Configuration Management Using Windchill

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alright alright welcome to today's webinar the topic today is wind chill configuration management and I am your host wave moravec quick agenda I'm going to do an introduction to boundary systems and then an overview of configuration and a demonstration and then I will open it up for Q&A and if you do have questions you can ask them throughout the presentation everybody is muted right now so I won't be able to hear you but there is a question section that you can enter your questions into and I'll be able to to get those as they come in just first a little bit about me like I said my name is wave moravec I'm the director of engineering for boundary systems I have over 17 years of experience with PTC projects started out doing primarily pro engineer training and then when wind chill was released in the mid-2000s or at least when that fpdm link came out I got more and more involved on the the PLM side with consulting implementations as well as training boundary systems we are a partner with PTC and so we do PTC certified training classes for both creo and windchill we can also do windchill implementations and support services so if you need any help around PTC products give us a shout well also partners with some other software companies that certain have complimentary products to the PTC offerings solid thinking offers some some higher-end simulation solutions such as inspire which is sort of lightweighting software where you can basically specify your requirements of a design and it will remove all except the required material to satisfy those requirements we also work with each Wragge for custom solutions that work with with creo and windchill on DW CAD if you if you do 2d drawing you just need a drawing solution we've boundary systems we have been around for a little over a decade now again working with PTC products a lot of our engineers and your ownership of boundary systems has been working with PTC even longer than that and you know these are some of our awards and sort of acknowledgments here again these are some of our our partners that we work with so you know PTC is where sort of a lot of our focuses but if you have things that could go beyond the standard PTC offerings and you have questions about those you know we may be able to help you with those things as well and here's our contact information if you do have questions following the webinar if you have technical questions feel free to email me if you have sales questions you can just email sales at Boundary sis comm and if you want more information on configuration management you know we do have that available on our websites you know just under products and then windchill there's a configuration management section so diving into the to the main content of today's webinar we are going to talk about configuration management and the first question comes up what is configuration management well configuration management is essentially the combination of product structure management you know sort of managing the structure of your bill of materials with change management for this webinar we're really going to focus on the product structure management side of configuration management change management I will mention it here and there that's a little bit more straightforward we have the windchill comes out of the box with problem reports change requests and change notices they have out-of-the-box workflows and they can be tied into your managing the lifecycle states and revisions of your components and assemblies and documents and all of those things product structure management can be a little bit more complex because there are several different types of product structure management that that you can be interested so I have a couple of those examples outlined here on the slide now the first thing that you might be concerned with is changes to your Bill of Materials or your product structure over time and there are several ways you can manage that within windchill using Bill of material filters using baselines using part configurations and part instances and so now as you go through and you make changes you sort of build a product you release it then you need to make changes and then you release it again then you make some additional changes you want to go back and see what did it look like it those exact moments in time so I'll show you a little bit about how you can do that the next thing that we can look at is if you need different configurations of that product or different BOM structures for different departments so for example you know engineering goes in and builds an engineering bomb based on design intent and parent-child relationships and all of those things that are critical sort of on the CAD and the kre-o side but then when we go to pass that Manufacturing they need to think about the order in which things are going to be assembled together and that may differ from what we've captured in the ebon so we need a manufacturing bill of materials when we go to purchasing they may need to purchase all of specific types opponents grouped together into kits and so they may need a purchasing bomb that's different from the e bomb or the in bomb and so we can capture that using view versions and also using NPM link bomb management which I'll talk a little bit about and finally we just have the option of configurable products okay we have you know a standard sort of product line and then within that you know people can choose pick and choose different options and we want to build a configurable product based on that so it's basically you know build to order or engineered to order type of things and we can also do that in PDM lengths with with the options and variants so we're not going to go into a ton of depth on any of these but I do want to go through and sort of give you a good overview of of all of these because the first thing they need to do when you start thinking about using windchill for configuring configuration management and product structure management is you need to think about well what what do we mean by that what type of configuration management are we trying to do how do we want to use the system and then we can determine what tools are best utilized to do that so you know again the general idea of product structure management is we're building a complete digital representation of the product so you know we can have our MCAD we may have ECAD we may have software we may have additional documents that go along with that and building our as you can see on the right we have an