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so today's video is going to be mistborn versus stormlight part one of many i'm not quite sure how many of these i'm going to do but recently over on my instagram stories i asked over 30 questions comparing different aspects of stormlight to different aspects of mistborn the various different questions tended to be within categories so one of them was characters which is what we're going to be diving into today one obvious thing to note is that stormy archives first arc of course is not completed whereas mistborn first era is so in that way you could argue that mistborn has an advantage over stormlight but i find the fact that stormlight was written later in sanderson's career and is still being written later in sanderson's career gives it an advantage because he's a much more polished writer he seems to definitely know his own voice this is something that he's been wanting to write for so long it's like his masterpiece so i think in that way stormlight and mistborn you know they balance out but one fun thing will be to come back to some of these questions later when we do have that first art completed and see how different the answers will be that day of course will come jumping into these ones though and keeping it non-spoiler for those of you who have not read through all of both the first one we have involving characters is which series just in general has better main characters 23 percent of you said mistborn and 77 said stormlight there are i would say two main characters in mistborn which would be vin and then kelsier arguably another character because i'm keeping this non-spoiler i don't want to say but you could argue that there's potentially three main characters in mistborn whereas in stormlight you have caledon dalinar and shalon and i think that there's just so much more page time to dedicate to getting to know these characters that you inevitably are going to find yourself more drawn to them they're going to feel more real and especially because there's such an emphasis on diving into these characters diving into their trauma diving into their past there's such an emphasis in stormlight but at the same time if i'm just comparing vin to kaladin this becomes so much more difficult of a question i love both these characters so much i i think i gotta go with caledon but oh my gosh do i love vin so so much i love been so much i know a lot of other people though definitely like caledon more than vin a lot of people find vin really boring where kaladin is just so compelling the depression that he endures is so relatable not even just for people that experience depression but also i think it opens up what depression is really like there are a lot of people that maybe even get frustrated reading about paladin's depression but that frustration i feel like is also accurate because that's it's a frustrating thing depression can be really aggravating it makes you question yourself it makes you question everything it makes you question your worth and then when you are not doing enough on top of that when you kind of have that hero complex where you feel like you have to be saving everybody at all times i just think that caledon is a wonderful character and on top of all that as far as heroes go caledon is kind of your classic underdog oh my goodness seeing where he starts and the way that he finds hope not only just with his situation and what's going on in stormlight because this is a character who's a slave so not only is he finding hope with that but then hope to persevere even through all of his mental the things that he has to fight through mentally he is just such an inspiring character i love him so much vin is very different in that her trauma i feel like causes her to not reach out to others she's a character that what makes her so powerful to me is that she sort of has no reason to care the world has been very cruel to her which is similar with caledon man this whole video is going to be fin versus caledon i need to like i need to focus it here but vin to me is somebody who she was not raised to have compassion for other people she was kind of raised to see the world as a terrible place and it is a terrible place and it has shown her nothing but atrocities and where caledon has had some of that same thing he also has people in his life early on that were so loving and supportive of him whereas vin didn't have that and she has no reason then to care about the fate of the world and the well-being of other people but she does anyway and that's part of what i think is so amazing about finn but i do think that caledon's perhaps a little bit you know the better character as far as how it's written i love both them so much they're not real but i feel like i'm hurting someone's feelings right now and then dalanar and kelsier i would say are a little bit more closely related as far as they're really not alike and personality but as far as being more morally gray then perhaps caledon calvin's a little bit uh you know like he's just a really good guy and dalinar is so fascinating to dissect because his backstory is oh man so intense and you also get glimpses of this all the time that he's this changed man but you're like what was he like before i want to know what he was like before and he's so intriguing and i think kelsey is very intriguing as well except for he's just he's more like what you think initially is our classic hero and then you're like wait a second maybe not this guy's got some issues and uh he's very hateful uh and it's just i i mean none of these characters are exactly like i'm