna say a prayer and then we will start our message on country living and fulfilled prophecies let's all rights heavenly father we gather together here and as has been stated i recognize after meal times are the hardest time to sit and listen to a message so lord if someone needs to sleep i pray that you would give them a power nap they'd wake up refreshed and for those who can stay awake i pray that you'd bless us with your holy spirit lord and that your you would guide us and teach us in the name of jesus amen all right well uh we stated this already but if you want to keep up with what we're doing and continue to learn about country living natural remedies and various things from scripture you can check out our youtube channel called health and homestead and we have we try to get out a new video every week every once in a while we can't get a video done a week but we try to do that and that is a time-consuming labor of love to do that and so check us out on there and that will keep you updated on what we do but i want to start some of you have seen some of this information probably you heard about it this kind of became popular probably around 2020 2021 even though the information came out even before that it was originally came out in a forbes article from something called the world economic forum the world economic forum we'll get into a little more detail of that in just a moment i'll just break it down a little bit it's a consortium of the presidents and prime ministers of planet earth in connection with the most powerful corporations in the earth and they seem to be kind of promoting the papacy it's kind of an interesting situation we'll talk about this a little bit and uh the this is this was contributed you can see here this is in forbes the periodical forbes but it was contributed by the world economic forum the largest corporations in the world with the top prime ministers and presidents and but i want you to notice this article i read this and it's called welcome to 2030. it's kind of a not a prophecy but kind of a what what what could potentially be in 2030 and then title of the article is i own nothing have no privacy and life has never been better notice the article begins like this welcome to the year 2030. welcome to my city or should i say our city i don't own anything i don't own a car i don't own a house i don't own any appliances or any clothes it might seem odd to you but it makes perfect sense for us in this city everything you considered a product has now become a service we have access to transportation accommodation food and all things that we need in our daily lives one by one all these things became free someone ended up not making sense for us to own much does that sound nice not owning anything you get to move into the city everybody can kind of gather together in the cities and you own nothing and they kind of talk about in the article and i don't remember what the appliance was but i'll just give you kind of an idea of what it would be like so let's say you need to cook some make some waffles and so you would let probably in maybe your phone or some device you would let them know i need a waffle maker and boom one would arrive at your door you'd make your waffles and when you're done you put it off and somebody it'll ship off and go to the next person who uses it everything is kind of in common right and then it goes on to say it's interesting though in the midst of this as people seem to evidently move to the cities they give us the idea and keep in mind the world economic forum once again is one of the i mean it is a connection between some of the most powerful people on planet earth and they and they tell us in this article and you can say well you know it's just one of their writers and maybe this isn't their opinion but it just it just gives a hint of where maybe they might be thinking the future will go because they tell us who they are potentially nervous about in the coming years ahead it goes on to say my biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city those we lost on the way those who decided it became too much all this technology those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and artificial intelligence took over big parts of our jobs those the people they're nervous about those who got upset with the political system and turned against it they lived different kind of lives outside of the what city country folk some have formed little self-supplying communities others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages so evidently this idea is that these are the scary people the ones who want to maybe you know grow food i mean because obviously what what is more devious than growing food right you know um this is this is kind of unusual don't you think that that this particular article and once again even on their website then then i thought because you may have seen some time ago they had this this article uh this this thing that came out was a little video initially and it said like eight predictions for 2030 and the first one is you will own nothing and you will be happy you've seen that right several of you have seen that and this this is the article on the world economic forum's website and people sometimes point out they say well it says at the bottom this may not be the actual perspective of the world economic forum sure but they put these articles on their website right and so it's on their website and eight predictions and the first one is we just kind of read about it it says all products will have become services and that doesn't sound too bad because we kind of understand that but it says i don't own anything i don't own a car i don't own a house that i don't like personally but it says i don't own any appliances or any clothes says rights danish mp idahokin shopping is a distant memory in the city of 2000 or 2030 whose inhabitants have cracked clean energy and borrow what they need on demand it sounds utopian until she mentions that her every move is tracked and outside the city lives swaths of discontents the ultimate depiction of a society split in two now it's interesting talking about this that i mean to her it sounds wonderful to live in that city owning nothing but do you know they've actually tested this in the united states there was a there was actually a test in now you're thinking like recently no we've tried these little communities where people own nothing it's happened at least twice in the united states one of them is in the state of indiana there was a place called new harmony indiana back in the i think it was the 1800s so very very wealthy businessmen who wanted to make a utopia kind of a socialist utopian so they did that they set up you can go look at the history of it new harmony indiana and everybody would live together and people would you know work on the farm and do these things and grow things and all things would be a common you each get equal of the produce and whatnot and it fell apart it was an absolute nightmare it did horribly unwell it didn't go well at all and the uh the man who ran it the very successful wealthy man who was a capitalist himself but wanted to run this utopia he said the reason it didn't go well is because of this poor specimens who came in to be a part of it you know and uh interesting that it always ends up being the poor specimens faults right you know uh but interestingly enough the world economic forum this group of businesses and uh and when i say the highest businesses well look i think i have a list of just a few of them they really are the biggest businesses in the world they're not like you know the corner thrift store in you know fredericktown ohio or something like these