FINALLY CONVINCED MY GF TO WATCH ONE PIECE! | One Piece Episode 1 Reaction! | Deniz & Masha

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[Laughter] hello guys hello what's up you guys it's Dennis and Marshall as you can see she's so excited to watch One Piece I don't even know what I'm doing here you know what we are doing it you know what you know what we're I'm going to give it a try but just so you all know from the beginning I'm not happy to be here I watched a couple of seconds like of it and I think it is the say it say it I I don't even want to say it she watched me watch it just looks so bad it looks so dumb like it looks like there is no plot like and like we were talking we were talking to your cousin that that she you made her started watching it and then she basically told me she was like I gave up halfway because I couldn't do it anymore because there would be running for like a whole 20 minutes for one episode and I'm like I don't I first of all I don't have patience second of all I don't I don't have patience for i i i before we get started it's been like a month since we watched anything yeah because I don't know if you guys know but we went on another vacation beginning of this month which is February and we came back and I've been posting the old episodes that we already had I think we've been back for what 2 weeks we we're just Mak the time to watch something else so this is the first thing that we're watching after like a month yeah so we might be a little rusty I hope not but okay let's talk about one piece right let me let me prepare you a little bit it's not going to be like Demon Slayer it's not going to be like Attack on Titan Pace wise things are going to take time which is about a thousand episodes hold on let's calm down things are going to take time to accomplish to end to learn things are going to take time okay that's fine okay let's I need you to not compare that's one this is old I think it started in 1999 great I was one years old yes so just just be patient with the animation and like the drawings and stuff it gets better obviously when it comes to the story don't don't watch it trying to finish it I want you to just take it all in slowly just enjoy the story enjoy the information enjoy the people just get to know them that's it that's what we're going to do great that's that's what I want you to do great that's it great because it's a beautiful story mhm my cousin she's right there are episodes that are very slow they just run run run they just talk talk talk talk yes it's okay it's not the majority of the show The reason why it's over 1,000 episodes is not because they're just running it's because there's a lot of stories it's because they're going deep into the stories and there's a lot of people to know there's a lot of backstories to watch so let's take it all in let's enjoy the story let's enjoy the show and I can answer pretty much any questions about one piece it's going to be beautiful it's not it's going to be a long run it's going to be a long run okay it's going to be a long run but we're here we have time that's what we do we're going to keep watching other stuff we're going to finish other stuff but this is not going to end anytime soon it's okay and it's beautiful say it again it's okay it'll be fantastic instead of like instead of thinking that you're going to hate just like start watching it without expecting anything just whatever they give you just take it that's it let's just enjoy it it's going to be good it's going to be a long run show to watch together and it's going to be good great okay yeah thank you I'm so excited I'm so excited for it okay ready [Music] for how many times have you rewatched this I've never rewatched I just watched it once all the way aren't you just the most excited you yes you don't understand do you see how it's not in a full screen so old I love [Music] it I love [Music] it okay initial thought it looks like something that I would watch when I was like three you were one when he came out so it's very normal it's not my style it's not something that I'm used to for me watching this as my fourth anime is actually insane yes but hear me out by the time you finish this it's going to be 5 years I'm going to have gray hair you going to look like a dumble door Hold On by the time we finish this how and is going to have kids by then by the time we fin you're saying that this is your fourth eneme okay by the time by the time we finish this we're going to watch probably 50 more animes so it's a good thing it's very good like I said no comparison just take it in Great whatever they give you just enjoy it I'm not comparing it to anything I know I know I know but that's it what is happening the Pirates are attacking the Marines Marine ship [Music] why are all their like faces and like just characters are so like over exaggerated you're going to a lot of different characters a lot of different sizes a lot of different but why Powers is there a reason for that that's how it is you're going to see I mean I'm not going to say it but you're going to see a lot of different things okay I was just wondering if you knew what was the reason no no no reason okay they're like almost like caricatures you know