Advanced Phrasal Verbs 9

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okay welcome everybody sorry feel a little few seconds of nothingness I've just managed to get everything set up and I think we're ready to start let me check yeah it looks like you've got the whole board on there more or less okay so we'll start with chapter 51 if anyone's uncertain what I mean by chapter 51 I'm talking about the advanced phrasal verbs book from Cambridge University Press by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell it's an excellent book and it's what I'm using with a lot of students at the moment to practice phrasal verbs phrasal verbs are very important because they're so common I think a lot of students try to use exotic and interesting words that they take from literature and the problem with doing this is that a lot of literature is more than a hundred years old and when you actually check how often in native speakers use some of these literary words it can be very very rare well as these phrasal verbs I guarantee that you will hear these in almost every film or TV show that you ever watch you will hear people using them they're very common and that's what makes them so useful I mean really you want to use language that everybody is using in England at the moment on the streets and in America and in Australia you don't want to use words which appeared once in an Edgar Allan Poe poem in two hundred and fifty years ago 50 years ago it may sound good to some people but a lot of people won't understand you whereas these everyone will understand you so if you sound someone out you try to get their opinion about something so it's when you have a new idea and you want to see what people think about your idea so you sound them out to find out if they think it's a good idea or not when you want someone's opinion on your and all your ideas something like that okay if you confide in someone that means you choose that person as your confidante yeah you choose that person and they will be there a trustworthy person the kind of person you can speak to about your problems and so if you choose to confide in someone you trust that person and you want to share your secrets with them you want to let them in on your secrets and I also put up here turn to someone because you turn to someone when you need advice you maybe turn to your auntie when you need advice and then confide in her so turn to is very similar to confide in it's usually you turn to someone for advice and I would even put out there turn someone for advice and but you confide your you confide in someone you tell them your secrets okay to root something out this is when you want to get something from someone or you want to bind someone but it's very very difficult so it's when you try to find information which is very difficult or we want to find someone which is very difficult the word root obviously means tree root and if anybody's ever uprooted a tree you'll realize that it's very difficult here that will be to uproot a tree but the idea is that you're getting down into the roots to find something so you might turn this might have to go to a fallen country in order to boot out information you could also say if you're in the military and you know that there's a spy in your division you need to root out the spy and it means to get to extract that spy so you could route information out but you can also route people out and the idea is that they're very difficult to find when you boot them out or boot the information out now again this works doing well with the next three very similar and they do work well with journalists sense that it out in fact if you can worm some information out to somebody or ringing some information out somebody or drag some information out to somebody this means to extract information and they're all slightly different but they're used in slightly different ways there are different connotations here and so you can certainly drag the truth out of someone or wring the truth out of someone and the idea is that you apply loads of pressure to do this so it's not quite the same as we reach out or no similar but if you're if the police have a suspect they try to ring the truth out of the suspect they try to drag the truth out of him but you can even bring money out of someone if you're a good example here maybe one of your friends owes you money and he's a kind of person who doesn't like paying back money that he owes people and so you have to try to bring the money out of him you're calling him every single day and eventually you manage to wring that 10 pounds out of him one wouldn't be used with money and neither would drag you wouldn't drag the money out of him or worm them well you could worm the money out of him actually but it's a different meaning than mooing because if you worm the money out of him it sounds to me like you're doing something bad or something negative in order to get the money out of him not applying pressure but being sneaky and crafty to worm the money out of him I would say that worm has that sneakiness and craftiness to it you'll notice below that you can worm out of a duty you could get out of a duty both of these to mean avoid a responsibility so maybe you have to pick the kids up from school tomorrow but you decide to worm out of it to get out of it so you call your wife and you give all sorts of you make up all sorts of lame excuses to worm out of going and picking them up so one it sounds like weasel and in fact weasel out of something would also be possible and the idea is that these animals they're not considered nice animal I mean a little wiggly worm we think of it as a crafty animal definitely weasel would be a very crafty animal and if you weasel out to burn tasks or duty or responsibility it means you're using all sorts of underhand methods and crafty dirty tactics to avoid that