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- Hey, everyone. I'm Coleen. And behind me is Terry. - Hi, guys. - This is my friend Terry. I love her so much. She's done a couple of psychic readings for me. She's read my cards. She is amazing. She's incredible. And a lot of you have seen the videos that we've done together. And she recently reached out to me and asked if she could teach me how to tap into my intuition. Is that what you'd call it? So we're gonna to do that together right now. I'm so excited, but first she's gonna read my cards and then she's going to teach me how to kind of do that because in the time we're living in, that might be helpful for all of us to kind of learn how to tap into a little bit of-- - Our own personal truths. - There you go. As you guys see, we're still in the middle of a pandemic, so we are a social distancing. So we'll be sitting six feet apart and we have cameras that are gonna be close up on our face. And also Cory is behind the camera. - [Cory] Hi. - And he's going to be filming as well. So you're gonna have lots of weird camera angles but it's how we got to do it during this pandemic. When the pandemic is over, Terry and I can hug and do the sitting next to each other. But for now, this is what we gotta do. So let's get started. Hi, this is my closeup, hello. I know this set up is weird but here we are. Also, there's a lot of construction happening at my house right now. So you're going to hear lots of sounds. I'm sorry. It's a pandemic. This is our option. We're also in the middle of fires so it smells. - I can smell it. - And I can see ashes floating around. - It's called real life. - It's real life. We're going through a lot to bring this video to you. Here we go. I'm very excited. - So, we're going to read you. We're going to start off with you, right? Okay, so I've got three decks that I'm going to ask you to shuffle each deck separately. - [Coleen] Okay. - [Terry] Now each deck is different. So the deck that you're shuffling right now it's Loteria, which is Mexican bingo. - Okay. - [Terry] I use these as tools, which I want to explain to you later and I'm going to show how everybody can actually do this. - Okay. - Okay. - There are my cards. - I'm going to ask you to put both of your hands on your heart and close your eyes and take three deep breaths and then just say your first name out loud three times. - Coleen, Coleen, Coleen. - Now, the reason why I do that is because what they're finding through a lot of research is that the heart has the largest electromagnetic field in the body so it's bigger than the brain, and this is where truth lives. Truth lies. So I wanted to make sure I'm tapping into your truth. You have any questions or do you want me to just generally-- - I think maybe just general. Let's see what you get. - So here's the first thing that's coming up. It does feel to me like there is some sadness that's coming up. I'm also getting that there's a lot of inner struggles. Now I know you mentioned inner struggles, but there is, you know, I gotta say that there's some financial issues or what's coming up are a lot of thoughts about finances. Do you understand this? - Yes. - So some of that sadness is actually coming from or stemming from anxiety regarding money. You understand this? Okay. What I'm being told and what I'm seeing here is to continue sitting in the discomfort of this, which is really not, doesn't feel good. The thing is, is when you sit in it, there's a type of acceptance that happens. Once that acceptance happens, God, again the sun, which is like victory in my world. So this is all about you sitting in the discomfort of this for the revelations to occur. Without you sitting in it, if you were to, thanks guys, if you were to get distracted by something else, you wouldn't be in the alignment and the truth of what your next step is. So in other words, there's a part of you that is being reborn right now just like a whole bunch of us. And it terms of your career, there is a part of you that is now discovering a new direction, but you don't have that yet. But you know, do you understand that you can feel something brewing within you and you just don't know what it is yet. So it's almost like it's no mistake that... Oh, all right. Okay. Sorry, what I just heard them say was an exercise about your story of how you are/were being a victim or victimized. You understand this? Okay. So what they're talking about is writing out the story of how you were victimized. In what area, we don't have to go into details or whatever. And writing to that part of yourself as the victim. So I felt this, when you did this, this happened to me, blah, blah, blah, blah. And this is why I'm angry and all of this. And I actually, I did this very exercise last night for relationships for myself. It does feel to me like your body is holding some of this. What is this about your chest? Your chest and your shoulders, do you carry a lot? What's going on here? - Yeah, I mean, it's so crazy 'cause this is something... Well, first of all, the chest and the shoulders is, I've had a shoulder injury for a while and it gets worse. The tendonitis gets worse when I'm stressed. And in the last few weeks it has spread to my chest and my back. But I do feel like there's a lot that I'm holding in that was very painful and damaging from my past that I don't talk about cause it's scary to talk about and think about. So it's just crazy that that's what you brought up. It was, and so specifically victimized by men in relationships and-- - So you and I are on the same frequency. - Hello, it's me from the future. And I just