Pusha T Explains Why He Dissed Drake, The Mind Of Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Drake + More

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[Music] you're watching the breakfast club [Music] morning everybody it's dj envy angela yee charlemagne the god we are the breakfast club we got a special guest in the building push his how are you my brother beautiful man beautiful first of all amazing body at work thank you man amazing buddy i appreciate that i didn't think seven songs would be fulfilling yeah but it is no me neither big argument huge argument so i'll go ask you that you haven't dropped since 2015 why right lowering ass time man um you know 2015 2015 i was doing a lot of the uh after that i was doing a lot of the campaign stuff a lot of the you know white house prison reform all that hillary clinton's uh yep right i forgot what you called it that night after jacob javis yeah so you know i got caught up in that um you know we took that l yeah and then um you know i i was appointed president of music uh at the time it was you know designer ringing off his singles was going right and um just trying to do the album in in between those times um i did it you know i did it put the album together how it usually goes is you know i pick beats rhyme over them boom uh bring it for yay let him hear it he pick some beats you know disregard some of the ones i did go back ryan over bring it all back so i go back to um you know i come back with a finished product bring it bring it to him like look i feel like this my album he was like yeah it's rocking you know so we we rocked for like two days i stayed in l.a for two days third day he wake up he was like yo man um i feel like i could produce these beats better myself just just do it myself mm-hmm let's go to utah utah utah wyoming wyoming it was utah first hey what was in utah the jazz it's like this really really expensive resort and i'm only telling you that part because you know we we split the cost on this right so you know we go out there so you know it says look at me i don't i don't know anything about youtube but i know i don't know anything about me wow no dope in utah that's where the sundance film festival is not lake city in utah i've heard about salt lake yeah i've been yeah um was it cold um was i was alright it was cool um we go out there we um we uh you know we we out there the first day you know chef eating you know kicking it and you know one day turns into 10 days and ain't no beat and you paying half that how much money are we talking man it's uh upwards upwards of uh upwards of i want to say eight to ten a night damn thousand bucks no no no no no no no no that that's my half that was your timing no no no no no no no no okay yeah right it is i'm going to tell you that's 50 that's about 50 grand right now 10 days 5 000. 10 days no beat no you know he listening to samples every day you know feverishly just listening to samples we're making like you know just playlists what we like then one beat comes and um what was the first beat if you know you i mean i'm sorry the games we play my favorite record and one you know he was like hey rhyme to this you know and mind you we're in like a you know eight eight bedroom mansion uh middle of nowhere uh all the rooms are decked out like you know studios so he's like yo since that downstairs yo right there i think this one one of them ones um do that and then you know just it's a searching process you know it's time to go home got a show hosting whatever leave you know i'm like i bet you know we had a little exercise it was cool you're like nah let's go to wyoming so how many beats did you get done in utah how many records did i get done i probably i might have gotten one i might have got one but i'm gonna tell you this he found tiana taylor's album at the same time so like while finding my finding my sound going through other sounds he's like oh i think that's i think this is for her so this is where this is where the process of like uh you know what the the the five albums seven songs it's all building from this from this point you get to charge some of that back to their albums no but that's a good idea that's a really good idea you know i love games we play because it's a lot of late 70s early 80s babies references in that record like you got to be born around that era yeah to get a lot of the language for sure for sure but when you reference the purple tape yeah when you say uh mud mud made monsters who grew up on the legends from yonko yeah yeah yeah shout out the locks but let me just tell you charlemagne has been wearing his same outfit for three days straight i did not take this outfit off because [Music] he wants to feel like he's still selling cracks i understand adult contemporary trap music i understand yeah yeah yeah yeah totally fine he had that green shirt on for three days by the way roc nation the fit is crazy though the pants feels so comfortable now let's talk wyoming now how do you get to wyoming did you have to pay for half of that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah half of wyoming splitting these cars oh my goodness but that's still your budget though right you're artist still uncommon bro i've been in this game for a long time like i know how to be conservative and get my budget back and put it in my pocket mm-hmm