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so the customer have computers each like all associated with it and we're so what you still need it before we drop down list it falls we're going to skip out I'll do a quick intro those custom stuff custom folders do they really play apps change as them tables do interesting things like that and then we'll like their platform app to do not know foundation just fishes we should have everything installed need to realize cause we've got okay look up key just dust and we got the project that you should sample of ours and now those obvious cool stuff - an unstated number line first so altered by the pot we use have been personal identify for click on a feature which get simple form of a fantastic notarization it with a normal one screwed up we're editing interested which nipple either to stuff so one with the goods in tight the built-in forms you just generate drop down this calendar pickers images an image bigger color going up as well so I want to make this bill type drop-down box for more busy scene IDs that are already in the table just look don't look on your tools where it's like first half and you've got all your deals here listed God what type of what make they are the top like how they start out and the name is the news like that so the other type is what shows up in the form a new pig we're going fight infection so for bill type offense like and loss do this open a bull fight inside and change them to first click on the air with your button we change it to anything this see it selects all the values in it in that current field the table mix Alyssa and unique twist and pop ups new unique values for that pence like pets type of the same knows so cow on that press I can help you Starla now when you open up the battery table after you call for the future problems for that time flat hold this place top speaker for measuring up in there it is do same that date the tactic is full full list of video types your pages spin up how are they it all don't you want some of the photos that now you have and in a key a pair so the key today would be test the description is done so if we press ok on that and we go to the cool side table billion attribute for it's got my test up there when the actual data is sorted in the table base the lab is test so you can some ask natural dial I use things like that when life comes a care coach those Legos we should do that Google hiddenly hypothetical exceed all checkbox is customizable for one true stays with us to say this is no way you can draw a goddess stores yes no yes no there YN c under do it mapping city f so changes TF text editor text editors actually at war context so problem see the one paragraph projects calendar we go tell your relation other Russians are quite penises we could have another table different values and take values from the table and put into that drop-down box or response so you'd be happy got a layer here for four days no tribute Taylor show if you have another form is actually Taylor is right click over there after having up in here God we've got prescription height and filter : the filter column here is what what controllable to only show these is also not everything microphones in stable applies every deal better so this one years of best life support I so came one big table all your different combo Bay another filter so we go to the pool table go through the full bill Peterson that your relation we've got layout is the four days which is the attribute table push the plane as we pay the mode no come true about key debut here in though you columns so the key column is the I will just shows up in prescription visual yes showed up in the combo box make it will make that description column they call them is one gets stored into that place so make that time but we also wants the oil by a value that Mel value is about if we have no intellectual level and allow multiple selection will actually generate from this box t boxes to make multiple values from applicants in the one palmistry good road condition ratings like that huge cracks get more under the filter expression will lose the number of attributes are chosen at table or if that combo box so we so we have a filter on that we're gonna make a filter filter column equals yes the Google built up any of those down in the attribute table to only Suffolk supplies at any of the set upon only Nevada satisfy a condition is shown in the comment box so it was okay on that go back okay the properties dialog box do a phony cool and these cool types coming out of that form very stable so town your baby or you through that that type so we depend seriously or animals or other someone at our users using the project the prices on update at one table on an open protocol is when we values and we come across you say sweet update the project but probably just jump straight that's the basic Falls wonders did a custom force up so percussive form stuff pick a couple of couple of deals okay let's do do has got has got full-time that's why so has dogs going to be a tick locks there's no bill type and type is going to be yet this repeal is 3d blue boxes combo box inside what do inspector the world through this effect on expect me to be applying Type R comma box so make custom for about cools goes lap changes the tutor by like you are we so probably have a default path it's nothing it's nothing you have to actually make UI first a different program then go to Judas to use the webinar we like our dynamic on for everyone's change in design change didn't do this for you so just leave that as I didn't get one that's like come back to that and change so never get to it assign lives in Cincy I was Gio I