just kind of trying to i mean it'd be weird to compare vin to talinar maybe not maybe you think they'd be more closely related but then the other two characters uh we have one again i don't really want to say because i don't want to spoil any of how things go down in the first book but the other character that you could argue as a main character in mistborn comparing them to shalon once again shalon is just whether you love her or hate her she's fascinating and once again sanderson does an amazing job of diving into mental health and with her particular backstory as well it is so dark and so alarming whereas the other character you like hear about stuff and you're like if i really think about it you probably did have a terrible terrible childhood especially given the people that were in your life but you're not quite as interesting to dive into but once again i think that this kind of comes down to we just have more time with the characters but man do i love those misfortune characters anyway but i do have to agree with all of you i'm in agreement i think stormlight overall is better main character this next one i call major bs the question is which series has better romantic relationships and 52 percent of you said mistborn and 48 said stormlight and i do not feel like it should be that close miss born okay neither of them have great romances but miss barnes is better i in my opinion i so i'm with the majority but the majority there should have been more of you in my opinion so stormlight okay again i can't get into spoilers but there are two characters who in the first stormlight book way of kings their whole thing is basically like uh woman stay away from me and then it's like i love you though and then like that's that's like the height of their pining for each other and then there's another set of characters whose relationship i can't stand and a lot of people think they're very cute i cannot stand them i find them really aggravating and they're a younger couple and there's another character at one point that's like i don't mind each of them individually but together they're kind of like look and i'm like yeah man me too i think that too and i just i that's my thoughts about the romances there's an intriguing romance in rhythm of war that pops up where it's like huh i wouldn't have called that but okay and that's probably my favorite one but anyway so there's that and then in mistborn there's a very notable relationship throughout the trilogy and i go back and forth between hating that romance and loving that romance because there's so many things within that are more thematic that i absolutely love explored with those characters the main romance anyway i love those themes that are explored i love the way they have to learn to trust one another and the fact that they put their feelings second to kind of the fate of the world and i love that in books i love when characters have to make those difficult decisions but at the same time as far as the chemistry between the characters i sometimes i'm like do you guys do you guys smooch ever do you smooch ever because maybe every now and then they would smooch but like it didn't even feel like there was any passion behind the smooch you know so as far as like the passion goes it's not really there it's kind of dry in that regard and i'm not saying i need like these detailed saucy scenes but i'm like a little bit of something there are characters in stormlight that people for a while were shipping and they're not even together and nothing physical ever really happened with them and they had more chemistry to me than these other characters sometimes but on top of that there's a side character who's the sweetest side character ever and they sort of kind of have a romance in book two and it's the most i just love it so much and it's so heartbreaking so i'm with the majority of you it's born wins in my opinion but i think i should have won by this next one says which one has better friendships 29 said mistborn and then 71 said stormlight so another question i asked is i i think it goes hand in hand so i want to bring this one up too is would you rather be a part of the crew in mistborn or would you rather be involved with bridge four's friendship group i specified too you do not have to run bridges to be in this group you can just be pals with the bridge forward gang and the reason i think these go hand in hand is because i think these are the friendships we think of when we think of these characters and you know i might go against the grain a little bit here i think the bridge for friendships absolutely are the better of as far as that group versus the crew in mistborn i love bridge four so much but one of my criticisms of storm my archive is that the further into the series you go and the more that we're dissecting individual characters the less i feel like we see these characters actually interacting with each other it's like we laid that foundation in the beginning and that's one of my favorite things about stormlight and then as we go i i want to see these relationships continue to build and i want to see these characters interact more and i think this is just a drawback of having epic fantasy that is so epic is that there's so much going on the world's so big the characters have to be separated and they all kind of go on their individual missions and everybody kind of knows each other so there's just not that same feeling of getting to know each other and with mistborn i think a constant struggle for especially vin is learning to trust those around her and so that trust is having to constantly be