example of a product structure in each of these items in our our bill of materials is going to be represented by a part object that can't then can be tied to you know our our cad model can be tied the data sheets it can be a tied to requirements documents and so that that allows us to sort of build up a full definition of that object the key is those part objects the gray gear here act as those hubs that are the definition of each of the items that are going to go into this bomb or into this product structure and then we can use the tools available within windchill PDM links to manage the structure of those parts and one of the most common ways that we want to manage the structure of those parts is to manage how that structure changes over time and we can do that with filters as you can see on the right here I have an image of you know just some standard saved filters so I can use my system default filter for my bill of materials or I can use the latest release filter I'm down below you can see where I'm editing to create a new filter and so that allows me to go in and tell it I want to see this bill materials of this product structure based on certain criteria that I'm going to go in and enter one of the common criterias that you've used is baselines and so a baseline is essentially a snapshot of my product structure at a certain moment in time one of the really common times that you want to create a baseline so you can get back to that is when you release an assembly so okay I go in I build all my components I make all my changes I test everything I make sure it's going to work I do that initial release and I want to create a baseline so I can always go back and see that that structure exactly as it was when it was released and there are two ways you can traditionally release things in windchill you can release through a promotion request or you can release through a change nervous the promotion request actually creates a baseline automatically so you have a filter called promotion request that you can go in and use to see how is this structured at that time or you can just manually create a baseline which is how you would have to do it when releasing with a change nervous but this again allows you to go back and see you know exactly what your structure looked like when it was released so before I go on I'm going to actually jump into the demo here and show you an example of you know using filters to manage your product structure and viewing viewing you know some baselines and things like that so in windchill I'm going to go view a product structure and so this is sort of a engine blower assembly and you can see if you look over at the structure on the left here you can see the different versions that everything is that so I'm going to go to my filters and I'm going to go to my system default filter - and and some of these out I'm going to go to my let's open up my engine assembly I'll just look at that in more detail so you can see that my engine assembly is at Rev B and then you know my different components I have a couple of these that'd be a couple of see everything is currently released if I go to my saves filters and I go to my latest release configuration I'm going to see I still see everything because it's showing the latest released version of each of these components and they're all released so that's what it's going to show me what I don't know is if these were the exact versions of everything that were there when Rebbe of the engine was a set was released maybe at some point that went in and I made changes to the piston assembly right here that I have highlighted and maybe I made changes to that and I rereleased that and I didn't actually Rev the top level assembly well some people say you should always wrap the assemblies where things are used but a lot of times that's just because there's no other good way to manage that in this case if I really didn't make any changes to the the main engine but I did tweak something in the in the piston and I want to reflect that we had a the engine assembly as it was released and now we have a newer version of that I can do that with filters and so I can go up to my engine assembly and I can edit the filter that I'm using for that and I can go in and tell it all right instead of a latest configuration I want to use a baseline filter and so it's going to show all of the baselines that were created that involve this assembly and so I can select that baseline you know it's got a name it's a managed object within windchill I can search for it I can see everything that relates to that baseline and I'm going to update the filter and when I apply that now I'm going to see the actually that baseline captured everything at red a and so this is an exact snapshot of this structure at the time that that baseline was created and so you can see some of these were actually still in work so I don't have everything released within that particular baseline so I'm going to go back I'm going to change my filter back to latest release and I want to create a new baseline that I'm going to be able to get back to here so I'm going to go in I'm going to just from my part I'm going to choose actions new actually I'm going to choose I just forget where they hide this I'm going to choose add to baseline for my top-level assembly I'm going to let's create a new baseline engine revs be and I'm going to tell it to go ahead and populate the baseline with all of the dependents in here as well so it shows the primary item of the baseline it shows everything else that was controlled in the baseline and so now I've created this new baseline for this engine assembly so now I could go in and take one of these components I'm going to take my crankshaft and I'm going to revise that and so now my crankshaft is that Reb see and it's in work and then I'm going to do so right now if I look at my my filters you know if I set my filter to system default which is basically showing the latest of every object in there regardless of its life cycle state so it shows you know that that crankshaft is a trewsy and it then worked if I change my filter to latest release which is going to show the latest released version of each component now it's going to go back to rev B of my crankshaft because that's the latest released version of that item I can go in here and I can go ahead and I can go to my crankshaft and I'm going to set the state of my crankshaft now this is Rev C I'm going to set that to release and now I'm going to go back to my engine assembly so here's my my engine assembly again and again if I go through my different filters right now I'm