responsibility so yeah they're certainly negative and when you learn something out of someone it sounds like you're using craftiness rather than sheer brute force like Ling someone at something out to someone you should always remember that ring if you wring the clothes out of water if you're a jump of it's wet and you bring the clothes out of water you do that you wring it out of water and so there's this strength there's boot force going into wringing the truth out of somebody or wringing the money out of somebody and say we track drag is when you've got something heavy and so there's boot force going on but worm is weaselly it's more underhand techniques and craftiness now if you fill it out some information it's similar to boot out for sure boot something out but the idea is that you just ask lots and lots and lots of questions so you work really hard with them it Infinite's and information out then it's something out something out and so this is quite rare this one compared to all the others but it means that you continually work you ask you bombard you're the person you're interviewing with questions in order to fill it out the truth so very similar again to these other ones here not really to this one in here which is a void of responsibility but well worth remembering for sure and you should remember that ferret is an animal like worm and weasel so we often have these animal phrasal verbs as well I should do another lesson on animal phrasal verbs someday someday I will okay if you stake out a building that means that you watch the building all night the police stake out buildings where and if when they are watching a suspect the suspect doesn't know about it but the police are outside with their binoculars with their telescopes and they're staking out the building to find out what's going on there they obviously have the impression that something illegal is going on there and so they need to stake out the building in order to arrest the suspects now if the news gets out or if the news leaks out I think this chapter was all about news and media if the news gets out or the news leaks out the news spreads yeah and the idea is that that there was some kind of secret which was held back maybe the government were holding out on the public and they were keeping something secret but in the end someone betrayed them and leaked out the story and the story got out and the story leaked out so that circuit if leaked out you could say someone leaked out the story or the story leaked out but you would only say the news got out you wouldn't say somebody got the student oh maybe some people would have someone got the story out maybe but this one's definitely ergative okay if you whip up support it's a bit like drum up support but I wouldn't say whip up business and that's why I put this one in brackets remember that these phrasal verbs do collocate differently you drum up business and you can drum up support but you only whip up support or you could whip up someone into a frenzy he whipped him up into a frenzy whip up someone into a frenzy it means get them really excited so that they get so carried away that they're uncontrollable with someone into a frenzy or whip up someone into a frenzy I think both are possible there you could whip someone into a frenzy or whip up someone into a frenzy you should remember the whip is literally that horrible device that people use a long time ago for torture or I mean you'd whip your slaves or something like that and it's it's a horrible thing and it hurts people but here it can be used possib positively because if you whip up supports new idea is that you're whipping people just like drumming people into following you or into supporting you okay if you dumb down a test you make it much simpler and easier than it is you don't make it so difficult so hard and I've put water down here which is gonna be coming again down here but water down means to dilute if somebody waters down your whiskey they dilute your whiskey with a load of water and you could say the test was has been dumbed down it's been made easier well you can even say the subject has been watered down the exam has been watered down and it also means it has been made easier simpler so watered down means to dilute but it also means to make easier like dumb down very often used in education okay if you give yourself up you surrender I think that's the sense that I need it here you can give yourself up you surrender yourself but if you give up smoking or give up drinking then you stop those bad habits you cut them out as we'll see over here cut out is the same as give up in that sense anyway of cut out smoking cut out drinking give up if you hold out for something these can have a couple of different meanings if you say England are holding out for the draw it means that they are hoping for a draw that's the minimum they need maybe to get through into the next round but it has a second meaning it could mean survive so if you say I don't know maybe there's a team of scientists in the Arctic and unfortunately there's a problem the there's some kind of power carton they're not able to communicate with the outside world and nobody can get to them you might say something like this they will be able to hold out for a week without any supplies because we know that their food supplies and water supplies are enough to see them through seven days they're enough they're enough to last seven days so then hold out for seven days but you could use it with the military as well meaning they'll be able to survive so you might say that military unit which is in that area perhaps they're under attack perhaps they've been surrounded by enemy forces and the general says they should be able to hold out for another 24 hours after that we're not sure they will and they might die or they might be attacked they might be wiped out there's another