DJ Akademiks: Drake Lost, here’s why & Brady Roast Untold Stories

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Drake says to me yo if you got 30 minutes get all straight let's say all allegations are false on both sides who's winning this battle it's still Ken no what is the next move for Drake it's on his way out of this did Drake feed him that information about the daughter the objective act I do believe the daughter thing I don't believe the other thing I found out that Metro boomman hated Drake before it was like universally known cuz a chick he smashed La I smash La they always just tell every detail but I will tell you this when this whole thing pops off the can hits me up and he says what's up everybody Welcome to flagrance uh first of all I just want to thank you guys so much everybody who came out to MSG and uh yeah that was crazy crazy dream come true pretty wild uh yeah we'll definitely talk about that later also thank you everybody who watched watched the roast uh that was a really that was a really crazy experience and I mean this in like a non- joking way at all but uh grank is is one of the like whatever you think he is yeah he will exceed that in a in a shocking way like this is my first interaction with grank you ready yeah he's standing by a bathroom yeah I walk up it's grank Bert Tom okay I walk up we're talking and I go I don't even know why Tom Brady is doing this Tom uh Tom sigura I don't know why Tom Brady's doing this and uh gr goes oh man you know sometimes you just get bored you know like sometimes you just you know you're sitting in your apartment you're in apartment for eight days you're not doing anything you just want to [ __ ] kill yourself this is before the roastes even started we're in the hallway I just put my hand on his shoulder I go I can't do this right now I'm not walking you up this [ __ ] Bridge we got to lock in and be funny I got to call you a [ __ ] in 30 minutes or 3 hours in 30 minutes so I can't [ __ ] do this right now you probably love the roast being called a [ __ ] cuz he felt something he dude that [ __ ] was getting to him bro you think yes he was like in the beginning he was like okay first couple people shot at me and then eventually he's like why do they keep making the same joke about like I think there are so many things like behind the scenes that I want to like tell you guys about like like first of all you know when grank spiked the shot glass yes that had to hit somebody real shot glass yeah he was not supposed to do right before I go up he spikes it but he's one of those where like the closest thing I can say is there is a video of a kid with Down Syndrome that is dressed up as Stone Cold Steve Austin and he walks up to his pool and he takes the Bud Lights he smashes them together and he starts to drink out them as the Bud Lights have already been leaked because the glasses broke right that was grunk he took the shot he wasn't even included in it the shot was about Tom Brady bellich and Bob Craft and he's just there he takes it and he has so much energy he doesn't know what to do he slams it all of us are like what the [ __ ] just happened a girl in the front row has like a piece of shot glass like hanging out of her chair like and I'm not talking about a little thing flicker my God whole cheek is red oh [ __ ] she looks like a mime I have to go up afterwards so I'm just like all right what's the the witty joke uh like I'm like how am I G that's not the first time grank spiked the drink you know I'm like think like what can I acknowledge the moment and shout out to Kevin Hart bro yeah this guy is like good son told you I first of all he's amazing but like what he did yeah like hosts will do this in a comedy show like if something crazy happens they'll reset the room bring it bring the energy back down then bring it back up he took he he took time he calmed the room back down didn't even joke around about just com like what is going on here these guys are kind of crazy reset the whole room and even acknowledge it so I didn't even have to and I walked up to an after I was like dude you saved my ass man thank you so much for that did you even know what you're doing he was like yeah of course man I don't want you to have to go up after that like solid guy did not have to do that I'm the last Comic on a [ __ ] three hour show I peed three times he didn't get to peed once like within 30 minutes of being up there I was like I ain't making you had that AA sing I was thinking about you the whole time the second they brought that TV screen out for Burt and Tom yeah I saw a couple of the football players leave and I was like I'm out no disrespect B Tom but I got a [ __ ] P yeah yeah left apparently there's a shot of me walking back that's the best point that's point I pulled the CR I was like this directly in front of the camera F oh my God but um you did great oh thank you man you did [ __ ] great the jokes were fire I love the moments where you stepped out of the joke cuz I know the probably the Instinct I assume is just do the jokes and you're so [ __ ] nervous that's all you do but the when you were like Jeff there's no kids back there that was great and then the C [ __ ] C puff C that's your boy fire that's fun it's funny you say that because it that was the thing that I was that I found most tricky about this which is like how do you uh it's not even stay in the moment but like be in the moment from the beginning yeah and I was like okay do I acknow like I I want to just go hey we're in the moment here yeah and then do the set instead of being like here are the jokes but the same time we're also like 3 hours into this [ __ ] a live telecast yeah so it's like okay what what can I do but yeah those those moments are good [ __ ] shout out Nikki Glazer absolutely demolish I I was like blown away she was so [ __ ] good if you hav seen it yet the Rhythm was like perfect and then Tony Tony holy [ __ ] Tony amazing like they just they were they were just so [ __ ] good like if you haven't seen it yet it is worth it to watch them like they they just were just m it was great and then bledo was good so so here's the thing he's surprising what makes or breaks a roast is not the comedians The non-c Comedians if the non-c comedians deliver it's a good roast oh dude dude d d d dud dude non-c comedian Edelman oh yeah holy [ __ ] so here's the thing they took it serious Edelman was working it out at The Comedy Store really the like Drew bledo hit me up afterwards he's like dude I you know we were watching a lot of your stuff and some other guys like they were actually studying game they how to get out of awesome but I think that's what happens when you get athletes they're like oh the way to be good at something is to repeat it over and over again and watch people that are good at practice and prepare and it can be good and after watching grank I believe he never watched game films let me tell I believe that about him his joke where he's like oh gron touchdown oh Gro why don't you do a touchdown that was personal that was that was do and Lamar I mean do Drake just [ __ ] y'all when he went off script I wrote that one that's in the prompter like I I'm reading the prompter and the prompter is written in [ __ ] right it's like at one point that one was creative see I'm creative no no way y the one thing that he did or a few things he ad lived one is when he's like uh uh Kevin I'll make you suck my dick and all of us were like okay he's gone he's [ __ ] gone he got excited by the crowd he's out here oh dude oh it's probably great sitting next to Bert there I don't remember who's in the other side was Nikki on the other side no Sam Sam J yeah yeah so you had homies on both sides three hours Sam did [ __ ] great I was impressed the uh yeah it's fun when when it was definitely fun when Ben Affleck was on and we were like what the [ __ ] is this doing dude dude JLo broke this man son son son son so what the [ __ ] is wrong with he comes up and everybody's stoked right so hyped and because we all love Ben Affleck Ben Affleck's the man yeah and uh and then he started talking like he was defending Tom from internet trolls and like a few minutes in I'm like oh he ain't even talking about no he's not he's not he's talking about Ben F he's talking about Batman vers Superman about and then it was personal yeah once you saw it you're like is this whole thing a proxy for him to just yell at people online I don't even know if he realizes it but yes that's that's the other thing he might not yeah yeah crazy yeah it was crazy Kim car Kardashian was she's a pro I'll be honest son she's a pro she is a [Laughter] pro we have video proof no what I would say about Kim is that um she's she's striking she's like perfectly symmetrical like you look at her and you're like wow yeah but I've never seen somebody be so disassociated in my life she if somebody told me hey it's not really Kim K Kardashian she has this like a robot where she can essentially control like what it says but it's not like there's no human aspect to it I dig oh oh I get it she's a meruan candidate well she sat with perfect posture for three hours straight right smiled laugh like it I I've never seen anything like that I I just completely detached not she grew up with a camera on her 24/7 for the past like but some people do that and like they go crazy and they're a child star the [ __ ] dealing with whatever OJ was in her [ __ ] room before the Bronco Chase like ready to kill himself like that's probably to give her some sympathy that's probably pretty came out to look at OJ and be like hey OJ I can't do that yeah again I I I I don't no I yeah I I I'm sure she's nice and all the other things the only thing it just looked completely unaffected yeah and uh even when she was up there they were kind of booing her like it it didn't make her smile it didn't make her sad it was nothing yeah there was one guy in the crowd this is kind of really funny like cuz the crowd was like basically a Buffalo Bills like tailgate like like the beginning was like the Hollywood people and then the stands were like football F okay thank God La could do that I think people flew in uh or they're like Boston ties or right right right Kim's up she's doing her set she's like almost at the end of the set and then this guy just in the stands out of nowhere just goes [ __ ] I was talking to it was gr's Uncle I was talking to mber and and Shane and and mber was like it was as if he'd been holding it in for a whole minute he just couldn't hold it anymore like his fists were bald [ __ ] just just seeing Kim caresan on stage for three minutes was too much I was I was a Kanye fan I was cool but what a crazy thing like how often does Kim talk in front of like thousands and thousands of just like regular human beings no as well like you know what I mean like her whole life is so like protected and maybe that's why she dissociated was like overwhelming it might be like a yeah like you said like a coping mechanism for it um trying to think of anything else I saw oh the fire thing was uh when Tom checked Jeff Ross bro I think that was 100% real oh yeah oh really 100% like so Jeff so I think it got cut from the broadcast I'll tell y'all something be the reason why I think it's real is because they told us no jokes about Happy Endings with Bob Craft because I had a Bob Craft tag oh I had that joke about Randy Moss I was like Randy Moss you made sure on Super Bowl Sunday is the only people celebrating a happy ending with the priests oh yeah yeah yeah and and then the tag was and and of course Bob crafts and they were like Tom asked if not to do anything with the massage ship I was like all right cool like the guy's coming here for this thing like whatever he's not getting roasted he's sitting in the [ __ ] stands like all and then Jeff did it and then Tom walks up and he goes yo cut that [ __ ] out or don't do that again that [ __ ] again but think about that like this is the first comic that goes on a live roast and it's your night yeah he was ready to shut the whole thing down that's an alpha ass move right there like for for the for this guy who basically let him go yeah Bob Craft didn't resign him yeah and he still feels that kind of loyal would sign team Friendly Deals relatively speaking so it's not like craft overpaid him like when they paid kobby 25 million his last year whatever and he was kind of washed was like thank you yeah Brady got let go he got the opposite he was like all right good luck yeah and still had that kind of loyalty crazy I thought it was a it was a alpha most people would get caught up in that moment and go I don't want to ruin and he's like this [ __ ] don't matter yeah what matters is I said to that guy that those jokes weren't going to be made yeah and he agreed to come and then you broke the rule I think it was that and then Brady's kids and it was just like who's going to [ __ ] yeah talk [ __ ] kid psycho he's a psychop greatest but he's also like breathtaking oh it was like hard to look at like I would like roast him and I'd find myself going to like look back the camera was too much oh man I also wonder if he does that early if he's like okay the first thing crosses the line I'm going to I'm going to get up there and make like a little moment just let everyone else know like like when you fire a guy the first day on set who was it Orson Wells would do that he hire a guy just a fire him first day that's great apparently that's what they like set a tone and let everyone know like yo don't [ __ ] around so he's like the first thing that cross my line I'm going to stand up and and stop it and that way everyone else knows like yo don't talk about the kids don't talk about Bobby craft I wonder if then maybe him and Jeff had that worked out then oh I don't think so I think he just was like the first thing that crossed my line if they talk about these two or whatever number of things in his head that would make a lot of sense I'm ni yeah that's what I'm assuming that makes sense I was wondering why no one made the kissing his kid joke CU that would have been I mean it would have gone but at the same time it's like the way I look at these things is gazelle's a public figure yeah outside of him yeah so yeah we could talk about that if it's not someone who's public and it's like family or like children yeah then I'm like I don't want to [ __ ] it yeah Jazelle is a supermodel she's used to scrutiny and that was kind of our line of thinking with the will and J thing is like Jada's a celebrity who's been a celebrity she's asking for attention she has this show out like she talks about her business so she wants that spoken about as well yeah but uh yeah any other any other any other reactions I saw like what and talk about MSG dude I a question question what was the best joke you thought against you oh that's good there weren't a ton I'll be honest yo I think to be honest I think what everybody thought was oh everybody's going to make fun of his haircut yeah thought so I don't want to do what everybody does so to give you guys some like uh behind the scenes [ __ ] it's like everybody's making fun of the same people so the jokes kind of get used up quick right and so you got kind of like worry like uhoh can I do this is this going to happen the later and later you go on the roast the more and more jokes and topics get cross off even if it's not the same joke if it's about the same thing it gets a little diluted yeah so like there was jokes that like so we were working with uh one of The Producers there right who was helping us and basic he wouldn't tell us he'd be like Hey listen this thing is probably I showed him my jokes and he's like this thing's probably going to be kind of touched on so maybe you want to cut it or ve away that's awesome they do that yeah Michael Lawrence genius writer and he wrote for a lot of the the uh the athletes and stuff like that and he was like okay this one is like he we had a we had a good one it was like um uh what you know I said I said something about jaelle and I was like uh you Tom uh I go I go uh Tom a wife leaving is is never something to joke about but uh let's take a stab at it that was the last text Tom got from OJ right just and like but the OJ stuff had been done a little bit yeah yeah