How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality | Suzanne Adams | TEDxUNO

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I spent the first 30 years of my life searching for a feeling a feeling of purpose a feeling of connection a feeling of being desired and appreciated I was searching for this feeling in all the wrong places through romantic relationships through career achievements through night clubs and worst of all through the validation and opinions of others nothing in my life was working out the way I wanted it to nothing was giving me that feeling I was searching for and all of a sudden I spiraled into a depression I was what appeared to be happy on the outside I wore a smile things looked perfect from the outside but on the inside I felt lost scared and alone I don't even know how it happened or how I got to that saddened State have you ever been at a space where things looked a lot better on the outside then they felt on the inside I remember sitting on my sofa staring at the clock every day waiting for 5:00 p.m. because that's when it felt acceptable for me to have a glass of wine to take the edge off I remember this one particular day sitting there waiting and all of a sudden I burst into tears I felt desperate I felt scared and for the first time I started to listen to my inner guidance system because I wasn't willing to take it anymore I wasn't willing to go down the lonely dark road I was on I listened to a never knowing feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me there had to be more I just had a deep knowing that there was more to life than what I was currently experiencing can you relate have you ever felt like there has to be more I knew I needed a purpose and I was desperate to find one this is Comfort activated me to search the one place I hadn't searched for happiness and fulfillment my tuition led me on a path to study joy and purpose and research how science can actually help someone make their dreams come true the discomfort in my average and ordinary life led me to quantum physics these are the tools that have helped me to become fully alive passionate happy and fulfilled and I'm excited to share them with you today so you can also become fully alive passionate and lit up from the inside out now when I ask you what quantum physics means to you some of you are like quantum physics quantum what quantum when quantum whoo and I could totally relate because I've been there too some of you you already know what quantum physics is and it's an exciting conversation and then there are those of you that are now intrigued you want to know about quantum physics so we can do something magical in your life just like it's done in mine six years ago I didn't even know what the term quantum physics meant and once I learned about quantum physics and these five quantum tools to catapult my dreams I blew my own mine I became crystal clear on my purpose I became a best-selling author I created a a profitable thriving mission based business fully aligned with my dreams and became a successful thought leader inspiring thousands to their highest truth my life is now filled with joy and excitement but it's not enough for just me to be happy and what really hurts my heart is there's so many great people with amazing dreams dreams of transforming lives traveling the world earning great money so that they can touch and aspire more people with that great money and so many of these people never see their dreams come to pass because they don't understand how to utilize the tools of quantum physics what are your big dreams your dreams are not supposed to die with you you're supposed to live and breathe these dreams I am deeply passionate about this topic because I believe that we're living in a time when the responsibility is honest as well as the opportunity available to us to find to seek out to create happy life okay so this is gonna be a simplified version of a class you either loved or a class you loved to avoid have you ever walked into a room and you just felt lit up instantly you felt good energy you felt alive inspired high vibrations were flowing and you just knew it was gonna be a good day yeah that is energy flowing on the other hand have you ever walked into a room and it just didn't feel good it felt heavy and low vibe and like you just wanted to avoid it nothing bad it even happened yet you just want it out of there that is energy as well we feel high vibes and we feel low vibes this is what I'm talking about quantum physics proves that everything emits energy you are skin you are bones we are physical matter but we're also energy some of you might be thinking this sounds a little woowoo but it's real science and it's proven let me show you what I mean this is a graph of the Hertz vibration scale and this demonstrates the frequencies in which our emotions emit what that means is based on the way that you're feeling and the thoughts that you're thinking you send out a signal an energy that reflects your outer world when you tune in to a specific frequency you receive that frequency just like on the radio when you tune in to a certain channel you receive the frequency of that channel and on a TV when you tune in to that channel you receive the frequency of that channel each and every one of you if you can hear my my voice you have the capability the capacity to embody a frequency that matches your dreams and it's your job to always engage the highest vibration available to you some of the lower vibrations as you can see on the chart are anger grief shame fear some of the higher vibrations are love joy appreciation and excitement you're always gonna have a feeling running through you and the more you can manage that feeling to be a higher vibration the more you're gonna receive circumstances and opportunities that match that feeling what's most exciting about this is I've not only seen it work in my own life I've seen it working thousands of clients lives as well it could be a financial gain or a self-worth or self love accept it gain there's one client I witnessed go from serving two people to two thousand people using these tools I've witnessed clients double triple quadruple their income and even create consistent six-figure months using these quantum tools there was one client that was feeling very disconnected with a low self-worth and after implementing these quantum tools her relationships were off the charts her levels of fulfillment were