are the biggest corporations coca-cola and so forth but so in connection with the world economic forum they promote something called inclusive capitalism and here's an article about it and right on the world economic forum's website what is inclusive capitalism and why does it matter and then if you actually go to the original website called that is called inclusive which is the promoter of inclusive capitalism this is the home page of their website and inclusive capitalism at the center of it you have the pope and just to his left you have this woman here who is lynn forrester de roth's child one of the richest families on planet earth that has probably together some 500 to 1 500 billion to a trillion dollars we typically hear about bill gates and so forth and elon musk but the richest of the rich you don't really even hear talked about all that much but these people are uniting together the richest people on planet earth promoted by the world economic forum so it's interesting that it's a world economic forum so meaning the presidents prime ministers of the world uniting together with the biggest corporations in connection at least promoting the papacy and you see that repeatedly on the website for the world economic forum they even promote the encyclical of the papacy and so forth and their ideas and what's interesting about this is uh when we think about this who would have ever guessed in the end of time there would be a unity of three powers the kings of the earth the merchants of the earth and the vatican well it's exactly what is told to us in revelation 17 and 18. exactly which is fascinating this is what they say they're planning to do we're mobilizing the private sector to create a more inclusive sustainable and trusted economic system don't get me wrong that sounds very nice i don't deny that but it's interesting that these powers are uniting together to make an economic system and the bible tells us those three groups would unify at the end of time the merchants of the earth the kings of the earth and a mother church as revelation 17 refers to it right these three things would unite together and it's happening just as the bible and this is two this is two thousand years ago that it was written and who would imagine two thousand years later it would fulfill well i mean anybody who read the bible yes they would expect this and this is also this next article is from the world economic forum's website it says pope francis's message to davos in 2018 in full now davos is the when you have these corporations the leaders of the world they gather together in a place in switzerland called davos they gather together and as they do they uh you know they have these powerful people including you know our president and so forth has been there i think when he was vice president at the time he was there i don't know if he made it and even our former president went to speak there and i'm not being political that's not my point we're just looking at the power the unity of the powers of the world and uh you know this is the head of the world economic forum is named klaus schwab klaus schwab and klaus this is an actual letter this is the actual letter uh to professor klaus schwab executive chairman of the world economic forum from the pope himself and he said i'm grateful to your invitation for your invitation to participate in the world economic forum 2018 and for your desire to include the perspective of the catholic church and the holy see at the meeting in davos and so i'm not going to go into any more detail on that but we have these things unifying creating an economic system i mean it's very fascinating to think a church unified with the most powerful uh powers on earth both you know the kings of the earth the merchants of the earth as it were and the papacy working together for an economic system well revelation 13 tells us where this ends up where those who do not go along with this system will not be able to buy or sell this is fascinating i mean absolutely fascinating and so like i said these are literally the biggest i guess i didn't put it on the slide show today because i guess yeah he he he goes on to say i thank you also for your efforts to bring this perspective to our attention uh to the attention of those gathered for this annual forum including distinguished political and governmental authorities present and those engaged in fields of business the economy work and culture as they discuss the challenges concerns hopes and prospects of the world today and the future and just at this last davos uh the klaus schwab gets up in front of everybody and he says basically the people in this room are the ones directing the future of planet earth and he's actually right now we all have our own autonomy but the general tenor now they don't pass laws in the world of the economic forum they just have people from all you know from many of the different major nation states that come to this thing and then try to implement those things within their various nations whether it's canada france the united states germany around the world vladimir putin was one of the young global leaders of the world economic forum so so too zelensky of ukraine we're talking all the major heavy hitters on planet earth are a part of this group or have been at some point in time and so very very interesting information and so now i want to we we see here that they this this group at least in this one article they are unifying the world under an economic system and they're telling us already that the people they're afraid of in the coming years are the ones who evidently it seems or at least at least this one author says that she's kind of nervous about the people who don't go along with it and want to live a autonomous country living lifestyle growing food and so forth and now let's transition for a moment let's go back two years to 2020 and this was an article in 2020 that said coronavirus may prompt migration out of american cities like i said for the last 200 years people have been flocking from the country to the cities because they esteem that there's easier to make a living in the country there's all the lights and the flashiness and all the wonders of the city and so people have been it's been a one-way direction from the country to the city largely and this article said nearly one-third of americans are considering moving to a less densely populated area because the novel coronavirus outbreak according to a harris poll released tuesday so that's nearly a third but this was in 2022. we are now in 2012 i'm sorry 2020 now we're in 2022 so two years later and now where are we at with society's perspective on country living the secular view had yes um that that it was the year of that yes this this is fascinating 2008 was a year where the world was changed and probably not in a way you've ever heard of 2008 was the first year in human history since the beginning of humanity where it was the transition year where the majority of humans lived in the city for all of human history the majority of people now in the united states for sure the majority had been in the city for a long time but as a planet 2008 was the first year where the majority of people lived in the city because it's been this one-way migration not exactly but largely uh for the last 200 years into the cities and so 2020 in 2020 it was basically a third of people were considering moving to the country now notice what we see this is the secular view has changed a new poll what uh i guess i messed that up a new poll has found that 69 of those who live in suburban or city settings would rather live where you're talking almost 70 percent of people would like to move to the country