like no i don't want to spend it like that all right nobody wants to whoa i don't so he calls you let's go let's go to wyoming right you ever getting why you owe me before that me neither go ahead no envy i haven't never been in wyoming so you only sold crack in the south yeah there you go so so um you know we go to wyoming and um you know it's it's the same thing um you know he uh before the wyoming trip i he probably went to uh uh uh i think it's a amoeba amoeba music man you know 2000 records you know and you know they loaded it up to take a day to load all this [ __ ] up and um you know same thing listening to samples and just finding the sound finding it and we you know we did we we ultimately did find it like i mean i was just going i just got back from wyoming like last week because you just finished the album yeah isn't it amazing now with music how you can just finish an album and turn it in and have it come out a few days later listen or the next day the stress the stress the stress of that is it's no longer like it's no longer you can you can literally upload it and it's time it's time to go you know you as you can see even with my project it wasn't any uh i didn't even know if it was kind of i didn't want to talk about it because he wasn't sure yeah you know i know he was gonna make it i'm like yo you you know that like you know times when man we gonna make that we gonna make that day that ain't nothing so when he tweeted out that release date did you know that was the release date no i knew no i knew i knew i knew i was supposed to come first but i'm figuring okay we all gonna do june it's a lot of it's a lot of fridays in june right i can we can have them all why i got to be the maid mm-hmm you know why you feel like he was rushing you well i was done okay okay okay i was done lyrically i was done it was you know it was um it was him and what he has to do but i like you gotta give him time man it's like you know you go you go over there um you go over there to get a beat man and you're looking at sneakers all the samples hey try these on with you you know and it turns into it can turn into anything right and listen that can turn into a song so you just got to go through the process and and you know trust it so you haven't dropped since 2015 whose idea was it to only do seven songs and was that do you feel like you got all your ideas out in seven songs totally okay like you know it was totally that was totally kanye's idea and um he asked me about it and i was like man i don't feel that i was i don't think that's it at all and i was like you know i feel like people been waiting he was like man i feel like you know people are getting bombarded with these long albums i feel like seven is the real number like we can get it across short concise you know it's all of us you know and then i just started had to think about it from from his perspective it's like man if you you put you really producing 35 joints for this month like that's a lot of record he did everything every every question i thought i know previously it used to be that albums had to be a certain length to be considered a full-length album listen we was looking for the grammy we were looking for the grammy uh specifications last night uh 15 minutes in five distinct songs that's how long it has to be oh that's it i was right right yeah so album can be five songs five some for the grammys okay i don't know if anything i don't know about you know if it's you know if itunes that means the ep or whatever the case may be to to be eligible for a grammy five five distinct songs 15 minutes and you said everything you wanted to say you know seven 100 now i want to talk about a song that's been buzzing on the internet it's correct okay all right now i mean this is this is the put well i mean you never left spit like the way you have but you uh talk about birdman baby yeah again again yeah you know it's just um man you got to just address these things like i'm going off of social media i'm going off what people say what what you know how people address me what they what they talking about um i seen baby the other day seen him seen him uh seen him in an elevator really elevated together in an elevator was y'all like q and bishop what conversation would you like to and bishop you're gonna shoot me in the elevator had he already heard infrared no it was like that where was you at l.a l.a okay always in the hotel what does i know not to say yeah he was like um you good i was like yeah i'm good you sure something positive got off floor six that was that was that that was the first time i've seen each other all these yeah i don't yeah i don't know i've probably seen him at a fight or something yeah yeah they said but he hadn't heard infrared yet or heard about it so yeah but i mean you know i feel like i feel like yeah no yeah for sure it's music but beyond that i feel like um beyond that i sort of feel like you know infrared is infrared is just me talking to everybody it's like man i'm i've i've addressed a lot of these things right and then you know i've i've taken heat for addressing these things and and and then i was speaking about how ross ross had addressed it just recently right on his album and i was saying damn you know i respect that ross was speaking from a pure place but you know oh now it's okay it's okay to