through the roof and she had she had joy and happiness where she once had shame and fear this is the juice these are the quantum tools for you to start implementing now quantum tool number one understanding the basics of quantum physics my feelings emit a frequency the higher my frequency the higher my vibration the faster and easier my dreams will flow to me the energy I put out will be matched with the energy I get back three easy ways to turn up your vibration exercise after meditation there are many but these are something that you can use right now quantum tool number one turn up your frequency quantum tool number two set a powerful intention to align with the energy of love or above we're human beings we're gonna a band an awareness of where you are in relationship to where your dreams are and if you start to feel it fat angry annoyed that's okay feel it be with it and honor it because in the honoring and awareness of our feelings we can release them with love be willing to witness your process let it go and then turn it back up quantum tool number two set a powerful intention to align with the energy of love or above write that down quantum tool number three shift your energy to what you actually desire I want you guys to play with me for just a moment here close your eyes take a big deep breath in breathing into your heart asking yourself the question if I could have do be say anything what would I be doing there are no limits the sky is the limit breathing in deeper into your heart asking if I can have B do say create anything what would I be doing what is my deepest desire how would I be feeling who would I be impacting when you're ready you can open your eyes to the room you just connected to your heart's desires the dreams of your soul not what the logical mind thinks is possible one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is they go after their what they believe they can accomplish instead of what they truly desire stay focused no matter what no matter who agrees with you no matter who doesn't agree with you no matter how far out there it seems stay focused on the highest version of your dream this is the magic of quantum physics shift your energy shift your focus shift your vibration and become an energetic match to what you truly desire quantum tool number three shift your energy to what lights you up quantum tool number four surround yourself with people and energy that elevate you observe your environment notice how you're walking through life are you surrounding yourself with people that are making you stretch helping you leap encouraging you to tippy toe to be the best version of you if you are you're around high vibrational people stay around them let them energize you encourage you and keep you running are you around people that drain the energy out of you leave you feeling anxious tired and weighted if so be aware of that notice how you spend your hours in the day are you spending your hours having conversations then insight excite you and lift you or are you spinning your hours consuming content that leaves you feeling uninspired and hopeless quantum physics and energy is a 24/7 experience how are you spending your 24/7 quantum tool number four surround yourself with energy that elevates you right back down quantum tool number five never give up and stand strong for what it is you truly desire always focus on the mantra things are always working out for me even if it feels like they're not even if it seems like it's impossible when you can focus on the mantra of knowing things are always working out for you and there's a higher plan at play you automatically turn up your frequency make quitting not an option make higher vibration your non-negotiable make living at an energy that is new exciting extraordinary and above loving not an option you've heard the term never giving up before but can you make never giving up not an option now for this year what does it look like to make your finances and your financial growth not an option what does it look like to make your relationship happy and healthy not an option what does it feel like to make losing that five fifteen thirty pounds not an option energy goes where energy flows quantum tool number five stand strong for what is not an option for you sometimes I look at my life today and I'm blown away because there was a time when all I saw was a need to please those around me and when all I saw was a sadness and when all I saw was a small version of the woman I knew I could be but today I am lit up with a woman who greets me in the mirror I'm far from perfect and I still have a lot of levels to turn up in my own life but I am blown away at who I've become and one of the major tools in becoming the one I and women I am today is quantum physics understanding energies and frequencies and vibrations in my body understanding I control the energy that greets me and I control the energy that left me understanding how much power I have was one of my biggest awakenings and so I leave you with this where in your life are you gonna commit to turn it up right now pick a category to turn up your vibration and starting now how many of you want to turn up your vibration in the area of love how many of you want to turn up your vibration in the area of joy how many of you want to turn up your vibration in the area of a pundants resilience laughter playfulness forgiveness self-love grace where do you want to turn it up you have more power than you can ever imagine there is no circumstance no person no place that has the power to take you out of your positive energy source you are the only person that controls the frequency in which you choose to operate with and I came here to help you turn it up to tell you when you think you've hit your ceiling open the roof when you feel like you've hit your max expand a little more turn it up a little higher you'll be surprised by the man or the woman that you've become feel the energy right now feel the frequency right now in the room that is called turning the dial up and I'm here to help you turn it up I want you to wake up and be blown away by your life that is my wish for each and every one of you thank you you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 1,496,675
Rating: 4.7079396 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Life, Dreams, Self, Self-help
Id: 2RuCfTiCDjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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