January 2019 Q&A

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thank you for tuning into an episode of in range this is the January 2019 almost a 2018 Q&A it's a new year a new us some new everything a new in range and new Q&A questions all of them provided to us from our patreon supporters at five dollars and above different perks for different patreon levels buyers club for cool discounts on other stuff as well as Q&A questions discord server whatever but if you're one of those patreon supporters thank you and hopefully your question got into the Q&A there's always more than we can answer every month there's just so many of them so in this instance we try to curate them and try to get to the ones that are repeat and hopefully we did so let's go ahead and start all right first question is from Joe hmm says how come you stopped uploading your videos to pornhub I was actually watching them on there well because you were one of the like five when that started when we did that whole thing that was of course kind of a what's the word to put a protest against some of the things going on with YouTube and the monetization or D monetization and all the things that are going on not even monetization the type of censorship that was going on at YouTube really and it did draw a lot of attention and it got a lot of well more publicity than I expected quite honestly the first video we posted on pornhub there has actually something like thirty or forty thousand views it got a lot and then after that really no one watched it there to be honest so I mean it didn't really expect anyone would well I maintain the channel I still have access to it I could still post content there should something inevitable or unfortunate happen to YouTube or perhaps there's content we can't post on YouTube like how to reload ammunition which is sort of weird but maybe that could go there if it had to be but I haven't been uploading there recently just because there isn't the viewership I mean literally the view numbers are in the double digits yeah which is what we have found to be the case with almost anywhere we put any content besides you - pretty much yeah so next up is Bryce what piece or pieces of gear have you originally thought to be useless or impractical but after testing down to be very practical or usable well you start with that one because I don't really have a good answer for that one that's why you don't I've been thinking it's something that's impractical that we turned out to be useful hmm you know I'm gonna go ahead I guess the first thing that popped in my head was when we shot the world war one match months ago now I had essentially had those World War one style what I mean are they jackboots what's the right word for those World War one style pretty much your jacket Jack boots um those look they actually were kind of useful because we turned out we actually had rain and it was muddy conditions and while it would be nice to have maybe some better traction on the bottom of those boots they actually look pretty good for protecting from the elements and the goo so I think that there was a there there okay and so that was something that they looked at at first time I thought of me it's like are these really practical and yeah I guess in the right conditions I would say they actually turned out they were thinking about it now I would say this EF 41 oh that's up even that's a better answer that's the thing that it's it's publicity out there all says it's pretty much this was garbage it was useless crap yeah but that's pretty much based on using it in a set of conditions other than what it was actually designed for yeah that was the problem is when they put with it so they deployed event invented the Zia 41 with the 1.5 X long eye relief scope and it was supposed to never be anything more than an augmentation to men in the squad that already were good marksman it was supposed to be a designated marksman rifle not a sniper rifle exactly but then they pushed it into sniper service and all the snipers are like this isn't a sniper scope this is garbage right although it's the most mass-produced optic of World War two and so a lot of them got out there and the guys got forced to use the mist napa rifles and they weren't but when they are pushed into the DMR role which is what they were intended for they actually work yeah yeah so that's a better answer than the boots I think the ZF 41 is an excellent answer and I really like the Zia 41 used in the appropriate role yeah so that's a good answer Fabian says have you ever thought of doing livestream q and A's no I've never thought of it and every time I see a question like this I'm like livestream no I don't know what do you think about livestream because I sure this comes up with forgotten weapons too um I have actually done a couple of live streams with Larry Vickers oh yeah fine for fun I can see the appeal personally I think you guys get better information when we're able to curate some questions and think about them a bit before we address them yeah rather than off-the-cuff stuff so that's why I've avoided doing it I don't know why I just have a queasiness to the whole live thing in general it seems like it's something another element to maintain there's the concern about band is that it are people even seeing this right now is it like blur ping or not I don't know how many times I've watched a live stream and like a carton all pixelated and weird or things like that happen and I just feel like it's a little bit I don't know I I personally think that you get better content out of us doing this and then editing it and then posting it in a yeah in a dead stream format yeah what's the alternative of live stream is a dead stream yes all right so dead stream for pre-recorded pre-recorded with no current television audience no exists all of you that guy daniel says for the lever gun project what a magazine cutoff and single load option have made a lever gun a more acceptable option to military adoption I'm insane oh because you don't really hmm well I'm gonna say yes I was gonna say because you don't really need you can load the thing on the fly at any time but I guess that's not really the point of the cutoff hmm so the point of the cutoff is so that you can basically have an officer controlling individual volleys of fire yeah but I think a lot of so in that case in that viewed from that perspective maybe for the Continental Army's yes it would have if you look at it the way our lever gun project is it's kind of focused on the American West the American cavalry yeah and those guys didn't generally have you're not talking whole companies like a hundred men abreast at a time firing volleys this is much more like small unit skirmishing I don't know that the the cutoff is nearly as important but if there had been a cut-off maybe the lever gun could have been deployed even to the larger greater audience or greater army right so I mean maybe a cut-off even though it's pointless would have been enough to get them to consider adopting it no way they could then not bother you right but well maybe but let me think about it in this regard so one of the concerns that comes with the lever gun project which is a reasonable one is resupply in the field that's a real problem it was a real problem in the frontier would have been a problem if you deployed something with higher rate of fire in general yeah it was a problem with trap doors so if you were to have let's say let's go with the 1876 which both you and I agree at this point was probably the best choice as not quite in me an intermediate but pretty much a rifle cartridge and it was slightly redesigned so that like let's say there's a little thing that slide over yeah and you could run the lever to open the breech throw around in the chamber close at fire it and essentially use it like a trapdoor all you'd have to do is add a little stop that prevents rounds from coming out of the magazine and stops the lifter from lifting so that you can just open them you can have the lifter go up and down as long as the magnet around us oh I'm out of the tube although it would be nice to have some way to put the rounds easier into the chamber but regardless if you could do that and then you could use it like you would have used a single-shot trapdoor then that issue doesn't really become a problem and the only when you go to the emergency need of enabling the magazine let's say the Battle of the greasy grass a little bighorn or when the numbers are overwhelming then you still would have had that repeat capability of the lever gun I think it makes a lot I think there's a point here maybe I find it vaguely offensive that that maybe would have been a thing that would make it considerable for the military I think it might have though yeah but that's just annoying cuz it's stupid well but instead they just went with single shots yeah they're just been certainly solves that's even worse right so I mean if that had been the mitigating factor that might have made a big difference maybe it's possible I think this is I think those are there there I'll concede that as possible all right yeah I think those are there there Benjamin says I have seen several Russian or Belarusian optics on the channel with mixed results what is your opinion of Russian or Belarusian optics quality have you been seeing improvement over the years they're all over the board yeah these things are all over the board so these these optics like you'll get one like the one p29 that I'm using it that I use in Tiger Valley that actually well it's essentially a copy of the suit it's good it's extremely durable it retains zero clarity is excellent it's got a rangefinder in it it's really a really good optic the obsolete is fantastic I love it I've used a bunch of the red dot sights and they're absolutely terrible like the tube looks like you're looking through a straw or um what's that one the PK - a s it's supposed to be a 1x optic but you can actually see a prismatic line through the optical view which once you see it you'll never not see it again because it's just there forever and there's this terrible distortion field in general like the outsides kind of distorted the center is distorted and you're supposed to use this with both eyes open and all it is to me is nausea-inducing eye I haven't seen an improvement in Russian Belarusian sites what I have seen is completely unreliable undependable quality from one thing to another herbs are good PKS awful and so it's really per optical device quality like ethers it just depends on which one you're using you know we don't really have that much insight into who's actually making these things no if you were to look at this from the outside and have someone asked like what's your opinion on the quality of American optics your answer it be well we've got some companies that are great and some companies that are total garbage mmm and I suspect there's probably something like that at play here I do too but I think I what I was coming at this more was from not necessarily the quality of the manufacturer actually the quality of the manufacturer with the exception of a few have been pretty decent they're all pretty rugged Russian tank like things what I'm going at is the quality of the design of the concept okay like the pkas is just well you have one remember you look through it it's pretty weird it's a weird optic and then like the observer is really good and then the P it's all over the board that designs what's interesting about Russian and Belarusian optics is that there seems to be a wider variety or an ability to try different stuff yeah they're willing to do something other than just make another red dot and what happens is when you try to do something different 99% of the time you make something awful but every once in a while something cool falls out of that brain yeah and they've made a couple cool things yeah so I think it varies depending on the object what this cargo by Anthony says a repeat question for finish brutality 2019 what do foreigners need to know about competing in the finish match things like buying ammo borrowing firearms legal barrel length for rifle and pistol etc I put this in because this question comes up so much I've gotten I don't know how many of these we've got and the answer is I have no freaking clue neither do I and the reason I put it in here so we could answer you I don't know so honestly I don't know I don't know and I can't answer it so yeah I think you'd be if you wanted to ask that question maybe you'd be better off paying in the VARs to lekha guys yeah maybe I don't even know where I would aside from them I don't even know where I would start looking because you're dealing with international law here it's not just finished law it's like I don't know like if I travel internationally to do any shooting I so far I have always borrowed a rifle at my destination no I have not even tried to take a gun with me that's what we did with Finnish brutality we got there and they were provided as rifles and ammunition and pistols so everything was there for us and by the way vice versa when the Finns come here to shoot desert brutality 20 19 coming up in just a