kill baby but [ __ ] looked at me crazy like i really killed the baby during that time right you know so let me ask you a question right because let me just just paint this picture so you see him in the elevator right mm-hmm and you could have said you know what i'm gonna take the next elevator but you you said no no i wasn't i wasn't i was on an elevator were you shook at all just to live like david might go down no i don't man you know i bro i've been in this so long and i just look at everybody as like real people like i know i know you like a real i mean minus all the tattoos and weird [ __ ] you like you're a real person man and i mean like i said they want nothing they want nothing er everybody was you know you know just on a going to where they had to go that was it for all the newbies in the game all the youngsters it's been going on for a long time what exactly is the issue with wayne and baby there it listen i i don't have i don't have necessarily an issue i don't like you know we we we're just talking about and speaking about you know just just the situation like we're just speaking about these are just bars man but then from allegedly that i guess you felt or people felt that wayne was taking your style and some of the stuff and taking it was that that's where it originated from but that's old like that ain't that ain't even like that's i don't even wear that type of stuff no more and i never even claimed that i never claimed that other people that's what people did and then the internet and not everybody knows how to you know be respectful of somebody when addressing when talking about them you know what i'm saying a couple of times on twitter yeah weird stuff [ __ ] pusha t in anybody who loves you yeah but that listen on something real probably yeah yeah that one all of it i mean you know ain't much of it nothing to me it's just um it makes it makes for good content and that was just a that was honestly just a um me talking about in that song i was just talking about how man how to how to tie his turn everybody looked at me one way you know and then ross did it and it was like oh man we riding we rocking with you he was all up here you almost sound kind of sorry for wayne in the record a little bit you do you said like another multi-platinum artist stuck on tour for the rest of his career bro i'm trying to find i'm trying to find my retire my exit route i'm trying to find it i can't imagine i can't imagine selling all them records and having to still do a tour of uh a show a club hosting where um i can't imagine nothing like that and i said you know it is like it's like man you know and i look and i look at the game it's it's me and it's me looking at the young the youngest today and how man they so self-sufficient right right like they're like so self-sufficient like man i was coming up here begging you know i was coming to new york begging for uh a deal i watch these kids do it at home they get their money they like you know i go on my ig like my favorites my favorites uh right now gunna a little baby like i watch them like night for night get their bag and it's it's inspiring it's like man they doing this i don't even know if they sign yet the industry's so different now it is and it's like man i can't you know i can't imagine putting my heart and soul into this you know and him you know still having to do some of the things that they have to do like this is this is mind we talking 30 million records later all right we're talking like you know it's a lie you shouldn't be able to pay little wayne 15 20 grand to host the club at this pro i know this man i don't he's not taking off 15 20 right now i don't know i don't know i don't know what that is but i'm just saying that you know personally i feel like there's a way that we gotta like man we we we gotta like the cold we what do the whole say about the cold crush overcharging [ __ ] for what they did today yeah we can't do that amongst us we can't do that amongst us you know what i'm saying yeah we gotta protect we gotta protect our own has wayne and drake ever reached out to you no no no no no i mean they say drake reached out on two birds on stone yeah he definitely did is that why he got these shots on infrared yeah you threw a shot at him yeah you know yeah i feel like it was it was to be responded to like you know at the same time it's about man it's music but who who gets to talk to who like like certain people i do want to talk to i do want to rap with so on and so forth i don't want to rap i don't really look at that i don't even look at that situation the same since how that sense how that all played out and how that came out like you can't let they're they're real writers out here you know what i'm saying who really do this who really like you know enjoy the craft of this then there's other artists who make great music you know they and they put it together how they put it together like i don't feel like i don't feel like we get to have that conversation like you know it's other people that we i should have that conversation with that i truly respect they pain and stuff like that so drake can't talk to you because you don't write his raps yeah but just not all of them i don't know man i mean i feel like what's the i mean i don't know i'm not there i just know i just know what's known and it's like you know