so especially going later in the show you're like okay how can I have a unique angle right but um but yeah so so these producers are organizing all that it's quite impressive actually mhm do you know what I mean like you have to make sure how many different people on that [ __ ] row is 15 different people who are all talking about the same topics also guys dates real quick first of all big announcement I'm going to be in Abu Dhabi during Abu Dhabi comedy week May 26th uh at the Sadat Rana Resort and Vias in Abu Dhabi I don't know if I said that correctly but I will be there also May 31st and June 1st St Louis June 7th and 8th Indianapolis June 21st and 22nd Raleigh North Carolina June 28th and 29th Buffalo July 26 and 27th Jacksonville September 6th and 7th Vegas September 12th and 13th and 14th Miami Florida guys get your tickets for those shows and more at alash we're going to keep adding we are not [ __ ] stopping guys we're going to keep going I'll see y there aash the roast was phenomenal Fantastic live was crazy Man fluing Award is like [ __ ] the whole joke is done yeah I thought it yeah that [ __ ] was funny when was the last great roast like Comedy Central days back in the day yeah yeah we love the Charlie Sheen one because of Patrice oh yeah that was 12 13 years ago one was good yeah like the Trump one like there were so a run of really great ones that con did yeah there's um yeah it was it was really [ __ ] [ __ ] good I feel like Kev tried to come at you at the end and he ain't really have nothing bro he really have nothing son I I'm not saying he bomb but I mean he ain't really have nothing it is funny cuz you can see the prompters too yeah so you can see the jokes that oh you see me and Sam [ __ ] up somebody's joke because I saw a punchline and me and Sam started going oh that shit's good and he hadn't even said it yet yeah I forget who it was but Sam I laughing at this [ __ ] reading the head bro there's a part that's so funny Tony's doing a joke and you just see bur behind him melting the words to the joke as he's saying it I was dying laugh I was like oh I forget there's a that grank the entire time he reading in his head but mouthing the words that's awesome I would do the same thing a million perc I just like to be ahead I'm like yeah it was a no it was really good and I think that like uh kind of way I vandalized it is like uh like I think a year ago maybe even more like the idea of you know uh what is it cancel culture woke culture is affecting comedy like that's done like if you're still talking about that now you're just [ __ ] gting on it yeah but uh this maybe not with everybody so like 10 minutes in U I'm watching with my shorty she's really enjoying it and then she's like they're being kind of mean and she she like not even making a joke I really feel bad for Gro she felt so bad for but I'm not even making a joke culturally she's not she what a roast is if you know what a roast is if you you have any idea of in comedy what a roast is you get it this is all all bets are off my wife probably would have said the same thing if she'd watched that early she'd been like H but she's enough you know what I mean she gets it now yeah yeah you know she was ready to check out she was like too much yes too much for you know this is like a it's weirdly might have happened in the same venue but you know how like when Magic Johnson said he had AIDS everybody was like oh this [ __ ] real yeah I think it happened it was announced at The Forum okay I think this will be like the defining point in our generation where people go oh the woke shit's dead and it's it's already been dead Tony I mean Tony said the f bomb live on Netflix but it's like no tweets the point I'm trying to make is like it's it's already been dead yeah but this was a moment where you had people that had everything to lose I.E at Tom Brady a guy who could be worth a billion dollars he has these like you know mainstream connections going to be on Fox yeah hosting the show like and he's making gay jokes and people are making gay jokes about him racist homophobic jokes but nobody really seemed to go oh my God yeah and to me that's like the pendulum swinging and this is like the cultural point it already is happens we've noticed it it's like you roll your eyes when anybody says woke anymore but this is like I think the moment America realizes yeah mhm so we'll see what happens after this I'm very maybe that's why there was no good roast for 78 years whether they could have been whether it would have gone well or not I bet suits were like we can't we can't take this 100% right that from the people I spoke to they're like yeah everybody's afraid to do it because the jokes that are funny they don't want to say and it's not the comics that are afraid it's the it's the celebrities and the exacts were like oh I don't know this could get us in trouble we could sponsors yeah admitting to deflate Gate House oh [ __ ] some might put a little Aster or something little give me 20 million I would have admitted it I now his set was good yeah that that Kanye Kim joke is great great I wish I knew Kim was there I had no clue yeah when I did the rehearsal I saw a chair that said Kim Kardashian and I was like get the [ __ ] out of here yeah and I wonder if the production was saving that for Tom to make that joke maybe you know what I mean like cuz Poor Tom got to go up at the end end yeah yeah yeah you know so like what does he have left yeah you know that was sick Champion cool around absolute champ and then you talked to Tom yeah yeah I got to talk to Tom a little bit how long was the conversation tell me everything he said he SM like what smell like what feel like just a nice dude like you know just I just asked him one how he prepared and I was like were you like working it out he's I would do it in front of the guys yeah so I imagine the guys are like you know maybe the players are like his team yeah but it looked like he had done the jokes before you know and um but yeah that was that was about it nothing crazy with Tom bledo is a [ __ ] G yeah he seems also like fun yeah like him and his brothers are fun they hit the comedy store afterwards oh really they were there yeah they're just judging roast battle or something like that like awesome they were just he text he texts me just goes Comedy Store pull up the [ __ ] is this as if you've never heard that's the address that's awesome yeah they were good I mean just getting to meet these guys Charles Woodson like just getting to meet these guys like that's sick you also you know meet some of these football players that you've seen in pads and they're tall but like a Charles Woodson like the guys that he would have to tackle yeah and then you see him and you're like he's not the most physically imposing also post career these guys deflate like crazy well no I did a grank is much skinni but Corner safeties dude I I did a podcast with old cowboy Legend Darren Woodson he was a safety and he would lay the wood on people he was a crazy crazy physical player and then you see him and you're like oh he's a little bigger than maybe about Alex's size maybe a little taller because you know most people are but uh you know don't don't you have moral for yeah dude absolutely this guy's barely taller than Alex we did the roast of Alex already you want to me any so that was that was U that was really it was really cool it was really cool to be a part of so that's awesome and like yeah and it felt like an event in terms of the social media yeah do you know what I'm yeah remember Twitter back in the day when like something would happen and everybody was kind of talking about the same thing yeah it had that benefit of live live yeah yeah everyone experienced something all at the same time and they're all talking about it tweeting about it like dude it's funny so before the um before the show uh uh uh Rogan text me like yo can I give Dana White your number I'm like yeah sure and um and Dana hits me up he's like hey man can I run these can I just run this by you because I just need you to know what you think and he runs a couple jokes by by me and they're funny like the thing about Tom like you know you've been in Boston so I used to think you were from there then I saw you run I was like no he's definitely from San Francisco very good few jokes but the one about the the trans my name is Dana is that trans enough for you liberal [ __ ] he says it to me and I'm like I don't know if that's going to go over I call him back I go bro I don't know if that one's going to really hit I don't know if that's going to be the one and he go like like what do you think and I'm like I just don't know if it's going to get the big laughs and then he goes oh I don't care about that I just want them to know I don't give a [Laughter] fuckw awesome awesome oh it's going to accomplish and his was actually good he did great afterwards he comes up to goes I'm never doing that again but I thought he [ __ ] rocked it yeah I think he was doubting himself cuz a couple times he's like oh no no y don't like that or whatever he no he delivered that was solid yeah it was a great dude again the non-athletes delivered like you're like oh [ __ ] that the non- comedians delivered and like dude Edelman I I was blown away yeah for a wide receiver a football player to make whoever wrote those jokes and for him to be like let's go and whatever input he had on them [ __ ] crushed it yeah crushed it no he murdered he mured yeah anyway okay so yeah can we can we give you some love finally okay sure sure sure sure Andrew Schultz m Square two [ __ ] shows back to back comedy complete [ __ ] that was yeah that was crazy you're done that was crazy I'm done I I literally I could retire right now and I feel like I achieved everything I ever wanted to say whatever you want to say then I'm going to compliment you you're going to get uncomfortable and we'll power through that but you say what you want to say first okay the the most difficult part of the whole thing was trying to not mouth the nword when 507 was that's the only thing that was going through my mind 50s on first of all I didn't even know about gunit showing up right so they tell us that like maybe an hour before yeah they're like we need three mics and I go what and then they're like yeah yo uncle murder I'm like okay this is going to be crazy uh so they're on stage they're rapping I'm like do not say the NW I also I hope we have video what what do you I have 13,000 eyeballs on me there's [ __ ] cameras everywhere I know Shifty zoomed in on my lips cuz he wait for me to drop it so I'm concentrating on not saying the n word Tony ao's at the front of the stage comes back right I hope we have video for this cuz there is an ultimate I missed a Dap and by missed I mean he didn't even acknowledge my dap I threw the hand up like this I think he looked at me and just went the other way and I was like [Music] hey was I was focusing too much on not saying the NW I almost said it right there no I think we need to delete all the footage because if you I'm unfortunately standing directly behind 50 the whole time is crazy and I'm just in a days I'm like holy [ __ ] this is crazy like you bro I was like I was like what is how do you dance a white [ __ ] on F yeah s this dance D don't blame it don't blame it on the blackout dog you know that's when you're just supposed to feel the rhythm right I was feeling it I was feeling it for the first two songs I was like wait a second I feel like an idiot and then I was looking at at 50 I was like yo I'm just going to do a 50 Cent does cuz he's cool and if I just copy him then no one can say anything okay and so 50 was doing this move where he's standing there he goes like this and he's get his hips going he's got and so I was like oh that's easy to do I'll do that and so you just saw me do it and I was doing the exact same thing and if you look at 50 doing he looks so cool and then if you cut over to me I look so bad I just look like a I just look like a backup the whole time I knew Mark I my arm around him I had to just hold him I knew cuz Dereck and I were really into it and Mark was just alone and he didn't know how to be too into it but he is dead centered oh my God so funny and the problem is I I the white the thing whiter than what happened on stage I that oh yeah we got got the only thing wider than what happened on stage was backstage when I was studying the songs I videos of this so I was with Derrick and I was like hey what's that one song it's like what up cuz what up cuz and he was like oh what up Gangster I was all right cool I was going through all the lyrics to make sure I knew the lyrics cuz I'm not going to I cannot know the words you Wikipedia yeah cuz I didn't know life BR know song you didn't have to rap it don't rap the song I at least need to know the beat or something oh my god dude and then and then when you don't know when you don't know the words just look up at the stands like you're really taking it in you're taking it in yeah when I didn't know like wow look at what we've done and back to the chorus what up [Laughter] ganga it was Unreal oh my God y' never look wher bro D Dereck was so excited he he pulls us both in he goes y'all can say the N word just this one time I give y'all permission y'all can say it he tried to set you up yeah yeah good move not saying it he tried to drink right son dead ass I swear to God oh my God there is one moment where I think none of them said the N word I think they all ducked it themselves out of like pure professionalism like I imagine they've done this like they were like choreographed it was like really awesome to see what they were doing and really utilizing the whole stage like clearly they've been doing this [ __ ] for [ __ ] you got some more respect for rap live performances I told you after watching 50 right MH I told you the first time in Boston I was like this guy can can shut it down like it was just and uh but they all duck the N word at the same time if you had taken if I [Music] had I would be the only one in the arena that would have screamed it like if I just grank it if I got caught up momentum it would echoed stop the tape just crazy just crazy it was wild 50 is a [ __ ] man dude just to do that like even awesome jacket into the crowd like threw his hat threw his jacket yeah signed it too yeah I so so he signed it and then that's whoever got dope un right unbelievable I mean just like yeah I don't know it's also it was a cool energy doing the show I'm I'm like hyper concerned with people having a good time like I really want them to just leave there going like man that was just the best night out like yeah and it felt really cool doing the show knowing I had this like little Ace in the Hole little little treat for them that like like the show thank God was going great and then it ended yeah and I and I looked at them and I was like wow they got a really great show and then yeah they get this yeah you know and it was just like seeing their faces was just crazy yeah did you hear me say what the yeah we all heard it yeah no no but it wasn't clear yeah that it it was really cool you said it and I was in the crowd filming the crowd and a bunch of people who like maybe heard it got hyped and then he came out and the whole place lights up dude that's unbelievable it was Unreal yeah man I told you I was going to go see you as a fan this time and I got yeah I wanted you to go on man I know I know I wanted to come as a fan also I just dropped my whole hour and I was like I don't know if I got a tight five for the arena right now that's a different muscle but I was I before that I didn't yeah of course you asked always asks I I love I love you for that I didn't get to make it to Toronto so I was like I want to see him first time MSG as a fan it was your best hour no thank you man and I everybody knows how much I love you and gas you and think you're so for this to be your best hour at MSG that's a [ __ ] amazing thing man and it's like I was blown away my wife cried I cried it was like fing awesome the jokes were hilar nonstop so so so proud of you unbelievable man I was just like Overjoyed Alex and I hugged each other after the show and we were like we acting like we did something yeah did yeah we all made