one which is on here somewhere meaning destroyed completely utterly annihilated so to hold out could mean to survive but it could also mean to hope for something at the minimum okay if you are called up for military service you can just say he's been called up it makes it clear that he's joined the army and it's not necessarily from choice if you join up then that is your choice it still means joining the army if you say he's joined up you can even say he signed up although that's not quite so clear but if you've been called up they've asked you to join the military but if you join up you join the military so both of them me join military in some kind of way now we did bear out in bare phrasal verbs just a few days ago so if you want to know more about this face well you can watch that lesson or you can type in bear out into Oxford Dictionary and you'll find far more examples and I'm going to give you in this lesson so if you want examples please go to Oxford go to Cambridge go to merriam-webster and you'll find hundreds lots so if the evidence if the evidence bears out your alibi it means that your alibi holds up it means that it it confirms it validates it verifies your alibi so hopefully if you are accused of some kind of terrible crime hopefully the evidence will bear out your alibi so that you so that you are let off you are not punished for the crime become up not let off in fact but you're set free because you're not guilty so remember that hold up also means bail out something but it's intransitive you say that your alibi holds up you wouldn't say the evidence held up your alibi but you would say your alibi holds up or the evidence bears out my alibi okay if you hush something up you cover it up very similar hush up cover it up to harsha's H be quiet and so you can see how hush up means exactly the same thing as cover up but as a noun we don't you say a cover up we wouldn't say a hush up whereas we can say a cover up certainly there are millions of cover ups in the newspaper every day and a cover up is a conspiracy basically it's when a group of people try to hide the truth and so you can always read about cover-ups in the newspapers now if someone papers over something this is a very visual phrasal verb I want you to imagine you're decorating your house you're doing your house out in a victorian-style and when you're doing this you notice a few cracks and you think well I could get some poly filler I could get some substance some material which I could fill the cracks in with I could put them in the cracks or I could just put the whole paper straight over the crack and no one will see the crack at all so you've completely hidden the crack well and this phrasal verb is not just used in a literal sense like that because you certainly can use it like that he papered over the crack it's also used for when somebody hides their mistakes and not just mistakes but weaknesses errors disadvantages something like that if you're trying to cover up your your mistakes or your errors or your disadvantages then your papering over the cracks and so the government very often have to pay code the cracks if they've made a mistake something like that and they try and cover up their mistakes they just try and paper over the mistakes and say everything's fine don't worry relax it's all good when actually if you look the wallpaper you'll see that there are a lot of cracks beneath if you level with someone or if somebody is on the level we say he's on the level and it means he's honest he's straight he's flat he's honest we associate flat and straight things and square things with honesty whereas something crooked is very often dishonest something bent is very often criminal and so when you level with someone you tell the truth you live you you told him exactly how things are you are honest with them when you level with someone so of course we all want people to level with us to be honest if you spy on someone you watch them and maybe you use it but not maybe you use some binoculars maybe you use a telescope who knows what you use but you are spying on them I think that's quite an easy one now make out is very good I want to deal here we've make out that but I'll quickly mention that make out can mean perceive if you can't see the sign miles away it's a foggy day it's raining you're trying to see what the sign says because I know I can't make out what that sign says or you're on the telephone somebody's speaking very very quiet you say I'm sorry I can't make out a word that you're saying I can't make out anything means I can't hear you I can't see you that's one meaning of make out but a second meaning of make out is pretend it's a direct synonym of pretend you can say he pretended to be a Frenchman or he made out that he was a Frenchman or you could say he pretended to be a doctor or he made out that he was a doctor so make out he's a synonym of pretend as well and it's very this one could be used in a lot of different situations with a lot of different nouns so it's well worth remembering you'll see it again for sure now if you let something out or blurt something out you reveal something especially this one when you blurt something out it sounds like you've revealed a secret that should have remained hidden something that should have been hushed up and should have been kept quiet has been blurted out so I suppose when people drink too much they very often blurt things out when they that they regret but you can also say he let the secret out he let the cat out of the bag or out of the bag if you prefer it should have out off but I think we very often drop that off in out of phrasal verbs like get out the car okay if you dig something up you literally use a spade to dig and find something in the ground so you could dig up you could dig up treasure if you've got a metal detector you need to you hear a noise you