was chief have been designed by accident make sure there's something upside we file it up via basic with some options to make by the web at all time my mother's listing with a bot of the buttons at all that's in there about already fast they don't want to fund it good you're ready to get off dongbaek's okay so now it's on push much of the designers the third grade is at first I'll come up a large different basic policies head I found test is more so at this point here we've got a list of controls and groups that we can put under there for you guys I respect all those controls but that isn't a completely make on links and kudos to say is though your translates this way this control just a matter of five people one print the biggest sports checkboxes grow boxes cavity is almost the basic type in college so we do extend out the input widgets section you also talked to Phil shut up here it says it on my site a combobox label opening on that we can talk about lucky give you hundreds I have to navigate home I've never get to list every time just talking pop up here going that was so good agent labels label just click and drag today for palliative care reform so we're a global in on this side here we have properties to the label change fonts margins have cursor loops which are going to change the text this is also portable so pick a little section but type in text the next get the few light with text for spoke again this one's going to be out one session so the change also psychologically a filter yeah five properties lookout points Islands pickup hole 3 3 + 85 field I think I check out a new table yet so we're doing it as dogs pulled by headstart client in a sector 5 so you need high places checking five bones sit down yeah just drag it up later all yeah Rick so frequently who's going to label them what want to say on the form that that feel this first one cause it's fun so just good did it do outdoors we're getting property editor side Exxon you slime just like that sack not text change the text label to past all the labels don't anymore that the moment will show to make them out the labels community its tax master has dog the next label call this one bull ed stop Dermott lat too much yet let's make up actually all together that's my public life is going to end Club compliant let's go go so it has always check box so it's such a check box open side I was on this category so for this this dragon dragon checkbox under the perform XJS table - lot stuff up JBOX has allowed other checkboxes the same as what as a label put into it left or right side you can change that if you press f2 or double-click to go in edit mode and checkbox and call it a question mark or past all deal why we leave your labeled atoms what label the checkbox how do I wouldn't check box for everything Sanwa mobile handle here my lane for go fight full-time offense type compliant we'll make those we'll make those prop downs not edible change good side look for combo box in the widget box inside we dragon combobox fresh okay bill taught and saw a replica soccer by believable to dissociative when you like format our collection try a the stuff this is going to be a plain text editors pop it in one thing for practice apart subdivided in Wilcox we drag along that into inspector detective yes Sullivan's all exploited here I'm going to change all the code that more to provoke and even use the fine ones that we make more widgets in font of attitudes how big is the doctors just Eric so that's all cool but Q just uses a convention of the field name the field name to match the controller to bind up so that's how it works out Miller is pushing troll matches which field and which I you should go to that field so the has gold one currently has social object meaning he properties probably going on so everything everything monkey doll has it layout which I'll show you later Able's checkboxes area this is how we refer to something in the code level as well this change that has well they need to match the column name in future so that we go with you just Hamilton attribute table field sub support has almost has on the support over the world case it's test is case sensitive to the planar MAX atom so little child is due a big name Adam sport on really time to cool clock simon phipps top employment and inspect items going to mesh the names of the of the attribute ideas feels like the london school time ed stop heads on the schools are all I have exactly yes so do the designer has an object inspector on society just relate with this size that's with it what children you guys conventional name but nothing like that aside you can see here I've got compliant and tight as dolphins baptized also got a button box which is the buttons down here that is naming on you just kind of like that there's no labels digital level they've changed my plans my label less you want to go further than also support our combat box those people need to see the control quality in games the school may against property secured sure all combat boxes you can filter the type high school that was pretty crappy so you didn't Susie has HTML style add topics dynamic glass because when you're flipping the bottle anywhere in this blank area where you click on the ball up in this object inspector check out here you've got layout got grip for dynamic you can make things outside each other take a hot water through the hole pull all nighters cyber cycle where and look horizontal and vertical ads and problematic vertical eyes will light everything straight and it can Nestle a house so you can have a grid laughs and happen saw how to go to collapse format alcohol's I'm just pretty scary exactly what's up Matt from the time this