that happen like this years in in the making but 2009 or eight or whatever the [ __ ] we met we had nothing and then to see you sell out MSG and then deliver that's the part that it's like you don't people don't often deliver as they get to that level and for this to be your best I was like oh man so proud of you now if I can criticize you for one thing my seats were amazing they were on the floor yeah seat numbers 9 through 11 what was that about no way what was that why seat 9 why I get seats 9 10 and 11 bro that was for V's family how did you end up there dude that reminds me remember the hotel that they 7-Eleven I've got it multiple times by the way that is just ter oh that's that he was he got given room 7-Eleven by the hotel um but yeah thank you so much for just coming and being there and like uh yeah just just everything to make it happen it is crazy to have like a sustained belief in something and dream for that long like 17 years to have like one specific thing yeah and and then have it happen I don't think I've really fully processed it all but I am incredibly grateful of like everybody that showed up and and and the excitement of people that want to be there for the moment I thought that was really cool yeah you know and um yeah it was just yeah it was just it was just awesome man I don't know was just so awesome felt so grateful get my folks to see me there you know oh that was so sweet yeah it's just you had a cool Year dude got a baby MSG yeah bringing the baby oh yeah that was when I that was maybe the coolest that was and with the headphone oh my God she was listening to 50 Cent she was she was I know that that was weird she was unbothered man that that was her moment right there that was fire like n that's what I cried too you put me in the black row so I have academics to my left I have char to my right that moment happens is so funny I I'm holding back tears like but I want to start balling I'm like I can't have anyone and then just one just came I was like [Laughter] just crazy man that was so beautiful I still haven't taken it in that's so crazy man it's so [ __ ] nuts yeah mad Square Garden wow yeah wow yeah like it it honestly like at the end we took a picture in the stands it's kind of weird like such a weird being a human being like the things that you can I don't want to say get used to but like since we have done done some Arenas they do kind of look similar from the stage right you still walk in you're like what the [ __ ] yeah but it isn't it isn't an experience that we haven't had in other words we have experienced it before obviously the garden means so much more but when we went into the stands and then looked down and they were turning it into the hockey rink oh yeah at the end it was just this like what when we were walking around and saw concession stance we're like whoa people sell hot dogs at the venue We performed at yeah like it I guess weirdly enough the out being outside of like the performance area is where it really seemed like this second day I was just second day I was just walking all around like I was just walking everywhere I'm like what the [ __ ] like I just couldn't believe this [ __ ] people selling shirts outside yeah the street vendor making money on the people coming in isn't this crazy it's like yeah the bootlegs were kind of fire bro wa were God I wish I got a hire those [ __ ] I'm bet was the dude who made our shirt [ __ ] I got to Ali Ali we need to talk bro that's actually a great hustle you find out what shirt is going to be sold there and then you just make your own version of it oh yeah yeah have you been to the Garden no pay attention to those thing we should start that we should do that instead yeah also just how it ended up like the only way that that show could have happened was one scenario yeah I don't know if I've explained this on the Pod since no so there was only one scenario that that show happens okay the Saturday show the Saturday show yeah sorry the Friday was was locked in but the Saturday so basically the Knicks had to go to six games and win in six we didn't know that so I was told all the Knicks had to do was was was win they had to just clinch right and in game five I'm like hoping that they win and then we go so I start the day of game five going the Knicks got a win Midway through the day of game five they go hey if the Knicks win and the Pacers win then they're going to start their next series on Saturday you lose your Saturday show I go [ __ ] so I need the Knicks win but then the Pacers to lose right yeah then a little later no sorry then during the game we get the text message and it says if Carolina the Carolina Hurricanes beat the Islanders they'll sweep them they're going to start their series with the Rangers on Saturday oh [ __ ] so now I'm watching three games yeah well no I'm looking at three different scenarios the Knicks lose but so do the Pacers yeah not like it would have mattered but they did lose as well so the Pacers have to extend now we're in a tricky situation the Carolina Hurricanes won so they can play the Rangers but the Knicks have priority in that Saturday date so the NHL has to wait until the Knicks win game six to even announce does that make sense I think so yeah basically what I'm saying is the Knicks own that Saturday they have priority over NHL NHL wants the Saturday but they can't claim it until the Knicks no longer need it and they won't know until the Knicks win game six which is Thursday night which is Thursday and so are they really going to promote announce and get all the teams there with 24 hourss notice oh yeah okay because you got to sell ticket because you have to you have to do all these things you have to people have plans there's Travelers everything so they don't tell us until 300 p.m. the day before so they have until 3:00 p.m. we finally get the message the day before and then obviously the Nicks go close out and win all right guys we're going to take a break real quick because we have to talk have you heard that the flavored air category is quickly becoming the leading alternative to vaping it's a whole new movement towards better habits led by the sponsor of today's video fume 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you no we're up six my wife is watching the game she goes oh 29 seconds left she goes oh they got it I go what she goes yeah they got it I we don't do what do you what are you do we don't do that she go that there's six points there's only 28 seconds left there's no way that they can't lose I go you don't know the Knicks yeah we can lose any lead right I said I said we're the Hillary Clinton of basketball teams there is not a lead that we cannot lose she goes no it's impossible for them to lose I go Emma you got to shut it down shut it down right now MH and then she sat there and watched that lead evaporate and I just saw her get so quiet it was this how I knew she was embarrassed she started a fight with [Laughter] me she's like you're using tone and you're rude with me I was like well maybe cuz you just destroyed my life's Dream by making the [ __ ] Nicks loose but it turns out that's the only thing that allow that Saturday show to happen so out anyway thank you guys so much and everybody who came out and everybody who's you know just been instrumental and even making this thing happen also Derek Mark y [ __ ] killed it awesome watching thank for the opportunity man crazy especially the dance number at the end unb unb love really where it came through I hit my girl y you do [Laughter] ITA it's un please send it to me but yo thank you so much man and thanks all the team for pulling up too miles sh OB you know you guys aren't really on the road with us but to like just pull up and help out in those days that's huge and just thank you everybody was there cassetta was also there making sure audio was good I mean yeah it was just all allaround team event and it was uh it was [ __ ] awesome thank you amazing got to live my dream man I got to live my dream and that was really cool and I hope you all get to experience something like that in your life man because that is uh it's really awesome really awesome okay enough being gay no more gay stuff okay guys we have a uh we have a we have a beef that has turned violent potentially potentially and uh CRA we we we need to discuss it we need an expert in here to discuss it and there's only one guy that we can go to at times like this absolutely when the going gets rough the rough gets what is that saying when the going get tough the tough get going oh yeah when the going gets tough the tough get going academic they get academic tough at academics so we got DJ academics in a [ __ ] give it up for DJ academic here make sense of all the madness uh Jews and Muslims are fighting uhuh Drake versus Kendrick talk to us what do you think bro is Kendrick Muslim or or no [ __ ] he might be the way how he's going you know terrorized you treat my man drink like he's pork I don't know what's going on man I don't know man hold on real quick I got to give you your flowers first man yo listen man MSG show surreal man you know watching someone who is in the entertainment field as yourself and and watching what you accomplished I walked in that building and I had the same like first 5 10 minutes that I had when I walked into your um Radio City Music Hall Show and it was just kind of looking around and I'm like like this [ __ ] did it like how do you even get this like how do you even get to this spot so so you know I was I was very impressed by the show Mark you [ __ ] kill thank you brother I apprciate you annihilated dere and yo watching you up there was just like I was like yo my man really worked I thought you was going to be overcome with emotion too like I thought I thought I thought you were going to cry I called that you did no I didn't feel it was it was weird what was happening yeah it was weird was happening up there I don't know I was filled with a lot of things but it didn't make me want to cry I cried the next day I was like walking around Saturday and the audience I the audience had the the feel at least from my perspective and and you guys can tell me what you guys thought it was like they were more celebrating you in that moment where it was just like they were just happy they've probably been riding with you forever my [ __ ] like they probably went to shows where it was just you and 200 people and these the first show you put online right so tickets probably sold out these are like the hardcore hardcore fans no Saturday we Saturday yeah yeah yeah but still man it was yeah it was just uh they knew the moment they knew like the importance of of it yeah you know and uh it was cool it's funny um Charlotte hit me and he was like he was like yo can act come backstage and I was like yeah yeah we gave him backstage access and then we didn't see him and then Taylor comes up to me she's like yo Drake just dropped again I was like oh this [ __ ] a already streaming motherfu this [ __ ] is already on the laptop somewhere the story okay break so all right well listen I'm I'm really big on Friday night was May 3rd yes yeah so first and foremost I'm really big on supporting people who have supported me my guys you he what I mean I really apprciate you come through um Joe hits me says I need you to do my pod I say say less I'm there you you're a big show I'm like I got to be there I I feel like I need to be a part of this moment and witness you have this experience I got to be there right and I'm like yo rap this songs have been dropping about every 13 hours and I'm like you guys got to give me a break the universe has to be like CE go ceas let my boy get a comedy show into something like you like come on so I'm like all right bet I'm in there I'm watching everything it's great 50 comes out 50 loves you bro yeah 50 is the man 50 is the man 50 comes out everything is good and I'm like all right cool yo I can't wait to get backstage really chop it up with everyone I see this [ __ ] right here the first thing of K say to me he's like yo Cody like you know I'm like yo I see I see I see of course Alex I'm like all right cool everything is good and my phone just starts to explode just starts to work a little bit and Drake says to me no I asked Drake I said Drake yo because this is after kri just dropped I said bro you just need to give me the heads up of what's going to be what cuz you know I got to make sure I'm at the right spot and right now I'm not in the right spot and he says yo you got 30 minutes get on stream and I'm like this is the like I think 50 is still on stage and I'm like and it set the stage just Drake has told us he's dropping the nuke at this point yes so he says you got 30 minutes I'm dropping the nuke yo I looked at everyone around me yeah that was there includ my security and I said be line for the door get the driver outside we're going back to Jersey I we might have to run TOS we might have we might have to drive the wrong way instantly I get back to the crib and I I got back with about 10 minutes to go yeah yeah loaded up I obviously knew was what the play was song drops just another historic night man like it's this has been did you get the song ahead of time no okay does that ever happen um no well I don't want to get this because it's about you want to react live to and that's what people want to see you taint the reaction like I I'll give you a tidbit that I've never said before so when the first time the first song comes out push-ups it got leaked on my Reddit right and I don't know how they got it it was a very rough version but that's when everyone was like is it AI was that the get money beat huh when it still had the biggie beat on it yes the original and and I hit Drake and I'm like I'm like yo Cody like I did Cody are we are we going like is this it you know because everyone's was saying yo who's going to go first him and him or Kendrick and I think he Drake was just getting like he wanted to get it over with so he's like [ __ ] it I'm going to do it but I really don't know how it really got leaked but I asked him about it and he said he didn't give me a yes or no he was just like yo could you get that taken down that already told me I'm like okay and I was like well I don't control my Reddit um and I'm like well I still got to do my job right he's not really telling me if it's real it's not [ __ ] it I'm going to go on stream let's at least play around with some of these alternate versions of what this could be I'm playing the song you know people are they're kind of having this lukewarm response cuz it's a very unmixed unfinished song I look at my phone say stop playing that [ __ ] here's the real [ __ ] there you go I put the real [ __ ] on and I don't know how people listen faster to me because I think we're all moving in seconds but I get I get it almost damn near first and I'm playing everyone in my chat they're spamming you're on the song I'm like oh yeah yeah I get to about like the end of the song I hear the the the voice note from me which is from my stream and I'm like holy [ __ ] that's crazy that was your Madison Square guard was for me like you know like I remember when every rapper ever mentioned me I remember em even mentioned I was like oh [ __ ] Eminem it's like men yeah when Drake used that clip I was like I am immort toiz that's it that's because I remember I remember uh back to back Charlotte like yo you going to make me buy B charlot and I was just like one day one day one that's what I thought the bigger coign was 616 in La when they identify you as the Ops that's like no no when both of them when they both mention me the 616 and La thing um which okay so now you know this whole thing is happening Drake drops and of course I'm going to be honest with you I really didn't think Kendrick was going to drop at all because like the word was just that you know even I've said popular I said he's good at making moments he's not good at like this is It's it it's like seeing a guy and he's hitting like the speed bag and you're like yo this guy's a fighter but you've never seen him fight mm you really don't know so it's like let's go off you thinking I'm a great fighter rather than seeing how I move when the pressure is really on and um you really didn't think he was going to