need to deep whatever that piece of metal is up you need to dig it up but you can also dig up information and so dig up could mean investigate and you can dig up something you can dig through the case files like Sherlock does in elementary all the time they got dig through and then it means search for information a bit like root something out and all of these search for information ones okay if you play along with someone I'll go along with someone it means that you make out that you agree with them or maybe even not pretend that you agree with them but you say okay I agree with you this lets go along with that lets play along with that and see where it leads so perhaps er somebody claims that two plus two equals five and you say okay let's go along with that if two plus two equals five then bla bla bla where we're going along with what they've said we're saying okay let's let's pretend to agree with you for a few seconds and see where that leads that's when you go along with someone or play along with someone but you could do this in all sorts of situations you can use this in a lot of different situations and I'd say they're both identical let's say that one of your friends or you meet someone on the street and he he is pretending to be homeless and you can see that he's not homeless he's so young like me maybe he's wearing some nice new trainers that you can't afford but you decide to play along with him and give him some money to get rid of him that would be playing along with him while going along with him it means pretending to believe his lie in order usually to get rid of them or who knows what it's in order to it doesn't matter but you're pretending to believe that person okay I mean doesn't have to be when someone's lying though it's really clear you might disagree with something some philosopher or scientist but you play along with him just to see how is an argument goes and where it leads so you don't have to be talking to a liar you could be talking to anybody okay if you catch someone out then this is very similar to catch someone work now let me talk about that one in a second if you catch someone out you might catch them in the middle of a crime or you might catch them in the middle of doing something wrong so that's why I've put there to hand it here because normally when you catch someone they're tan did you catch them in the middle of the crime but yeah if you catch someone out you notice when they're wrong and you or when they're doing something wrong something illegal or something something dodgy something nasty and you catch them out so I've put underneath here another one which is similar but cool someone out on is for mistakes if you catch someone out it's usually because they've done something wrong something illegal something nasty something not nice whereas if you pull someone out on their mistakes you tell them about a mistake they've made not about a crime they've committed but about a mistake they've made now if you give something away you reveal a secret so you might say when I hit hurt him his accent gave him away as a foreigner or his accent gives him away as a French man something like that reveals him to be a French man okay that's sort of 50 to 1 to 53 if you adhere to the rules that means you follow the rules but if you abide by the law that means you obey the law use adhere to four rules or principles and use abide by the law okay this is for the legal side of things and this is for Bulls games principles now if something goes against your principles it contradicts your principles it's the opposite to what you believe of or the principles that you live by its the opposite to those principles so go against just means contradict or maybe even disagree with but usually contradict it goes against your principles it contradicts your principles if you catch up with someone it could be in a race where you just catch up with them all it could be studying and if you catch up maybe you've missed three weeks of school if you catch up with the rest of the class you manage to do all the work that you've missed and you're now at the same level again now impose on you can impose a punishment on someone and that's what the judge does when he decides someone's punishment when they're found not guilty but that is probably not as common as the other way it's used which is when you say this you say I don't want to impose on you but and it means I don't want to inconvenience you but I'm going to so when you impose on someone you inconvenience them in some way it might be because you want them to put you up to accommodate you you want to stay at your half of their house for a few days maybe you're visiting a friend in another town and you might say I don't want to impose on you but can you put me up for a couple of days can I stay at your place so inconvenient someone now if you sign something over to someone else it means that you give them the ownership of something so you could sign your car over to somewhere else you could sign your house over to someone else and it means literally give them that call or give them that house and sign all the deeds so that they are the rightful owner of the car or the house if you sign up with something you just register so you can sign up with Facebook you could sign up with YouTube you can sign up with Twitter whatever if the judge lets you off he gives you either no punishment even though you're guilty or he gives you a lenient punishment a punishment which is not harsh which is not severe but very very lenient so if you are guilty of committing any crimes you do hope that the judge lets you off now if you want to make regulations or laws or rules stricter you need to tighten them up or toughen up regulations yeah so it's it's connected to rules and laws and I think this whole chapter was but when you tighten something up you make it stricter