he was speaking his truth on that record and that's cool like i'm not gonna have no argument about with you about uh who's the realest who who sold who sold the most dope you know i didn't sell whatever boom that's cool that's your truth that's how you feel and that's it's fine with me but i got my truth too infrared is my truth and i i mean and and we can lay mine out we can lay mine out on the table we can see it it's it's documented that's that and i do have my own proclamations only rapper so more dope than me is easy easy god bless the dead see jay-z lost 92 bricks and got it all back though it's cool here to go hold on hold on drink got a relationship that's cool does kanye ever try to be like come on boys let me get you all together yeah even kanye ain't waiting them you know you don't i mean i don't know i don't you know they they do have a relationship i don't know how that works out but he's closer with you so you know i don't i don't listen they live in the same neighborhood listen i don't i don't i don't um i don't put you know street values and things on in the music game like you know i'm saying it's business for everybody um it's friendships it's relationships with everybody um i ride a little different i'm on good music man i like everybody got a roll on good music like when when people take shots and so on and so forth i got to take them i you know i'm i'm i'm going to take all those i'm going gonna take all those and i'm gonna throw them back everybody else gets the key key smile dap up everybody else we all got different brands that's the thing about being on good music you know what i'm saying he he played creative fashion boom produce uh you know i'm up there i'm i'm rap rap superhero you know what i'm saying those lines get blurred a little bit those lines get blurred a lot actually but um are you ready for drake's smoke though yeah of course you got something to cut that's what i was going to say dude something like that hit you with a back-to-back push that's listen man it is what it is that's that's that was a cool that was a cool thing i think drake is a formidable opponent we've seen that for how he handled the meek situation he can rap when he wants to and we definitely know you a spitter i think that would be pretty pretty good right but we got we it's you got to still you have to still look at it differently like you know i feel like um i feel like you can't you honestly can't you know don't i don't want to be pit with him i don't don't don't pit me in my skill set with his skill set i feel like we do different things like i said they put records together in in a great way for what they do i feel like i i do something that is you know a draw it would be dope if you wrote a dis record for him to um ghost wrote it for him about it angela's gonna catch a ball now you only have two uh guest appearances on it i guess because why why why ross on album ross ross is by far one of the uh one of the people who gives me the perfect verse every time i feel like he's somebody that i can i can send a record to somebody i can send a record to and get that back and turn my back on it and know that it's going to come back how it needs to come back right i mean i you know i sent him my verse i sent him the record as a whole and just and i'm just talking about like putting you know content making sure everything matches up so on and so forth i can do that with ross he's he's great for that i want to do that on the record that's not like ceelo no no no no um singing on the record um you have tony williams okay he's on he's on a lot of yay music and you have shake who's a new artist sounded good who's that singing the santa and you know uh that is that's shake okay okay i wanted to hit hover on this album too i don't know why yeah the first wreckage i did with each other was just amazing i wanted to hear more yeah was anonymous yeah uh drug dealers anonymous was a was an amazing record um i try not to you know i don't like to ask people for features frivolously like drug dealers anonymous was a record that i felt like listen you know i i ain't never asked for one i'm i'ma ask for this and i feel like it's so fitting i don't want people to ever think i don't like i don't ever like to call people and and and ask them to be on records i mean everybody got a lot to do i hate it i hate when you know i got to take time out and do things that and i feel like it's like a throwaway or something that's not going to be meaningful it was divine though because it was very timely yeah no it worked lauren had just called jay out called a 14-year drug dealer so yeah it was no listen it was it was perfect it was perfect and i feel like the uh the record is something that i mean that's a benchmark in my career you know she said that you were one of her favorite rappers you were kidnapped lamar tommy lauren really yeah she said that i forgot what article that's interesting yeah that's weird you didn't know that no she said pusha t and kendrick lamar nah man she was just she was just trying to ride that ride the hype song at that time now was his album originally supposed to be produced by the neptunes um it wasn't that out the whole album was it's never not a time where i don't go to pharrell and chad to get music never so you know when when it's album time i always i always go there and be