drop he's been calling for this no no not like I'm dropping back to back I thought he was going to respond maybe on his album but in like a little tasteful way not like okay let's drop song for song let's do it now so I know Drake was ready to do it now so I start a countdown I'm like all right let's see and I honestly thought I was going to go to like yo this is Day 70 not responding day 17th came he dropped Euphoria I'm like [ __ ] shocked I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on they're dropping songs back to back and then I also started realizing something very unique My Stream is almost the place where this the biggest if you ask me the biggest beef in hip-hop history yeah and musically right because obviously you know we don't big in in Pock and those had really serious Dior ramifications but just musically yeah this is the most songs we've ever got hip hop is bigger than it was 25 years ago the consumption is crazier yeah right and I'm watching this and I'm like this is all playing out where my stream is the Town Square you're the epicenter of it all yeah I'm the radio station I'm not only the media but I'm like the reflection and where the fans are are coming to to consume this for the first time and I'm the premiere you know I know that push-ups drop next day actually push-ups drops the the officials so I'm on a 10 out actually might have been 12 hours live stream I'm playing the leak version two hours later I get the real version so I'm like [ __ ] it we got the real version now and there's an extra beat at the end I'm playing that [ __ ] I'm like okay this is dope two and a half hours later which by the way it shows how long I stream for two and a half hours later Rick Ross's man hits me and I'm thinking he just wants to call to the stream shout out to my man Sam sneak he said act hit me it's important it's urgent I'm like okay you probably just want to get on I just want to ask him like why does Rick Ross not like Drake did Drake like steal his Wing Stop what's going on yo he calls into the stream he's like just check her phone Ross goes into the studio makes a this song in three hours they sent I don't know how quickly they did everything they sent it to me while I'm still on stream they like Premiere that that happens also simultaneously the R&B like listen I blame all this on Cat Williams you know what I mean ever since he said truly truly was a catalyst yeah yeah then cuz you saw it get I really think you saw it could get rewarded cat has like 60 million views or whatever on that episode we all want to see his new special that came out I think Saturday it kind of revived cat in a way so I think a lot of people like me who love being haters were like oh you could get rewarded for this whereas for 20 years before that it was like Hey if you got negative [ __ ] to say everybody's going to look at you crazy just fall back but I feel like if it's substantiated and you got it and it's logically sound people will reward it and I think 2024 has been like that for that reason and I'm in this moment of realizing the shift that's happened I'm like did Ross really just send me like I know some people joke about the DJ um on my on my name they be like yo you're you're just academics bro you you haven't djed in a while which to be fair I haven't djed in a long time they do back in college but like that's that's what the quintessential role of a DJ is to Premier record so I get that from Ross and I'm like oh [ __ ] and I'm like all right I'm kind of going through the moments here another song drops in quo and Chris Brown beef in too I almost call that an R&B beef but it's not because was a rapper you know I mean and Chris Brown goes crazy by the way it seems like everybody's fighting with girls right yeah yeah they go crazy quo calls me the next morning instantly I'm thinking because I've had a conversation with qu before and I I'm thinking he's mad at me for something I said on stream because I get pretty heated and passionate and sometimes I say some [ __ ] and I do try to get my I'm not shows or anything or a c or anything or Mark but I try to get my little jokes off you're very funny very funny I get the call quo says yo a i yo he's like yo you hyped up that Chris Brown song so crazy he said why you doing me like that I'm like I'm just reacting to music like new music is dropping yeah yeah yo he's like you know I was going to come back right I said word I said good he's like yo I got it but I only want you to drop it fire I'm like let's do it let's do it so pretty much ever since then and then every time after that while I was on stream Kendrick and I have no communication with the team Kendrick drops only when I'm on stream he hasn't done a non-stream drop since Euphoria interesting so they know he dropped five songs also 12 hours a day you're you're on stream a lot never not on stream he's going to drop you were on stream at 9:15 in the morning when he dropped Friday um this Friday 616 in La that's 9:16 La that means yes godamn D what you doing no no I'll tell you why I'll tell you why I was on Stream So the night before I'm on stream and um I ain't going to lie I was blissed yeah like I was like I got off stream early usually I do 6 hours it's about like 2 hours and 45 minutes he said I gotta go yo I start looking up cuz you know me like on my streams like we like we do everything live so we're Googling we're doing things we're getting lyrics where we're like trying to connect dots and I I remember I had like a cup of like tequila and I was mixing with orange juice and sometimes I'll be turned up to music before while drinking I don't know what happened I might have drunk myself I might have did myself my brother you get what I'm saying and what happened was like I started looking up at the screen and the words were just it was like I was dyslexic and usually when that happens it's like I'm clear yeah I'm clear voyant and know enough to know hey when you're talking you have to think to talk and you usually talk for 10 hours without thinking and I'm hearing words getting kind of mingled and and I'm like I got to get off of here because the audience might not know the instant drop off but cerebrally like I'm dumb right now it's only going to get worse not it's only going to get worse and I think I just like cut the stream off and I was like I lost power I want to tell them you did your brain so I'm feel so guilty because at this point they're used to the 6 hours they like what the [ __ ] was that 3 hours you a [ __ ] yeah so I'm like all right man let me just get the internet started speculating why he just cut the tell me they're telling me that Drake is is Yo Drake must have blah blah blah like no so I'm like cuz really I was about to break down Drake's Ls I'm like are you know I wake up first thing I do go Fe my dogs what whatever I'm like yo I'm on stream early stream mhm soon as I get on stream I'm about to break down Drake's lyrics and I have about like it's almost like 100,000 people watching whoa yeah in the morning and I'm I'm like getting to it like I'm in like the first verse and everyone's like yo caner drop I'm like I'm looking at the the comments I'm like you guys are [ __ ] trolls you wait what are you streaming on I'm streaming on multiple platforms Twitter his Twitter so I stream on two YouTube platforms and the the it's a simultaneous stream yes you see that so if you're on Twitch if you're on start streaming on Tik Tok too so got it it for big moments I get on X as well yeah I don't because I don't know the the monetization strategy yet fully for X but you know it's more about eyeballs at this point like let's create you can have one single stream that disseminates all these different platform yeah just on YouTube we almost um within two channels I'll have one with like 880,000 and then the other with 30,000 Rumble will have about like 35 or 25 point x had like 800,000 and and then the reach on X is likee I don't like you know I have some theories about like my Twitter is like it's like steroids right now yeah Elon c yeah like [ __ ] Elon responded to uh Elon responded to um like the last stream was like yo this is what we're tapped into like he literally I go live it sends out the Tweet when you when you go live on X and he goes in the comments and says this is what everyone cares about right now wow Elon is African bro shout out to Elon dude that's fire I don't know how he has time for like I haven't even listened all the diss track how is into your well go make a car the [ __ ] you list to rap C I seen my very first cyber truck today I've never seen what I'm yeah they look they look cool uh but yeah to see that level I was like this is like such a commercially viable and accessible rap beef but it's it's it's it's it's benefiting so many people all right let's let's talk about uh I want to know your thoughts on who who is up right now and all this other stuff but first of all like the way that the media has played a part in this rap beef is really interesting to me because it's rappers openly using media to promote the songs whereas back in the day I don't know if it's like I don't know if there's a conversation where this person's hitting up DJ Clue and saying yo can you play this at this time and then like I don't know if it was as open this is open I'm sure it was yeah it's always been like this so break that down if we go back in time you know uh Charlamagne get mentioned is is literally because Charlamagne was on a rival station going um and flex were was premiering this songs to Drake so how do you kind of take a shot at Flex this is why like yo I'm going tell I'mma I'm going tell clue drop a Bama on him that's flex's thing Clue's on the other radio station so it's like trying to take the power and the influence because everyone used to be tuned to that box which was a radio and listen to flex like when like there's a notorious moment in hip-hop when Flex premieres Otis which is a song by Kanye um JayZ and he played like 89 times but that made the record him premiering I get money made that record that was the influence that and that's my argument is that media's always had this these artists know that it's not necessarily about premiering the song because these artists now have the platform and these songs are going to do what they're going to do it's like how do you get to kind of influence the narrative I've always told told people way back even from the 69ine era I said listen I tell every artist this I remember having this conversation with cardi B you can't fight media you should as an artist you need to them yeah utilize them yeah you you need to again you know notoriously I forgot the famous quote but it's like um I if one story that could be completely career-ending if you have a little bit of influence or relationship with that media Outlet it's just seen as a mistake rather than this is like this maniacal intentional thing that like an ass media is so prolific at like creating narratives and storylines and then pushing that information on the people whereas like rapper can do it and they can address it but the media is just non-stop and then other people are picking up what you're saying and they are blog accounts picking up what other blog accounts have picked up from what you're saying yeah and if there is co a cohesive effort for example like you grah wizard keepi solid like if you guys are all team Drake and pushing out same information and that's what my feed is I'm like well they got to be right all these different things now here's my question though once well go let me just ask you once everybody knows that you guys are team Drake does that make us look at information that is critical of the opposition differently for example if I see a Fox news headline talking about some liberal politician I immediately go well of course they're going to trash that person so I might need to look into this story to see if there's truth there do you understand like yeah does it discredit the criticism of the other side once we know that you guys have an allegiance uh it does once that doesn't align with what the public thinks you know exp expanding that like for example you know I came out and I said Hey listen if if you know I don't think by the way this this back and forth is done but if I had to score it in this crosssection of time I got Kendrick slightly up so now the audience goes okay he's being honest yeah right if I if I'm just saying Drake yo Drake is knocked them out then everybody go oh he's oh this is a lie you get what I mean so you feel in order to maintain your credibility with the audience you have to review things as they are even though you're openly a fan of it's almost like um do like there's certain people for like uh like like with bar stool for example they might be a big fan of the Patriots or a big fan of the Celtics but if they're playing like [ __ ] they have to acknowledge that they're not playing up to the standard or else the audience starts to go oh you just say they're good no matter what I can't trust you% got it so you still feel a need to go this is where I see it 100% like so I'm I'm you know what we do even like on my stream like we're breaking down these you know attacks at each other these allegations and you know it would be very convenient to be like well we'll just keep breaking down the things that would make this person look whatever type of way you feel responsib you have to right so like even though he's saying certain things about Drake it's like you got to look into them right you have to like everything is and that's the thing about a stream they could tell when you're hiding something right like hey there's a popular video that's recapping maybe like some grooming allegations by Drake if you don't go watch that and you're watching everything for 10 hours myy pull you out of course and like yo you know so again you know what do you think about this honestly I think the grooming thing is [ __ ] and I think it's really and again I don't know enough about it but I find it very hard to believe that somebody that is that famous would be open about doing that if those were his intentions hey let me tell this I personally you know what I mean and also like that label even the accusation like think about what the accusation is right if somebody goes yo you're a pedophile even if someone accused I don't even want to say Alex like even if someone accused miles even if someone accused miles of being a pedophile knowing that he was accused used you would never let him babysit your kid even though you know he's innocent just the fact that there was an accusation you'd be like I don't even like it's such a [ __ ] what is a Scarlet Letter even the accusation I think this is going to alter J squ for the rest of his life I I think he's going to have to move different and be cognizant you know the other day he was seen with lot's little sister she was 21 but still some people were like why are you with why are you with young girls right and I I think he's gonna always take that into accountability now I think you know on either this album Maybe with certified lover board like he was rapping about likeo like she was 21 or like his name dropping or AG dropping the girls and they're like cool song and if we remove you from all the lyrics but if we thinking you know like he has a song called like TSU it's like yo why is why is there 37 year old guy rapping about a college campus like you know what I mean you seen the video of the girl being like Drake hit me up he saw me at he was a fan of high school girls basketball and then he he hit me in my and it's like I'm be hon why you a fan of any women's basketball okay I'm GNA be honest with you and this is just me personally me this is me person I I've never they can't even lay up with their off hand probably I've never met Drake personally I can't tell what he's into what he's not into I can only tell what I've seen publicly right and I've seen the girls that he's allegedly ROM rtic Al involved with um that's a different conversation and if we're we're going down this like because the thing is if you accuse somebody with being a pedophile you're accusing him of liking prepubescent teens right like if Drake is just they could be post pubescent teens under all right let me