this is fascinating the reasons stated are that there is more peace less stress and it is financially less burdensome than in the city and i think their view is a little bit off now because it historically was true like just a few years ago you could go off to certain states like missouri or northern michigan or or backwoods tennessee and you could buy cheap land cheap dirt it was actually pretty cheap but those days are largely gone why because so many people have been what buying country property and so it's not really necessarily at this point a lot cheaper sometimes you can still find some cheap things some cheap actually less expensive but no cheap almost doesn't exist these days it is it's hard to find such a thing anymore but fascinating that it's like the almost like the spirit of god is impressing people in these last days to follow the message that we have been called to share with our own people isn't that fascinating fascinating nearly 70 percent of people are considering moving to the country from urban or suburban areas not so much considering it just says that they would like to right they would rather that doesn't mean that 70 percent of people are going to move to the country it ain't going to happen but they would like to they find it it actually would be nice right and there's a few reasons number one because of covid covid was kind of a you know we were trapped in our houses and you thought well it'd be nice to have a big property right now or be nice to grow your own food or uh you know political instability and war in ukraine the riots that had taken place all of these things and by the way that was a bipartisan situation both sides were having their own riots the point is things were happening and people were were seeing this and they're like man the cities are becoming dangerous it would be good to move to the countryside right and the bible says in luke 21 26 that men's hearts will be failing them for fear and for looking after those things that are coming upon the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken men's hearts we just saw i shared with you that over 80 percent of americans right now are struggling with stress the bible says in the last days men's hearts will be failing them for fear that is stress by definition right so we see that these things are happening and now this is this is also goes back to 20 20. we're going to go back and forth between 2020 and now a bit but you may have seen this this is an article that will if if you heard this in 2019 you would have thought this was very strange but you know exactly what it means in 2020. vegetable seeds are the new toilet paper now if you'd heard that in 2019 you'd think what what's going on in society you know you'd wonder what's going on but now you know oh they're saying uh you know they're being bought up like crazy right now that was the case now right now you can still get seeds and it's no problem but this is once again just a harbinger just a a picture of what i believe will be happening sooner or later it is going to be harder to acquire the things that we need for our necessities and i'm actually going to show you information that shows that as far as from prophecy and so god is saying as much as possible we should be learning to prepare so we were told seed companies can't keep up as americans turn to growing their own food and i think this is not not wonderful that people couldn't get seeds as much but meaning it's great that people are getting out and growing food for the spiritual benefit for the health benefit for the joy of getting out in nature for the mental health benefit and just because it will help them get connected with their heavenly father even if they don't recognize it as such this is the even older article this next one this was given me by a medical doctor and this is from the the periodical called the economist and the title of this was some hard talk about towns cities and the article said it isn't just an urban myth life in a city really is getting more dangerous and the sources of peril are not just human ones like muggers and reckless motorists this is what i want you to really notice a report by unhabitat an agency responsible for human settlements says the number of natural disasters affecting urban populations has risen fourfold since 1975. what on earth four times the amount of natural disasters are hitting specifically urban regions since 1975. the bible talks about these kind of things taking place and we see specifically it is hitting cities now this next quotation is from a book called last day events i want you to notice what it says it says let all who would understand the meaning of these things read the 11th chapter of revelation read every verse and learn the things that are yet to take place in the what city specifically revelation 11 is already fulfilled that's done and gone but it's going to be replicated in the cities and it says read also the scenes portrayed in the 18th chapter of the same book of revelation so what is revelation chapter 11 about it is about the french revolution what happened in the french revolution well i'll give you just a quick encapsulation so basically you had the history as the papacy had caused much suffering oppression and difficulty the french got so sick of it that they rose up in rebellion against the traditions of the church and so what they did was they began to have a revolution in france they began to basically threaten the lives of the priests they kicked them out or they had them recant their faith in the word of god these men many people france became like an atheist utopia which their utopia was like burning things in the streets and specifically burning the bibles it became very dangerous they were decapitating anybody that was not for the revolution that was right and that was prophesied in revelation chapter 11 with the two candlesticks and so there was this power that was called something like sodom and gomorrah right immorality would reign supreme in the streets of this place and that's what happened and they were also do you remember what they were doing with the bible there they were burning the bibles during the french revolution we are told that would be replicated in the cities in the future do you remember back in 2020 we had these occupation of cities taking place in the united states you remember this right and one of them was it had two names it was called they called it chazz do you remember that anybody remember what chaz represented the name what that name was an acronym for we hardly remember now but it's capitol hill autonomous zone and then they changed the name to does anybody remember yeah somebody said it chop which was capital hill occupy protest remember that this is an actual article talking about this and the this notice what the title of this article about the capitol hill autonomous zone or occupy protest they said those not on board with the french revolution were chopped meaning they were decapitated chaz protesters are warning after renaming their camp to chop they the protesters were comparing themselves not like some christians saying all these people are like the french revolution they themselves were referring to themselves as being like the french revolutionaries what american young people even know about the french revolution very few and yet these people were comparing themselves we were told that would take place where in the cities did they do this in backwoods manfield or something in ohio no this is in the cities we are told this is going to happen prophecy is fulfilling i don't think that that was the absolute utter fulfillment i think it's going to get worse sooner or later but that