Pumpkin Modeling 6 Ways || Blender 2.93

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[Music] so this video was going to be about modeling a simple pumpkin but as i tested it out i found quite a few ways to go about it and i think each method is worth exploring since you all want to make pumpkins and there are no other videos teaching you how in my opinion the best way is a combination of poly modeling and sculpting because sculpting lets you enable radial symmetry but each method has its pros and cons here's a summary of what we'll cover the first way is with a displacement modifier which handles all of these ridges for us second we'll have the screw modifier and that lets us make this shape with only the profile third we'll use an array modifier so we can focus on one segment of the pumpkin and copy it around to create the full shape fourth is using curves which is a fun way to make variations in shape fifth we'll do basic poly modeling which is a great way to make a nice clean model and sixth we'll hop into sculpting mode to experience the power of radial symmetry all right let's get started so we're using blender 2.93 for this one and i'm just going to get started with the displacement method so first thing we have to do just like most of these we're going to actually start off with a very basic poly model shape i'm just going to start off with a plane right here and i'm going to add a subdivision surface modifier i'm just going to hit ctrl 4 to do that and hop into edit mode with tab so just going to look from the front and extrude this upward like that scale it in just on everything but the z axis right there and in face select mode just going to select the top and the bottom right here and in set those with i like that and then using x-ray mode for this i'm going to scale that on the z-axis right here just to pull it in a little add a loop cut with ctrl r and scale that out so here you can see we have a very basic pumpkin shape now i'm gonna keep going to create the stem so in face select mode just gonna select that top one hit n to open up the side panel right here and turn the mean crease all the way up like that you can see it's sharp now and extrude that up slightly and then turn this one all the way down so that one is smooth now this is just going to be the stem so i'm going to inset that like that extrude it upward extrude it again and scale it out just a little and then i'll inset a little more just so it's a little sharp at the top this is what we have right now next we'll add the displacement modifier right here and you can see it's getting all wonky so i'm just going to turn the strength down to 0.1 and i want the mid level to only push outward so i'm just going to turn the mid level all the way down to zero you can add a new texture right here i'm just going to name this ridges we can click this button to go to the texture tab down here i'm going to change this type to blend and down here change this from linear to radial so you can see this is the shape of our texture right now and you can see what it's doing if you look from the top the black is not pushing out at all and as it gets more white it pushes out more so it's kind of creating this almost like a snail shell type shape right here but if we go down to colors and color ramp you can see it gives us the option to change these around so basically what we're going to do is create more flags and just reposition them i only want there to be black and white flags for this one so i'm going to change this to constant because this is the easiest way to do it that i found and you just want to select the one all the way to the right and pull it a little closer and click this plus button you can see it'll add a black one and we can move that over all the way to the right click plus again and you can see it's just basically going to alternate black and white and however many ridges you want your pumpkin to have you want to place that many white flags so you can see we have three right now and i'm just going to do this until we have 10 of them i created 10 of those i believe i might have lost count i don't know and then i just placed a black one at the very end so i'm just going to switch this back from constant i'm going to set it to ease and you can see it's not really spaced correctly we can click this arrow right here and distribute stops evenly like that and this is getting pretty close to what we want but you can see the stem is definitely displacing too much so if you want to change that you can add a vertex group right here you go to object data properties and click the plus this will add a new vertex group we can change this to ridges it doesn't really matter what the name is you just want to make sure that you select the same name down here and you can see everything will go away what we have to do is hop into weight painting mode so i'm just going to select this and hit control tab and wait paint right here and if you want to know the spots that you're actually editing you can turn on wireframe right here just so we don't have to touch each vertex you can go up to active tool and workspace settings this one at the very top go down to symmetry i'm going to turn this off and turn on mirror x and y right here you can see now it's going to mirror that selection on the x and the y axis right there so we only have to select like a quarter of our mesh basically so i'll just make sure that this is maximum and i'll turn the strength down a little and we can just paint where we want it to actually be displacing okay and i think that's pretty good then we can go back into object mode and turn off wireframe and there's our pumpkin you could also add another displacement if you want just to add some different shapes just want to make sure that you turn color ramp off for this one and you don't want the strength to be too high we can shade that smooth and it looks a little more real now just to have some irregularities but this step is completely optional so one of the cool things about using the displacement modifier is that it's completely procedural if you want to add more ridges you totally can but the downside is that you don't get the flexibility of just being able to push and pull points around you are limited in that way but you could always do a combination of poly modeling and the displacement modifiers all right next we can talk about the screw modifier