case which is going to fall we should get full lap up so the three lap so the format up means you can move this around is it snaps in those grits HTML sort of thing as add rows and cells to college to drag expense tight up here side these side-by-side compliant back side Vincent the client and click this combo box and drag that white out so stretches the whole wall type inspector to see has change top ones changed so it's hot others are contributing layer I have an experiment break it if you want to break out of that lay out some of your grid layer on layer rough idea or we can be pretty tricky so click the bracket to break flat button you press that you'll actually take away that greeting put one critical player they want doing it try McCleskey atleast we how as you work has the adults this idea sending you off all Cisco fall that society let's take it next to the project Exodia you should have a whole tools to just all push-up in this life you have a few just project looks like next to that give me any weight or even pointer this best practice probably together they handed it anywhere and what these detailed leaders level points at all besides you get together or give someone who's change partners have in relative bathroom who say he was caught just call it on especially you i-5 let's other bulbs if you've got clear default sizes and type the name before so we'll save in in the column the UI passes XML parser generator is no curly loving that code they're reusable intensely in share and it'll look if you look in the following saver as we walk up there's a huge as never said truly intelligence which yields at which type type of comment box check absolutely set the bindings control basically the name of the name the bonding with the name is Emma I definitely tell it what type controllers government so go back in the where layout properties practicals the same with it for this time is up checkbox and set up some extra line that's an extra filter desktop so for the has doll you're one of those dolls it's checkbox zero one the checkbox yes I'm going to change that so have dogs go today we turn to checkups on the form checkbox it's a correct representation of check state okay yes why honey check out simplify and when we said when we check the box have a dialogue with the same y on the end I started to do a lot less the total basically it's pretty much one that was like so cool Fox line is data related we were set up for go from cool fireman he do the same for this time okay it's like once a revelation from me full 90 title title usually guys usually value from the dynamic means it's a total project a base and you got an actual project it's fine you limited sector scalp and performed in that state say something Peter so I would say it's vegetation so keen a he is description Yogi's part the track conditions been exploiting the database description for the shop in come back change so we don't LML is gone back for four people check back for my eyes closed from this one this is the same as the other one that which goes out as reduce accent reset down sit down giggle as far along to move into the comic office this is this being all nice you want to have a stop and Inspectorate and start at all why oh my god just make that unique values stay colonized over that let's put in comma clocks use that time for gunpowder about this on your lap end up down in there a great populist inspector if you live as long as having plot throughout the UI off the fetus is the enemy wants extra please help you just which UI Parliament once you use for that so you put a little for your button navigate to what we say you are off beautiful men in my savings special that affectionately why not this is Academy probably $2 box go back to you Matt Guinness will involve the dictionary you should have some whole shop yes my things make sure you got this out correctly the widgets give you all Oh it happens yeah which is that wrong these to be sated checkbox in trying combo box Nicole our console any locks an HTTP Italian section one gather mark when I check that you think it did you get that I did a fire going back about three thanks to the fault setting through this go to settings options in turn Maxwell's I've been featured hold sub-options naturals open feature fallen yet single pictures so I went for one feature you have a fixed point minister of this a single face yeah you're ganna trixl is my fine work I will break up reduce yeah God and record yes free country preparation I'll talk about getting distributed yeah so it was of that stuff now we need to put your feature you get back before so you know I can never the bonding South correctly feel 9 equals object now it's correctly sup go hot drop their bombs if a spot drop-down box if you find the data coming out of database is this coming out for battle time the vehicles estar the full type of base type the one change the value relation to the problem - where's all these direct key and ultimate rain fog around so this is business type and the very positive if I talk and description everyone this'll take almonds or rings that's so triple is a patina on it for myself I've checked with my access we bought middle-earth lessons another and very slash yes Manhattan with with the Lisa L AM L no selection actually means very single no selection why'd you go into title just just the way I'm saying I mean as I said it good morrow we take as get out that's all so this one here is not expected so it's not expected orange we changes to climb and we put their spectra English which changement by our mobs chuckling spectres enamel no difference okay they will change the day so it's brush template if it might give you open that