Creo Simulate Convergence Method

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welcome everyone to proto one's youtube series um today we're looking at convergence methods of creo simulate analysis so this comes from a couple of questions that we've received in terms of the inner workings of the structural analysis problems so you've got a couple of methods that you will see here for an example so for the sake of time i have have stipulated here or specified the load constraints and even the material so the analysis is ready to be conducted so the first way or to introduce convergence is talking about what we regard as p1 so p1 convergence method is where you saying you're picking multiples as an option and then you specify maximum polynomial order as one so what that means is that you're going to take the local displacement local strain energy based on these conditions here and then the system goes ahead and solves this so why this is actually important is because when you run this analysis you will see the level of speed in which you get the result feedback now let's explore why these results are this quick so if you can have a look at this diagram here this essentially is what we've created so what we've created is what we call p1 it takes minimum time but it's actually useless in terms of seeing the displacement stress and there's no convergence so all that you're doing here you get to see the displacement behavior with p1 so what that means is if you go and interrogate the results now and you open the results window this is what you're going to see so let's even showcase the elements including the load so what you see there is how this model will behave so it shows you a typical scenario if you want to see if your load and your constraints give you a desired result or movement so that's where you would use this type of convergence method the other method that you use for convergence which i use a lot is what we regard or call quick check now quick check normally does this remember when you're doing structural analysis it take we taking the model we break all of it using what we call elements and those small little edges are linked together by simultaneous equations so what the system does it looks at where the stress is solves the equations and if there's still differences from the previous result and the current results it creates another iteration and increasing the polynomial order but with quick check you starting at polynomial order 3 which is meaning that to the power 3 so it does the equations on that it solves them and spits out the answer however the results for the stress in this particular method are not reliable purely because you're just looking at the displacement behavior let's have a look at that so the displacement behavior for for this if we were to look here it gives an indication let's show elements let's even do this it showcases a clear view of where the high stresses might be even though the values might not be off of paramount importance but it just gives you an indication that this is where the high stress is going to be even the actual vomiting stress value is actually not that far off you will see now uh in a second so the one that you will always gravitate towards if you were an analyst is what we regard as an spa or single pass adaptive method this here is a default method which the system uses so what it does is it starts the analysis that polynomial order 3 but it does not stop the it actually does all these iterations and then it gives you a very good displacement very well pretty good stress quality and then the convergence method it gives you only the root mean square values and this is actually good for uh stress uh testing and variance so i'm talking about this scenario here where you have now single pass adapter you saw that the time spent on solving those equations is slightly longer than the previous ones now let's talk about what we call the multipass adapter which gives you a very good displacement and very good stress quality result so the first thing that i'm going to do here is the following we now know from single pass adapter that this is the high value of stresses i want to compare this with the final results you'll see this in a second i'm going to tweak here the size of the elements and also the actual model itself i'm going to reduce the size of the overall elements so that when i create my mesh my mesh looks like that i'm happy with this so i can proceed so right before proceeding i'm going to do the following i'm going to create a measure i'm going to create a measure called my underscore stress so it's my formative stress and here's what i'm going to do i want to measure this not over the model but over a selected geometry which geometry here because i know this is where my high stress is going to be so i want to use an independent measure to verify the value of that stress and that's how i assign my first measure the other measure that i'm going to assign here if you look here this is y this is y value here and why i'm mentioning this is because i want to look at the displacement of this so the displacement is going to be in this area over here just like here so i'm going to have maximum displacement in this area in that direction due to where the force is acting so i'm going to create a measure like this i'm going to create a measure call it my displacement so instead of stress we're going to convert that to displacement in terms of magnitude i'm going to choose why because i'm only interested in the y direction then i'm going to say over a selected geometry and essentially select that edge i know now that i'm going to be measuring the displacement in that particular area when i create my analysis now i'm going to call this let's call it mpa purely because i want to make sure that i remember that that's the multi-pass adaptive i'm gonna increase the polynomial order so what this analysis will do is we'll break the model into those small little elements use the polynomial order one to solve all those equations up until polynomial order nine just to make sure that the accuracy is also narrowed down i'm going to make sure that i'm using two percent convergence so if we were running this it will use here the local displacement local strain and so forth but we've got our own measure guess what i'm going to do i'm going to say solve those entities with of course the strain energy now that we've defined this i'm going to run this analysis you will realize this analysis takes a little bit longer than all those other analysis combined but what you have here is the convergence quality that is variable and with graphical representation as well you will see this in a second that means that i can show the results of the analysis and the graphical representation of those results just to showcase the audience that my solution that i'm presenting has converged and it is regarded as correct so if i were to showcase the results now for this single multipass adaptive this is what i have you will see that the value is not far off from the multi-pass adaptive model that we had so if i were to showcase even the elements here and this is what i have all right so that's basically the multipass adaptive now let's showcase the graph so i can say show me the graph of the measure that i've created just take the stress and say show me that value so what that means is if you look here at polynomial order one the von mises stress was within the region of 32 then it did the entire iterations and interpolation and the stress was still changing and it increased the polynomial order then it solved those equations the stress kept on climbing and it increased the polynomial order to be three then it kept on doing the interpolation but then the value stopped changing if you can see there we are on 53 so that is how we say the solution has actually converged and this brings to the conclusion of how do you look at different convergence method in creo simulate please do not forget to subscribe like the video and comment until next time goodbye
Channel: productONE Solutions
Views: 8,202
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Id: iF4vR4D6sA4
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Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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