PTC Windchill CAD Data Management for Inventor

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welcome in this video we're going to look at how inventor integrate intervention PLM rental PLM offers a whole suite of capabilities in this video we're going to focus on M CAD data management invented data management complete bomb management visualization and a little bit on release and change management mental care integration offers a whole set of capabilities and is specifically aimed at supporting concurrent engineering in a globally distributed environment providing enterprise access to design data to inventor data supporting heterogeneous cat so doesn't really matter whether you use inventor AutoCAD SolidWorks nxr creo parametric and get integration integrate into PLM data and processes below materials management visualization releasing change management but also downstream applications like technical publications and manufacturing planning if we're looking at the key features of the integration that we have for inventor into windchill we offer embedded menus in Inventor so you don't have to leave the inventor application to interact with windchill we offer secure and concurrent data sharing check-in/check-out and access of data in a controlled environment we manage all the main inventor file types like assemblies baths presentations managing all the dependencies between these files like internal external references we also manage iPad factories and I assembly factories and we use native inventor icons in the UI to easily distinguish between things like sheet metal parts and standard solid model parts and we can expose inventor mass properties in rental as well we have some very specific BLM capabilities to support complex operations like save as and rename we can also buy them actually map attributes between windchill and inventor and it is fully integrated into downstream PLM processes your change management role management and visualization if we're looking at more the advanced features that we have for the integration venture offers the virtual file system this is a capability where you can expose windchill in the Windows Explorer environment and browse windchill as if it is just a folder in Windows Explorer we can also manage invent a template in windchill we also have BOM management both for reference barter both for phantom barbs we can map item numbers to windchill line numbers we can also manage assembly and pass factories and we also support inventor large assembly mode like Express mode we also support the content center so files that are generated with competent Center are automatically managed inside windchill and we also support some of the more advanced inventor tools like Fame generator and a cable and harness module it is fully integrated with the windchill visualization so we can look at drawings assemblies presentations we could do visual reporting against this we could do measurements mark ups we can watermark things we can also create animations to interference analysis and all the visualization data is automatically generated by the windchill visualization service in the demonstration video we're going to look at the integration between winter and inventor a little bit on release management and how inventor CAD data can add to the venture bomb management capabilities here we are looking at the windchill working manager this is the application that integrates inventor with windchill and from here we can start to create some new CAD document some new inventor parts we can use some templates that are stored in windchill to generate the initial thoughts in inventor and fin so this one is called my main bracket we can also fill in some required metadata so maybe you want high grade materials and we can open the file directly in inventor from the worker manager in inventor we have an integrated windshield ribbon that will help us with the interaction with windchill so from here we can open files we can check in we can check out we can update files etc windchill also manages property information and it writes that back to the IDE properties in inventor so friends appear we can see the name that we typed in venture we can see the part number that mentioned less allocated we can see the revision of the file we can also see the current large cycle state of in work meant you'll also write a number of custom properties that we can use in things like title blocks etc so let's create some geometry for this and now that we are ready with our file we can check it into windchill we do that using the windchill working manager ribbon we have an auto check-in or we have a custom check-in the custom check-in gives me some extra options so for instance appear I can choose the folder location where my new file is going to be stored in windchill in this case I'm going to put it into the destination subfolder I can also add some check-in comments initial design mentor will now store the data in the database and it will also automatically allocate a bill of materials component what we call a windshield part the windshield part will be used in the public structures and from product structures we can derive Bills of materials other ways of creating new files is by just simply using the file new in inventor and appear I've got a number of windchill template that I can choose from so from here for instance I can create a new windshield part and then in a similar process we can now start to populate the property information we can give it a name subtract it and when we save the file it will now allocate the number and in a similar way we can start to create our geometry now that we are happy with our design we can check it in and I can simply choose Auto checking if I don't want to specify any folder location or any check-in comments other ways of working with inventor geometry is by reusing existing data already sits in the system and for this we can either use browse or we can use surge so I can use my working manager interface and browse the containers and folders that I have available to me so from here fins I can look at the CAD data I can look at my suspension folder and from here I can find a bar or an assembly and directly open it up in Inventor now the assembly is opened in Inventor another way of searching for information is by using rental search we can use keyword searches we can also use saved searches and dedicated searches up here for instance I can search for all the inventor drawings that I have access to this will give me a list of drawings and from this drawing I'll get little previews that show me what the drawing looks like and if I'm interested in a particular component then from here we can directly open this up in inventor the drawing is now opened in inventor another way of searching for information is by using the wrench your virtual file system there into your virtual file system is a folder that exposes winter the windshield database and dimensional content and you can just use Windows Explorer to browse the windchill database so from here I can go and look at my workspace these are the things I'm currently working on I can also look at the common space these are the things that I have access to as a user so here we have our inventor and AutoCAD data and from here I can browse the different folder that I have access to up here we see some basic rental information so we see the file names the document name the document number but also I can say you know show me maybe the little thumbnails and then from here we can pick a component I can just double click it and it will open up in Internet so let's go back to our workspace in the meantime while I've been creating new files and opening files wind chill has populated my workspace with all the data that's required to be able to regenerate the files in Inventor so let's start from fresh let's remove the information from my workspace now the workspace is linked back to the application so as I'm removing stuff from our workspace it will