so you could tighten up migration controls you could tighten up it just means when you crack down on something when you get more and more when you get stricter and stricter about some area of the law when you roll out a new product you introduce a new product however you can also roll out legislation so you can roll out a product launch your product or you can rolled out legislation roll out a new law in which case it's identical to bring in legislation or laws but I want to make it clear that you can't bring in a product you could bring out a products that would work with products bring out bring out a new product roll out a new product launch a new product but you bring in legislation but he can roll out legislation so there you go very illogical line over phrasal verbs on now if you go through something terrible that means that you suffer you experience something nasty and it's always negative these two the idea is that when you go through something it's not nice so you might go through a divorce and if you get through the divorce it means you get to the other side of it you're no longer going through it you're no longer suffering so both of these are about negative things and it means experience something difficult and negative if you vote on something this just means you you vote I mean to vote on a bill or to vote on a law it means to have a vote concerning that law but remember you can also vote for in favor of a law or against a law so it is vote one vote for and vote against all of those prepositions work with vote any more questions about that put them under the video now 54 was about technology if you call up something on your screen you could call up a menu you could call up a webpage it just means make that webpage turn up show up on your screen now something you never call luck I'll pop up adverts or pop-ups nobody ever calls these up but they come up anyway they appear anyway so pop-ups are things which nobody likes and I'm sure many of you have some kind of ad blocker to deal with these I hope you turn those off by the way when you watch these videos so that you help me to carry on making these videos something worth thinking about if you have got an ad blocker ad blocker I certainly have by the way I wouldn't want to watch all these pop-ups now if your screen goes off it suddenly stops working if your computer goes off it suddenly stops working without you turning it off it just goes off and the same for the lights by the way if the lights suddenly went off in this room you wouldn't be able to see me it's quite dark outside you see so if the lights went off you wouldn't be able to see me and if the computer goes off you don't turn it off it just suddenly crashes when you turn it off we say you shut down the computer or you turn it off now these are opposites go off and come on if the lights suddenly come on again it means they went off first and in a many of minute later making my wife has flipped the fuse box switch and all the lights come back on but yeah it's normally when you have had nothing to do with it you say oh the lights suddenly came on how did that happen or your computer could do it as well maybe maybe your cat's in the room and it jogs the mouse and because the mouse has been moved jogged the computer will come on automatically and say hey why did the computer come on ah the cat turned it on okay now if you log on you simply go online you log on or you go on to that webpage and you can log off as well when you yeah when you come out of the sign out it's very often used as well sign in sign out I see on a lot of web websites but yeah basically log on and log off it's I think it used to be just the very first screen on a computer but think of it a sign-in sign out log on log off if you set up some new software you install some new software so I bought a new printer yesterday and I set it up last night and there were problems basically with the promotion which they work which they were offering and I quite liked the sound of the promotion it was quite cheap to get new ink I want to I want to do a lot of printing this year and yeah I had to call i had to call them just in order to set up this particular promotion deal where i get it delivered to me okay something fades in and fades out if it fades in it gradually comes in and if it fades out it gradually comes out now this could be about music or pictures on my video editing software if I put music on the video I can fade it in and fade it out so make it gradually come in and get louder and gradually go out and get quieter so that's quite common you can do it with a picture though make the picture fade in and fade out if something wipes out your hard drive if it means completely completely destroys all the information on your hard drive and so you might say all my work was wiped out yesterday and unfortunately I didn't back anything up so I've lost it all that's why I do back up all the stuff which I've got on my hard drive and hopefully fingers crossed I'll never lose it all now you can also use this like an adjective but you need a - when you do if you've got backup power it's emergency power personally I've got two online connections at the moment I've got my main online connection and I've got a backup connection so that when or not when but if there are any problems I can move on to the backup online the backup signal and it means I can still have the lesson no matter what - nothing will stop the lesson from taking place okay if you're if you've got a printer you might need to warm up the printer first before it starts working so warm up is used in sport yeah when you do that and if it's for a printer you literally want it to warm up so that you can use it and it's similar here to heat up some food when you just make it a little bit hotter in order to eat I had to heat up some most today because there were some left