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[Music] hi guys it's nicole and welcome to vlogmas day nine have a very special guest here with me today hi i'm christian this is my brother today we're going to be doing a gingerbread house competition we did one of these last year so a lot of you guys are requesting for another one this year so that's what we're gonna do i also asked you guys to ask us questions so we're going to answer them in this video while we compete last time just like completely failed yeah yeah i'll put that clip in right now okay ah it's okay gg also people we're wearing coley vlogmas 2021 merch go to slash collection slash nicole ashley now okay let's open these oh wait our dad cut some cardboard fast we have gingerbread pieces hopefully they're not broken like last time remember we had to glue them back together yeah that was a mess icing and then all of our toppings i have no idea what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make a house i'm just gonna make sure it's got structure structural integrity um sounds good it's just gonna taste like cardboard if you buy it let's begin with the questions are you guys besties but yes but yes no but yes best memory together all right there's so many good ones going through life together we've grown up together whenever i think of our childhood i always think of that one video in one video yeah i don't know if you guys have seen it before but this one night we like took our parents camera or something and we went into his room and just like filmed us messing around it was really cute are you gonna show them the video again yeah i'll put it in right now hi everybody my name is nicole and i'm going to do i'm christian now we'll do doing the dance together ready one second now starting with one two three let's go cut [Laughter] you have to cut it who's the favorite child no it's sadie yeah but our parents emphasize that they love us both equally right oh we have to put it in the bag is christian in college here you can talk to them about it yes i'm in college i graduated high school and now i'm in college yeah he graduated class of 2021 and this is his first year right now it's all online for me so yeah it just gets really busy i'm at community college right now and then i'm planning on transferring i don't know where yet still figuring it out but i'm excited though because i'm taking a bunch of music courses next semester yeah what are some lessons you guys learned this year that's it for me i think a main one was like a lot of people are gonna come and go in your life and i've known that since middle school but i feel like i've experienced that a lot this year especially with like quarantine and like high school starting up again and another one is just like you control your happiness with what you do who you surround yourself with and how your outlook is on life ew okay why am i struggling so bad [Music] how did you guys become so close we got this question a lot um we grew up together and our parents forced each other to get along our age gap is only two and a half years but three years in grades but i feel like batman scissors did you cut a hole at the bottom yet no okay that's why it won't go down oh duh what was i saying us being close in age i feel like helped because we could relate to each other on the things that came with age came certain years but it was mainly because our parents like wanted us to be close so they started us at a very young age because i feel like some siblings they don't get closer until they're older but like we're always taught to like stick up for each other and make sure to check up on each other get the dirty side ew i'm gonna start with this piece and this one yeah what is this we'll set oh it goes like this how do you open up to each other without feeling awkward oh we've gotten past that it's just casual comment it's just casual conversation yeah you're right was it even ever awkward i think not now but like maybe a year ago or two ago i couldn't open up to you about certain things just because you wouldn't understand it at the age that you were at yeah that makes sense but now you're sadie oh those are the roofs and these are the walls yeah but now we can just like talk openly about a lot of topics i tell her everything me too hi do you want to say hi oh cute wearing a curly sweater hello okay next question how tall are you guys five seven i am five four worst fight you've ever had what was it about have you ever had a major i don't think so you've never fought for more than two days okay wait what was the two days about oh you give me attitude or something no yeah the most we thought about is just like stupid things and then like i'll give them attitude and he's like shut up nicole if we're like giving each other attitude then our parents will like keep us in check and be like don't fight with your brother don't fight with your sister i just walk away yeah yeah which is smart which is what you should always do in a situation that is heated yes what's nicole like being your sister off camera very different i would say what's on camera is a very good representation of her life just lots of lots of joy lots of happiness positivity spreading hey does he usually approve of the guys you like no well yes usually i usually just try and really support everything that she like if she's if she likes the guy then i have every reason to as well he's still looking out for me though like he'll always tell me his opinion on guys and stuff did you get happy when you found out your mom got pregnant with coley i don't even remember i know he was two and a half so do you like remember anything like about getting another sibling no not really you kind of just just kind of came we're there one day why are you so slow just wait till your house falls how do you stay motivated to complete work and stuff don't do it it's much more relieving that was a joke he's joking no but like with college and work oh yeah he works at target so like how do you balance my napkin no are you accusing me of stealing your napkin disgusting your house is ugly it's just i need to glue everything together okay back to the question