ask do you think you think we don't divide them [Laughter] up when people do that like technically 13 whatever no no no no no no I don't think there's allegations the [ __ ] is going on I don't think there's any now you looking a pedophiles from the Age 3 to 11 when you say Teenage hey no no I guess what I'm saying is that I think it's [ __ ] I'll be honest only we only see Drake right we only see Drake with women who are legal right um now say like leard taer right like people like yo he only dates girl from like 20 to 25 yeah and he's like is that is that just weird is that creepy or is that like you're like here's an important distinction it's legal no no but but that's what I'm saying I think that's kind of the same thing with Drake like we've never heard that Drake dated exactly that's why it's [ __ ] I mean it's a great assault like if you really want to just make someone radio Radioactive and assassinate their character it's a great thing to say because the second you go I'm not a pedophile people are like I don't know now you don't even want to defend yourself in the accusation but idea that like a a guy who's 37 can't [ __ ] a 20-year-old girl get the [ __ ] out of here like at at some point they're women no at 20 years olds they go to war let's say 20 at at 18 or 19 they're going to war they're driving a drone yeah they got only fans they got only fans like no no dead ass the person it's like all these people that're like oh my God how' you how dare you have sex with 21y girls who you think you jerking off too weirdo when you go watch porno you're not going well is this girl 25 years old every one of them [ __ ] is [ __ ] 19 or 20 years old only point for that yo in reality so I'm with you I'm with you right and and that's why I'm saying is stop what they're trying to do is is move the gold post you know what's weird underage girls that's weird you should be in prison that's not even like joke around about [ __ ] that's like if that is even like that is jail like take the nuts away 20-year-old girls what are we talking about here no like when Leonardo Caprio is banging these 20-year-old girls it's like he's not banging 20-year-old girls he's banging super models that happen to be 20 his first thing is super model and they're 20 but do you think it's a little weird cuz I know you saw the video about the groom and stuff like of course when you just compile every single story and put it back to back to back it's going to that's anybody they did this [ __ ] with the guy who directed Guardians of the Galaxy and this is why this [ __ ] this this why I [ __ ] [ __ ] up you remember the guy was that his name um what's the director's name gun yeah yeah James gun and it got him kicked out of [ __ ] Marvel and what they basically did this is during like cancel culture he had a bunch of like um pedophile jokes and he was like making these like Dark Twisted jokes about like something about like having sex with kids or something like that but they're like obviously [ __ ] jokes and what someone did is they collected all of them from different years in his life and put them on one page and when you have 10 different things from different years in your life they're on one page you're like oh that mother [ __ ] is a creep and they fired his ass yeah so now if you're in a battle with somebody and you can compile all these 10 different things and put it in a battle so there's two things going on one is is it an effective strategy incredibly effective the other thing is is it indicative of that person having a problem which I'm saying is no I think it's incredibly effective from Kendrick but does it make that person a pedophile no is James Gunna pedophile no that's why he's now working he [ __ ] runs DC and they actually brought him back to do the the last Guardians you know what's a little odd like a lot of these guys who used to be frequent collaborators and used to party with them they're kind of they're either say like even like Rick rolls I know they're they're not seeing out eye right now but it's like if if if me and you used to party and have a bunch of girls around us if later on I'm like you like kids that makes me look kind of crazy too so exactly it's like oh so you was cool with them when everything was going on it's the same [ __ ] with Diddy it's like no no no we can't just throw Diddy and Drake in the same B he about y yo I seen a video today I was more saying people are quiet about Diddy but they're loud about Drake but it's like y'all been to Diddy parties now I don't see I seen a video today that [ __ ] me up a little bit what was it just because it now gets me to think is there something I don't know about whom well not necessarily Drake but like so um is your peer um Shane Shane Gillis yes he has a podcast hilarious yes there's a clip show out on Netflix tires go watch yeah the premier was there's a there's a 2019 I guess he does podcast 2019 him and his guy who his co-host I guess are on the podcast and he randomly come you know intern already dug it up randomly in 2019 he comes out they're talking about Epstein thenar Kelly and he says he said I'm going just say this right now in five years they're getting Drake and like he kind of like it's not even like a joke where like he starts to kind of he's like yo that's the word out about this guy and that that made me a little bit uneasy cuz I was like cuz the two white guys from rural Pennsylvania no I was like about hip hop that you don't know this is the thing about narratives it's like you know how far you got to grasp at straws well that people dug up for the two whitest human beings on the planet to tell you something about a Hip-Hop star that you speak to regularly yeah but I don't know these people's personal lives I really wouldn't know I really wouldn't know what they're into sexually I wouldn't know know this this is hilarious anytime white people talk about hip-hop it's stay out of our culture the second they start calling Drake a pedophile like yo they might be on something they might know some [ __ ] we don't know yo I'm I'm not I definitely am not saying I believe I think you team OVO bro no I am team o i mean team XO too many [ __ ] acronym or whatever I think you team XO T me personally me personally which XO2 me personally and I think this is probably the dangers of kind of like probably navigating the game like how Drake has done to get to the top is that I don't think Drake necessarily is following a to your point a high school female basketball player for some weird [ __ ] I don't what I do think is that Drake knows how to stay next to the heat I guarantee he follows speed who's a 16 I'm probably he's probably 18 now but when we start popping off he's a 16year old streamer he's probably dming him stuff like you got to realize like Drake knows Drake realizes his you know lifespan also requires him to be current staying next to other people who are affecting culture in that generation and the only thing that again we've never seen a sexual message like it's one thing he's like yo exactly yo send me a nude like like different you know what I mean like if if if that's was the um if if the interactions were that I'd be like okay that's crazy but just because he's yeah he's going to follow if a child star gets 30 million followers right now he's going to follow that person yo you're great yo you're great oh come to one of my shows like I'm pretty sure he's not like yo come to the after party and then the Diddy party we about to do but the fact that we're having this discussion is why it's so effect has anyone accused him has anyone come out and been like never all the women have actually came out to say yo when I took a picture with him like nothing happened that was the only interaction nothing else ever happened there he's too shrew like I can't someone who is navig the game this well to be where he is I can't imagine him just [ __ ] up in the [ __ ] DMS of something like it's like get out of here now him having a daughter on the side if you already got one it's possible to have another like to me that even if it's [ __ ] it's more believable than this other thing and by the way I I feel what's happening to Drake is kind of the inevitability of like that quotequote and this is why it's like so it's so opposite of what's going with Kendrick it's like the fresh and fish fit thing where it's like yo I'm just [ __ ] a bunch of chicks like if if Drake still isn't dating another chick a new chick every two weeks this doesn't happen right like if Drake can settled down and like literally isn't doing the things which by the way help furthers his career I'm always going to be with the new hot chick I'm courts side every game I'm popping out like the biggest artist should he probably doesn't have these type of things this is why the battle with him and Kendrick is a little bit unfair right Kendrick's a really boring guy that stays home with his wife all right guys we're going to take a break real quick so I can help you make the biggest no-brainer decision you're ever going to make if you're looking to have some nice alcoholic beverages in the comfort of your own home have it delivered to you with door Dash obviously you use door Dash to get food delivered to you so just take the next logical step have alcohol delivered to you don't drive there don't pick it 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poker tournament I don't know anything about cancer coming from somebody who just did a roast the most effective way to roast people like I didn't talk about the comedians almost at all cuz nobody knows them compared to the athletes are there I'm just shooting at the athletes and the famous people there I wish I knew Kim was there because she's the most famous person in the room that joke's going to go crazy everybody knows every detail about Drake we know where he vacations we know what his best friends are we know if he's had plastic [ __ ] surgery we know every s that's what act just said because Drake be outside Kendrick's inside it's not that people don't care it's just that he doesn't give people anything to go off of uh he's a private person regard my whole point was that Drake's lifestyle has created this right like no one no one is at this point like Rihanna disappeared sure sure Jay-Z at this point was like so secluded is living like the 25-year-old I just got F hold on hold hold on the the the separation that I would say is Kendrick is known for his music and only his music MH Drake is known for the personality and celebrity that is Drake yes and his music M and the personality and celebrity that is Drake allows you to take so many more shots in this battle there's so much more information that's out there Drake gotta explain to us [ __ ] about Kendrick that he's making fun of yeah like I don't like like I I I kind of lost interest in the battle he like I don't know enough about Kendrick like I'm like I think he's he's very Talent his wife like wait they're not living together where do they even live he has a wife I don't he's a kid like what is going on I'm I've never seen who Day free I don't even know the people that you making fun of him for you got to W you got to give me a Wikipedia of this guy before you battle him well here's the thing too though I I I argue so if we're looking at levels in popularity I would have Kendrick in music they're close get out of here music music wise you're you're too close to you're too close that's his point he's saying in music music they're close just in the world they're not you're saying in terms of Music popularity or in mus ability music popular listen if if Define popularity because I well I I'll view that on consumption so if Drake DRS you think you think Drake and Kendrick have been consumed the same amount in close amounts Drake's still more popular but Kendrick was never that far behind I don't think it's in the same Stratosphere I mean the numbers are there like no the numbers are there but no no no no but like Drake drops way more so of course he's going to even now I think Kendrick can do Drake has done internationally okay you answer this question I don't think Kendrick has an international draw like Drake does I don't even think close Okay well you answer this question now but no real quick let's just address that because what you're talking about is popularity right no I I would say music in the music in in in music consumption when Kendrick drops an album and Drake drops an album if if it's a 100 people that are going to go check out Drake 75 to 80 will also check out Kendrick and that's just the reality of just music well let's get date on this I'm gonna be honest with you Kendrick Kendrick Lamar he is the second most consumed person we can't act like this is some bum you know like Drake is widely more popular and by the way Drake knew this coming into it you have more to lose than to gain so it seemed close so Kendrick outsold Drake in the last tour and then Drake's most recent tour outsold Kendrick so it seems like it's the two of them going back Drake out sold Kendrick Lamar in just 30 of the 72 shows he did this year yeah but then the year before that Kendrick got sold Drake so this tour is huge for Drake so the point is it's he's saying Drake is bigger but it's not a crazy gap which seems to stand by every metric just only within music so this grow 129 million and I think Kendrick's was 110 million so it relatively close way closer than I thought when Drake comes to New York well [ __ ] he's been on a tour run like he did New York venues probably about six seven times and Kendrick did it about three or four right again definitely way more but it's twice as much well well we're still we're still in we're still in the same punching League you get what I mean yeah twice as much as not to me I mean if compared to other acts in hip-hop yes you you're sizeably bigger than me but I'm still in the same realm I'm still in that same realm which matters which which which that that's what's going to force Drake to respond right right hey you have literally the number two guy calling you out now I I do agree with you to some point where he didn't necessarily have to drop a standalone this song he could have just said hey I'm gonna wait just like how you dropped a discs to me on a hit song like that yeah next time I'm on a DJ khed s I'm going to diss the [ __ ] out of exactly it only benefits him it only benefits because Drake people say Drake took the L with push-up because he didn't respond if Kendrick made a whole song a six and a half minute song no you have to do that like that was not that like that was a feature no no I know but then Kendrick dropped no Kendrick dropped after d oh you're talking about you don't think K Drake should have dropped at all responded to like that at all that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is he should have done it in a song not giv Kendrick he should have gone he did he did pushup and he shot at everybody saying oh it was just a Dr yeah it's a standalone disc it's not even it's not even meant to be be a single I think this proved to me that Drake is completely done with being he's completely done with rap battles he can't do it anymore and it's not because of ability but because of where he is you see you know what's happening now as I was talking about even the numbers Kendrick Lamar's numbers like he's about to go number one next week with the new song he just dropped at Drake he's going number one the country yeah and you're going to give this guy his first number one of his his number one solo record of his whole career yeah because you would engage with him two things is happening Kendrick has never had a number one record in his Solo solo he's never had a number one solo record and you're saying that he is on the same level as Drake you guys are saying that so he's had number one records it just hasn't been a solo record but I'm saying are you making the argument that someone who's never had a number one solo record is the same is on the same level in music popularity as as Drake is that the argument you guys are standing on toight well Drake has a hand I just want to know if we're lying today are we going to lie Drake has a hand are we just going to sit on the couches and lie comp compare we lie for funsies or