like hey you know what's up what we got and you know we always we always toy around with that does he still charge you pharrell does b-charge me he doesn't right yeah i don't think so you don't know no no i mean no i i just i i don't i don't know like i really don't know that but i wouldn't know that about him at the listening session last night yeah i was i was shocked that he didn't have a record on the album though yeah no no he did he didn't so yeah i did a lot of records though you got oh yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna say what happened to all those songs that kanye said he felt like he could produce better man i lost like wow producer relationships you know it's uh i mean i think everybody understood though right everybody understands like hey you know he made an executive call and that's what he wanted to do and um you know i had to just call them guys texts whatever like yo i know this was supposed to be the plan this ain't it um but we ever hear those songs yeah of course king still got to come they were great yo we got to fix that too king push king you're getting i just changed the title yeah it's the same album yeah it's the same album yeah okay it's the same album i just same album minus minus some songs and i just changed the title and i only changed the title because i felt like uh i felt like daytona represented you know what what what what you guys are witnessing and that's what you really witness is is is two artists really having the luxury of time to put like to really put like an album together like that's what it's about um that's why i named it daytona um i feel like that's that's what we should see i feel like that's what we should see um you know with with an artist like myself who's been in it this long like i should be able to really build out the album that i want to make and and give it to my my fan base and you know hopefully they're loud enough in the spreads and you know everybody gets hip to it but that's the that's the real idea yeah i don't want to see artists like like like yourself that's been in the game so long that's even your age rushing you know doing trendy stuff yeah you know me that's not the move it's not it's not the way and you know it's like it's fundamental hip-hop stuff too so it's like you know i feel like i'm here to show that like fundamental uh the fundamentals of hip-hop still apply um i feel like that's what yay's showing i mean these samples are super soulful you may say that this music uh may not have thought that this music would translate but you can put it up against everything i feel like daytona is like definitely one of those albums that you're going to be able to put up against whatever you feel like is great this year where were you when uh big meech brought the camels out outside outside uh probably going through some label troubles uh going through label troubles and outside trying to get to it were you at the party no no no that's what that that's what the line is saying where were you when big meech brought together because i was busy earning stripes like a tiger oh i said the camels kanye how is that relationship and the reason i ask is sometimes when your people's or your friend says something left or says something foul you check them i mean right right i posted something here on instagram and push and push call me immediately like you said i think you're jumping the gun on that yeah so how was that conversation with kanye when he says some of the outlander stuff that he's been saying about trump and the slaves do i have those conversations yeah yeah we definitely do um i think i was right i was out there right after tmz and um you know he asked my opinion on it i tell him you know that i i didn't think it was a good look at all now mind you i have my own uh he knows my political stance he knows like you know he knows i i uh you know about me riding with the hillary campaign he knows my agenda more than anything about prison reform right like we talk about all of that um so there's nothing that can even make me agree with him in regards to trump because i can't even have my conversation any longer with you know in regards to my agenda that's not going to happen during this trump regime so you know but they're trying to do a new bill now but the bill is kind of funny listen they doing they're doing some everything and they're doing it quick that's something that that's something that could happen right now and they could do if they felt it was or deemed it important did you think it was a bad idea for me to go and have that conversation at the white house he had i don't know about that oh he was to go because he was supposed to go and he didn't go at the last minute a lot of people told him not to go um to talk about prison reform man you know yeah and let me tell you something i i sort of feel like i know i would be like hey no i don't you know don't go up there and speak about it right but then you know when i'm i'm thinking about meet meek really sat down me sat down and was in jail you know what i'm saying and and i'm sure you know he knows his reach he knows he knows uh he knows his voice and you know sometimes it's like it's like trying to convince somebody uh it's like trying to go to the label and convince the label that you got a hit record and they don't you know they don't