couple months or just in a month a couple weeks couple weeks they're borrowing all the gear and ammunition here so they're not bringing any of their stuff with them and we didn't bring any of our stuff with us I think the answer for this kind of international type competition unless you're doing something unique or want to deal with whatever legalities exist in that realm you're better off getting just borrowing stuff yeah you need to have a friend in country to do something like this that sucks for people who don't it sucks for us if we go somewhere where we don't but that's that's my answer there's probably of some other answer but I haven't spent the time or effort to find out I'm sure there is a way to do it but I don't know what's involved I bet it's a nightmare yeah alex says what you're y'all's thoughts on the g36 even with its extensive use of polymers is still six to eight pounds was it a little too ahead of its time do you think newer materials could reduce the weight this is really for you because I haven't really ever handled a g36 I don't think you're gonna reduce the weight much it is a very nice handy rifle as it is having not actually shot a g36 just based on handling one I think it's really a quite nice gun I think everything's put together pretty well I think the recent scandal about them losing zero when they get shot too much is pretty much nonsense wasn't it when they get hot yeah but it's hot as in like three hundred and fifty rounds in 10 seconds kind of hot okay and that the thing is there is you've got a metal trunnion in a polymer receiver and the problem was when it gets so hot that the the polymer starts to lose some of its strength the trunnion shifts true however this whole thing was designed around I mean it doesn't do that within its specifications as required by the German government was adopted and every gun does something like this I mean this is the the round count or an intensity of fire that's getting pretty close to the point where the gas tube will pop on an ar-15 well we know that happens with one full the reason the amount of vent well it's either a happy coincidence or a reality the traditional loadout for the ar-15 is just at the limit where if you dump all of them the gun doesn't implode right it's right at its heat max yeah and then once you go past one extra mag the gas tube or something will rupture yeah so I think there's a lot of politics involved in that scandal I don't take it as any problem actual problem with the g36 I know the issued optics are not generally all that well liked that integrated issue object I can see that but that's really not an issue with the rifle that's the German military's decision and there are plenty of other like you can put on whatever you want you know why it's not like too freakin stacked optics slack the optics always it's an idea it's an idea that's so bad we can't give up on it we just keep stacking optics so but you don't think this heat things a thing no he thinks definitely not a thing if the guns were available in the US I think they'd be fairly popular oh yeah totally you shot an X m8 I did that's essentially a g36 those really nice so it's the same gun really the xm8 basically the same mechanism but it's a bulkier gun there's more stuff more volume to an X m8 let's how you make it look like Starship Troopers that's exactly true or a fish or a fish I regret not being able to shoot a g36 when I went to HK like we all we had one day on the range and we only had time for this many guns and literally the g36 was the next one on the list that we had to cut because we didn't have time to get to it yeah I figured I'd rather shoot next i mate than the g36 no I'd rather shoot mp7 than you Jeter and the g36 will probably show up someday somewhere yeah they are well they're out there there they've been issued yeah a lot of them to a lot of places yeah totally kevin says do you think the m1 garand would have been better than the ba are for walking fire in World War one given its lighter weight and quick reload if mash masts issued absolutely not eight rounds 20 rounds in the var isn't even an for the attempt of using walking fire aides even worse and walking fires dumb in the first place granted granted but let's let's take the question under the idea that the walking fire could be used in some instance effectively I think the eighth round capacity would have made it impossible to use viably and actually the weight of the BR kind of brings it down yeah you don't need it to be super light for walking fire you need it to be hold a bowl like there are some guns that don't have a good way to like there's a good front grip on the BA R which is what you well that when you got on the cup - yeah it's actually it's not bad I've actually said the weight of the BR made it better for that not worse yeah so no I would think that would they get the m1 whatever worse e Raja says what weapon would you use as a Soviet soldier during World War two if you could choose no captured weapons during World War two yes so your options are going to be a most nagant 91/30 long rifle or an M 44 carbine made up of course a ppsh-41 or 43 submachine gun yep in svt-40 yeah semi-auto rifle hmm or sharp stick I think that's about it I'll tell you that what comes to mind would be if one of the submachine guns for me I don't know if I'd go with the 41 of the 43 the 41 s got is a controllable gun which has a higher capacity drum but a much higher rate of fire and the magazines and drums are not really interchangeable which is a problem yeah the 43 was much better in terms of the manufacturing capabilities I think those magazines are interchangeable they totally are so I'm I'm inclined even though I think the 41 might have brought more firepower to the table my inclination is to say the PPS 43 I'm torn the 43 is a better gun from all the sort of logistical reliability standpoint but the 41 to me is a nicer gun I'm a better shooting gun like you give me the two I will have better results shooting with the 41 but that's not what it's all about mmm knowing that the 43 the magazines are always going to work the guns a lot lighter and a lot more compact for carrying around all that stuff matters so I don't know so you'd go with a sub gun though you wouldn't go with the svt-40 well the Muslims are just yeah consider the motion yeah I think I'd probably take this up gun over the svt I'd rather have the firepower just yeah not not because of any problem with the SVT just because I think I'd find the submachine gun more practical or useful some think the submachine guns more likely to save my ass when something goes awry the svt40 semi-automatic and not the most reliable they're pretty good let's say it let's say but let's okay let's put this under the auspice that they're 100% reliable I would still take the submachine gun because it's it's got the ability to hit out to a hundred yards yeah it does especially in that round seven six to Tokarev is no slouch and you've got fully automatic capability which is good for suppressive fire and you've got interchangeable magazines in higher capacity - that to me sounds like a life-saving thing yeah so that's where I'm at I'd probably end up with the 43 for the same reasons right yeah yeah the 41 is alluring but the 43 just is reliable if it was just like pick it up and shoot that thing with it I'd rather have that 41 but if it's you this is gonna be you're done for the next eight months going everywhere probably 43 because with the 41 you're gonna get one drum that fits that gun problem you may not have a reload yep you might dent that drum and then then you're in trouble until you can find another one that works yeah drums are a pain in the butt to carry there those stick mags are really nice yeah so 43 I think we're on the same page yeah yep or an SKS well that's right actually that's the question if you could have the SKS instead because allegedly they did see a little bit of use right in Berlin at the end now you bring up would you take an SKS over a pps43 yeah okay yeah because you're now you're dealing with an intermediate cartridge you've extended your range out to 200 yards or more it's a much smaller gun you've got 10 rounds on tap that's still were controlled Bowl yeah okay yeah go with the SKS but I didn't even think about that because that was so at the end of the war yeah Jonathan John Moses Browning or Eugene stoner four greatest American firearm engineer I think JMB brought more to the table in terms of a diversity of designs but I think Eugene stoner brought the most important gun to the table okay browning browning is my choice far and away the owner was brilliant stoner designed some absolutely outstanding guns a couple of them mmm browning designed categories of guns I agree with that but don't you think that what stoner did brought the gun brought damn Moses bouquet browning brought a whole diverse wide range of all sorts of mechanical designs of the table he was a genius no doubt about it what stoner did was brought guns to the table that have been become the practical definitive answer to the problem right so so stoner did less diversity of designs but the designs he brought had a greater impact I don't think in warfare over time I don't know we still use m2 heavy machine guns yeah that's still they haven't managed to replace that thing in a hundred years it's true stoner has one design yeah that had that longevity now he has more than that overall yeah like the stoner 63 is a magnificent fascinating fantastic gun mmm it is but not one that was ended up being suitable for military use browning has has so many guns that had that legacy yeah he does from lever actions to inventing the automatic shotgun to inventing the pistol slide 1911 the entire in fact every virtually every modern semi-automatic handgun we used a is a Browning tilting barrel short recoil system so the question says greatest American firearm engineer yep yeah it's browning it is browning don't stoner made a incredible impact and his rifle has made an important thing for the US military in the world yes but if you had to do it in aggregate browning has had a greater effect yeah Christopher says if you could go back in time and have one gun to receive the development that the ar-15 has received since its inception which do you think would be the most interesting excluding the two that he apparently knows what you think would be the most interesting namely the aka in the FAMAS okay I'm actually going with a pistol it's not it's not a it's not a rifle but he says a firearm one gun yeah I think the HK p7 the p7 was a gun is a is it is it is is appreciated people under speed a realize that the HK p7 is a pistol but it's a fantastic pistol that had a brief lifespan and it still continues to be a fantastic pistol although it's somewhat obsolescent because of age and time I think the design itself had so much merit that it should have been continued and I think that if we continued the HK p7 for all the years that it could have been developed I think we would have an incredibly interesting pistol today that's a very interesting choice okay I would say the Patterson rifle oh okay toggle lock mm-hmm it is well the lock itself has some pretty close tolerances mm for machining sake it's a very simple gun doesn't recoil doesn't [ __ ] no I have to think about that doesn't recoil doesn't have no I mean it doesn't have a recoil base into action I think it does does matter continue to ask question this is okay you don't know everything either I'm supposed to dammit I'm supposed to know everything we've revealed the truth right there are some toggle locks out there and they didn't last all that long other stuff that didn't last long didn't last for very good reasons like long recoil yes yes yes yes like there are advantages to run long recoil but the disadvantage is clearly outweigh them and no amount of engineering or in or you know iteration is going to solve it taco locks might have there's like the potential there it'd be very interesting to see had the u.s. adopted the Pettersen instead of the m1 mm where would that have led us by the time of say the m14 in 20 years to work on that design yeah it is a potentially extremely simple and reliable system the downside being it's like you have to make it really well but you know we're good at making things well the toggle lock I mean the whole thing is a concept of a knee joint right right and you when you think of guns that used a knee joint concept for locking the Luger yeah Henry yeah they all the Winchester's yeah the Maximus Aksum and this rifle you're referring to what else that's about it that's pretty much it oh maybe the Chris no that's blowback but has a toggle lock belaying thing I know the spring it looks like a knee joint yeah but you're right regardless so we've got the Luger the Maxim there are a few other weird the Winchester's the Patterson Walther made a semi-auto shotgun the toggle lock there's a weird choise Llosa 1901 has a toggle lock but if you think about it some of the gun like these are some pretty iconic guns the maxim Winchester's Maxim the entire Winchester series and the Luger like that's you know there's clearly at