what I'm talking about yeah like the those couples that sit down and then somebody paints yeah yeah and then they get up kind of yeah yeah and yeah yeah great a little bit who are these kids what is happening just Pirates it's a pirate [Music] [Music] group for she dressed up as a pirate [Music] mhm perfect for [Music] it's our boy it's your boy it's our boy a little style change real quick I forgot that I had the Hat my brother gave it to me but I forgot I had it and then she just told me that you should have worn the hat for the first episode such a beautiful idea for the first episode sake this is how we move on this episode yeah great perfect it just got even worse that it was in the beginning let's move on let's move on what is this Iron [Music] Man spee foreign speech foreign spee spech fore [Music] foreign he just broke the [Music] swords what is the [Laughter] [Music] Sasa for how is he eating so much is that all apples [Music] yeah well he was sleeping in the Box so maybe he's like a hasn't eaten in over a thousand [Music] years [Music] perfect for [Music] for you talking to me [Laughter] for foreign speech [Music] spee for spee spee fore I'm so confused so there is a treasure one piece is the name of the treasure that all the Pirates are looking for okay Luffy he wants to have a team he wants to collect he doesn't have a crew yet he's looking for a crew recruits yes $7.99 an hour in Texas the minimum 3.99 thenuh after tax 0.99 [Laughter] you owed the government yeah and he wants to be the king of the Pirates great and find the one piece makes sense now you know everything about it let's see if we can stop watching no we only have 1,080 episodes to [Laughter] go [Music] foree perfecte for what is this infinite rings moment what's going on [Music] here [Music] f [Music] [Music] spe [Music] he just ricocheted himself back I'm literally about to tear up it's so good a [Music] fore [Music] foreign speech [Music] speee for spee [Laughter] spee for foreign speee speee speech foreign speech spe fore fore [Music] foree [Music] perfect no no next time Lun you to Turkey and [Music] back I'm I'm smiling like a child I've been just smiling this whole time I love it so [Music] much Marines she literally stole everything off of the boat from the Pirates slow from the first s for [Music] perfect [Music] I'm assuming that's Zoro I'm having so much fun I can tell I've seen every episode of it right I'm caught up but I've never rewatched watched it so it's my actually first time rewatching it okay what do you think I give it a one for one piece that was bores thank you so much I'm just going to keep it I'm just going to keep it one for one piece for a little bit okay I'm not going to give myself any hope I'm not going to give you all any hope I'm just here for one piece that's it I'll accept that I'll just let it slide okay yeah now let's get to the honest opinions tell me what you thought about this episode about how what you saw it's not bad it's not my style I'm not used to it so it's hard for me to watch it also I don't know anything that's going on also it's old also the picture is not as good obviously I mean this is the first episode I have nothing to say nothing to go off of that's as much as I can give you right now but you said it's not bad it's not it's not bad right now no okay let's focus on that part okay from now on let's just focus on that part okay I love it I love that you said it's not bad because it's not going to be bad okay what did you what do you think about Luffy I'm just confused what are you confused about his powers he's a rubber man I understood that he's stretches that's it yeah great I guess we need to see more what do you think about Kobe who's Kobe the boy the pink the little boy pink hair boy he's lost he's like Zenit he's on the same page as him lost in the sauce that's it okay yep okay yep that's good enough yep that's it y all right okay anyways you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this revieww I hope you like lik it you liked it for sure I didn't stop smiling I guess we'll watch more that's it anyways you guys I hope you enjoyed this video please like follow And subscribe for more there is a link with all of our links to everything down below if you want to check anything out you're more than welcome to I stream we have our YouTube channels and Tik toks and everything L down there so if you want to follow us support us we post stuff all the time and we'll see you all very very soon thank you for being here bye-bye [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Deniz & Masha
Views: 4,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audiance Reaction, Film Reviews, Reaction and Rating, Movie Discussion, Audience Reaction, Reacting To Movies, Reaction To Shows, TV Show Reactions, Rating Shows, Reviewing TV Shows, Reviewing Shows, Rating TV Shows, Analyzing Shows, Anime Reaction, Anime Review, Anime Rating, One Piece Reaction, One Piece, Monkey D Luffy, Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Zoro, Sanji, Deniz and Masha, Deniz & Masha, Couple Reaction, Couple Reacts, King of the Pirates
Id: WicNacM6Er0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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