so to get started i'm just going to add a plane and tab into edit mode i'm going to make sure that i'm in vertex select for this select everything and hit m and i'm going to merge that at the center so it's going to create a single vertex right here we can basically just start drawing the profile of our pumpkin right here if you want to make sure that you're snapping to the center line right here you can just go up here to snapping options and turn on absolute grid snap right there and then when you're moving this around you can just hit control and it will snap to the grid like that so we know it's in the very center now we can add the screw modifier right here and you can see it's basically just going to spin all the way around obviously we can also smooth this out too with another subdivision surface modifier i'm just going to hit ctrl 4 for that and move that to the top so it's basically smoothing out the line before the screw modifier touches it and if we want we can edit this to make it look however we want right now it looks a little apple like so one of the upsides of this is it's really fast like you saw how fast i did it one of the downsides is you can't really create ridges with this method not this method alone anyway if you wanted you could add a displacement modifier just like we did in the last one and we already have the ridges one right here so we could do that if we want some ridges you can also change the resolution of this so we could set these to something higher like 64. you can see now it has higher resolution one other downside is that when you're editing this you can't create sharp edges if it's just a single vertex so instead if you wanted this to be sharp you could add another spot in right here another point and hit g twice to slide it along the edge until it's a little closer and it'll make it a little sharper like that let's move on to the array for this one i'm going to add in a circle and when you create that you'll see we have this little dialogue in the corner we can create as many vertices as we want any as many segments i'm just going to make this 12 so we can have 12 different ridges so i just want to rotate this until we have a flat spot in the front right here and the easy way to do that is just know how many ridges you have so we have 12 right here you just double that so i'm gonna do 360 divided by whatever double the ridges you have is so in this case it's 24 and that's pretty much it so if you had six ridges you would just do 360 divided by 12 and if you had 8 you would do 360 divided by 16. when you do that you just want to control a and apply the rotation right there so now i'm going to go into edit mode just select all of these hit e to extrude and then s to scale i'm just going to scale that inward slightly like this hit three to select faces just select this front face right here and hit ctrl i to invert the selection and i'm just going to delete every other face like that so we just have this one right here so now we should set up our array modifier we're going to want to add in an empty to control this and then select your mesh right here under modifiers add an array modifier we don't want to use relative offset we want to use object offset and we can select the object that we just made that empty and we know we want 12 ridges so for the count i'm just going to put 12. like that now we just want to rotate this on the z axis until it loops around perfectly so the easy way to do that is for the z rotation we can do 360 divided by however many ridges we have so 12. and you can see when we add our subdivision surface modifier none of these are connected so we need to click this merge button for the array modifier to work and if we drop down you can see there's also first and last connect right here you want to select that too or else you're going to have that gap right here all right now we can go into edit mode and start editing this and we only have to edit this one ridge but there is one thing that makes it a little tricky and that's when you move it far away or too close it either overlaps or disconnects so the easiest way i found to edit like this is make sure your 3d cursor is in the center if it's not in the center you can hit shift s cursor to world origin like that and then hit period you want to change your pivot point to 3d cursor like that so now when you select this and scale it'll scale from the center so whenever you want to move something away you want to scale it instead so i'm just going to start editing this now i'm going to hit 3 to look from the side i'll just select that move it up and extrude that and bring that up on the z axis and again when you move it away you want to scale it but i'm gonna hit shift z so it's not moving on the z axis like that it's just scaling away extruded up again extruded in by scaling shift z extrude scale shift z scale that down like this and i'm just gonna box select to bring these out scale shift z so now we can model this ridge however we want to so you could do like a loop cut with shift r like this and just move that out right here or you could bring it in and turn the mean crease up so that it's a little sharper like that or you could even select everything and hit alt e and extrude face along normals like that that will make these very sharp personally i like to add a loop cut with shift r turn the mean crease up to 0.5 and scale that in a little like that and i know this is scaling downward so i just have to lift it up very slightly so when you have the ridge shape the way you want it we can plug up these holes so you can just select these like that and hit e to extrude s and then just hit zero like that and it'll bring all of those points to the very center where we can just move them up like that hit m and merge by distance and you can see it will remove some of the vertices is basically just merging these to one point if we want we can do the same thing up here but i'm gonna create a stem so i'm just going to extrude that upward like that extrude scale shift z extrude z extrude scale shift z to bring that out and i'm just gonna close this off now with extrude scale shift z and then hit zero like that and we can just merge by distance again and if you want this area to be sharp you can just select these three and turn mean crease up like that so the obvious downside is that it's kind of annoying when you want to change