least a little bit of potential there I mean the Winchester's were the ar-fifteens of their day yeah and and and still to this day are incredible guns yeah but I think semi-auto toggle locking hmm there's so you're going with semi-auto toggle lock in the in the guise of the pettersen and I'm going with the HK p7 yeah I think that's a pretty good setting those are both good answers different says with the trend of modern optics optics do you think we will see a time where handguns and rifles have no iron sights yeah absolutely we already have and some places totally not so much with handguns but it's not difficult to find pictures of especially Special Forces type guys who have optics and no iron sights on their rifles today whether they're red dots or even EO Tech's or whatever or variables there's the reality is that's a comp that's that that's that's a choice that some people are making the vast majority of hunting rifles do not have iron sights on them anymore yeah I think we're talking military here yes no yeah when it comes to a pistol I want to say this yeah I think this is something that's misunderstood sometimes um the the backup backup iron sights on a red dot sighted pistol matter more than backup irons on a rifle or long arm the reason for that isn't because your red dots going to fail it's because what you can do is use the pistol because you only have one point of contact or two with your hands holding the pistol when you bring that pistol up to aim those two those iron sights are quicker to acquire and then you can align the pistol into a handoff from the irons to the dot right now you can have them enough iterations where eventually this becomes sort of intuitive but when you're in a dynamic situation or you're using the gun one hand or in some awkward position using the irons to get to the red dot matters when you're using a long arm which has all the extra points of contact you do not need the irons to be able to find the dot right so I would say on a pistol they matter more on a rifle I mean I think you're gonna see more and more tired sights completely excluded or we threw these in and an afterthought where they're just kind of there and if you need them key you can flip them up but you're never gonna get used you already see that like for example in the Tavor they included irons but those irons are kind of just they're not great and they're just folded in and they like flip up leaf with a little hole in a post yeah and how it because it's it's getting to the point of being not necessary yeah and the echo has a repeat question why do you think it is that bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns became the norm and the inverse bolt-action shotguns and pump-action rifles are kind of weird I can't action I cannot answer bolt-action shotgun and maybe you can answer this but what I can tell you is personal experience pump-action anything requires a very deliberate motion to make sure you don't short stroke or caused or induce a malfunction we see that with shotguns heck if you watch the shotgun videos from Halloween on this channel you're gonna see that happening quite a few times to a lot of people but what I do know is I have tried to use in cowboy action particularly the colt lightning which is a pump-action that was supposed to be a competitor to the lever guns because Colt and Winchester actually had a gentleman's agreement where Colt would not compete with them with leather guns right and so what they did is they came out with a pump gun as an alternative I have not once and I mean really once ever seen a pump action lightning whether it's a reproduction or an original ever be reliable I don't know why but I've never seen it work never okay so there's something there and I don't know what it is whether was the design itself or just something about the idea never seen one work well this isn't a question I have had a chance to put a lot of thought into but my initial gut feeling is that bolt-action rifles tend to be bolt action tends to be better for higher pressure cartridges you have a more positive locking system like you know absolutely when it's locked and when it's not sure if you look at the locking systems on pump-action designs they're typically like a little vertical traveling plug that's not as strong as a to lug rotating bolt mm-hmm and trying to introduce a rotating bolt into a pump action is a little mechanically a little more tricky and unnecessary yeah well and then with the pump-action shotguns my gut feeling is it's more about the magazine than the action a shotgun shell is a big cartridge with a perfectly flat face and a protruding rim and they're very difficult to get to work in box magazines there are a few and in fact the few box magazine shotguns are often bolt-action was it Stevens I think you I'm sure you've seen him at gun shows the bolt action shotguns that hold like three rounds in a stick yeah yeah and the Germans adilyn - they had a bolt-action shotgun at some point wasn't there some commercial ones yeah there was conversions of Mauser yeah that's right but I'm thinking purpose-built for fair enough the thing is when you put shotgun shells in a tube magazine they work great - magazine I suspect is a little more conducive to the pump action it's it's because of the rim yeah now it's interesting the rim and the flat face the counter that's gonna come to this is then why did we not see more lever action shotguns no the shotgun the rounds are too long well the 1887 exists yeah this is another one and by the way this is interesting just like the pump-action lightning those 1887 lever guns the reproductions are bad in general they have to be completely fixed to make them work at all but even the originals they're clunky yeah they're really clunky there's something about the throw in the length of the throw and the lever gun even when it's reliable to get that yeah and it's still a tube-fed magazine because of the rims and all the things that come with that so it's just maybe the general dynamics of the cartridge and the ergonomics associated with it yeah all right I'm gonna move on because I don't have anything better for that I don't know that was a good answer there definitely a question that deserves a better end yeah there's that's an in-depth kind of thing brian says what is the best value in home built part kits available today set me slash g3 sent me el suzy still the 8k you would love to see another video build series well there won't be another video build series on YouTube there will not they do not allow that anymore to my mind there aren't any good values in home bill parts kits because they don't come with barrels the heyday of home builds was when you could get a kit with a complete barrel and all you had to supply was a receiver and semi-auto fire control and especially you know there was a period when 8k kits were under hundred bucks and 50 to 100 bucks for a kit with what was often depending on the you know the nationality the kit often a brand new barrel like I remember getting a bunch of Romanian kits where there was still a little piece of wax paper in the barrel from when it was refurbed and put it into storage wow that's cool and you could put like 200 bucks total like if you bought a brand new fire-control part set complete hundred-percent built receiver you could be into an 8k for like 200 250 bucks that was that that was when homebuilding made economic sense today you've got kits but you don't have barrels anymore means you have to go buy a new barrel and then that means you have to do a lot more work you have to headspace the whole thing oh yeah you have to drill the the barrel pin hole in the barrel yup day drill the pin slots the pin holes for your gas block for your front sight block head spacing is an important point because when you got those kits with the barrel it was already done exactly you had a matching kit bolt the barrel the Tron it headspace was it was more it was more of just assembly yeah exactly it was assembly but still harder than an hour oh hey our is like building an 8k was absolutely gunsmithing so was the semi yeah set me was harder to build this is the welding made it partner yeah so you know semi-auto submachine guns like building a semi-auto sub gun out of parts kit has always been quite difficult virtually all of those have to be converted from open bolt to closed bolt mm-hmm and that's a tricky process that's that's not introductory level gunsmithing that's some fairly advanced stuff you know this I look at set me and g3 kits today and there's no barrel and there's no receiver and just they're saying that the days of home builds are done I think they are I think well I think they are in terms of cost like there are two reasons to home build a parts kit one is because it's cheaper than buying the thing already assembling like that's the true surplus sort of incentive yes the other is because you enjoy gunsmithing and mechanics and fabrication and you want to do this because it's cool to start with this bag of torch welded crap and end with a gun that works and in that you know for that we still have a pretty good situation yeah the supply of kits is not what it used to be it used to be more variety and just cool different interesting kids that's the case with all surplus nevermind firearms kids but yeah yeah I mean used to have you could get PPSh kits you could get pps43 kits you can get woozy kits there's still some Uzis out there you could get like they were commando kits South African commando sub comes around there was everything to all sorts of stuff DP 28 yeah it's almost hard it's almost easier to count the guns that didn't show up as parts kids yeah like sketch guns I've seen one or two they're never like all sketchy and parts kids but so much else there was mm pm-63 s yeah the finish guns KP 44 Swamy m31 oh yeah I remember that yeah like machine guns yeah DPS I had a Madsen sader kit for a while holy crap that was weird heck there's even dem G 40 mg 42s and 2442 s 34 km's were around gorian offs yeah so I guess the reason to do that now would be because you are really truly interested in the mechanical capabilities of how this thing works and there's no real better way to really intimately understand and learn that but except by building it yeah and it's legitimately really awesome to start with a pile of parts and actually feel the thing that works and then when it runs is a really there is a sense of satisfaction and doing something well yeah and frustration well that's what you have a millimeter labelled cases work yeah yeah so what's the best value in them I don't think if you're assessing it by value I think you're looking for what you have to do is say what gun do I think is the coolest that I can find it careful yeah I want this thing that I couldn't buy otherwise the only way to do it is to build it if you want to build a Z b37 kit I think Center fires still has some of those things getting pretty cheap because nobody wants to deal with them and because the fortress mounts way like a hundred pounds I'm sure and so the barrel shroud weighs like 40 pounds and no one wants to pay shipping but in summary there was a heyday for this and it's over yeah yep David says Karl an update on your beretta 92 and Walter CCP any thoughts on upgrading your beretta for competitions I have no updates besides that both guns have worked reliably and consistently with no issues whatsoever the beretta 92 I did do one thing on which I changed it to a G model D [ __ ] okay we have the standard 92 safety on it and I was accidentally engaged in the safety while manipulating a slide happened to me a number of times and that G model decocker is a huge huge benefit an upgrade to the beretta in general in terms of upgrading the beretta for competition use that's not my game I'm gonna use it the way it is putting the G model decock got rid of a problem that caused me literally click no boom which I don't want but other than that that's about as competitive I'm gonna get with it both guns have been consistently reliable accurate and excellent so I still like them both Garrett says favorite piece of classic or vintage gear the m1 garand cartridge belt mmm that thing is awesome that's like the only piece of World War one yet it's legitimately fast well you said garand that's but not World War one but it's the same belt from World War one in World War two yes I mean they essentially yes it is the same belt it's better with the garand because you have one clip per pocket with the Springfield there were some that had a separate like an extra little button flap yep to hold the second clip in yeah the classic problem with cartridge pouches like that is you open it you grab one clip load it in the rifle and then you jump up and run somewhere and the other one or two clips go which is we've seen that in our matches with over and like predictable stunning reliability open pallets pull out one card one stripper clip feed the gun run to the next position you lose three of them on the field yeah and then must you take the time to close and latch it which nobody ever there must be an amazing amount of loaded stripper clips laying over the Eastern Front and all