also remove it from the inventor application another way of accessing information is by using the eventual product structure that's the bills and materials that we're going to develop using inventor and up here I've got a product structure for a rotary pump assembly we have visualization that's been generated by windchill and as a direct link between the visualization and the structure but in destructor we can start to expose the related information up here we can see the inventor files that are associated every level within the Bill of Materials so if in disappear we can see that we have a drawing for the bunt base and by simply selecting open in Clear View we can use wind chills like rate visualization tool to open and look at a drawing if we want to work on one of these assemblies I can go to the details page up here we can also see some of the metadata that regional extracts from the inventor data Sapir printers we can see the mess property information and I can directly open this assembly in inventor mentor will now add the required dependencies into my workspace and it will opened assembly in my inventor application now if I also want to work with the drawings I simply go back to my workspace and from here I can pick up my assembly and say add any related information to my workspace and up here we have the option to pick up any of the drawings which are automatically added when I choose this particular action but if I want to I can add any drawings of any components that I want to work with and automatically add these to my workspace using the workspace we can now open up these drawings so we have our rotary pump assembly drawing let's open it up we also have our exploded view let's open that one up and also we have the presentation that's used by the exploded view and we open all these up in Inventor in a single session so appear we can see the different pieces of data that we're going to work with now I'm going to modify the assembly and for instance we need to create a new component a locking ring and we're going to add the two dissembling there's different ways of doing that in this case I'm going to create a new component in session venture will automatically allocate a number to it if we want to we can choose any of the template and we can now create our new component we give it a location and next we start to build the geometry now that we have modeled our new component we also may want to provide some of the property information so for instance I may want to give it a proper name so we've called it locking ring venture will automatically populate the part number when it's saved to the database so let's save our changes if we now look at the property information we'll see that Windsor has allocated the part number the revision as well as the status information finally we also want to add a bolt of the locking ring so that we can fix it to our rotary bump and in this example I'm going to use a button from Content Center so we can use a particular specification so let's say we use a bolt gbt 31 and we place that in the assembly now because it's a Content center part winter will automatically check it into my database in a designated folder we have now created a modification to our assembly where we've created the locking ring part and we've added a part from a Content Center library now let's make sure that we save our changes so first of all we save our assembly now windchill knows that I haven't checked out the assembly yet so it offers me the option to check out the assembly on the fly once the assemblies checked out I can store my modifications the progress bars tell me where I'm at but obviously we also now have to update our uh drawings so we have our drawing up here that's updated that has also automatically added my locking ring and my new bolt to my parts list table using the pizza winch of ribbon I can check it out so I can store my modifications we can just saved it simply to the database now now we also want to update our exploded view now to do that we may want to make a modification to our presentation again we save our changes and we want to update our exploded view drawing as well now finally we want to commit all the changes back intervention sort of other people consider modifications that have made we do that using to check-in and either I can do to christen check-in or the alter check-in I'm going to choose the christum check-in and in this case I can now assemble all the parts and files that have been modified and check them in in one go we can provide some checking comments and commit our changes to windchill so let's go to a standard browser and have a review of what we've done inside windchill so we made a change to our rotary pump assembly let's have a look at the details up here we can see our preview thumbnail of what our new design looks like I can also see the metadata that's been automatically extracted from inventor and has been updated I can also have a look at any related objects so for instance we can see the drawings that we've modified so I can have a look at my exploded view drawing we get our visualization for that by clicking on the thumbnail we can open up the visualization in our preview application and we can look at a preview of the drawing we can also go to our structure and our structure has now been updated to reflect the latest changes so here we can see our locking ring that we've added we can also see our bolt that we have added now that a locking ring is finished we want to release the information in windchill when it's released nobody can modify it until the component is revised to do this we can use different processes mutual offers full change management but also a more simplified dedicated process called promotion request in this case I'm going to create a promotion request up here we can put a due date in here and appear we can collect the information that we want to release a target state is going to be released and we have a number of processes that we can choose from these are just examples I'm going to use the promotion request approval process this involves potentially one or more people to do to sign off in this case the signup is done by myself so we have an approver which is myself and we have a reviewer which is myself as soon as the promotion request starts the path information is now under review also when we look at the CAD document the CAD information that's currently in an under review State at my home page I'm getting to ask that I need to perform we get a review task and we have an approved task let's first review the information up here we can see the tasks that are running in the system we can also look at the objects that are released by this promotion request and from here I can look at the information for instance I can open it up in my lightweight review application to make sure that the design is correct if I'm happy with the review I've put in the details to say that I've reviewed the task the next is I need to approve the part so we have an approved promotion request task now this is a more important task so peer not only can we review all the information we can leave our comments but now we can choose whether we approve reject or send the model Beckford rework I'm happy with the design so I'm going to complete the task if we now go back to our rotary pump assembly then now we can see that our locking ring is now released thank you for watching this demonstration in the demonstration I've shown you a little bit about the winchell inventor integration that we have with windchill PDM link i've given you a brief introduction into release management and a little bit on generating bills and materials and polish structures invention thank you
Channel: Concurrent Engineering
Views: 3,133
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CAD, PTC Windchill, Inventor, CAD Data Management, Windchill
Id: fsD1gLyBghI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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