the width you have to scale everything from the center i'm sure you could tell there were a lot of hotkeys going on it's it's it's not the most comfortable way to model for sure but the pro is that whatever you do to one it will happen to all of the ridges so you know i could like bevel this vertex and extrude it and it will happen to every section like that every segment if for some reason you want to give your pumpkin a crown then you can do that all right next we'll use curves so for this one we're going to need three different curves so i'll add in a path right here and i'm just going to move this around i'm going to hit ctrl to enable snapping and we still have absolute grid snap so i know if i bring this up like that i can snap it directly to the grid right there and now our origin point is at the bottom because i did that all in edit mode now i can scale this down by 0.5 like that i'm just going to hit ctrl a and i'm going to apply all transforms so this is going to be the center of our pumpkin i need to create another curve i'm going to create a bezier curve right here this is going to be like the tapered shape of our pumpkin and then i'm going to create another curve our last curve is going to be a circle so this is how we're going to create ridges so to get started you want to select this center curve right here down under object data properties you can see this little curve you want to scroll down to geometry right here and you want to select the taper object so i'm going to use this eyedropper to select our bezier curve right here and for our bevel we're going to use object right here and select our circle you can see now that this is matching the shape of our curve right here so if we went into edit mode and move this around it's going to break a little so don't rotate this around in edit mode make sure you do that up in object mode right here so i'm just going to rotate this until it's matching the shape of this just so it's easier to to see so i think i have to rotate it on the y-axis and then on the z-axis 90 degrees negative 90 degrees actually this is upside down so i'll just rotate this on the x by 180. it's matching the shape this is the profile so now we can just hop in here and move these around until we get a pumpkin shape the way i like to do that is select everything you can right click i'm just going to set the spline type to poly it's just going to make the points sharp so you don't have any handles so now we can just start moving these around so i'm just going to select this point and e to extrude like this and i want to make sure that the top and the bottom point are in line with each other like that so once again i did that by holding ctrl and it's gonna use snapping like that and i have that set to increment and absolute grid so as you're doing this you can see that one of the obvious downsides is that you can't have any overhangs when i do something like this instead of going down and being a cone it's just kind of either not having a face or it'll be flat like that so that's just one thing we have to work with here now when we have this the way we want it we can just select everything right click set the spline type back to bezier right here and i'm going to set the handle type to automatic and this will make everything smooth for us so now we can just go through select each one and rotate it however you want if you want it to be sharp you can just select that single point and scale it down to zero so i'm just going to go through here and tweak some of the shapes all right so now you can see that this curve is being used for the profile similar to the way we did the screw modifier and now we can select this this is going to be our bevel and we can just kind of make this whatever shape we want so the quick way to get ridges you can just select everything right click subdivide and i'm just going to add five subdivisions down here so you just want to select one of these and then select all of them you can see that this one is a different color that's our active selection then you can go up to select and check or deselect you can see now every other one is selected and for this hit period make sure you're pivoting from the median point right here and you can just scale them in you can see as i do that it's creating ridges in our pumpkin right there so i'm going to scale that in very slightly and then i'm going to hit period to switch this to individual origins right here and this lets us just scale those handles individually so if we scaled that down to zero you can see it'll create very sharp ridges like that or we can just scale it down however much we want so one obvious downside that i already mentioned you can't have any of your taper object points having overhangs or else it just won't really work you can see it's not really creating any dips in there one upside is that this is very non-destructive so we can even turn the resolution up if we want right now this is pretty low res um you can see it's set to 12. we can set this to something higher like 64. and immediately this gets a lot rounder one other cool thing that you can do if you want to edit this from the outside so you can come in here just select whatever point you want and i'm just going to search with f3 for hook and i'm going to choose hook to new object you can see it'll create an empty for us and when we go back into object mode it'll let us move that around and it will affect our curve like that so i'm going to go in and create another one right here so now you can rotate these around or move them around and affect your shape dynamically like that you can even animate these empties to create some really weird effects so next we're going to do poly modeling and this is the way that i've always done it in the past i'm going to get started with shift a and add in a circle right here and i want this to have 36 vertices um i like this because it's divisible by three i'm gonna add a subdivision surface modifier with control three and i'm just gonna start modeling this in edit mode so i'm gonna scale this down the center of our pumpkin right here and extrude that down like that and scale it extrude it up on the z-axis extrude it and scale it inward a little and i want that to go down a little too i'm going to add a ridge in the center with ctrl r and just scale that out and i'm going to select this ridge and bevel it with ctrl b i just want