PUT YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE! SHANKS!! | One Piece Episode 4&5 Reaction! Deniz & Masha

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[Music] I am so glad that you guys watched us watch this we'll see what we're going to talk about we'll see what we're going to say what we're going to react to how we're going to react I love it okay perfect let's start hey what's up you guys it's Den SM today we're watching One Piece episode three four four never mind I tricked you all to see if you knew exactly which one were on and which one four and five actually perfect this is called Luffy's past red hair chanks perfect what do you think it's about red hair guy perfect we have green hair red hair next blue purple pink orange brown blonde I forgot the colors yellow you said blonde yellow anyways burgundy I'm still sick and red AF and ginger I'm still drinking my pissed water perfect our favorite water it's not fun to be sick but here we are if it's about one piece nothing can stop us speak about yourself oh my God I read the comment somebody said that they thought that I was soulless because I hated one piece and then they they said that I wasn't soulless actually because I reacted to the death of ring go you know what you guys I have no comment to you whoever said that I have no comment I hope you're watching you're probably watching anyways let's move on with our lives okay let's go by the way if you guys were wondering why am I wearing a sweater inside of the house in the end of March it's been so cold in Houston literally for no reason like it was super cold and then it was hot and then I was like okay let me start putting away my jackets and everything because like it was hot it was hot for like a straight up week and then this week literally the temperatures dropped it is super cold it is super rainy it's disgusting outside and I guess the spring is springing so yeah that's that's why I thought you like this Twilight weather I like it but not when I have to drive in it great if I'm at home I can enjoy it but when I drive that's not the way to go perfect [Music] yeah why did I know that was going to happen [Music] by Perfect literally that's his papa Shanks what's his name his name spee foree [Music] foree fore e [Music] for spee speeech [Music] foree foreign speech fore so he ate the monkey fruit that's how he turn [Music] oh he can't swim for the the rest of his life so where did they get that box well they're Pirates so they stole it or found it they found it somewhere and and he ate it but what was the main purpose for it well it's a valuable devil fruits are valuable oh because it gives you they very rare you can say that yeah why is there a whole island of them no is there a you understand more store no silver silver spoon store Silver Spoon store one side the Silver Spoon other side gum gum fruit nope I think there should be a store like that makes sense now you know how he became rubber man but who is that man's shins yeah to him who is that you can't tell me great okay anyways start isn't he his uncle didn't you say that big brother I don't know great to be a pirate who can't swim perfect amazing idea yep so what is he going to do just drown yeah that's it yeah no backup yeah no way Jose no way Jose yeah for foree [Music] speee [Music] fore for oh that's his crew fore speech speech speech speeech foreign spee fore perfect well what I'm thinking is like okay so he had the fruit and then Luffy only ate half where's the other half doesn't matter one bite Works no but he could have eaten the other half that wouldn't change anything what you mean if even if you take one bite even if you eat the whole fruit still the same thing but other people can't eat it after you it's not going to work how does that make any sense that's how it is why would you know that how do you know that a lot of things are going to get explained I can't tell you right now okay I just want to sit you down one night and just tell you all about it tell you everything but I can't it's going to be a long night yeah maybe six or seven nights but I can't and it's making me like it's boiling inside it's so sad great let's watch oh he can't swim and he knows that how do you save them like that what is he Mega speed he what Mega Speed Mega speed [Music] o poof poof what need to do with me we're just going to glaze over that said it's okay it's just a [Music] norm are you crying no I teared up just a little bit foreign speech speech spee speech [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] [Laughter] perfect [Laughter] foree fore great yes I'll rate it a six like very good I like the guy I just feel bad that's amazing it's seems like he's like a very good like a good leader it seems like he's a good person and it seems like he's the reason why Luffy is the way he is I don't know how long he's known him for I don't know what their story is but it seems like the he's the reason why Luffy is the way he is a role model yeah in life that's it are you s about his arm yeah I was shocked you were cuz they just it was so Random that's it yeah what are you going to rate it there's only one answer okay let's move on with