Pump or Semi Shotguns for Self / Home Defense

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today I'm talking about shotguns again I get a lot of questions from people I know some of my viewers some people I've trained they want to know what's the best shotgun out there for them whether it be the pump-action that I have here or a semi automatic and a lot of factors go into answering that question that's not a simple question that's like asking somebody well what's the best vehicle for me well it depends on your use it depends on your experience what you're going to use it for and how often you're going to either drive that vehicle or practice with that shotgun so a lot that goes into it I have a tendency to toggle between the two I like to make myself proficient with both I never know when I might have to pick one up if I'm doing battle with someone and you might take them down and you use that shotgun yours weren't runs right you never know you never know if you're in a situation where you don't have you shotgun with you and quite possibly you know this scenario can happen we all know there are some police officers that not quite with it with their job that officer might say here take my shotgun if you're willing to do this you got to know how to run these platforms people but what we're going to do is talk about some pros and cons of each one and like I say I've got a pump here and I've got ace my ass trapped easily accessible it is strapped and it's setup the way I like it I tell people don't just take my advice and set it up like mine you set your weapons platforms up to the way they will best suit you and your environment your training and your specific needs I do want to go over a couple of things really quick before we dive on into this okay gone are the days when people are intimidated just by that you know so if you have got a shotgun for defense purposes keep it loaded okay keep it loaded racking a shotgun simply gives away your position and it gives that person if that person is armed an advantage over you okay so load your shotgun the only time they should hear this is if you've already fired the first shot okay so keep your shotguns loaded there's if they're bad guy criminal and they're there in the first place this is not gonna solve your problem okay it just gets them ready you're probably gonna have if they're armed most likely you got incoming bullets at that time the other thing people often say you don't have to aim or shotgun you just pointed in the general direction and that is completely false shotguns have patterns you need to pattern your shotgun you need to know what it'll do at various ranges it is somewhat easy to miss with a shotgun if you're not properly trained okay these beads that are here are put there for a reason the sights like the sights that I have on this semi is put here for a reason and those reasons are to acquire the target now for what I do and my particular use this is my shotgun of course some of you all have seen this and a number of my videos is the Benelli m4 for my use I have a sling on it I have a sidesaddle with additional shotgun shells and I can run it I can run it and run it strong okay everybody don't need a Benelli m4 you know yeah I shot gun is dual purpose self-defence it can be an offensive shotgun I could use it in my profession so I chose a semi-automatic high-end semi-automatic so those of you all that I'm knocking Benelli like I say this is my personal preference now I do research I love shotguns if I can only have one weapon it would be a shotgun because of the versatility you can start low you can hunt small game up to large and dangerous game with it and anything in between depending upon the sill you put in it the low configuration and the ranges that you are operating within I tell some people I say if you find yourself outgunned by someone with a rifle and you have a shotgun you should develop tactics to make that individual close the distance on you you get them in shotgun range and then you deal with that situation so you have to train train train there's a bunch of trainers out there and I rarely do what I'm about to say right now okay now going to call this individuals name but I will put him and the link to what I'm saying in the top of the comments and in this video heard an individual that's supposed to have a pretty decent reputation in the training industry talk about the many many many times he has heard of or their stories of 12-gauge shotgun slugs bouncing off the human skull okay when that came out of his mouth it negated everything else I've ever heard or dealt with him on you know there is I want to see factual proof of that so you'll hear people talk about things that they're not familiar with like I say a bunch of you are going to know this trainer I'll put a link to those specific sands in the comments we're now going to use them in the video ok but do your research train train train these are a very very effective self-defense tool you get something like a Mossberg 500 well you can get the interchangeable barrels and different chokes and what you have is you have one package that you can hunt with and do self-defense with so these are things you want to take into consideration if your needs are more versatile and you want to go with other platforms go with them me personally I own somewhere around probably about 15 shotguns for various reasons for various hunting applications and so forth but this Benelli m4 this is my all-time favorite and this is my go-to when it comes to self-defense applications now we let's go to the the tailgate and look at some others okay here we have four of my defense shotguns we got the Benelli here at the top I've got a remington tack 13 below it Mossberg 500 and a remington tack 14 we've got various the two semis are here the two pumps are here on my tag 13 I've got a sidesaddle extra mags also on the tag 13 I've got a laser light combo you can see I have it in the strobe mode and strobe and laser that is for close quarters night engagements if you have to identify something and light it up what you can do is are you slightly disoriented as well the green laser is bore sighted to this for point-and-shoot capabilities although you know like I've done in my other short shotgun videos they're not point-and-shoot I'll link you to some video that will show you when properly operated these shorties here will shoot neck-and-neck with the long barrels when you use the right flight control type pattern buckshot patterns in them I put that link below but those people who say that he's a useless point-and-shoot shoot from the hill hip they are they don't know what they're talking about there's plenty of people out there that can train you to operate them just as efficiently the configuration of the bird head grip help manage the recoil you do not need a buttstock for stability with the proper stance but all that is addressed in the prior videos what I do like about Mossberg that stands out above a lot of the other ones a safety is on top of the receiver I like that that is easy to see easy to activate deactivate like I say this monster 500 is probably the most versatile because you can take that short defense barrel off and put a hunting bear on and you're good to go slings are important if you're gonna carry them if you're carrying a shotgun and you have to put it down you need to be able to sling it this one has my custom sling on it I will link to you my custom leather designer that'll be in the description if you're interested in that sort of thing if you're not if you want to go Plain Jane hey that's up to you but this is just the different configurations what I will find is if you're gonna shoot full power buckshot and you gonna practice a lot get very very familiar with your weapons I highly recommend these you can acquire targets reasonably fast and faster than you can engage with the pump-action if you're a novice if it's going to be a shot that's gonna be used for other members of the household to train on a pump is a very easy to train on weapon you can set it up where it's a medium between all of your house members if you want to get a 20 gauge instead of a 12 gauge the recoil is more manageable for other members of the household but it's going to depend on your budget your training your use nowaday in times you really cannot justify in urban environments engaging people in self-defense much further Dennis shotgun range anyway okay you're gonna be looking at for buckshot you're gonna be looking at you know inside of 20 yards and that's acceptable highly trained individuals push it out to 30 yards or depending on your a buck shot like that federal flight control 30 yards that's very good patterns at those ranges if you have to go out the reason why I keep slugs on the side and my side saddles I may have a situation I need to push it out to 75 yards or even a hundred yards I practice those were slugs and you can do it with a shotgun slug so um we need to look back at the budget now what you're looking at cost-effective wise a Benelli m4 you're going to look to spend somewhere between 1800 and 2008 AK 13 somewhere between seven and eight hundred now we're down here at this Mossberg you can get this Mossberg a matter-of-fact about this one used I paid 200 bucks for okay in here the tack 14 you can find them in the 275 to maybe 350 range so you pick your poison you pick what you decide you want to train on and bilk what's best for you [Music]
Channel: Norman Smith
Views: 105,372
Rating: 4.8916888 out of 5
Keywords: Norman Smith, Defensive Shotgun, Pump or Semi Shotgun for Defensive, Benelli M-4, Mossberg 500, Tac-13, Tac-14
Id: dG55XVjmPDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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