on my system default filter so showing the latest version of everything regardless of lifecycle state now the latest version of everything actually is released so if I go to latest released it's going to look exactly the same because Rev see if that crankshaft is now released what if I go back and I do that baseline filter again so I'm going to go to edit my filter I'm going to go to my baseline and now you can see I have two baselines available I have my my baseline that was created at Rev a of the engine assembly and I have my baseline that was created at recipe I can also go in until it only show the baselines for the current reversion for the current revision if I want to I'm going to show my engine red B baseline update that filter and now you can see it does go back and it shows okay the the crankshaft was at Rev be when that baseline was taken so again that's one of the things that can cause problems is okay we release for FB of this assembly if we make changes to some of the lower level components and then we re release those we go to our latest released configuration it's going to show those latest versions how do we go back and see what does this look like at the time you know that my top-level assembly was released that's what a baseline that just snapshots that specific point in time one other thing with baselines and everything in filters before we move on to the next thing here I have another product right here so this part was that is it rev I dot one and so it's gone through a bunch of revisions and it only has one component that component is at Reve oh but the one thing I can do here is if I go back and look at my history the initial object Rebbe the initial release of that was done through a promotion request and when you do a promotion request to release something it actually automatically sort of creates a baseline it creates a promotion request baseline and so in this case if I go in and I edit the filter for this you can see when I go back to Rebbe using the latest configuration it still shows that Reb oh is there because it doesn't know what was there when we're at B was created it just serves the latest latest revision so if I go to edit my filter now I can go in and tell it use the promotion request filter and it's going to show any promotion requests that are associated with you know all versions of the object or just the current version I'm looking at when they're big 0:01 apply that it okay and now again it jumps back in time and shows me you know with that particular configuration you know I've got Rebbe of the the assembly and reveille of this component now in this case I've also released a bunch of other versions all the way up to I so if I go to edit my filter and I choose baseline you can see here are all of those different eye configurations you can see I actually have two reps each configuration so I have Reb Co one and rep CO 2 if I look at Reb Co one you see that used Reb see of the of the sub component I change it to Reb co2 and now we're at Rebbe of that component so that's an example of okay I have this minor change I need to make to a sub component somewhere down within this assembly do I need to revise the top-level assembly but I can see Rev au reveil of this component red V use Rebbe of the component well not necessarily if you're using baselines to track those type of lower level changes so I can have Rev a of the top level assembly but then I can have baseline ready oh one and Rev a Oh to that represent those different configurations so that's again that's how you use baselines again if you want to create a baseline at whatever points in time you can select select the item you want to baseline and you just say add to baseline and then you collect everything thats related that you want to add in there a lot of times like I said promotion requests automatically generates that promotion request sort of baseline that's sort of a unique object type in itself that you can use if you're using the change process again the change notice doesn't automatically do the same thing so a lot of times what we'll do is just edit the change notice workflow where once the change notice is approved and it releases all of those those new objects or the new versions of the object it sends a task to to one of the change administrators to go in and create that baseline so they would go in they'll create that baseline now you know you're always going to have that there alright so that was bass lines again pretty straightforward you tell you want to add it to a bass line and it's snapshots the structure at that particular time I also mentioned that we can manage changes to a structure over time using Park configurations and instance this is a little more complex and essentially no problem part you can say create a new configuration but the idea here is if you look at your structure that I have represented over on the right here the diamonds represent an item master so a part master is that object itself and it manages all of the revisions and iterations of that object so underneath each master like and this one right here here's a master and then we have three different versions of that so this could be iterations or they could be revisions in there it's all managed as a part of that master what a part configuration does is it's similar to the baseline in that it's snapshots that part at a specific point in time so what we can do with this configuration is we get everything ready to go and then we tell it ok we want to create an end item configuration and so it's a new item called the configuration we call it series a in this case and it captures the exact revision inversion of everything that's in the structure at the time of that configuration we can then continue making changes so the next thing we do is we revise several of these objects maybe we add a new item in here they would create a new revision of an item again we make those changes we're still at reveille of the the top-level item but now we go in and we create another configuration and the idea here is we can sort of capture you know as built versions of this structure ok we go in we start building these we create an indicted configuration to capture how it's built at some point we changes to a couple of the components and we start building items from that configuration we can track those different configurations so make additional changes once we make those changes we go in we capture that configuration now we've got three different configurations of the same object so why would we do this instead of baselines well where the configurations and instances really