really see it i'm sure he feels like he can articulate that right you know what i'm saying and be and like and and show his influence to somebody like him and and pull it off because you know you you have those hopes um but you just don't know the real agenda of you yeah you know i can't i can and i don't you know i don't think he's like a real i don't think trump is like a real president you know i don't think he's a real president i don't think he's uh agenda-driven i feel like he's he's a self-driven so i wouldn't i i wouldn't for that did you send him the what would meek do song before no man i i didn't i didn't send it to him and it was it was a beat that i really i i heard him on i heard it i heard him on it so much that i even had a line the i had the line in the song that says what would meek do right oh okay but he was in jail like this is happening all here in jail i don't you know i don't know if he coming out ever whatever the case may be i don't know how that's working and um i just remember being like damn man see if meek was here he could have knocked this out this isn't that um lo and behold he gets out and he gets out uh we have birthdays around the same time and you know i uh i hit him yo happy birthday his son's birthday is on my day is we share the same birthday and um you know i hit him for that and before i just couldn't bring myself to ask him fresh out of jail to go to a studio and write a verse for me i won't go ask him right and like you know i'm battling with that and then i'm like seeing him like with his son on ig you know they after getting on the chains i'm like man i'm not i'm not doing it but it was paying homage though oh hell yeah yeah yeah is there any truth to the fact that you wrote scoopity poop poopity poopity scoop poop no man so that sounds why did you tell him like come on yay like this is enough isn't it he said that on your record and i love the fact that he did that on my record because i like man you know everybody's not privy to the conversations that we have you had actually a really really good interview and like you you'll be getting like the you got a lot of the inside of you know and i can't imagine what you got off camera um but you know that beat is so fire the liftgate is crazy lift yourself be so fire and that could show that like i think that shows you his level of like confidence and arrogance in in these in these uh these releases because that's a real single listen it's it's it's a real single that that even has you know real other lyrics to it so on and so forth that's what i'm waiting for man he's like yo now i'm gonna show you i'm you know what i'm gonna throw this out and i'm gonna show them what i think about all that it's nothing and i'ma show them that this this is some heat i'm putting out heat and this is what i this is what i what i what i choose to do on it what do you say to people who said people who say all pushy t raps about after all these years of selling drugs i mean that's corny like man people people who don't uh you know who who who don't look deeper into into the rap then you know that's listen it's not for them like listen i i i have the i have the uh at this point in my career man i i have the choice to actually really sit back and and you know rhyme who i'm rhyming for like i you know i got the choice to really uh like i'm really only trying to impress my core at this point you know what i'm saying um i think that you know street talk drug talk i feel like that's the that's the common thread in in my raps okay but still you you're still uh you're still weaving around you know lyricism uh similes metaphors the different colors that i'm putting in it the uh social content everything if you can't get past the drug stuff then you're just looking at it at a surface level and it's you know that's fine that's fine i mean i don't i don't um i don't have a real issue with that man like i don't have a real issue with people like critiquing my my music and things like that anymore like i know exactly who i'm talking to i know who i touch i know who like you know comes to me and like yo yo when you said this man that like yo you killed that that's it adult contemporary trap music like hip-hop i like it hip-hop actually i like that i love it because i like that we act like we are not still hip-hop heads right right right you know what i'm saying right right we need music for us yeah and i and you know what i also feel like i can't i can't uh i love i love when where uh new hip-hop is like i love it but there's just certain things like i i'm not gonna do the dance you know what i'm saying i'm not boy jb and listen i want you i want you so bad listen i want you so bad like listen they be having a blast like that look it's it looks fine right like and it's and it's crazy because you know i'm i'm still i'm still outside i'm still you know i'm still in these clubs i'm i'm still in the mix of all of these uh all the different genres and and different tiers of rap and so on and so forth um man so i how could i not appreciate it like you gotta like you can't you can't go to the bay and not appreciate hyphy music you cannot right so you know what i'm saying like that that's what i try to liken it to and and what i try to you know tell people like yo man you got to open up a little bit and and um really just you know