how do you balance everything like how do you stay motivated to get everything done like what's your mindset when you have to complete everything yeah do it eventually just do it now yeah i was gonna say like life is just gonna keep moving so if you don't get your stuff done you're gonna be screwed so know what you have to get done and just do it do you guys fight more now since you got older less yeah i agree because when you're younger it was just like the the stupid simple fights like she don't want to share right yeah i didn't have a choice but then now it's just like kind of meet each other yeah like real problems and stuff like that so there's like not much about about describe coley in three words disgusting scar stuff in three words huh yeah just do the ones that like pop into your head diligent whoa what does that even mean oh that means like like thorough right oh no let me look it up before i claim to make it alexa what does diligent mean the adjective diligent is usually defined as constant an effort to accomplish something attentive and persistent in doing anything wow thank you okay you have two more stupid it's not one word but immature but immature that's so true that's so true you're so immature but like you do adult things or like the majority of things that you do yeah are way more immature than what i do but there's a lot of other things that are just way more mature than me not even in comparison to me just like objectively like you're either immature really mature that's so true i wouldn't say immature i would just say mature for your age yeah like the way 16 year olds are supposed to act exactly how do you like your brother's new look i like it if you guys didn't know he dyed his hair and then got earrings that's like the first time you've ever done anything true i've ever touched up my natural appearance yeah like he's gone haircuts blah blah blah the normal thing but he's never dyed his hair what appears to be here i really like it thank you thank you good decision next question kind of goes with it for christian what made you get your ears pierced and then for me what's the next piercing you plan on getting so for the piercing the hair actually i wanted to do but the piercing i wasn't 100 about because i wasn't sure if it would look good now i like it my friend she she went to the salon with me and then she wanted to get another piercing and i was kind of just with her and i knew eventually i wanted to pierce my ears so i just said christine whatever that's so fun though like impulsive decisions yeah like i feel like it was out of nowhere like he came home that night and he was like i have to show you something he walked into my room i'm like oh my gosh but i feel like everyone has those eventually like especially when you're 18 and you can like make those decisions on your own it was most definitely because of that yeah okay and then to answer the question about me what's the next piercing i want to get i either want to get my thirds because i have two and then the cartilage on my left ear or a belly button piercing but i don't know if my mom will let me get it so yeah either my thirds or a belly button when did you guys have your first kisses wait where are you i'm gonna say six no no i was 15. wait really yeah you had it like when you were six months no i think i was 15. i got it when i was 15 as well do you feel comfortable talking to your brother about like crushes or girl things yes yeah we are very comfortable in that sense all the things that go unsaid mm-hmm something you guys were scared of as a child that you aren't scared of now the stair monster nicole still scared me the stair monster yeah when you know when you no yeah i was scared of that but since we have less stairs in this house then i'm like fine i'm less scared of the dark now but still sometimes scared dude you're still building your house always be thorough with your work and don't give in to people who rush you shut up okay guys this is my front wait it's literally lopsided maybe you should have slowed down you guys talk to each other when one of you requires comfort and warmth yes yeah we do i think it's nice because like of course we can go to our parents but then it's also nice having like someone close to your age that like understands like what you're going through and stuff did you guys ever hate each other as kids and say hate those i hate no yeah do you remember me biting you as a child mom would always tell me that when i was younger i would like bite him only thing i remember and i've told you this before is one time we were sleeping together in the middle of the night she kept she moves around a lot so i move her arm and then she puts it back so i i forgot what i did i either kicked you or elbowed you you went and in the morning you're like i don't remember that in the morning i remember just apologizing because i felt so bad oh yeah he was like i'm so sorry for hitting you last night and she's like i'm a really deep sleeper how old do you think we were when that was i don't know very young yeah who was christian's first celebrity crush i mean there's haley steinfeld but that's his main one his first celebrity crush or like yeah who's your first sandy cheeks from spongebob no why not she's a baddie you're weird squirrel you can't think of your first one mine was probably like troy bolton or something or justin bieber mine is probably like what's her name victoria justice or something oh yeah that's a good one let's talk about our favorite childhood movie or tv shows did you watch big time rush with me yes i love the big time right i like the time zoey 101 i like that one that's good obviously i carly and victorious um jesse yeah feels like a party every day what is it like having an older brother and a younger sister like what's the dynamic between us growing up like it really never clicked until me until like a couple years ago that i have to fulfill this role as an older brother right yeah yeah like you have to be the role model it was kind of more just like i had a sibling and she was younger than me i think obviously i knew i had to be a role model but i didn't really think of it as