some lovely most Eno left from yesterday ok if you tuned in to a radio station you find a radio station and it quickly means take the FM dial and move it up so that you can tune in to your favorite radio station if you wire something up you connect all the wires and I'm sure you will like I do as I do I should say as I do I'm sure you all have a massive pile of wires under your computer and you need to wire it up when you when you set it up so we all have to wire up stuff nowadays if something seizes up it means it gets stuck and I think we very often use this one with the engine seized up and it means it couldn't move anymore it got stuck so it means stop working usually because something gets stuck if you plug something in you connect it and if you unplug it you disconnect it and if you do something up on your clothes you I'm doing up the buttons on my on my shirt and if I undo them I do that ok wrap up presents and unwrap presents tie up something and untie something there's a pattern here please pay attention to it 55 is about food now if you pick at or pick at your food you eat very very little and in small amounts if you wolf down your food or gobble it down or gulp down your drink or gobble it up both of them work down and gobble up it means you're eating or drinking we've gulped down as gulp means yeah it means swallow it means gulp all of these mean very quickly and in large amounts yeah quickly and in large amounts slowly and in small amounts but if you eat something up you eat it completely if you drink something up you drink it completely and if you asks the person in the pub for a top-up that means you want to them to fill it back to the top of the glass so it's another one if you eat out you go to a restaurant if you eat in you stay at home pretty easy that one if you send out for pizza you order a delivered pizza send out for this when you want food delivered to your house you send out for visa if you chop up the vegetables or slice up the bread then you're literally cutting them up we'd use chop for bet vegetables harder vegetables and slice for cake and bread slice up the cake slice up the bread if food disagrees with you it makes you feel sick quite strange but we say copy last night disagreed with me it made me feel sick if you cut something out then you give it up we've done this already your doctor might say you need to cut out all these very fatty foods you need to cut out all these fly ups you need to give up smoking bla bla bla and a fry up is like a typical English breakfast you've got sausages eggs and even the bread is fried in thick oil my dad sees the love a good fry up he always had fry ups for breakfast and lunch ok if something feels uark it makes you feel full yes some food is very filling and it fills you up and you can say Oh Connie anymore I'm completely full up ok put on weight means to eat to get fatter simply to put on weight but this is quite a formal way of saying it's not very formal but it's neutral that it's more formal than you know stuff your face or something like that it's not big stuff your face it means get it needs increase your weight it means get fatter if you wash your food down it means you take a drink in order maybe the food is stuck a little bit in your float and you decide oh I need to wash that down and you wash it down with some liquid it helps it go down your throat so it helps you swallow if you drink to someone's health or if you drink to the happy couple or if you drink to someone's happiness you're making a toast to them and raising your glass and everybody else raises their glass or baby stands up while they listened to your toast and you drink to their health or you drink to their happiness if you're eating soup you may like as I do dipping your bread into the soup I always dip my bread into the simple I think is much tastier limit now when you dip your bread into the soup the bread soaks up all the soup so soak up means absorb but please remember that you can also soak up the atmosphere in a nightclub and you can even soak up the sunshine strange but you can soak up the sunshine when you go sunbathing you obviously soak up a lot of sunshine now if you water something down you make it more dilute so even exams can be watered down but usually well usually it's very often used for just he watered down the whiskey or something like that and if you're cooking food you might leave the saucepan on the hob and the food starts to boil and in the end it spills over the soup maybe it spills over the saucepan edge in which case it boils over goes over the edge but this one can certainly be used with conflict and violence conflict has spilled over the border something like that spilt so conflict has spilt over the border you can also say that violence is no violence has spilled over into neighboring towns something like that okay if there any questions about these phrasal verbs please ask below if it's about one of these phrasal verbs our Lancer it is about something else unrelated that has it doesn't bear on any of these phrasal verbs I'm sorry but I can't answer it you've got to put your questions on the relevant videos and as long as the question bears on the topic I'll be delighted to answer it and as long as I see it there are a lot of questions and sometimes I don't get round to answering all the questions so I'm sorry about that okay thanks everyone for watching I hope to see you all soon and please like the video if you've enjoyed it thanks a lot
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 10,184
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: Advanced phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, phrasal verb course, study phrasal verbs
Id: zzbkUZG_bKg
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Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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