starts to differentiate itself is when we get to be instances so from each of these configurations I can create an instance and that instance is basically a serialized traceable object so I have to define my part as traceable by serial number or lot number or something like that and now I can take series V and say okay create a from this configuration create an end item instance and now I give it a specific serial number and then I can create another instance give that a serial number and so if I want to track every instance of this product that I put out into the field I can do that by creating this configuration as we build individual instances of that configuration I create instances and in windchill to reflect that and then I have the ability if I have individual serialized objects you know if some of these components need to be tracked by serial number because they're a critical component or something like that you know I can define you know an instance of that component and I can incorporate that specific serial number of the component into this specific serial number of the higher-level assembly and then you know some of the things that I can do here is once I've I'm tracking things this way if I go back and I decide I actually need to replace a component in one of these you know I can apply those changes specifically to that instance or to that configuration you know if I come in - you know serial number 124 here and it's got an issue and while I'm fixing that issue I say you know what I'm also going to replace some of these other components with the newer versions of used in serial series see I can then re you know make those changes and basically we link this specific instance to a different configuration so again sort of gets a lot more down into the weeds so to speak then what what you get with the baselines if you just want to see what versions where we at when we released this so I can go back and look at that snapshot in time no baseline gives you everything that you need to do there and it's pretty easy to implement if you need to get more details with exactly how you're tracking things again you track things by serial number or by lot number or things like that then you can get into indoor park configurations and park instance but they're both sort of looking at again how this is changing you know over time the next way so I was sort of looking at how things change over time the next the next way we want to make look we may want to look at you know product structure configuration or bomb configurations changing is looking at different ways that that same structure needs to be viewed by different departments or for different purpose purposes so here's an example where as we're planning it we may come up with a product structure based on our requirements then we may go into our concept development we may have a sort of a logical structure that differs from that requirement structure when we go to actually built the CAD you know engineering is going to build there there Evon or there engineering building materials again based on design intent based on grouping things logically for how you want to design that and how you're going to make changes to it in future and you know as we go on what we want to be able to do is track you know how these different bill of materials are sort of related to each other what part from an upstream bomb represents what part in a downstream bomb what parts are only represented in a specific view of that bomb and so this is what you know view versions allows us to do this if you can look at it here a lot of times the two most common and the out-of-the-box views that are available is design or a bomb and manufacturing or embalm and so you know our engineering structure shown here in white is going to be built in one way based on design intent when we go to manufacture that we may need to regroup those objects so that you know it's grouped logically for manufacturing and so I have an example of this that I can show you as well so let me jump back into windchill oops so so here I'm in PTC navigate so this is navigate view which is sort of the new simplified interface that was released around the same time as windchill 11 but it's also available in windchill pin 2 if you're on the latest build did a lot of thing to go in and do things like view part structures you know so if I'm a if I'm a user that's still run here good so if I'm a user that doesn't need full control over everything in windchill I just need to go in and and occasionally view a part structure or search for a drawing or something like that this gives me a simplified interface for doing this and so I'm going to go in and look for my specific part structure is one two and so that found my four eight one two assembly which is my engine assembly and it actually found two versions of it it found an e BOM version of it that's my engineering BOM and it also found an embalm version of that so that is you know two views of essentially the same thing so I'm going to go in and look at my ebon version of that item and so I can go in and see now for example I have a connecting rod here highlights over in the structure and so I've got my piston assembly that's made up of a pin a ring and the piston itself got my engine bearings got my engine blocks and again if I look at the connecting rod that's inside of there I may want to go view that in more detail I'm going to click on the number up here and I can see that the way this connecting rod was built for engineering in my e-bomb is that I have this connecting rod base I have the main connecting rod component and then I have two bolts holding that together and it makes sense from a CAD design and an engineering perspective all of this functions together we're going to group it together into a sub assembly but when I go to manufacture it I can't put this whole thing together and then get it on to the rest of the engine because I have to put it on to the crankshaft and then you know put the other side on and bolt it together that's where I want to create a different view of this bill of material that accurately reflects the fact that manufacturing is going to need to treat this connecting rod differently than engineering treated it for you know design and tech purposes so then exit out of now I need to go actually make changes so I'm going to move out of PCC navigate and jump back to my full wind chill interface and again you can see here I'm viewing the e bomb version of this part I can go into my structure and if I turn on my full structure here I can see there's my entire engine assembly but I can also go