take notice and and and appreciate it now to eclipse fans out there i know you got to go to the clips fans is that ever going to happen again man i would love to see it happen again man how's your brother how's your brother doing he's doing really good man we we uh we talked this morning what did he say about the album he ain't heard it oh you don't listen to secular music um i think he does okay but i i i just didn't i just got it i actually don't have it on my phone either so you know me and sean i knew actually you need y'all yeah i actually do okay you know i didn't i didn't i didn't send it to you uh they i had them send it to you i didn't i didn't get it earlier i couldn't listen to it i didn't get it they sent me somebody else's album ep at def jam don't do them he sent me something i think it was malik or design i don't know who it was and i was like i hit him back i said what's up with that pusha t though like send me that i forgot it was probably ballet it was somebody from valencia oh definitely check out valley valley valley your artists good music yes okay oh yeah yes okay don't take ballet away from us yes that's valet fire now the uh the record santeria sen what's up are you paying homage to the religious cult you know that's a no i'm um i'm actually i don't know what it is it's a religious cult like the afro i think it's afro-cuban or something it is i think i think the origins are afro-cuban um santeria sansaria on the album is about my um just about the emotions that i was going through off of the the murder of my road manager um i had a um role manager by the name of day day um we taken you know we took some time off um it was probably album making time or whatever uh he went on a roll he actually was on the road with um nicki minaj at the time um randomly went out to eat somewhere ended up getting stabbed and and passing away and um you know so santoria is just me just like really you know weighing weighing the options and weighing the options and in the position that i'm in and just speaking about the true emotions that i feel about the situation and um you know and and and just really just talking about like man how life you know life really will put you to those tests like man do you really want to play like this and i and i just took that energy right and put it in a song did you ever study their religion at all or no okay no no no well pusha t the album is out right now streaming right now daytona last question there's also physical copies of the album um are you doing that or strictly streaming he just handed it in yesterday yeah i just asked him yeah we are we we i got some merch things yeah yeah yeah and that they were getting copies of the album with the merch yeah yeah yeah no definitely we we are definitely doing physical copies um there is a there is a merch link how can i use it can i use your own i left my phone at home come on i did i'm gonna send it to you tweet it out for me no i saw people um buying the by the way the mercedes dope thank you thank you yeah as always because i know you're a fashionable guy on top of everything else but i saw people getting physical copies too yeah no no no it's definitely the physical is is um physical copies vinyl um you know shop.kingpush.com shop.kingpush.com that's it thank you good i got i got one more y'all see how much i'll be knowing right now i am one last question what are the challenges of being a older rapper because i was having this conversation with scarface the other day and he said he feels like he's the best he's ever been because of just pure experience yeah man you know um i i don't necessarily know that they're they're they're real challenges for me um i i look at the game and i look at the rap game in its entirety i look at hip-hop in its entirety i feel like if you are you know this isn't just about rap lyrics you know being stuck to a certain beat it's about it's about the fashion it's about just the whole culture of hip-hop and if you're relevant within that culture and you're still being competitive in all those spaces i i don't see where hip-hop ages or like i don't i don't really know how that works i don't i don't think so i'm still you know the ones who are older than me i'm i i want a whole album all the time i i do i was i was just in the studio with nas yes i would know how to album yes you guys are going to be impressed is it only seven songs yes oh all the songs that are coming all the albums coming up my album seven kanye album seven kanye and cuddy album seven nas album seven tiana album seven oh that number sounds like illuminati to me is gonna make his release date yeah i think so because she ain't going to make his release date kanye's next friday kanye's definitely going to make his release date laura don't you do me like this don't do me like this yes he's going to make his release date don't do me like this i swear like don't please all right well push the t out right now daytona make sure you stream it and we appreciate you for joining us bro yo man thanks for having me all right yeah this club is pusha t
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 5,987,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, pusha t, daytona, drake, lil wayne
Id: 3r5zFfUaSz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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