wanted to explain a couple of things because I know it might be confusing just seeing me cry and not knowing what the heck is going on. Normally when I do these videos with Terry, I'm able to explain things either in the moment or afterwards in a video like this and tell you why I got emotional, or what she said that was so spot on, et cetera. This situation is a little bit different because it is so personal. The finance thing is kind of obvious. It's 2020, a lot of people are losing their jobs, losing parts of their job, having financial issues. I lost a huge part of my income because I can't tour anymore. I can't do all the projects I usually do on the side, but I do still have YouTube so I'm very grateful for that. I'm very lucky for that. But her point ultimately was, you're going to move in a new direction and you're going to find new things and that is happening and so that was very accurate. So when it comes to the victim part of this reading, I'm not going to share that information with you because it is so personal and painful and so deep down buried into the pits of my soul, but it was terrifying for me that she brought it up because that's something that I don't talk about it, I don't think about. But what's crazy is that for a while now I've been really dwelling on something that I've never dwelled on before, never thought about really. And I've been dwelling on it thinking, is this the reason I'm having so many issues now later in my life? And then she shows up and she's like, Oh, you should do something about this. And I'm like, what the heck? I don't even talk about this, nobody knows about this. I don't talk about this to anybody. Why are you talking about this? Stop, you're freaking me out. And right before Terry came, I had just left my therapist. I'm now looking for a new therapist, because I like being given tools in therapy. So I like, hey, here's a problem and here's some tools you can try to fix it. This therapist didn't really do that for me. So the fact that then Terry brought up a tool on how to help with the problem that I'm having inside of my brain that I'm not talking about, I'm just thinking about sometimes. I was just freaked out. It freaked me out. So anyway, moving on with the video. - So can I share with you some things that might help? - Yes. - There's a difference between talking about issues and challenges and then there's a difference between doing. So the thing with energy and the way things get healed is not by talking about things. 'Cause then we sit in that same energy that we just keep reliving. It's an action, taking an action and doing something. So first of all, that exercise that I was saying about writing to that part of yourself. - Yeah. - As the victimized person. So you're going to write as victimized Coleen to Coleen who you are, current Coleen. So we can maybe even do some time traveling and rewriting. Thing is, clearly it's being held in your body. And if it's a reoccurring thing like tendonitis, your body is asking to be acknowledged and recognized, right? - Yeah. - So one of the things that you can do and that's why I actually had you start with the heart, is you can actually just start tapping on the heart. Like, this is free. This doesn't cost money. And you're activating the parasympathetic system of your body, which is telling you, you're calm and you're safe. Whatever happened is not happening right now. So when you're in your anxious state, start tapping on our heart center here, and we start activating that part of ourselves, which makes us feel safe. And understand that we are not that person in that moment that's experiencing that past thing. So it's a sematic experience. And a you're a singer, right? So maybe when you're experiencing those moments of being triggered, maybe you can just start singing? - It's funny that you brought up singing though because that is something that, since I was a little girl I would do naturally when I was scared or anything negative happened, I would just start humming. In pain, especially. I remember through my pregnancy, anytime I'd feel pain, I'd be like (humming a note) It would just come out of me. Like I just would sing for a second and that's how I, or if I'm scared, I hum. - [Terry] Yeah. - And, so that's funny that you brought that up. I don't do that. I don't do that for mental pain though. - Yeah. Well, pain is pain. - [Coleen] Right. - I feel like you're right on the brink, like you're right on a breakthrough. So, there's some judgment also going on with you, you understand that? You're feeling wrong or you're making yourself wrong or I shouldn't be feeling this way or I shouldn't do any of that. With all due respect, that's ego talking. That's like your inner brain lying to you. - I feel so lucky that during this terrifying, awful year, I have my nice big house and I have my husband and my best friend here every day and my incredible son, like I do feel so lucky. And I think that's, you know, like you said, I feel like what's wrong with you that you're, you know, you're a mess. - You know you can have all of that and feel like (muted). - Yeah. I know because I do. And I do think it all stems from the things from my past that I try to just push down and not address. - Yeah and that's normal. - Yeah. - So you know what that means? You're okay. - [Coleen] Yeah. - We have the answers and here's the thing. There are so many different truths. There's not just one truth. - Yeah. - So that's why it's important for us to get inside of ourselves and not be a victim of the chaos of life. You wanna play? - Yes, let's play. Let's play. - Now, you as a mom now, I'm