do we just acknowledge the reality what what did we do Drake Drake has a handful of solo records that became number one but not as much as you might think a lot of his are also features or someone else is on the song as well we have to be realistic this is not like you know this is not big Taylor okay what I'm saying is it took Drake for Kendrick to get his first number one by the way up until hotline that not feature but it is it wasn't hotline BL cuz I think that one number two or maybe Drake never had a number one as a lead artist for a while like I remember when he wrote that long ass paragraph and at that time everyone thought Not only was he the biggest in in the culture they thought he was one of the biggest in the world but obviously things Chang in how keep in mind I'm not talking about the culture yeah I'm talking about just the world I think Drake is more accessible the things that he's rapping about are more accessible internationally than the things Kendrick are rapping about and because of that he'll have more success internationally and then those numbers will just be bigger like if Kendrick is talking about like personal experiential cultural trauma that exists in the black community in America what is some [ __ ] Swedish guy going to listen to that and like you also using a metric that no one cares about right like you see like when we report sales and like you know as media page report sales we don't care about anything but Us sales there's a global sales which obviously goes to it's still money like you're still getting paid from that data but usually what happens in the US kind of goes into the rest of the world of course certain artists don't focus on those markets right Drake is huge internationally compared to any of these guys by like a landslide same with Taylor Swift same with all superstars but the conversation that you can't name a superstar that is not huge internationally but the conversation that Drake wants to affect is the one that happens usually State Side that's why he has to compete what I'm saying is that's the miscalculation in my opinion I think that he was yearning for that approval he I I think it's insecurity I think it's like he wanted that validation and it's always been an MC every every rapper that's always held that Throne of not being the biggest rapper but being the best rapper has always not only that's that's one of the things it's like well I'm going to trivialize a little about by saying LeBron in the dunk contest like people were saying about Kendrick we never seen you in a battle and every guy who was supposed the top guy we seen in battle tested now Drake is already battle tested sure he lost to push a t but we' seen him win many others right he could have not could have ducked this one but people also were watching to say hey don't tell me you got you handled Meek Mill when you knew you could body him push a te you didn't finish that one and the guy we really thought could beat you it it's like the Floyd argument when they thought he was ducking certain people so yes that's where the ego comes in but the MC comes in as well let's go Toe to Toe now if I'm if I'm Drake and I think this goes back to the point I was saying earlier he no longer could do these because what we realized in this battle is that I told people that Drake was an underdog and that was asinine for a lot of people they're like yo he's the most popular rapper and I'm like let me say this there's a group of people that have came together these are the neutrals that they have came together and they're tired of the king reigning they've came to see a beheaded they've came to see this what humans do humans do not like all this let me just get this point out humans do often times resent success it happened with Michael Jordan we all saw it I saw it as a Knicks fan I was like [ __ ] Michael Jordan he was beating my team all the time he's not as good as Magic Johnson he's not as good Larry Bird I wasn't even [ __ ] alive with magic Larry playing I just needed somebody else people said this about Michael Jackson they're like no Prince this to me is closest to Michael Jackson and prince in my opinion Prince was incredibly talented amazing musician played all the instruments he is nowhere near Michael Jackson in terms of his success as an artist but people needed an alternative this is what happens when Carl Malone won the MVP it was just exhaustion of Jordan being so great and so amazing so what you need is you basically have this other person that you turn to that's not to say Carl wasn't amazing it's not to say that Prince was it's not to say that Kendrick is one of the most prolific artists that's ever existed it's not discrediting them all but in terms of like where Drake is in the world people are going to look in other directions because humans naturally we resent the success and I think I think we inflate sometimes other people that are not M maybe we overinflate some people because of that resentment for the success well that's when that's why I I I got led to this next point which I've continually said I said listen the rules aren't the same for both artists when Kendrick drops like that like that was a response to a song called first versus shooter he drops like that Drake has never ducked a battle he's always been there right everyone's like it's been like two weeks Drake didn't say anything you know one says he's scared this what I'm saying changing the rules okay Drake drops it's 2 weeks now we're waiting for Kendrick yo chill out yo he just takes a while to cook like what people think about both artists doing the same thing just taking time to create music I thought Kendrick was ducking and I was annoyed at Kendrick and I'm I don't I'm a drake hater but I'm also not like a Kendrick slurper slurp but also look at Kendrick put blatant lies on some of the records didn't Drake too yes well Drake Started yeah we got to be honest yeah that's the other thing that's biased I feel say it's like I I'm not sure if Drake Started free [ __ ] yeah that came afterwards that came after the the whole you have a kid oh okay so what was the first so everything no push-ups he he takes body Whitney and body bodyguard no that's a playoff words no no no no no that I didn't know you compromis beh I didn't know compromis but Dy is not a bodyguard he's he wanted to just that's what Drake does when when Drake's getting at an opponent he always I think people figured figured it my mind now hey you're going to get at my love interest and I think he instantly went there this is exactly what he did to push a t when push a t revealed that he had a son he said listen it say um something ring like Virginia was his wife that was again before story no but he didn't mention anything messy like yo your your general manager is [ __ ] your I mean Define messy he talking about something no no no no no but that wasn't both of them kept didn't make an allegation at that point that's what I'm trying to say and this mentioned he just mention this is what we said earlier uh off we were talking about the roast and mentioning like Tom Brady's kids and nobody mentioned his kids because these are people that are off camera when you take people that are off camera off they're out of the Pu push Kendrick keep their wives out of it they don't put them in the public you put their name in don't play Don't Be Like Whoa where's this coming from how dare you speak on my family but you just you mention my family's name in a battle you mention my family's name negatively it's not positive you're not saying hey all respect to her I just don't like you you mentioning in Innocents you mentioning civilians once you mention civilians you're opening that up you can't be upset when your civilians start I agree and and that's why I think I think Dr coming out of the push a t battle I think he said to himself I wasn't comfortable with the fact that my family got exposed and the fact that I had a kid got exposed and my response would have went somewhere else so I'm going to bow out of this one and I think him coming in if you listen to the energy on push-ups he even says at the end which even though is a play on words he's like he's like I'm trying to keep it PG but he's basically almost hinting like I'm down to really get kind of in the mud with you before I wasn't with push a te the only thing is I don't think there's ever a response for someone saying you [ __ ] kids like you it's either the two things you don't ignore it it's elephant in the room if you respond to it they're like wait about that then they come up with all these loose narra this you're right I'll concede that point I'll say that yeah it's [ __ ] up you can paint that narrative let's say all allegations are false on both sides who's winning this battle it's still Kendrick no like that is Bonkers no no no I do like this not like us record yeah not like us I mean yeah I like this record but I'm going to be honest with you the majority of this battle before we got to this was Kendrick Lamar sitting back and saying I'm going to pick you part as a man the very fabric of what you portray to be you're a whole fraud you've stolen culture you're a bad parent you've made the same mistakes and you won't live up to responsibility these are things that like he was almost picking at the fabric of of Drake and you're looking at him like damn maybe this guy's a fraud so now just completely lies that you were can't like Drake anymore man I really liked him because he was a good dad that's why I got into Drake he's such a good father family that's why I've been listening for 20 years family man he is he [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah are you still [ __ ] [ __ ] and writing bars about it do you still going the yacht in I tell you this though it's aspirational living culturally and this what Kendrick has like on his side I know you're not going to say culturally that's what they were into no what yo hey as soon as he voked like yo check this out this is what's authentic to hip-hop and this guy I'm going to paint him as yo he ran into future when he need the clubs he ran into this guy when he needed lingo he ran into this guy when street that that then will make a because hip-hop is still about authenticity to a certain extent and I think that's where Kendrick also you know Drake you know someone said this and I agree with him Drake probably should just kept you I'm G just give you hit songs the whole way let me not try to get into this whole hip-hop is not about authenticity anymore hip-hop is who's the best liar yes it's it's I really who's the authentic one hey why most people are rock young boy is rapping about killing people while he lives in a mountain get the [ __ ] out of here about authenticity like what are we talking about but they still feel like that's authentic to a lifestyle that he subscribes to because when he came in the game he had a suspended 10year sentence for shooting somebody in the name yes you know what I mean doing a it's like okay this is the type of guy that would do that right there authenticity still matters and and I'm telling you the reason why Kendrick is just like an impossible opponent unless you prove that all this Pro black [ __ ] he's been doing is fake and fraud like you know what I mean even then nobody cares like they they would instantly that's the only way if like if you had a record of him saying man [ __ ] all this black lives matter [ __ ] and all these [ __ ] getting killed by cops I'm just trying to get a song on yeah like I'm telling you it's where you gonna get that recording though [ __ ] I think planted the the the suitcase I don't know if he didn't expose it himself on steppers about him sleeping with white women if Drake was the one to expose that would have W do you think oh man that would have been good that alone would have been the dagger that do you think Kendrick dropped that knowing at some point I'm GNA I I'm going to go at it with this guy and C out let me get out in front of it could Beck or he just wanted hit is the song of the summer La is back I don't listen to joean anymore we should all move there and trying to strike a cordin is probably a minor is the it's a much more salacious thing but is that just in terms of like that line is going to stand out is that a world tour your girls tour that's this for this battle it's a [ __ ] crazy B he Hey listen I have no idea how these songs were created even though I know there was a pattern of I'm I'm leading you guys to Something in terms of Kendrick but I wonder if he had this song in the tuck the whole time like this song is a Bop I'm telling you he mentions Family Matters in the song so either but you could also switch out like a line yeah it leads you to believe either he had Drake does have the leak and he got Family Matters early or he that [ __ ] can microwave DJ head is wrong this [ __ ] microwave fool fantastic yeah yo I'm going to be honest with you like he he played a mental game with Drake a mental game chess where he convinced Drake yo all them songs like push-ups where you're just popping shit's not going to work you're going to have to get cerebral with me start thinking I'm GNA do meet the grams and I'm G give like these [ __ ] would sound like jigsaw on the record yo really me this really me that iers he hey are you ready now to play have you ever like I'm like what the [ __ ] is this guy doing and then all of a sudden when I'm thinking all right cool like I'm ready to put my thinking hat on for the next joint he's like [ __ ] that we back in a club I'm like what and the joint is it's brilliant yeah he's prolific and he's want it since 2014 right like do you feel like they started with control these two have never really got gotten along from control if you ask me Kendrick always wanted to destroy Drake I think he he doesn't like what he represents and that's why I say the cultural part matters like there's a ilk of people like Kendrick that they believe he's the true you know um not watered down MC that has gotten his proper flowers to the certain extent and then they look at Drake to say oh this guy used us he's a pop star parading around as a rapper and I think Drake's ego was like [ __ ] I'm going to show you I'm a rapper I'm going to show you I'm a rapper that's why did you I literally said this you guys disagree with you it it's the insecurity he wanted to validate himself that's what being a raer is to prove to you guys I need to show you guys that's being that's what a rapper MC is being the best you have to be the best like you got to co J went out with canop always that it's if you if you have that rapper Gene like you're going to engage in some of these [ __ ] rappers being a great if another comic remotely in the same Stratosphere as you started taking shots I you [ __ ] you it's over it's over JayZ didn't have to call out Nas on take over Nas's career was already on the down tur but he wanted that number one spot and people wouldn't give him that felt R better like I'm body so I know this is what I've always loved about Kendrick even if I didn't the music wasn't for me like Mr Morales ain't for me but control when he stepped in the booth and was like I want the crown openly all you guys I love you I'll kill you if I need to I was like I [ __ ] with that energy I just [ __ ] with that energy all the way so we were all I think waiting on this for 10 years and I think kendri hey how you feel about the race factor in all this because I think I think Drake is getting an unfair like it's [ __ ] up what they're doing to him because he helped so many artists like become bigger gave them their first number ones gave them careers and now and now he's looked at like oh he just used all these people for his Advantage incredibly whack and also this is you know they always say like but it don't sorry to interrupt you it don't matter because with everything first of all nothing gets changed here all the Kendrick fans the Drake haters they get satisfied by with kendrickson and then all the Drake fans they either love what Drake did or they go uh he lied so it doesn't count nobody moves at all everybody just wants whatever they feel to be valid I know you say that everybody just wants whatever they feel to be validated it's no different than