was a clear indicator that what we were told is happening right now you say okay okay they they compared themselves to the french revolution but the french revolution they were like burning bibles in the street did you read anything about them burning bibles in the street during this the washington examiner this is who they are portland protesters film burning bibles and american flag amid violence in the city fascinating exactly what we are told prophecy is happening before our very eyes exactly as we were told it would right so these are the times we're living in but there are other issues at stake i want to look at nature and theology we've looked at some of the research on health and nature but this is research on rural versus urban beliefs city versus country beliefs a substantial study led out by 57 researchers in 20 different countries revealed that people in rural or natural environments are more likely to believe in god than city dwellers it kind of makes sense just if you live in the city and all you see around you are things that were made by human beings buildings cars trains planes flying overhead very little nature it you could think hey we made all this maybe you know like maybe there is no god right whereas people who work with nature and agriculture and farming and animals it's like you're in touch with nature and so it just brings i mean you just can't imagine these things coming from nothing right and so looking at this further though participants were asked several different questions in a polls actually young people i believe and the question one of the questions was if your beliefs offend someone or hurt their feelings it is wrong do you believe this statement yes or no or true is this true or false if what you believe offends somebody else then what you believe is wrong well those who reside in the city were six times more likely to agree with this statement which means and i don't say this to be pejorative or insulting it means that young people or just people in general in cities are roughly six times more likely to believe something that is illogical this this statement is inherently illogical what do i mean by that so if what you believe offends somebody else than what you believe is wrong so if you believe that statement and it offends me then you're wrong do you understand what i'm saying so the statement itself doesn't even make any sense or what if you're an atheist and that offends a christian do you have to become a christian and then if if you're a christian but it offends a muslim do you have to believe or that you don't have to become that but you're saying oh whatever i believe that offends somebody else is wrong you you can't believe anything because somebody is going to be offended with whatever you believe so you can't believe anything do you understand the point so it's just not logical yet people in the city are six times more likely to believe that i think it's in part because the city teaches unification of ideas you all have to be unified and there's a kind of a logical reason it kind of makes sense like if you live in a big city or you live in a state like california with nearly 40 million people they kind of have to force people into very strict codes and regulations because there's just too many people that you need to regulate them but when people live in more sparse environments there's less regulations less rules and so forth and people are independent-minded it just kind of works that way and now you might be thinking we shouldn't offend people we shouldn't we shouldn't defend people but let me ask you a question did jesus ever offend anybody the bible says in john chapter 6 56 jesus said these words he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and i in him and a few verses later it says that when jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it what do you just said about you need to eat in my flesh and drink of my blood he was seeing it symbolically but he said unto them does this what offend you and did jesus offend the people yes or no the answer is yes jesus offended people and the majority of his disciples left him never to follow him again because they were offended by him jesus offended people now should we just go and try to be offensive to people say insulting things no we should not seek to do that but inherently believing in truth is offensive right it is it is offensive because somebody who disagrees with you will be offended so you can't reject what you believe because somebody is offended jesus himself now there i just read this like within the last week or so a quotation i'll see if i can basically remember it it said something like truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth now i want to read something about something called the little time of trouble we're told in a book called early writings the commencement of that time of trouble there's something called the time of trouble but then there's something that is not the time of trouble but something that precedes the time of trouble we call it the little time of trouble it's never actually called that that's just a term we use but this is the quote that kind of tells us there is something before the time of trouble that also is called the time of trouble but it's not the official time of trouble the commencement of that time of trouble here mentioned does not refer to the time when the plague shall begin to be poured out but to a short period just before they are poured out while christ is in the sanctuary still pleading for the people at that time while the work of salvation is closing trouble will be coming on the earth and the nations will be angry yet held in check so as not to prevent the work of the third angel at that time the latter rain or the refreshing from the presence of the lord will come to give power to the loud voice of the third angel and prepare the saints to stand in the period when the seven last plague shall begin to be poured out so just before just before the time of trouble there is a time period where it's like the time of trouble evidently that's difficult to buy or sell but not impossible there comes a time where it's impossible to buy yourself you don't receive the mark of the beast but before that time it's difficult right so i'm going to jump back to something and we'll come back to the little time of trouble issues did you know that federal report said that 2017 shattered u.s damage record for natural disasters did you know that 2017 was the year where there were more natural disasters as far as financially than any other time in history now what's interesting is do you do you remember some of the the catastrophes that took place in 2017 i don't either and yet it was the worst year do you do what i mean and i say that for a reason to say there's so many crazy things happening in society and in the world in natural catastrophes that we don't even notice it anymore yeah we're desensitized because there's so much of it right so but we're talking a little bit about country living but i want to ask you a question one of the questions almost always inevitably comes well who's going to win the people in the cities if if god's people move to the country let me ask you a question if you move to the country you can never go visit cities again yeah who said right now is there a rule that says if you go to the country you can never visit the city or is there a rule that says if you're in the city right now that you can never visit the country no that that's not the point so so number one that argument is really not even a great argument because most people in the city probably never win somebody to jesus in the city right we just more use these