over the world on battlefields because that must have happened to dudes in the field yeah had to have yeah so that's an interesting answer so your what your yours is that is that belt like today if I want to go to a match with an m1 as long as I can hook the rest of my stuff to that belt I'm set I do not need any more modern piece of kit than that belt it protects the cartridges protects the the clips mm-hmm it's fast to get to that pull the dot thing is it's the right balance of protection and accessibility for me Wow yeah I get that um you know I don't know if this is going far enough back the classic vintage web gear but I'm gonna go ahead and go with the World War 2 m1 garand web sling because that sling is still dynamically changeable for length all you do is and you can use it as a loop sling or as a hasty sling and it works on almost any gun you put it on okay so interestingly we're both picking m1 garand related items that's been a good rifle it was still is Roy says bolt-action rifles are obsolete but is an SMG effective in a modern context you know I threw this question in there because I found this to be compelling because when when the intermediate cartridge assault rifle for lack of a better term became the thing smg's fell off the radar for most people for a lot of uses yeah and I don't this is a question I think I'm really phrasing this question maybe towards you but I'm curious what your thoughts are on this did we did was in that rush to the intermediate cartridge assault rifle did it neglect the advantages that the SMG still potentially has I don't know that it neglected though I think it's important to recognize that there are some advantages to them it is more controllable in full auto and it has a lot less blasting concussion and that can matter yeah I can absolutely matter especially if you throw a suppressor on your nine-millimeter sub gun can become effectively your safe because it's easy to get nine-millimeter subsonic ammunition now if you if you're using a 45 caliber so machine gun done it is subsonic if you're using something like a short-barreled carbine you're gonna have to go to like specially loaded 300 blackout to get a subsonic round and in many ways like suppressing a supersonic rifle still has its its rationale oh yeah but it's not the same as suppressing a subsonic one and having something that is truly hearing safe without any of your protection and that matter isn't a tactical context - because if you're the more ear protection you're wearing the harder it is to communicate with people I suppose you can get around that by having radio you know integrated into your hearing protection but listening to what's going on in the environment listening to other people who might be there who might not be linked into your radio system if I'm in a building and a SWAT teams coming in I would rather than be able to hear everything that's going on yeah not just that when you when you suppress a super media cartridge like five five six and you're not going subsonic the reason for suppressing that isn't for hearing safe or to be able to still ascertain the audio around you it's - it's a tactical thing and that it's hard for the person being fired at to ascertain where the gunshots are being fired from when you when you suppress a submachine gun with let's say 147 green 158 great subsonic 9-millimeter you've heard this um it is so quiet that the bullets hitting the dirt is louder than the gun yeah like you can hear the bullets going it depends on your suppressor but yeah with mine when I suppress my submission gun with subsonics the bullets hitting the the berm are louder than the gun that you can hear them thumping into the ground I think that that's something you're not going to a do with any m4 carbine no you know and therefore there is a place and purpose in which the submachine gun still has an application especially for an insertion team or SWAT team or inside close quarters of CQB yeah and I think personally I think we're going to I think we saw this already to some degree everybody ditch the submachine guns and then some people went oh maybe not we want our mp7 back or or or even mp5 390 or mp5 or poor HK trying to sell you MPs never goes no no no you want the mp5 but keep making the mp5 but but but but I think that I don't think I don't I know we're now we love this word obsolete on in range of this but I don't I do I don't think yeah but I don't think submachine guns are absolutely no I agree yeah John says what has been more practical a slick plate carrier with a chest rig on top or a combination rig I have a lot of combination stuff but I think what's actually it depends on your need doesn't it what no gosh darn it I need an absolute answer this really depends like like let's say if like okay you've got your m4 and your m9 and that's all you're ever gonna use then the combination rig makes sense because it's already rigged up for your particular weapon systems for people like you and I in which we're constantly changing stuff up a slick rig that we can then throw stuff on top of makes more sense or something like you saw what with versus the lake is doing or others in which you can leg zip or unlatch or then tear or j-hook and then tear it off and put another one on I'm torn on that I do not have the experience to make a choice on this yeah to really comment on it but my gut feeling is I would rather have a combination and other have fewer separate layers going on yeah did the AMA need that the benefit of the slick carrier is that you can wear it without anything on it - I do like the idea of a slit carrier and a belt rig hmm that's the matter I can do that I like more than the idea of a slick play carrier with a Chester County you know what I think the right answer to this is that neither is more practical it completely depends on what you need to do yeah I think it matters I think it's it's it's I don't think I don't think we can see either one Joseph did you really throw away your cz 52 57 at Red October of course next question no he got it yeah we dug we trap we dumpster Dovan got it out in fact we checked that dumpster before throwing the gun in to see what exactly we were throwing the gun which was a bunch of boxes it was like yeah it was like it was actually plastic bags full of basically empty cartridge boxes from the range trash cans which meant that when I heard in there was gonna hurt it and I subsequently bought a completely intact all brand-new bolt Oh all of it firing paint all of it I bought an entire bowl from apex yeah dropped it in there and the gun runs again yeah so no we did not actually until early well it will because it's a terrible design but the gun is running again John says given the number of weapons you and particularly in have lying around and borrow for videos how many help her so vampire do you have lying around which ammo gave you the most headache to source and why is it 44 Evans he didn't say that he didn't say that 44 Evans but that's a good one max 42 Evans um well I mean you've got a lot of weird ammunition around I do yeah I have more than you do probably because well you got a lot of guns a lot of them kind of standardized calibers yeah I do you know I guess the weirdest stuff for me would be Old West stuff yeah I have more Old West weird cartridges than you do 45 short Henry I've got 45 well I've got 44 I mean this doesn't sound that weird but it is weird by most people's standards like 45 Schofield or 45 Smith & Wesson got that we've got now cod I just been reloading a ton of 4560 from converted 4570 brass for us to shoot in 1876 winchester and so I I'm gonna say that for most people having a whole bunch having a couple hundred rounds of 4560 laying around would be an unusual yes circumstance so I would say that if you're looking at cartridges from the 1880s I have a lot of weird stuff and tums to modern cartridges I don't have a lot of weird stuff it's more standards the ammunition that had been the hardest for me to source has been 4.7 millimeter caseless for the g11 well yeah and I have eight rounds meant that I did manage to get I have not yet managed to put that ammo in the same place as a functional g11 the g11 at the gray room I am I was told was not viable can't combine the two yep so I know there are some fireable G 11s in Europe but like I'd have to get my ammo over there and let's be honest eight rounds fast really fast the thing you're gonna look at on the g11 is that three round burst and and so yeah it's like bang bang and you're gonna get two and two-thirds of those as much as I would love to get to shoot one would the video or if I ever do is gonna be kind of boring yeah nothing's going nothing happens like slow-motion video of a G 11 is bullets leave and that's it there's no casing yep there's no moving part of any sort that you can see on the outside you've also had a hell of a time getting ammunition for your French submachine gun well yeah I still don't have that word so that's no but I mean in terms of answering this question yeah that's been a severe problem that's and that's the more practical one seven six five French long a big thanks to Cameron out there who has been handloading me batches one at a time that I've been trying out but I don't have one that works yet you know I'm starting to wonder if there's maybe more wrong with the gun I don't know but I don't actually have yet quite a perfect representation reproduction of the original MO the problem is the bullet that was used in the original a mode so quite match anything that's common today mm-hmm it's a 30 caliber bullet but like 95 grains so it's heavier than most of what's out there it was originally kind of a long pointed oh I was thinking I was thinking you might I was said earlier today you might want to use 110 grand 30 carbine bullets that might be the next and just see them deep yeah yeah that's heavier than the spec calls for but it might better might work better but we've also I've also been tasked occasion about making some weird stuff like 42 Evans yeah which find dies for that yeah good luck so like literally a combination of multiple different die sets at two different settings to make like a couple rounds yeah which by the way don't do that at home unless you really know what you're doing with reloading because that's dangerous behavior yeah Tim says would you all consider a project to modernize the m1 carbine as a sort of small jungle done the only thing I do with an m1 carbine is sell it because I don't want to deal with those guns ever in my life I think that's a place where you can just replace it with vinay or carbine yeah and get basically the same way all of the capacity are all the capability that you're looking for with a modernized m1 carbine but without the problems like the engineering has already been done to make it reliable to make the magazines good what does the m1 carbine bring to the table that you really need or want four and a half pounds okay I think honestly it is primarily it is such a small and handy gun you do that with what what's done a new carbine you're at you're you're almost you're close and you're shooting five five six with a gun that's reliable and optics and shoot some and MOA and has optics yeah and you can put a bipod on it if you want this is gonna infuriate the audience we're gonna go ahead and say it some people in the audience and when carbines are obsolete no yeah but that wasn't was gonna go the truth is and this is legit right this is no doubt in my mind I've had such bad experience with emmalin carbines over and over over again like decades of bad experiences m1 carbines I have given up on that platform and if you had on a table an m1 carbine and at 1866 lever gun I would take the lever gun without hesitation because it will run every time I run the lever and fire I I just don't trust those guns I don't I've never seen one make it through a match I've never seen one that was either mine I've never had one that worked and I've never seen one work all right not reliable enough by my standards I'm I know they exist we're gonna hear in the comments about how there's does yes have you seen one work like to the standard over 200 percent standard I don't know Ryan says if you had access to a see 93 Borchardt and an early Madison semi-auto rifle would you run a two gun match with them of course sure I'll run a to gun match with anything pretty much that we can get through the match with we need 8 by 58 Danish hmm mo probably we're gonna need a handful as to 93 magazines as well as 7 6 5 7 6 3 Borchardt but if we had that stuff those two guns are actually capable of getting through the course of fire yes yes there that's the challenge it's like I don't ever want to bring a gun that can't even make it through the course of fire so when you get a question like would you run a two gun match with an 1861 springfield rifled musket and an 1861 colt no no because there's no possible way to get through one stage even once yeah but with that do it could do it if you have these two please contact us me and yeah I'll totally do it I think that'd be fun a borchardt Imperator 314 says what are your opinions our preferences regarding ar-15 lubrication