Psychology behind Manifestation | Keta Kokhtashvili | TEDxLCCUniversity

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[Music] [Applause] when was the last time you daydreamed was it last night before going to sleep or like right now during listening to previous pitches well the thing is that it's a normal thing we all do daydream about our goals all the time and it's interesting what you were thinking about was it something about having a partner who would unconditionally love you it could be anything like your favorite scene from 50 shades of grey owning a successful business losing weight pulling off the hottest hello we look thing is that those goals and dreams sometimes sound a little shallow or simple but the thing is that behind those goals there are deeper desires for example wanting to be recognized knowing that we belong somewhere and that we are wanted by someone feeling that out there there is someone who is part of us so this is very important for us and our mental health who we are is also part of what we want so what do you want we can do a simple exercise i want you to imagine that one thing you want the most out of everything okay and now let's visualize it you can close your eyes just be in the moment be whoever you want to be wherever you desire to be feel the moment use all of your senses feel it taste it touch it hear it repeat sin in your mind that is only thing that you care about no drawbacks no limiting views repeat the sin again okay come back now it was good right yeah well congratulations you just started manifesting your dream how many of you know what manifestation is you can't raise your hand i can barely see you guys but yeah quite a few of you well manifestation is the process of achieving that personal goal primarily by thinking about outcome which has to be positive and also there are certain rules and frameworks that we have to follow now i'm not here to tell you that you need to start manifesting because you are already doing this trust me i'm just here to suggest that if you improve your manifestation methods you might make tremendous positive changes to your life well if you have never heard of manifestation before it's real i'm not coming up with it there are a number of best-selling books written about it dozens of supporting groups with thousands of members and there are videos blogs articles and tick tocks oh my goodness a lot of tick tocks all over the internet and so many people claim that manifestation works for them however it's not a scientific conception and if you have already heard about this you might know that it is explained by law of attraction so those universal laws and energies and to be honest i don't have anything against this approach the thing is that we don't know a lot about what is happening up there in universal consciousness what we know is what is happening right here in our minds so if you're being skeptical right now great that's perfect for me because today i'm gonna explain manifestation psychologically at first i was skeptical too i was introduced by my friends to manifestation and it felt like i was participating in a college ritual so this girl was trying to manifest a guy to text a message this is what we did we turned the lights off then we sit in a circle put music on and then we wrote the same sentence 100 times very scientific i know well i do think that we have to take that risk take our phones and text the person we want to talk to but hey we can just sit in a circle and repeat the same sentence over and over it's not creepy at all well the thing is that that's not manifestation and that's the reason i'm standing right here right now so let's do it let's break that stereotype and create the scientific base for this conception a couple of months ago i started my investigation to confirm the theory that manifestation was a psychological process so first obviously i visited my psychology professors and i'm not going to talk about this a lot what i want to concentrate on is what my psychology biological psychology lecture told me he really put everything in one sentence and clarified it was exactly what i wanted to hear so basically what he said is that by thinking and visualizing our goal we're producing action or behavior which then leads to that particular accomplishment sounds logical right so we can formulate this first we have action first we have that then we have action and finally accomplishment and we're going to come back to this but first let's continue to build up actual scientific baseline for this so let's see if this formula could be proven by experimentation fortunately for us manifestation is actually proven by mere measurement affect so mere measurement affects supports the hypothesis that just plainly asking ourselves if you're going to do something we're increasing the chances that we will actually do it and there are so many experiments supporting this we don't have time to go through all of them so let me tell you about one which is my favorite in this study where overweight adults participated we had a control group which filled the questionnaire about random stuff like food preferences and we had an experimental group which filled the questionnaire about their participation in physical activity guess what results indicated that feeling a questionary has a significant positive impact on subsequent participation in physical activity so people who did more physical activity were the people who feel the questionary about physical activity and that's amazing isn't it so now imagine what you do the same thing what if you ask yourself questions and then visualize it and manifest it and keep bringing it up can you imagine how much effect you can have on your behavior so i think at this point we accomplish the fact that manifestation can help us achieve our goals and it's a pretty scientific conception supported by mere measurement traffic and we also have a formula that action accomplishment great but this formula does not always work does it do you always do your homework once you start thinking about your assignments that action i don't think so don't get me wrong do you always get the job that you applied for action accomplishment no you don't so where's where's the problem i hate to break it to you but it's not manifestation it's you the thing is that sometimes we are doing whole thinking and visualizing things wrong so let me introduce to introduce you to main ingredients for successful manifestation the first thing would be being aware of your thinking process now there is difference between just mindlessly daydreaming and manifesting on purpose what do we do when we daydream we make those fake scenarios to trick our brains to release all those happy neurotransmitters which is good for forming goals but in manifestation we have to be aware of the fact that we are imagining this thing on purpose we have to be very specific repeat the scene and be very intense like we did in the exercise simple second thing would be frequency now think of manifestation as a mental push you need to have enough of it to go from one side thought to another side reality so you need to keep bringing it up for extended amount of time and remind that unconscious mind that you have this goal to accomplish third thing is a positive attitude now remember according to love of attraction positive energy attracts positive and negative energy attracts negative so you are not allowed to think about what a failure you are and then start manifesting being successful letting go the beach drinking cocktails looking all gorgeous because those two are contradictory to each other can you imagine how much you are confusing your poor brains the thing is that we need to have this attitude at first a lot of hard work is not paying off sometimes because our minds are wired to think negatively so what a beautiful day it is to change that remember positive attitude is a choice another thing would be importance of action let's say you're manifesting to get a girlfriend or boyfriend and you stay in your dorm room 24 7 gaming yeah well it's not gonna happen no no way you have to put actual action into that some girl or guy will not accidentally knock her in your room and like immediately fall in love with you that's not going to happen especially if your room smells like a rotated pizza and into laundry that's big no so remember importance of action but trust me once you start manifesting it infects your entire body your conscious mind is so familiar with this idea that there is less resistance which means that there's going to be less procrastination just trust yourself and trust the process the last thing i want to talk about is staying realistic because sometimes our goals are too big for where we are right now so why don't we just break those goals into smaller pieces and start manifesting small first and yeah it's going to big time until you go into your main goal but hey if you want immediate results you can just go for small we know that small is faster the thing is that me standing here is definitely a result of manifestation and you sitting over there could also be result of manifestation we have all those thoughts ideas dreams in our heads and then we turn it into reality in a materialistic world and that's fascinating yes sometimes we give up sometimes we don't trust our own brains because it failed us in the past we're so close to achieving our goals and everything collapsed being there done that horrible terrifying feeling but it's okay it's okay to fail because we need guidelines to know how to get where we want and guess what our brains did not come with instructions manuals and neither did our life so here i am standing here giving you one of the guidelines called manifestation so that next time you don't have excuse to give up you already know that it has a scientific base it's a psychological process you know all the main rules and mechanisms that work with you also know that you'll probably not remember most of this by end of the stay that's fine that's fine the main point is that you remember that one thing you want the most today before going to sleep repeat the scene tomorrow when you wake up do the same thing make it a habit until you see how your thoughts turn into action don't let that fade away and remember your goals deserve to be accomplished thank you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 183,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, Goal-setting, Life, Meditation, Personal growth, Psychology, Science, TEDxTalks
Id: 8xY_T4e0gIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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