things but notice this so who is then if people move to the country who is to win the people in the cities the cities are to be worked from outposts said the messenger of god shall not the cities be warned yes not by god's people living in them but by their visiting them to warn them of what is coming upon the earth that is one thing that i try to do on our youtube channel warning people of what is coming up on the earth and i don't actually make the channel specifically for people of our church i'm making it for the world and that's who we're largely reaching hundreds of thousands of people a month that we're seeking now i do share for people of our faith also but i'm mainly seeking to reach the crowds but i still do you say so you just hide in the country all the time no i travel to cities all the time i mean that's my that's what i do and we should share the gospel in the city so this is not never go to the cities never visit the cities don't share the gospel there no the whole planet earth needs to hear the gospel of jesus christ and the three angels messages by the way which are a part of that in the last days but the time is coming revelation 13 17 says and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now this is when the this is when the great uh when we finally get to the point for the time of trouble when you cannot buy or sell but like we said before that time it's going to be difficult to buy or sell we're going to get to that in a moment but revelation 18 verse 17 i mentioned this in another message the time is going to come for in one hour so great riches has come to naught and this could be a hyper-inflationary situation where all the money becomes worth nothing like has happened in zimbabwe or or venezuela or or the weimar republic weimar republic in germany i don't know exactly how it's going to work out but the bible says it will happen but i want you to notice it was mentioned in these children's story about one of our old beloved president which was who that's right abraham lincoln right he became a part of a party that their goal their actually goal was to end slavery and praise the lord it was ended although they're sadly slaves here even now and sex trade and so forth there's terrible things that still go on but not legally but abraham lincoln said something very patient very wise kind of with a lot of foresight and he said this population must increase rapidly more rapidly than in former times in era long the most valuable of all arts will be the art of deriving a comfortable subsistence from the smallest area of soil isn't that interesting that he foresaw that and he lived at a time where there weren't many people in the in the united states and in the world for that matter and he's like but the time is coming where one of the most important things you could learn is how to grow the most food in a very small place now i want to tell you because we were told this by one of our by this message we were given 100 years ago 122 to be exact or it says raising your own food people today often will say well we shouldn't do that because that would be hoarding and we shouldn't do that but we're going to deal with that we're going to answer that we are told the people should learn as far as possible to depend upon the products that they can obtain from the soil but that's not super clear i want to make it even more clear this next quote is the quote that people use typically to say we are not to do this and raise our own provisions this quotation here the lord has shown me repeatedly that it's contrary to the bible to make any provision for our temporal wants in the what are we living in the time of trouble today no but they used this to say today we are not to raise our own provisions you're going to see it even more clearly in this quote the lord has shown me repeatedly that it is contrary to the bible to make any provision for our temporal wants in the time of trouble i saw that if the saints the faithful follower of god if they had food laid up by them like in their house or in the what field in the time of trouble when sword famine and pestilence are in the land it would be taken from them by violent hands and strangers would reap their fields so if we applied that to today you shouldn't have a garden and you should have no food in your house because if you have a garden it's going to be stolen from you but should we grow food today yes so okay evidently this isn't talking about now it's talking about the time of trouble it says it goes on to say then will be the time for us to trust holy in god and he will sustain us i saw that our bread and water will be sure today at that time so what if we applied this to today and we say we're all going to go home and rely holy on god we're going to stop working we're not going to do anything we're not going to you know save money we're just going to rely holy on god and he's going to feed us is that a wise thing to do today no that would be presumption and it would likely be lazy too right because god calls us to be diligent hard workers and and to be self-supporting it's noble thing to seek to be self-supporting this quote is not contradicting all of the other quotes it's saying the time comes where we need to rely 100 on god right and we shouldn't even have a garden then or food in our house because it's going to be stolen from us if we choose to hold onto our house and field at that time we're actually to pray that god will show us when to let go of our properties and if he won't if we don't pray he will not show us and our houses will become like a mountain crushing us so now it goes on to say that he will sustain us in that time we shall not suffer hunger for god is able to spread a table for us in the wilderness if necessary he would send ravens to feed us as he did to feed elijah or reign manna from heaven as he did for the israelites but we're not living in that time so notice that quote is the time of trouble we're told again and again the lord has instructed our people that our people are to take their families away from the cities into the country where they can raise their own what provisions does this contradict what we just read in the last quote there's no contradiction because it's today it's not the time of trouble that we're to raise our own provisions why for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very what serious one now some are expecting that walmart will always be there for them and you know what i actually don't doubt walmart always might be here for those who receive the mark of the beast do you follow if they will unify with the kings of the earth the merchants of the earth the political power unifying together accepting what is offered to them they will be able to continue on buying and selling and then but before that time where it becomes impossible to buy or sell lest you receive the mark of the beast it will be difficult to buy or sell and that's why we're told here again and again the lord is instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities into the country where they can raise their own provisions for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one many do not see the importance of having land to cultivate and of raising fruit and vegetables that their tables may be supplied with these things many do not and i would actually say almost everybody because every time this is brought up we hear the same thing don't raise don't have food stored up in your house but don't hoard and you shouldn't hoard but have you ever read now some of you may do this even now uh if you actually were growing your own food what do you typically do in ohio michigan the northern parts of the world what do