I prefer to run mine very wet however I'm in the army and they always say to use very little lubrication because it detracted her and sand I'm skeptical what gives I'm in the latter camp I think here's the thing so many of the air 15s or I should say m16s M fours that are in US military stock have not been properly maintained for like ever and so there are lots of things that go on with military guns that would not happen with a properly maintained rifle or carbine and a properly maintained m4 or properly maintained m16a2 or a cabe one or any of those meaning properly maintained should only require a very small amount of lubricant on the contacting parts of the bolt carrier group and the bolt and that any more than that is a dirt attractive that said running them wet will compensate for some of the tomfoolery and lack of maintenance that has gone on with military rifles so your mileage may vary but a properly running AR should not have to be run wet how's that sounds good to me like our what would stunt reduce frankly you were running yours dry I I'm trying to remember when I last lubricated it I'm not sure it's not because what was done not because I build you like some magical thing it's because they're just well-maintained made out of good parts and they haven't been run into the ground yeah Jeremy says why do you think oh why do you think it device similar in concept to the pettersen device wasn't further pursued inter-war many countries tried to do tried to convert their obsolete bolt guns into semi autos to no avail and it seems the Pettersen device could have been improved and solved a lot of the issues you're gonna know more about this tonight with my understanding is the pedestal device didn't work in the first place number one it didn't work in the first place okay number two the money it would take to make it work and then manufacture those and use them is more than it would take to just develop and use a proper semi-auto natively semi-auto rifle yeah and three the best way I heard this described was both I assets en arsenal yeah described it as John Patterson built a pistol caliber carbine inside the footprint of a Springfield 1903 bolt yes he did holy crap that is a technical challenge that is what he did yes but what you've ultimately done is created a long arm that was firing 30.6 and turned it into 32 acp a 9 millimeter 4 foot long 32 acp pcs literally pew pew i mean there's not a lot of potency they're great for suppressing a bit any bullet coming your way is a bad thing but I mean when you're talking about war 32 ACP being fired out of that semi-automatic is not exactly impressive yeah build a submachine gun yeah they'll be way cheaper than trying to convert bolt rifles for pistol caliber cartridges and apparently the US did some testing and again both iOS and Android archival research group are responsible for finding this the US actually went back and did some testing on the Patterson devices after the war yes in the early 20s a yeah like holy cow crap they don't forget all we almost did this oh my gosh I'm glad we didn't do this yeah yeah so alright Martin says 4k video when this goes for forgotten weapons as well far as I'm concerned never I mean obviously someday but the reality is 1080p is where it is and 1080p is already for me at least file sizes larger than I like to deal with these generates huge files and there's a lot of effort in time to upload huge files especially when in range is decentralized and I've got uploaded to multiple destinations this is part of why we're not on pornhub anymore it well it's part of well we're still there but we're not uploading to it because the views aren't there we're consistently we're still we are still decentralized and I published the content to multiple different distribution networks full30 Facebook YouTube bit shoot but each one of those I add is another oh my gosh multiple gigs of uploads and it has to be done and then you find out you made a typo in a video and you got to do it all over again so and let's be realistic I think the majority or a lot of the audience watches this on a phone phone it's about this big the reality is is that I've tried this now maybe your eyes are better than mine but I have pretty decent vision I've looked at 480 video on my phone and I've looked at 1080p on my phone and I can't barely tell the difference but if it doesn't say HD people complain so there's gonna be a point where people are gonna say it doesn't say 4k and there's gonna be a complaint even though I don't know that it's perceptible yeah there are a few people out there watching on some mongaul's for face paint totally totally and I understand that then but the majority aren't what are you saying about what do you think about forgotten opera it's pretty much the same thing honestly at this point I've used I have not changed cameras since I think 2013 Wow with the exception that I had to repair the camera once because I tripped and threw it on the floor and it broke so you know if it's repaired is it still the same camera but it's the same model of camera and it works great and I probably I suspect I will go to 4k when something forces me to replace and upgrade that camera I'll deal with 4k when it becomes an issue that the audience dictates it to me No where they don't want to watch anymore because of it at some point we may also get to the point where cameras offer native high speed yeah it's good enough to really offer a substantial improvement in at the same time that they also offer 4k yeah sure and that's that would be more compelling for what we do I don't see a whole lot of necessity for 4k like oh yeah it'll look crisper but you're not gonna actually gain any objective anything from it I don't think no I don't know I mean it's hard to perceive I mean there's audio and video files out there and I'm sure that I'm assuming that Martin is one of those by asking the question I'm not trying to denigrate your interest in a better quality video I'm not but it is a huge overhead and burden on the content producer in terms of getting that stuff up on the net yeah so and storing it a video every day archive quadrupling the size of those mm-hmm oh yeah that's another thing you try to archive your files when you're done in case something happens and that's another thing is storing all that stuff forever yeah I mean 1080p is okay right now and someday will be 4k but only when it becomes essential yeah Bobby says are you seeing ARS with AR pistols with braces and matches more and more I wouldn't say more and more we seen once in a while occasionally yeah to gun match they show up actually you know what I think it's pretty regular now that we'll see at least one or two at a - mmm yeah there are a couple guys who have decided that's my thing I don't like it you won't see it at three gun match for that wasn't there I thought I saw a note come out from one of the matches that they specifically do not allow them I don't know what's not it's not to jack me no it definitely isn't yeah I thought there was one that I saw that that made that policy because they didn't want to be associated with any potential liability down the line I don't see that's weird as a match director unless something is obviously illegal it's kind of on you like yeah I mean I mean I mean how do I know never mind a pistol brace how do I know the rifle you're using you didn't steal what if it's a stolen gun I mean I obviously I'm making a hypothesis here but maybe you're at the match was a stolen rifle hopefully you're not one of those people but I'm not gonna go find out if that's a stolen gun or not so you can shoot the match and the pistol braze thing is like it's all you it's not on me so show up and arrest you that's your problem it's not my problem yeah Kyle says what is the best dual purpose purpose cartridge for Cowboy Action Shooting I'm getting a Henry Big Boy with my taxes and I need some ideas for a round that would pair well with a revolver but would also come in handy if I'm out in the brush not the poopoo your choice but I wouldn't go with a Henry Big Boy if you're gonna do Cowboy Action Shooting I would look at the Oh Bertie or Cimarron stuff which is all Italian and I'd look at the 73 it's a faster smoother action of a boy is no offense to Henry but if you're going Cowboy Action Shooting you're gonna be better off with a 73 with that Winchester toggle link system for Cowboy Action Shooting you know it depends on if you're a purist or not but since she's asking dual-purpose go with a 1873 Winchester a chambered in 357 Magnum and then at Cowboy Action Shooting shoot 38 specials or shoot 38 special loads and the reason you can do that is then you have no recoil to get what match but when you want to use the gun for something more practical you can pop it up into a 357 s and a 357 Magnum out of a rifle is no slouch yeah that's what I would do the opposite side of this I figured you were gonna go with the historical side he said dual purpose so I'm providing the dual purpose if you want to be the cool authentic historical guy you want 44 40 yeah because there were no 45 colt lever guns at the time so the reason why this is densest this is gets deep but the reason 45 colt was never chambered in lever guns back in the day is because the original 45 colt was a balloon head cartridge was almost no rim and therefore it was not properly extract out of a chamber with a lever gun so what happened was lever guns were 44 40 or 44 Henry rimfire which is a unicorn now and pistols would have been either in 45 colt or 44 40 or 30 a 40 or something like that but if you want dual purpose pistol and rifle and you want to be historically accurate absolutely 44 40 if you're looking for dual purpose in terms of a gun you want to use it cowboy action but then also go hunting with or whatever I 18 73 in 38 slash 357 the winner all right Stuka 444 says why did the French never adopt larger magazines for their battle rifles despite all other nations having what seems like a 20 round magazine minimum I have to say I threw this in there because it said French and they had and and it's a question I have troubled myself with I look at the French guns you know go back to war one I like the three round what like no like you're what like well so there is a good explanation what is it it's cavalry carbine was never meant to be anything more than a cavalry carbine and they went from one round to three and three was sleep this was 1890 this was before this actually predates that karabiner 88 pretty much everyone know the German cavalry at this time was using Mauser 70 ones all right all right all right I didn't have a carbine version of the 71 94 but the issue here what you're saying is why on earth did they have like full-length battle rifles in World War one with three round clips yeah and the answer is because that gun was never intended to be an infantry rifle only reason it became one is because when World War one started they weren't making LaBelle's any more than the Lebel by the way had an eight plus one you know it did which was the biggest thing out there I said the smle well it was they needed to start producing rifles right now and the birth EA was cheaper and more accessible than the Lebel and with three rounds what they had it's better than a pointy stick yes okay so why did this continue to be a French traditional so the original semi-auto was the mosque 1940 which was in trials it got cut off in trials by the end by the armistice in 1940 yep and it had a fixed five round magazine didn't have detachable magazines at all 1940 that's okay it's not really out of there we look at the German g-41 that's a ten round fix box magazine yeah damn one garin's and eight round and block magazine yeah yeah block night and block excuse me and block clip yeah what they did when they put that gun into production right after the war as the MAS 44 they realized all right this we need a detachable larger capacity magazine and they kind of just quickly dashed off a ten rounder this by the way is why that magazine has the spring clip on the side mm-hmm because they had already they didn't want to change up the receiver to add a magazine modify them and got all the tooling we've tested it we know it's good we just might change to attachable mag so we'll put a spring clip on the mag oh and then I didn't realize it then the gun state like we don't have to redo any with work on the gun I suspect it was one of those bureaucratic things so like ten ROM should be fine there is more than you know there's a bunch of guys and you've got stripper clips to reload it while it's in the gun it may very well have been this idea that you don't really get anything better out of twenty rounds because twenty rounds mean you have to use four stripper clips to reload it instead of just using two clips and then two more clips which is the same total amount of time there are there there are examples of french charmers making twenty round mags in the field but even as you go on when the FAMAS was adoptable was the magazine capacity twenty-five in what year was this seventy eight okay i mean 30 room similar thing now yes the reason for twenty-five round mag is that was the