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bring the prisoner for I will get into mythropolit this kingdom you shall pay for your sin of murder with Swift punishment will you strike me down I will live on [Applause] His Majesty has declared a lesser punishment he believes beheading to be to love so instead you put a sting in your behind I am I am beginning to feel the sting in such a tender area you are trying to let me live oh you think we kind no I think we shall move on to time out for women no timeout for women is a different thing entirely studies have shown timeout to be an especially effective disciplinary strategy reducing aggression and non-compliant behavior you shall spend time by yourself with no activities no not the dungeon come on no worse that shit what five minutes I do not think this is as terrible as I had previously imagined timeout does not seem to be working perhaps we shall try time tell me how you are feeling talk to me by the Uniting lead not my friend then nor punishment you shall receive [Music] your teddy shall remain unharmed if you will apologize to the woman you murdered what she's already dead say sorry no don't make me count to five am I supposed to be impressed that you can come too far I'm sorry for do it I don't know why that worked now say stop sorry give her a hug she's stinking to me she does not stink [Applause] like you mean it and the kiss do you feel better no I do not if you're trying to make a fool of me keep talking back like that and you're grounded mr. Crowder I think the injustice I should just endure on this the day of my night the 20th birthday promised land [Music]
Channel: Divine Comedy
Views: 4,984
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: divine comedy, sketch comedy, byu comedy, byu, punishment, kingdom, byu divine comedy
Id: zunVR1HtX6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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