in and turn everything off except for like the connecting rod and the crank and you can see the issue that I would run into in manufacturing if I try to leave this connecting rod as all one component there I need to I need to break that up into separate pieces from a manufacturing perspective so what I can do if I go to my connecting rod and view its information page if I want to change the structure of the actual connecting rod assembly what I would do is from the connecting rod I can choose actions new and I can choose new view version and so the view version is going to allow me to define your what view of this bomb I'm in a hat so again start it out a bomb was the default I can create an embalm you from that or I can create a service view from that the default out-of-the-box views that are available are design and manufacturing but that's totally configurable you can go in into fine whatever views you want you can define them in a hierarchy so I could have if I have three different manufacturing plants under embalm I could have plant one plant to implant three and have to create my embalmed view first and from that embalm view I could create those further downstream views so I'm not going to do that I don't actually want a embalm view of the connecting rod what I'm going to do is at my my engine assembly level want to take the components of that connecting rod and I just want to move them up to the top level in this case so you know for for structural purposes on engineering we have those grouped together into a sub assembly but when I go to manufacture I'm going to drop that sub assembly and move those to top level now I can do that within just basic wind shell PDM links by creating you know my manufacturing my in bob view of my top level assembly and then manually restructuring things there what I lose is some great tools for tracking what's used upstream and what's to downstream and making sure I've accounted for everything so it can get confusing trying to do that within Corp EDM links the the PTC product that allows you to really do this especially if you want to do things like I showed in the overheads where you have like six different views of the bomb that we're going to go through overtime is Man U NPM link bomb management so there's an NPM link bomb management package that you can add on to windchill that will allow me to open this structure in what we called a manufacturing associative part structure browser my simple name and when I open that it's going to bring up this two-sided HTML interface this is something prior to winch 11 the only way to do these types of things was through a Java bit based product structure Explorer they've really put a lot of work into this and windchill 11 to make it just standard web-based doesn't matter if you have the right version of Java installed or anything like that but what you can see here is on the left it's showing the e-bomb of my engine and on the right is showing the embalm of the engine and the check marks indicate that there is an equivalent part on the downstream version of that nothing if I'm not sure where that is I can select here look at my connecting rod I can right click and I can tell it to select the equivalent part on the other side and it's going to highlight it over here and in here I can actually go in I can I can visualize these different versions of the bomb so I can actually see what those are going to look like and I have some tools to do comparisons between them so this is where what I really want to be able to do is see everything that was in my engineering bomb did I account for that in the manufacturing bar did I leave something out do two quantities match you know if I if I'm moving things from a sub assembly and there's multiple instances of that sub assembly in there you know if I had two instances in a sub assembly and two instances of the sub assembly if I move those to the top level that I remember to make my quantity for at the top level instead of two like it was in the sub assembly and so I have this tool here to do a reconciliation between these two versions of the bomb that flies out this side panel and in the side panel I can now go in and tell it do I just want to compare quantity we don't want to compare all criteria I can tell it whether or not to worry about downstream parts that have no upstream equivalents and whether or not to worry about intermediate sub-assembly so I'm going to tell us to check as much as it can and I'm going to do a search top level and it's going to tell me that it found discrepancies and it's going to highlight those items and so if I go in and look at this this item here you can see it has a little yellow triangle it indicates an equivalent part does not exist on any iteration of the upstream bomb is that a support that we're using for manufacturing purposes that's actually like a you know history of a a fixture that we're using to actually assemble things and so it makes sense that that exists in the embalm but not the e-bomb that's why we have this option not to highlight downstream part so if i do another search with that checked whoops i have to actually pick my top level item i do another search with that checked now you can see it didn't highlight that support component down at the bottom because it wasn't looking for whether we had things in the manufacturing bomb that weren't in the e bomb it still highlighted this item and if I go to my attributes for that item and again I can go in I can tell it to show the equivalent part on the other side look at its attributes I can see I had three of that particular bolts in the e bomb and for some reason I have four in the embalm so that's the issue there's I just put too many of those bolts in here and so I can come in just modify that quantity and check this back now if I go back and run that same search again and now it tells me no discrepancies were found now my upstream and downstream quantities match and so everything is good so those types of things you know again I can build this D bombs is a basic TDM link but to do this type of sort of reconciliation and checking to make sure all my quantities and everything match up you know that that capability needs this NPM link bomb management functionality okay let me close out of my side panel and that makes the change that we were talking about before which was basically I want to take the components that are in my connecting rod assembly and I'll highlight my connecting rod on the other side I want to take those components and just move them to the top level in the embalm and basically remove the connecting rod from that