sure you've experienced some intuitive hits in terms of your kid, right? - Oh yeah, yes. - So it was already there. Maybe you weren't aware of it, but now it's like boing. - Everything with my son at least, I was like, no, I know that there's something going on. Like when he had colic, I was like, I know something's going on. And that happens all the time with Flynn. I'll be like, I know something is up. I've never trusted my intuition in my life. But as a mom, when it comes to Flynn, I know when something is up. - Exactly. Strong, you have a real strong investment in that intuition. Everybody has an intuition. Everybody. It's just, we're not really taught how to use it. And then we don't develop it. So pick a deck that you would want to. This one? All right. - [Coleen] This one. It's the brightest. - Okay. - Okay, so am I opening this? - Okay, so open it and take out the deck. - Okay, opening it. - The whole thing about intuition is for you to get some sort of validation, right? - Okay. - So you need to start trusting the information. - [Coleen] Okay. - So this is one is an ask you to do. - Okay. - Oh my God. So, I'm going to ask you to shuffle the deck. When you're shuffling the deck, think of me. - Think of you? - Think of me. - Okay. - So in other words, you're going to give me like a little mini reading of me. - Oh, God. - No pressure. Look at her face. - I'm so scared. Okay. I'm going to shuffle the deck. - So shuffle the deck. If you want, you can do it with your eyes closed, whatever you want. - Okay. I'm thinking of you. - So, let's not complicate things right now. Let's keep things really super simple. Technically what you've done now is you put the intention of my energy into those cards. This is why and how we can do this remote because I do a lot of readings all over the world when I'm in LA. So, you put the intention of me in those cards, go ahead and pick out any cards. - I wanna do the top. - [Terry] Do the top then. Now, if we were going to do this traditionally, it would be like a whole layout but we don't need to complicate things. You can always look at the book and see what the card means and all of that. But we want to get into your intuitions so pick up the card and just look at the card and see if there's one thing, we'll start off with this one thing that just kind of stands out to you. - Fortune's wheel. Well, the first thing that stood out to me before really staring at it was the word fortune. Some, you might think like fortune, like money but I'm thinking fortune, like your future. I don't know why, I'm just telling you what I'm thinking. - Exactly. So, let's just stop right there for a second-- - Yeah. - Because we wanna take one thing at a time. - [Coleen] Okay. So that's really important information. Let me ask you this, did you see that, did you feel it? - I felt it. I felt future and positivity, like goodness. - Okay, so you felt that? - Yes. - In your body? - [Coleen] Yes. - That's awesome. So, that's called clairsentience. - Okay, okay. - So for you, it's just really cool information to know. You might be a person who is just more kinesthetic, who likes to touch things and maybe learns through experience. - Yes. That is very accurate. - Versus reading or hearing. - Very accurate, yes. - Okay, so fortune. I love that. I love how she's saying that. And you felt it in your body? - I felt future. When I saw Fortune's wheel, I was like, okay, things are going to happen. The momentum of things needs to happen. And then in the future, everything will be very good. - So can I validate you on something? - [Coleen] Yes. - I literally was Marco Polo-ing with a girlfriend this morning and I said, I really feel like the momentum of my business is starting to pick up. I used the word momentum. - Ask Cory, how often I, have I ever even said the word momentum in my life? - [Cory] No, this is the first time she's ever said it. - What's the next thing that pops out? - Well, the next thing that popped out to me was there's this little face. This is your past self watching. - Oh, look at that. - Like your past self is watching what you're doing and what you're going to be doing in approval and acceptance. - I am constantly working on myself. I can see how you would get that because I kind of observe myself-- - [Coleen] Yeah. - In those moments. Cool. Look at you, you're reading me, girl. - Yeah right. - Oh my gosh, so you don't have to be a professional psychic to do this. - Yeah, this is cool. - Everybody has this. - This was so fun and amazing. And I can't wait to all the footage and be blown away 'cause that always happens with you, Terry. Always after she does a reading, I rewatched the footage and my mind is blown. I realize so many new things. So thank you so much for being here. - It's my pleasure. - And please go follow Terry on all her social media, subscribe to her, she can help you guys learn and grow and understand things that you never knew were possible. Truly, she's amazing. So go check her out. She's incredible. I love her. And honestly, this is better than any therapy I've had this year. Truly, it is. - [Cory] Preach. - So this has been amazing. I love you guys. Thank you for watching. Let me know in the comments, what you want to see next and we're going to go read Cory's cards. So, bye! ♪ Tonight, you guys or folks ♪ ♪ Right before your eyes ♪ ♪ I'm becoming Coleen ♪ ♪ I'm becoming Coleen ♪
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 626,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Id: YWzyUgNyRJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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