you typically do have to do before winter comes you need to can or dehydrate or do something and then what do you do and i'm guessing many of you at least grew up this way where you had probably hundreds of jars of tomato sauce and green beans stored up in cans and all these things yes or no some of you came from background were you did you consider yourself your fam your family said all right kids it's time to start hoarding this this season did they say that no it was just that's what you do that was just life it wasn't hoarding it was preparing for winter and the bible says go to the ant thou sluggard you lazy person that's what it says go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no guide overseer or ruler provides her meat in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest it says go to the ants and learn that they prepare for winter evidently right that's what they do and is does the bible say that's a foolish thing to do with those hoarding ants it's a wise thing to do now when the time of trouble comes we need to be willing to give up everything i'm not saying horde for the time of trouble listen if you have anything left over give it to your neighbors give it to anybody because when the time of trouble comes it ain't going to do you any good anyway someone's going to steal from but if you were kind with it you might win somebody to jesus right yeah give it away before that time that's what we need to pray lord show us when and he'll show us so but let's keep going the earth has blessings hidden in her depths for those who have courage and will and perseverance to gather her treasures fathers and mothers who possess a piece of land and a comfortable home are what kings and queens you probably isn't that a beautiful quote i love that every effort encourage is what i'm doing encourage every effort toward what self-support this will strengthen self-respect and a noble what independence so we should be seeking as much as possible and i understand some of you may be older and your bodies are breaking down and like i said i believe the time is going to come where so i do own land right so i'm not i'm not seeking somebody else to let me come stay with him but there i i guarantee that if i still own land in this time before the time of trouble i'm going to be having to help others out yes or no some are going to have to come to me and if you own land in the country some are going to have to come to you what do you think and by the way these are going to be people who are seeking the lord they are faithful to god and that means you're probably going to have some young folks that are come help you out that'd be good news wouldn't it so some of you old folks who you may not have you may not be as spry as you were but there's going to be some young whiffer snappers who will be surprised they're going to help you do it and you're going to have the wisdom to them what to do and you'll help out wherever you can obviously if you can but they'll be there to help and god's people are going to be pressing together right and so this is not everyone for himself but at the same time we should be seeking a noble independence because he or she who has a noble independence is better able to help somebody else out than those who are just relying on somebody else right yes and by the way then you won't have to succumb as easily because imagine if you are not if you are completely dependent on the system when these times come you're going to be like well i guess i got to give in or i can't take care of my family and he who doesn't take care of the needs of his family is worse than an infidel so i guess i just have to take the mark of the beast and you could see how you could rationalize your way through things right notice this they this is actually a training for witnessing they should be constantly learning how to secure a variety of treasures from the earth meaning growing food they should uh sorry the people should learn as far as possible to depend upon the products that they can obtain from the soil in every phase of this kind of labor they can be educating the mind to work for the saving of souls for whom christ has died so notice even this growing food should be teaching you how to be a witness to other that when we plant that seed sometimes it grows up and sometimes it doesn't when we share the seed of the gospel sometimes it grows up and sometimes it doesn't and there's all lessons we can be learning as we are planting and we are growing and we are seeing a harvest of fruit and the joy because some of you brought food this morning that you grew on your own and your own property is it not a joy to see beautiful luscious plants as they come to fruition and you're able to eat of them and share them with others it's a joy to the soul isn't it we love it i love it see fresh fruit on a tree i mean it just thrills the soul and these are to be lessons of the joy of sharing the gospel seed with others we're told to move guardedly for those of you who live in the city this is we're to be cautious of we are not to just be crazy and fanatical and just give up everything and run to the country or do it guardedly let there be nothing done in a disorderly manner that there should be a great loss or sacrifice made upon property because of ardent impulsive speeches by chad cruiser which stir up an enthusiasm which is not after the order of god you got it be cautious be guarded study it out that a victory that was essential to be gained shall for lack of level-headed moderation and proper contemplation and sound principles and purposes be turned into a defeat you could have it and there are families who do this they they get afraid they rush to the country and they don't have a way of making a living and they get there it becomes a nightmare and several months later they have to sell the house at a massive loss and they're like oh that's fanatical that's all craziness moving to the country that's just silly i never want anything to do with it and that's why speakers need to be careful not to just push people to do it like you've got to do this you've got to do this but instead listen we're told the closer and closer we get to the time of the end i mean not the time of the end specifically but the end of time that we need to be doing this but we do need to move guardedly cautiously allowing god to show us when the time for us to move out of the cities if you live in the city and when to move to the country and so go read that book country living read it through yourself do not be crazy or fanatical about it and you need to learn how to do it can you make a living out there maybe you already have a living maybe you're retired and you have income and you're okay with that and that's fine or maybe you still have a job or maybe you could do it online or maybe you're a tradesman and you can work anywhere you know just make sure you know what you're doing before you do it preparing but erlong there will be such strife and confusion where in the cities that those who wish to leave them will not be able to leave we must be preparing for these issues this is the light that has given me the time is coming friends where people who waited and waited and waited and put it off and put it off their time is going to come though where they're not able to so there's a balance between not not going crazy and just running off and not knowing what you're doing and saying ah it ain't that big of a deal i'm not going to worry about it there's there's a tension and a caution there's a there's a state where you say god you show me you show me the timing yes yes so it this was written in 1903 so almost 120 years ago i believe many many young people