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so today's video is going to be a q a i asked over on my instagram stories what you wanted to know and i will not be able to get to all the questions but i'll try to get to as many as possible so i am going to go through these relatively quickly some of these are book related some of them are more personal life stuff so i'm just gonna go from one to the next that's kind of not in any particular order the first one says what's the randomest detail you thought of or that you think of often this is not something i think of often but for some reason one day i was very curious how kangaroo reproduction works because in my head i was thinking wait a second if the marsupials if joey's go in the pouch like are they born there and if they're born there then if that's where they come out of then where do things happen in order to make the baby kangaroos it was actually very interesting kangaroo reproduction is quite fascinating and i recommend looking into it next question a little bit more normal how did you and your husband meet so i was a music education major with an emphasis in strings pedagogy meaning i was wanting to go to school for violin essentially and to teach violin my husband was going to school for jazz trombone performance specifically and we met because both of those degrees require you to take music theory and now we're married and have been for almost six years that was another question that i got asked is how long have we been together so uh we will be married for six years in september of this year and we have been together for nine the next question says if a zombie apocalypse hit what would be the first thing you would do find weapons i would find weapons i would figure out where everybody i love is and then i would just go to town i'd be like i have my car it's got a full tank of gas how many of these monsters can we run over this next one how dare you ask this question it says which brother out of full metal alchemist do you like more you can only pick one i'm very upset that you're making me choose between both of them um i think that edward is more entertaining to watch so if we're talking about which brother to enjoy via fullmetal alchemist the story and just enjoying this character i would say edward but if it were two real boys and i was their teacher or i was involved somehow in being around them i think edward would drive me crazy and alphonse is such a sweetheart that i'd be like oh edward why can't you be more like your brother this next question says your hair is always so well done how did you learn all of those hairstyles so uh thank you that's very nice and as somebody who played violin and does still play violin you after a while i would say want your hair out of your face pretty quickly i would say you want your hair out of your face you don't want it uh near your instrument and also you want to be able to read music easily and then on top of that i live somewhere very very hot so a lot of times it just it just feels nice to have your hair out of your face or off your neck and i i don't have uh like the most amazing thick hair that's really easy to work with so i did have to kind of watch tutorials and things but i always found that the people doing the tutorials either had amazing super thick hair or used extensions and i was like okay well i don't have super super thick hair and i don't want to use extensions so and then i kind of just figured out things that worked for my hair i would say the number one thing that i do is that i use bobby pins i don't really use hair ties when i put my hair up they give me headaches i just don't really like i just don't like hair ties very much so i use bobby pins all the time bobby pins all the time and i would say the trick is that i don't hide my bobby pins i purposefully make it a point to have the ends of the bobby pins visible i just think especially because my hair is very very dark i don't you don't see a lot of like texture and stuff with dark hair when you do updos so it just makes it look a little fancier also i would say product hairspray dry shampoo those two things make it so much easier to do anything with my hair the next question says if you could play another instrument what would you want it to be i would love to be able to play as i feel like probably pretty basic answer but i would love to be able to play the cello and i would love to be able to play the piano i can make decent sounds on a cello i'm not good at it but there are some aspects of playing violin that are very similar to cello so i can make decent sounds uh piano of course you don't the piano will be in tune as long as you hit the right key and as long as the piano itself is in tune but you don't have to worry about intonation the way you do on a string instrument and that would be so refreshing and then also i've just always thought commanding that much sound i remember when i was in college and i would watch the pianists play and some of them when they would play those really really big pieces i was always like oh you must feel like such a boss just it just was really cool to command that much sound violin can because you can play multiple strings at once and you can play chords and things like that it's really hard but one thing i love about violin and string instruments in general is the way that you can like manipulate the pitch and with violin i love being able to have those soaring high notes and the really gritty low notes on the g but cello just has this very somber human quality to it that i'm a sucker for because i love depressing stuff and i just think that the cello captures that so well the next question says series you think would make an amazing tv show adaptation i apologize to do this but i recently did a whole video talking about different books that i think would make great adaptations i'm gonna be pretty basic and just say i really want an adaptation of stormlight for a tv show and the cosmere in general this next one says any social media advice for authors just starting out so congratulations if you're writing a book or if you've written your book that's awesome that's great um i'm not good at talking about my book i enjoy writing and i don't enjoy marketing i really don't i find so much joy when an author for example jen williams who wrote the winnowing flame trilogy had this tweet and was like what's going on why are so many people suddenly asking about my book and i was like oh my gosh that's because of me and that i mean that kind of terrified me a little bit but also made me so excited because i'm like oh that's so cool that me talking about a book that i loved has led to other people discovering a book that they might love but then when it comes to my own book i'm like i don't have to read it i don't know if i'm the most helpful what i will say is i would not not to say that other people cannot provide helpful insight into what can make your book better but i think at some point you have to trust professional editors and beta readers you're just if you have this continuous cycle of watching what people like and trying to let me rephrase if you are always trying to write the book that you think everybody will love i don't think you're ever going to write the book that you want to write you have to write the story that you have and not not force yourself to write what everybody seems to want because usually what what ends up becoming really popular and loved is something unexpected and something unique and something different so i would just say you find that balance that works for you of trusting the story that you have while also researching but not getting so bogged down in that research that you're trying to fit your story into something it's not the next question says is there ever going to be an audiobook version of your book um yes there will be this next one says mistborn without ellen or witcher without yennefer why are you all making me choose between characters i love i don't like this um i mean i feel like in some ways ellen is more important to mistborn than jennifer is to witcher strangely geralt's not even that important to witcher at some point because the way that andre sapovsky writes witcher is he often doesn't even have the main characters