to you can use your scroll wheel to create loop cuts but i want to have no loop cuts to be about right here i'm going to scale it out like that all right so before closing the top and the bottom i'm just going to select one of these edges right here and i'm going to skip two and then select the third with shift and left click like that and before doing anything else you can hit control shift and plus and that's basically going to repeat the selection so you can see it just added another one right here and we can just do that ctrl shift and plus on the numpad we can just do that until it goes all the way around joey from the future here coming back to tell you i found out how to select multiple edge loops so pretty much just like i showed you select one of these i'm gonna skip two and select the third with shift left click like that and then ctrl shift plus on the numpad that's just going to repeat the selection all the way around and when you have all of these selected you can actually just go up to select select loops edge loops like that so you don't actually have to go through and individually select each one so now that i have all of these selected i'm going to hit n to open up the side panel and i'm going to change the mean crease like i did before to 0.5 like that i want to make sure that i hit period and then i'm using median point for this and i'm just going to scale that in however much i want and now we can close the top and the bottom off so just to make this a little cleaner i'm just going to select this loop right here with alt and left click and hit s to scale z and then zero and this will flatten it out on the z axis and do the same thing for the bottom scale z zero like that and with the bottom selected i'm gonna hit control f and that's just gonna bring up this face menu right here ctrl f grid fill and if that doesn't look how you want change these around until it looks clean to you so i think maybe this i'll rotate it around that looks good i'm just going to extrude and scale that in just a little more like that and if we wanted we could do the same thing for the top but again i'm going to create a little stem first so to do that i'm just going to turn the mean crease all the way up and then extrude up on the z-axis and then turn the mean crease all the way down so this edge is smooth again extrude and scale that in slightly right here extrude upward extrude again scale it out and i'm going to scale this part in and pull it down a little like that ctrl f grid fill and you can just make this however you want just going to change the span and the offset until it looks good and you can also enable simple blending and that will clean it up a little too so the downside of this is it's also completely destructive uh if you want to change anything you just have to go in here and move stuff around but it also gives you a lot of control which i would say is the upside and you can see when we shade this smooth it's very clean you know if you're looking for something very simple this is probably the method that you want to use so last we'll take a look at sculpting so before we just start sculpting on a plain cube or something like that i am going to create a base mesh so i'm going to do some basic poly modeling for this so one other thing is for this instead of using the subdivision surface modifier i'm going to delete that and add in a multi-resolution modifier like that and to add subdivisions you just hit the subdivide button so i'm just going to add this until it gets smooth be careful you don't want to add too many subdivisions and crash your computer so if it starts lagging you might want to stop adding subdivisions but i'm going to go up to maybe i'll go up to six okay so now that we have this we can just hop into sculpting mode and you can just start sculpting and adding bridges but instead of adding a bunch of ridges like that we can enable radial symmetry you want to make sure you're at active tool and workplace settings at the very top um scroll down until you get to symmetry and you can see we have radial right here um basically however many ridges you want you can just type into here so i'm going to hit 12 like that and now you can see we have all these dots and i can basically just make one ridge like that but instead i think i would like to use this crease right here look from the front and for this i'm using a mouse too i do have a tablet but i think this is easy enough so that you don't really need to use it if you don't want to i'm just going to do this until i get a nice crease going you can carry this to the bottom like that so for the stem i like to do something a little different and actually change this from 12 to 6 just because i think it looks better you can change the size of your brush by hitting f like that and if you want to smooth things out you can hold shift and then left click and you can see it just kind of smooths like that so i'll go back over to my crease brush right here just add some creasing okay so the obvious benefit of using sculpting is that you get to use radial symmetry like for real you don't have to mess around with the array modifier with the mirror modifier you only get x y and z mirroring in layout mode you could turn the levels down in the viewport like this so you'd be able to move it around and it looks low res but you can always turn it back up like that which is pretty nice it's a cool feature i would say the obvious downside is that not everybody likes to sculpt so if you're not familiar with sculpting this might seem a little harder to you i'd say one of the other pros is that you can come in here with radial symmetry after you already made it to add imperfections if you just go like this now you have a lumpy pumpkin and it you know it might look a little more realistic so yeah if you ask me i would say probably a combination of poly modeling and sculpting is the best option but really the best one is the one that works for you the one that you're comfortable with all right that's it for this one leave a comment to let me know which method is the best or if you'd like to suggest a video topic thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: Joey Carlino
Views: 2,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, cg, cgi, blender 2.9
Id: CUtsiEiEuzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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