film up LLO you shot on that feature on that 4-5 no shop we open the format review it grew up the morning from maybe desert is that space my name from that so go check you imagine ballet shut up do me a puppy on that feature look up we find leading a chain cool side change change it's time we go back into it change as those jack-offs we value things I said it before probably way then to that I'm going to change this it's going to be a lot more flexible allow use the one function is I gave up being a part of errors and things like that these with normal people on the students we do it in the garbage so cute if you press that in parables it's one of things once we find so you like bureaucracies right we follow importing outside that we make it look like after dinner yes remove all of those start our initial yes just on that all stuff I think it's great in general patients it's great hopefully hopefully that's but you thinking that what you use it for all those towards them but there's nothing stopping each giving and use of restrictive this idler the toolbars bullets and stuff really suit their NASA forms there the user is reasonable but you as Angie is where it gets destroyed another level two keys if any other works on that this one is implemented yet talking to her on pedicles ivory swiss little counselor babies the tabs and type tickets all tickets titles around a table like some on your branded joke is the agency can buy on their web proxy good sending it off and then this deficit a signal during the coldest offered this would be a combining this this is a glove okay I'm sorry come on shake very good they can't understand example time I manage for signaled otherwise message with all happen can they won't be alive any simple 10 he likes me like you just sports together so their lives in this time if it is in this layers list get a couple guards in the Box titled going to building on the excellent safety what did did get if anything if you know sports pardon that leave in consideration you must disappear where of an orator nitrobacter pointing to that is an access efficient so obviously interstate so Charlie's lock this down a little bit and you do after you king of the city it's a single table there's a few tricks to pays so you cover everyone so a little bit of part of the answer not gonna get too much no one thoughtful but as you another book then you end up those knees up a little bit so what kind of a me in Paris so family but I think it's managed to not do validation and on the job want to change the color change the color of all people my values or most common boxes but the extends activation want to pitch it again extra logic getting up clean values for seven dollars I would say asset database or financial registry and show I'm favor our fields if everybody else to go about finding it so that's scary he does mostly go so I know I thought about this more work being done on the all-star shuffle they have next hope it won't be unwise to comment for something so just so you know here's my vegetative factor to make is actually enacted just meters I'll get to it on all good yeah so just like we have going something else pfft on it so practice on L started so that's important so if you've got technique texted anyone nope attitude up on all these different XS up on text you can use Notepad bus outside my thing with you Justin fourth part of my career when I was at former it passes in dissolve itself feature the light to the so they're going to so if I can you make functional so function will object at a function of cotton will open store plugin hoping first like a dollar it did pass it the next argument Alaia the actual actual instance object all that might choose cook them be able to get fascia fishes deploy from here from here we can get access to you have none any parking for net home screen assets from here we get access to all the dialogue dark that are laid up system a community has selected lifetime and the feature itself geometry the attribute table on the dish attributes confidential well it's not going to evaluation some college people will often or the patient's host set up full up to different form on that we show them which the visa is yours little Commission's thinking check your apartment shredder for no-show so what's going to do is check if the I'm value on the feature let's go little black value on the future it is compliant then call it a hole it was not on the pellet hole Carlo quick it screw it over to see straight away you went back to manage time right so we make a variable called like the features you can access you can access the data on a picture by doing over square bracket quotation marks name no do we want to fight your converter a straight into attrition so when it comes out it's a reward a table with metallic emotional strength the step change the futures and relievers and it's missing logic here you have station the other to say this I'll give it back to the string and now after this sofa do conditional necessary if different flight is equals to one 95 I change the dialog box so do well in computing that starships States the only designer what we want to see what style of a good dollop so they're going to hold my box the the air that we got starship project Muse change colors on sightless bits needed to change the International stuff on a box without asian some intelligence texas erratum formed with real to read and package and offer over so click on the style sheet or make because the free box the dissociated offices we're gonna color and color perception microwave movers I found all the fonts everything changed on August you can record individual every new lighting for that changes the star