longest they could get straight which is what the original ar-15 met was yeah the originally our magazine was a 25 rounds straight box mag they went to a 20 round and then when they made 30s and they added a little yeah so also keep in mind that there was through the whole time that they were issuing the mas series they were also issuing submachine guns hmm they had a lot of map 49 s well 17 rows with 30 round mags yeah so yeah it's a shortcoming it's annoying to me but i don't think it's a huge deal frankly they've never really the french should have weird history of magazines like they never figured out how to make a show shot magazine without the holes yeah that doesn't make sense either that's another bizarre I mean I understand why the holes were there this is off topic yeah I understand why the holes were there but they should understand why the hole should at one point they should have gone this was a bad idea stop doing this part where you make the hole yeah literally just to leave that part out yeah okay Scott says I'm really interested in competing in desert brutality 2020 assuming it continues that I have not done any competition shooting before how should I start out and what gear would you recommend at the minimum I would hopefully be running my mostly accurate hk33 Kay clone in the classic division um first recommendation is don't start in the classic division yeah actually that's what I was gonna say that was one thing I was gonna say classic divisions probably the least is one of the hardest it's the least forgiving yeah it is the hardest you know I think it was actually hard it's harder than armored plus P plus P you got to carry a lot of garbage but the guns are using are really good yeah classic not just the worst guns I've got a match but what I was gonna say the reason this question was interesting for a couple of reasons one this year in desert fertility 2019 I'm actually going with a home-built brutalised AKM Romanian a cam speaking of parts kits build yeah it is it is literally there's parts in it that are bent and it still runs I mean it so I'm using a semi bent AKM with a 3-cell ouch and the reason I'm doing that isn't because I think it's gonna win classic is to present the reality of how minimalistic can one approach the stages attitude gun or at least one that we run to gun or brutality match and still be able to finish right and I've always said that my stages are designed with the idea that the a cam is the minimum rifle that's still capable on the battlefield and therefore the stages should be completed with an AKM and I'm using an a cam this year bone stock to make that point so you could go with an AKM pockets to stick magazines into and a good retention holster with pocket stick magazines into and you could shoot you're not gonna win but you could shoot that way in terms of actually garnering experience I would think you should read the rules watch the videos very closely and start at a local event that's not as big a deal and it almost doesn't matter what kind of local event if you haven't shot competition the first hurdle to get over is being able to shoot under pressure self-imposed pressure of a timer and people watching you mm-hmm and that's that's not something to to ignore like that's important skill set that you have to develop once you've got that and perhaps more importantly being able to maintain all of your safety awareness under you know now you're in the stress of the beepers going off and there's 12 dudes watching me and I'd better perform well enough to you know to uphold my honor not look like an idiot and certainly not do anything unsafe so that's the first hurdle to do that and you can do that at any style of match if if there's a little movement that's better just because they'll give you a little bit of experience in practice moving with firearms on the clock you know what I think it is the first thing there's that glock match is it the GS sm it's called or whatever I've ever attended I haven't either but my a buddy of ours goes to it every year and it's it's super beginner friendly I think that like if you can look for those glock matches when they're around that would be a really good venue to get your feet wet because they start things from low ready not from the holster they're very very beginner friendly and that'll get you going on terms of like safety discipline the 180 trigger discipline dealing with like timer and the stress of being watched as far as gear the best gear to bring is the gear that hinders you the least so if you already have an HK 33k and you like it and you're practiced with it great if you are someone who doesn't have any guns for a match like a reliable basic AR and any of the reliable modern pistols like enough magazine capacity that you're not trying to you don't use some two hundred dollar surplus pistol it has a seven round mag that you're gonna be trying to load that's like you want things that aren't going to get in your way a lot of people think that they look at classic and I think this is great that there's that that people see what we're doing with these old guns and it inspires them the one to shoot matches but that's really not the way to start shooting matches it's really it's really hard mode yeah it is and you're gonna have more fun if you're willing to get the classic later and come out with a red dot sighted ar-15 and a wonder nine like a Glock you're gonna have way more fun I guarantee you you're gonna have more fun yeah David and Jen asked do either if you own any wall hanger firearms and if so why don't you shoot them unsafe to valuable historical values sentimentality etc please include an example or two examples I think you have many I have one right now that's that's kind of there but someday is gonna get shot Matt Oh a gun show gosh was probably a couple years ago now I find I found a Springfield 50 70 yeah so the 50 70 was what came before the 4570 trapdoor and it was used by most of the quote-unquote Indian indigenous people because they were the guns that were kind of surplus away the government played with them they converted a bunch of 1861 Springfield muskets into one of the locks into these 50 70s and then they used them for a little while they went we're gonna go with 45 70 and then they made complete rifles usually not from surplus parts but made them from scratch and then surplus out the 50 70s which is why they got into the hands of Indians so I have a 50 70 that is in reasonably good shape the stock is not in great shape and I've been slowly working towards casting my own bullets to finally fire it but it says I'm not gonna fire it a lot it's predominantly on the wall as a representation of the gun that came before the trapdoor yep I have a bunch a couple of the two examples I would come up with one of them is a Bannerman Spencer pump action shotgun which is really cool because it's really the first marketed pump-action shotgun the problem is it has a Damascus barrel and it's really old and you actually loaded me some 12-gauge blanks for it yeah I still haven't actually done anything with it but I plan to do a video with that using some blank ammo to demonstrate how it works but I don't need to shoot high pressure really mo through that thing because I could damage it and it's a pump shotguns like there's not I don't I don't need to go out and shoot this for any particular reason so why would I risk the gun but it is mechanically and historically very interesting when year was that guy originally 1881 1880 is the quintessential first I mean there were other pumps before this but the pump that really took the field was the 1897 right yeah but this is quite a bit before that is yeah yeah okay the other one would be my Carroll CA birth year which is the incredibly rare version meant for the guys who are still wearing armored breastplates and big fancy helmets and that thing has a leather butt plate on it and I've actually shot a different example Patrick one of the the French collectors well-known French collector in Albuquerque has has one and I got to shoot his and you know what it shoots kind of like a carbine with a really uncomfortable comb I have no need to shoot mine and find out if I'm gonna damage the leather butt plate or if maybe there's some little tiny crack in the stock that I haven't seen yeah that running 232 grain bullet at 2,400 ft/s might expose and like make really big I there's no need to shoot it yeah no reason damage it it's a collectible Justin says regardless of current technological limitations what in your opinion would constitute the perfect carbine optic there is no perfect it is all situational and it always depends I like that answer thing there is no perfect the closest thing the closest thing is is a quality red dot like an endpoint totally depends what you wanted but it's not perfect because you know you might need magnification you might want to variably my not I just I think I guess I guess what I mean by my default go to would be a quality red dot like a name point that does not that's the one that best fits the circumstances that you are most likely it also addresses the wide most of the wide majority of situations in which you want to shoot something however it is by no means perfect there are means there are times where you need something else aim point comp in five yeah pretty much Gouri the all-powerful says in a previous Q&A you stated that of all the cap and ball revolvers you'd carry an 1860 Colt why this instead of a remington 1858 or something more even more saucy like a LeMat do you want to hit that or you want to LeMat is awful yeah it is really uncomfortable to hold it's really big the center shotgun thing is interesting but not exactly compelling don't need those blue whistlers that bad the baby LeMat is actually a lot more comfortable I could see that it handles like an actual gun but I'm not gonna carry one of those because they cost like $50,000 and remember the original amount wasn't even in 44 was in 41 to 42 yeah and then they're little but but but in 1858 this comes up a lot the Remington new army the 58 you hear this all the time people go but you could pull down the the loading thing and the the ramrod and then pull out the cylinder pin and pull out a cylinder put a new one in it no you can't the 1858 the cylinder pin is a just a metal round pin that goes into the cylinder and locks into place and it's locked in place by the ramrod the bullet cedar and the reality is it fouls so quickly and so fast that we'll trying to get to that out to remove the cylinder after firing even one cylinders worth of black powder means that that quick-change cylinder is not real as well as the 58 fouls so much and so badly mostly around the cylinder pin even when properly lubricated that even if you don't change cylinders after a couple of cylinders worth of firing you have to clean the gun thoroughly or it will be require you to essentially psyche turn the cylinder with your support hand while cocking the hammer the 1860 of the Colts in general the 1860 as well the cylinder pin is integral to the frame and it has what I would call tread in it there's grooves cut into the cylinder pin which are meant for dealing with that fouling it turns out that the colt is a far more reliable cap and ball revolvers than the 58 what you have to remember what the colt is that you have properly sized caps right and that you tend to cut cut the bring the gun up during recoil and the cap will fall off and not into the action but in terms of the colt seizing up under fouling it is a far more reliable gun than than the Remington and that's the reason all right icebreaker interactive says its World War 3 in 1985 you are out of ammo and you see among the deceased on the battlefield and m16a1 a foul a g3 and ak74 and an M 49 Hosea which one do you reach for m16 yep m16 a1 no no not even a no hesitation there at all yep it is it is so I mean those other guns are fine but the m16 is definitely the best of that yeah by far brian says yr grip safeties and trigger safeties not utilized in rifles and shotguns grip safeties and trigger safeties glock doodles no I think we should answer those separately I think grip safeties aren't used because they suck grip safety is I mean they're always bad pretty much I mean they had them in the Uzi and then you find that you I don't know how many times you guys have tried to fire an Uzi but I can tell you that there's been I know this is a training thing but but grip safety is inevitably you always just don't quite get it right like every once in a while and there's time stress or whatever you don't squeeze it hard enough or whatever and the gun don't work grip safeties are just and here's another thing that I wondered about the grip safety on the 19 how is that useful well it was a safety device before it had a thumb safety granted but once you had the thumb safety huh it's a magazine cut off it's once the point being is the grip safety a 1911 once you have a grip on the gun and you're pulling out of your holster you have defeated the grip safety which is when the gun is dangerous in terms of coming out of the holster and maybe sweeping yourself now that you should but that's