downstream bomb and so I can do that right in here I can select those three components from my II bomb I can copy them I can select my top level and I can paste them and so there now I've got these three components in my my embalm and having done that I also want to remember because if I do a reconciliation now it's going to tell me the quantities of the connecting rod components don't match up because I got two of them over in my embalm I'm going to go pick just the connecting rod itself this one and I'm going to remove that from the structure and again I'll go ahead and check this back in and now if I do my reconciliation what it will find is the wrong thing what it will find now is it will highlight my connecting rod assembly if I tell it do not highlight if I don't tell it to ignore intermediate sub assemblies it's going to tell me hey this connecting rod has no equivalent object on the other side in this case if I'm not worried about I would you my sub assemblies match up what I'm concerned about is all my bottom level individual components have I accounted for all of those that's like until it don't highlight the intermediate sub assemblies so now do a search again to tell it to search the right thing and as says no discrepancies spent so now you know I don't care that this connecting rod assembly doesn't exist in the in mom because I took all of its components I moved that up to the top level and as you do more and more restructuring you can see how it becomes more important to be able to select something and say okay show me where does this exist on the other side okay there's where it exists on the other side because it's not in that same sub assembly so again that's sort of the second way that you can be concerned with project prop or product structure management is okay now we're not so much worried about how that the the structure is changing over time we're worried about doing BOM transformation so that we're viewing the BOM structured in the right way that we needed to do our job engineering needs to see it structured one way manufacturing needs to see it structured another way purchasing may need to see it structured another way service may need to see it structured another way and so we're doing that BOM transformation you the third sort of category of product structure management that I wanted to look at was configurable products so you know support for a symbol to order or configure to order or engineer to work you know when you go to buy a new laptop on Dells website you pick sort of a base laptop you want and then you can go through and choose one of several different processors you can choose different amounts of RAM that you want to put in you choose the backlit keyboard or the non backlit keyboard you know we don't know all of the different possible configurations maybe there's maybe there's 50,000 possible configurations you can get by choosing those different options we don't want to think through all those ahead of time and create a new part number for each of those we want to have the ability to basically define what the options are and sort of choose the options on the fly and create the new part number as we need it and so that's what we can do with options and Barry in windchill and options in variants is supported in PDM Lync it's something that you need to enable through your preferences you have to go in and enable your options and variants and your preferences and go to I'm going to go to option test here so here's an example of using options and variants and so essentially what we do is I have a configurable product and this is a real simple example again where I can define that I have a part that is going to be configurable so I'm going to I'm going to have different things swap in and out within up within that configurable module and I build an overloaded bomb and so I'm going to have this one option where I can choose choice a or choice B and I'm going to have another option where I can choose choice 1 or choice - if I look at my visualization here now basically have a block with another block assembled into it the inner block is this first or is option 2 so I have a circular version and I have a square version and then the channel that it's assembled into I have a full channel and I just have an L Channel and so again I can use any of these combinations I can use the U channel with the square u channel with the circle L channel with the square L channel with the circle but again as I add more things in here you know it's going to keep increasing the number of options I want I don't want to think through all of those possibilities so again once I have enabled options and variants in my preferences then in the details page for the product I'm able to go in and define my option pool and so here are all the different options I could potentially select and so I have a bunch of different options here that some of them are applied to this assembly some of them applies to different assemblies and then within each option I can define what choices are going to be available now in this case I just have two choices for each one but I could have 30 choices for each of these if I wanted to so the two that we're looking right at right now our option one and option two option one source one and choice two option two choice a and choice B so I build that up I can combine those into option sets and within the option sets I can specify which of these options are available available in that set I can have include and exclude rules I can basically say if I choose one option for or one choice for one of the options automatically forced me to choose something for a different option or prevent me from choosing other options you know sometimes if I if I choose a lower level processor for my computer I'm not going to be able to have as much RAM so it may limit me on on the number of options that I choose that I choose a smaller chassis maybe I can only put one hard drive in it and put a two hard drive so I can go in and build some of that logic in there as well and then I can essentially choose which of these often option sets is active and so when I go to my structure again I built this overloaded bomb and once I built that overloaded bomb now I can go in and assign those choices that I've defined to the components with the bomb so you can see for option two choice a is the square component choice B is around choice one is the L channel choice two is the U channel and so now I can go through and sort of configure variations of this on the fly and there are a couple ways I can do that one is maybe I just want to test this configuration