Creo Simulate Contact Analysis

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welcome to product one's youtube web series today we are still focusing on creo simulation uh particularly non-linear contact analysis so this is all inside clear so if you were having a scenario where you've got two tiers and you want to simulate how will these gears react when they start to meet up at a particular point if you were to go into cryostimulate this is now inside cleoparametric we'll start with the first thing i always make it a best practice that i assign material for all my analysis so let's do that so i'm going to make these steel that's the first part then i'm going to simulate worst case scenario worst case scenario means that i'm taking that big gear and i'm applying what we call a displacement constraint that means that that get does not move on the small gear however i'm going to assign what we call a pin connection if you can see there i'm freeing up what we regard uh as but we are constraining what we regard as translation so simply put i want that type of effect on that gear so now that we've got that motion involved in that area we need to now specify a force that will leverage that type of constraint so i'm going to select a surface of interest but then i'm going to do something slightly unique here i'm going to say total loaded point that means that the rotational axis is going to be this one instead of applying a force i'm going to assign a moment and based on the direction i can say preview to see if the direction is right i'm happy with that that means that that's the direction of motion that i wanted so that's the first part now one thing to be careful is when you're running a contact analysis you must always remember that it's a non-linear study so in order to get the full benefits of this you can assign what we call contact interfaces so that means that i know that that surface and that surface other surfaces that are going to be in contact and of course you can have contact with finite friction but we're going to do a video of that a little bit later in the series now that we've actually assigned contact interface at that point i can do a couple of things one i can mesh or create elements of those two components and this is the default mesh and this is how it looks like there's a reason why i showed this mesh i'm going to make some modification a bit later on another analysis so that's pretty much what you need to do to define a non-linear contact analysis what i'm going to do here is create what we call a a quick study so if you can see there automatically this stipulates that it's non-linear instead of running the entire analysis i'm just going to choose uh quick check so due to the screen resolution i'm just going to move this slightly here and into this other window so i'm able to select okay in this instance because the screen resolution is small and that's the instance if i run that analysis so let's overwrite what's already there you will see this analysis is very very quick so essentially this is what is happening behind the scenes so it's busy calculating you will now get a signal that the analysis is complete as you can see there now i can say show me the results of this so the results window here it is and this is obviously my results dialog box so what is it that i want to see i want to see displacement so i can say show enough show me the displacement and this is currently what i have all right this is just purely displacement it shows that there's some kind of movement here and there's some impact on this well let's take this further why don't we say show this as deformed we can even go as far as overlay um the original uh what you call gear basically have something like this so this is now the original position of the other gear and this is obviously the resultant motion as you can see this is what you have of course you don't have to stick with displacement only you can say show me how the former stress would look like so typically in a scenario like this any engineer will tell you that those are the areas that they would like to interrogate a bit further including here so what do you do in a scenario like that so i can say how about we do something like this i'm going to close that result and i'm going to do the following first and foremost i'm going to apply what you call a volume region on the previous uh video i showcase what is a volume region and what is the benefit of it so what i have here is the following i have an area of interest which is here this is where i'm going to get my high stresses so i'm going to say how about i create a circle between those two entities let's see here all right and probably maybe let's just change this diameter i'll just delete the other constraint that's there let's move this right into position so let's put it probably if we were to define this let's put it maybe just about here all right so immediately when i accept that you will realize that the volume region is only created only on one piece of geometry because you can only create this at a component then we do the same thing on the other component and for this one it's quite easy because we already have some form of reference all that you have to do is specify now a circle and that's pretty much it now that we've actually defined the volume region on all of these this is why we're going to take what we currently have at contact interfaces we're going to remove all those surfaces instead of them acting on those surfaces we're only going to choose these small little surfaces over here so that means that we are really honing in on where the contact is happening so that's the first aspect then the other aspect will be the following i'm going to modify the size of the elements on this so i'm going to make this component and that component the size of the elements to be let's say one millimeter so it's quite small and on top of all of that i'm going to have multiple controls at specific areas so i'm going to say i want elements at these key regions to be even smaller so we're talking about all these other areas we'll come back just now onto the volume regions so i'm not going to define them now so i'm specifying where i've got what we call radiuses and high stresses or in this instance and please bear in mind i've removed rounds and fillets in other areas where they are not going to have any impact to the results if you can see them so essentially let's specify uh let's begin point two or zero point two all right so that that's the size of my element then let's last but not least let's choose volume region which one of the regions these ones that we just created and we're going to make this element way smaller all right so that's basically what we've got if i were to create a mesh of this you will see that now the mesh will take slightly longer than previously it's still relatively quick but it shows you that you can have multiple mesh controls and you can also change the viewables of these as well so for an example the points are very much distracting so let's have a look at how it's going to look and this essentially what we currently have you can see that the size of the elements in all those components it's one millimeters and of course here around the fillets it's slightly smaller now that we're done with this we can now start running our analysis so in this instance i'm going to set up a brand new analysis let's give it a different name um with this one i'm going to try and give it let's say it's a multi-pass study and i'm going to say maybe that i'm going to leave the conversing convergence percentage to be that yet again i will transfer this to the other screen as i select okay at the bottom all right so now here's what we are going to be doing so we've already stipulated that this is a non-linear study right the non-linear study we can give it a different name there let's call it um let's call it bob all right so that's the bob uh analysis once i'm done with this i can now run it i will just speed up the video just a bit because this analysis takes a good three minutes now that we've got the analysis complete and we can now explore the results so just like previously i'm going to drag the results onto this window however with the results this time around will just move right straight into our volumizer's stress and this is exactly what we wanted to see at a point of impact there it has been sort of like focused with smaller elements of course you can modify how the results look we can say continuous term we can even overlay the exist the previous uh analysis or previous position if we like but this is what we will looking for now what we've done is create a contact analysis when you've got two objects in contact with one having a particular force transferring it into not another object so for what is worse you can also modify this and showcase the element size if maybe you want to see that on your results as well all right so that's the power of clear simulate it's extremely easy but very powerful until next time goodbye
Channel: productONE Solutions
Views: 6,640
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Id: ZqfKsVeRvvA
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Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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