just for nicole because i'm the eldest one in the family so oh yeah yeah yeah and like all of our cousins they're younger any time we ever went out it was always emphasized for me to be on my best behavior because yeah you're right they would you know monkey see monkey do um but not until recently now it's it's cool because mom and dad always go to me for help with her it's nice because she does look up to me yeah i didn't really realize it until recently but it's nice that my words have value to someone for me growing up he was always the example so i would always look up to him i would see my parents teaching him things that i know i would eventually use y'all real quick this structure on this house looks so nice meanwhile mine's kind of falling oh oh concluding that question i love being the younger sister yeah i like being illiterate okay good because i feel like the younger sibling has it easier obviously because the first child gets like no easily parenting and stuff because i had to go through like the first years exactly like they had to figure out what would work and what wouldn't work right you know everything that didn't work went through me everything that did work went to her yeah no but you turned out to be a very good kid thank you could switch on you anymore dude mine's falling that sucks winner by default can we decorate yours sure yay bye be careful didn't this happen last time next question how was high school together it was nice seeing her i liked it yeah i enjoyed it it was really nice i'm so sad we only got one year it made me very happy oh wait what that we only got one year no that that okay yeah cause i was a freshman and then he was a senior but it was during quarantine so like the first three quarters of the year we were in lockdown and at home which was like whatever like we still got to see each other at home but it wasn't you know like seeing each other at school so then when we went to school for the last quarter it was like really cool and really fun who has a more silly personality me you're funny because you're stupid i feel like we're both pretty goofy say you're my goofy i'm a sillier person you're goofy who do you think will have the most children in the future loki i feel like you like i could see you starting a family and just having like a bunch of kids i'm talking too i didn't do you really my channel is getting boring let's just have another baby how does christian feel about you driving soon stay off the road i'm not even that bad considering you said not that bad it's a lack of no no i am i'm good that's cockiness no i will pass better clown have you ever thought any of each other's friends were cute yeah you do yeah i have we didn't do anything about it though obviously but that's fine i don't know that christian lano who's more annoying you hello what are you doing something something something i suppose those are all the questions we're gonna answer now we're gonna do most likely to christian you're gonna run out of frosting i ran out of frosting most likely to clog the shower drain cool my leg hair should be shaved so she avoids the house choice she owns the house most likely to have a messy room uh me yeah most likely to hog their stuff oh me like what i don't know just whenever i ask you like borrow something you're always so like quick to say yes and like i always i'm always so quick to say no and then i catch myself and the only reason why why i'll always give in is because i always remember how quick you are to say yes i'm like okay that's not fair most likely to snitch i would say like most likely to it would be me oh really okay what's your explanation that i've learned not to snitch yes why do you think you would be i feel if you did something one day that was just so bad and you for some reason told me and we're like yo you can't tell mom or dad like i'd easily tell mom and dad but no i don't i don't think it gets to that point you just i don't want to say it you got to behave yourself most likely to watch this sibling take the fall for something they did likely to watch me you yeah i would watch him take the phone most likely to skip school me i've evidently skipped more yeah that's true were you the type of student that would like want to skip school no well that's what i thought like i feel like both of us we like wanted to go to school and we didn't want to like get behind or anything exactly i didn't want to go to school i didn't want to get behind yeah yeah most likely to end up like mom it already happened before i even knew it my mom and christian are literally like the same person the same person same defense mechanism same triggers it's hilarious watching them fight same buttons and then most likely it ended up like dad most likely to miss a family reunion i've missed oh yeah because of where we'll be work stuff not because he wants we don't have serious family reunions we kind of just cause we see them quite frequently um what else does it need are you gonna do the other side what with what i'm crossing okay guys comment down below whose gingerbread house you like the most mine are christian let me take it out it's cage that's not gonna end well i told you i have structure you can just pick it up as one wow see what happens when you take your time let's play back all the clips where she was rushing me why are you so slow dude you're still building your house alrighty guys this is the end of the video hope you enjoyed our competition comment down below some other video ideas for me and christian to film this vlogmas thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed make sure to like comment down below subscribe to my channel turn on post on vacations go cops and coaly vlogmas 2021 merch and i'll see you guys back with another vlogmas day tomorrow love you guys so much stay positive bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nicole Laeno
Views: 958,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicole laeno, vlog, vlogmas 2021, christian laeno, gingerbread houses, gingerbread competition, siblings
Id: FfH1vQ3NEcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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