politics no different we have the feeling already everybody in the west coast right now where it's been a minute since the West Coast really had like a real I don't want to say that Kendrick wasn't a top guy but it's been a while since the West Coast like dominated time the something in some sort of way everybody's [ __ ] so excited by this like yo we're back on top we [ __ ] got this we're the bad [ __ ] so their egos are satisfied so obviously there's frustration I'm sure with Drake fans like man we really want just Cam and we didn't get this dub but I don't think everybody just leaves Drake as a drake fan they've built too long I don't think everybody but you said it's like politics and Swing Swing voters is what decides the winner and right now but here's the thing that people don't realize about politics swing voters still only vote based on their identity that identity hasn't really been swung it's just been moved from side to side so for example the swing voter like that Middle America voter that guy if the Republican is saying we're open in the factory and the Democrat saying we're closing the factory they swing Republican if the Democrat is saying we're opening the factory Republican saying we're closing they they go they go Democrats what I'm saying is they're not real swing nobody's going to change sides in this battle you just you just go towards whatever your identity wants and with those swing voters as they call them their identity does not change they just go to whoever is going to fulfill their identity the same thing happens in these we're just saying that like now if somebody was going for that top spot I'm the best so I think Kendrick has swayed people to give him that Crown got if if if both of them dropped an album this year I think Kendrick could out that's what's crazy he would out sell for but I don't think it's I don't think it's over I don't think it's over consumption right now is like people want to see Kendrick H and it's going to be interesting when he does they want to see him have the run with him finally having the crowd right and and Drake fans are not leaving like you know what I mean like Drake fans like he's still going to be the guy and that's why I think Drake should just be like he should look at this be like wait I [ __ ] up and giving this guy his first solo number one and so many people are now on his side I hate saying [ __ ] and it takes y'all an hour to say it I really hate saying is that what's happening now I say [ __ ] you go guys go n and then an hour later you just say it and I'm supposed to go oh you got a good point no no one actually discounted that we're saying that wasn't the the what I'm saying Reas Drake still gave him a number one it's still a feature oh of course it's a feature bro no no of course if your number one comes off the Dis Battle from the biggest guy it's a feature no no I'm still I'm still acknowledging that what I what I was always saying is that this guy was always either one a or two like he was he's phenomenal like again that's why there's two different conversations one is like is this guy like musically prolific of course he's amazing at making music he's amazing at rap like Kendrick is I I don't even think Drake would even utter the words he's bad at this like I think the reason the fact that he's even beefing with him is cu he goes this guy's awesome at this and I want people to know that I'm more awesome that's what he's yeah no of course but that to me that's that insecurity it's like if he just knows he's more often awesome and he has the validation of the people coming out to the shows the fan base the ticket sales literally every metric except the fans of the other guy which you'll never anyway the fans of the other guy are never going to be swayed what I'm saying is it's a it's a misstep based on his what what I perceive as and we all have this as performers like I just want to win everybody over what if these people who don't like me I think you look at it like a comic but that's not what like in hip-hop it's a it's a really contact adversarial sport what I'm saying is you could do it without dedicating the whole song which we agreed earlier which is you just put out a banger that got a little few bars to uh Kendrick and then you make him put out the whole song first by you putting out the whole song first I think it gives Kendrick I always thought that I always I always thought him going first but again here's the thing too Kendrick has had the patience of waiting 10 years and Drake like you know Drake told me something like because he he um he just went on like a 84 City Tour he dropped three albums went on 84 like the dude is exhausted yeah right before you could go on vacation there's a [ __ ] dissing him he wants to get this over with now he just wants to do it now like all right you know what [ __ ] it I'm going lock it I'm going to get this done and Kendrick has the advantage of I could just play the whacka thing and be like all right well I'll be back later yeah you know and I think Drake cooked up something but hoping to hear what Kendrick was going to come with and it was clear kenic wasn't going to drop again and he's just like yo what do I really got to do to make this guy rap like you know he's kind of posting on the gram like yo what's up any day now and he's like [ __ ] it I guess I have to start off how however I think that played into Kendrick's strategy cuz he was counter punching if we're thinking about like yo I'm counter punching okay it looks thirsty almost it's like I'm okay you're trying to hit me with the hit song with push-ups okay Bet let me give you this layered song about how I'm about to just dissect everything you got going on then Drake is like okay all right let me try to play your game a little bit and let me kind of psycho and oh you're obsessed with these rumors cuz oh you were touched as a child I remember you said that on your song and and he's now doing that and K is like psych I got a club here too [ __ ] so strategically Kendrick Kendrick played oh strategically oh yeah and and Drake is a a top tier chess player also tell those little tidbits yo he has I have the van that's the replica I guess it's a replica of of that van that was on your first album cover um I I crushed it in my video oh okay the the the place you shout out from my city no new ho King I'm in there just chilling show that I'm the boss of this [ __ ] you know what I mean like he's doing all these things that against like I always said thank God that Meek Mill was so [ __ ] stupid because like that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was just playing like yo he was playing like Bingo like Drake Drake was running circles around him but but he's going at a guy who's just a master chess player that you can't even see his moves anywhere else like like someone actually said this they said Hey listen Drake may have got a little bit of a big head no didd he um because of the win over Meek and one of those things where is just that Meek just madly and badly Mis misplayed his apparently he was like heavily on drugs at that time yeah yeah but think about this right if push a t Had Drake fall back with a rumor or not rumor a confirmation of a child well what's the biggest like Expos you could have had of a rapper to that time it would have been you don't write your rhymes except you know how he fumbled it the [ __ ] tweeted it out yeah three weeks before he made a song about it it's like if he revealed that on a song out the blue [ __ ] you don't write your Rhymes and we're like huh what are you talking about then just play the reference tracks we might look at that differ and the song sucked yeah the song suck all right that's a prere become a little bit better raer just you got to keep this real did Drake feed him that information about the the daughter because he's claiming that he fed him the information I don't think no he did I think he's just claiming what the internet is saying um the objective EG I do I do believe the daughter thing I don't believe the other things so oh I didn't even know that that was up for debate I thought it was like fact that he that he fed the information no no that's interesting I think I think the other thing SC picture in the back of some fuzzy girl in the video saying oh this happens to be the same I I think he did feed that because I could tell they were I could tell they were trying to recently feed like yo the other Street dudes that usually hold down ovio in Toronto they're getting tired of him he hasn't been feeding the wolves and I saw him randomly just beefing they're like [ __ ] oo he had a TI is Chang now what's up yo you better put some money in the books and I'm like okay you're trying to get them to feed into an angle and and and I think I said this drink I said I said those your boy still man like I'm not I'm not buying that [ __ ] the one thing I don't think that was on stage was I do believe that his father probably went on vacation with some girl and the Su kid got stolen I do think like because that doesn't why would you have prescriptions in your name and [ __ ] like that like you know I mean if you're trying to Stage like I think he did a good job on Family Matters to to own it to be like hey well the main ma glove was in there cuz of me and blah blah that really make sense I didn't even ask him about that though so I don't know but then why did Kendrick remove the cover art well there I think it only got removed on Apple I think well yeah you can't upload to dsps like an actual medical script you know I mean it's like yeah it's like yeah the guy's name and address is on it you me I still don't believe Drake fed him that because he would have said it right away yeah right away he' have been like hey dummy we fed you this information instead of being like Oh I got a daughter somebody nobody told me no I believe he did because that is so Random if if Kendrick had if he said it so confidently he must have had it from some really reliable source that I feel that you know what all these guys are doing right like they're sending they're finding out information how do they find out information on one another this is kind of fun well well push a t said it push it to he said everybody thinks that Kanye told me no0 40 was pill talking to a girl they're all smashing the same girls what I say they all the same there's a thousand girls just get [ __ ] down by all famous people I found out that I found out that Metro boomman hated Drake before it was like universally known I found that out cuz a chick he smashed in La I smashed in LA and and and you know we're all talking and yo nothing a girl always wants to impress you by flexing the other popping guy she's [ __ ] with and then they always just tell every detail so I'm like oh this is great like yeah he hates the [ __ ] out of Drake I'm like oh [ __ ] but then the same thing kind of came up again where people heard that you find out why um I I still don't know why I I just know that he does how you know they're not using you how do you know the girls aren't sent to smash you pillow talk with you have you ever thought academic is working for me no no no because me and Metro don't get along me and Metro don't get along something like what I'm saying is you could be doing stuff that you don't even realize that you're doing oh no no no that probably is that probably is like this is a really this is a really convoluted game which I realize I think future and Drake they're beefing over women I think that's a really simple thing to com they beefing over women I'm like so like this is such a confusing notion that guys would beef over women that they're not even trying to wife I mean it's not about the women it's about the respect that power and ego though I think it's they're saying things to these women and then the women are saying stuff relaying it back to the guys so it's like I don't [ __ ] with him so it's not that we [ __ ] him girl it's like no no no I know you don't like me because this girl talk is like a random like a random girl that's I don't know if she [ __ ] future but she being around it when I was trying to figure out I'm like yo why haven't future and Drake been around each other like like a girl who's like get invited to these little parties that they do and you know they're around like fly on the wall type [ __ ] while some of these conversations was like future like future was super pissed off that Drake did album with 21 Savage oh really why cuz they beef like crazy that's why I was a little confused because like he did an album with you but but according to the person who I got it from they were like hey D he felt that Drake used him at that time to have that cultural Equity within the clubs in Atlanta because and then future used him to have the cultural Equity within the masses and then everybody mutually benefits if anybody future benefited more and but for them they feel like well if you're going to come back to Atlanta and and do it with another rapper it should be me that's what I've heard but there's probably like a bunch of nuances it's like high school I'm I'm I'm being honest it's really like high school like all this [ __ ] is like most people who want to be famous are insecure myself included I'm not going act like you know most of us try to work on it but some don't and then just especially I think if you're fameous young there's no need to work on yourself and and there's thought that hey some people just like the dude [ __ ] flying around this [ __ ] with a jumbo jet and got a $400 million contract while these guys if they get 15 million which is by the way you know you know it's funny watching Drake and and Rick Ross argue about money and Drake says to him yo your house looks like a slice of cheese yeah yeah and he says like keep being Brett barish's [ __ ] like basically that's the guy who owns the the spirits um ah that and all that and if you look at Ross like Ross will be dissing everybody in the world with the bottles in his head like oh he's always promoting so he's funny dude Rick Rick Ross genuinely funny that was one of the times I thought Drake was going on script I think he was losing what the people cared about like we like funny [ __ ] yeah we're not going to be Rick on funny yeah Rick St white boy and BBL dri I'm sorry phenomenal and Drake got that misstep with the whole texting his mom thing like that was corny that what was that like he show screenshot oh mom is being racist or whatever like even though it probably wasn't a real Texas mom but the fact that he tried to put it out that way real call calling a guy racist yeah calling a guy racist that is going to use the fact that you're not in the culture and you're a white boy you're kind of proving that I hear you huge M white guy I was like that is kind of racist kind of related to that most of anything that was the best disc I've ever seen hey I I think Drake should just you know just song what's the next move what is the next move for Drake hit songs way out of this now hit song meaning about Kendrick or just about something else give him three lines here or there still a [ __ ] nice what a God's plan yeah I'm still bigger than you Hey listen you're the you're the liar that you know I gave you I gave you a couple of weeks but that's it yeah now here's the problem you put out you try to put out the hit song you try TR to do it and then it flops or doesn't work that's bad that's bad yeah yeah but you know what Drake does best just do a collab yeah go to one of the guys which is by the way this is one of the most interesting Parts I've been looking at who still stands with who truth and sides exactly I've seen people I've seen a lot of artists who you could tell and and that's what I was saying before uh when you cut me off you I was saying with every like billionaire they have the story story of you [ __ ] over like 10 people or you had to right I think Drake what we're watching now especially the silence is a lot of people who not necessarily [ __ ] over but they might feel ever so slighted yo remember when I just came in a game and you hopped on my song and then I got a little cool and I said yo could I could you give me another verse and you left me on red [ __ ] but he already put you on this is where it's