yes yes so what is this like III kind of unlost on this so in terms of grip safety I don't do you see a reason for them well I think the reason that you have it's not so much a reason a question of why are they not on rifles and shotguns it's a question of why are they on pistols and the answer is because they're the best of some not great options you don't need a trigger or a grip safety on a long gun because you've got enough space in the action to have a really organ on it comfortable and very effective thumb safety okay which is what you don't generally have on a pistol I can see why we did why why it was uneasy when you are any open bolt yes the open bolt guns make a lot of sense there's more sense to it I just kind of said I don't like it but to read the rationale there makes sense because an open bolt will fire when jarred or can fire when jarred especially depending on the generation of the open bolt and so the grip safety on the Uzi prevents that from happening it's something that actually prevents the bolt from being able to drop and fire the gun right so if you were to accidentally drop the gun it won't fire okay I guess but but I think rip safeties have a very limited application if you could transplant an ar-15 safety onto a pistol you wouldn't need all the debate about do you want it some do you want on the slide or on the frame or if we can't I mean the whole reason trigger safeties exist is to avoid having any of the other types yeah no and the trim well the trigger well the trigger safety on a Glock for example makes a lot of sense and it also makes it drop safe exactly however I think this is a good point here is that if you were to take a Glock Glock ish I realize many pistols use this style of safety but use a Glock ish style trigger safety and put it into let's say an ar-15 mm-hmm why is that bad thing what wouldn't be a bad thing just isn't that's No well well no but I have an answer but I was this was a rhetorical course my first thought was that like my Ruger precision rifle notes have a trigger safety it does were to allow it to have a very light trigger pole mmm you can turn the safety off but then if you bump the rifle and it falls over it won't fire okay so more of a drop safe sort of thing yeah here's my other rationale on this especially in a military-style rifle like an ar-15 the reason if you were to add a trigger safety bass an exec as an additional you don't need it because you already have a regular safety and the reason you have a regular safety is because in a military-style rifle you are running through we have gear on you're running through debris you're running through brush a a stick or gear can still get hung up on a trigger safety and fire of the gun that's true and an act of safety on an ar-15 that you literally flick on or off means that if something accidentally hits your trigger it's not going to fire the gun good point so that would be my rationale for that and when you have a pistol out that's less of a concern yeah because you are in control of the pistol right versus a rifle hanging on your sling or maybe bouncing around last page John says what did you guys think of that they shall not grow old I really liked it I thought the technical aspects were fascinating if you see it in the theater you have the opportunity to stick around for about a half an hour worth of making-of at the end that is every bit as interesting as the film itself I think the artistic choice that they made to use only original footage and only original veteran commentary and it's not even it's not even like what a vets rope being reread it is audio taken from interviews with these guys I think in the 60s or 70s when they were old but not like totally decrepit ly creaky voiced old so the entire film is a documentary about the life of the average British soldier in World War one shown showing the average British soldier in World War one and being told by the average British soldier and the technical the colorization and the sound recreation is absolutely and the even know what you would call it the raishin the film making it look like modern real film is absolutely fantastic I'm gonna say the technical aspects the colorization of the 3d was beyond phenomenal amazing it was like being there was like oh my gosh it's like I'm looking at World War 1 filmed yesterday and that's exactly what the point was this was beautiful yeah and I think I understand why he took the narrative he did which was from the average British soldiers perspective of being in the war and I think that for the regular audience that's exactly the right choice and I think it's a fantastic film for me however I know that they also cleaned up all of the archival footage and I would have liked to have seen a broader scope of depth of conversation about things I would like to have seen aircraft I would like to see more than just and I know this sounds weird but the standard narrative of day in the trench day in the trench jump over the trench die day in the trench is something we know about what we want and this is no different in terms of that although it's brought from the voices of the men that were there however I would have liked to have seen a bigger perspective they did have about a hundred hours of footage to work with to turn into about a 90-minute documentary so I'm not saying it's not great it is I just would have liked to have seen a broader perspective on the war hopefully I think as part of making this he did restoration on I believe the entirety of the Imperial War museums film archive for mobile or one which means that that is now available to other filmmakers and research groups and so I'm pretty confident we'll start to see that other footage come out in other productions at the end during that 30 minutes that Ian was speaking of in which Peter Jackson talks about the work they show other footage that they cleaned up and they see some awesome stuff they show some aircraft in a minute I'm like I want to jump on him I see him like that's what I want to see like why would that should have been in the movie like and I understand why it wasn't but I think and again for the average audience it's going to be an incredible mind-blowing experience and you should see it regardless because it is technically that I just want to like the narrative to be brother Alex says our revolvers obsolete for combat god we love that word now apparently you do you you pulled these questions out no I mean obviously was all over the place but but you know what our revolvers obviously for combat yes are they obsolete for self-defense no okay that's different okay what do you think I think I'm gonna move on to the next question okay I'm gonna say yes they are absolutely for combat but there obsolete for self-defense so I think there's a lot of purpose or maybe someone wanted to carry one for that purpose like a concealed carry weapon but in terms of taking it in to war huh yeah yeah they were obviously more wrong James says legality is aside would you please explain the benefits and negatives of concealed carry verse open carry yeah I have favored open as a deterrent like a security sign on the front lawn but now there's big push for concealed which is really better I think open carry is a terrible idea I'm not talking about from this enormous from a social perspective I'm talking about from a tactical perspective why would you first of all as a deterrent I don't know that that is a deterrent like maybe it is maybe it isn't but the reality is is that if someone is is hell-bent on causing a problem that day you're just the first target you're also potentially like a walking gun dispenser you are that as well and there's a lot of footage of that now I'm not saying that what's his name I'm sorry James James I'm not trying to offend you James I don't know what your situational awareness is but I know what mine is and I know that my situational awareness is not constantly always on high alert and and obviously we would like to think there were always on some sort of high-alert status everywhere we go in life and if you're one of those people I kind of feel bad if you because that's a crappy way to live but if that is where you're at then so be it and that's something that you need to be when you have an open carry pistol yeah open but a concealed carry pistol first of all someone doesn't know you have it right because it's concealed not saying that you shouldn't be aware but the reality is it's not obvious that it's on you meaning that you're not a gun dispenser you're also not necessarily a target and I will challenge the nation and the native the narration or the statement that is a deterrent to me the justification for open carry the the proper like the place where it's totally proper and legit to open carry is oh yeah I'm a desert by the way out in the desert when you're out hiking around and you're open carrying that's a different thing than going to the local Walmart right I'm taking this under the auspices and under the aspect of a normal concealed carry day well what I want to point out here is there's a difference between saying you shouldn't open carry and saying that well we don't need to be allowed to open carry the thing is not yeah there are some places where it's totally it is the best option like out hiking help hunting where you don't it's much easier to carry a gun open then conceal oh yeah you don't have to try and stuff it you know inside clothing under a belt you can have a much more comfortable holster totally hangs off the side it's nice and then the other benefit of an open carry law is that it means that you are not necessarily penalized if you happen to goof if I bend over and back my shirt comes up and oh he's got a gun there in some places that because that's a crime when that happens you you are now breaking the law and that's just it's not right let me clarify alright so people get this crystal clear I am NOT saying it should be illegal to open carry I'm not saying there should be laws preventing it this question is you shouldn't do it Jameses questions have legalities aside so I was addressing it from the perspective of social / tactical / application right legally yes you should be legally allowed to I'm not that is not what I'm saying I'm saying that legally allowed - why do you want to write I think that the detriments are greater than the benefits should be legal to run down the street when they'll close on but you shouldn't do it okay but but I'm not I am not saying it should be legal that is not my point my point and you make a very salient one in that in some places it is illegal to the point where if you are legally concealed carrying and then suddenly you see it you're now committing a crime that's absurd but the I do not believe it's much of a deterrent if a deterrent at all it does put you at higher risk of being a target and/or your firearm being taken away from you and if you were attacked with no warning no matter how alert you are and you're now being thrown to the ground and you're in a grappling situation in a concealed carry situation your gun not being revealed may very well be a beneficial thing but the person doesn't know they have a gun available to them to use on you should you lose control the situation when it's open carry they very much know that there's a gun there for them to take control of yeah there are real serious tactical applications there that are risky alright Andrew says why were pump-action military rifles and not a thing addressed this earlier pump-action rifles just don't work so hot yeah I mean why it's not an optimal system let's put it this way lever action military rifles were not a thing and if lever action ones were not a thing well with rare exception some Henry's were used and we know the 1890 Russian 1895 I was used in the in Russia but but really they weren't a thing and then okay we know Turkey and all that but you got it but but really they weren't so if lever actions were never a military of thing pump actions would definitely not be a thing yep Fred any thoughts on buying and restoring surplus military vehicles as a project car are they worth the headache I wanted you to have this oh I have it wasn't quite military but I had a 1946 cj2 a jeep it was absolutely not worth the headache to me yeah and I remain in this laughs you've got something close fighting with that car all the time yeah I still love the idea of having one I think they're fantastic and every time I go to a place like a military vehicle show and I see like a dodge weapons carrier just oh yeah totally and I have to you know hit myself bad bad get the little spray bottle just bad the no body yeah no think about that the problem is I love the idea of those vehicles but when it comes right down to it I want to get in turn the key and drive away yeah and I don't want to have to worry about letting warm up dealing with the choke adjusting the carburetor for different seasons like oh I'm going from southern Arizona at 1,000 feet elevation to northern Arizona at 6,000 feet elevation and now my fuel air balance is wrong and the car is not gonna run right unless I get under the new C word carburetor no just say no to carburetors and none