that episode five yeah yeah we don't we don't stop episode 5 mhm let's keep going excited from one to 10 can't wait can't wait been waiting all day for this moment great a terrifying mysterious power Captain buggy the clown pirate that's [Music] it spe fore forign [Music] spee foree speech speech foree foreign so he ate some different type of fruit how many fruits are there so many and every fruit has every Power different Power yes amazing so where do they get the fruit never the same power the store the store they go to HB produce Hobby Lobby produce section Home Depot let me get that devil Fruit gum gum fruit mhm yummy yummy uhhuh uhhuh h uhhuh uhhuh [Music] foree foreign foree fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee [Music] [Music] foree [Music] foree speech foreign speech fore [Music] foreign so that was her plan all along wait she just came up with it what do you mean she just came up with it she just came up with the plan turning him into faking she's faking everything she's lying to everybody for what reason so she like to Luffy too how can cannot get out of the ropes that makes no sense [Music] what is the purpose of that I'm so confused just showing off by destroying the town yeah perfect she said everybody left anyways everybody escaped because he's there so the town is empty [Music] [Music] for he used shank [Music] Slim foreign spee [Music] [Laughter] foree for she couldn't have used water what water they're only drinking 65 things at the same time there's bottles everywhere now she's going to be without any hands too one man without an arm she's going to be without hands perfect why does he keep changing his voice it's a clown ohe where are they laughing everything is a rumor if he can't be cut let's follow follow the following logic right there is a big bomb that she's standing right next to right if he can't be cut that means he can be bombed yes are we on the same page here yes so what is everybody wondering about well Zoro is this sword guy what is he supposed to do well obviously we know that that's not the case keep him in front of the bomb real quick no he's going to move out the way great idea yeah I slded everybody's problem in 0.3 seconds you're welcome he said something about his nose foreign spe see how he listened to you are you happy if only everyone were to listen to me [Music] that's it that's how they that's it an attack on time moment literally why would they do that I think it was good I'll give it a five what do you think about the clown it was really annoying do you like him I hate him do you like his power I hate it why because it's annoying like why is it kind of stronger than Luffy in a way do you like the thief girl can you combine fruits I can't answer your questions you're asking questions too early can you combine fruits I can't answer your questions you should I can't I think you can I can but I won't no I I think you can combine them I will oh you can combine two fruits multiple fruits oh more than two maybe perfect maybe you can get 55 55 stops perfect that's the limit not one more yeah great that's it what are you rated five yeah what do you think about Zora getting sted it's very sad but he'll survive he'll make it that's it I need you to be more excited I'm asking you questions you can't answer that I can't well then that's how it's going to be perfect yeah nothing really happened what else is supposed to happen well nothing really happened that was like wow I understood everything no questions no comments no answers if everybody were to listen to me everybody would have had a good life they did listen to you yeah but they they took they heard you they took a while perfect yeah thank you so much for watching thank you for being here I hope you enjoyed this one Piece One Piece I hope you enjoyed this one piece reaction uh please six and five six and five going up yeah I hope you like follow subscribe for more hit the notification Bell downstairs so you can be the first one to know when we come out with the new video there are also links downstairs you can follow our twitch you can join our Discord and talk to us every day and suggest anime suggest games talk just talk to us in general yeah we talk every day yeah and you can watch her streams too the streams are pretty fun yeah Sunday is her birthday 24th of March yeah wish her happy birthday because why not thanks thanks yeah that's it yeah thanks in advance yeah great thank you guys for watching thank you for being here and we'll see you all very soon a
Channel: Deniz & Masha
Views: 6,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audiance Reaction, Movie Reviews, Film Reviews, Reaction and Rating, Marvel Movie Rating, Audience Reaction, Reacting To Movies, Reaction To Shows, TV Show Reactions, Rating Shows, Reviewing TV Shows, Reviewing Shows, Rating TV Shows, Analyzing Shows, Anime Reaction, Anime Review, Anime Rating, One Piece Reaction, One Piece, Luffy, Devil Fruit, Shanks, Zoro, Haki, Deniz and Masha, Deniz & Masha, Couple Reaction, Couple Reacts, Grand Line, King of the Pirates
Id: LAt8DQ1yVxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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