like no because also speculating in music it's it's it's more of these genuine relationships not where you're only [ __ ] with me when it's convenient those people become a little bit salty like yeah I'm salty at you that you are they feel essentially used even though it's really Mutual right it's not even Mutual I mean if you're an upand cominging artist and then the biggest artist alive does a song with you the only person that benefits from that is the upand cominging artist let me let me say this it's like Rody Rich Rody Rich has had a song with Drake it got leate M um it's called in the cut the real song never came out Rody Rich obviously when he dropped the box one of the most popping artists on the earth um afterwards subsequently his career kind of cooled out a bit yeah he just had a song with Drake that it just didn't come out though I think he might feel way I think he might you know not like salty but it's just like you know okay I'm not in the same space I was when we cut that record that got leaked didn't come out maybe we don't want to do another record now when I see Kendrick going at you I'm a little bit more Pro Kendrick like he's now your West Coast Cody you know what I mean like so so I think Drake is watching and we can't really see any artist standing with Drake 21 Savage right just brought him on tour and S third of course 21 [ __ ] with Drake but he's in a he's in a he's he's stuck between a rock and a hard place he's from Atlanta you can't go against future future is King in Atlanta you know what I mean I remember doing an interview with 21 he told me he say yo in Atlanta future bigger than Drake like the people of Atlanta care more about future than Drake right so he can't go against future and then his man is also Metro so he's like noticeably absent and quiet and Drake is kind of out here fighting by his by by himself the second thing we've also not seen during the meat mill thing when all that was going on yo Drake was popping up in Houston clubs got [ __ ] shaking their ass to back to back it looked like he he was the culture like he was what people were liking out outside and I'm watching now look like Drake is stuck in the booth and even though we haven't seen Kendrick his music seems to be outside like everybody's dancing to the song like the I don't think he's stuck in the booth I think he it looks at least appears he's trying to keep the women on his side like he's popping up at Nikki shows he's popping up at uh sexy red shows like not during the beef yeah recently he was on tour with Nikki like not on tour but he did like a few different dates with Nikki that's after he dropped push-ups like [ __ ] got [ __ ] got to another not since this next level yeah no he's that's what he's winning yo you're I'm outside yeah when I'm when it's a good time when you win it it's a real good time when you win it yeah and it's it's just odd how no one is speaking up for Drake I think so I want if I'm Drake right yeah and I built I built I the way I orchestrated my career is instead of and there are some artists that have done this trying to shut down every new artist that comes out out of fear that they're going to take them over like literally trying to like squash and silence careers instead going I'm going give you your first hit I'm going give you your first hit so that when you blow up you remember me we can continue to work together and you always remember that you know we built something good and I'm going to put you on and maybe he really likes putting people on maybe he's I mean like I know there's look Joe Rogan likes putting on new Talent he's done it with so many of us he enjoys it he doesn't ask for nothing back he literally just enjoys putting on people who are nice so maybe there's a part of Drake like that and he's done it with so many people now when Joe's going through anything he got a lot of [ __ ] like me that are ready to start swinging because we know how important he was same thing with Charlotte Charlotte going through anything I'm I'm riding with Charlotte till the end of times so it's like if there's anything that affects any of those guys were riding if I'm Drake right now I would be be kind of hurt that I put all these [ __ ] people on did all these songs with these people who are really you could say oh they're popping they were no names in terms of international play before he puts them on probably has made them through that millions and millions of dollars right I'm very vocal about the credit the you know who I give credit to the people who put me on very vocal right I'm sure those people in some way must feel if they're like reasonable human beings and then nobody talking nobody speaking up I'll be tight bro well also they don't want to go against the other side and also this is what what the other side do but that's what crazy now you playing politics well here's the thing too I think there's a lot of people in the industry that look res that [ __ ] no no but beyond that they have looked at Drake and they have really maybe seen a little bit behind the curtain and they respect him less now what does that mean there was a time when they felt that he was the instant I on a verse it's going crazy it's going to affect [ __ ] like I think now people look at him and be like well what is Drake if he doesn't have a yachty next to him or if he doesn't he's not riding this way if they don't look at him as Untouchable anymore do you think it I'm playing Devil's Advocate because again I'm I the Drake hater on the team do do you think it says something that none of those guys will go to bef cuz there's nothing anybody could say about you to make me go I believe you I'm going to stay quiet I'll die for this guy you'll die for but but that's tell is isn't it is it not telling I don't and I'm actually asking you do you think it's telling that nobody's coming do you think that says something about Drake more than the people you see what I'm saying nobody like is every one of these guys shitty you see what I'm saying I mean in this business you get people who are incredibly desperate for fame and they're incredibly in our business too and they're willing to do like I just had a buddy who who who said that they weren't going to do something or they were going to cancel something I'm going try to be vague here and they were going to cancel something because doing it was getting them a lot of hate and that thing that they were going to do is with somebody who really I mean kind of put them on and give them opportunities Etc but just because they were worried about their career and what was going on with them they're like I got to cancel it so people are going to prioritize themselves first but I hear the point you're making which is like oh [ __ ] maybe our perception is that he's so benevolent he's helping all these guys when maybe they don't really see it that way is is that what you guys are saying yeah like zero people are coming there should be one person I would think now Grant I think you were first to support Rogan and that helped open up I was supposed to actually do after his controversy happened I was supposed to do the Pod that Monday which was crazy but like never crossed my mind to not do it I was like man you got to this guy's helped out Schultz Schultz has helped out you he's offering you this platform you do this [ __ ] podcast there's no question about it there's no one doing that for Drake zero people and again I am biased I don't know if he's a bad guy so maybe I shouldn't present this but all these guys are industry friends like like all that all that twin [ __ ] like they're not really friends and so it's like is there one human being just one human being who's like yeah this a good guy I'm going to vouch but it's not it's not them vouching as a good guy they would have to go against Birdman is the only guy defending you what's going on yeah but that's what I'm saying the industry is against them like all of these guys this is Point yeah like like this if you're industry friends and the industry is against him then you are going to side with the industry because you see your security safety and Longevity within the industry yeah I guess it just exposes that that these friendships and my twin my dog Metro said it earlier everyone has to pick a side if you pick Drake's side you you you you well you almost have to hope that he survives it obviously he'll survive but he'll survive for Drake will Drake still have that ability to help you because now you're making an enemy of the weekend you're making an enemy of Metro booming future all of these guys who there's much more that's not even that's not present like a whole faction this is why like being able to have your own audience and create your own [ __ ] like not feeling so dependent is so important we can go to war for Joe we can go to war for Charlotte we can go to war for any of the people that we really care about right right because we are not dependent on the industry the second you are dependent the second a [ __ ] man the only hit I ever had was with Metro and if I say this Metro not going to feed me any more beats and then what if I just bought a house and then my kids in private school and [ __ ] I won't be able toay all right let me just be quiet yeah you have you're you're you're Shackled by your ties to the industry in regard I'm still wondering though what the [ __ ] did he do to all these guys that's what I'm try I mean like could you speculate just speculate well well we've just heard [ __ ] reasons like reasons that are just like very light on girls like yeah yeah like things like that I mean Rick Ross on his song He said yo it's cuz you sent a cease and assist but like it like the the guy who you're you're mad at for like French is still following Drake there's a deeper issue in I seen Metro allude to it he said he said stop acting like the reason we fell out is because of a girl you didn't [ __ ] my girl I I'll spare you he said I'll spare us both to be fair because he was going to look bad too to be fair to Drake Metro whatever the reason was going to be he said the reason I'm not telling you is it make both of us look bad did he say that he said he said I'll spare he said I'll spare both of us but he says he says he says you look much worse if I tell if I tell what it is but I'll spare both of us yeah okay I I read it as if like oh if I say what happened it's I'm going to be embarrassed but you're going to look like the bad guy yeah yeah but but but I think what we're all trying to say here is it would make Drake Look way worse which is why Drake won't come out with it he still looks stupid yeah Metro will still you look he'll have some sort of negative feeling about it but not as bad as potentially Drake so maybe this has happened time and time again and enough people have been affected that nobody's coming out I even ask Drake Well I'm like I was like yo yeah yeah what do you I mean I don't know it's your guy's business I don't well I mean and I don't think he's going to this is probably again the mere fact that we've gotten two albums a bunch of d songs and none of these guys have said you you did ABC and D like that's odd like we're beefing and fighting but we can't even address the reasons why what what Drake has told me was like yo he honestly just feels it comes from like people viewing his position like you know Hey Jealousy fact that he's at the top he got the jet the lifestyle the you know what I mean the money and because of whatever you know maybe wrong or slight even sometime if he doesn't intend it they may have just like harbored feelings for him but I still look at him like n not this amount of [ __ ] just come like yo it's time to get him today there is some validity to jealousy we all get jealous we all whatever but when a guy at the top writes off everything as they're just jealous I don't I don't fully believe that you know what I mean that's not and especially it it it looks even weirder when you're the guy like you're the guy that took Jay-Z's model to Super Saiyan when you put your hand around the new guy yeah like if every comic went against Joe Rogan and wouldn't say why you would probably have to say what the [ __ ] did Joe do that's the easy thing to says well yeah your J is his spot but it's like well he's kind of helped all y'all yeah and that's this is a [ __ ] great conspiracy right here yeah no I really don't know anybody who spent time with Joe will vouch for Joe he's a great [ __ ] guy blah blah blah that's not fact none of these has all right has anybody vouched for Drake Birdman y I'm sure y's been I don't even know if yti because yti likeed to post that seemly was dissing The Other Guys he said no it was a mistake yeah it's like bro J man like you guys paint your nails together you got to stand on it this time like yo you get the little gel joints done together you got to stand on it right now they just did a podcast together on the beach where um who's Zach something Kendrick said you're playing dirty with Zach uh he's to or he's accusing Drake because that's another angle that I masterful like he's defeated every possible angle Drake could go like number one uh all right there's the angle of hey the venue for this beef is academic stream and he's a number one Drake fan how does this play out like you know you know what he says he's compromised like he hits everything and so the Zack beia thing is at first this the internet lopsidedly was like yo it's Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake and Kendrick kind of negates by kind of like trying to air out and putting into air Drake is using a whole bunch of bots Zack B is a guy who's I think he manages ye but like there are this there are these nefarious individuals that kind of make narrative Bot Man well that's what he's alluding to you're the bot like yo you're cooking up the box with Drake you know what I mean and him kind of like throwing certain things into the air you got to listen to these songs me crazy he speaking with so much Authority I sent him every song in order he did he did now to be fair I've never spoke on Authority about the music yeah I I uh don't care got to buddy not like us not like us is such a [ __ ] Banger crazy the back to back of 2 minutes a song give it it if meet the GRS was actually all factual yeah it's insane it would be probably one of the biggest knockout punches we've seen to not only reveal and and I wrote a verse to your mom explaining that this industry has corrupted her son and turned him into a pedophile let's say that's also was real which that's not real obviously yeah and then I showed how you've neglected actual real responsibility chase the worst things that comes along with Fame the things that you think I'm jealous of you for till you you have not only be you're it's not just like parenting it's just like you're hiding another child he's like you know he's dropping these lines like you call yourself the boy I'm going to help you turn to the man like that's kind of like it's taking every like you just can't listen to Drake just talk about y I'm going to the club to [ __ ] some [ __ ] no more like this guy's basically saying this guy's a piece of [ __ ] and a creep yeah [ __ ] beef it's a war with y'all want to listen to this guy for the turn up I should have listened to that so when I heard that one I was like good thing was lies I was like the whole time I'm listening y I was like then I found out was lies I was like [ __ ] bullet anybody ever picked me apart or exposed me in that way the bullet man I have to off apart in a way that it's like he can't recover from if that if if the stuff was Real Lies so we don't count them good the Masters theory that like Drake got a part of this larger contract that has everyone's Masters going to him and he's getting a piece of everything um all right guys we're going to end the episode here publicly but there is more with big a on our patreon flagrant or 2 join the [ __ ] army guys you'll get this plus an episode every week we'll see y'all there
Views: 1,111,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: JkSt_gw5-XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 45sec (8085 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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