of them have air conditioning which is a thing down here in southern Arizona yep just for me it is absolutely not worth the headache maybe someday I'll be a multi gazillionaire and I can like play Jay Leno maybe like this is my garage with all of my cars and this is the team of engineers and mechanics that I pay by I employ full-time to maintain at my collection of half track yep yep this is a lot like the actually this the answer to this is very similar to the parts kids yeah if you're a person that's that person and you want to build your own a cake because you want to build your own okay go for it man that's great but if you're that kind of person that wants to be turning wrenches and change in the carburetor because you changed altitude or the weather is different or dealing with the fact that the cable broke on your brake line today if you if you're that guy great they're cool but the reality is they're not practical and they're a giant pain in the ass they just are yeah so either embrace it or just say no Karl says Karl you mentioned you have Norwegian roots what is your relationship to Norwegian culture food language customs etc and have you ever visited the old country I have not I've not been to Norway my my grandparents came here in 1936 in fact I was just looking at this the other day it's amazing what on the internet I found the Ellis Island Records how cool and not only did I find their manifest I found their names there but I found the picture of the ship wow that's pretty wild that's cool that's really cool so really only two generations away cuz I think my mother was born here and then I was born obviously from her my home was run mixed American Norwegian culture we had Norwegian food some Norwegian music they did speak Norwegian but told me I didn't need to learn it so there's like flourishing yeah it is but I hear the words in my head and I can hear the sounds and I know some of the words and there's a couple things here and there that the first words in Norwegian and then the subsequent word is English and I have to translate it just a couple like things that I learned as a kid like the first word I learned for it was in Norwegian but very little so I have this weird like mixed foot one foot in Norwegian culture and obviously I'm really American across the board but there was a Norwegian strong Norwegian influence in my life from up into my teens okay so yes there's that but I have not been to Norway no I've been to Finland you did spend some time taking Norwegian lessons I did I did there was a teacher here in Tucson an elderly lady she was really nice and from Norway in fact she gave me her memoir I could publish this maybe the audience would like this she gave me a two sheet memoir of her and her family in Norway when it was you bite oh and she had a memory of the Germans driving their cars around stop very interesting and she was she was an older lady obviously and she was teaching Norwegian I thought it'd be fun to relearn the language that I should have learned and she died she passed away and she was the Norwegian teacher here I can't imagine they're all that thing she was the Norwegian there's like one maybe other one but she was the Norwegian teacher in Tucson and that went away with her so that stopped but the emember was fascinating because I remember reading it and one of the things she said in there is that the Norwegian people as a rule didn't have mechanized vehicles and so when they heard an engine everyone knew was German and it made everyone on edge because they didn't know if they were coming to your door or not so she had memories of that cool interesting yeah is x51 o Lord there's another one 1911 which you put it as being obsolete or in obsolescence obsolete or obsolescent the 1911 or we talked a little it's put clarifications around this because the ninety Elevens been modified a lot over time true are we talking about a modern 1911 with all the in modern accoutrement are we talking about a GI spec 1911 from 1943 I have no idea let's go with the GI he does not specify a didn't specify so let's go GI I'm gonna call it obsolescent okay not obsolete it is a semi-automatic pistol that's reliable it is box magazine-fed it is accurate enough for all its intended purposes but in the world of wonder 9 it is behind the curve you agree for me you don't want to deal with this obsolete them kind of tired of obsolete I think obsolete has become obsolete yeah Heyman says a repeat question since it seems to have been skipped in last month's video what are your thoughts on rifle only running gun type matches I think they're great I love the idea actually if I had to choose I would probably take a rifle match over a two that match really given equal I mean all else being the same mm-hmm I just like rifles more than I like pistols well and also I mean if your interest is in military application it's really the rifle not the pistol that has a purpose yeah I think to gun even though when you look at our two gun we are weighted more on the rifle to the pistol it stays designed I think the pistol has a place although I think that regular just rifle only matches are awesome I have no problem of them at all you know there are one or two every year here up in Phoenix yeah the Independence Day match is a rifle only and one of the things I really like about that match is it's much easier for me to do some sort of cool vintage overall thing and the gear because military loadouts almost never have pistols in them you look at historical military loadouts these guy you don't carry a rifle and a pistol in the military at least you didn't until very recently if you do today and I think most people still don't today so there are things like I have a South African pattern 83 combat vest mm-hmm which is a really cool piece of kit but there's like no way to hold a pistol like where do you put this thing right you can like stick it in a magazine pouch or something which is not a good there's just no good way I can't wear a belt with it because it comes all the way down to the waist if you want to do something like well like a an m1 garand so we were just talking about okay I've got my my Webb belt for the garand clips and I can put an old leather 1911 holster hanging off of that belt that's cool yeah but when I want magazine pouches problem the mag pouches are go over just a plain Webb belt and so like that gets tricky to do ironically could do a better with a bar rig you could yeah rifle only simplifies a lot of this I can just take standard stock web gear and use it and and of course we're at October is rifle only - that's true I don't have a problem with the river with rifling matches at all I think they have a lot of Merit I think it's something we might want to look at with with not if we were to do more brutality matches me or more than one a year I think it'll be interesting to be rifle only a rifle centric ones - yeah it's half as much gear to lug around half as much ammo half as much investment I don't think that the other reason rifles are more fun than pistols is because pistols are harder that's true so I don't know that that we should avoid pistols they're harder but they're also more limited in a lot of ways yeah do some of the range long-range type stuff but they're also easier to run because the range requirements are less - that's true so there's a real one and you're more likely to have a pistol with you someday in life than a rifle if that's true so but I think I think unless you're open carrying in Texas I get I guess what I would say is that any single style of gun only thing pistol only right only thing there's no read there great nothing wrong with ya anonymous says have you ever considered running or participating in n shooting competition with nighttime or low-light shooting absolutely never never I just did they are very rare the reason they're rare is that they are highly you have to have fairly competent people participating in them because otherwise they're a very unsafe environment so for example I just shot a low-light match just a couple days ago to profile a light that we got for in range and I put some pictures up on Instagram on Facebook and and I've done some night vision stuff too but that's even more rare because most people don't have that stuff yeah but the reality is is that when you were running the timer at this match the person I knew that I was running the time before was someone I knew was a fairly competent and long-term competition shooter and so when the lights went off and it was inky blackness I did not have to worry about that person's finger on the trigger or them maintaining the 180 when they moved from position a to position B because I couldn't see if they were doing that or not I knew they were because I knew them if you bring that to a public event where anyone can come you really really are playing with fire because you cant do proper ro type procedures on them or with them and you don't know if they're doing things like finger on trigger or break in the 180 and no matter how competent you are there's always things like maybe there's a stick on the ground or rock on the ground that you're gonna trip on because it's dark and you can't see it yep there are definitely way more potential safety hazards at a match in the dark so they're awesome but I think that they have to be very rare and they have to be unfortunately and this sounds elitist it isn't meant to be but they have to be sort of invited yeah additionally there's other stuff that comes into play at low-light that you just don't even think about like your pockets matter so much more I mean this sounds silly yeah but like for example let's say you have a red light with your red lamp so that you can move around like when you're trying to reload your mags you put that in this pocket you put some mags in this pocket yeah when it's dark enough you have to remember what pocket has what thing in it do you know I'm serious and like or feel physical feeling and feedback like my one a Mike I had a malfunction on my gun during one of the courses of fire I could not see can I turn the light off I couldn't see what happened kind of hard turn your weapon light on your weapon right so I turn I just cleared it and dealt with it by tactile and that's something that's only done over time and experience I'm not saying I'm special I'm just saying I've done it a lot and all the people at this match have done it a lot and that's the kind of stuff that happens yeah all right and our very last question Matthew says hi Nina Karl years ago I asked some old firearms historians why the US military never widely adopted lever guns I was told the army decided lever guns were too difficult to operate while shooting prone according to research is this true I don't think there's a problem with shooting lever guns prone you turn the gun to the side run it fire run it fire run it fire it's not that much more difficult than running a bolt I can see the military thinking it would be though ok I think military reliability was probably a bigger issue for them concerns about things like if you dent that magazine tooth the gun doesn't work anymore sure granted this is all conjecture on my part based on and a little bit of historical context like looking at what decisions have been made in the broader context I have not actually gone into specific archives to look at you know we we try all this 1876 and we decided not to use it because of this it was prone I haven't seen that documentation yeah I suspect while that I that may have been a given reason but I don't think it's the most legitimate reason I really think it's more about durability this is something we need to do eventually on some of the video with the lever guns because this comes up a lot of Google you can't use them prone and that's not true it really is it you can totally you literally can't the gun to the left or to the right and go click and layout click and it's this this is not that different then it's actually easier than a bolt on in many ways because you don't lose your grip on it well yeah pretty much keep the same grip on the gun as your sights the promo every gun thing isn't isn't isn't really a problem yeah so I think there were other things at play yeah but it wasn't that well that was a good one well it's a good question long yeah yeah it was we would like to thank everyone that our patreon supporters that provided these questions we'd like to thank everyone that's the support of patreon otherwise if you're not already a patreon supporter please consider so we started a dollar and there's perks at all different levels above we mentioned the buyers at the beginning we got cool discounts and people like Brownells ke arms yeah a whole wide variety of 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Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 262,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: q&a, forgotten weapons, ian mccollum, inrange, inrangetv, kasarda, mccollum, sinistral rifleman
Id: 29a383tlNJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 3sec (6003 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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