rebuilt in a sense or at least built upon and so i feel like there's more effort to get close to the characters i would say in the first book the side characters are kind of surface level and then you get to know them more in book two and then and then in book three they're like main characters almost to some degree the reason i think stormlight wins when it comes to better mcs better main characters is because we spend so much time with the individual and i want more of that bridge for feeling extending into other relationships this brings me into the next question is which book has better side characters 30 said miss born 70 said stormlight and i think there's just so many characters in stormlight because what do you even consider a side character do you consider adele in a side character or do you consider adeline a main character do you consider yasna kind of main character or side character because those characters are more important than someone like rock who everybody loves rock but i would say that those characters are more notable so then there's like different levels of side characters in storm light whereas in mistborn it's like you have vin you have kelsier and then you've got breeze and then you've got cesid and then you've got ham and i think that i think stormlight wins purely because the side characters in mistborn while they do get expanded upon i still think they're a little bit more character types like they're more tropey to me and i think the characters in stormlight feel less so that way this next question i said i want to avoid spoilers here but would you rather have the dog companion from mistborn or a spren like seal and pattern so the difficult part about this one is that we get to see all sorts of different kinds of spread whereas we don't see all different kinds of the dog character in mistborn but i mean sill's cute and all but i don't know i don't know man the the character in mistborn i think i have to go missport on this one i am biased because i love my doggy and i would love it if i had like a dog companion but spran are like always there they're like always there you know and sometimes i'd be like i mean they can go do their own thing kind of sort of but i don't know that i could handle that you know i don't know if i can handle that especially if they're if they're constantly needing to be taught in a sense like what it what's this explain this to me it would i don't i wouldn't want to do that all the time i wouldn't want to explain everything to his friend all the time they're cute i like sil a lot i like pattern a lot my husband loves pattern he thinks pattern is the best so actually i kind of want to know do you like seal or pattern more but anyway i just yeah i think i think i'd have to go with the other one because it would feel more like we're on equal ground next one says which series has better antagonists 31 percent said mistborn 69 said stormlight archive there is a reason i can't say the meme because i don't want to spoil for people who haven't read far enough but there's a reason that people say so and so did nothing wrong and nobody says that about anybody in mistborn so i think that already illustrates that there's more complexity to the villains uh there's one particular villain in stormlight archive who i just wanted to die for so long but they're so sneaky that they figure out a way all the time you're like surely there's no way they can get out of this and then they do and you're like gosh darn it and there's another character i'm so sorry this is if you're watching this and you haven't read mistborn or stormlight you've got to be confused i would think but anyway there's another antagonist in stormlight archive that i mean you don't even realize they're an antagonist first and then the more you get to know them they're more you're like wow this is one of the most fascinating villains i've ever seen and also i get upset at sanderson for making me care about this villain so much because i do whenever they're whenever they're kind of weak and not as capable i'm always like oh man this is bumming me out and then in mistborn you have this kind of far away antagonist which i think makes for a little bit of a mystery but it doesn't make for i mean i'm not like yeah that's i can't wait till we get that guy and then in the second book i did have the i can't wait till we get that guy sort of feeling second book the way that the antagonist arc goes i would say is i liked it more than the antagonist arc in the first book and then in the third one it once again becomes i feel like more the mystery factor so i think i'm with all of you i think stormlight's villains are they're not just good for mistborn versus stormlight i think they're just some of the best in in fantasy i love them that is it for part one of store my archive versus mistborn the character specific portion of this i would love to know all of your thoughts i would love to see when you disagree i would love if you included other thoughts for questions i didn't even ask also please of course remember that not everybody watching this has read the books so if you want to chat spoilers just write spoilers in your comment and enter a bunch of times but anyway thanks so much for watching i hope you have a lovely rest of your day and i'll see you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 10,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy, mistborn, stormlight, stormlight archive, way of kings, mistborn vs stormlight
Id: _6Edaf0nHJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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