so instead of going in and actually building a new configuration I'm going to just edit my filter like we like we looked at earlier but now instead of specifying the configuration specification like we did earlier with the baselines I'm going to configure my option filter and so here all the options that we have active so for option one I'm going to choose choice one an option two I'm going to choose choice B and I've got the L and the circle there maybe I decide you know what I actually wanted the you and the circle that's going to be choice - instead of choice one I'm going to edit my filter be I'm going to change this to choice too and now that updates I can even select it from my structure tree and I can tell it to open that in creo view and it's going to launch me into creative you with that configured version of the product that now I can go in and use creo views measurement tools and markup an annotation and interference checking to go in and make sure that that is a sort of a valid configuration that I've set up now the other thing I can do is once I am going to set my filter back to the default it's going to pull me back to my configured product I can also go in now and I can tell it I want to configure an instance of this and that's going to allow me to set up my configuration specification I'm going to go through my option filter so for option one I'm going to choose choice one option two I'm going to choose so I'm going to do choice two and choice B I think is what we just looked at I can also have parameters that I can define within that that variable structure in this case I don't have any setup but it's going to show me a preview of which of each of these it's selected so it previews my structure that I'm going to end up with and it tells me hey I actually already have a matching variant specification I've configured this configuration before and so I can tell it ok I'm just going to use that existing variant specification and then it can build a module variant so even though I've configured that specification I don't have an actual module built out of it so it's going to create a new so the variant specification is the rules okay for choice two or for option one I chose choice two for option two I chose choice B and then it's going to generate a bill of materials based off of that and it creates this deliverable so it created a new part number for me if I go view that information you can see it took that overstuffed bill of material that I started with and it configured you know just what I wanted out of that and created a new part number that gives me all that now if I went back and reconfigured the same thing right now it's going to see okay not only does a variant specification exist but there's also a configured module also exist and it's just going to let me you reuse this one I don't have to create a new one every time because it already exists and there's a bunch of other things you can do with this I can define these these these configurable modules that we have in here and like if I go look at this module if I actually want that to disappear when I configure this and just take my choice and move it up to the top level I can actually do that I go to my common attributes I can go in and tell it that's going to be collapsible if I make that collapsible now when I choose choice B instead of leaving this sub assembly here it's going to move my my part up to the top level so it's going to simplify my structure for me so there's additional things that you can do like that just to keep things and it was sort of easy to manage as possible and then you know from here I can go in and I can add my tab to my assembly that's going to show here are all of the different variant specifications that have been configured and here are the the module very and so again if I look at one of these I'm going to see that the L and the circle if I had gone through and configured okay give me the L channel and the circular part it's going to come up and say hey not only does that variant specification exist an actual configured module or eken configured variation exists and it's just going to allow me to come right to the details page I don't have to build a new part number to keep recreating the same thing over and over and over so again all of that capability it's available just in core PDM link there's a preference you have to use to turn it on and then it's a matter of setting up all the options that you want and going through and assigning those to the different parts within your bottle so I think we are pretty much out of time and that's again that's essentially the everything that I wanted to go through there you know one of the things that I will point out is when we talk about okay we have product structure management and change management you know the the windchill change management tools will apply to all of these things that we talked about so even like my options set these items these option sets have a version and a lifecycle state so I can go in and create problem reports and change requests and change notices if I need to change the options that are available so you know it's not just oh I need to make a change to the specific assembly if we're using you know some of these product structure management tools if we're using options and variants I can now take all of those change management capabilities and I can also apply them you know to you know my actual option sets and what choices were making as well as to you know the actual you know finally configured products so that's all that I had for for you guys if you have any questions again you're still currently muted but if you do have questions feel free to type them into the questions panel and I will try to answer those as they come in there's also some way you're supposed to be able to raise your hands in there I if you click the raise hand button I'll see those and I can unmute you to ask the question in the meantime I will leave the contact information up here if you want to write that down and thank you very much for for joining us on the webinar all right it doesn't look like anybody has any questions and most everyone is dropping out at this point so I'm going to go ahead and in the webinar at this point if you do have questions that you think of afterwards you'll please email us as the address is shown on the slide here
Channel: BoundarySystems
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Id: uEyR5Tn_V1Q
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Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
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