in the story so for that reason alone i would say that i would have to i would have to go witcher without jennifer but i do i like jennifer a lot it's truly just because half the time i feel like she's more than half the time i don't even think she's in the story this next one says will luna get a pup sibling someday i sure hope so everybody should comment and be like hey sean spelled s-e-a-n uh get luna a sibling i want a sibling for luna so badly and shawn is convinced that he's a one-dog kind of guy he's like i just don't think i could love another dog as much as i love luna and i'll show him i'll show him little clips of dogs on instagram that have little doggie siblings and i'm like look how cute they are together look how precious that could be luna this next one is a little personal it has to do with losing a loved one if that's a little bit of a difficult topic for you you might want to skip ahead to the next question it says have you managed to come to terms with losing your dad any tips i lost my mom a few weeks ago so first off i'm very sorry for your loss um i think that because i don't you know i don't know your situation and i don't know you um and your personality and how you process these sorts of things um i wouldn't say i have specific advice what i will say is that i think that people process things differently and if you don't process things the way you think you're supposed to process things don't force yourself to i mean if you're going to a therapist and they're advising you to do something specific uh they're obviously professional and listen to them but i think so many people grieve in different ways um so however you process things i would say let yourself process things that way and again i want to reiterate if you have a professional kind of guiding you um listen to them but just don't worry about what other people think you're supposed to feel or how people think you're supposed to act or what you've seen in movies or tv shows or things like that and then as far as your first question about how i come to terms with it or have i there are certain aspects of it i think i will never quite come to terms with the whole last few months of my father's life were very very difficult and my dad had a very difficult upbringing he grew up in extreme poverty he had a very difficult life and it was just so frustrating to see somebody who is so joyful and happy and optimistic and supportive and hardworking and healthy it was just so frustrating to see someone like that have such a not peaceful last few months i don't know that i'll ever really be okay with that but i have accepted it if that makes sense so it's been a year so at some point it's it's hard to say it's kind of like how do you define coming to terms does that mean have i accepted that it happened and have i been able to sort of move on in some ways and kind of start this new life without him yes but at the same time it's oh it's i think it will always be painful the next question a little less uh you know emotional it says what's the place you've been to that's the farthest from your home um iceland is further north than ireland but ireland is further east so i'm not sure i've been to the like very northern part of iceland and then i went around all of ireland so i'm not sure which point is further away from where i live but those two places the next one this is very sweet when are you going to publish book 2 please um so i never wanted to be that person that took a long time between books and i at the moment cannot give a definitive answer because i felt like after my father passed away i was like okay well i guess i gotta get right back into everything and then i kind of had to tell myself okay this is a there's you have two parents that you love very much and you just lost one of them and that's only gonna happen those that situation is gonna happen twice in life and it just happened once and you are allowed to grieve and not stress about these other things and so i have i will probably take a while still but i am working on it i promise it's just it might be a little bit but i'll try to get it out as soon as i possibly can this next question says will you marry me no this next question says what is one of the naughtiest things you have done to your teachers or friends at school i was a perf i was a great student i listened attentively i would say all the way up until college and then at some point i'm like why are tas who are a couple years older than me teaching these classes and sometimes i am more qualified to teach these classes for example strings pedagogy class where the person teaching the class played a brass instrument i play a string instrument anyway i'm being sidetracked but anyway i was a great student from kindergarten through the end of high school i pretty much never did anything upsetting to my teachers except once and i'm like i cannot believe that we did that oh my gosh and maybe you all will think this is fine but in orchestra class i was a first chair violin and uh and then there was a bass player that i was friends with and we got along really well but he was constantly just because if you don't know bass players often they don't have a lot to play in an orchestra or their parts are really too easy and if you're a good bass player which this individual was he was a very good bass player if you're a good bass player it's boring and so he would so often just put his bass down and go get a drink of water and he would mosey to the front and then he would mosey back and he had to go in front of like everybody in the orchestra and i would always kind of be looking at him like come on man are you serious because then our teacher would be like come on all frustrated so for april fool's day one year we decided to pretend like he was just having a bad day and snapped and i had a friend who got this like really really really really cheap violin from somewhere it's one that you wouldn't i would never ever ever be okay with a student playing because it's terrible so she was like i don't care if this violin breaks so we were going to have this kid walk over the front of the class and get a drink of water and me kind of whisper like come on man like what are you doing and then he would just be i'm so tired of you always and he was gonna flip out and grab my violin my violin which was actually the cheap one that my friend was letting us substitute and he was gonna take it and throw it against the wall and break it and then the teacher of course was gonna you know freak out um and we went through with it and i don't know why we went through with it but luckily our teacher was a really nice guy and there was like a half a second where he you could tell was like oh my gosh because violins are very expensive so he if he wouldn't know which that was the whole point he didn't know it wasn't actually my violin uh then of course you're like what do i do this student just broke another student's violin and and the bass player committed he really shattered that violin but um very quickly it dawned on him that it was april 1st and then he started laughing and he got a kick out of it um i'm glad he got a kick out of it i do not like pranks that is the only time i've ever i like i like kind of like being a troll to people so if somebody like you know is reaching for their drink a lot or something and then they turn around i might like move the drink a little bit just to see what happens that kind of stuff but actual pranks i do not find funny and so still to this day i cringe a little at the fact that i was a part of that prank but thank goodness that our teacher found it funny there are still so many more questions but i've been talking for quite a while at this point so i think i'm gonna stop here but let me know if you have any thoughts about anything i discussed or if you would like me to do more chatty personal videos every now and then let me know but anyway thanks so much one for asking questions thanks also for watching and i hope you all have a lovely rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 9,913
Rating: 4.9905438 out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy
Id: jnzg3G3OVuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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