shape then this property's starship not look up so let's go take that star shape that color DD value just cut that out there so go back to that in order or thread all the time responding upon battle so we go back to our parking very clear dog-sit starry kitchen help has business with you Oliver it's all the different types of video tips see like a few published sets all shapes all examples harness numbers then you're putting a turnout color RGB we partner with Elsa use this I wish they stopped so low compliance change the right everything else is low daddy's just say that for save that that's why societies is next to the private part and when she decided to project all those help details how about yourself a Spartan does it Martin in you to look in that private colorful party parties you can also wear a very innovative approach in store it will store next lap our day this is a whisper technologies all who collect on foot go for completely 1 by 4 pi speed like a wife negative all lives in some project this way the party please next to it yeah if you guys have not my properties for that fools a Peter is talking to talk to any function concrete hammock with you about what what you do is add a tool tip though so stupid help just hot sauce to it socially based in what functions you tonight gives you good support in here taking the garlic Bonnie I told you all hold on edit in the past so I didn't know what is happening how to do it you just hopped right back I'll show you what the the syntax of golem we name them all we might pull another doctor your wire at all there's two parts the final part of the module just a whole bit off and the function within them in this case is just so is going to look for a big one he doesn't need the doctor why here telling us this measures your name or provide this function we add one part under before have I said all that I've had one validation code by multiple pumpkin cut ribbons before and then the arrows change respond for 100 disabled because I have on that we live in volunteer hitting on the 500 hot okay I love it make sure they informational day match shop can be storm of me aw dammit fools make urban aims on the flight so after going to need this here is actually making a variable pull I'm sawing that over quite a my go there are some tables that equals one to make America flop on the floor sorry it's this point year gonna program spelled wrong but that one goes under that is back on and poppin execute and for I've built Philips check it runs it and it goes count there's the ghost sorry sort of a building Ronald why isn't that error less running guess you haven't run it before and yet we to eyeball have a top hat at zero the trickier - you just anxious as possible to run once hey everyone you meant that Nemo debug moment is trooper stopped to reload 5 remark music sort of run a program and then we already have our application is safe is processing time good good clear up here on debug all right good go to it I guess get walking definitely too dirty for you what all people all together purposes disorientation if you want to get back my stuff in there first device yourself hitting a little map sorry virus just that simple it's high school and then just real are really good parts okay that is really all about preparation again and lines it is about value so now we've on that plot on another planet twylar it's just register idle so much fun out of time just to go to work I am originally go he expounds also most enemies the assailant is more bugs that we change this name let's drop down box the starlet end up in the future do an echo spike if you're changing into one of the functions for Pacific that the Carlos and everyone had hey access to mobile bit valuable and assigned color involves the invalidation the next step up from that is extra checking checking value the copper bottles will check about 100 things other same with including range a little bit too much lesson class the trick with having the debugger motor be able so the most important thing included flirt on the Sun means I'm going to here and change stuff every like that buyer is Michael Thomas is very well again that was existing all that that exist anymore so we'll go fall karate we can hear made by us so did realize that script button again take the debug mode rose up out of your ear concert Asia's that if you run my features still work how is change so just keep remember that pom is extremely flexible language it's all technical that someone's nothing to decided you can use a knowledge and stuff impede economic variables access to SQL acute a framework receive us build long access at SQL substr that to a query pulls out some values from Robin we're going to go in that osprey wet but this hop stuff is on this rebellion is a little bit about motion detection actual music in size no listen original trout tablet boxer couple online for some you know programs we also exist in in transpires DMS they get Jesus okay what else like questions for that thirty I like questions just to swing out to lunch yeah you're pretty if he say yes we're looking at I'm not sure - - but yes we'll get a sense interviews so we Charlie triage it's what the each mad scientist we are currently working live expression feel that was right yes all right Sam run workshop doubt oh it's some other fellas over there I think it's great having them here resource people to the break
Channel: Nathan Woodrow
Views: 23,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qgis, python, open source, osgeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 28sec (3868 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2013
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