could have been saved since then but they grew up in the city and they learned the ways of the city they learned what are called a street education there and they fell away and this is not to put anybody down this is simply saying god gave us this message but it really wasn't talked about for a long time but now the world has figured it out nearly 70 percent of society sees that this is a wise thing to do i'd like to know the stats in our own church do 70 percent of our church members believe that today i don't know i don't know but notice this we're told so with a great majority of the best and noblest men of all ages read the history of abraham jacob and joseph of moses david and elisha study the lives of men of later years who have most worthily fulfilled positions of trust and responsibility the men whose influence has been most effective for the world's uplifting how many of these were reared in country homes they did not spend their youth in amusement forced to depend upon their own resources they learned to combat difficulties and to surmount obstacles and they gained courage and perseverance they learn the lessons of self-reliance and self-control sheltered in a great deep degree from evil associations we we talk about that you don't want to shelter your kids but this says that it was a good thing to do sheltered in a great degree from evil associations they were satisfied with natural pleasures and wholesome companionships they were simple in their tastes and temperate in their habits steadfastness and resisting evil that made them a positive power for good in the world i want to close with just a few points some practical steps because some of you may not live in the country maybe you live in a suburb area and maybe you still have a backyard some of you may live in a high rise and you can't do this but you could still do something similar one of the things i would suggest is begin to have a garden or if you're in a high rise even get one of those like little herb gardens you could grow in your like apartment it's not massive it's not going to take care of even remotely your calorie needs but it might inspire you to have like wow man i had my own fresh basil wouldn't it be nice to have more you know what i mean and it just just to encourage you and so have a garden and so if you live in the country have a garden even if even if you're old unless you're just your health is so bad you just can't do it at all if you have enough room to do it i would try it if it's too late even this year you can plant some certain things are very short season you can plant even right now something like beets you're still going to get a harvest of beets this year you could do some carrots so you know there are several things you can do i'm not going to go into detail but kale you could do kale right there's many things you could do certain things might be a little late for it but you get the idea second thing i would challenge you to do is read the book country living that book is 32 pages you could go home and read it tonight i'm not saying you need to read the whole thing tonight but what i'm saying is it's so short that if you read a few pages if you were at a page a day you're going to be done in about a month it's a very short book but it is it stirs my soul it served my soul for years before we were able to purchase our own country property but it also is very balanced and says don't be a fanatic and go crazy about it and spend time in nature that's what we talked about earlier in our message this is beneficial for our mental health and for our physical health also pray that god will show you when to move if you and that can be two different things it could be pray that if you live in the city pray that god will show you when to move to the country and secondarily if you do already own a house in the country or anybody for that matter pray that god will show you when to get rid of your house before the time of trouble because we're told we have to do that then the bible says spend time seeking jesus and the latter rain zechariah 10 1 says ask he the lord rain in the time of the latter rain so the lord shall make bright clouds and give them showers of rain to everyone grass in the field we need to be asking for the latter rain for the holy spirit to rain down upon us so we could be changed ourselves and we could be a light to the community around us i want to close sharing with you my my experience that is me as a little guy short shorts back in the day right and they're actually seem to be coming back in these days the short short thing but there i was at my grandparents cottage my grandparents had a cottage on a river called the little muskegon river out in michigan and this property was in the forest and it was pretty much the middle of nowhere although there was little cabins around there because there was a river and it gave me a lot i grew up in the city but this gave me a love for the country my whole family they would go there because grandpa and grandma had the cottage but i was the only person that really of my family that loved this i loved being out there in nature and i saw that and i thought as a kid i thought why do people live in the city when it's so much better out here like instead of just coming out here for like the weekends and enjoying the weekend why not why don't people just live like this and obviously people did but you know my little city boy thinking you know and so my whole life i desired to move to the country i wasn't raised in this faith i didn't know these messages i didn't know about the country living message in the end of time but in my soul god had planted remember we read the from psalms where it said that god will give you the desires of your heart and then he shall bring it to pass he had put that desire in my heart as a child this independent i had this this desire to be self-sufficient and i didn't there was no youtube to tell me about that there was no television show telling me about that but in my heart of hearts i thought i wanted this and so then finally the the year came for years and years i want to do this then we got married and for years and years of being married we prayed lord open the door load open the door and the door didn't open but finally after i don't know how many years were we married at more than 10 years of being married finally we brought we were able to purchase 20 acres up in the middle of nowhere in michigan and this was our home for a while right here this tent behind us we slept out on the property for months we went out there and we spent months uh felling trees this is this is the property there so there we are and you can see you'll end up seeing it's just absolute middle of nowhere really and so there we were not much to see in the distance and that's national forest back there and then we spent months felling trees sleeping in our tent there and i didn't have an actual helmet so i used a bike helmet while i did it you you use what you got right and so here's our dirt road and this little tiny path leading in finally this uh this hole it's bigger now this is where i was filling the trees to drop down and uh so we could actually put in a house and begin to raise food and so forth and we went through i think three tenths because we just had not like hardcore solid uh burlap tents or whatever we had you know it's just the ones you're supposed to take backpacking and those aren't meant to be in every day for months on end they just the sun just destroys them they just disintegrate after and these are called like i mean this is rei a decent 10 but they just slowly it was old too yeah it's true use it up wear it out make it do or do without but so then finally though after months and months actually almost was it like almost a couple years before the house was finished or how long did it take yeah maybe almost a couple years finally we now have actually a house out there and so it has been such a blessing for us it's been difficult it's been a trial but it has been absolutely fulfilling all the way through and just this last week i spent the whole week with an excavator just you can see see these mounds right here these were there's a mound here there's a mound here these were from the basement being excavated and after we finished the house we didn't have enough money to move the mounds so one of them i moved with a wheelbarrow like maybe i don't know hundreds of wheelbarrow loads over and over and over and a boy you want to get fit move a massive amount of sand with a wheelbarrow right it is a massive amount and then finally i gave up i'm like someday we'll rent an excavator and so here we are you know almost two years later uh rented an excavator because we finally had enough money to do it so for last this last week until yesterday i was just from morning till night i was just in an excavator running that property digging out roots of trees out of the ground knocking over some stuff and yeah praise the lord we were finally able to get that done and not even completely done we have somebody will have somebody come by and kind of grading it much better than i could do i did the best i could do but uh it's i'll tell you what it's been a spiritual blessing it's been physically uplifting it has been a joy to our souls i can tell you that it has been such a blessing but it's also been crazy amount of work i'm not gonna lie to you yeah it's not the suburbs you know you imagine i'll move to the country and i'll just sit on my porch in a rocking chair drinking iced tea or a lemon lemonade or whatever it is right caffeine-free iced tea or whatever it is you know and uh but you know it it's work it is work and unless you got tons of money to pay other people to do everything it is work right but i want to challenge you not to go out and if you live in the city to run out and do it tomorrow no no no no no go read that book spend time with jesus asking him to lead your life i'm going to close with a poem that i wrote this one i've never read in public actually i've read some other ones for some time i wrote some poems it's a long one it actually i don't even know that it goes along with a sermon but it's a sermon in itself and it's just it'll take a couple minutes but you read along with me during coven the lord just began to put poems on my heart and this is one of them it's called the thief on the cross i hung upon a cross in despair it was my crimes and sins that brought me there the thoughts of that day had gripped my mind the truth of the matter i sought to find in pilate's judgment hall i heard him say i find no fault in him this day yet the innocent condemned to a cross a just man to suffer eternal loss up above his bleeding head there in three languages a sign i read jesus of nazareth the jewish king and then within my minded ring the thought sprang up oh could it be the man crucified next to me the lamb of god who saves the world then was the truth to me unfurled king of kings right by my side in my presence he bled and died but before he met his death before he breathed his final breath my conscience had been pierced by him all the world's treasures became so dim i knew that soon my life would end yet in this man i saw a friend could it be he came to die for a sinner such as i i had to know and to see if i could live eternally lord remember me i said to him when you come into your kingdom soft and melodious the answer came in his voice was no disdain in paradise he said to me you'll be with me eternally i am crucified with christ just now then right there his head did bow nevertheless i live yet not i because for me he came to die on my cross i felt content because for me his life was spent as my life began to fade before i was buried with a spade oh the peace i felt inside no more guilt nor shame nor pride thus the one who was crucified just for you he bled and died will you give your life just now and upon your knee to bow make him king of your heart he to you will then impart a new heart and a new life then one day he'll end all strife what a beautiful savior we have friends we are to be as that thief and bear our cross and with peace live our lives in our hearts because we know that jesus came and he bled and died for us for all of those who desire would you kneel with me as we close and pray today heavenly father i believe we're kneeling just now because we realize just like the thief on the cross life is short i don't say this is a thread or intimidation but it simply is and lord we recognize that as we live our lives as men and women condemned to die and not just eternally but even even just as humans even if even if this world went on for another 150 years someday we will pass into the grave but we realize one has bled and died on the cross so that we don't have to lose our lives eternally that we have hope that if we do pass into the grave that we can come up and be with our savior who died for us lord you've given us these messages for the times that we are living in as prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and i pray father we knew it was coming i've only been in this faith 22 years but the world is so different and prophecy is so much clearer now than it was 22 years ago and lord my prayer is that we just just like that thief on the cross would turn our eyes upon jesus on the cross that we would receive him as our savior and that we would become disciples for you that we would allow you to lead us we may not have the funds to go by country property i sure didn't took many years for that and it was all from you in the end anyway and lord you may have us at some point league up together and work together and do different things and i believe those days are going to come but lord i pray that even more than that we our lives would be yielded to you completely today that jesus would be not only the savior of the world but he would be to us a personal savior and that he would be truly lord of our lives that in our kneeling now lord that this kneeling would just be a preparation for when every knee will bow yes every knee is going to bow on the end but father may we do it willingly today so that when every knee bow is in the end we will do it with joy rather than with guilt and shame may you cleanse us from our sins that we can walk free in you in jesus name amen we are going to close with singing a song together he leadeth me let's sing that he leadeth me watch your eyes [Music] 5 37. [Music] please stand [Music] with me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is hey [Music] me [Music] please bow dear jesus thank you for our guest speaker thank you that he was able to help us understand your word better thank you that we all made it here safely and help us to have a great journey home amen please be seated just a reminder tomorrow morning at nine o'clock the canning seminar um that's basically it just bring yourself and uh not your best clothes because it's gonna be hands-on right so nine o'clock tomorrow morning i'll see you guys then and it will be downstairs here downstairs okay i'll see you guys tomorrow thank you very much have a safe trip home
Channel: Fredericktown SDA Church
Views: 758
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Id: uPob24YVxjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 50sec (4610 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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